I for one, am glad to have gamers represented in congress.
I for one, am glad to have gamers represented in congress.
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This skitzo is hilarious
I wish he would so we can see him fail
holy shit that's like fucking nothing. Step up your game tranny
You didn't even win you dumb faggot
How can ANY SJW claim they won when trump is in office? Holy shit these peoples delusions are worse than I thought
Already he's going to get slammed for this statement. Talking to gamergate on twitter isn't fighting the alt-right.
His life is cringe humor
Where is my football representing congress man?
What about film enthusiasts representative? And books? They deserve their voice in the congress too
She beat up Millennial Woes after he sucked her dick.
Writing blog posts about how you're scared of Gamergate isn't winning, either.
By winning, does he mean crying like a bitch in a corner to avoid mean words on the internet?
Not like he can win with a Republican Congress and Trump as president. They should rightfully ignore her as there are more problems to take care of then some bitchy man who still wants to be famous.
"She" thinks that is a woman and that bitching in twitter is equal to fight for the rights of women what do you think?
He won't even make it on the ballot.
Using a blockbot and cowering like a cockroach doesn't sound like winning either.
Does the Wu Tran Clan really need it's own thread?
It's basically a "point and laugh" thread.
Guarantee you he's going to post something in this thread to his twitter, showing how he's not scared of the EVIL TROLLS!!!!
What if 2 years from now he actually wins because he's a living meme?
Hell, CWC got a wink and a nod in a Sonic episode, who the fuck knows
About as likely as him becoming a real woman.
Don't you need to be certified as sane to run for congress?
What if Holla Forums starts up the alt-left to try and push Brianna to office?
We wouldn't have gotten Hillary or Ted Cruz if that was true.
Can anyone tell me.
Is Wu really a tranny or just a ugly female?
What could go wrong?
he's really a tranny
I forgot losing is now winning too because we are all winners. :^)
Then the world can point and laugh at his palsy addled visage
Tranny. Hell I could pull off being a better woman than him.
At least lulz will be had. Flynn is about as marketable as a rabid dog, is disowned by his parents, is the fucktoy of some abusive chink, is certifiably mentally ill and looks like an ayy crossbreed.
Can't wait for 2018.
Let it happen. Once Wu attempts to hit the national stags, all of the lies, all of the bullshit will be aired out. It will be an absolute bloodbath.
what happened to the gamergate thing
From what I understand, he will run in the 8th district again Stephen F. Lynch, a Democrat. So yeah, no way the party is going to suddenly drop an incumbent for some upstart tranny.
the definition of 'sane' has been slipping for the past decade or so
it'd be hilarious, even more hilarious if they succeeded, but unfortunately impossible considering humorless gommies can't into memes
I know things about Congress that even Congress themselves don't know!
This isn't news, where the fuck are you even running? Who are you against? What are your positions other than "I'M A GAMER"
Polite Sage
you guys give burger politicians far to much credit
I fugged up
Well Congress is already a joke, so nothing of value would be added.
You're actually right, the Democrats have turned driving voters away an art form.
Source on that image?
Should start a patreon.
I think she has a reasonable chance of winning.
Fuck, I typed "she" by mistake. Forgive me.
Oh god why.
So…a lying sickfuck for congress…What were the odds?
We're reach critical implication levels here.
Wait really? I am guessing it is in Sonic Boom. Webm?
Reminder to call all trannies and SJWs by their real names.
Also, this must be a publicity stunt. John Flynt couldn't manage a gas station, let alone a Congressional district.
It was an episode about an overly attached fan. Anteater
No. If someone can prove you're insane, you might be disqualified, though.
Holla Forums doesn't like SJWs, stop D&Cing.
I am also glad to have (gamers) represented in congress. :^)
Yeah, except those scientists
It's entirely random. Someone actually made a list of the number of death threats he claims to have gotten by date. It's gone down at several points, and I think this is actually pretty low.
I hope he wins and we get to see years of this retard embarrassing himself in Congress. It's fucking Massachusetts, too, so there's a decent chance he pulls it off.
Wu sarkeesian 2020 when?
Justin Castro made that ad for him. "If you trigger your enemies, they win."
Check 'em.
Holla Forums has a sliver of a fraction of an iota of the meme power that Holla Forums has. They couldn't start a wet fart, let alone any kind of legitimate or half-assed movement.
Too similar to this story. Sorry for no webm but it's 22 mins
I'm tired of these social justice lexicographers making up words for their exclusive dictionary. There definitions are about as concrete as the source of their patriarchal frustrations.
Woke is nigger redpills
Did they have a debate or something? I unsubscribed from MW after that video where he said The Prisoner isn't a good TV show.
Ho boy this is going to be hilarious where were you when shitposting hit the political stage boys? I always knew congressmen were lyers and crooks but seeing it fall this low is a bit saddening to be honest
So how hard is he going to get his shit pushed in once he actually tries. The political game is a bloodbath and it would be more than easy to catalogue all of the crazy shit he's said and give it to his opposition.
I want to rape you
I'm pretty sure he'll either get threatened or blackmailed by the establishment before the primaries even start. Some of those fuckers over there run unopposed, despite laughably low approval ratings of the low single-digits, something's going to happen.
Does she not remember all those times when child porn staying on the first page were celebrated, and bullying people into suicide was a fun past time?
He'll campaign at glory holes and game stops. When should we start shopping some glory hole pictures to help with his campaign?
but apparently not old enough to remember the floods of child porn that was posted regularly for at least a couple of years before w.t. snacks was fired and everyone started hiding their collections in rar files inside of images.
Or how about harassing random targets and telling them to an hero?
Or gore threads? Mai chan's daily life was posted practically like a holiday tradition because BABY FUCK~~~
Brandon Wu doesn't remember SHIT.
Hilarity. He's going after a safe blue seat in MA, we should support him. Wu in that seats prevents a serious person from taking it, and also discredits the dems on the national level.
This is the year that just keeps on giving.
I think how they portrayed Frank was even more hilarious. They couldn't find someone who looked as batshit insane as him, so they hired what looks like an Asian metalhead, then shaved off a portion of his hairline.
Nice try, /leftyturd/
Hell no.
A really ugly tranny, literally any of us could pretend he's a woman and pull it off better than him. Fucking hell, I think I'm gonna run for congress
Congressman Cummings is perfect evidence that Democrats will put anyone in congress no matter how incompetent they are.
That was, like 3 years ago.
Wu making that congressional race into a spectacle helps the right you nance.
Holy fuck
Do you really want him having a say on legislation?
Do you really want to embolden the feminist "gaymur gurl" crowd?
There are people who actually see this faggot as a rolemodel. Don't give them something to aspire to, crush their dreams as early and as often as possible.
Oh, speaking of that episode, ratings were so low for it that a rerun of The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air at 1:43 in the morning beat it.
The alternative is a normal Democrat who votes the same way on everything but looks and acts like a professional. Yes.
Wasn't that… this year? Or last?
Congressmen can propose legislation too.
the average MA democrat will just propose more assault clip regulations that will never pass. This faggot would propose censorship.
It was early 2016 and yeah it wasn't even an imageboard raid
That was like two weeks ago. It isn't even "I'm not a newfag, I've been here all summer" tier.
Sorry, John, but the FBI knows that was one of your friends calling you, they have the phone records and everything.
This webm made me so fucking happy, i don't even know why.
it should seriously be illegal to be this fucking stupid. there is a point where the government needs to step in and say "i'm sorry, your complete and utter incompetence and lack of any kind of common sense is a detriment to us all, we have to put you down." he has crossed it.
I remember when someone live streamed killing themself.
It was a nigger and the fucking cops tazered his corpse when they broke in after the gun shot was heard.
Fun stuff.
I have sat radio in my car and they had the black co-host talking about the show.
She was saying how awful those gamer gaters are, and the talk show personality was just asking her questions about it and she was breaking down.
Glad to hear the show didn't work out for her.
How do you not realize that helps our cause? "Look at this insane leftist tranny, proposing to censor you."
The tranny couldn't even beat a cripple who weighs 20 pounds.
requesting source on all those qt girls
Waifu no pico
I miss ol' firetires.
Until the censorship works. Nutjob SJWs aren't the only ones who want the power to censor.
thanks, user.
Trump presidency. Republican house, Republican senate, with NO FILIBUSTER. Your concern is noted.
Look, nigger, the totalitarian tendencies and desire to control the information you have access to is rampant, and doesn't break along party lines.
at least some of the fetish boards have had an uptick in popularity recently
That's three strikes.
That's just because of bui's spambot.
Trips confirm.
People didn't vote Trump for the neocucks, let alone libcucks.
oh I see three strikes alright
It doesn't matter, Congress is a separate beast.
Nice nice, Caesarino.
Neocohens aren't cucks
three indeed
White ones are. Jewish ones aren't.
There are white neocons?
No I mean the ones I go to have had an increase in legit posters in the past few weeks/months. There's usually a few posts a day, where they used to stay dead for weeks at a time.
Rotating boards in the topbar is cool but I wish it still showed the top 10~ boards as well. It was fun to compete with other boards for traffic, now nobody gives a fuck because you have to check the front page to even know that Holla Forums got more popular than /cuteboys/ and /furry/
A ton.
Well played Evan!
He'll campaign on twitch.
Oh shit, he's directly challenging the Democratic establishment, they're going to fucking destroy him now.
that went really well for Hilary, didn't it
y-you too
Can't wait.
This nigga really lives in a world of his own making, how can he show his face after the game he was shilling for years sold less then 10 copies.
What state is he running in?
Good way to get out the vote for your opponent.
You're one dumb nigger.
I doubt he'll actually run. In his mind he already won, just look at his twitter feed.
I am, I thought he lived in San Fran since that's where his studio was.
Massachusetts definitely isn't pozzed enough for this shit though.
Where he would be running their only delegates are Democrats.
So he would be running against them, which means they will give him an office position or they will ruin him.
I'm hoping for the later.
I have a buddy however who was in the GOP who ran against the GOP for congress in a district where it was only GOP, and they told him to stop running and they would give him a government position, so the same could happen for him.
Shit, I could see them doing this and then boasting that they appointed the first tranny.
You know how people had that theory about a Necromancer reanimating Hillary so she could run for President?
I think this time it's for real, but it's a shitty necromancer that could only get his hands on a rotting corpse.
Why the long face, John?
As it would be Wu replacing a democrat, would it be wrong if we started making pro-wu campaign material.
That is an excellent start.
You could make a video with American woman in the background, or woah black betty.
Take clips of her from shows and designing her game and sell her a champ of the people, core conservative values and an awful slanderous campaign calling her a man.
Unless of course we can get him to start his own party.
But it was totally legit, though! Never mind that the people behind it were revealed to be long-con trolls that duped pretty much everyone for nearly five years, Brianna Wu's life was in very real danger from those people!
sheit, meant for
I want to see he succeed only to completely fuck up the job and receive massive ridicule for it. He will just call his entire state a state of misogyny and probably get removed via riot.
Kiwifarms is already working on an ad for him.
Any pro wu campaign material should have the im with her crap on it as well. That'll really piss of democrats. Would be interesting if Hillary throws a fit because "he's" using copyrighted material from her campaign.
Why live to be honest family?
What the fuck are you on?
This is user's wife, you caused a seizure. I have your information and have called the police to report the assault.
kek cnn even has an article about it.
Is this the same fucking person who made the other half-dozen fluff pieces about Wu for CNN?
is this nigger not aware that politicians face actual death treats?
I wonder how he'll piss himself when he has to deal with the real deal and not messages he sent himself
yeah she wrote several articles on her for daily dot etc.
user, please, he didn't send them to himself, he got a friend to send them to him. Completely different.
o-oh, well don't I look foolish now
time to infiltrate?
How about just let Wu slink by into obscurity. You only feed his delusions by engaging.
To be honest I want real politicians to tear him apart in debates. We already know he can't handle any form of critique. Imagine what would happen if she went up against a seasoned politician whom she imagined insulted her by criticizing her platform or lack of experience? I'd pay to see that meltdown on television.
fuck my life.
This is for you user because of your fuckup
I never thought I could be perpetually mad with how insane society has become for an entire year, but it is current year
If hes happy with how he looks then why did he make that comic?
Meme aside, this is what faggots actually believe.
Same answer as
Because denial is a hell of a drug
Exactly. Secure people don't need to tell complete strangers "how sooper secure" they are.
She's buying into her own delusion.
Man, and to think that people thought this dude was some master troll. I don't think I've ever seen someone legitimately buy their own hype on this kind of level.
How does someone read that and process that into a coherent narrative?
How does one "fight" a political stance?
What is the "alt-right" (inb4 ebil goobergabbers)?
I'd like to know too.
What I especially love about that picture and every article the MSM ran on her is the title "Game Developer".
It's adorable. What's the right title for someone who pissed away nearly a million dollars (from his parents) into a piss-poor excuse for a game with terrible quality on all fronts that didn't even manage to sell over 100 copies on Steam?
Game Developer.
I genuinely thought the alt-right was the term used for homosexual republicans.
But user saying his game is bad is misogyny. You just can't believe that a strong independent woman made something that's better than the games you play. If you weren't such a bigot you'd buy the game and promote it.
At this point, basically "anyone who remotely questions our agenda."
I heard "alt-right" is something that happens in the anus of a man and produces Santorum.
They failed biology and English, I guess.
Who is so fucking crazy that they think that
1) Everyone recognizes trannies as "women".
I'd wager most "misogynists" don't buy into tranny lunacy.
2) The moment someone is like "I AM QT3.4 GRILLE NOW GUISE" all the evil men are like "RAR A WOMAN SO MUCH HATE!!!"
If "women" don't have to actually be "women" WTF do people supposedly hate? Titties? Hair? Dresses?
Fuck these people
Why anons, why?
Holla Forums doesn't have any meme magic potential.
Eh, they have some just by being on the same site. Very little, but some.
They've at least successfully worked with Holla Forums to d&c christian Holla Forumsacks and kek worshippers
I'll be honest I never thought gameplay like Mega Man Battle Network could be done in an absolutely unfun and godawful way. Glad thatwe have such a credible anti- alt right warrior on this earth to show us otherwise.