Games that trigger Holla Forums

What are some games that you can't even have a discussion about without some user needing to say how shit he thinks it is?

I'll start:

Nice shitposting thread, OP.


That was just one casual-ass bitch, not enough anons to be described as 'anons.'

Pretty sure morrowind was also quite well-liked out here.

Everything else sounds like fair game though.

bl2 is absolute shit, the only remotely good guns are sniper rifles, every other gun either has the damage and accuracy of pissing in the wind or makes a shitty sound that could be improved by dubbing over it yourself.

EYE and Morrowind at least have impressive followings on here, yeah. There are those occasional fags who complain about the difficulty curve and that's why I listed them.

as much as I hate the humor in BL2, half the cast and over half the missions, the game itself is decently fun, has great art, and some of the launchers and pistols are usable

Dubs thread?


The guns were shit, and if your game's tagline includes 'a bazillion guns,' and those guns aren't fun to use, the game is shit.
Therefore, borderlands 2 is shit.



Blizzard games

retards roll in and start shitposting when they see it. Typically the post is from someone who once played the game and has all kinds of bad things to say about it and they shit up the thread.


Why??? My peanus weeenus of course xDDddD

grr blizzard and their custom maps did the assfaggots but ill just ignore that ea actually brought and killed many rts studios

torgue shotguns are ok


If you don't mind repetitive missions and monotonous gameplay.
The art was straight-up ripped off a short movie. They even got in contact with the maker of the movie and blew him off (they also didn't pay him) after he got involved.


Wrong bideo, still fits, OP's a kike.

any video game.

tf2classic died quicker than expected

Yet another redditor unpopular opinions thread, so yet another dubs thread


But Jason Grant will forever live in our hearts.