I want Ape Escape to come back

how do we make Sony realize Ape Escape was great?

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A large petition


There was already one

Are you fucking retarded?
They already managed to fuck a damn AE2 rerelease.what more do you want?

I just want a fourth game with all the 4 protags playable

Last one they did was a 3rd person shooter on PSP.
Then they did a VR thing.

Let it die, enjoy older games/ports/emulation, or work hard with AGDG to make a game with simillar gameplay but a new IP.

UK dub is superior to US dub.

Last one was a PS move thing

also, why is no one working on a fanmade game?

That's doable but I very much doubt the people who were in charge of the original Ape Escape games would be working on the new one. Honestly, would you rather reminisce and replay dated but good games or have a new Ape Escape game made by people who don' t understand what made it so good ruin the series?

It's in the same limbo as Gex, forever to remain dead with little to no chance of a modern studio fucking it up.

Can't they just hire fans like how SEGA is doing with Sonic?

Not fucking it up. Also Conker's in that limbo too.

I just realized: Do ANY modern AAA games use cartoony aminals any more?

3D models are hard- especially when you're doing it for free.
Plus, idea-guys only follow up 1/10 and even then 1/10 of that make something, then 1/10 of that is worth a damn.
So the less you have working on it, the worse the chance of success.

I just remembered of this shit image

Not here in the west, no. The age of collectathons and Sonic knockoffs ie "animals with 'tude" are long past. Also helps that Rare was completely gutted by Microsoft's acquisition, though there's that Yooka-Laylee coming out by ex-Rare staff under their own studio that looks quite promising.

At least the Bayonetta and Rayman games in that image was good.
Star Fox WiiU is fine once you get used to the controls.

Would you really want them to? These days, any game with anthropomorphic characters is guaranteed to instantly attract the furries. Then they shit up any and every discussion/community around the game and scare everyone else away until the developers are basically forced to pander to them while the game dies.

email them lolis

I emulated it recently and it wasn't as fun as I remember it being. It's like a collectathon with shitty to no platforming and every gadget gets used the same way over and over again and every monkey is caught the same way over and over again.

Don't forget the others

Sony is too mature for such things. Grey washed out movies are all mature devs make, we as an industry have surpassed the immature idea of fun.

I've heard through various (unsourced) posts/people that furries will make you mad bank, or at least do free advertising. You can make the animals as wholesome and innocent and possible- and degenerates will maintain wikis and spread news of your product.

i want to play as lolis in a silly cartoon video game

shoot friend, you dont need unsourced sources to know thats 100% true.

Yeah, but when they start the sentence "When I did marketing at college/university, they said-" I typically treat it as bullshit.

But yeah, porn helps advertise.

If anything, they might be gauging this shit by pushing that Crash remake out.

I noticed the Vita was the first PlayStation console to not have an AE title

Does Ratchet & Clank count as AAA?

There's still a Sonic game every now and then.

That's about it though unless Yooka Laylee and the Crash remasters bring it back.

Couldn't disagree more. It's got a significant amount of platforming, more than things like Banjo and Conker, or even Spyro. Especially by the end of the game. And as you get further, more and more monkeys become more unique and difficult encounters. Each one is like a miniboss.

Monkey's paw, user. They could always bring it back the way they're finally bringing back Arc the Lad and Wild Arms: Being rebooted for the mobile phone audience because they're apparently not worthy of being continued on Sony's own systems.
