Tegra X1 Downclocked

Nintentards will still buy this piece oft shit

we've had this thread so many times, with the same OP image too. Fuck off.


Still in denial I see

Give us the sauce m8.

Nintentoddlers will buy anything shits out.
Zeldo will likely sell more on the Wii U even though its a fucking blurry boring slideshow.

But wheres the source OP?


It uses SD cards. Give it a few months and pirates will fix it.

We've already had this thread hundreds of times. Can't you faggots wait until Nintendo shows off this piece of shit on January or will you die from shitposting withdrawal?

post switch-tan
or the switch-doggo, that's fine too

There's no way they're crazy enough to think that will fly. It will be $250 for the 32GB model and $300 for a 64GB model. I wouldn't bank on a bundled game, either. Frankly I think they are still coming in way too high with those prices, but I don't think there is any way they are going to try for $350 ever again.

The dog is the settled upon tan.

only zoophiles like the dog you faggot. Milf/loli switch is a hundred times better for obvious reasons

It's a tablet you sperg. They can get away with it just fine.

They couldn't get away with Wii U at $350. They couldn't get away with 3DS at $250. The form factor isn't the issue – it's that Nintendo can't command a premium price for their products and they certainly aren't going to be able to do it when people go to the store and see it next to $250 PS4/Xbone bundles with comparatively large HDD, fleshed out library, and bundled game. I don't think it's good to compare to other tablets, either, because it likely won't have the same wide breadth of app support that other tablets do.

I think it's DOA anywhere above $250.

What if I am both a zoophile and pedophile?

Doggo was settled months ago when that furfag posted his funny porn here.
It doesn't even make sense for it to be a Milf.

The doggo stays

It's not like there's a flood of threads defending and praising the Switch, you know? There's no need for you to create a Circlejerk General.

Koko is best girl.

Then you have pretty great taste tbh

Top fucking heh.

If NT can have two -tans then so can the Switch.

It stays and you'll like it



Have either of these things been confirmed? Because those are both insurmountable deal breakers for me at this point.


They are also likely to charge since everyone is doing that and, for what I heard, the online service turned out to be expensive for the company.


i want to fuck that consoledog.

[citation needed]