Multiple human races in fantasy

Is Elder Scrolls series is the only RPG series that divides "Humans" into multiple races?


Where are all the halfbreeds in TES?

They don't exist. Child always is mother's race (like jews believe, btw).

Most of the higher ups are jews, what did you honestly expect.

High Rock

Depends on how much "fantasy" the setting is. The lack of more races is often the reuslt of the writer trying to shove in as many fantasy races as possible, and either doesn't have the time to flesh out humans, or figures things like race aren't "fantasy" enough. Same with sci-fi settings and Ayys.


Or probably writer fears being accused of racism if he divides non-whites into different race. Still wonder how TES dodged the outrage on Redguard existence.

By making them Nippon in basically every other way.

Not an RPG, but Age of Wonders had different races of humans at least in Shadow Magic.

Well not necessarily. Brentons are basically the result of elves raping a bunch of humans for a while.

Fuck y'all are stupid.

Nobody who reads that deep into the lore to care. I doubt most people are even aware of the race differences among the races of man, especially in skyrim.

Here's a better question: what's a good non-gook RPG made this decade that isn't New Vegas.

Will the next TES have trans-Redguard characters? They could have a questline in which they harangue the mage's guild into finding a way for them to permanently change race.

Fantasy is weak substitute for science fiction and padded with erotic shenanigans and life lessons about social justice/pedo acceptance. It's lazy and forces you to endure a new glossary of made up places, races, names like s'karhima or skooma and other such other words you will never use outside this creative sinkhole. The timeline of human history is endless and the universe is endless and any direction of time and space can be home to a setting or story of infinite possibilities.

You will only be able to play as human, my dear. First Todd raped some skills and deleted lots of magic in Oblivion, then Todd raped attributes and deleted even more magic, introduced perks he had in fallout 3, now Todd can only rape skills and races, which is the next step in creation an open world FPS, instead of an RPG. That's his master plan, he constantly reminded audience he hates rpg elements, and wants player to levelup accordingly to what he's doing, instead of managing leveling yourself.

Although I love sci-fi you sound like a massive faggot.

The way to be successful in sci-fi now is to be as feminist as possible. (((They)))'ve been worming their way in for years of course, and sci-fi welcomed it because open-mindness is a virtue, but the trap has been sprung and wrongthink is now unwelcome. No author who cites people like Heinlein or Orson Scott Card as influences will ever be welcome.

post the whole image.

That's a weird way to say "they were hoping to get laid by being white knights"

sounds a lot like sci-fi.

That sounds like star trek man.

My guess would be it's because just about every other race of men that actually appears in the games are some variety of white
Celtic ireland/britain
Three guesses

Redguards are also more egytian flavored than actual nigs, so there's that to consider.

sounds like somebody hates fun

Its funny how there's also no asians, but asian attributes are distributed between Orcs and Imperials.

Race and gender sliders are the future, user.

That's because the Akavir continent, the one where the Blade's katanas come from, is in the far east. Tamriel isn't the only landmass on Nirn

They are sand-niggers
They are turban wearing (pic related) religious extremists (men who view the creation of the world more like the mer do), born to destroy thing (+5 Destruction), who completely disregard their local beliefs once they leave their homelands (2 Starting spells).

Fuck, stop making me wanting to play elder scrolls for the sake of lore. Also bethesda has a lot of fucking potential if they set next game on different continent. I thought there's nowhere to expand than tamriel.

just read the books online.

So… hov is it any different from sci-fi?

orcs are niggers redguards are like sandniggers or something

In Silk Road Online, you get to choose between two different races with different stat modifiers: European or Asian. Pretty funny. The customization is very limited (face 1 or face 2), and the gameplay is quite run-of-the-mill for an MMO.

If Betheseda would touch Akavir now, they would just fuck it up worse than they did the Cyrodil in Oblivion. Same with any province that features things that could be too weird for mainstream gamers, like Black Marsh, Elsevyr, or even Valenwood and Summurset.

No race in Elder Scrolls has a single source for inspiration, but instead are combinations of traits from many different sources. Bretons are most obvious, with their Celtic, Gallic, Pictish, French and British elements. Others are far more ambiguous and vague.

Dragon's Dogma
Divinity: Original Sin
XCOM 2 (If you mod in long war)

They will never remove race selection. Do you know how features checklist work?

Mortal Online has multiple races. Too bad the meta dictates that you pick between several meme choices.

Orcs and Bretons

If the children don't look like abominations from hell then the game isn't American.

Yeah those a rent true at all.

They actually dont have any egyptian flavour at all, since Skyrim they are beeing made into Moors in aesthetic, but their culture is very japanese and chinese with some african elements thrown in to stick to their skin colour, primarily the conquering aspect of the Zulu and Arguably the Moors conquering spain.

SImmilar to the Redguards the Nord have a very visual theme that they dont completley disregard in their lore. The nord arent even close to vikings, after their atmoran age they largley left the sea alone. Their burial rites are something of a mix between Egyptian and Chinese, their political system is closest to renaissance Germany with many petty nobles and a more or less elected king and their woad paint certainly isnt very nordic either.

Probably the most complicated, on one hand, they look Roman outward, but then you realize they are made out of two ethnicities that both arent all that roman.

This is where the big roman imagery comes from, but the Colovians are essentialy the less cultured imperials, living in more remote areas, they retain less of their nedic heritage and much of their nationalism comes from the empire.
Thus the Colovians appear as more "Roman", because the "Roman" Aesthetic is not realy a racial aestheitc, it is tied to the Empire of humanity.
This becomes apernt when looking at Colovian names: Rislav Larich comes to mind, many native colovian names actually sound very slavic and im fairly sure thats deliberate, also note that Skingrad has a very obvious ring to it, culturally they are devout and military focused.

Now here it gets funky, because all the roman pomp is thrown out of the window with those guys, the closest they get to anyhting is southeast asians, with battlemage dynasties ruling over a river based economy full of thousands of small cults following minor deities, almost all of which have some restriction on what they are allowed to eat.
the nibenese are known for their vanity and their tatoos, they are ofthen portrayed as more dark skinned tho that is actually disputeable. The imperial city is a mix of those two cultures and doesnt neccesarily fit in either , it tends towards colovian pseudo romanism while adhering to nibenese pomp.
