If some Reinhard main wants therapeutic counseling, i would be free right now.
If some Reinhard main wants therapeutic counseling, i would be free right now.
Other urls found in this thread:
shit game
shit thread
Comp's nowhere near as cancerous as it used to be, least not for me, but every once in a while you get some real fags on your team. Got any stories to tell like this, Holla Forums?
Nice dubs thread
It means stupid in German.
We all know why we're here in the thread, so we can complain one thing.
Tracer becoming gay, yet I want to zap her to death with Winston.
Never noticed that before.
I used to love playing reinhardt until i got sick of waiting for my dps to kill something. Anything for fucks sake.
OP was so cancerous I thought it was a LOL thread.
You really need some cultural enrichment in your life my friend.
I only have your typical stuff like people having extremely narrow opinion of what a good hero and a bad hero is. Or people who isolate themselves constantly from the main team while complaining that they don´t get any heals. Or people instantly throwing a game, because someone else has picked a hero he doesn´t like. Stuff like that happens rarely, but still enough to be really annoying sometimes.
Daily reminder, Overcucks are literally pozzed.
They obviously enjoy it
the lucio in the comic is dumb. the point is to use reinhardt when there is no cover to exploit.
escort your team forward so we can get to a better position. im not just going to stand behind your shield all day while you wait for things to happen. theyre not that stupid, theyre going to flank us from 3 directions and blow ults on our clumped up team.
great game
great thread
I just played a game on Volskaya where our Reinhardt's opening voice line ("Don't worry friends, I am your shield") got cut off at "shield" by him charging into the enemies. He spent the whole game solo flanking and charging. When I told him he should be using his shield he said it breaks and then he can't. I guess his solution to that is charging.
depending on your position when it breaks or weakens enough your best option may very well to be charge right in to the enemy. in the end reihardts job isnt merely to project his team, but to give the team opportunities whether thats allowing them to play more ballsy due to his shield, ulting, or just causing havoc.
i want to be eiffel towered by the jap characters
Would that be called Tokyo Towered?
What happened to the original overwatch general?
OW is shit
Paladins is shit
kill yourself
Saving this thread
Nothing will ever happen though, because everybody wants to be a girl and romance a girl instead of being a guy and romancing a girl. The underaged males who think "lesbians r hawt" have obviously never been cucked by one or dealt with one on real life. They're awful people irl, yuri isn't real but you can't tell these horny teenage fags nothing.
Cammy is a lesbian?
It's like you never had a sister. I didn't even like her when we were in preschool playing games with stuffed animals because it always became about her. Most women are shit, the good ones are outliers not the rule.
Why do Overcucks continue doing overwatch threads? is this some next level trolling?
Can they not realize they are not welcome here?
This not gonna work for me.
I agree
Its time for you to leave this board
Why would you buy this when Paladins is free?
You´re doing god´s work.
Because i don´t like Paladins, but i like this game? And no, Paladins and Overwatch may be similar, but there are very huge gameplay differences. They are not the same game.
Ok, why pay 40 dollars to play a mediocre game when you can play a better one for free?
No need to thank me
No thank you.
I have another name for this game
Let It Die
That would be a game about zombie survival open world with crafting system and stealth elements.
Or a Soulsclone
Yeah, that too, although I thought that was called "souls-like" or something.
they're all ugly
Lara is a lesbian?
She hates tombs so yeah.
Oh, you're the autist from the other thread with the constant "Okay, tell me reasons to play this instead of Paladins that I'll disregard and ask you the same loaded question again"
And yes, it's a loaded question. You still haven't established that Paladins is better but you've already included it in your question.
Wether it is or isn't doesn't even matter for you, it's just low effort shitposting on your part.
That's "7 Days to Die", "let it die" is that free roguelike for a console that has a thread around here.
I've been meaning to ask but what does that border mean? I have something similar around my profile but I never bother to see what it's actually and it can't be related to rank or similar since I don't bother that much with it. Is it basically your account level or something?
The border changes every 11 levels and resets every 101 levels.
It seems like Blizzard finally plans on eliminating the bullshit hook. Took them long enough, seriously.
Shit lucio.
I provide the reasons, your just not looking. Now, why would you play a 40 dollars game when you can play a better game for free? Admit the real reason user, you know what it is.
am i understanding this right? i dont really agree with the hook breaking if it lands but they lose line of sight because they were jumping or being thrown or whatever.
Well you've only got one post in the thread, so post them again. Also the fact that you have to come to another thread to try and convince people that your game is better, along with "at least we aren't overwatch" isn't a strong selling point.
Sell me on paladins.
What does it matter, let those casuals stay playing their shit containment game, keeps them away from the decent FPSs just like WoW helped keep MMOs safer from retards.
Please stop shilling this shitty sjw game
So you can come back to these threads and bitch about why everyone is playing OW instead of that FPS that you enjoy?
Make up you mind, faggot.
My brother and a bunch of my friends play OW. They know I don't enjoy it that much and know not to talk about metas and shit around me because I don't give a fuck. They even warn the rest of the team not to tell me what to do or who to play, or I'll pick important characters and fuck off so they can't use that character.
Slowly I've been getting them into Rainbow Six Siege and it's working.
How many times are they going to "fix hook" until they get it right?
IIRC, they haven't messed with the hook before this.
The hook needs to catch the targets miles away so console players don't complain about how hard its to aim
Thats even worse you cuckhold
It's not my fault you are stupid and not realizing why it's better than the game you bought. I'm just trying to get you to say the real reason you bought the game, which you still haven't said.
I didn't buy it, i got it as a gift as part of a friend's habit of grabbing people he knows and throwing them onto his hype train. How can I realize something when nobody says anything other than "Hurr, durr, it's not overwatch it's better."? As far as I've seen they're effectively the same game and since I already own a copy I don't see a reason to play the same game twice. Now quit with the "it's not my job to educate you, shitlordcuckold" routine and just tell me why Paladins is better. You can do that much, if you're going to spend time shitposting anyways, right?
they did. something of a buff where they all but ensured you would get dragged to pig if you got hit because there were many cases where someone was hopping around a corner when you hit them and they would get stuck on a wall and get away with a mere 30 damage or whatever from the hook. also it attempted to ensure your hooked victim would land in front of you, where plenty of times they would end up to the side or sometimes even behind you somehow.
You going for the highscore again?
You know about Burden of Proof? Can you show at least why OW is worse instead of making people say "it's a Blizzdrone" or "shill" while posting generic animu girls?
I don't know how to compare OW with Paladins directly. Yes, some elements of the core gameplay are similar, like the usage of skill systems instead of weapons, but while OW is more close to a FPS, especially with its level design (that it is pretty hit and miss, but at least has some pretty decent stages), Paladins focus more on a constant tug-of-war with long stretches and more open areas. While OW has more focus on counter-play with you being able to switch between characters, Paladins puts you on a situation more similar to ASSFAGGOTS, with you molding the character by the items you buy. Both are decent FPSs on their own, with OW having the entry fee of 40$, and that makes it less desirable for people that can't gain their own money or cheapskates that prefers to pirate because "the developer is evil", while Paladins is less desirable to people that spend those 40$ and either wants to justify its buy on the internet or are on remorse.
To be fair, there's nothing wrong with pirating 90% of the time. Especially when it's clear that the game is just something like a walking simulator. If they're pirating, chances are they weren't interested enough to buy the game even if they had the funds to do so.
Honestly giving money to neo-Blizzard is a bigger crime than pirating, this is undeniable if you have been following Blizzcon in the last 10 years.
Sage isn't a downvote.
Here it is. Not because the game is good, but because his friend wanted him to play.
I think they are on the right track this time.
Well I'm still playing it, retard. And you're missing the fact that someone else thought it was good enough to buy six copies of the game. How come still won't give a proper answer?
damn. now cia, nsa, fbi, nasa, peta and all those other places have my ram usage info and i can't commit all those crimes i was gonna without them instantly catching up. woe is me.
Because I am him, the id is changing. Let me ask you, what sites does your friend like to browse?
Mainly here/cuckchan/7chan(for keeping up with -8), a handful of webcomics (namely nerfnow and, Looking for Group, oglaf, and whomp!), and sometimes the news.
I tried playing on the American servers for a while. The Yurop servers are usually pretty quiet, save for the odd friendly person who will hop on mic to alert you to the wrong holing you're about to get from Genji.
American servers on the other hand are dick in hand fucking retarded. Almost every 6 year old, blackest white man and wannabe streamer has a mic. Everyone is very happy to use them, mostly to shit talk other people on the team. Almost every game had either a troll or someone too legitimately stupid to effectively play a video game. It was physically painful to be in most of those games.
Wasn't that what we wanted from day 1?
Shipping her with Blackwidow?
Tell him to fuckoff
It's not a good thing when yuri is canon, because then it's strictly canon and no room for interpretation.
ye im pretty sure blizz saw all that widow - tracer porn and decided to satisfy both sides by making tracer gay. with widow's cold seductress attitude this almost makes the pairing legit while still pandering to the sjws. they hadn't realized, however, that we will always be more upset with sjws getting their way than we will be grateful for something even if the change satisfies all of us.
Holla Forums has always been filled with frustrated men in their 20s to 30s and we will always find something to rage about. honestly, the competitive and belligerent nature of our community would make great soldiers in another era but nowadays we just stay inside and play games so much we forget how to socialize and repress this side of ourselves from the world. not that showing it would do any good, my bet is we'd just get shamed and anesthetized.
inb4 projecting
i am
we were not "shipping", we were drawing porn. pretty big difference if you ask me
It's the biggest. One is perfectly fine, the other is a few keystrokes away from writing fanfiction.
That´s a good meme.
the new map looks cool
do i just have good luck or is this how they suck you in
i have a gambling problem this game isn't good for me
Probably just luck. Back when i was new i only got shit.
Yeah, i like it too. A city full of scientists in the arabian desert. Gives the game a much needed science fiction vibe. :^)
i wonder what that guy who thought dva was pretty good back in the open beta thinks of the near constant dva buffs. he must be having a field day
Everyone knows the "Tracer is Gay" thing is just a way for Blizzard to get OW back in the news with a bunch of virtue signalling articles.
Exactly the same way they went when they "changed" the butt pose to a different butt pose due to just one guy complaining about it, and about 50 articles were out about it.
Its just the marketing team doing their job. Because thats all they have really.
Except nobody was raging about Tracer being lesbian, nobody cares that much, except for that imaginary friend of the dickhead journalist who wrote about it.
It's still fucking dumb and would have been better if they made Mei and doritogoblin gay for each other.
Possible happening. Terry Crews went to Blizzard HQ yesterday.
I'm sure most of you will not like this because many people including ribbit want to meme him into voicing Doomfist (asusming he is going to be included) or any ingame character for that matter. But the fact that he went to talk to Blizzard means they are at the very least considering it.
I'm not too worried about this, since it's most likely that he wouldn't do the over-the-top voice acting that everyone is expecting from him. The game does have a bit of comedy in the voice lines but making an entire caracter circling around one of Terry's characterizations is really not a very good idea, and I think they are aware of this.
He will probably be pissed as fuck, when he hears that will be extremely nerfed next patch and probably be completely removed out of the meta.
I really will miss her. She was one of my favorite heroes.
Holy shit, what a kike.
You idiots would drink bleach if I put it in a chocolate milk carton. KYS no excuse for this thread.
Pretty much just faggots and whores. This is god's way of killing off sodomites
So mad. I dropped from 2700 to 2500. Why does Blizzard allow retards to play competitively? Also, the new quick play is bad.
I've come to loathe them, and wish the entire field to hell, their bloodlines slaughtered, and their lands to be burned and salted.
what, they cant just undo some of the buffs?
No, they switched her armor and life point stats instead. So now on the ptr she has 200 armor and 400 health. They did that, because she was way too resistent against tank killers like Reaper or Tracer.
I once got pushed down from 2900 to 2300. But then i slowly climbed up to 3200. We´re all gonna make it, bruh. Don´t give up.
If you give them weapon which ignore armor, they would be extremely overpowered. It´s not that their weapons are ineffective. It´s that had way too much armor, so everything just tickled her and combined with her defense matrix she was nearly unkillable.
I want to murder my teammates that use Junkrat.
thats not what im saying. dva has always had an unusually high amount of armor. why is it only now a problem? because people decided tracer is a "tank killer" to break the meta instead of just someone with high damage output, while dva with her armor stands in the way of that idea.
if anyone in this game is unkillable its because ana is an incredible healer, thats getting nerfed too. and i guess we just ignore that they decided to increase dvas hp by 100 not too long ago. you have to admit this whole chain of events is a circus.
okay, so they want to force the meta to change. but this is such a tame boring way to go about it. we have entire characters people refuse to play that are designed to make life hell for fatties. you would think in such a setting someone like junkrat would shine, but nobody wants to figure him out since they just see him as a poor example of area denial by damage that will just end up being an ult battery for supports, so why not bring him out of obscurity somehow?
Junkrats zone control is really good is if you learn to play with it. Im assuming you play le genji, hence your post
No I play a lot of Ana.
Mostly RnG but if you don't get anything good for an x amount of boxes the odds of the next box containing something good increase to almost 100%. The numbers are out there, I just can't be arsed to look it up.
Fuckoff you cuckholded niggers
Why are you so angry my friend?
junkrat would be fine if they nerfed his ridiculous reload speed
wut? Tracer and Reaper were always the go to tank killers because of their huge damage output and mobility. They only got overshadowed recently by the soldier buff.
Because apparenty Blizzard figured out that her armor value is too high. That´s why they gave her more overall lifepoints but decreased her armor.
Balancing in every game is a huge circus, because it´s an unending process of trial and error which will never lead to a perfect result. That´s especially true for asymmetric games like Overwatch.
If you have good ideas how to buff Junkrat without making him OP, then go on. It seems after the Ana buff in her early days, Blizzard has become very conservative about balancing this game. They don´t make any huge changes anymore, except for the Symmetra overhaul obviously. Yeah, it´s kinda boring, but at the same time, they are less likely to fuck up the game balance. You can pick your poison.
Holy shit are you me?
What cool dubs thread
roommate just opened a box
he got only voice lines
every box ive opened since playing has had 1-2 skins in it
i think the luck is just in my favor
Straight outta reddit
Neither Overwatch or Paladins appeal to me, Paladins is just even less appealing. Also if I'm going to waste time on a shit game, I might as well do the one everyone around me won't stop talking about.
either increase the projectile speed to let him pose a threat to the abundant mid range hit scanners and mobile bastards that he hates to deal with or higher weapon damage to solidify a role in fatty and shield busting while making it riskier to intentionally take damage to charge ult for healers.
or for usability tweaks, back in the day i recall junkrats concussion mine being thrown through barriers, such as reinhardts shield. perhaps also let zarya use her shield on a rip tire.
in november they gave her more hit points and slightly faster walking while firing with wording along the lines of wanting her to be able to withstand more attacks and keep pressure on the enemy. but now instead of going back on that when they feel theyve made a mistake they hit something that makes her unique which is just saddening.
What if someone's comfortable with it? What if someone knows that they hate Overwatch, but convinces themselves to grow to appreciate aspects of it and play it with their friends who won't stop talking about it? It's better than just hearing them go on about it or be in-game while you're not doing much else. Like the other user, a friend bought it for me. I wouldn't do that shit myself. And I'm certainly not wasting my time on Paladins or waste time trying to convert Overwatch players, which is all I really hear from Paladins players.
I hate to say it, but popularity matters. Or at least if I'm going to have to put up with Blizzard trash in one form or another for the next few years.
This is correct
Also why is Lucio so fun? Easily my favorite healer due to gottagofast
You sound like a whiny baby to be honest.
Mercy is way more fun, zipping around the map like a ping pong pro dodging the entire enemy team and still doing more healing than the wallrunning nigger.
Got good idea for a Hanzo/Widowmaker change
-If Widowmaker/Hanzo gets a headshot kill but the ragdoll flies leaves their line of sight the person killed should be revived as if it didnt happen.
BRB playing only Hanzo all day in Competitive.
yeah its a pretty stupid nerf for the hook. should just see how the hook mechanic change affects it before doing something like that
Hog's hook has been bullshit for the longest time, it needs to be turned into something reasonable and then he can be buffed in other areas to compensate.
whats bullshit is latency and the hitbox, but if it hits, it should hit save for a zarya bubble.
If it hits and my momentum carries me out of his LOS I shouldn't be teleported in front of him.
sure thats pretty silly too, it should just drag you around the corner but they couldnt figure that one out
Just got into masters. Doubt I'll play much more this season. Grand is pretty unlikely for me maining Mercy almost exclusively.
lot people will be yelling at ya for picking mercy over lucio cause that is what I'm getting yell at in master
Of course they do, I just don't give a shit. I even play Mercy on Control Point (KOTH) maps now. Once in a while I'll play Lucio if I really think it will do better, but I only have like a 30% winrate with him.
why would anyone complain about blizz providing fodder for porn artists?
that's the only reason I have to even open these threads and I know damn well the porn is a major reason why there are so many players, don't even try to bullshit me on that
how do you play so well while sucking dick under a table?
How do you shitpost with a dick up your ass?
I was playing my placements when I got some guy who's in diamond and his unranked friend in my team. The diamond guy immediately started raging when someone picked soldier. When I told him that he shouldn't take placements so seriously he started raging at me and typing in all chat about how I'm supposedly not trying.
I just don't understand the mentality of someone who queues with someone who's unranked and expects diamond level quality from every player when literally everyone else but him is also unranked
I've been playing the PTR and the hook changes this time are quite well implemented.
The hook may be harder to land, but because of the perfect control over when you hook people one-shotting them has become marginally easier.
Gratz dude. Keep communicating and staying positive. I play with a certain Mercy main that's GM (top 500 at times and statistically the #1 mercy Global) and the communication really makes the difference. Don't let the faggots saying "Mercy isn't meta" get to you.
Hey fellow Overwatch players, who is your favorite character and why? Mine is Pyro because he's sassy.
lucio is so damn boring. ooh he can heal from across the room and speed boost so hes tougher to get the jump on when his teammates are playing with their sound off and dont hear tracers gun being fired behind them when his team doesnt have a tracer and it should be painfully obvious what shes going after. i would rather take on their flankers as a healer than deal with a heal thats only decent every 9 seconds. his ults cool, but that thing takes eons to charge.
if they want lucios dick so badly they can play him.
I hate Black Scout too. I am glad they gave him healing abilities though.
As much as I hate the nigger, I do have to admit he's simply extreamly good at KotH.
Never got why people pair him with Zen though. 80% of the time they ult together. Make that 100% when Zarya ults.
As someone who mained Mercy, how have you not killed yourself and why do you manage without EVER palying something else other than heal? Even in Gold I had games where two healers got instalocked.
fuck off Saka Nope
gib original
Mostly I just keep insisting that I can't play anything else at a diamond+ level. Which is more or less true, and I placed straight into diamond this season.
I instalock Mercy, which nobody else does, and on the off chance two other people instalock supports I pretty much just make one of them change by refusing to change. Those games don't tend to go very well, but I really doubt they would go any better if I changed instead.
What the fuck kind of FPS sub genre would this be called?
Don't you mean PyroMEIniac?
Thank you for being that fag that picks support right out in the start. I'm usually the faggot that doesn't pick anything until 4 other people did so I can feel whatever niche is needed, but this often means playing support too.
It's because of people like you I get some respite every now and then and can try something different like Sombra
f o r c e d m e m e
It's a class-based shooter, that's the name of the game.
Alternatively, you can go with Hero Shooter, but that's the mainstream term, much like MOBA for Assfaggots.
Cartoony Roster of Assorted Player Character-Underpinned Netplay Team Shooters.
a good handy is better than any woman user.
I should stalk spectrate you. Got a battletag for me?
you can't spectate competitive, so that would be kind of pointless.
Not bad
We're all gonna make it.
I just uninstalled the game. I don't know what possessed me to continue playing loss after loss.Ranked is the cancer killing team shooters. I think I need a few months break off of this game and just play comfy single player. The matchmaking is horrible. I've had enough Blizzard.
past 24 hours of overwatch has been pretty cancerous for me still in master lost about 150 sr decided to stop playing for the night.
this morning it was koreans fucking everywhere several which were aimbotters on couple games were both teams had aimbotters a lot of games were traded back and forward cause I kept fucking running into the same people.
then this evening I've been losing games because fucking dps can't fucking kill for shit had few matches were their pharah goes uncontested shitting all over our team. but its somehow the healers fault.
its always enemy team focus downs me and the other healer while my team just strafes at choke points shooting at shields whole fucking time.
most the fucking time its the korean doing it.
Koreans are ruining the NA server since they destoryed their own servers already.
You've reached the point where people don't just need to know how the game works, but how teams work.
I think of the ranks like this:
Bronze - Gold = You don't know how the game is played
Platinum = You know how the game is played roughly, but you haven't filled a role yet
Diamond = You now have a role
Master = You have mastered your role
Grand Master = You know how to work as a team
Top 500 = you're just fucking good at this game
There is another condition to these ranks too. I don't think people who play something overly dependent on their team will ever stay top 500. I don't think someone without a microphone will ever stay Grand Master.
I think that's pretty much why some people don't get the game at all, they can't make that connection and therefore never go beyond Diamond, despite beliving their skill alone should put them at Grand Master.
Coincidently, it's also the reason the game enjoys it's sucess and so many love it.
Well, of course not. If you're overly dependant on your team, then they can't rely on you and you're now expecting a 5v6 match to go your way. Everyone has to pull their own weight, but after that what matters is how well you can cooperate with each other.
I have been noticing more koreans lately
What if you know how the game is played but can't aim at all?
Kinda late to this, but I scrolled past it and thought about posting it:
Kindly take this shit to /g/ if you don't believe me, but that post shows how tech-illiterate the "anti-overwatch" memesters are.
Any time an application boots up on your computer it gets a DESIGNATED area in your Ram. It might use it all, it might not. A bunch of years ago, someone remembered that invention "dynamic allocation" was a good idea. That's why you see programs taking up more and less space overtime as they load/unload stuff from the RAM.
Now if any of you cumguzzler ever tried just the basic principles of coding something, you'd come across something called a SEGMENTATION FAULT. It happens when a program tries to acess an memory adress not allocated to it.
Overwatch can moniter it's own RAM "block". That's also how PunkBuster, Vac and many other anti-cheat engines work. They can't really go sniffing up other programs. It's blocked by your OS itself.
They really need to start enforcing people playing on their own server or gimp the connection of those that dont (except STRAYA because those poor cunts don't need it any harder)
It's pretty hilarious though, that there's a whole subsection of the playerbase that managed to ruin their own servers to the point that they have to play somewhere else because they can't stand each other anymore.
Reminds me of russians playing on EU or US servers because not even russians like to play with russians.
The ability to work with your team and apply syrnergies matters a lot in Overwatch, almost as much as proper aiming.
If you can't aim for shit but can work with your team, there's several heroes you can pick that still let you be usefull and carry you all the way to Diamond at least, maybe a bit further.
Pharah has splash damage and is more about positioning that aiming, Mei has an easier time hitting people and is about proper use of her abilities than aiming, Torb and Symetra are builders, Lucio with his aura, Mercy, Dva if you actually play her like you're supposed to, Reinhart and pretty soon, Doomfist for melee hits instead.
What if you are bad at aiming and hate playing all of those characters.
Then I have no idea why you'd play the game in the first place.
If you can't aim decently enough to kill people with the heroes designated for that and you can't or don't like playing and supporting your team with everyone else, then Overwatch isn't the game for you.
This is a bit like playing Age of Empires and asking "what if I can't come up with decent build orders and I hate ancient\medieval units?"
I had a duo that chose Torb and Widow on attack; their Widow couldn't hit the broadside of a barn and Torb just left his turret at our spawn and shot rivets at a Dva and Rein all game. Other two games fell apart after dipping back into gold due to no coordination and constant "Torb mains".
This game looks like shit, but the porn, man.
i feel you. i've never played it and don't have any interest, but shit i love the porn
…really? They can't just slap a fucking delay on it?
Pity then.
How often to you just take out your blaster and kill something?
Stream for me, bitch
Every morning this guys streams Competitive GM Mercy.
Very often. Like every time the enemy reinhardt turns his back on me, roadhog misses a hook, or dva is out of mech
dumping OC
Speaking of dumps, finally got encoder to bend the knee.
We league of legends now.
Why do Mercy players suck so much?
Wow this game looks like complete dogshit.
Why didn't you play ana? Ana+Mercy rocks and Ana+Rein fucks things up properly.
Agreed. Ana+Mercy is by far the best healing combo in the game. Zen and Lucio both bring more ulility, but Mercy's consistent, heavy healing on top of Ana's amazing burst healing basically means nobody dies unless they get insta'd or you don't heal your Mercy.
And seriously most teams can't make good use of Lucio's speed boost or Zenyatta's discord orb anyway, so both of those healers are dead weight on an average team. Neither of them can actually heal worth a damn.
have biggest ass
True, with Ana/Mercy you can heal up two tanks from 1 to max like you popped a Zen ult, exept you do it every few seconds.
True. I mean they could, comp-wise, but that needs a level of coordination a pub game generally doesn''t have. Rather, a sudden amp speed buff can really throw off your aim for a moment.
zen's orb is a great deterrent, especially against things like Tracer, Genji or Phara. it's also a pretty big "hit this hero" marker for his team.
Mercy's boost is just as strong in numbers, but exels at anything hitting more than one target, especially ults or nanoboosted targets. It also doesn't require her to target an enemy and it works against shields, wich prevent/cleanse the orb.
Yeah healing a tank with the nig just makes you feel stupid. A hacked healthpack does the job better.
why is hotshot talking about dic…. ohh
beep boop baby
This game is dogshit, install Paladins.
last few days has been terrible lost 300 sr.
main causes dps can't dps
no one goes for the enemy healers
team doesn't protect healers from the dva that flies right by the 4 other players.
most of the time its retards screaming MAI META
This games community is pure shit but I don't know why I can't stop playing…
why does anyone play this when paladins exists? is this some new shitty meme?
wanting to play a dying game
A hi rez game no less.
least i know blizzard isn't gonna abandon the game after it launched
keep trying user people might play with you eventually
why are you bastion
just go soldier
The game isn't dying, it was certified fastest growing game on Steam in 2016 and consistently breaks the top ten most played games.
Hi Rez is fine, at least they aren't owned by fucking Activision.
How many lies do you need to tell to defend the taste of Kotick's ball batter streaming down your throat, you cuck faggot?
i've tried to make bastion work but he's only good for cheese strats
its dying mate
hi rez is not fine
it is no lie mate
people download it once play a bit find it to be trash and never play it again kinda amazed at how many users downloaded it and did not look back at it
it's mostly setting up Sentry when the enemy isn't looking or behind a Rein, Recon mode does moderate damage, good attack support and can close off paths completely with a Bastion
Nothing but salt
The thing about bastion is that as soon as you the enemy knows where you are, if you aren't presently shooting at them, you need to move. Make the enemy play whack-a-bastion. Of course sooner or later you run out of spots to move to or get caught out mid move.
Its peak players for the day puts it up ten spots from there. Your post isn't proving anything other than the fact that Overwatch players are so stupid they can't read.
I don't fucking get it. Why do people play this shit? It's like a hyper autism grind simulator with shitty physics and awful optimization.
God dammit get some fucking taste you mongoloids
that isn't even the worst part there are thousands of players who play official servers with rates that basically makes taming high level dinos DAYS not to mention breeding/hatching/raising dinos also takes DAYS.
Fuckoff Overcucks
Never really see Dwarf Fortress players on comp nowadays or I'm just not paying attention
Its pathetic, but someone has to pretend like a group of more than 20 people play this shit game.
Remember when threads about Activision games got laughed at and ignored? Now you add ass and its like all of a sudden Holla Forums pays Bobby Cucktick all their money and forgets what he has done to videogames.
You pathetic thirsty virgins make me fucking sick. You sellout chimps.
Torb is actually considered kind of viable in comp right now. Not meta, but people don't complain the instant they see him like mercy
Why do people want to fug Bastion?
I honestly don't get this.
He's cute, yes, but he's not sexy. He's just a cute robot.
It's like wanting to fuck R2-D2 or Wall-E.
Just go masturbate to the SFM porn and be done with it.
Its a 2 week old thread
Its really fucking amazong, they can't let ot die.
Bluzzcucks are mentally ill brand loyal retards.
I've seen faggots here that started playing ASSFAGGOTS because of HoS, its fucking amaxing really, you can complain about the autistic Beth and Bioware fanbase, but they don't hsve shit on Blizzcucks.
They will eat any bowel movement guarenteed and keep the core fanbase intact to maintain a loyal fanbase of normalfags no matter what.
Fucking kill yourselves
wew lad
Fuckoff Mark
Nobody is getting triggered by anything other than the fact every single one of you dipshits gave your money to Activision and now you make threads to brag about it. We should actually care about videogames. This is not the place for you, you piece of walking, breathing shit.
ayy post more of that shit mane
Read my other posts, I'm just here for the porn
Alright, I need better ways of trolling koreans, I'm sick of them. The only time I can play is in the middle of the night and I want to do my part in griefing them but I'm not sure what the majority of them will understand with their minimal English skills. Right now I'm stuck telling them to fuck themselves every time they try to be nice, saying "8 godesess" whenever I die, and calling them "dirty sweat shop nips". Any suggestions? Preferably something that goes under the radar of the ban system, but I don't care too much if I get locked out of ranked for the season; especially if it means more effective "toxic behavior."
Take lucio.
Switch to speed boost inside the spawn room.
As soon as the match starts, switch to healboost.
If they stop and look at you confused, amp it.
Once you get to the fight, change to the speedbost. Only amp it to escape. Never use healboost.
It was enough to make a french kid cry in my experience.
For extra cancer, pick anything that complements the team comp. Remember to only "troll pick" aftr the match starts:
Pick Genji. Always stand near Reaper. Toss shurikens to grab the enemies attention and alert them from afar. Reflect only to save yourself.
Mei and that's it. Ice wall and Iceblock in front of them when icewall is on cooldown.
There's a few more you can try but so far these have been the best for me. Koreans and russians never pick other characters anyway.
Never seen a russian picking Ana for instance.
OH, you could offer to buy them gold in Wow.
Bonus point if you pretend to be BR and demand said gold.
Cause everybody knows all Koreans are gold farmers.
what does blod means
im sad
at least i can still play zenyatta
A screencap of their data collection policies hardly makes your boogeyman tech illiterate
Do you always respond to shit that's 5 day's old, or only when you're being a retard?
For what I do in game, I play widow and just miss every shot while just firing in succession and only moving when the enemy attacks me. It makes a really loud obnoxious noise and everyone in game knows you are shooting and not killing anything. Widow is considered a troll pick to begin with by a lot of people, so it possible to get your whole team raging without ever typing in chat or doing anything that explicitly looks like griefing.
I'm going to try this.
I had a grand time some weeks ago when we found an aimbotter on my team playing Hanzo.
The other team reported it and asked us to aswell, but I decided to fuck with the guy.
I mean, it really wasn't fair and I didn't mind throwing the match just to teach the guy a lesson.
Picked Mei and start Icewalling in front of him. He was a bit rude, and got a bit upset, but afterwards another guy on my team picked Mei and we started combining it. Also used the wall to give cover to enemy Mei, she joined our little picknick and we had a jolly good time despite the screaming on the microphone.
The thing about this sort of situation is that most people that spot a cheater on their team won't do much besides a report. They want to win so much they won't mind a little "help".
The thing is, they forget that tomorrow or even in a few hours, that cheater might be on the other team. And losing against an aimbot is a frustrating experience. Albeit, winning against one makes me smug as fuck.
I also don't really understand why people think aimbots work in most modern shooters. Pretty much everything nowadays has a killcam. Even just standing next to a "sniper" kinda character that keeps spinning wildly and snapping to targets is a dead give away, nevermind the killfeed with 5 headshots in a row that makes your whole team an the enemy team suspicious right of the bat.
More than a waste of money, it seems pointless. Even more so when I see them in quickplay. There's no rank, there's nothing to gain there. Tehcnically, you win boxes slightly faster, but for a small increase you risk losing your whole account. I just don't get it.
I just think of aim botting as boring braindead way to grief that makes everyone in the lobby upset and waste time. Anyone who does it constantly in any game are the kinds of people that get off to making people feel miserable.
Whenever my team has a sniper on it I throw the match
Whenever I'm asked to pick a different character I pick another character and throw the match
I don't even play ranked, but I should and throw my matches
You could be doing God's work user, how can you live with yourself?
Best part is I didn't even pay for this game
It's called giving back to the community.
I wanna fuck Pharah and fill her up with babies!
good choice, I want to fill Tracer with my babies.
But Egyptians are white user.
And once again Randy Bitchford tries to ape Overwatch with pathetic results.
Who cares?
Tracer is a cute.
it is p funny tho tbqh fam
top kek
Why do I enjoy this game? I have every reason to hate it but I love the fast paced combat and the amazing interaction between the characters despite the lack of depth.
Not every game has to be an autism simulator to be fun.
Not shilling here guise i swer
Just fuck off dont buy it I dont care go back to playing other shitty mainstream games since its probably all you care for this is a guilty pleasure and I dont think anyone should fucking buy it. It should be free to play
I have a love/hate relationship with the game.
When you're paired up with a group that has good cooperation and help each other out, then its great fun or when the people playing are playing for fun, then its great.
Now, the other time, you're paired up with fucking children or manchildren that will blame everything on everyone else and thats when you'll have a bad time (for example you are the healer, if you make 1 mistake they'll crucify you) and it specially bad since its a 50/50 chance of having either a good or a bad team.
Now the game has some obvious technical issues and a part of the community is fucking shit but when the game works, its fun and frantic but the other half of the time you just wanna never launch the game again.
So, overall, the game is better played in short bursts (in my experience).
masturbation is also best done in short bursts. its interesting to see how much different the game plays at higher levels. people seek out and create opportunities instead of just reacting and playing footises for a half hour only ever making plays when the inception music kicks in.
thats why you see so much "buhh, muh reinhardt shield". i dont have the patience or care to make it to the level where people stop playing like dying in the game kills them in real life.
What's next, blizzdrones ? Heartstone ?
Is there anything blizz can release that you goyim will not play ?
This game was destined to be bought and played by the shit eating weebshit otakucks that love waifu pandering/MMOs and ASSFAGGOTS.
Games should be for relaxation or fun, not getting angry, their fault if they do. If a game is fun and the community is angry I'd still play it and just not care about the chat.
Problem is, some faggots only have fun winning because they simply can't have fun playing the game. Only the victory screen matters to them.
This is the mark of the bad player though, and it's ironic that these kind of players can actually do some decent theorycraft and even have some skill, but in practice, they are terrible.
They believe themselves able to pinpoint exactly where the fault was in a game but always default to the same parroted opinions everyone says because actually understading the game or even trying different things on your own takes too much effort.
This is very frustrating when you can see the fault was in an indirect element like a Sniper that failed to take critical targets or not enough armor packs from Torb or something similar that are hard to notice and even when everyone focus instead on Reinhart not having his shield up 100% of the time.
That's pretty funny.
But Mark, if you didn't liked TF2, what made you think you'd like Overwatch?
OK pal
Probably because you're a retard with shit taste. Quit complaining about the choices you made and make better ones in the futures.
Is blizzard going to release a skin of D.Va as a lewd adult-sized Doritos goblin? I would have to seriously consider playing then.
I hope you fags are in this thread, you know who you are.
New legendaries for Mei and D.Va. Looks like they actually tried on the Mei one this time. girl looks pretty good. But i´m not so sure about the mech. Need to see that in movement.
dva's skin looks nice
I wonder if mercy is gonna get one since she didn't get shit for xmas unless they are gonna give a valentines day skin
Why the fuck do we allow Blizzard shills on the board?
Well if they are doing Chinese new year end of January it's probably still going to be running in February when valentines comes along, meaning no valentines event.
anyone excited for the Valentine's Day event? Tumblr already got pretty upset over it, so I think it will be good.
What's the story behind their annoyance? Cultural appropriation?
How does it feel that no matter how many times you sage and post the same images over and over again that Overwatch threads haven't gone anywhere?
Like pottery :^)
No, Mercy was implied to be hooking up with Genji instead of Pharah so they harassed one of the writers.
does 8/v/ have a OW group?
Source on the image of Death?
The stakes have been raised
No, don't. We don't want them ruining memes
Just keep them running the salt harvester
text reminds me of shadman
You decide to be a tank. What character would you chose if you only care about winning?
Then switch to Roadhog when the healer on our team is incompetent or our DPS don't do enough damage.
Zarya or D.VA, Rhein requires your team to not be retarded and that's too much of a chance to take.
Well fuck. I'm going to re-install my game for this. Mei is my waifu.
metagame shit is by far the worst thing about these games focused around matchmaking.
Now I know why people prefer PC. I've been banned before and now I'm on radar of the hot pockets at XBL's enforcement team. Which considering my first ban was only 24 hours means that there are probably a lot of cock gobbling faggots who work in that department.
let me guess "i-it was a gift!"
No, I'm a poorfag that is too busy to maintain a PC and keep it updated so I play on consoles until I can afford it.
I am pissed off about this. I am essentially paying for features I'm banned from because one faggot got made that I called another faggot a faggot while defending myself.
Help. I've become addicted to playing bastion.
Year of the Fire Cock incoming
youd think bastion would click with me since i just sit in a chair all day like him
I'm glad that all the sensitive snowflakes left CS and it's now full of banters like the old days.
given how we can't even have a thread without shitposting killing it, do you really think we do.
Dubs compel me.
It's from a comic book/western manga called Empowered.
Sage goes in all fields you dumb nigger.
Sage doesn't equal a downvote
also sage is only in one section you look like an idiot
lurk moar before you post
I still have no idea what that nigga expected me to do.
Did I just get some beginners luck?
Someone fill me in on the current meta, I wanna know why people cry about my picks and I haven't played in two months.
You played against teams that refused to get a hitscanner to pick you off, or they had a hitscanner who refused to spend their time looking for you and refused to look up
Pharah's supposed "counters" are literally just characters who have the ability to fight her at all. Even then the only ones who could be considered to be on an even footing in a direct fight are McCree, Soldier, and Widowmaker. Thing about Pharah though is that she has the mobility to pick her own engagements, meaning that you are never going to catch her in a fair fight so even if you are playing one of her best "counters" you are STILL at a disadvantage.
If you want a good Pharah to die you need two hitscanners of equal skill dedicated to her. If you want her to die before she kills your supports you need 3. Obviously that's not really workable.
Ever heard the saying "too poor to buy cheap"? Consoles are going to cost you more in the long run I guarantee it, and XBL is just the tip of the iceberg.
Yeah she's not balanced, but neither is the other 95% of the game so it works out well
Also Pharah dies incredibly fast to dedicated hit scanners, most notably McCree/Widowmaker/Ana
Soldier does a good job against her but he's a jack of all trades, considering most pharah engagements are her at max range burst is better than sustained
Are you playing on console because this post is retarded. A decent mcree can shut down a good pharah easy.
Hey, they gave Witch Mercy fitting voicelines!
I thought I was the only one.
I met him once at a PAX afterparty, back when Riot actually did good afterparties. He paid the bar's cover fee for me and my buddy. Didn't get to chat much, but he seemed like a pretty cool dude.
if pharah is "unfightable" then shes not poised to deal damage.
the maps generally dont let her take advantage of her vertical mobility and in most instances that they do it generally takes like 4 seconds to force her to move and other than that shes at the disadvantage because her rockets are slow as snails with a tiny aoe while her horizontal mobility is a cruel joke.
i dont understand what these tf2 clones have against explosive projectiles.
this happened
Sounds about right
They might be former diamonds and silver in their current rank, idk looks strange.
they all paid someone to grind their account for them probably same shit happens with those shitty mobas
i can only imagine paying someone to tank your rating for you so you can get easy games again.
I meant that they paid someone to get them to diamond but the actual player suck that much they couldn't stay there
I should've been more clear
i understood that. i think its asanine though, youd basically be paying to get your ass kicked.
why would anyone do that? to impress a girl? you could instead buy her a gun to shoot you with using the money youd save by not calling 1-800-boost. thats 1-800-boost
I'm pretty sure I get reported every game, never had any problems with moderation
fug off
why are you even here?
Assuming that's what really happened, it probably went along the lines of them believing they were stuck in Elo Hell and "belong" in diamond (or higher). Then once they get there and stop boosting they drop like a rock and wonder why they are constantly being matched with such horrible teammates.
i dont think you can get in trouble with blizzard until you make fun of jews. at least thats been my experience.
oh, good point
I say nigger quite often though. Guess I should start saying kike?
The more logical alternative is that they are actual diamond players who have deliberately tanked their rating in order to stomp on low ranks. Basically the same as smurfs but without buying another account.