Stalker thread - 200 bottles edition

Stalker thread - 200 bottles edition

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whats the point of using these if they all have the same guns except AO3 has the most?

>several monolith coming down thankfully alone or in small groups from stronghold and chopper came to provide air support

Am I fucked?

No, drink some vodka and make a run for it

Run for it or hole yourself up somewhere and get ready to work on your headshot game. With headshots and proper aim you should be able to take down at least 2-3 of those guys with your remaining ammo and scavenge them for stuff to kill the rest.

dispatched of the direct threats and made a run for the closer bodies. Conveniently found a gauss with a full battery.
Do helicopters already lose interest in you if you stay in cover for half a minute? That thing completely ignored me until I tested if the gauss can damage it which it thankfully does


You can kill helicopters with pretty much anything.

If you kill enough of them, you get an achievement that causes all future choppers that spawn to be really low HP weak variants

AP rounds work pretty well against choppers, a few magazines will kill it. Doesn't matter which gun.

OWR is mostly to have a weapon addon without "bloat", while having better animations and attention to details.
AO3/STCoP differences is mostly balance, upgrade tree, weapon distribution among factions, effects and prices.
Too bad KS-23 was removed from AO3, the CoC one, when Trapper stopped being a trader.

Am I doing something wrong with my settings in CoC? The whole world just feels really empty, I tried turning the spawns up but nothing ever seems to be happening, seems like no patrols by anything other than bandits, zombies everywhere. Is it like this for everyone?

When the fuck is Ray of Hope coming it's the only game that's coming and it doesn't even have a date when its coming out.

I dunno and their forums are fucked up, can't register an account to ask them whether or not the weapons available will be
-one of the weapon pack mods
-rpg oriented (like more expensive guns are extremely better stat wise even if they shoot the same caliber).

since itll be an mmo with I don't know how many players on a server I feel like any of these are possible.

So is there a way to bypass check for CoP or must I reinstall it again?!uoYinJ7I!Lqj2DNIAkaVkcFUa1PLZzj80cVhAFK5D-9zbU2Iy5KI


sorry, comrades are taking it slow

Latest additions to the build would be new menu, new land texture editing method, 3 new major anomaly locations and constant performance tweaking. Last time I played A-Life had some lag spikes. Which was over 3 months ago. Devs are concentrating on the client right now, also Russian side of the community is getting updates more frequently, I personally are bit busy on my own game project and work, so I only get updates if I ask about them, and that usually takes weeks to get answer to.

Oh and fucking glow sticks, how cool is that.

- Doko

I might log in and take some screen and videos. Make and Update on Modb and FB while at it, but that's a big IF. Busy as shit right now.



This is the worst. Absolutely the worst thing. Half the fun in stalker is not knowing beforehand where it is safe to move and where it is not, fixed anomaly locations just takes the whole thrill out of the game since you don't really have to worry about anything really. Anything that might kill you will kindly announce it's presence from miles away or will stand in the open. And thus, there will be no element of surprise that is so crucial for creating that Stalker atmosphere.

So before I get back to stalking again, does OGSE or Call of Chernobyl have Russian voice w/ Eng subtitles?

And how can I fix OGSE's supposedly bulletsponge enemies?

Yes, please never do fixed locations in STALKER. Not only does it make the experience shittier, it shits on the original concept laid out by A Roadside Picnic. It's bad from both a gameplay *and* lorefag standpoint

I seem to recall CoC having Russian voices, but it's been a few months and I don't pay much attention to voice acting

Get the anti-materiel rifle and lug it around everywhere with you. :^)

In CoC I have yet to find a single artifact, every anomaly field is empty. I've found all of one Kobolok on a dead guy so far and I've roamed all the way through every map between Cordon and Red Forest

Also is there a way to make it where the "stagger" animation doesn't make enemies invincible? Nothing worse than getting the drop on a guy, shooting him in the chest with a slug or w/e and he staggers and I have to wait until he stands up again before I can shoot him again. Or if there's multiple targets I can't just drop them with a few well placed bursts, if they stagger my ammo is wasted.

Good to see you finnbro. I'm glad the project isn't dead.
I have to agree with the other anons, unmarked anomalies made the game fun and relatively unpredictable. I think it's good to have fixed ones to hunt for artifacts, but random ones add a lot more to the game, especially if can use them to your advantage in multiplayer. Do you think you can put a word in about it to the devs?

That bandit model is pretty baller, by the way. Keep us updated.

There aren't any artifacts before the first emission generates some. I guess it's because if initial ones were hand-placed you'd know where to get them every game.

But I've sat through a few emissions…? All I have is a Bear detector but that should be good enough for at least some artifacts right?

The stagger/invincibility thing is what really turns me off. I know "up ur headshot game scrub" but sometimes you have to just dump into center mass.

It's just frustrating that I can never know that the stalkers are actually saying.

I like listening to them tell shitty jokes around a campfire, and you know one was really terrible when the teller is all excited, delivers a punchline and theres this awkward silence and someone says basically "that was pretty lame"

There's like subtitle mods but I don't know if they work for even for ZRP.

Does anyone recommend a certain weather addon for CoC?

Artifacts have been a lot rarer in the latest CoC versions, and emissions only have a chance per anomaly field to generate artifacts, it isn't a 100% spawnrate. So that, coupled with the fact that the A-life stalkers are constantly searching for artifacts, makes it pretty hard to find any yourself, most I've personally gotten have been from corpse looting too.

Also does the doctorx addons not work for anyone else?

Have you tried leaving the yantar factory? :^)
In which areas are you usually? I run into mutants/stalkers every few seconds or so

Bruh, there are random anomalies too, like in SoC. I am talking about those anomaly formations with mixed bag like in CoP yeah. But whole map will be full of anomalies. Which change position on blowouts, but the fixed ones will be best places for quest locations etc. So no worries friends

I've went through approx. half the areas. Jupiter was dead, the mutant spawns seem alright but there was literally no non static NPC's in the station at Jupiter, the whole map seemed dead except for a few areas under control by bandits. Red forest had 2 lone bandits at different areas. Garbage seemed sort of alive with a few bandit patrols. Army warehouses and Truck Cemetery had Freedom guys standing around.

Compared to CoP it just feels like nothing is going on. Does the world feel as active as it did in CoP for you? Are your spawn levels at default?

Ah fuck I just woke up, so to clarify more. "major" or "arch anomalies" are like big zones. Which have multiple anomalies on effect and offer better shit. Or then they are some REALLY WICKED stuff like old hospital stuck in space and time with endless darkness and crazy mutants that only spawn there. Some old concept art of such place.

That's exactly what I wanted, so that's a relief then. The old hospital anomaly sounds sick.

Just curious, are they retooling Limansk as well? I just played that map in CoC and remembered how cool it looks, but it's pretty linear.
It also has one of these things but you can't reach it.

I haven't changed anything on the NPC spawning or behaviour. If you already tried starting new games, I'd make a clean reinstall but wait if someone comes up with a better solution

By the way, are Duty guards at the northern Rostok Checkpoint neutral to Freedom? Yesterday a 3-man squad came to the checkpoint from the Warehouses and just walked past the Dutyers just to get shot by other dutyers when they tried to enter 100 rads

Yeah, I'll probably just reinstall.

And I've never seen anyone aside from Dutyers in 100 rads

I asked about it as I wrote it as one of the "wicked anomaly shit" locations. But by the looks of it it won't be on RoH for time being. Which is a bummer but I bet it could be there in the future once the basic map is finished.

Also one anomaly I wrote, is basically a "normal house" which player enters, explores. It ends up being a labyrinth with teleporting anomalies you can not detect. And when you make it out of there again, you notice that you are in compliantly different place. Imagine being a loner, finding a house, loot it out for an 30 minutes. When you walk out you suddenly notice being on pripyat and getting chased by monolith faction and bloodsuckers biting your ass.

Oh, and are you running the latest patch?

That would be fucking amazing. A 100% better use of the teleportation anomaly than was used in CoP.

That sounds pretty cool, I guess you can reuse the teleportation functionaly that CoP had in the Oasis for that.
You can also be assholes and have the pattern change every blowout.

Yeap, that's what I want. I remember oasis in CoP. walkd trough the damn thing 5 times like "hey wtf!"

The hard part is the engine, can it handle the it like I want it to. Also, russian devs are concentrating getting the game rolling before shit like I write gets tot he game. Basic stalker needs to work on online before anything "roadside picnic like" is in the game.

That's why I started working on my own game project, I crave for new zone experience.

Some rich stalker buying the IP and doing the series justice when.

I guess there's nothing stopping them from doing updates after release. I'm excited either way, any considerable amount of content will get me to play STALKER again.

I promise to do that if my game sells like hotcakes, I want to own roadside picnic game rights and s.t.a.l.k.e.r rights. And do the series justice it fucking deserves. then I shit out new stalker games like CoD every year and rip you motherfuckers off! HAHHAHAHA joking.

Why did I put that old screenshot there? wopsie daisy.

Dude, stalker series has been dead for 8 years for a reason. It's shit hard to make the perfect Stalker… and nobody has enough money or sheer talent.

You have to edit somewhere in config files that 1 second delay to 0 second. I recall one user mentioning it once how to do it.

Doko do you know how to throat sing?

I'm tentatively hype for Escape from Tarkov

Hype for dayz minus zombies?

I just dig on the aesthetics.

Paranormal/anomalies are cool and all but I'm down for a co-op game STALKAN of sorts in old soviet ruins. I take what I can get.

Most definitely, I do that while in Sauna. Sometimes masturbate too.

If nothing ells, for the gun porn alone. I am going to try it if I get to closed beta.

It's not about hard. More like what to do with it. How much to expand it, the world and gameplay. Make it harder even. I don't know why in the name of fuck they cancelled stalker 2. And now we got that w/e stupid multiplayer cod game.

I remember the threads, "is it cancelled?" "no its not" "it is!, "no its not, its not official" "oh god no!"

please tell me that weapons are gonna function like stalker and not like an mmo rpg.
I would hate it if it adds noticeable tiers to the weapons of stalker where an aks74u is severely outclasses by more expensive weapons.
also I noticed your changing the game a lot more than expected what with the hd models. have you talked to this guy? -

Also what weapons will be available? will it be vanilla or will it have as many as something like AO3?

I'm not asking for a release date but I would like to know how much later would the english version come out after the Russian? (I'm learning basic Russian right now)

The weapons and the damage will be realistic. Nothing is a bullet sponge, expect some mutants and exo can take punishment. But 1 good shot from a rifle to eye works. And I don't know whos working on the new models right now. All old weapons and some new ones with weapon attachments will be available. English version should be coming up at the same time as the russian one if translation is still going on. At least the menus, don't know about the quests. Quests I wrote are in english and russian.

thanks for the info

co-op? first I've heard it'll be co-op. I'll get it if it is.




Does anyone know if A-Life or any other part of CoC is using files from other Stalker games.

Shits still fucked.
6 Zombies surrounded Skadovsk, a pack of dogs, and 2 psuedo giants 2 days after start.
Only one non-static Stalker who keeps walking around the ship somehow staying alive.

Dude any recollection? Search comes up with fucking nothing.

Oh it's hard. You have a-life, a bunch of factions, shitload of quests, shitload of maps, shitload of weapons, shitload of customization for the weapons and you need ai to not kill itself by standing in fires. If it's easy there would be dozens of non-existant Stalker clones, just like we don't have dozens of Fallout or JA2 clones.

People that appreciate this are few and far between. It's a lot of work for very little money.

Making cashgrab mmo shooters like Escape from Kikekov or Survivrum: Updates Never is fine though. And the large and homosexually casualized nonRPGs cashing on famous IPs from massive, talentless studios is also ok.

Survarium is a cashgrab mmo, EfT isn't.d

Pretty much what I wanted from s.t.a.l.k.e.r 2 was bigger zone, new graphics though stalkers graphics are still much better than most new anomalies, new artifacts, more of everything kinda. Fine tune animations, able to play guitar. Make your own campfires, first person animation for grilling sausage and drinking vodka. More immersion etc etc.

I would love it if there was a new stalker game set in a new middle eastern zone that is described in a few of the books.

Okay fuck I found it. Open up a weapon.ltx file, find the "time_to_aim" setting and if it's not zero set it to zero and test. It reduces automatic fire damage by 1 sec.

It's the same in OGSE, don't know why nobody fixed it.




Tarkov isn't even out yet. It looks like it may as well be a cash grab.

STALKER's graphics are this good due to 2 main factors: lighting and artstyle, in that order. To confirm that, check any STALKER map in fullbright, and 80% of the beauty is gone.

What mod is that?

I've started up CoC.
I really liked the original Stalker games, even (modded) Clear Sky.

Not sure what to make of CoC though. Is it just a stalkan sandbox? I'm not sure how to go about it. I started it up on master, shot some guys, got decently set up gear-wise, and even found a basic and master toolkit. But it seems like the only quests I get are "kill this guy a thousand miles away" "Bring me this specific gun", "Bring me a specific artifact" and "Bring me some unspecified quantity of a miscellaneous consumable item". It feels pretty empty this way. I started it with "story mode" enabled, but I've not noticed anything related to some story.

I can't find a detector so I have been avoiding the anomalies. I also miss CoP's "pay some roaming stalkers to tag along with them to wherever they are going" thing. Also I can't find anybody to repair items except some random roaming guy I left behind hours ago, and I don't know who to give these toolkits to in order to modify guns. Am I ultimately going to have to go hang out at the 100 rads bar or Stradovsk?

There's a lack of fresh OC with stalker
I demand a draw fag to make OC

Find the technicians in the various regions. Xenotech in the Cordon (farm north of railbridge), Mangun in the Bar (he's due north of the Bar, east of the arena sitting in a side room), Freedom base has a guy in the main building, 1st floor. Clear sky has a guy in their base as well. Monolith does too, i forget his name, IDK about the mercs, i'd assume bandits have one in the dark valley as well

hit up the scientists in Yantar for at the very least a Bear detector.

thanks fam

Does OGSE patch 2.10R remove all the vals? Or just the sniper variant, I don't know whether to update.

I assume it just removed the unique sniper VAL.

If CoC added a conquest game type of taking control of areas, It'd be great

There sort of are mods for that already, it's just that the crappy AI makes it difficult to keep everything under control.

Masturbating in a sauna? Are you suicidal?
I tried that once, damn near had a heart attack.

Better than weeb shit

Nobody mentionned weeb anything you fucking retard

These guys are the biggest fucking morons but I sort of love them.
Also, while doing their shit at the complex a blowout hit, multiple zombies attacked, and when they finished they immediately picked a fight in the nearby swamp with 3 bloodsuckers, 2 snorks, 3 zombies, and a pack of dogs. They won.




Wow searching for mods is a pain in the ass. Maybe I should upgrade computer…


I like the chocking heat and near death experience while I blow my load.

But for real, nah. I just enjoy sauna like normal finnish people.

Just pirate it.


Best weapon mod? Preferrably something with as few overpowered weapons as possible.

CoC is supposed to be a base for other mods. It doesn't actually set out to do much other than to combine every map in the series and allow you to play as any faction. Even now there are addons for it made by other people that add quests, weapons and other shit.

You've already bought the fucking game just torrent the gog version it's basically the easiest best version anyways. Sergei is not going to hunt you down

any way of fixing a fucked up stash?

I put a bag down in the scientist bunker in yantar and i think it decided to exist in the floor. I don't remember what all I had in it…probably not too much but it still pisses me off.

also does anyone know what to do with the military documents from agroprom? barkeep doesn't want em.

The stash is lost forever. Tried to put one on the arena roof and the same happened to me.

That happened to me once. Check the roof of the bunker, it got moved there for some reason.

I just found out I can redeem my original CoP disc on GoG for a free GoG version.

Ray of Hope is gonna be comfy as fuck. Just gotta do with rimworld meanwhile.


Will the old rifles make their way into The Zone? Will the Security Service of the Ukraine now be shooting STALKERS and mutants with real fucking NATO 5.56?

This looks like a really stupid move. They probably have a lot of AK-74 and 5.45 in storage as well as machinery from the Soviet times, why throw that away, in the middle of a civil war nonetheless? Didn't they also start thinking about turning nuggets into sniper rifles recently?

I wish those duty members weren't such retards. After I invaded the hippie base and killed their leader, all the duty members who joined in with me decide to then patrol the outer reaches of the map and step into anomalies or land mines. Kek, I could hear the explosions out in the distance at night while I was reading my PDA. Most of those duty members were high ranking too, six of them were ranked within the top ten. What a waste of life, I had to "bury" them in the pond or the nearby farm house. I wish those idiots stayed at the campfire!

Anyhow, I was wondering if bandits can steal your stashes, I've seen them pick up weapons and loot bodies (I think), I've been hesitant to stash shit where NPCs frequent because I don't know if they can.

Also, can some user kindly post the S.T.A.L.K.E.R infographic mod guide, thanks.

its very ironic really because the "rebels" aka DPR and novarussia are fighting for their own home and are probably more like freedom with less weed, but use com bloc weapons and are friendly with russians
vs the obama/soros backed Ukrainian gov who are using NATO weapons and gear like freedom would but are nothing like them

its like the roles are flipped but the ideologies are also flipped
inb4 larping AZSOB cucks try to back their jewish funded battalion

Strelok pls.

u will like this stalker

Started playing CoC with the dynamic factions mod and arsenal overhaul. Had some fun so far just wandering around with various stalkers doing an ironman azazel save.

Is there an easy way to make the flashlight better? I've noticed the AI can light up half a city block, but my flashlight can barely light up a wall 3 feet in front of me. Also any way to remove the head sway effect? I know in some other mods there's a config file to edit most of that in, but didn't notice an obvious one with CoC and haven't done much digging in any of the files yet.

they probably have helmet lights or better flashlights than you

>such is life in the Zone ??

I love the game and deeply regret now starting to play em sooner but goddamn the AI is fucking retarded

Kek, that's what I was complaining about here
Try not to lose to many duty members during the attack because like you said, you can't complete the quest (I only lost two). I recommend you pull most of the weight because your mates can only walk. Stock up on grenades, do the quest late at night and equip yourself with the HS(?) German rifle, when I recently did it I contributed to 70-80% of the kills. Since I'm assuming you don't have exoskeleton suit, you should be able to sprint to the train tracks and then flank them at their camp fire, a lot of them swarm there and there is a shit ton of explosive tanks and barrels around, so just throw a few grenades around that area and then pick the rest off behind cover, while occasionally advancing forward. A lot of them will try to focus their fire on you which is great because it allows your mates to fire upon them without taking to much damage since they're basically walking tanks. To put it simply, you should be doing most of the killing and diverting attention to you (Don't go too close to your squad mates for that reason)

To deal with snipers, equip your rifle with a grenade launcher. They deal one shot kills if you hit the target or nearby, so just reload the game and try again if you miss because you don't want to focus on them too much.

Once you kill the leader and everybody else on the base, sprint back to the quest handler and talk to him to receive your award before they start killing themselves like idiots.



so what use are the patches in CoC beside selling for like 20 rubles each?

anyone know how i can re-activate the minimap in call of misery? i just cant waste 1 gorillion hours looking for the corpses i just killed so i can loot them and get done with it


Just set it to regular Object/Full Dynamic Lighting I guess.

How fuck do you even know what to do in the first stalker game?

I got to the first stalkerzone with a bar and quests there but I can't even find a single shit the PDA map is worthless
Send help ivans




You can always learn Russian

This song please i need it

It's from the Matrix, its called Neodammerung


I wonder why AO3 puts the gsh-18 as the best 9mm handgun in terms of every stat except weight. yet it's still the second lightest 9mm handgun in the game

Did you read the dialog? Barkeep clearly tells you what you need to do when you give him the documents from Agroprom.

The map is so bad I struggle to even leave the stalker base

go for CS first, it'll harden you just enough for the worst.

It looks really uglier in 3D.




now listen here buster brown. we are but a peaceful group loyal to murder/k/ube and are awaiting our glorious messiah: Ray of Hope. We have no quarrel with you, we do not hinder the game industry nor rely on sheep for survival. We do not stink up boards with serious porn, nor do we seriously shitpost. Let us post in peace

just noticed that the AI in this game barely damages the player.
I wonder how much of an RPG this game is gonna be. If somebody gets shot in the face with a 9mm they should be dead unless they've got some kind of kevlar mask. I hope this is changed

Also does anybody know how death will work in Ray of Hope?
like will you start from square 1?
or will there be caps that once reached you can start from there sort of like a checkpoint?

If you use your ears you might hear him say he's got really good armor on. Or if hearing isn't your bag, look at his character on the inventory screen and you can clearly see it wearing armor and a helmet. AI can one-shot an unarmored player. and the games going to be dayz without zombies or vehicles. precisely that and nothing more.

I knew he had armor. and I expect him to take a lot of hits to the chest because of it. But his face and some of his head is uncovered still. A helmet that doesn't completely cover his head shouldn't act like it does

The only ai loadout that can really do anything to you outside of point blank range when you have full armor is the one with an aks. And the ai almost always aims for center mass.

Casual servers: lose gear, but not armor, money or progression.
Stalker: Lose everything expect progression.
Hardcore/RP: Another stalker taken by the zone, lose everything and progression.

The main servers might be something between these rules. As there will be karma system on factions and zone itself.

what about looting your corpse though? or another player looting your corpse?

Stalker can be pretty comfy sometimes

What do you mean by progression? Do you mean stuff like rank or is there a leveling system?


no matter how much you bump, ray of hope will still feel far away


Ironman is bullshit. I got a fully upgraded merc exo and I still get 1-shot by low-energy bandits.

I don't think I'd be able to deal with ironman mode considering that fucking bandits can one-shot me if they get lucky even if I'm wearing an upgraded exosuit. It takes me 3 or 4 headshots to take down a monolith exo with an SGI, it's bullshit I tell you.

Yeah I only did IM mode once out of interest. The game is fucking hard as balls when you fight in long range engagements or areas with low visibility.

Even playing normally I get sniped while walking down a road and not even seeing where the shot came from.

On a tangentially related note, I just finished Metro: Last Light and holy shit what a god-awful dumpster fire of a game it was. Gameplay was garbage, design was garbage, writing was garbage, sound was garbage… Even the fucking GRAFIX were garbage because it was generic, poorly executed (that anatomy jesus fucking christ), superficial and relied on DUDE GLARE AND PHYSX LMAO to try to make up for being boring as shit.

I was expecting Stalka/n/, but I ended up with a game that was like someone cherry-picked things that make shooters shitty and built a game specifically around that.

how to disable FUCKIGN HEAD BOB in call of blyat?

I was also disappointed, and I say this as a Fan of the first one.

I will donwload Call of Chernobyl for the first time, what do you lads recommend to have as a goal? I was thinking in being a loner and fight for the libertarian cause(kill Military and Duty)


You seem to have been exposed to too much radiation, you're namefagging like cancer.

did like 8 hours bandit run yesterday with coc AO3, so fucking good, forgot how much fun zone is, cheeki breekying so fucking hard, the musik at dark valley trader hue

im gonna do a loner run now with stcop I think, being bandit is fun and much cheeki but yer so cut off, all you can really do is kill streloks and scurry back to valley when you are full.

which faction is funnest to play in coc, give me some reasons, also wtf am i supposed to with PDAs as bandit, yobanivrot cyka

davei blyat i have cheekis to breeki

Sorry i was using this name for another game general where we have a community(wurm unlimited)

Look for effectors.ltx in gamedata/configs/misc. In the file look for [bobbing_effector] and change the amplitude values. 0= no headbob.

What do you guys do to make non-ironman runs interesting?
I've tried every kind of RP I can think of and setting up my own rules to make it interesting but after like 3 hours into a run you're decked out swimming in rubles and everything you do feels like a waste of time.
Are you using some difficulty mods or something to make it interesting?

Also, barely anything can one-shot you in a maxed out exo with AO3 or STCoP. What are you using?

Don't be sorry. Just leave and never come back.

Any tips for a first time player? I just built my first decent pc and this game series (SOC to be specific) is at the top of my list of games to play.

Source on music on the first webm? Sounds like Aria.

Play vanilla, then add mods. If you absolutely cannot contain yourself then use Zone Reclamation Project and some graphical mods.
Play on Master difficulty. Lower difficulties have a "glancing blow" mechanic that makes some of the bullets that hit your target do no damage. If you've played Morrowind it's something similar to attacking with low weapon skill.
Above all, take your time going through the game and immerse yourself. Explore at your own pace. Play with headphones.
Don't fret too much over your choice of weapon, but dump your starting pistol ASAP. In fact, any 9mm weapon is pretty bad. Your knife's secondary fire is ludicrously powerful but you have to be right next to your target.
Armor is not as important as not getting hit in the first place. Be careful fightning at night, enemies can see far better than you.
Keep those quicksave and quickload keys handy.

Have fun, stalker. SoC has the best atmosphere of the games. CoP has somewhat better gameplay, in my opinion, but I still consider SoC to be the best in the series.

I haven't even done Ironman yet. I picked up CoC again a few weeks ago and have been playing as a Loner and I'm already all powerful. As soon as I complete story mode I'll start doing challenge runs. One thing I thought of was a "master of any weapon" sort of character where you cannot carry your own weapons around. You must only use weapons you pick up during a fight and drop them all once the coast is clear. I think I'll need to change the idea and allow myself to at least carry a pistol, though. Or maybe be less extreme and allow myself to carry the last weapon I picked up and carry it around with a full mag.

Why the fuck does your character cock the gun mid magazine in AO3 and CoPWP yet in OWR the animation only plays if the gun is empty?
AO3 it's the worst offender, even handguns do it, meanwhile CoPWP and OWR don't.

just laziness, its another animation to do. I doubt their gonna do it now even though a "tactical" reload is a bit of a game changer depending on the situation. It could save your life.

This is one of the reasons why it bothers me so much. Those few seconds you save by reloading before emptying the mag do save your life, specially in ironman mode.

3 hours in-game, you mean? Because that's about the time it takes you to reach 100k or so with AO3.

It's actually a hot piece of garbage.

I'd argue that if you're often enough in a situation where a few seconds off of a tactical reload would've saved your life and that you notice it and think it's a problem, you'd be better off just learning to not reload as much and using the bullets letf in your magazine.

Still cancer, faggot. get out.

I'm talking a maxed out exo, VSS and Vepr and then around 100k-200k RU to spare.
The game is technically over by that point and takes about 3 hours-ish in ironman mode where you have to be semi-careful.

I've tried knife only and all kinds of shit and it's fun for the first couple of fights but the feeling of "nothing can actually go wrong" takes over too quickly after I've loaded some saves.
Guess I can atleast try misery again and not play ironman this time 'cause that was fucking obnoxious.

i want to stalk her ass

I have renounced my bandit ways in COC, the head honcho is a cunt and i was getting sick of it, killed just under 100 men but most of them were ukrop army, fuck the ukrop army

Switched to Loners, much more komfy and is actually paying work to do not just cheeki breekying cykas

Ive seen some shit brats, fucking pseudodog anomaly for one, it was firing fucking pseudodogs at me and would suck them back in only to fire them again

Its nice to be able to move in a group occasionally, took out a nest of bandits together, escorted some nubs through cordon, stalkers will listen sort of, gives the game very different feel than moving solo. we lost kostya to fucking hohol chopper, bastards are everywhere and you have to hit them good with AP to drop those huis. choppers themselves arent that hard to down though, if enough people are working at it

im running stcop right now, its a bit more grindy than AO in terms of making rubels, but I like it a lot more so far. with AO the mil is running ak-12s and akabans, you get seriously heavy hardware too early imo, with stcop theyres a lot more slavshit, yugo AKs, bakelite shit(so good lmao) and the like, buncha different 74s and 47s, feels much more like stalker should at least so far

what are you guys running, ive got a decent AK build and an m4 build and ive got a decent sidearmm solution for most ammo types(selling rare ammo to stalkers is good money but im hoarding that shit, along with any gaterats I like)

usually im running fully upgraded akaban with high cap 0t-33 to magdump niggers and mutants up close, ill switch to m4 at homebase when ammo demands it usually im packing an extra sidearm and an obrez shotty if im huntan mutants, low drag baby

in terms of addons im running the "loot rubels" one, the quest addon, stcop, uniforms, better flashlight. been eyeing the "diplomacy and strategy" addon thing from the questmod author but i havent fucked with that yet, has anyone else?

oh also the blood mod is nice

if someone were to mod together a hitmanesque "challenge mode" for coc that would be so fucking cash

what blood mod?