Kojima will be using the same engine as Killzone Shadow fall & Horizon Zero Dawn
What does Holla Forums think of this?
Death Stranding engine confirm
Other urls found in this thread:
Confirmed shit game
That's good, but unless Japanese Lucas gets someone to keep him in line then it will suck.
Why is that?
I expect a massive circle jerk over the engine like Fox when Fox was nothing special as an engine.
Nah, this one is not a multiplat.
Fox wasn't incredible, but they did optimize it incredibly well, and it looked very good too.
Razofist pls
Fair enough
Oh look, another pleb with no taste for artistic value in video games
Fucking kill yourself
Good joke Facebook frog poster xD.
You can take your citizen kanes of video "games" and shove them up your lose cockhole.
Nice proxy, shlomo
Nice face, kike.
I particularly enjoy the way you switched proxies in 29 seconds. I applaud your shilling efforts.
Nice penis, fag
Holy shit, this is some IP hopping if i've ever saw it before.
First it would need to be confirmed as a GAME.
You'd know, you sucked it yourself.
Has kojima always been this triggering? or was it only after MGSV? Seems like you can't mention his name without people licking his boots or shitting on him. Is he just cool to hate now?
This place is just halfchan but we are allowed to say nigger
People get tired when normalfags want to push their wannabe movie director as an "icon of the industry."
Yeah, get bullied, nerd.
Whens the last time someone created a circle jerk thread to talk about the engine a game is going to be running in?
Also it looks shit and the last few Kojima Games aren't exactly reassuring of the quality of his upcoming game. No Konami didn't fuck MGSV that hard, the final cut chapter wouldn't have saved a single thing.
I think it has something to do with the "video games should be movies" trend that's going on. I personally don't have a problem with him just for the fact that his movie script games are actual games rather than just being walking simulators.
When's the last time a triple a game used a totally new engine for it's game? Although, I don't pay attention to what games use what engine very much so maybe I'm just out of the loop.
The same people who whine about him making movie games in this thread are typically the same people who were super fucking butthurt that MGS:V's story was disappointing.
Daily reminder that Peace Walker is the best metal gear SOLID game
Haha nice bait, literally.
Happens all the time, many games use completely custom engines or new engines entirely that get no discussion, ones much better than this one or Fox. The engine Death Stranding is using is not totally new, so why does it have a thread, because blatant fanboys who only want to gush, there is no discussion to be had but circle jerking over cinematic trailers that don't on any level represent gameplay.
Also if you're right wing this game is obviously about global warming corporate greed and the upcoming oil crisis, enjoy.
>best waifus
literally the best
There's right wing and then there's being a fucking ignorant retard.
Don't do this user, we all know that the retard from the webm thread is gonna come and start posting his fucking infographs all over the place.
I played Killzone. It was extremely good graphically, and optimized for ps4. Too bad multiplayer was filled with children.
That was one of the actually worthy ps4 exclusive on top of all garbage the console had, almost crysis 3 level of graphics.
Too late motherfucker.
Except global warming is just a kike power grab to justify mass sterilization of whites and a UN occupation of white nations, followed by all-out genocide.
Go play some pachinko, konami. While you still can.
You have to be from /lefty/pol, not even the stormiest of stormfags would be that stereotypical.
Go play with your son, kojima, oh wait, he hates you.
When did I say I didn't believe in global warming?
And? Its not 60 fps game, never was. Almost everything made for ps4 is designed to work on 30 fps. You will still get death stranding for PC in full 60, don't worry.
It's a shooter.
And? Driveclub is a fucking racing and its still fine on 30 fps with enough motion blur.
Oh and by the way
No need to, all kojima "games" can be capped at 24 fps and no one would be able to tell the difference.
I see. Your anime is more important. Go masturbate to it, show how progressive you are in your love to pink haired tattoed dykes, which are drawn by tumblr-tier degenerates from pixiv.
Anime is 5 fps at most.
Damn I love my job
That's five higher than the PS4 can manage
I summon evil spirits to cleanse this thread.
Six higher if it's an intense moment
This game is literally only hype and Kojima is a hack. At least with MGSV I was looking forward to it tying up the story nicely. With this there's absolutely no reason to care.
but it really doesn't look good
do i really need to fir up.y pc to show you?
projection is not a valid counter argument
Implying rising not best metal gear
I would prefer if you improved your grammar, spaz.
Hi konami
Any game that comes out should be designed for 1000fps, 30fps is just bullshit no matter the context
More effort.
It looks like shit. GTA V looks better.
Fuck off Soros and Gore.
trumpcuck trumpcuck where's your buck?
Wew lad.
On my bank account?
There's no proof for it, none, nada, zer0.
Loved the trailer, but I've got a bad feeling the game is going to go full cinematic experience. 4 was a cinematic experience, but at least when it let you play it it was a game. I have a feeling the western influence will turn this into something closer to Uncharted.
It's going to be The Last of Us for both Japanese and Western audience.
Maybe a more grittier and horror filled Last of Us.
I hope it's good, but Kojima depends on who works around him. Usually he gets talented people to make his ideas possible, so there will be some good gameplay features or whatever, but I fear that the story will be pants on head retarded, which might be the biggest let down and possibly what makes it a meh game.
If MGSV story was a precedent, then we can expect what's to come.
It's an exclusive for the PS4 according to Kojima's contract and its running on Sony's engine.
Kojima has never made a single game that was good.
I really hope this game isn't a horror game or anything, or at least has some satisfying gameplay.
And I hope that MGSV has taught Kojima that cutting down on cutscenes and codec calls that pause the game is a good thing and not a bad thing.
Will it do the same 960x1080 resolution thing Shadowfall did for multiplayer?
Man I sure hope Anita destroys this cunt
Wrong, it is Guarila's engine. Not Sony's
Still that company is owned by Sony right?
Not 100%. If they are smart the engine is probably in there own hands.
This Kojita guy sure is a cunt
No "if", only "when"
This was confirmed awhile ago.
Where have you been that Fox was a circle jerk? All I've ever read is people whom can't into the fact that the Fox engine was the primary reason MGSV development took so long and that it was going to be used for all their games in the future and maybe even give it out as a devkit. Then pachinko happened.
Considering that other engines Fox would be competing with for use as a dev tool to make games (RPG maker, Unity, that something something Sphere, Game Maker) it would blow the competition right out of the water.
But since we don't have the source code no one can really judge beyond what you see in MGSV, and the older version for MGR.
NIce quads
Yeah, that seems to be Sony's go to gameplay now, and while he is a good director, if I'm not mistaken he didn't right the first two MGS games which is why the writing quality dropped off after 2.
Kojima is very good with composition and directing, but not much else, and when it comes to making games that was all his team, and if they swapped them out with an in house Sony team we could be in for a really rough ride.
Sorry, I'm not going on much sleep at the moment.
ojamashimasu hideo-kun
no, he's correct. i've been hearing 'white people need to stop having babies because the icecaps are melting' since the mid 1990s.
Did you even play the fucking game? Snake practically fucked anything with an entry or exit point on it's body.
There's no way you're real. Nobody can honestly be so stupid as to think that this is remotely what people are saying.
Funny how the Helghast are so cool looking, and are all over the cover art, yet you barely ever play as them
Well, Kojima does worship (((Hollywood))).
In his defense, though, I think he just doesn't know any better.
He didn't use to be like this, it's like a Snatcher replaced the real Kojima. Why is it that jews cant let any devs alone? Spector, Romero, Shitface, they always turn them into shabbos goyim
Just why. I want to be a space nazi liberating earth for the emperor.
Fuck off nigger spammer
What in the fuck, hold on, am I reading this right?
That engine is pretty good assuming it can output 60FPS on a PS4. Should be even better on actual working hardware.
Big Green is that you?
The graphics were nice. but the gameplay and story was just bad. I felt like it didn't make an impact. That whole franchise had so much potential. I feel it still has much, but we will never see it.
Fuck off with your fake kike science.
kojima is boring.
he's a middle aged man who never made it as a director but keeps trying to be a movie director.
he looks down on all gamers.
is it true Kojima was fucking a little boy thats why Konami dumped him?
fuck off with your channel, faggot
Razorfag is BTFO.
This (((Global Warming))) Is nothing but used as a scheme to rob the goyim out of their money you fucking kike lover.
Unless there's a way to play games by standing around game developers who have standards im pretty sure they need a good game engine in order for it to fucking run, unless you want to gut all the detail.
Not just multiplayer, it ran at that res in SP, too.
FUCK YOU AND YOUR you can't be serious ATTITUDE
spector, romero and shitface have always been fucking faggots.
Wat the fuck is chang kai-shek supposed to do about california legalizing child prostitution?
You'll live to see Holla Forums realize Konami did nothing wrong by firing Kojima
Half of us already saw the light
He was a highly aberrant and degenerate (in the right use of the word) employee, that wasted resources and time beyond
Kojima is clearly a hack as a writer, director and creative anything, but he's was master producer in terms of team management and 1o1 talks
Shame he wasn't even that in MGSV with his Notch-tier escapades
Same shit with PC cucks everyday
So tell me petitionfags, how's that Yakuza port that you've been promising since before 5 came out in the west? Because SEGA likes PC now right? Aaaaany fucking day now, the whole collection. Oh yeah, and Sony will make a PC version of Kojima's shit, with their engine as well, because why the fuck not. You people are delusional, stop breathing in that nvidiot shit.
Fuck off, he's one of the best directors out there.
Fucking disgusting. Just lost any last respect I had for Kojima. Abrams is one of the most rabidly anti-white kikes in Hollywood.
I don't care about this Holla Forums guy but that's true.
Movie director.
I cant believe that the same guy who directed MGS2 is now making friends with the enemy.
Hi Rugga
Now people are defending Pachinkonami because Kojima became a huge faggot? Wow.
>compressed af Pipi the Toad image from KYM or Jewgle Images.
Come back in 4 years and maybe you'll fit in, kike.
If that's true then is that pretty much a confirmation on no PC version?
I'm wondering if the people who replied to this guy are the real retards for falling for a bait this obvious.
Miller in Phantom Pain has such a muscular body. In RL after tortures and starvation he would look like pic related, but in-game Miller has more muscular body than soviet soldiers and Snake
No shit, they'll link this thread directly to their shitty boards so all the cuckchan crossposting scum not unlike can reply to it or derail a thread.
Can't we accept that both fucked up? Kojima overspent and took too long to make the game and even if Konami gave him a blank check and years more, it still likely would have fallen short. Konami obviously imposed typical Japanese worker condition on the studio and cut the budget and dev time short.
So far the only ones I have seen doing that on a regular basis are Holla Forums with the cyclical halfchan raid thread they have up on top of the occasional one they make for /his/
How many unfinished games do you need to see before you realize nobody and nothing is based?
The child can't be punished for prostitution, but his/her pimp can and will be. The law is meant to protect kids who are forced into prostitution by keeping them out of prison, where things would only get worse for them. Conceivably, an individual could decide to prostitute themselves without punishment, but self-pimping is pretty much impossible to prevent in the first place. Maybe you should learn how to properly interpret the law before you start bitching about things you don't understand ;^)
But if you don't believe in global warming and buy these ecologically friendly dildos, the earth will turn into Venus by 2018 :^).
Fair enough.
All it will result in is pimps doubling down on whatever they use to keep them from willfully leaving and it will ensure the government has no bargaining power through immunities to ensure that the child prostitutes will testify against the pimps in court or at the very least to the police. The police would also have no power to keep them in safety, they would be forced to let them go knowing fully well that the child is leaving only because the pimp would severely abuse them otherwise. Obviously it doesn't make it legal, but it does however end up giving pimps protection.
You're a special kind of retarded aren't you?
Ex Konami Europe boss is now the boss of Kojima. I will remain optimistic
It's not as good as UE4 yet people would talk about it non-stop as if it was the best engine in existence. Optimization was nothing special and is achievable on any engine where the developers have source code access or built the engine itself from scratch. The optimization in MGSV itself is more than likely a knock on effect from the game being cross gen since there was absolutely a necessity to optimize the games assets to get them to fit on the Xbox 360 and PS3, Big boss is just below 14k poly's.
Ryse Son of Rome, 85k poly's
Sunset Overdrive, 40k poly's
Infamous Second Son, 120k poly's
The Order 1886, 100k poly's
FFXV character hair, 20k poly's
There were a few threads about Fox Engine itself, a closed internal engine never built for public use, we've never had threads for any other closed internal engine, the Breath of the Wild Engine is more interesting since it's packed full of "technology", but I have yet to see a thread about that engine, UE4 is more interesting and is packed with far more features than Fox Engine but any threads about that have been less of a circle jerk and more of a "why should I use this engine to make my gayime".
Faggots just love Kojima, I hope Death Stranding is a massive letdown to anyone but Sony fans who love their "interactive" cinematic experiences.