Controller Aiming

Does anyone else pull the trigger while doing a sweeping motion?

im absolutely shit at console shooters. but no, i just make erratic failed attempts at precise aiming.

I don't rest the controller on my fingers, so when I move the stick my fingers don't have to be in any particular position.
Are you using a Dualshock 3? If you aren't used to Sony controllers with analog triggers that can happen.

I should have mentioned i do it for sniping.

look ar rhi

I see now. I thought your controller was uncomfortable to hold, so that when you moved the sticks the pressure would pull the trigger.
Moving your crosshair over the enemy while shooting is one of the best ways to do it. That way you don't have to worry about your thumb/hand motion and just have to time the shot. It works well with a mouse too, but from my experience not so much with a Steam Controller pad or trackball.

are you okay

Hang yourself with the wire, pleb. Oh wait, your shitty controller doesn't have one.

yeah when i move my guncon around, I sometimes pull the trigger.

No matter what you do the game is always helping you unless you are playing a PC FPS with a controller for some sick reason.

We know

No, that's an unnatural reaction, probably a sign of either an incoming stroke or a degenerative neural disease.

Kind of. I generally just keep the crosshairs at roughly neck/head level and then use the left-stick for fine aiming via movement - or keep it at roughly navel/nutsack level if I do a lot of hopping around.

Works alright, except during turret sections where you're locked into a stationary position and can't move. Then I'm fucked.

thank's doc

When I am playing Awesomenauts with my brother, I tend to move my aim up and in a quarter-circle, stopping when I reach my enemy.



Not even once.


what a really shitty thread, the worst even

If this thread was a person, it would be DSP