Why didn't anyone tell me you could just uncheck all this shit and not have it show up anymore in Steam's store?
Why didn't anyone tell me you could just uncheck all this shit and not have it show up anymore in Steam's store?
You can uninstall steam and then nothing shows up. It's great.
Sorry, I actually like playing video games.
Because most of us assume you aren't retarded enough not to check settings.
Then play them. Steam is not necessary.
It kind of is.
You… you can? Where?
Show people other places to get PC games without the obvious pirate thing instead of just saying it isn't nessesary.
I'll start, Gog.com.
They just added a preferences button to the top of the store page where it says highlighted deals. At least I think they just added it because I've never seen it before today.
For what?
It's been there since last summer.
What if it was always there, but just in another dimension that you just woke up to today?
which universe are you in, the Berenstein or Berenstain universe?
GoG doesn't provide me with a nice client to organize all my games, a nice in-game overlay so I can use a browser or talk to friends without tabbing out, a friends list with text messaging, Steam workshop, profiles that let you filter games to what both you and a friend own, or community groups.
I'm still going to blame them.
Why without piracy?
Oh you're a yuppie.
All of that is not necessary to play video games, user.
Protip, make a fuckin' new folder and when it asks where to download, redirect it to that folder.
Bam, instant organization. Do you not know how to organize?
But for what games? I don't care about your autistic overlays.
because it's a cheap-o answer and I want people to actually think. Before you go off on me, I have no issue with piracy, I just hate it when people give obvious answers.
I honestly want to know the alternatives myself. If a normalfag asks, you don't tell him go pirate it, you tell him a better site then steam to steadily throw him down the rabbit hole to piracy and out of casualfagness.
Who gives a shit
For every game.
"[game name] + torrent"
Go back to cuckchan you foddamn faggot, no one cares about your personal blog series.
unlike you I actually like having friends that don't have shit taste, and some people need education in order to flourish.
Okay? How is whether or not you torrent relevant?
Jeez user, did you get triggered because someone has friends?
Should've said that when talking about normalfags you were talking about yourself.
Enjoy your ban and re-enter cuckchan forever, don't come back.
So why haven't you uninstalled your OS ?
heres a meme
gog galaxy
Isn't that just a download manager?
It's one less eyesore.
No, not "Okay…?", you ellipses using piece of shit cuntnugget, fuck off and kill yourself. You're not welcome here.
Calm down bro lmao
why are you even buying games on steam to begin with? download shit from GOG and use launchbox if you're too autistic to organize shit
Please tell me you just copy pasted this from reddit
Just kill yourself already. It's not that difficult.
I would, but I'm having too much fun with all these videos games that I actually enjoy playing.
First of all, you could get another monitor, second, does it hurt so much to alttab out? ever heard about borderless window? Now about chatting with friends: ever heard about Discord or Skype? Did you know you can use them in your phone in case your mental handicap doesn't permit your body to alt tab?
Same above applies
Can't disagree with this one.
Btw, I like steam, I just wanted to point your bullshit.
Where's the checkbox for the animu bullshit games?
I have five monitors in my room. I don't think you understand how window focus and cursor lock works.
Yes. It's very annoying to constantly tab out because you're talking to someone.
Not every game has it.
No in-game overlay. Skype is garbage that I refuse to have installed on my machine.
I'd rather type with a keyboard, thanks.
You misspelled "paying".
Remember, it's not across the road, but down the highway.
why would you need a third party program to organize your games you absolute retard? you sacrifice your privacy AND the actual ownership of your games for a pretty window, that's whats really happening when you use steam.
how hard is it to just install all of your games in a "games" folder in your D:\ drive or E:\ drive and just make shortcuts to your desktop? or maybe put them in a dropdown list in your start menu, thats essentially all steam does but prettier, and you stupid fucks eat that shit up. there is no excuse to use steam other than being a gullible goyim.
Sounds like someone's basic-functionally retarded, and it's not the guys at gog.
That doesn't make any sense, even if you were trying to imply that I pay for most of my games.
Video games are not for velveeta chugging zero class faggot losers. Kill yourself and your family responsible for the sad fucking state of yourself.
Enjoyment of cheeses is a white person gourmand hobby user. It would be superior to playing videogames and less degenerate
Not the same user, but I buy games on Steam not for the launcher, but because I want to buy digital and Steam is convenient. If GoG has the same game at the same price, I'll buy there though.
Because steam is reddit central, go there if you want tips of that kind.
There are just as many tards who can't into computers on imageboards
Can anyone explain why Holla Forums is so autistic about Steam? I never understood this meme.
I don't know if you're just an ironic shitposter or genuinely thinking you fit in by spewing nonsense hoping everyone is as new as you, but one way or another get out.
But you very clearly are.
Over Christmas threads people were posting their steam accounts and half of them were part of r/pcmasterrace steam group.
Well if you're going to count it by majority yeah, Holla Forums is reddit and has been for a while.
In reality the purge can't come soon enough
Shit update.
I like steam for screenshots.
There's also a "Customize" link that lets you filter specific tags now. I noticed a jump in game quality after blocking "Female Protagonist".
So you're one of those twitchy kids with severe ADD, who can't survive unless he's got a television show going, two different video games, two different chat clients, and is doing artwork, and is listening to music in one ear and a podcast in the other ear; and at the end of the day has accomplished nothing, watched nothing, and listened to nothing, because all you do is sit in your chair whipping from one task to another every five seconds for eight or ten hours in a retard's delusion that humans can actually productively multitask.
lurk more
Speaking of, where do you get all your torrents user? I know a lot of places are dead now.
That's some pretty specific projecting, user.
It is.
I've probably been here longer than you.
Origin™ is probably the best. The clean user interface and wide range of games has kept me a loyal Origin™ user for years. You can also pick up a great deal at the Store!
Steam's browser is based upon Chrome, and fucking comes to a screeching halt if you load anything other than html. Also hogs resources by sitting idle doing jack shit. A regular browsers can do what you ask if you just alt tab or use borderless full screen windows like a seasonable person would.
10/10 bait, made me reply.
Also forgot to add it cannot be modified and can easily be click jacked by garbage normally blocked by a real browser.
firefox is even worse so yeah, we're on grim times for shitposting now that web browsers are on the list of shit things.
Unless opera is good but i haven't used it
You're like a decade late on that one, pal. Vivaldi might be alright, but I haven't tried it yet.
Denial won't save you from having a panic attack when there's a power outage because your own thoughts terrify you.
Redditors, steam users and furries overlap, a lot.
Firefox can at least be wrangled into a usable state. The steam browser can't have anything changed, only the cache deleted.
Yes, it does. They released it not long ago.
opera is pretty shitty, but at least it's more plug and play and works a lot better than palemoon did (at least for me)
the big thing for me was the built-in VPN in opera dev, since i'm a canadacuck and my ISP blocks/throttles mega and other sites where i pirate taiwanese origami
You see, user
Holla Forums is full of contrarian hipsters
The end
im pretty sure i did tell you
I've used Opera for a few years now. At one point Firefox just became so slow. I decided to upgrade Opera and magic happened. The browser performs a fuck ton faster than Firefox.
Of course I'm sure anons have some different preferences that make them hate this browser but it does everything I want it to do. I also got exhentai to work on it and at that point I just deleted Firefox.
online games ya dingus