How much better are the other models than the 2ds?
I've had a 2ds for a year and I'm thinking about buying an N3DSXL for an upgrade, because the increased processing power lets you emulate SNES and GBA. But besides that, is it much better?
How much better are the other models than the 2ds?
I've had a 2ds for a year and I'm thinking about buying an N3DSXL for an upgrade, because the increased processing power lets you emulate SNES and GBA. But besides that, is it much better?
I figured you guys would have some serious opinions about this one way or another
off the top of my head,
clamshell, amiibo meme
I wish there was a New 2DS because i hate the 3D anyways.
The general consensus as I understand it is to buy a 3DS over a 2DS, seeing as you already have the latter i'm not going to weigh in on your boring consumer dilemma
Or you could just get a flashcard.
after a quick google search,
-face tracking
-c stick nipple
-zr & zl buttons
-extra processing etc
Since I personally love the sense of depth, scale and speed stereoscopic vision gives it for me is pretty much infinity better.
If you hate good things I think pretty much amiboos and clamshell format. The c-stick is pretty damn mediocre but useful but most people can't use it at all so don't count on that as being a plus for you.
Do you love the lower resolution and battery drain too?
Having stereoscopic vision compensates for this since your brain mergers details from both views. It's well known from the ancient HMD scene, like back when people were playing around with dual 320x240, and if I remember correctly you can approximate it as having roughly 50% more pixels than a single monitor of the same resolution, eg. 2 x 640x480 would approximately have as much detail as 1 x 784x588.
For the 3DS dual 400x240 gives you about as much detail as single 490x294. Personally I'll take 75% of the resolution for the benefits of stereoscopic vision any day.
Has never been a problem for me.
How do you guys play handhelds anyway?
I borrowed a 3DS from a buddy to play Bravely Default, and I just played while laying in bed. It felt like the only position where I could have some semblance of posture and not just hang my head down to watch a screen.
In bed as well.
Does this read like a meaningful sentence you?
I have the same problem. I really like the Vita/Vita TV because I can play in bed then go play on the TV. Pretty exited for the Switch for the same reason.
Oh Quentin, I wonder who was a bigger and sadder attention whore, him or Midget Tears
What happened to them anyway? Did Midget Tears fall in to a chest high barrel and never got out?
Quit being a grammar faggot on the internet.
Outside of a few games I cant think of much that use the N3DS additions in meaningful ways
It's not about grammar. He entirely left out the part about what his position was.
You can already do both of those things on a stock 3DS (2DS is identical specs-wise), native GBA installs are supported and SNES titles can be emulated at full speed with an SNES9x build. Need CFW though, only way to get GBA games otherwise is to be an Ambassador.
Also, N3DS pros/cons:
+ Increased specs all-around
+ Head-tracking for the 3D effect
+ Circle Pad Pro built in, C-nub and ZL/ZR buttons
+ NFC reader/writer built in for amiibos
+ Comes with a MicroSD Management app for wireless networking and mucking with your SD card's files
+ SNES Virtual Console
Now the bads for N3DS:
- Only a few games actually use or necessitate those increased specs; only N3DS exclusives are SNES titles, Xenoblade Chronicles, and a shitty Binding of Isaac Rebirth port
- C-nub is inferior to the CPP's second circle-pad, but it can be mitigated a bit if you tear out the rubber nub and replace it with a laptop's track-nub or a PSP-1000's analog pad (I have the latter and it works a charm, system still closes fine)
- MicroSD Management is included because it is a pain in the asshole to take your SD card out; N3DS only takes microSD, and can only be put into a slot inside the back of the system. You need to take the back-plate off each and every time you take it out, unless you just keep the back-plate off constantly
- SNES Virtual Console is still gimpy in what it can and can't emulate because it doesn't have support for several chips (though to be fair SNES9x's cia build has this problem as well)
Overall my advice is to find one second-hand, and make good and sure it's pirate-capable (lower than 11.0 firmware) so you can downgrade it and set up a CFW. If you already have a 3DS to any capacity it's not worth the out-of-the-box $300 price-tag.
I don't give a fuck. I don't wear a fedora and try to look "classy," I look like a ratty biker thug who doesn't shower and that's what I am. I'm going to get an "Anime desu-troyed my life" bumper sticker and put it on my motorcycle helmet or car.
You missed that the WiFi antenna on N3DS is WAYYYY fucking faster.
I haven't noticed any effective difference between the 2DS and N3DS's wifi, but there again I don't play online terribly much or even really use wifi for anything beyond Swapdoodle and Socketpunch.
The only thing the 2DS has over the 3DS is the quality of the buttons. 2DS has sturdier buttons that are harder to mess up. Apparently the 3DS models all have this thin reactive plastic film that as it gets dirty causes the buttons to be less responsive and eventually either stop working or cause you to bach the fuck out of them.
I meant bash the fuck out of them. Polite sage for my spelling mistake while on my mobile phone.
I personally love the 2ds. The 3d gimmick doesn't interest me, and its cheaper then the 3ds.