Tell me about your new year resolutions, Holla Forums.
Tell me about your new year resolutions, Holla Forums
Other urls found in this thread:
To stop being lazy at Touhou and finally get those runs.
to jack off to Sally Acorn more often
Make my dream RPG game and have people play it.
to masturbate less
to masturbate to less degenerate things
to finish more games on the backlog rather than playing time sinks
Honestly I don't know. I don't think you should wait until new news to make a change for the better.
lol look at this faggg
Just gonna grind the Nipponese until I'm fluent. It's gonna take a lot of grinding. I've supposedly studied around 200 kanji characters, according to anki, but I feel like I still know next to nothing. Only time will tell if I'm actually learning or not.
The american one is poorly done but I fucking love the European one, really caught what made these movies posters
im going to go outside and meet people.
i'm going to mag fest next week. hopefully I'll die in a car crash on my way there.
Get dubs on every thread.
Also play more than the same two games
First failure of current year.
do you guys have a fetish for roaches or something?
Let me help you famallama.
Give up my wizard study.
But think of the power!
I'm going for a different type of power over others.
Failed twice! God ain't done with me yet.
I'd rather have my film posters be "poorly done" rather than my country, you cuck faggot.
Write my novel
Build a Zen + Vega linux gaymen machine.
Basically stop wasting so much time playing vidya and shitposting on anonymous messageboards
Narrator from War for the Overworld said to me that my new year resolution must be to stop playing other video games.
Not joking.
[email protected]/* */, same as last year. Think I might hook up my other 1080p monitors to my desktop and make it a triple monitor setup, though.
I'd like to stop being a fat fuck and lose weight but I have no self-control.
Stop being a lazy shit and draw more, git gud at shmups, learn how to do 3d models to make fun low poly stuff, that's pretty much it
That was my get. It's good luck for my resolution.
Thanks. You fucked entire 2017, how do you feel about it? Commies will make revolution in russia now.
I guess to learn more Japanese and play old games
If they make revolution, they'll die, kill countless others, and the world will be reminded of why communism is shit. If you ask me, we need a lot of reminders in the current year.
To have sex with a female. The youngest I can get
get /fit/
get a job at a non-profit organization
get a car
Start the fire.
Finally beat Rune Factory 4
I can tell you right now that won't happen
No Fap full year
Come up with a username and stick with it the whole year. I've been changing usernames over and over for the past two years and I'm getting sick of it. What's wrong with me?
Finally get around to my ps3 backlog. For the hell of it I grabbed the last part of FF-Xlll lightning returns for shits and giggles as I have the first 2 already and it was a christmas gift anyways so no loss there.
Just keep trying to finish shit in my backlog, thats all I can hope for.
no fapping until I get into shape and to purchase an onahole when I reach my goal as a reward.
to be a better artist than a girl i despise on the internet
and get my head pat
Are you a gril user?
will you pet my head
If you're a gril, probably.
thank you
kys nintoddler
shit taste satan
To finish my fucking cartoon.
Oh wait.
I have to finish it before midnight.
There's only 1 hour and 40 minutes left.
Why am I on fucking Holla Forums.
I think this requires some sauce.
I wanna fuck that cat satan.
you could pet my head instead
Truly plebe taste.
This is my lifes work, and It's taken me 6months to just do 100 frames of storyboard.
I am trying so hard to do this in the next hour and a half.
then stop replying to me and work on your thing!!!!
Post it when you are done faggot. Ill be waiting.
Yeah I will
Why do you have to finish it by 2017?
To jack off less so I can spend more time with actual hobbies.
To finally get a job.
To go outside the house more even if my town is kind of boring.
Exercise and drink more water.
Play more vidya and accumulate less of a backlog.
I'm sitting here playing Playstation 4 through Xbox Live on my Windows 10 PC.
I am well past the point of no return. Making a resolution now would be pointless. The cancer has spread too far, and too deep. I don't have long left.
Get back to college.
You having fun?
I'd be having more fun if Microsoft would let me upload pictures of PS4 games to Xbox Live. I can edit the tags to let me to do it, but I'm sure enough people will get so butt-blasted that I don't dare do it on an account I don't want banned.
My cousin loaned me his PS4 and I was playing Bloodborne, I liked it and bought the expansion for it only to find out on my account I made for myself I lose my old saves from his profile. Dunno why Sony did this but I have to start over, I was 80% done the game grinding out Chalice dungeons so I could get the later ones for 27% phys gems for my weapons but hell I can rebuild my character this way I guess 50 STR/VIT it is with the rest in skill and bloodtinge at least I get access to MLGS, and pizza cutter.
I wish it had a PC port I actually like designs for things and level design is far better, he uses levels against you not fucking gankfests like DaS3 and early enemies aren't anywhere as bad as late game ones
I'm going to become my waifu.
You using rope, a gun, or something else?
I'm thinkin' i'll go the worst way of all: Time.
I didn't even get close to finishing on time.
And to answer your question, Personal goal
*notice me*
To shitpost less
We've had 1920x1080 for over a decade, user. It's 2017! Get with the times.
Finish the games I start
Lick my girlfriend til she cums
Drink less to avoid a similar fate to my uncle
Stop being so cynical about the future of vidya while remaining aware of poor ethics among developers
Keep on top of everything with my job
Make sure my nephew grows up healthy and under good care
Quit smoking
Play more VR stuff
Upgrade processor and motherboard asap
I used to live in a boring town too. It's not that bad once you start getting to know people and going to small events they hold.
To get /fit/
To quit fapping cold turkey
To finish a bunch of falcom vidya I hadn't played before
To quit procrastinating and start working on my game dev to make the vidya/mods I want to play.
Not a single one
This. And quitting sugar. I hope maybe it'll make me enjoy games again
At least you recognize it's cancer. The people with zero self awareness are the ones ruining the quality here.
Happy New Year, faggot.
To check your trips
To welcome Trump's reign of terror happiness and good things on cucks
To cut talmudvision out once and for all
To learn how to make my own games so I can join in on the uncuckening
The Game
Save games are locked to your account. Apparently this is to prevent cheating or piracy, or something stupid like that.