Burgers and bongs not allowed
Jouw miemies eindigen hier!
Burgers and bongs not allowed
Jouw miemies eindigen hier!
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Nice trips.
"Hey chum do you continue to live?"
You cant crop lewds like that!
Played college ball eh.
Pixy, that doesn't roll off the tongue very well. Can you shorten it a bit?
Hey faggot. You breathing?
Listen, I know it's a war out there, but could you make it a little less offensive? I mean, we are buddies.
Din dumme trubadur!
wololoo wooloolooo
nog kankerprettige kerstdagen
en een kankergoed nieuwjaar
Est-ce que t'as la moindre preuve pour étayer ça ?
Hope I didn't fuck this up too badly
どうやらオブリビオンだ. どうして欲しいか?
Os memes Jack
Je le ressens vraiment !
Almas oscuras
Note that, as far as I know, this game never came out in Nipponese.
Vou-te despedaçar
fug, guess terrorist don't work on this
Separate games.
Élvezed hogy embereket bántasz?
Portugués basura por favor vaya
Aposto que és da Argentina
Felicidades, perdiste la apuesta
Let's hope these sandrunes make it through
also check'em
For fuck's sake
I am the Messiah!
Muere monstruo! No perteneces a este mundo.
M'aimerez-vous si je vous aide à vous cacher ?
Anarchy Reigns, 2 ez.>>11568839
Ich muss den Waschraum benutzen!
The only game that comes to mind is Hitman: Codename 47.
Where's the verb?
Oddajcie mojej zonie moje makalony
My dick is harder than stale corn chips? What does that even mean?
Inténtalo de nuevo
das rite
This one is too obscure for any of you lads to ever understand, or know the game. If you make it I will give you steam money.
¿Para qué pensar cuando puedes pelear?
Well, OP didn't specify no leafs.
Я на одну секунду отвернулся и получил кучу дерьма в лицо!
Поспим немного?
Что ты собираешься делать?
Завтра я буду у тебя в офисе и мы начнем сортировать эту кучу.
That dub was seriously amazing
My turn:
As raparigas nunca poderiam compreender os laços apaixonados que nós homens partilhamos. A amizade masculina é um laço que corre mais espesso que o sangue!
b u m b
Si arranco eso, te moriras?
Seria muy doloroso
Eres un chico grande!
Pa ti.
El coraje es la magia que convierte los sueños en realidad.
what a shitty game for fucks sake
Perdición diria "PARA ti", él es un hombre bien hablado.
The need for sauce is overwhelming.
¡Que te jodan!
Hint: It's a Black Isle game.
look at me look how bilingual and smart i am ablehblehblehblehbleh
hey dont neglect tineye. i remember thinking it sucked
How do you fucks live with yourselves?
Damn it.
I set up my access to exhentai years ago and haven't thought about it since. I just realized that, having recently had computer issues that lost a lot of my user profile data, I'm back to getting the sad panda. Now I'll have to try and remember how to get in or slink back to googling it like a newfag.
Don't lie
We all know you're a newfag
I was overreacting anyway. My vague memories turned out to be accurate, so aside from having forgotten my e-hentai account details I had no trouble, and I'm back to my sekrit anime tiddies.
Todos los dias son buen en tu Junes! I dunno if thats how you write it in spanish
Reminder that if you are not:
You should leave.
Fucking Normanfags, get the fuck off my island!
I can't think of any quotes, most games I play don't have people talking, or memorable quotes, is this bad?
This one's from a german made game eigentlich :^) probably not the correct word translation, coulda picked 2 others, chose a literal one
Here's one from a gamecube game that enemies say most of the time
Alarm schlagen!
One from a PC game
"in Erwartung Ihrer Auftraege"
If what you said was an actual quote, which I have seen, it is from the game Wurm with 8ch on a private server. Lots of normans, one was on an island we semi-owned.
coincidentally just found a better translation, the last quote should probably be the soldier saying "befiehl!" RTS game
Wasn't meant to be. I've just been listening to a fair bit of Forefather lately so Bastard Bill's conquest comes easily to mind when the Anglo-Saxon people is mentioned.
I suppose it's ironic for me to make such a joke, given that my surname is traceable back to one of the earls he installed, but w/e.
siehst du keine elfen? HAHAHAHAHA
I haven't spoken German in so long, I probably butchered that
Give my shoes back to my wife
세상에나 제이씨 이건 폭탄이야!
Yarn all fuckin' day mate.
'Cause this chinwag'll be ya last.
Не важна маё імя. Важна толькі то што я збіраюся зрабіць.
Moje widzenie jest technologicznie poprawione.
Nigdy nie byłem poprawnie trenowany w tej operacji.
Czym jest człowiek? Żałosną małą kupką sekretów!
Urvu ti hlavu a naseru ti do krku
Überschreitung die Dritte - Jade Durchdringung schwarzer Penis
Ja sam dvasto posto CRN.
Casi te conviertes en un emparedado de Jill!
Helter av makt og magi
Husk meg
Djevelen gråter, kanskje
ville armer
J: ¡Egoista, malparida y niña anormal! tu oliste el humo, pero estabas en la tierra de los sueños tomando té con tus amigos. Tu no podias ser molestada. Tu cuarto estaba protejido y perdonado mientras tu familia arriba ¡fue asada en un infierno de increible horror!
A: ¡Nooooooo!
I love this dialogue. Also is a perfect translation to spanish by me.
Kyllä vain, olemme odottaneet sinua. Sinut täytyy laittaa kirjoille ennen virallista vapautustasi. Voimme tehdä tämän muutamalla eri tavalla ja valinta on sinun.
Deus Ex
Est ti ladd fy nghi. Heh heh, dwi'n hoffi hynny.
Morrowind t.another spudro spora
Sjonge, wat is het saai hier.
Mijn jongen, vrede is wat alle echte krijgers voor streven.
Link: The Faces of Evil
Deus Ex.
Any nerds that play CRPGs recognize this? Jewgle qwant just gives me people wishing Oblivion was made by Obsidian/Black Isle.
Resident Evil
Deus Ex HR?
The PC one is "awaiting your orders" but that could be any RTS so I dunno.
Mei from Overbotch?
Úgy harcolsz, mint egy tehenész! Milyen találó! Te meg úgy harcolsz, mint egy tehén!