WebM Thread: The One Before The Next One

Old one thirteen'd, here's a new one.

Other urls found in this thread:




Feels disheartening, mang.










Anybody have that music video with the old Russian man swinging flares around? I remember from several threads back and can't find it now.



Slav here.
Our countries aren't actually as crazy as you'd think, but our culture is a bit different to that of Europe or the U.S.
The police tend to be corrupt and lazy, they don't take reports and accounts as seriously as they take video proof, so a lot of people record stuff constantly.
Everybody has a dashcam here, you'd think it was a legal requirement. Why? Because if a person jumps out in front of your car you have no way to actually prove they did. That's why you always want to be recording. We also don't care about piracy as much, a lot that can be traced back to the USSR days.
A lot of slav countries are absolute shitholes, though. Not as bad as China but not as nice as most Western countries. Putin's been doing a decent job at rebuilding Russia, but all the other CIS countries aren't doing as well.


Also nobody wants to go through the trouble of being a witness just to waste a fuckhuge portion of their time along with having the police act like they were the one that ran someone over during the interview.
That is largely due to the EU being a cash cow for corrupt politicians and con artists. And since nobody actually gets the EU money that they keep getting told they spend too much of, the laws put in place by the EU fuck people in the ass even harder. Compare that to Belarus (which isn't in the EU), which, despite being a radioactive wasteland, has only 1% unemployment rate and had better economic growth than Germany up until 2014. And this is despite the fact that the EU actually had placed sanctions on Belarus.

bui here

please erp with me as klonoa with stinky paws and i'll stop :3

my discord is Bui#3468
steam steamcommunity.com/id/furrets
you must have a cute klonoa avatar or i won't add you~

Pretty much every weapon is viable you shitter


bui here

please erp with me as klonoa with stinky paws and i'll stop :3

my discord is Bui#3468
steam steamcommunity.com/id/furrets
you must have a cute klonoa avatar or i won't add you~

let's go!

the song from this suddenly got stuck in my head, does anyone know what the full song is?

The fucking bot mod didn't let me post.

Crabs are adorable.
I have a pet crab.
Her name is Alyona.







no deal





Oh well


kill self

noice, had to go 'n' get that song

how is this op vidya related?




oh pls

xavier is great

Fu rin Ka zan (volcano remix)


Oh shit, that's the name of the show it was from.
(wind - forest - fire - mountain) The song name was Tsuki sayu Yoru (Night of clear moon)




Only Kek can save us from the furfag spammer


Is he doing better nowadays ?


Fam, I
this is only 2 minutes from the 35 minute interview





lel that thumbnail

Dog eating is more of a Chinese thing, not Korean

JUST livin' the dream














what movie is that from?



Capitao Falcao

I need to make more cat webms.







Jesus christ he sounds so depressed

Is it the meme magic? Did we make him this way?

We seriously need to stop this meme before it gets out of hand




Any chance for squidbillies?

song sauce?




I have 2 from a while ago. They take super long to encode, presumably my sorce files have some janky encoding to start with.


That webm is fucking amazing. I gotta watch Top Gear sometime.

What's this from and is the movie good ?

Oh man that nostalgia.

It's from The Usual Suspects. Yes it is good. It's not about pepe though

I still have this on occasion, minus the old Techno music. Feelsgoodman.




So what's the context of this? Autism or some kind of group screaming treatment for burned out wagecuck normalfags with small children?


Those are good dubs and a depressing video. Chris is a piece of work.

Your guess is as good as mine.

i think it was from a documentary on people who gets insane migraines, folks who get them so bad they have to be sedated when it happens


Yeah I've heard about those. Wonder how you keep yourself from killing yourself with that disease.


maybe they get their dick sucked a lot in the down time.


Anyone got the source for the song in this? Sorry if this has been answered before. If you'd include a proper song title in the metadata wouldn't have to go through this circus every time.

Have you tried actually looking it up?

Not a clue; if i get an answer, best i can do is add the info to my version of the file.

Maybe try one of those music identification programs they have nowadays.

Wait what exactly is this song about?

Whether or not you like Homestuck, you have to admit it has a lot of good music. Moonsetter is definitely one of my favorites.

Interestingly enough, this is actually a genre of music.

if that's a cluster headache that's a relatively mild reaction

I'd go into a rant about music philosophy and how the work purportedly toes the line between meaningful reuse of assets and lazy covers but I'm not drunk so I'll just say at least the people who write music for Homestuck knew what to ape off of.

Just a reminder, the many EU organizations are a series of front organizations for the Eurogroup which is an unofficial and not-on-the-books gathering of the fiance ministers of the EU that is more or less run by Germany's finance minister Wolfgang Schäuble

1st of four

Pagans of Rome

Did a search on the image and on the song itself, and some of the lyrics.

Moral Law
aka "The Reason I Can't Into Space Dust"

aka Pagans in High Places

I don't know enough music philosophy to agree or disagree, I just enjoy music.

I'd love to hear about it though

And finally
Moral Law: Part 2

This is the end of the little ride. We hope you have enjoyed your stay with us here at Quad Central
And that you maybe, just maybe, have been moved to consider reality.

Pro Tip: Don't take your worldview (ala Materialism/Secularism) from popular figures propped up by the ((( media ))) and politicians. Maybe not the most trustworthy sources? Just a guess.

Dear god did someone buy out the weathereatard?

First time I ever saw a game finished (even if it did end with the hero's life as well).
Also nice double-dubs



Get out.


I can sum it down to the difference between an indie band performing music designed to evoke an old band and their own original compositions. I've still got the sound credits in my history, so I'll paste that link at the bottom of my post, but if you want to spend some time listening and thinking about how different people approach the same thing, word search "doctor" and "endless climb" and compare the two to "atomyk ebonpyre" and "black." They're all near each other on the page and clicking on the song takes you to a bandcamp link.




The context of this is actually some liberal art class. Im not even joking. I have that video somewhere on my history. This guy smashes a violin and calls it art as well while everyone applauds

He obviously just got lost on his way to /christ/
Seriously though, go start a /christ/ webm thread christfag, they'll appreciate it a lot more since that's material in their wheelhouse, plus they don't even have a webm thread
sage because no webm

>Seriously though, go start a /christ/ webm thread christfag, they'll appreciate it a lot more since that's material in their wheelhouse, plus they don't even have a webm thread
They do.
Also no





They don't.

Nice circle logic Yuri.

Just one more after this.


They did when I checked last.

only 8ch oldfags remember this webm


Are you serious? How about you think on how this correlates to this

And then consider that both speaks of demoralization

de moralization
The removal of morality from a society/culture
Or as defined: To put into disorder; confuse; To debase the morals of; corrupt.

Or do you think webm related came about naturally?



Or how about this? Is this "natural"? Is this not a corruption of nature, a product of demoralization?
Not that I think commies are behind everything. I know that the Synagogue of Satan, guided by the devil's world system, propagandize such destruction.

Okay then. Your brain came about by random chance, as did the laws of physics, and there are no such things as conspiracies to commit crimes, targeted demoralization, etc. etc. Because that's what the evidence says, yah?

Not to steal your thunder or anything but



And now it's my last webbum
See you all next thread!

And not to steal yours but:
Demoralization: destroying the moral basis for a doctrine or policy; a state of disorder and confusion; depression resulting from an undermining of your morale

Morality and morale are different terms. And I have always heard "demoralization" and derivates to refer to the latter, equivalent to "enthusiasm" or "bravery".

Although I agree that part of what the demoralization process is about is to remove individuals from the culture of their country, in which they can be happy while they preserve its values, to make it so they aren't happy in their own country. Part of that culture is about morality rules, sure, but arguably another part comes in introducing new morality rules, for example, implying that women are more suited for child-rearing and nursing becomes the new immoral.

Your oversimplification of "we were moral, they aren't at all" is simply wrong. People seek a set of morals to divide the world in good and bad because it is the nature of humans to seek simple answers to complex questions. The new culture that they have just happens to have different moral goals, but they still operate by sense of morality.

He's using the little-used third form of demoralize, which is only really popular among moral alarmists.
Besides, he seems to be forgetting one of the central teachings of Christianity, namely that man has been sinful since fucking Eden, which is why the world is so full of suffering.

(latin moralis)
Customs, way, law, manners.

"Morale" as you put it is as its very basics the faith in an institution.

"The enemy army lost its morale!"

Which could also mean they lost their law, way, manners, customs. "Morale" is more specific.

I'm sure there are more complex ways to judge the world that aren't a binary.

Say a sliding scale from 1 to 10, ten being the most good and 1 being the most bad.

"The new cultures'" moral goals are nonexistant and self defeating if you examine them closely. This is without even going into the fact that they consistantly deny that there is a higher power than the individual. Denying a higher power means that you assume that YOU are intelligent enough to determine your own moral path.

This is a falsehood that can not be overlooked. You simply aren't intelligent enough to do so as a simple human. You cant possibly fathom all the outcomes the ripple effect of your choices will make. Only a god could.

Do we have to fill out a catchpa for every post now? Jesus.

Sure, when people have the time to pull up a chair and think about things, you can define it as an spectrum instead of just a binary system, but the spectrum will tend to be two-directional, since dividing into good and bad is sort of the golden standard for instinctive human responses to stuff. Cavemen didn't have the time to pull up a chair-rock and ponder about what kills you faster, cold or hunger. Both were bad, and that stayed that way for long. Old habits die hard, my friend.

I do not think that the new cultures have no goal, for if it was so, they would crumble under their own weight (sort of like a role playing server that fits to the autism itches of nobody). For example, one of the defining characteristics of the "new culture" is a sheer disregard for anything responsibility related. Likely a reaction to an upbringing with a lack of a strong, admirable stern masculine influence in their lives (naturally, the role of the father, which tends not to be there in the upbringing of the new generations with increased frequency), and as such resenting responsibility for it never was anything to look up to.

Nothing against you Christians, but the argument of "there being something greater" doesn't necessarily stop you from thinking that you are free from morality. Specially when you believe that you are the chosen people and everything you do is approved by the deity of your choosing.

I was raised Catholic, and I have no problem with Christianity, but vidya my dude.


I have never met a moral quandary I couldn't solve by hip thrusting.


I always found it interesting how no one was able to kill that dumb-ass flag carrier

No they are not laws in the judicial sense and thus dont imply a creator you idiot.
"A physical law or scientific law is a theoretical statement "inferred from particular facts, applicable to a defined group or class of phenomena, and expressible by the statement that a particular phenomenon always occurs if certain conditions be present."
There is nothing random either, just unknown variables

Is this gay?




No goal or no MORAL goal? I never said they didn't have goals. We cant have a discussion if you aren't addressing the words im actually saying.

There is only one people who believe that.

You cant play the fence game forever. Eventually you'll have to make an objective integer based value judgement on which religion is morally superior in both theory and practice.

Have some balls. Commit to something.



You really wanna be caught unawares?


I'm having a hard time with this. This is a real head scratcher.
Laws were made to say what does happen and what will happen without fail. The law of gravity is that all objects exert a force that pulls them towards other bodies, such that bodies will be pulled faster to larger bodies rather than smaller ones and the closer two bodies are to each other, the greater the strength of this pull.
"Falling stones will always obey the law of gravitation." Nothing really falls, it just is pulled by a body to itself, and because of our perspective we came up with the idea of falling, as if the world was flat and things strictly moved downward, to fall, when they were no longer propelled upward. The law does not mean, "what stones always do," and instead means,"what a body will do in reference to another body." Stones won't fall if there is no other stone or body around it to fall to. It's not what it will do, it's what it can do if the parameters are met. This guy sounds like a fucking goy brainwasher.
That's right, it doesn't have to remember, the particles in the universe act a certain way for a certain reason, we've just taken the time to study and give the actions names, the vague overarching name for "actions that will take place no matter what in our universe" being "laws"
I mean that it is pulled to another body at a rate equal to the distance between the two and the size of them in reference to one another.
and what it will do because of that, and what that means for how particles work in our universe. This guy sounds like a twat.
right, because human laws are not the laws of human nature, they are the laws made by men to define how one should act in a society trying to step towards betterment. He tried saying that "laws of nature mean things that nature will do, but laws of man means things man should do," but it sounded more like, "Laws of nature are just things that we see nature do (((COINCIDENTALLY))), Human nature is to steal from the fellow goy." Morality is a learned thing, but it comes from the helpful idea that not every human being is an individual and we need to work together to stride towards becoming better as people.
I mad


Things are random at a quantum level, in absence of things reinforcing each others, things start to act randomly such as teleporting, or changing. In our reality, chances of it happening are infinitely small due to interaction of things.

Given that you (seem to) believe that morals are absolutes, to which religions can adhere more or less, I totally agree with you, Christianity properly carried out is among the most benign of religions. And in practice, it has given the bedrock to the most successful of civilization even though most people didn't practice it perfectly. My greatest problem with it is that religion tends to be used way too often as replacement for knowledge instead of as a motivator for it.

I don't necessarily disagree that some things are morally abhorrent always, either. You could say I am a filthy fence sitter, why not. Maybe I am a just an alienated Christian that is chill about it, instead of bringing it up on these threads, supposed to be about vidya. Thinking Christianity is cool doesn't equal DEUS VULT, and that must be better for you than me not having any sense of appreciation for Christianity at all. In which case, find yourself some heathens to convert, my predicator user. Specifically women, many anons will follow if they see they can get a cozy, loyal wife into the Christian lifestyle.

you getting shit what i just said.


I need some OC about angles now, that seems like potent meme material


normalfags need religion, they do not need knowledge. Only some can handle knowledge, you know this, look around you, what gossip people are talking, what new tragic death they've seen in Games of Throne.

True, "According to several standard interpretations of quantum mechanics, microscopic phenomena are objectively random."
but due to our level of understanding of quantum physics and the general trend of many things having before undiscovered causes I don't think that this is true irreducible randomness.

Religion has never been a motivator for knowledge. It has always been a system for societal control. A tidy society is a unified and productive society. Which tends to make it;s citizens happier than the opposite. You could say that outcome is objectively better than the lack of that out come.

People in general have no thirst for knowledge. Only people in uncomfortable or compromising positions thirst for knowledge. Pick up artists look for game because they have none, for example. If you want people to search for knowledge, you have to give people (ALL PEOPLE) pressing unignorable problems. Otherwise we all just take the path of least resistance.

Paths like playing video games instead of going out into the world achieving REAL goals for instance

I'm not a true christian, I just hate relativism in all forms, and we all seem steeped in relativist thought so it's my goal to root it out.

I believe in what amas or whatever that is was saying; jews and muslims should all get together in one place so we can blow them the fuck to shreds. Put niggers in the mix, we don't need em. Get them out. Get em out of here!

*tips fedora*

Yeah, the classical scientists and artists never ever ever strove to the understanding of the universe and the perfection of artistic expression for the purpose of glorification of God or becoming closer to the divine or anything. That totally never happened. Fucking really, retard?

You think I feel like explaining all of that right now?

I think those outcomes were heavily dependent on individuals and did not reflect on society as a whole. But I could be wrong.

wew, lad

In his The Fundamental Question of Metaphysics, Martin Heidegger asks the primary question in philosophy, which is: Why do we have something rather than nothing at all? The question may seem abstract at first, but the essential issues Heidegger raises are ones that we all will wrestle with at some point. Why are we here and where has everything that we know come from? It should first be pointed out that the atheist and the theist both believe in the eternal. As succinctly pointed out by the great theologian Jonathan Edwards, you must go back to something that is eternal because, as Edwards put it:

• Something exists
• You don’t get something from nothing
• Therefore, a necessary and eternal ‘something’ must exist

The atheist claims that the eternal ‘something’ is the natural universe; whereas the theist says an eternal Creator brought everything we know into existence. The question then becomes, which possibility is supported by the best evidence? Scientists are unequivocal in their response that the Universe we know and live in is not eternal. Every intellectually honest drop of evidence points to the fact that the universe–at some point in the past–exploded out of nothing into what we know today. Anything that has a beginning (such as our Universe) cannot be eternal and therefore must have a cause beyond and/or behind it. The Scottish skeptic David Hume admitted as much when he wrote, “I never asserted so absurd a proposition as that anything might arise without a cause.” This truth can be put into the following series of logical statements:

• Everything that begins to exist must have a cause
• The universe began to exist
• Therefore, the universe had a cause

Because there are only two, eternal ‘somethings’ that are possible–the universe and a Creator–and one of them has been ruled out by all the evidence we have, a reasonable conclusion is that an eternal Creator is the cause for why we have something rather than nothing at all. This line of argumentation is often called the cosmological argument for the existence of God.
However, critics have tried to attack this argument in two general, philosophical ways. The first has been through asking the question, “If everything needs a cause, then who caused God?” The British skeptic, Bertrand Russell (influenced by philosopher J. S. Mill), tried to argue against the cosmological argument in just such a fashion. However, both Russell and Mill commit two errors when they attempt to undo the cosmological argument. First, they commit the logical error of a category mistake–you cannot cause the uncaused or create the uncreated. Second, the cosmological argument does not say that everything needs a cause, but only those things that have a beginning. God, who has no beginning and is uncaused, needs no cause.

The second attack on the cosmological argument has come from atheistic scientists who have proposed other possible causes for our universe. The two main options put forth are the multiverse (multiple universes) hypothesis and the quantum mechanics theory that purports things can arise and come into existence without a cause.
However, both alternatives fail when studied closely. The Borde-Guth-Vilenkin theorem has scientifically proven that that even if our universe is just a tiny part of a so-called “multiverse” composed of many universes, the multiverse must have had an absolute beginning. In other words, it also requires a cause. As for the quantum mechanics proposal, it is simply not true that things begin to exist from nothing in a quantum mechanics environment. Anything arising results from fluctuations in the quantum vacuum, which is not “nothing” by definition. Instead, it comes from energy that is locked in the vacuum, which is a sea of fluctuating energy governed by physical laws having a physical structure. No evidence suggests that things come into being from nothing in quantum mechanics.
Both the multiverse and quantum mechanics arguments are examples of what in philosophy is called “drowning the fish.” You can use all the water in the oceans in an attempt to drown the fish, but in the end, it will still be there affirming its existence and presence. In the end, the cosmological argument for God stands intact. The reason we have something rather than nothing is because, “In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth” (Genesis 1:1). Rather than being defeated by modern science (as is the eternal universe claim), the opening line of the Bible is supported by science. Quantum chemist Henry F. Schaeffer says, “A Creator must exist. The Big Bang ripples and subsequent scientific findings are clearly pointing to an ex nihilo creation consistent with the first few verses of the book of Genesis.”
Dr. John Lennox sums up the overall matter of the cosmological argument well when he writes: “There are not many options–essentially just two. Either human intelligence ultimately owes its origin to mindless matter; or there is a Creator. It is strange that some people claim that it is their intelligence that leads them to prefer the first to the second.” There is no debate among both atheists and theists that the Universe, the Earth, and life on earth displays design. The most vocal atheist alive today, Richard Dawkins, says: “Living objects… look designed, they look overwhelmingly as though they’re designed. Biology is the study of complicated things which give the impression of having been designed for a purpose.” Francis Crick, an atheist and co-discoverer of DNA, says, “Biologists must constantly keep in mind that what they see was not designed, but rather evolved.”
The theist responds that things look designed because they were in fact designed by a Creator. The teleological (from the Greek word telos which means end, aim, or purpose) argument for God contends that one way we can validate the existence of a Creator is through the marks of intelligence and design that the universe and humankind exhibit. The argument is stated in the following way:

Fedoras only want to destroy Christianity to get pussy and seem intelligent.

Bet you play Call of Duty you fucking normalfag :^)

• Behind every complex design is a designer
• The universe has a complex design
• Therefore, the universe has a designer

Who is right? Is everything simply the product of time + matter + chance or is there a transcendent Creator? Which way does the evidence lead? Opponents of religion such as Dawkins and Crick may say things only appear designed, however even they cannot refute the presence of intelligent design that appears in life’s building blocks, which is DNA. DNA represents what is called “specified complexity,” meaning it contains a complex design that defies any rational attempt at explaining it other than by an intelligent source.
Atheist Richard Dawkins admits that the message found in just the cell nucleus of an amoeba is more than all thirty volumes of the Encyclopedia Britannica, with the entire amoeba itself having as much information in its DNA as 1,000 complete sets of the Encyclopedia Britannica. The important thing to understand is that the makeup of these entities is not random, not just meaningless data, but instead is highly organized information. Noted biophysicist Dean Kenyon states the conclusion on DNA plainly when he says: “If science is based on experience, then science tells us that the message encoded in DNA must have originated from an intelligent cause. What kind of intelligent agent was it? On its own, science cannot answer this question; it must leave it to religion and philosophy. But that should not prevent science from acknowledging evidences for an intelligent cause origin wherever they may exist.”
What do Dawkins and Crick postulate as the source for the specified complexity and information found in DNA? Crick, speaking for Dawkins as well, says: “Given the weaknesses of all theories of terrestrial genesis, directed panspermia should still be considered a serious possibility.” Those unfamiliar with the term “directed panspermia” should understand that Crick and Dawkins say the best explanation for DNA is that aliens came to earth and planted it here. It needs to be noted that even if Crick and Dawkins are correct and their argument granted, it only extends the issue to that supposed race of beings. Dawkins proposes space aliens for the reason we see intelligence here but he also says that the alien would have had to have evolved as well. The problem is if you cannot get the evolutionary process to solve the information process here on earth, why think it could happen elsewhere? Kicking the dilemma to outer space does not help at all. The truth is those who deny that an ultimate Creator is responsible for the intelligence and design reflected in life exhibit far more faith than those who affirm the teleological argument for God.
In fact, it was the argument from and to design that convinced what used to be atheism’s greatest philosopher and spokesman–Anthony Flew–to abandon his atheism and embrace the concept of a Creator. Stating his position on the matter, Flew simply said: “I think the origins of the laws of nature and of life and the Universe point clearly to an intelligent Source. The burden of proof is on those who argue to the contrary.”

Not exclusively, as kikes are the primary fedoras these days.


Thats a lot of No webm.

Still need source on music.

Copy-pasting is unnecessarily cruel to formatting.
Please copy-paste responsibly.

I guess the real vote starts tomorrow. The anticipation is killing me. I know Trump will get it, but I want to see it tie up and have it go to the House or even the Senate because that'd be kind of neat.

I've seen footage

Believe whatever you want, you're still not getting out of here alive.

It's going to take 46 unfaithful electors just to strip Trump of his lead.
President Trump is a reality.

That didn't last long, no the Big Bang as horrendously named is not an explosion from nothing, it is a rapid expansion from what seems to be a single point
""the Big Bang" as an event is also colloquially referred to as the "birth" of our universe since it represents the point in history where the universe can be verified to have entered into a regime where the laws of physics as we understand them (specifically general relativity and the standard model of particle physics) work"

It seems incredibly unlikely, but at the same time I feel like the Russian election hacking thing has been pushed so hard specifically to set the stage to justify that shit.

I love how the big cat doesn't give a fuck about any of this.

This is obviously pasta but it is the healthiest and most edifying pasta I have ever read. You got it nail-on-the-head with this, DubsID user.

Sounds dangerously close to what an "explosion" is, mate. That being said, your post doesn't negate the evidences of purposeful design and does not negate the irreducible truth that…well, here's a webm as an example

In which aspect Russian "hacked" even occurred? We have proof the DNC rigged the dem primaries, we have proof they committed voter fraud as well, we have proof of Hillary foreign ties due to the scam Clinton foundation.

gr8 T8 m8

Oh to be unenlightened.

What book is this from, user? I feel like I've read it before.

For all we know, life and the universe is a Sims videogame that God created, and as soon as he was done with it, he put us into fast forward.
Have you ever tought of the possibility that if there is an afterlife, you would probably have to learn how to walk again, being used to the simulation?

Take it up with the media, not me. I'm just saying that the round-the-clock articles about Russia influencing the elections have me a bit worried that they're trying to use that as a platform to declare the election compromised somehow. Which is incredibly stupid, as every intelligence agency admits there's no feasible way the voting machines themselves were hacked, so they (the Dems, et al) are essentially saying that the American public are idiots who were fooled by Russian hackers into not voting for Hillary, because said Russian hackers (assuming that's even true) only targeted the left and not the right.
I'm not saying I'm entirely okay with the hacks themselves, whether it was Russia or anyone else, but at the same time I think it's naive to get worked up about it in this day and age. It's no secret that everyone has an interest in each other's elections, and it's no secret that Russia hates Hillary. And America is the last country that can complain about influencing other countries governments, and I say this as a loyal burger.
Sage because getting way off topic.

What evidence of purposeful design was there in that garbled mess of your 3 posts? My post lined out that this paragraph falls on its face since all the Big Bang shows is that the universe before we know it obviously had to be in a radically different state compared to what it is in now and does not imply that it "popped" into existence by means that would require a deity.

What is this? A tutorial for quote mining? The video conveniently cutting off when he surely was about to correct his mistake…

Confident the Physicist has a better understanding of this

Is the universe itself God?









Everything exists within and because of it, and unlike God there is no dispute over its existence
There is a reason much of modern astronomy came from renaissance theologians





This is not okay



The last kill in that scene is one of my favorite out of the entire movie. It is a 40 seconds of uncut fighting. Might not be the flashiest kill but when was the last time a fight scene had 40 seconds between cuts.

Why live?






what is this?


how fucking new are you?


Thats chris chan.


oh i thought it was that autistic YoutubeTutorial guy


Do you think Putin had the band members sent to Siberia after this, or is this in another country? If it's in another country did Putin annex it?

It's music.

Oh my god. Only god knows what happened to those poor band members. Putin's face is fucking hilarious though.

the syrian military did an equally bad job

Yea, that about sums that up.

Jesus christ, why isn't he in a home yet?

Also redid these with higher bitrate, didn't like how they looked at 400


Those are Mattocks, and dual gorgons fuck up vehicles as well with sustained fire



that phrase alone never fails to crack me up

that webm is me when i wake up to a nightmare on the good part of a dream

semi new, semi of the avidemux. Its a bit /a/,but fits well to Holla Forums.

Best AI.

best gaems haev simple but challenggingg rulesss.

Fuck, i want to try out GTA V in first person one day. Heard its comfy. Is it boring? The only GTA i played were Vice City and San Andreas.

needs a wider FOV, its like sub 90 in first person.

It's the worst GTA actually.
You should play 3 and the 2D ones and then you'll have played through the good stuff, and if you still have a GTA boner try to slog through 4 which is garbage and only then touch 5

Its time to neck yourself

You know seeing the "Laws of Nature" I was half expecting for it to say "rule" and getting that Revengance Song.

You've never been
In our city of light,
Never dreamed till dusk
above the evening river.
You haven't wandered off with your friends
across the large avenues,
That means you haven't seen
The best city int he world.

My song sets sail, my heart sings,
The songs are about you, Moscow!
My song sets sail, my heart sings,
The songs are about you, Moscow!

Come to us in Moscow
And walk along the Arbat street
Absorb yourself in Tverskaya Street
Into the noise of the green alleys.
At least take a look once,
How the girls dance
On the great hands
Of the blue squares (floors).

My song sets sail, my heart sings,
The songs are about you, Moscow!
My song sets sail, my heart sings,
The songs are about you, Moscow!

You will remember my words,
If you just come
And you see at least once
The best city in the world

My song sets sail, my heart sings,
The songs are about you, Moscow!
My song sets sail, my heart sings,
The songs are about you, Moscow!

Oh sweet lord who is this.

GTA V isn't too bad although only Trevor is really the only character worth playing unless you want to be Action Jackson or the dad who gets continually cucked.

Fucking underage wankers

I'm sorry that I no longer don my rose tinted shades anymore, user

Looks like a bad actor in a bad acting class.

I could list a thousand ways GTA 5 is better than GTA 4, the biggest and number one reason is the characters are actually interesting, vs GTA 4 where they are the most cliche parodies I have ever seen, with zero logic between them

"You man, I need you to ice this guy, he's old, he doesn't know the streets like they are today, it's going to cause issues"

*kill him*


Also, for more "Logic that does not make sense" enjoy the absolute retard that is DSP


I do feel like the driving was better in GTA 4 tho

Nah, that settles it. After seeying this webm i no longer believe that DSP is genuine retard. He is a professional sad clown actor.

DSP's "Commentary" is like the schizophrenic voices in my head, what he is always saying is his actual thought process

This is often a flaw with people who think WAYYYYY too highly of themselves because they think everything they do is an outright masterpiece and you MUST KNOW what they're thinking at that very moment

Basically GOTIS but he's a man

No, No, I can't, just no.
I can't understand the people who think hes a real person.
On this planet
Is honestly that dumb.
It is a persona.
It has to be people with the same mentality as those who think professional wrestling is real.
The man is the Larry the Cable Guy of the Internet.
A complete fraud that most who enjoy only do so because they do not see the actor outside of the acting.

He must be real dedicated then because he can't possibly cover his living costs through his youtube/ebegging

Holy fuck, I just realized he was trying to eat noodles with a spoon. I saw the webm but couldn't process it.

I've literally done NOTHING but lurk for the past like year and a half, but I made sure to fill out the captcha today to say WHAT IN THE ALMIGHTY FUCK
Like, I'm sorry if I'm ignoring your post, and this thread, but holy shit. DSP has the fucking life experience of a five year old.
No, scratch that, my brother was speaking the fucking Queen's English at five, so there are five year olds smarter than this man.

He had to pay a contractor something like $50 an hour to screw in curtain rod holders for curtains in his new house

He is indeed that stupid, and it not an act

This shit was made to be consumed with chopsticks though. Neither with a fork. Since with fork you can accidentally make a hole in paper package.


You should hear other nuggets of wisdom in the video

"Soup is just flavored water"


Still need source on music

Seriously I could go on for a week about how fucking stupid he is

It took him over 10 minutes at the start of Bayonetta to figure out that he should go through a busted gate leading out of the cemetery the the enemy just burst through

He thought "Video pass through" for a capture device passed the video through to your PC and not the TV, so he spent months and months and months badmouthing direct capture and kept using his video camera because he didn't want to be like "Some loser that sits at his PC all day playing games etc" and then he spends all his time at his PC tweeting about how retarded a game developer is because some enemy in a game killed him

Even better is once John Rambo told him what video passthrough was he instantly went out and got one, and this was after months and months of calling his fans retards

He thought getting his account verified on twitter meant that he now had a direct line of communication with twitter admins and that nobody could "Troll him" IE disagree with his retarded ape shit slinging anymore and proudly talked about it for days and days till somebody pointed out it just meant you were verified as a legit public person for the service, to which he then apeshit "What's the fucking point of verified then?!"

There is no bottom to his stupidity


yer a faggot

y-you too







Where's the lewds?


You're bad? I jerk off five to ten times a day. If I could have sex once a day that'd be good enough.

I can never fucking get that. Doesn't your head hurt, and your clothes reek of sweat from exhaustion? Does anything actually fucking come out? I've literally only got up to 3, and I was RIGHT fucked up. Not sure if I was sick or on drugs or something, but I couldn't manage that at all today, for example.

Naw lad. My head starts to go once I hit eight or around that mark, I tend not to sweat a lot unless it's summer. I've jerked off 13 times and on the 14th time I never got anything out despite feeling the thing. I've done it four times today, just depends on libido, person, and blood pressure I guess.

me too. just today it was already 4 and it's 6am
No nigga i'd cum and be ready for more

I'm not a sweaty person and i don't get exhausted, i'm in pretty good shape. Head doesn't hurt either but i do have really good pain endurance (already broke my wrist, collarbone, right pinkie, got stabbed and shot)

Well I dunno. I'm not in shape, I sleep all day and my diet is canned meat, frozen vegetables with ramen noodles on top of that. I've slowed myself down and I'm not doing it ten times anymore I usually just do it three to four and if I don't ingest caffeine I hardly do it. Oh well honestly.

What's the origin of this, anyway?

when i asked people said an user posted the dog picture with that text but i still don't understand what's funny about it and i haven't seen a cap of the thread (which i wasn't in)

Why does every argument for god involve blatant unsubstantiated assumptions, presentation of subjective terms as objective ones, or both?

First, complex is a completely subjective statement, systems/structures considered dizzyingly complex by humans are only considered complex because of the way our brains work. We're 10 thousand years ahead of throwing sticks at deer and running around naked, to thoroughly understand many unintuitive systems requires intensive study and observation. Hypothetitical alien races, or future humans that have interfaced with machines could find systems that completely stupefy us to be incredibly simple and uninteresting.

Secondly systems we consider to be complex generally feature patterns, and rules that allow them to function. If anything truly complex systems and structures are completely random and chaotic, and are created by corruption and destruction, yet we are slower to assert that systems like these were created by an intelligent creator.

Lastly, go and fucking prove that all complex designs require a designer, if the fact "complex", a completely nebulous and subjective term, is the qualifier for what systems and structures were created by an intelligent all-powerful agent is the root for the argument isn't enough, the fact it's followed by this completely unproven, empty and stupid claim should be.

It's the same shit with the Ontological Proof which asserts:
Which first makes the assumption man can imagine an entity that is perfect in every way, I myself struggle to lay down a comprehensive description that isn't a foggy abstract idea of a perfect being. Furthermore don't different kinds of "perfect" cancel each other out? How can a god be both perfectly just and perfectly compassionate? Justice and compassion are often at odds with one another.

Secondly it asserts that something that exists is more perfect than something that doesn't. Why is this the case? Surely I would prefer if I had the perfect Negroni in my hand right now, but the Negroni is not made more perfect in respect to the qualities of a Negroni that contribute to its quality by existing. I would merely prefer if it existed and I had it. The idea that something is better because it exists is entirely fuelled by desire.

I have nothing against Christians, I'm not a militant Atheist, but your pseudo-scientific/philosophical bullshit is just that, bullshit.

Hahah what

it happens. i also produce a lot of sperm so 10 orgasms isn't enough unless i also had 10 orgasms in the previous day, but if i wank enough nothing comes out

Finally figured out how to encode this turd.

Don't you feel you have a problem? Assuming you don't bust a nut in 2 or 3 minutes you must spend hours every day fapping.

Whoever made that video, i want to meet them and tip their fedora

In actual sex i might take over an hour but when fapping it's 2 or 3 minutes like you say

get help or at least reduce it once a day, better yet once a week or do no-fap

nah nigga i just need a fireproof woman

it's too late, he's already doomed

We can only hope to meme harder so his suffering ends

How the fuck can you make a hole in thick paper package with a fork, do you violently jam the fork in?


I thought I was bad with fapping about once or 3 times a day but you? Why don't you take the time to get a girlfriend, or at least a prostitute?



It was in a webm thread and the user in the post was replying to some SJW shit being posted. Someone decided to screencap it as a reaction image, and as a result someone decided to add Vietnam music to the image, thus resulting in the webm. The thread was nothing special, it was simply that the webm was pretty damn neat.

This song is so upbeat, I like it.
I feel like it's a joke that all that at the end of the video is over spilled milk.

did you fucking sharpen your fork and just jam it into the side of the cup while holding it?


I haven't seen this one. How old is it?



Why does this actually want to make me play the game more?






Anybody got scenes from Rouge One? Also is it fair to say that this movie was Star Wars: It Ain't Me Edition

Moonman's flow has never been so impeccable









Keep the hood safe, H

lol, I have that one saved

What is the source of the 1st webm? I looked everywhere.
