Only a couple of days till the sale ends, so many games i want that i cant afford, hows my final purchase looking? any suggestions?
Winter Sale final days
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i got a card for christmas, might as well use it.
should i buy cosmetics instead?
Avoid heavy bullets. It's shit and doesn't work.
You asked for a Steam card
You should ask >>>/reddit/ r/steam
I got 5 steam bucks from selling dumb shit and I want a fun arcade racer. Is Burnout Paradise any good?
Yeah, but the online is off as well as getting the free DLC, i think it needs a controller.
You could try playing the games you have.
I got a steam card because i didn't ask for anything this christmas.
Is there anything good i can grab for $20?
Please lay off the marketing. Why can't there be a dedicated cycling thread for Steam?
When this happens I first look through my wishlist, then the 5 or less games, then ten or less, then my preferred genre.
Astroneer's not on sale but it's fairly solid.
I fucking hate racing games, but I absolutely love Burnout Paradise, so make of that what you will.
What should i buy?
Thats from reddit.
Would you like a spoon pic faggot?
Thanks lads. On the topic of buying, is Space Engineers still a buggy, unoptimized piece of shit?
the last time it was posted it was tracked down to a thread in reddit.
Try again guv.
Source then?
Because im looking at the slip right infront of me
Anything you guys would recommend? If Gang Beasts was 50% off I might have bought it, but 33% is not enough.
is there actually a good rts game that came out recently?
Anyone have any FPS recommendations? I already have most of the Doom clones.
Insurgency, maybe Reflex.
Is there a way to see the servers before buying the game?
Insurgency seem nice.
Insurgency is very active, was played by 4,797 people today and keep in mind that it's new years eve.
About reflex, idk I don't own the game.
we should all play arma
mfw didn't get anything for christmas and I couldn't even get assetto corsa on steam
For a game with steam compatible servers try 'view -> servers -> filter (game name)'
Steam is like Facebook, its just another outlet for vanity. Fags only "buy" games from steam to show off their collection to their significant others.
or to buy games from an online retailer, you fucking idiot lmfao
I want to buy a fighting game with good netcode. What do I have to pick from?
Street Fighter IV is still decent. Or the only option you have on Steam right now.
Melty Blood's netcode just got better and UNIEL's is okay.
Xrd Revelator has bretty gud netcode as well.
Get metal slug bundle. 3 dollars each, 8 for three games.
Or don't. pirating is free. but valvefags like to buy so there you go. great games
The upload a pic with a timestamp and your current ID number, nigger.
Yes, especially with the addition of planets.
Any good stealth games? So far I have:
Death to spies 1 + moment of truth
Deus Ex
Mark of the ninja
Far cry 1-3
Signal ops
Sir you are being hunted (garbage)
Sniper elite
Sniper ghost warrior 1 + 2
Also metro 2033 and payday 2 if you wanna count those.
Kill yourself mang.
I forgot to mention my non-steam games. I also have Thief 1+2 hard copies off steam.
Are Endless Legend and Endless Space any good?
Jesus christ do your family hate you or something?
Has performance improved? The version I downloaded had a lot of stutter but I managed to have a decent time with it. I hope they don't over simplify everything because of lazy faggots and make survival/tethers fucking worthless.
Endless space is kind of okay for a couple of games but it gets stale real fast, at least in single player
Any games that have the dying world aesthetics? Like dark souls and parts of the DS Castlevannia's?
reported globally
Endless Legend yes, it's what other 4x, like Civ wish to be.
Endless Space depends.
Agter playing EL I wouldn't want to play ES anymore, since one is a direct improvment of the other.
You could wait for ES2, though it's going to be published by SEGA, so who knows how much jewry they will force upon the devs.
Horrible fucking taste detected, never give anyone opinions again
I have 5 burgerbucks left from a gift card, what should I get?
Wow you guys suck. I live several states away and my family sent me a VR headset and a robot. It's like being 12 years old again.
I've bought Satellite Reign, The Spatials and Lethis - Path of Progress.
Thinking of buying XCOM2, but 50% off is just too little.
Come on guys, help me out - what are some good games released this year?
I've already picked up Bastard Bonds and put 30 hours into it, so I'm ready for another happy surprise.
user there have been no games released this year yet
Templar Battleforce
Serpent in the Staglands
Endless Legend
Age of Decadence
That's pretty much my suggestions.
I'm looking for an action game, be it shooter, action platformer or even shmup, that can run on a toaster and has some manner of unlocking mechanic. Broforce would be a good example. You guys know of any others ?
Renegade Ops, Postal 1, Hotline Miami?
Planet Explorers been in early access for years though
My favorites released this year
Age of Decadence looks pretty good
Postal Redux
Volgarr The Viking
Raiden Legacy
Thanks, I'll look into postal 1/redux but the 4gb ram requirement doesn't bode too well. I'm stuck with a really shit laptop at the moment.
How about Odallus: The Dark Call?
2GB of RAM as minimum.
Is Street Fighter 5 good enough to get now?
My purchases thus far are EDF 4.1 and Vermintide. I've enjoyed both thus far.
I thought about getting the new fallout but I the dialogue choices look stupid and it's basically sold on the premise of "look at are new more smooth gunplay"
Which is stupid because I don't play fallout for the gunplay. It's basically a TPS with a sprinkling of fallout lore and mechanics from what I've seen.
Any games that are like Majesty?
Don't get majesty 2. That game is a steaming mess.
Vermintide is pretty fun, I got it too in the sale.
Avoid Fallout 4, it is a rip off at any price, Bethesda's writing and story is abysmal, most of it makes no sense and it is full of continuity errors. There is a mission that if you aren't pledged to any faction all the enemies will be neutral to you. It is completely broken, they shoot at each other but ignore you so you just loot and stroll around.
Yeah I'm aware of that. I'm looking for a actual successor to the Majesty series. I have around 500 hours put into the first Majesty and so far I've yet to bump anything remotely similar.
I'll consider it too, the artstyle looks neat.
Perhaps I did not emphasize "unlocking" enough, though. I want to unlock lots of shit, like in binding of isaac.
anything good for $2.50 or less?
also pretty good sales on other platform
thief 1 and 2
Deadly Premonition
Lisa: The Painful RPG
Oddworld: Abe's Oddysey and Abe's Exoddus
How are the ports of Saint's Row 2 and Sonic Adventure 2? Considering getting them. Are there any essential mods for them?
you need the overhaul mod for SR2 since port is abysmal
SR2 is a mess, even with Gentlemen of the Row but you can still have fun with it. On the other hand, SA2 has a far more competent port, but still has weird shit like a 60fps cap and other questionable tweaks.
what about Deus Ex: Mankind Divided? I know SE fucked it with micro transactions but if you ignore the micro transactions the base game is actually balanced.
If I liked the original should I go for it?
Got em. Forgot to list them because I had hard copies.
Metal Gear?
Can someone here tell me how legit is the Osiris dev?
I heard operation raccoon city was pretty shit but it wasn't terrible
You can get the base game and all the DLC for 7.99 so I think I'm gonna go for it.
How would you know the base game is actually balanced if you haven't played it yet?
I didn't like any of the sequels as much as the original but MD isn't any more offensively bad than the others, and there are definitely things about it I preferred to HR
What about Door Kickers? It's cheap as fuck right now.
Any decent RPG's worth getting?
It's pretty fun, though some of the later levels get tedious since they are so large, and introduce really bullet spongey armored enemies.
tales is for 4.99 but it needs unofficial patches
das what I herd.
I was hoping someone had some insight on it.
Honestly with grim dawn, vermintide, and EDF I had a shit load of games I need to invest time into.
EDF is really fucking with me though. Dat rng loot mechanic…
Yes trust executables from dubious sources. Don't worry that you have to turn off DEP to run my cracked executable. It's totes legit.
You know wasting the global mod's time is grounds for permaban.
But their time is worthless.
nigger please
From watching others play it, it seems they've really got the gameplay pretty well nailed down.
But ofc, Eidos continues with not-quite "getting" Deus Ex in terms of the story it's telling and its overall themes, and what they go with instead falls apart if you think about it too hard. Being a bunch of frogs probably has something to do with it.
This is my final buy for the sale. Earlier I picked up:
> Don't Starve Together
So is EDF good? I also see it has some (((DLC)))…. I've already refunded 2 pieces of shit. Bought zero else. All games on there are shit or I have them already OR they're pirateable.
EDF is really fun, but it's kinda buggy
Most of the dlc are cosmetics, and the reason there's so much of it is because it was out on consoles for a long time before getting the pc port, It's not like it was day 1 dlc.
It's a bad "monster b-movie" of a game. It's a game that knows it's a game and expects you to treat it like one.
A lot of your strategy will revolve around exploiting the AI and abusing movement glitches to better survive.
For instance, with the ranger your fastest way to move is to roll over and over. There's no cooldown on your roll, it's just that rolling is faster. Nothing in the game tells you this you just figure it out through play.
There's lots of little instances like that all throughout the game. Sometimes how a weapon is described isn't necessarily the best way to use it if you think outside the box.
Also be prepared to sacrifice your allies and destroy entire cities of your volition to complete a mission.
It's good.
The only DLC worth getting are the mission packs, don't anything else.
The co-op campaign is fun if you find enough people.
I am thinking of getting the Umihara Trilogy, just to give them money. And maybe Mount and Blade: Warband. All from cards and shit.
Didn't get it when it was free.
vanilla DMC4
What is so contentious about that screencap?
It makes sense that kebab would be against augmentation, since they are against pretty much everything other than fucking kids.
Well it's all over now.
What did you get Holla Forums?
i was a very good goy this sale.
i picked up
>DOOD then refunded it because of how unbelievably shitty and slow it was
Didn't got anything, 50~60% for a winter sale is a fucking joke.
They're supposedly against setting people on fire but ISIS does that anyways, nothing's really off limit with jihad.
Not really, martyrdom is essentially a get-out-of-jail-free card in Islam. That is why so many suicide bombers and shooters go out for drugs and hookers a day before the act, it is because the act of martyrdom ignores all of those things. That is why liberals were so desperate to shill the guy that did the Orlando shooting as not being a Muslim because he had gay sex, they knew it was done as an act of jihad but instead decided to play on people's lack of knowledge on Islam.
some good stealth games:
Death to spies 1 + moment of truth
Deus Ex
Mark of the ninja
Far cry 1-3
Signal ops
Sir you are being hunted (garbage)
Sniper elite
Sniper ghost warrior 1 + 2
I got:
>Men of War: Assault Squad 2 (With all the DLC)
-with a £20 giftcard I got as a present a while back.
They're all very fun.
At least his family had enough sense not to waste hundreds of dollars.
But the guys that Jenson was talking about weren't martyrs they were a strike team attacking his guys and then retreating which means they were intending to live with their augs.
Man I can't even remember the last time I bought anything from a Steam sale, they're all so shit these days.
Deus Ex: Mankind Divided
Styx: Master of Shadows
Devil May Cry 4: Special Edition
Shantae: Half-Genie Hero
SpaceChem: 63Corvi Mission
The Evil Within
Killer Is Dead: Nightmare Edition
Alpha Protocol
They're not saying it is, the context for the scene is directly after a bombing, his boss suggests they might be jihadists. Adam's not saying Islam is a religion of peace, he's saying the terrorists were augmented and apparently in DXverse Muslims don't get augmented.
BONUS: Games I refunded due to being stuff I don't like or beating under the 2 hour refund limit
How'd I do, Holla Forums? Was a a good goy or not?
You actually fucking bought Colonial Marines? I can't even call you a good goy, I just feel bad for you. You obviously have brain damage.
I bought it to play coop with my buddy so we could laugh at how buggy it was. It's actually got some decent guns, but the ayys for shit as usual and the hit registration is like a light that turns off by itself after x minutes.
There is a mod for it that supposedly fixes a lot of the problems the game has.
Sigma`s Shooter Pack
Blade Arcus From Shining: Battle Arena
and the Jedi Knight Bundle
If you're buying - buy Slain.
If you're not buying - pirate Slain.
Either way get fucking Slain you niggers.
Make sure it's back from hell edition or whatever, not vanilla one.
Fucking awful sale this year. Not even an attempt at engagement. Bought only one game and it was for my mom.
You're not tricking anyone, you don't have mom.
When did steam start doing this?
Since the beginning?
It's a shop, not social platform. Go make some friends on facebook, normal scum.
slain isnt even good
In current state it is. Unless you're trying to compare it to complex shit like them fuckicng roguelites or soulslikes or what fucking ever pieces of shit with meta progressions, upgrade trees, randomly generated endless dungeons and all that shit.
Slain is honest straightforward 16-bit platformer. You kill shit and jump over spikes. Nothing else. It's one of the best in the genre.
i could be playing volgarr the viking or matdita castilla if i wanted a solid memebit platformer
so it's shit
don't mind me, just checking these sick-ass double-dubs
Maldita is ok, but volgar is the definition of memebit platformer.
End yourself casual scum.
I bought Sonicomi
God fucking dammit every single time some mad cunt makes a steam thread it's mostly redditors spilling their beans