When was the last time when you said "no thanks. I'm keeping my money" and felt that you did the right decision?
Mine was with Mighty Number 9. I'm so glad I didn't back up that shit.
How about you?
When was the last time when you said "no thanks. I'm keeping my money" and felt that you did the right decision?
I haven't bought a game since 2010
What? You mean like not regretting a purchase? Must be more than a decade ago, I try not to be retarded.
Last time you were glad you skipped a purchase
It was the Wii btw
I also dodged that bullet, but I wish I backed shantae
You NEETs don't have any money.
Overwatch. I played in the closed beta and open beta and had some fun. Moba mechanics and a cash shop aren't worth $30.
Fire Emblem Fates. Fell for Awakening because I wanted to believe in a good FE comeback after years. The placebo effect died off shortly after I finished the game.
This too. Friend borrowed me his account because he wasn't gonna have his computer for a while and wanted Halloween outfits. I was bored of the game a week after, even though I leveled up several times.
I skipped the entire current generation.
But user, don't you like videogames????
There's so many videogames coming out!
The last time? Probably Fallout 4.
The time that stuck out the most in recent memory though was this eternal piece of shit though.
Where do you think we are?
I've played nothing but Runescape for almost 10 years if I even do play that.
none of the games that have come are worthy of their pricetags.
i mean shit i would pay 40 dollars for FFXV with DLC included, but nah, its gotta be 59,99 with 24,99 for the DLC, fuck that im waiting for PS4 piracy.
oldschool or the nuRS garbage that is filled with microtransactions on top of membership?
Yes, I play RS3.
when i saw your mom yesterday
i didnt want to give gearbox any money but i wanted to play the robot so i just forgot about it for a long ass time next thing i know everyones laughing at it
Payday 2.
I skipped everything since the PS2
Every time I think about doing my laundry
Street Shitter V.
I'm just waiting for kof14 to come to steam any day now.
Aww, you poor guy.
Everytime i feel like searching for a gf
Anno 2205
Monstrously casual.
It was and I don't say this lightly, the Sim City (2013) of Anno.
A complete and very large step down in quality in every single possible way outside of the graphical.
The western release of FE: Fates
Why? just get the torrent
I honestly regret cancelling my preorder, if only because i had the Special Edition, that's like 300 bucks right now, man i should of got that shit
As soon as I saw Fallout 4 I really wanted
to buy it, but of course, lying Tod showed me he didn't want my money by making such a glitchy piece of shit, so I kept it.
I pre-ordered it and enjoyed the beta heavily, but I ended up canceling my order because the R.Mika censoring. I dodged a complete fucking trainwreck because of an ass.
If I hadn't lost as much interest I would have continuously earned enough for bonds.
I dodged the localization of Xenoblade X and Fire Emblem Fates.
I got this game as part of the C&C ultimate pack that has all the games. The reviews for 4 are so bad I'm excited to play it
The Shadow Warrior reboot. Figured I'd pirate before I buy and yep - It sucked.
Try the sequel. It's better.
what are you talking about? It's just the same game with worse writing, random generation, and borderlands looter shooter shit.
It's the same game but with a concentrated injection of pure cancer.
I enjoyed it. It felt like a step up from the first game, sort of like a banjo tooie effect.
It's got lots more guns (ones with actual effort that went into making them, unlike borderlands), multiplayer (which I'll admit I didn't try),bosses, satisfying gunplay (gun porn included), and some rpg elements that added to the gameplay a bit. I even liked the writing and music better than the first game.
There are some downsides, a lot of the maps repeat themselves throughout the story, but they are absolutely massive so I can forgive them for that. The ending leaves much to be desired. I played on hard difficulty and only really had a little trouble defeating some of the larger enemies. Dying has almost no consequence, but on the upside this makes the flow of gameplay much smoother upon dying.
I pirate everything before I buy so never have a "near miss".
It's slightly better, but it's still just a clusterfuck of shitty mechanics thrown on top of eachother with no rhyme or reason.
The writing is also BBT-tier.
I tried dating a girl for a while after just not pursuing love at all for years. My intense desire to spend my freetime doing what I wanted overwrote any need for companionship or intimacy. I just found the whole thing tedious and boring. Even the promise of sex wasn't enough to make it worth the wasted time.
I had a similar experience with that game. I thought the moonbase mechanics would be cool, but then I watched someone absolutely steamroll the campaign on the hardest difficulty on Youtube. Losing interest, I didn't buy it. I may still pirate it though.
Friend wanted me to buy Arma 3
no regrets
I got meme'd, it's okay and lets me finally play a game with my normalfag friends but it's nowhere near 70 fuckin AUD
Ever since I installed qbitorrent. I really like Supergiant Games and Vanillaware, though, so I won't skimp out on buying their games.
I bought an AMD GPU instead of an NVIDIA one.
Then later bought the NVIDIA one and put it in the second gpu slot on my computer and inexplicably the AMD one failed. Despite running fine along a second AMD gpu albiet less stronk
Fucking NVIDIA
It's sort of an achievement to make a game that is buggier and overall worse than Civ5 at launch.
The 2 hour window is bullshit. It takes more than 2 hours to figure out the quality of any real game.
They're not Lego you retard, you can't do that.
Every fucking day. If you mean more along the lines of "Oh shit I dodged a bullet there" I was tempted to buy the game Garbage Day but didnt becuase it was Early Access. Lo and behold, the dev took the money and ran.
Dark Souls 3
have you tried dating a girl with aspergers
What said, you can't just mix and match GPUs for SLI/Crossfire and hope they work
Mine was Deathwing, not because it's a bad game but because I know the publisher's shady practices and Streum's terrible launch quality.
I'll gladly pick the game up in a few months when it's all smoothed over.