Are there any games worth playing on this? I just found out that it's backwards compatible and I'm playing Bayonetta but, I don't want it to become a paperweight.
It was an early gift and I don't really see anything on PC that I want to play.
Have you tried the new gears of war or the new halo?
Killer Instinct? I dunno, I didn't play it
It come with all 4 gears of war but i only really liked 1 and 3. Judgement was so shit that I stopped caring. I'll try 4 later.
I tried at my friends house when it first came out and it was nice I'll probably use it to fill the hole until Tekken 7 comes out
If it ever does
Short answer?
Long answer?
Actually, can't you sell it? Or are you obligated to keep it?
There is nothing exclusive to the box that is worth the purchase.
If you don't care about Halo there isn't much I think.
If I had an XBONE I'd get the Rare Collection and a bunch of 360 games that ran like shit on my PS3 like RDR and Bayonetta.
Get a PS4 instead, my dude.
Its from my uncle who talk and sometimes buys me vidya since I was a kid, I love him as if he was my brother and I haven't left humanity behind yet so I'll keep it.
This is the boat I'm in right now. Hopefully I can find something that's worth keeping it plugged in.
I didn't know they made a Rare collection, i'll pick it up
It has REmake I guess, but other things have that so it's a moot point
As I was looking up the Rare collection I found out that Rash is in the new Killer Instinct. I'll grab that too.
But I already played Bloodbourne.
Oh, alright then hope you find something then
Trust me, if you can find games to play on this piece of shit you can find a couple games on ps4. I know it goes against memespeak but it's true.
And no, im not giving a list simply because it'll read like this
The only game I play on it is Halo: MCC, so if not a paperweight, it is a very expensive Halo machine.
Lost Odyssey is free right now, if you like old school jrpgs at all.
Rare Replay a fucking great deal if you have any love for old Rare games, only big things missing are Goldeneye and their stuff with actual Nintendo characters.
Besides that, if you have Live, the free games are hit or miss. But you keep them regardless of when you stop getting Live, so even just getting a few months is normally worth it if it nets you a few games you wanted to play anyway.
Sunset Overdrive is a fun little game, at least worth the nothing it probably costs right now. Master Chief Collection is obvious if you like Halo or just want to splitscreen with a few buddies. KI is damn good, but not for everyone (I respect it, but I never really liked the KI combo structure), and there are a handful of fighters of worth that are backwards compatible (mostly just the digital stuff like Soul Calibur 2 HD). A lot of other things are also on other systems, but the xbone plays most of them about as well (check Digital Foundry for specific titles if you're unsure).
Not sure what else to recommend without knowing you. Enjoy you're xbone, it's not nearly as terrible as we all first assumed it would be. Though this whole generation is pretty weak sauce anyway. Last gen kicked its ass across the board.
How good is your PC? Upgrade it.
Other wise, save your money. Xbone is a paperweight. I got one last year and realized
Then built a PC, of which I use to play hentai games.
Now that's a mememobile.
That looks pretty good. I'm not a big fan of racing games but customizing is always fun
I love RPGs and Lost odyssey looks good. What am I in for?
My pc is fine but it is due for an upgrade. Are there any PC only games that are worth playing? I just emulate ps2 and dreamcast games really.
A mostly classic JRPG game, I remember a few game sites shitting on it for playing this way but if you like these types of games you'll enjoy it. You may or may not be on the verge of tears because of the short stories.
It's made by a lot of the old Final Fantasy creators, so turn based battles, long playtime, lots of secrets, amazing production values. Status effects are overall VERY effective, different attack types have a major effect in combat, and you'll be doing more than just mashing A to attack during boss fights, it normally will give you a reason to think. The same company also made Blue Dragon, which isn't free, but is backwards compatible now as well. I can't comment much on that, because I only played the demo. But it has the most badass boss music.
I still can't believe it's Uriah Heep from Deep Purple singing it though.
It I just started to download it
How did you know it was free? When I went to the game page it said show price and when I did it then said free.
Fuck no. It's fucking TRASH.
I saw an article about it being free the other day. It's in celebration of 300 backwards compatible titles, I think.
I'm still hoping they start doing original Xbox titles for backwards compatibility, and finally bring Metal Wolf Chaos to America. But, it seems doubtful.
They dropped Xbox HUEG compatibility and downloads completely on the 360 didn't they? I only got San Andreas and Ninja Gaiden Black
I hope so too, I would love to play Breakdown and JSRF again.
Yeah, if something isn't backwards compatible on the 360 by now, it never will be. I check on Xbox HUEG emulation every few months, but it's a mysterious beast so progress is slow. And I figure anything that Microsoft themselves couldn't get running on the 360 (since a lot of it was just about which titles were easiest to emulate) probably isn't a great sign that it'll be an easy title to emulate once xbox emulation is actually decent.
So for now there are still a few decent reasons to have a modded original xbox, if you really love a few of those particular games.
Forza Horizon 3.
Forza Horizon 3.
With this day and age of anti-patriotism? No.
ReCore is pretty good if you can get it on sale, though wait for the update next year to play it.
Gears 4 is good for local co-op.
Rare Replay is a no-brainer.
Forza Horizon 3 is pretty fantastic, PC port is shit and W10 only.
Halo 5 has decent multiplayer.
I haven't touched my Sunset Overdrive yet, but it's cheap.
Ori & the Blind Forest DE is also on PC but Xbone has a physical copy which is great.
Raiden V is available digitally though you can import it too.
Like others have said, BC is good. Honestly, that's the main reason to get an Xbone right now.
Thanks for the list and nice games. Also whats BC?
This is the best and only Xbone exclusive. I hear Killer Instinct is pretty good too
Back-Compat, aka 360 games.
Most of the 360 games worth a shit are there now. All we really need are some more shmups and Vanquish and we're golden.
What kind of porn do you have there son? The one in the black box.
You talking about this?
My Jap is nowhere near stellar but is that Ni No Kuni?
ni no cunny was awful
Shit I didn't think it was that.
The DS version is better and more interesting. You have a fucking 250pg book you have to consult throughout the game.
I miss big ass manuals
That shit was worth the $16 I spent on a new copy.
Last I checked the price is rising, if you ever want to own a copy get it NOW.
$16 new for a DS game? That's fucking good, where did you get yours?
Backwards Compatibility would be my guess.
I saw an article about it mentioning how they wanted to finish up the 360 stuff before moving into the OG xbox bc:
“We’re not looking at original Xbox games on Xbox One yet. Right now the focus is making more Xbox 360 games work. [It would be] certainly very challenging. Getting Xbox 360 games to work was incredibly challenging and really a multi-year engineering investment. Going all the way back to the original certainly would challenge the team.”
Then also this bit:
Due to developers paying attention to the last-gen’s catalog, it makes sense that original Xbox games on the Xbox One won’t be happening immediately, but Ybarra stated that the backward compatibility engineering team does like tackling a tough problem. Regarding the matter, he said, “I’m sure they would love that one as an opportunity to go look at”.
That article was a year old though, and according to Phil Spencer (Back in October 2016) on twitter:
"We haven't ruled it out but we aren't working on it right now. I'd like to find the time to do it."
Amazon. Not, just Amazon.
It's $40 now, and still rising. Due to the unique nature of the game, complete copies are going to be hella rare in the future.
that sounds so fucking entertaining i'm going to go buy this garb- i mean """game""" right now.
does the book have a magic spell to make the game not repetitive, "way-too-slow-paced-for-an-RPG"-shit?
Ah shit, it might be too high for me, I'm a poorfag and a cheap bastard to boot.
This is a thread for video games, faggot.
Same, inside the Gears of War 4 case was just a paper with download codes for the other gears games.
Keep in mind the price will only get higher from here on out. It's very likely the game will be lost to time, due to the book.
I know, it's killing me.
I wanted to laugh at you OP for buying a console for old games but I did the same with the PS3. Modern videogames are mostly shit. Had more fun with Xenogears than any Bethesda or Bioware game of the last 5 years.
I didn't buy iy, it was a gift, the reason I asked for game is for exclusives. I don't think they count though seeing as the xbone games are cross buy on win 10 but I'm not getting win 10.
Its not just an Xbone thing, fucking everything does that and they just force you through long annoying tutorials. They've even been doing it since Modern Warfare 2.
How is the Xbone anyways? I got a Pisspoor and I just wonder whats different.
You can play most 360 games on it and they give actual games with gold instead of indie shit.
Rare Replay.
Sounds good, especially physical backwards compatability instead of PS Now.
I swear everytime someone on this board admits they have a console they always say they got it as gift
Did Santa skip your house?
tippy toppers jejmaster.
Just admit you brought a console
Platinum's supposed to be coming out with some RPG next year. Dunno how that's gonna work out. Other than that, you're fucked.
If you feel like getting a current gen console, get a Wii U instead. Has the most exclusives despite performing like shit.
Holy fuck at least try.
Maybe if you weren't a fag people would do nice things for you too.
People do get fucking gifts you know. When they're on Santa's good list
But anyone who does lie probably just doesn't want to deal with "hurr hurr console war bullshit!" all day long. It's not 2007 cuckchan here, we shouldn't give a fuck what someone else is playing THEIR games on, unless it's a game you want to play multiplayer with people from Holla Forums and you need to know platform to find other players. Since Mark isn't just going to ban every faggot who spouts console war shit, people just naturally distance themselves from it. Which is fucking lame, but would you really rather just every thread be a pissing contest about platforms, or would you rather talk about GAMES?
Take this post here:
it's fanboy as fuck. WHO THE FUCK CARES ABOUT THIS POSTERS OPINION ON THE WII U? Someone in a thread about the Wii U or Wii U games, probably. Not someone asking for games they might enjoy on the Xbone. I think a lot of the problem is that people see a thread, any thread, and feel obligated to give some opinion, even they know it's useless.
I'm just telling him that if he wants a console with exclusives, he's better with something that's not an Xbox fucking ONE. All it has is multiplats and Halo.
Why bother getting a Wii U when the emulator is progressing well?
Who cares. He's not asking "should I get a Xbone", he HAS an Xbone. And as points out, Wii U emulation is happening right now, there is a thread in the catalog about it even.
If anyone really needs a Wii U, the time to get it will also not be now, it'll be in a few months, when stores are trying to get rid of them to make room for the Switch. Wii Us will be cheap as fuck in not too long.
But emulators are shit, especially on a console where half the games make use of the Gamepad.
And he's asking for good Xbone games. There are none. If he wants a console with good exclusives, fucking sell that Xbone and get LITERALLY ANYTHING else. PS4, Vita, A FUCKING OUYA. Anything else would work.
I already have a pc and have the Wii U emulator. Also the wii Us are still around $250 for some reason or $100 on ebay with just the console and nothing else.
Can you spout more fanboy bullshit? I'm done replying to you, I'll assume you were "pretending" to be retarded. Otherwise you are exactly what I described as being wrong with Holla Forums: autistic fucks who feel obligated to toss in their unrelated opinions.
"But emulators are shit' my ass.
Why doesn't MS sell ITX versions of the Xbone's case?
Some games are hit or miss but other than that I play ps2 games just fine, also the games I'm playing on the wii u emulator don't need the game pad like Mario Kart and Bayonetta 2
I have a ps4 and there's nothing on there that catches my attention. Bloodbourne was nice but what else does it have?
I hacked my vita and play Odin sphere at work.
Now you're getting silly, what is so bad about the xbone?
OG Xbox BC on 360 isn't emulation, they ported the binaries (same with 360 BC on Xbox One afaik)
I figure MS just never bothered with most games that they couldn't get to run properly by just recompiling the executable code.
Hmm, if OG Xbox emulation can do games that never got to the 360, that will be damn interesting. Still sadly a few years off at least.
There's also console exclusive multiplats that were much better on Xbox, it would be worthy for them too.
Use it to play all of your guilty pleasures so no one would know
just fucking kill me