
What are some things in video games that instantly hook you? Those sweet opiates that give you the perfect high you want from a game.

For me action games tend to scratch some of those itches
jump cancelling ground combos then bam some air dive kick in the middle is so satisfying.
Bayonetta and DMC are perfect for this, just juggling some enemy for ages while mixing up ground launcher moves.
and of course regardless of game-
It's just so god damn cool

Shit's only looking good with 7 too.

Holy fuck do I love customizing my dudes for any and every kind of situation, and grinding until I have every skill possible

you forgot

Hnnnnngg yes. I played World of Final Fantasy for maybe two or three days straight because of this. Constantly catching and leveling new mirages tickled my autism in the best way. I was also wigged out on adderall for part of it, so that helped.

Everything about bayonetta I loved, the upbeat jazz, the flamboyant characters that were so cliche it went full circle and became cool again, the combat that was easy to learn but hard to master, witch time, etc.



Building, wiring etc.

Shit that lets me put my brain against the brain of another player. Smashing them in that regard makes my dick hard.

I remember my autistic financial fight for Redstone domination in autismblocks back in the day. Populated server, full vanilla, the only plugins were those for griefing protection.

As a result, the economy was fully diamond-driven. That enabled me to create machines that sold enchanted tools, potions that were brewed on the spot, and actual casinos that were rigged to win 60% of the time.

At the point where I got banned for being anti-SJW, I amassed about 10'000~ diamonds, after about a year of jewery.

The entire server was wired to my whim, every corner had a vending machine, I bought out plots for hundreds of diamonds at a time, simply because I felt like it was a good spot to put up another contraption.

The largest payment I made was 2000 diamonds, to a guy that owned a 300x300 plot in the middle of the city. Used to be a park with trees… Now it was a "horse" racing ring, with automated "AI" to randomize winning, with the house always betting on a random horse.

One-armed bandits, shooting arcades, parkour courses with randomly shifting routes…

Fucking Christ, it got to point where I was more intuitive with Redstone than I am with programming languages I use.

Good times. Too bad it will probably never happen again. I'm working on a game that will let it happen again. Just not sure if I ever actually finish it.

Also one thing I've seen before that I haven't seen since: player dimensions in RIFT. Each player gets a small instance to themselves to decorate, etc, etc. One guy bought a gigantic one and built a platforming maze in it for new players to traverse. If they beat it, he gave them some money to get started. It was pretty elaborate and was a really interesting form of community interaction.

I like when you can dress up characters. Being /fa/ is fun.

Sauce on the animoo?


You should play Blacklight Retribution. it covers all of the following:

You should really mention that BR is grind2unlock (like LoL) with a massive emphasis on the grinding.

fuck, I forgot. They fucked up recently and jacked up all the perm prices. I had everything unlocked before they did that. I have no idea why they did it; the last thing an on-the-verge-of-dying game like that needs is to be LESS approachable to newbies

This post reeks of bullshit and fart huffing.

You reek of baseless assumptions and acne

I wish I could befriend that kid.

The fact such transparent autism and self-sucking can exist on this board is truly a testament to it's downfall.

sorry you never experienced absolute control


gaems that aged like shit

Gayest post on the site, bar none.

Followed by something cool happening.

It can be some massive, gamechanging thing, such as learning to pogo in arena FPS games. It can be something moderately cool, like making displays show ship stats in Space Engineers. It can even be something completely useless, like how mashing B while walking in the new Pokemon games makes your character trip.

You a nigga that needs to play RBO with a full agi/dex build.

Thats all i ask for from a game

Attacking on the move with akimbo weapons. DMC, Warframe, Seraph.

Cockpit views. And if a game could benefit from them and does not have them I feel extremely blue balled.