Last webm thread on page 13
post your webms/mp4s and remember have fun
Other urls found in this thread:
I'll ask again here then:
Does someone have the name of this music ? (And of the art or artist too ?)
This was solved in another thread with that exact webm :STRAKTOBEAM - "Midnight Run" (live)
Wrong link…:
Might I remind everyone, that is Sky Williams, a gay black man.
I know that's the real name of it, but it should be "When_you_roll_nothing_but_nat_20s.webm"
You can pretend to, with Dirt Rally.
Also does anyone have the webm of "when the eurobeat kicks in" with the guy in 566's gif driving and the other dude screaming like a bitch?
So a literal niggerfaggot ?
from the Synagogue of Satan
Stay focused on the truth, anons.
Do not be swept away by the world
Do not be engulfed in the system of ideological schizophrenia and materialist meaninglessness
There is more at stake. YOU are at stake.
Merry Christmas
nobody cares
Why are you replying then nigger?
To announce my uncaringness
Never understood the appeal of tim and eric or tom goes to the mayor. What exactly is the style of comedy they're making? What's supposed to be the comedy about that clip?
It parodies public accessing programs which were big in the late 80s and 90s.
Holy fuck I haven't laughed that hard in a while, the first one is too good.
He asked why their autistic drivel was supposed to be funny, not what they're "parodying."
That doesn't really explain what the comedy is. It seems like it's supposed to be the "it's so bland and mediocre, just look at these 2 goofballs" kind of comedy where the joke is that they're making bad skits on purpose.
le funny jew
If you need to be able to judge him, just remember that he plays League of Legends
If you haven't watched public access you won't get the jokes they're making. I don't find most of their skits very funny but some of them hit the right notes and actually seem like something that may have been shown on television back in the 90s.
their whole humor is based around an aesthetic of awkwardness and cringe. They're usually making fun of some advertising or entertainment 'trend'. for example, embed related makes fun of how stupid it is when [obviously fake] animated characters are juxtaposed into real life scenes.
They're lefty shitters but I find their brand of humor really entertaining so I don't really care as much.
i don't see it?
The artist is Hajime Sorayama, retard.
keep looking
No stars on the flag?
nope, keep looking
I think it's supposed to be a American flag on a British street. Though I think there's actual streets that look like that in Philadelphia Pennsylvania.
The one door with the lantern off and flowers on the door itself?
are you even trying man?
A quite based niggerfaggot.
Please tell me someone knows what game the music in that second webm is from.
post long webms/mp4s
Buy some speedy little shitbox for like 1000 bucks and take it to a track. Like you can get a BMW 3 series for almost nothing, it's fast, drifts well, has RWD and can be fun as fuck to drive. And it'd cost more to repair then buy when it breaks down so you can just trash it and get another one.
We're living the fucking future nigga
whats the song?
I've seen it and wish I never had.
The one in the roller skates is my favorite.
(checked twice)
Mah nigga, thanks a bunch. I fucking KNEW I'd heard that music before, that game was my fucking jam as a toddler.
I've seen it, and I'll continue to for the rest of my days.
Saved. Shows how disturbing this whole filth is.
now you've done it
The internet is cool.
I'm glad I was alive today to experience this.
just go on gelbooru and search for "pokemon ahegao", boy
I don't know if I want to save this. I mean, I probably will just because it shows the whole scene, but I have to admit the buffer of having it filmed off a theater screen and the disgust of the audience helps.
Viewing it like this is like a spiked pill getting shoved in your eye.
source on those Rome vids? are they from an youtube channel?
They are, but I forget which one. Not like it matters since I'm pretty sure the Tube account is filled with garbage. It's a top # list, after all. It's just useful to give out the essentials of pagan Rome. I also noticed that for all its information, the original video did not once mention the mass genocide campaigns against Christians.
I've been looking at it forever and I don't see it. Feed me, damn it!
found it
The only purpose for a female to be a part of islam is to increase the muslim population. Islamists need to do nothing but reproduce, it is the only thing important to the "faith" and imams. All muslim females do is have children, that is the only point to islam, outproduce all other so islam becomes all there is and keeps the world stuck in the 1100s.
Stop trying to find it and just observe whats in front of you.
The music is soothing and relaxing. A well lit street with no sense of danger. The sun setting on another beautiful day. If you can appreciate these things and find value in them, then you've seen it.
We need more comfy ITT
>making them search out and get increasingly anxious, completely annihilating whatever soothing effect the webm might have had
How deliciously evil
What you should be seeing is within, what you'll never see, feel or smell. This is a moment of realization that the thing you are looking for, is not there.
that friday feeling
/christfag/ using an anti-capitalist video as evidence
Im sorry about your autism user
Thats pretty FRESH
some of those gondolas are comfy
As garbage as that demoman is, at least he had the brains to get on the point and finish the game. That puts him ahead of 40% of the userbase right there.
that ain't gondola they are Adult Swim Bumps.
demoman OP plz nerf
Greetings from /tg/
congratz on memeing another god.
you don't do yourself any favors either using gifs in a webm/mp4 thread
what's the song (I guess you'd call it) in the second one?
Aren't many of this "Rome was a massive orgy all time" a move by church to have the common man disgusted about the nobility, I read I don't remember where that they were very strict about sex, only having it with no light or such.
the rabbit hole that involves kek, homestuck, and andrew hussie is mind bogglingly vast
the fact that lord english plays into it is just fucking terrifying
so while you joke about "memeing another god" what's going on beyond my shitposting is a whole other level of weird
like, here's the non-shitpost pictures
that's still fucking LORD ENGLISH and many of the giants depicted have seen far more recent depictions - as Celestials in the Earth-X arc
what is this from?
Consider suicide.
Overlord: Nothing happened in 11 tome
You had one job
To those interested, this is from the Soviet produced Treasure Island film. From 1988, more specifically. There were no less than four such features from 1937, 1971 (this one was Lithuanian rather than Russian,) 1982 and of course 1988. Rather odd that a primarily land based power and its puppets would have such a hardon for pirates.
holy shit
that was a good twist. I did not expect it to end that way.
So, satan, is it worth it?
I can't shrink this too the file size limit, sorry.
you're a hero, user
thank you
gr8 m8
Found another.
Are you the autist who spams this stuff on Twitter? How are unarchived posts complaining about Sam Hyde anonymously with some unstable attention whore in any way reliable information? At least when "e-celeb" obsessed autists dig up dirt on JonTron or Channel Awesome there's a trail of confirmed usernames or something moderately convincing.
When was this?
Sometime during the early days of Holla Forums
Where is that from?
How the fuck do I miss these things?
Fuck you.
oh fuck thank you
I've never asked what these were from and now I regret it
Plz no bully
ib4 itsasecret.webm
It was like 2013 or 2014. I cannot exactly remember but a crap ton of people got IP banned and others acted like students to see the end results. It was fucking great.
for the life of me I don't remember that, what episode was that from
Damn, I forgot all about Toby Keith, this is hilarious.
It's a street in North End Boston. I know because I've been there many many times.
It's Yume Nikki
Here is a link to download and play the game. Don't expect much as it's mainly a "find the stuff" game. It's fallowing is mostly out of the curiosity of people trying to figure out what was going on in the game and latching onto characters they find. its an old game but its a neat one if you like creepy exploration with very minimal jumpscare.
/f/uck you, leather head.
There is a special place in hell for you. This trickery won't go unpunished.
Episode 7: Wishes come true
nigger, where the fuck did you blow in from?
At last I truly see. Are you sure that there isn't a hidden gondola in there somewhere?
There's another version?
Why am I supposed to enjoy sfm, again?
Nigger, how the fuck was that not depressing?
that's not SFM you ninny, this is.
Was that early JoeCartoon?
The fuck is with niggers and abusing cats?
I dunno, but that video was a cat ass trophy.
Imitate WebM related.
What cartoon is this? I recognise the duck guy and the name is on the tip of my tongue but I can't quite remember.
you were so close, duck man.
Quacker Dude
What the fuck.
Fuck Tim Heidecker
I can't believe everyone left him hanging!
When I scrub through I get a different video, as well. What happened?
Probably some primal fear or some shit
there's a psychology joke that goes here about primal fears, and cats representing their fathers abandoning them
Thanks for sharing your wonderful WEBMs, user.
Your technical mastery over the art of making shit into relatively small WEBMs is impressive as always.
It makes sense, they didn't have to deal with pirates. It's like SJW's and niggers.
So, um sauceTimestop lesbian doctor has me interested
Freudian slip, gomenasai
I had to search for a hot minute to find the song source for this
Does it have YURI?
Based Sky. Dunks and He are king five ever.
What's the problem with that?
What about different file extensions?
you're off the hook for posting my oc, as shitty as it is
No skin off my sack
Music from the first webm.
You have to go back.
Not a webm, but so dank I had to post it.
How was this made?
I Download the song and Transform into midi my litlle joel
Anyone have the one where a girl pulls down her panties and talks to a teacher?
With which program?
Only version I have form ages ago
never forgget
I have a lot of backroads I traverse in Pennsylvania that could really test the mettle of a street racer.
I found it, so I'll share.
The door of the building farthest left leads into the adjacent building and at an incorrect elevation.
When you look closer at the bricks it appears that this area had actually been pasted in.
I feel like there's a joke here about bricks, shitting them in particularly, but I'll leave that for someone else to make.
you spelled celebrate wrong friend.
sauce image search isn't giving me shit.
made this one awhile ago, don't think I ever posted it.
very specific eva reference
es gud
Wow, like I knew the movie was bad…but that's terrible.
Thank you, I've been trying to find out who did that cover for the longest time.
That means it's OC.
Is that Chouzuki Maryou?
Makes me think of when people catch rabbis spraying Nazi swastikas to drum up the idea that there's hate groups in an area to get "support" from the community cause they want free shit.
Song on the first one?
Please die
You're an idiot
That's what I guessed, and then got told "no, that's not it." I think that was a month ago.
Dude, I wish Trump was doing that.
Guess the nigger should have kept his water to himself, now he's going to be the bitch.
The vids are from this guy, and they're all based on Yume Nikki.
that giggle at the end…
that guy is a Holla Forums Jap shitposter I guarantee it
the best part is the story is such a fedora-tipping set of nonsense that the orgy scene isn't even the worst part
not even worth watching ironically, my biggest regret in life is pirating that movie.
Tnx m8.
Holy shit I never noticed the one hiding in the doorway. Scared the fuck out of me,