/agdg/ + /vm/

Keep doing your best edition


Other urls found in this thread:



One of the guys from the horror project here. If you've got some interest in animating 3D models or texturing, get ahold of me. I'd love to find some people who mesh well.

Classic RE/SH-style survival horror game visually modeled after an 80's VHS slasher film.

Monster grill dungeon crawler will be released on Christmas, RC1 build is on the git now:
Warning: eldricht abomination of code inside

what do /adgd/ mean?

Amateurs Do Games, Dude

Amateur Developer Game Development

Always Do Good Deeds

All Girls Despise Googum

Autistic Debacle for Good Distractions

Quality /agdg/ thread, guys.


Totally not a samefag.

First time on Holla Forums?



That's what he asked

not a samefag, just should looked at the boards in op before being stupid…

Wew, >>>/vm/ could actually use more love.

Those filenames never cease to amaze me. I weep for any poor soul that would try to debug all of that in the future.

wut = {"b","c","d","f","g","h","j","k","l","m","n","p","r","s","t","v","w","x","y","z"}
wutda = {"a","i","e","o","u"}
wutdafug = {"ith", "ton", "on", "field", "man", "lana", "rza", "ela"}

There needs to be more guides on how to get into modding. It requires you to do different things than just know how to program, because you're modifying an already existing compiled program.

proprietary engines were a mistake

Proprietary software was a mistake

At least the filenames are perfectly descriptive of the content.

Implementing Faerie name generator tonight, gimme from cute faerie names

gimme some*
fuck im tired and its only 1:18 PM


How about 7.1 Kb pong game ? You need SDL2 libs (if you have steam installed you have them already), of course this exe doesn't have the standard C lib stuff included, pretty much all PCs nowadays have them installed already, but you might get an error that you have the wrong version, pls let me know, as I have no way of testing it, all my Pcs use the same linux instalation, thx god bless
Oh yeah, source code is included, so compile it yourself if my pre compiled exe doesnt work


meh these are too disney-like, i will figure out something myself

Strawberry Hitler.

daily reminder that you will never make a game

But I've already made games.

Someone post the Phil Fish tweets

but i just did

Doesn't count, if it doesn't progress gaming as a respectable art-form to spread messages of progressivism and diversity.

my game is diverse, look how black it is !

But you're oppressing him by saying that it doesn't count if it doesn't progress gaming as a respectable art-form to spread messages of progressivism and diversity.

Are you black?
If not, way to culturally appropriate.
If so sorry, I'll go back to being guilty. Where's your patreon?


I'll stop shitposting now. I have a game to finish till tomorrow for uni.

Recent progress:
-Wasted way too much time playing Darkest Dungeon.
-Went to a convention over the weekend.
-Still wasting more time on Darkest Dungeon.
-Working every day through Christmas.

So… More progress than usual lately.

just finished making the body mesh
going to make the protags now

so I need opinions

my game is going to have 3 options > then choose gender for protagonist.
the options are just what type of personality the protag will have (won't really change the game)
the game I'm making is some pokemon smt clone that's light-hearted

(I hope the concept isn't too scribbly, I'm no 2D artist)

why do they all miss one leg ?

so they can become super cyborgs of course.

You'll have a gender slider, right shitlord?

ayy lmao

Just to suffer

I have her with the separate weapons pack. :) Underwhelming in the end :(
I don't know what I expected :/

is there a two leg option?

Gamer entitlement, everyone. Piece of shit thinks he's entitled to two legs.

mods will fix it

but muh concept idea sketches
I'll do the full body after I'm done designing I promise

also check your leg privilege

Here are some random short music bits I made today while trying to synthesize instruments for my future music. my.mixtape.moe/hxyajs.mp3
How to improve my instruments?

Why are you trying to make us believe that this girl is a guy user?She looks like a fucking tomboy sure but thats still a female.
I mean the Extrovert guy looks like a twink but you can at least tell that he is a faggot instead of a woman.
Your waifus are fine however
Introvert girl best girl,would hug and pat head

For anyone wanting to work on 3d models and such, I'm trying to bring back /3d/. Come check out my dead board!

Who said that's supposed to be the guy of those two?

If you're making a tiny game, do it right.


I get the feeling this is bait, but just in case it's serious I'll bite: I think he was just trying to fill in the color for the leggings with a paintbrush tool and one of his strokes went a little too far outside area he was supposed to shade

How the fuck do you run it? love expects a .love file and invoking a lua interpreter on main fails because the love global is nil.

Drag the game folder onto the LOVE executable.

all me


Thx for the link, I'll do it

All right, got it running. Pic 2 happens when I hit c, n takes me to new game.

Suggestion, put these instructions in the readme.

Alright, combat is too bloody slow. It should resolve instantly and scroll the events like a chat log instead of pausing for a second to let me read. Let me just do F+1 over and over to get it done quickly. Also, I died to a fairy, yet did not get a rape scene. That is very bad.

Checked, memeslayer

both of you
get out

still (ir)regularly lurk that and /loomis/ m8

Maybe tonight I can get my map icons finally done

Or maybe I'll just go back to the 3d primitives dungeon shit.

This is gonna be a shit to work with as well, I should rethink it but it's kind of hard.

Yes. You should. Unless you're doing some kind of challenge, you shouldn't impose arbitrary limitations on yourself like "I'm only allowed to use ints for my tile data!". Use a system suitable for the task. For instance, maybe you can have one bitmap for each type of tile. So one for floor, one for walls, one for fog etc. The map could even be split into macro tiles of say 64x64 tiles which themselves are stored in say, a quadtree. Alternatively, they're just stored in a map that assiciates their position to their memory address, then macrotiles are loaded and unloaded from disk using a file (or a set of files partitioned in some suitable manner) which contains a table associating the tiles byte offsets in the file to their world position. Certain more rare features, like traps, treasure and what else could just be stored separately in a suitable spacial data structure and similarly be kept in bins associating the world position of the bin to the file offset.

Stay in school, kids. Learn you you're maths.
I really wish American schools had optional programming+math classes as its a great way to make it fun, engaging, and practical while teaching two closely interconnected and extremely useful skills at the same time.

If anyone cares, I am using Game Maker and am trying to convert an objects room position on an isometric hexagon grid into a ds_grid position. I have a formula that works, but it does so as if the cells were isometric squares instead of hexagons, causing inaccurate cell detection when moving up and down across the horizontal cell border. pics show what I have so far, with the red grid being how the formula effectively translates the positions. There is certainly a better way to do all of this, and I am willing to try it eventually, but I would also like to see the current way I'm doing things work if I can.
It goes without saying that I have absolutely no idea what I am doing.

smells like suffering

why do you use an square isometric grid?
Why not directly calculate the position from the black grid?

Does anybody know what kind of strategy/method I should be looking into for easily handling multi-layered nested things without hard-coding it all? I've looked into JSON, but a lot of what I read indicates that it doesn't handle a deeply nested structure. XML seems similarly limited.

I just want to be able to do something like:
-Round Fruit:
→Round Fruit with Peels
→Round Fruit without Peels
→Cock-Shaped Fruit with Peels
→Cock-Shaped Fruit that's actually just Cock

I can do this in a hard-coded way, but I'm looking for a way to do it such that I can set up the framework and then just create a ton of modular things to plug into the system, not just for manageability but also to make it easily player-moddable.

You almost have a usable pattern. You just need to find a way to ignore half the points.

I am doing that. The black grid is the room and cell size. I am taking the x and y positions of an object that can move freely around the room, which game maker sets the origin of in the top left corner and the region it occupies as positive, am figuring out where it is relative to the point marked origin, and then comparing that point to the ds_grid, which the isometric tiles represent. The problem is in the way the formula calculates the position, which does so only with two axis, and I am pretty sure I need to add some way to calculate in a third to account for moving up and down in the room/diagonally across the ds_grid.

It works like that, actually. It almost accurately converts positions just as intended, but the formula works in a way where the position is rounded in square regions, so if you are along the horizontal edge of a hexagon then it calculates your position as being in either of the cells to the left or right instead of thinking you are still in the same hex or one above/below. If I were using iso squares then everything would work as intended.
Also worth noting that moving things from cell center to cell center all works fine, its just things that can move around freely that I am having the problem with.

Really user?

Well, you have your problems precisely because hexes are not isometric squares. Need to express the hex as an union of triangles and rectangles or something similar to that.

Shit, I forgot about /loomis/ thanks for the reminder!

Still fiddling with combat log speed, some people complain it's too slow while others complain it's too fast.

I've managed to contain each map tile's data into 24 bytes per tile. If I exclusively use 32x32 maps, then this actually ends up being 24 kb per map floor.

The reason I wanted to use a compact bit field was so that it could "fit" into this format (having 4 bytes set aside for map data). However, I can still do this within the byte data, and when reading and expanding it, I can use more than one enum type, etc.

But I still need to plan it out.

Either yes or I don't understand what you mean. It will calculate the positions as being only the points you marked just fine.

That is the problem, I just don't know exactly how to fix it. Right now everything is going purely off of math, the background tile hexes are just a projection of the ds_grid data made using another formula. I do not know how to actually convert hex grid data to square grid data and back, or define shapes, using only math, but since I set my hex axis' similar to a skewed square grid, shown by the water and lava tiles, rather than having em zigzag, doing it like I have has mostly worked. If I didn't have objects that could move around freely in the room then it would be fine as is.

Oh yeah, name generator online, tomorrow i will work on the stat randomizer

Why do you want to do freely moving objects?
It is for projectiles?

Mostly because I can, but I need it for mouse position as well and seeing things move around would be cool. It currently takes the mouse position in the room and converts it to a grid position, then converts that position to a room position and places the blue circle on that point. When you press one of the mouse buttons it checks the position of the blue circle on the grid and changes the grid value to a different terrain type, currently grass, water and lava, then updates the background tile of that cell. This "game" is just me fucking around trying to learn stuff, with a goal of being able to make, edit, save, and load hex-tile maps with height, and figure out how to do cell to cell and free movement, collisions, proper depth drawing, and basic AI using GMs A* pathing. I am doing all this for square hexes too so it is good that I've got that working at least.
Here is the .exe if anyone without game maker wants to see whats going on - mediafire.com/file/9iqb55o6uu172l5/GameTest-Default-
The project for anyone with GM to mess around with - mediafire.com/file/gsjcor8bf6rrcr8/GameTest.gmx.zip
Reminder I have no idea what I am doing, I've only done a few built-in tutorials before this, and my only previous coding experience is Visual Basic, so don't expect good things.

I don't understand rigging

I hope you've read through this:

How's the Bavarian Scout Ranger going?

How feasible it is for a person with no coding experience to make a Commandos-like game?

I actually had that page opened and didn't even know it. I'd be upset if not for it being my own fault for being dumb. Now time to try and understand it all when I don't know shit about math.

If someone like me can make video games, you can make video games.

Could you probably mod an RTS engine for it?

Well you look like an artfag to me at least
The first one looks like androgynous cancer though. Make all the girls wear fucking dresses.

(Assuming you're not one of my teammates shilling) wow thanks for the interest. Trying to finish a complete stage with boss battle by end of the year. After I finish the logic of each tentacle.

Now I also want to have flying sequences with ley lines ala Izetta.

That gunshot scared the shit out of me.

I needed an excuse to make you show off some of our stuff, actually I may shill it outside of the board, not sure where right now.

I don't mind some shotacon.

Oh it's you, lol. Feel free to shill if you like. I'm still putting together a more definitive demo.

Ah gomen. One of the original complaints was the impotent sound of the original gunshots. So I made it reverb like crazy.

You are right.

What, like retroactively?

Hmm, what should I work on today

You mean nerfing a certain tonk with your favorite nerf chisel?

Blow it out of your ass.

if you want to get any real amount of work done i would suggest you stop wasting your time on pointless optimizations like this

Alright, I'm making good progress on the MUD, the question is how to get people to play it now.

Make it fun and easily moddable
even then I think there's a shortage of MUD autists

I'm trying.
It's not MUSH but rather standard DIKU so that's not as easy.

Some progress from our cool code fellow on the untitled 80's horror game. Groundwork is laid for physics or animation-based poltergeist activity with a random chance of occurrence, if I'm understanding right.


Long time no see, Anons; Its me, MoM user!

I am sorry for the lack of updates as of late. I have been working on the project this entire time, but I wanted to save a few surprises for everyone, and with my 1 year anniversary of first announcing this project coming up, I wanted to inform everyone that on or AROUND December 27th (Which is when I announced this project last year!) I will be releasing the first official trailer for my project.

In Addition to this, I will now post 10 screenshots of the Revamped Misty Forest Area. I feel as this redone version of the map is more appealing gameplay and visual wise!

Also another thing to note, is that once the trailer is release after next week, I will be posting here MUCH more frequently again. That being said, the stuff I do post will most likely be spoilers, so I hope everyone is cool with that!

If you have any questions, feel free to ask!


Good to see you're still around, you furry bastard. Your environments are looking good.

Thank you!; I actually been studying maps from old video game maps to actually get the shapes looking right this time. I actually made my old map too complex, which meant I was spending more time shaping out the areas when Needed to.

If any of you wanted inspiration for more classic maps, I would advise checking out VGMaps; its a good resource for seeing how a room is structured in certain games!

I can definitely see the Zelda influence in the stuff you've posted.

geh whiz, if dat shiet is finally fucking done then it's time to fuck around with substance painter 2

The trees look to vertical. They need a more depth, something like branches or better textures.

Thats the DooM engine for you!

I can look into adding some branches however.

Is it supposed to look like minecraft?

What makes it look like minecraft?

How is that pointless? How else am I going to put my map data in a file and give it to the game? I sure as fuck aren't making a visual editor

You can monetize games made with doom engine?

I dont think so (However it is possible to remove all controversial source code). That being said, I don't plan on monetizing my project.

Fuck I think I am done now, for the empty spaces I will reserve them with seamless textures or so just in case when I want to make a few more variations for it, like T-34-85 and uh whatever the fuck those blyadniks came up with.


About time you shit, haven't seen you in a while.

Long Time No See, Tank user!

I will be more often from now on. as I mentioned before, I disappeared due to the fact I wanted to keep things a surprised for what I plan to show off in the next couple of days. I am hoping what I show off will sort of blow a few minds of people who enjoy DooM mods!


it's pointless because you can use more bytes than 24 per tile, I mean does it really matter how many bites maps take up?

Oh, I can see the resemblance; However, I am not aiming for that blocky style of Minecraft. I am trying to make it close to a PS1/N64 game

If it's not 24 or 32 byte, then it won't align properly in my hex editor, and if it's too big, then it's hard to work with

why the fuck are you using a hex editor?

Because I'm not making a visual editor for my map

oh now i get it
Why wouldn't you make a visual editor though wouldn't it be easier that way?

I can either use C# winforms and have none of XNA's rendering library, or I can use XNA and have none of winforms' controls library. There's no point


Use opengl and C++ along with imgui to make a quick tool for map editing

I don't know how to use either of those, and last time I tried to download a language I wasn't familiar with (C) it ended up being a 400 mb+ download, and I couldn't even get it to compile from cmd

No thank

do you not have like a game with a working visual interface?

I've never had a project last long enough to need one, no

i mean don't you have a game with visuals and some form of interactivity?

Not really, no. I mean I have a world you can move around in, but it uses hand-placed 3D quads so it's very cumbersome to change things. This is why I wanted to do my map format so I could automate placement and stuff

In other news I just finished my 2D minimap icons and I think they're in a state when I won't have to change them much more, so I can maybe work on the maps a bit

then why don't you make your map editor the same way you made your game?

nigga what, tcc is like a megabyte, you probably downloaded a IDE with additional BS

I really wish there was a cracked version of this or some open-source alternative…

Start making it dude.

I have a Japanese magazine that describes how to create vid related.
Going to read it later to get an understanding for what kind of tech BISHAMON is bringing to the table…It also has a trial version that I ought to take a look at eventually.

It's not like it's impossible to do 3DVFX with just Blender, but it's clear BISHAMON either has assets (and potentially other tech?) that speeds up the process of creating these kinds of effects.

literally anything that comes from twitter.com/petermolydeux

That's already more interesting than 100% of modern first person shooters.

This guy is a better ideasguy than the real Molyneux

If only there could be some way for players to decide how fast the combat log is.


There is now it honestly never occured to me before you mentioned it

Learning about voxels.

Friend made a voxel crate and slotting them in is surprisingly easy. Looks much better than sprite crates, too.

So how do you guys write a game doc, or even just get all your ideas of how you want the game to play in one place? I have a pretty good idea of the games I want to make and how their mechanics would work, but I really don't know how I should go about getting them out of my head and onto paper.

Also, I'm trying to use Game Maker and I'm wondering, is it acceptable to use some premade code, even just to study and see how the fuck to do things? I wanna do something like an oldschool JRPG but I don't even know where the fuck to start there.

What do?

Just write it as if you were trying to market to a publisher. Pitch the game to yourself.


I usually write it out in Microsoft Word with the following chapters:
1. Objective
2. Characters
3. Story
4. Gameplay elements (what makes it unique)
5. Levels
6. Enemies
7. Items

Your document may vary.

I also purchased Game Maker but considering they use their own proprietary language to make the games run, it seems rather limiting. I'm going to give Unity a shot to make a 2.5D game, at least I know that's in C+.

I was gonna post the picture of Mike on the haunted house ride, put that post fucked up and I had to try posting again. I couldn't find that image in my reaction folder, so I chose that one instead.

Not a question, but I would really promote using vertex coloring to make places look interesting even if there's only 5 textures in a room. Banjo-Kazooie was masterfully done with this effect.

What are some good books that I can get for gamedev for UE4, OpenGl, Direct X, SDL, SFML, or Unity?

I strongly suggest baking the physics animations for the hair so you can tweak it to look its best, plus it saves on processing power.
Just make a forward, backward, left, right, fall & jump movement that can be blended with each other so it looks real but isn't.

Also, make the hair thicker than a plane so if clipping occurs it isn't noticeable.

I would also suggest using vertex shading a little so that even in the shadows, the character looks like it has depth. Like how the characters in TF2 all have darkened pants around the legs in order to naturally highlight the guns.

Thanks for reading!

Planning out Faerie Village shit



lazy, //loves slacking, hates working
diligent, //loves working, hates slacking
cheerful, //good mood default
creative, //good with cultural jobs
curious, //great risk and reward at danger, learn fast
dumb, //horrible at mental jobs, learn slowly
emotional, //likes cultural jobs, dislike intellectuals
calculating, //dislikes cultural jobs, like intellectuals
timid, //bad in dangerous situations, doesn't like breeding
brave, //good in dangerous situations
intellectual, //prefers mental jobs, learn fast
energetic, //cant stay still, need physical jobs
fragile, //gets sick and injured easily
resilient, //gets sick and injured rarely
distracted, //need to change jobs frequently, learn slowly
focused, //the longer on the same job the better, learn fast
lewd, //baby making machine
glutton, //steal food dishes, consume extra food
nervous, //bad in dangerous situations
calm, //good in dangerous situations
reckless, //high risk and reward at danger, injured often
clumsy, //bad at danger, injured often
caring, //bonus to hospital, nursery and school

Jobs - Stats shown: (most important, great importance, decent importance)

—will be at the demo—
(dex,agl,lck) Lodge - hunts for meat and rare ingredients (dangerous)
(end,wis,dex) Farm - makes fruits, veggies and dairy
(wis,lck,agl) Pond - gather fish and seaweed, can find items
(lck,end,cun) Outpost - expeditions: finds rare spices, items and recipes (dangerous)
(cun,wis,dex) School - trains fairies and keep general culture up, gives recipes
(end,dex,agl) Shed - build and maintain infrastructure
(agl,cun,wis) Theatre - keeps fairies very happy, slightly increases culture
(dex,wis,agl) Workshop - makes items, slightly increases infrastructure and keep them happy
(wis,lck,dex) Kitchen - use ingredients that are expiring, sometimes makes spices and dairy and recipes
(cun,dex,end) Hospital - heals sick and injured fairies
(lck,agl,end) Nursery - preference on breeding, new faeries get bonus stats
—later for the full game—
(end,agl,cun) Barracks - helps you in combat (dangerous)
(wis,dex,end) Atelier - helps you in alchemy
(lck,dex,wis) Bazaar - duplicate items

Village resources

So? People buy shit games all the time. Just finish it and get shekels from retards. You can cry yourself to sleep on a bed of cash.

if you make something you want to play its very likely there will be other people who will also enjoy it

Wouldn't opposites like dumb/intellectual be opposite ends of a sliding scale, like in The Sims?

It was a roll-a-ball game. For some reason, for the past year, I'd myself convinced I'd make a full, fun game out of it, but I realized there was no pulling it off without being clunky or uninspiring as fuck.

starting my VR project this weekend

each trait will may an opposite trait, faeries won't have two traits that are opposite to each other
but they will be boolean as to if they have them or not

think of a game you want to play right now and try to scavenge code and assets from your previous project, get the base mechanics working as fast as possible and test if its really fun or not
don't give up user

i love brainstorming game content and mechanics, i don't know why, but my creativity switch only works for gaming related stuff, i just write down all the fun-looking ideas and try to merge them all together
using premade code for something like an JRPG might be ok, but if you need any different mechanic you will need to implement yourself

may have an*
fucking hell, time to sleep i guess


Thanks for your input. I realized most people prefer baked animations. I would do that if I were starting the character from scratch, but unfortunately I'm going with an off-shelf base model using free mocap and just added clothes and hair to it and crossed my fingers they don't clip too much. For shading I do have some minor ambient occlusion is just barely noticeable unless I get more space to work with on the UV maps.

GZdoom does not support Vertex unfortunately. Nor Shadows, actually!

Anyone know GameMaker networking well? I'm having an issue with it, and I need to resolve it to progress.

I have server and client objects, and can connect client games to my server. My understanding is that in order for the server to be a player as well, the game which possesses the server object must also have a client object which is connected to the server, which is being run within the same application. However, whenever I try to do as tutorials prescribe, I get tremendous lag, and the game starts chugging, just from passing ping back and forth.

Am I wrong in my understanding?

Such Tutorials:

But I already have. What would've been more accurate:

Eh, but there are already several people here who have gotten a few thousand sales on Steam already.

I myself am part of the >$500 net earned and/or >1000 sales club, the privileged 2%. 98% of indie devs never go beyond that.

Occupy /agdg/

RC2, fixed the continue crashing the game when no save is found, PageUp/PageDown alters combat log speed and now there's victory screen. It might be shit game but it's finished shit game. I'll make it for Gravmass release, praise GNU!

It's a sorry excuse for literally the same fags to exercise their perceived higher moral ground in shitposting and baseless accusations even though neither of them have finished a game before.

Oh well, no devving today I guess.

I just finished a tutorial/course on making a simple space game, now I don't know what to do.

I have now used my own version of client/server, and the ones included in each of those tutorials. Turns out that the severe slowdown was due to how the one on the GM forums is built, and in turn affected, the ones that I built that were based on it. No idea how, though. The one on their blog is seems fine.

However, even when both of them were "working" I'm somehow still yielding around 17 ping in all situations, despite the games doing absolutely nothing, and both of them being on localhost. How much can ping to localhost vary? I thought it was supposed to be very nearly zero.

I hope you have everything backed up off-site.

Make a more advanced space game?

Yup, multiple locations. Doesn't sound like our building is in any danger though, we were mostly evacuated due to toxic fumes.

Nodev detected.

5-33 ping to localhost is normal. Consider that your game is probably running at 60 ticks per second and that the packet has to wait on the socket until you read it. It would only be near zero if you were checking the socket every millisecond.

Take what you learned and experiment?

I heard that if you make a good game, you get to fuck these two.

dubs confirms shitposter is a nodev.

Do I have to?

Can I make them go to a good Christian school and teach them good values instead?

I'm trying out the UE4 blueprints.
I want text to appear (after beginplay and go from there), but it's telling me I need something connected to context and I have no idea what that could be


You sure you don't want to use "Print String"?

Isn't print string going to put it in the console or something?

Console, screen or both.

Isn't this supposed to work?
Also where the fuck is the console

Yes, it should work. The "console" is called "Output Log" (Window/Developer Tools).

Draw text draws to the GUI, print string is purely for debugging.
But honestly, this could've been solved easily by typing into a search engine answers.unrealengine.com/questions/111651/what-is-the-context-in-drawtext-node.html

Honest question: Why on earth would you use a normal blueprint, rather than UMG for that?

No idea, you should ask the guy trying to do it. It can be nice for more advanced debug drawing I guess?

But why not use use UMG for that, too. I sure do.

right decision

I just wanted to learn how to make video game.

Go do it instead of shitposting then bro.


I'm still doing stuff on UE4, it's pretty cool but I have yet to get out of blueprints.
Is there an easy way to open blueprints to edit them in the engine itself or do I have to go find them in the file hierarchy every single time?

I found the one connected to my controllable character from the details section, but there's only options to load it in C++, which is also broken since now it's loading Visual Studio ad infinitum.

How do I open my blueprints quick?

I'm not quite sure what you want to do. If you wan't to open your Blueprints in VS, you can't.
What you typically do is create a Blueprint in C++, not the other way around.

No I want to edit them in UE itself, without seeing the code

You either browse to the file in the project file browser and open it, or you select an actor in your scene that has this component, select it and click on "Edit Blueprint".

I'm thinking that he started the project as a C++ Project, which means no blueprints were created at the start.

Go into UE's content browser, make a new folder for your blueprints, then rightclick inside that folder and >create basic asset > new blueprint class.

Otherwise make a new project but set it up as a blueprint project if you want to see how the UE developers work with blueprints.

Huh, I think I didn't have Edit Blueprint because I fucked up the hierarchy of the files

I'm actually just editing one of the premade projects to understand how stuff works, I don't think I had the opportunity to choose what type of project I wanted

I'm watching a tutorial series for monogame/XNA and he goes in depth with XML serialization. I've never used XML before, and I'm having a hard time understanding how this would fit into a game. Can anyone explain why I would need XML features in my game and what it would be used for in an RPG?

XML (among other formats) is a plaintext format. What it means is that you can just open it in any texteditor and change stuff. Speaking from a gamedev perspective, whatever you do like that (rather than compiling it into the game) is something the players can mod later. Not the biggest fan of XML though. It's fucking atrocious to read and you will most definitively want some form of dedicated modding tool to make it less of a pain in the ass. JSON is a much more compact and easy to read format, if you ask me. In the end it's about what fits your needs.

is there any application to it besides making it easy to edit with a plain text editor? I'm seeing this guy explain how to use it for saving and load but it seems a bit overkill. Can I safely ignore doing this or will I eventually need to do something with plaintext formats?

Well, saving and loading your data is also something you can (but don't have to) do with plaintext formats. I can only think of those two applications.
Can you post a link to the tutorial?

This is a follow up tutorial, the earlier video was him coding the XML manager and in this one he's describing how to use it, but he doesn't seem (to me at least) to make the case why it should be done this way as opposed to within the code.

Here's the deal:
If you want to just make a simple game for learning purposes, doing it his way can be considered overkill.
If you're serious about your project and want to make something more involved, it's totally worth it.

What I forgot to say. Think of it as being a lot of upfront work that will make your life easier, once you do a lot of unique units. If you never get to that (because you're only doing some simple first steps), then what's the point?

okay I'm looking to make a more involved project, so I will believe you that it's worth it. However, can you describe how I'll be using this Xml serialization? Will I be using it to load in maps, or will that be done elsewhere? Will it be used for something like "creation code" for instances in the world? Saving/loading? or all of it?

It's definitely preferable to make an editor for this, and it can be used for say inputting the actual values of variables for things like the stats of armor/weapons/skills which get serialized to XML format and back to the original stat/object format upon request.
So, you can edit these settings, and save them to XML for usage later; which may or may not be used in modding later, or editing by hand by you if need be… or use your editor to edit these or create new stuff (i.e. input stats for a few weapons, adding weapons w/their names/desc/stats/etc to your DB (i.e. weapon folder of XML files), etc etc).

You could use it to save/load a map, and player settings, but you can also just use the integrated serialization for objects n such for the more "complex" parts of your project which have no need to be edited by hand later; or that have no need to have each specific stat editable via the editor you've cooked up.

Also, the whole point here of serialization is saving the state of objects (containing variables/data), and loading them later.
XML/JSON/etc offers more customization for how the data is saved, and also the possibility of editing the raw data by hand later on if necessary.

so when I make an editor later to create maps and such, XML files will be convenient to load data and states of objects? That seems understandable, thank you.

Besides modding support, the basic idea is that there are things which are a huge pain to deal with in code. If you were to write code that loads the data in form of XML or JSON or whatever, you can then write yourself and editor that lets you create said files in a way that is efficient.
Maps are obvious. Yeah, you totally can define every square meter in code, but that will take forever once the maps get big and/or complex. A visual map editor where you can actually see the map and draw on it, is a lot better for that. That map editor then exports the XML files that your game imports. The downside for this is the amount of work you'll have to do. Not only do you have to write a rigid system to import XML files, parse and interpret them. You'll also have to write the editor which exports them.
Another example would be animations. If you had an editor that showed you your spritesheet and let you preview the animation, that would make your life easier than trying to change a number, compile, open game, check, repeat.
Same applies to more complex sound systems, NPCs, particle systems, dialog trees and much more.

However, you should know what you're getting yourself into before, user.
Monogame isn't an engine, but a framework. That's a huge difference. The simplest way to put it is that a game engine is a game framework with a shitload of tools. If you do the above and make most of the stuff in your game XML based with comfortable and efficient external editors, you're like 80% there when it comes to building your own engine on top of the monogame framework. The only thing left at that point would be separating your game's logic from the core monogame project.

Why would you do that to yourself rather than using an already available engine?

Well can you recommend any good 2d engines then? I'm using a Linux Mint laptop because I want to be able to dev at school. Gamemaker doesn't support linux development. The other engine that I've been recommended is Godot, but I don't really understand the workflow of that engine. Everything in Godot is organized around "scenes" but you can only create objects within these scenes. I would imagine "scenes" are analogous to "rooms" from game maker, but the difference is in gamemaker, objects are independent of rooms. In Godot that is not the case. So if I make a scene for every "room" in my game, am I able to reuse objects I've used in other scenes? I didn't really spend a lot of time looking into it, but right away that turned me off and lead me to believe I should look elsewhere.

I never worked with Godot, but from the looks of it, from what I've heard and what you just said it really seems to be an open source Unity engine.
The usual approach is to make each scene an independent level, but you don't have to. You can make an open world game where the entirety of the game is contained within a single scene. Of course you will have to handle loading required and unloading unnecessary content yourself then (just like in monogame).
There will be some system in place to keep the data when changing scenes. What exactly it looks like, I don't know (only know Unity and Unreal).
Maybe you should forget about your project for a week or two and just work through the Godot tutorials. You can bet that learning to use Godot's tools is going to take a whole lot less time than writing your own for monogame. Engine development is a lot of werk. I should know, because just yesterday I had to hold a presentation for a game two other students and I made with monogame. The level editor I made for the thing is rather simple, but I surely spent more hours working on it than it took me to pick up Unreal 4.

you're probably right. I'll look into Godot then and see if I can follow a few tutorials. I originally chose monogame because I'm comfortable with monodevelop and C# but you're right that just a framework is a lot of dev work and would burn me out.

Faerie Generator is building up nicely

I think you're getting the minecraft comparison from these pictures: There are a couple of things that really make it look like minecraft over an n64 game.

Not to rag on you or anything, just some things to keep in mind I guess if you wanna avoid people comparing it to minecraft. I was also gunna say the textures are brighter than most older games, but then I realized Mario 64 had really really bright but low resolution textures. This is probably from hardware limitations.

Heres some of the fence thing I was talking about

Why can't my vidya exist?

Because you don't want it enough.

It can exist. You just have to push for it.

The pushing will be painful. It'll be hard. It'll make you miserable. It'll remind you constantly of what you can't do and bring you to the brink of despair.
Push anyway. If you give up, I'll never forgive you.

You don't know me.

Sure I do, you're 27c6bb, I've known you for two posts!
Now push, faggot!

You can always get ridiculously good at art and then find a programmerbro to make a game with. or make a kikestarter campaign and then hire pajeets to code it for you

I just wish there was a one-stop way to learn everything required to dev. I've been struggling to learn stuff because I have no real direction, it's as if I need to find and read a book every time I don't know how to do something. But I don't want to start reading random books and hope for that 2% chance that the book has that specific thing that I needed in it, and isn't written by some faggot who imposes his own preferences on me and shouts down everything else as inferior.

Have you considered asking the thread?

There is a direction I want to move in and I know it will work as a concept and be something rather unique and desirable. The problem is I get distracted by other projects, so I would spend a month working hard, 6 months ignoring it then another month working hard as I do everything, I could never get it done.

If you're a 2D artfag, try something like Godot. I've been going through the engine documentation, tutorials, and example projects for an embarrassing side project I won't be posting on /agdg/ about, have to make shekels somehow and it's practically every newfag's dream 2D engine with a scripting language close to Python and fucktons of basic, boilerplate stuff built in. These days there's almost no excuse to not just make game if your dream game is a 2D project that doesn't require anything too technically unusual given how fucking easy engines like these are.

That usually doesn't go too well. I need to get somehow better at using programming or something, but I can't do that on my own. I just keep doing the same things over and over and using basic problem solving skills to create things, but I can't do any complex programs at all because I don't know how to use programming that well. Even if you told me how to do complicated thing #1, I wouldn't understand any of it.

That's exactly what I do, so I can't help you there.

I haven't worked on any of my game projects in 2 months, except for a few days ago when I started getting back to it. Prior to that I was in nonstop dev mode for days (and nights).

Boost is such a dogshit library.

In my GUI I have both UMG (Widgets) and Draw events. The Widgets contain designs previously painted in Photoshop, and just updated with status bars. The Draw events are usually for continously drawing effects such as radar circles and level context based texts.

Theoretically I can do it all within Widgets but I've used several project examples which use simple draw events as starting points.

I agree.

What's the point of it's existance again? Extending C++ with shit?

Hey niggers, anyone want the latest version of aseprite? Compiling it right now.

It adds a lot of shit C++ doesn't have. I'm trying to do a browser game that connects to a server, and am using boost's asio. Mainly because doing socket connections has a lot of encoding and crap I don't want to deal with.

Boost really does suck dick though. Your compile times will be huge. On my really small server so far it's already 5-10 seconds, because the entire library is headers and templates. Also if you ever have an error when compiling, since the entire fucking thing is headers wrapped in headers, it'll spit out a completely unreadable wall of text for each thing with an error. I'm not exaggerating either. Wall. Of. Text.



I'm having some trouble figuring out how to get print string to work if my character gets close to another character in UE4.

I mean I thought I just needed to make a collision capsule, assign a blueprint like pic related to the capsule and it should work, but it doesn't.

It tells me I have to have turned on "bgenerateoverlapevents" but I don't know how to do that. I found this answers.unrealengine.com/questions/402771/generate-overlap-events-turn-offon.html but I still have no idea how to get these things.

Trying to go without video tutorials, to learn it by myself. Sorry if I'm asking stupid shit.

I prefer to highlight the capsule collider and use the Blueprint event for OnComponentBeginOverlap instead. There should already be a checkbox for Generate Overlap Events for that.

Where's the OnComponentBeginOverlap? Searching the actions for this blueprint just gives me the OnActorBeginOverlap

It's there as a red Event. You have to highlight properly and let autocomplete show up correctly. I think in BP it may be BeginOverlap(name of component) – not in front of a ue4 station right now.

nevermind my method worked, I think I just made the collision too small

Sure. Dump it here when you're done.

I did it. I can finally die now.
Somehow the code got even worse the closer I got to release.

I struggle to believe that. :^)

You can't even imagine how much spaghetti I'm capable of spilling in simple loop.

how do I become a programming god?


you don't you use lots of documentation until you rely on them more than stackoverflow

Learn C, learn how to write compile commands yourself, and stop relying on IDEs.
Also stop being scared of pointers and learn how to use them responsibly.
C-with-classes is the ideal approach imo.
Everyone in this thread will probably disagree with me but there's my two cents

Program a lot. Reading/working with other peoples code can also help expose you to better ways of doing things. But in order to appreciate that in the first place you have to bury yourself in code.

One more thing I forgot.
Learn to program and compile programs in a cross-platform manner.
Otherwise you may end up with a nightmare of your own creation later down the road.

Are there any youtube channels that go in depth about animation and movement in games?
I'm especially interested in the 3D mario platformers, I wanted to try and replicate some of that to get an idea of how to do it right

welp fuck this shit I am going to leave dat damn ding as it is now.

It also really pisses me off that Substance Painter 2 doesn't support Freezing/Hiding a certain mesh piece because that shit would be VERY helpful.

you hide parts of model when you assign them as different materials, then select the material you want to paint on and it hides the rest.

Finally home, i can finally birth my adorable faeries, today im adding personality traits

Is there atleast a way baking those textures (normals,height etc…) into the Diffuse texture or do I need to setup Blender for that?

Loosely based on pic related

SDL_Mixer is being a dick and I could use some help.
I'm getting
The file is definitely there as I've checked, so I'm not sure what's wrong.


Ok, thanks. Dunno why I thought it should have been able to find it from that folder.

Though I have another question about something that just popped up.
My game compiles just fine and starts without a problem when I run it from cmd, but it crashes when I double click the exe.
Any clue what would cause that?

Maybe something to do with root / launch / base / working directory

No idea.
I've narrowed it down to the assignment here: *TileMap = *LoadedMap;
But I have no clue why it wouldn't work when the exe is run directly. fopen() seems to load the map it just fine.


fucking casual

There are 2 tables
[trait X jobOptimization]
[trait X jobEnjoyment]
there are 16 different jobs
38x16 + 38x16 = 1216 spaces to fill
And i have to fill all those later

So I tried something on a whim.
I got rid of my SDL_Mixer initialization:
if( Mix_OpenAudio( 44100, MIX_DEFAULT_FORMAT, 2, 2048 ) < 0 ){ printf( "SDL_mixer could not initialize! SDL_mixer Error: %s\n", Mix_GetError() ); }
And the game fucking started to work via executable, despite this not being the point of failure.
I can't even begin to understand this shit. Honestly.

What's another 64 slots when you already have 1216?
That's brutal, user. Maybe you can do a little at a time while working on something else.

You know there's probably a flag when compiling your code that makes a console window open for your program when your program starts, right?
Would probably help with the debugging, along with gdb or something else for backtracing.

For example, if you're compiling your Windows binary with mingw, you can add -mconsole to your compile command to get a console to pop up when you start your program by double-clicking on the exe.

why did you pick hex? iso not good enough for your highness?

its just painful to start, i can get into autopilot when filling those, just need to stay focused

now whats a good antonym for "genius"?
its antonym will lower all attributes, so "retard" doesn't represent it well and "failure" seems too drastic, i think "inept" would be good, but im already using as opposite of "creative"

Fool(ish), maybe?

But that's exactly how I was able to trace the spot where it was crashing in the first place. I was planting printf() statements in the code and checking the cmd window.
It was crashing at that line in a function where I load tilemaps, yet removing SDL_Mixer's initialization is what fixed it.
Wake me up.

its already opposite of "wise"
i think i will use "inept" and use "blunt" (-2 cunning) for opposite of "creative" (+2 cunning)

Ok, the last two will be
thick (+1 END, -1 AGL) and flat (-1 END, +1 AGL)
So its 40*16*2 spaces to fill tomorrow, but my OCD will be satisfied


already choose "inept" for it, but "dunce" sounds cuter than "stupid"
so i replaced "stupid" with "dunce"

Imbecile, Impaired, or Dunce?

traits are now locked and im making placeholder icons for them, but thanks for the input

Minimap now works based on using a byte[] with 3 bytes per tile, or about 3,072 bytes per map floor. First byte is the wall state (NESW and whether to draw open, wall, doors, or secret doors), second byte includes fog or antimagic flags, plus the ground type (regular, water, lava, etc), and the third byte is an ID for the tile feature (pit, teleporter). At worst, you'll get a tile that has like water, fog, antimagic (no casting), and a pit, with this system.

The reason I don't simply have a "revealed" per tile, is that each wall segment can be individually discovered (or revealed as a secret door), especially tricky when fog obscures the view, since walls only become visible when bumped into. I can also do a few neat tricks with this.

For example, there might be a status condition called Dementia which "alters" the minimap, which is just a matter of flipping random values in the wall data of a copy of the minimap. Or I can keep map data to a per-character basis, and when you form a party with different characters, there could be an amalgamation of all known map data, "known" versus "personally explored".

I still need to actually implement it, but I've had a good week or two to mull ideas over and I think I'm headed in the right direction now.

sounds like a memory/pointer error to me which is basically unfindable if you're unlucky

Adding printf statements is an awful way of debugging code and will never let you find the real problem with your code in certain cases
Use gdb

I hope you're saving them all in a csv file or something, and not typing them all in via code

you're not cooking user

haha no way it would be so stupid if someone did something like that it actually is cooking user though

All content goes into json files
hehehehehehe guess what

Yay, traits implemented, right now i only have 3 icons for them all (positive, neutral, negative), but later each will have an unique icon

if you stop being a retard, cooking-user dies and you can be reborn as a regular anonymous poster

we already discussed this, the word is "inept"

speaking of, you really don't need a tripcode

An attention seeking faggot will always be an attention seeking faggot.
That's pretty much how it goes, and since that user has been posting it's been a pretty steady tell as what their personality traits are.

Though yea, I'd rather just have that user go to reddit or something if they insist on a tripcode (equivalent to leddit's handle), and they can get pinkies n shit which will validate their attention seeking self image even more (as, everyone is doing it there! so no big deal).
In all, it's a win-win, unless of course that user gets off on being contrarian (well, any attention it seems is fine for that faggot).

Anyways, the heart of this post is really the idea that normalizing the usage of trip codes n shit like halfchan's /vg/ agdg threads would be a trend towards the steady decline in post quality.
As I'm sure many of you have visited those threads you know it's full of mostly shitposting, some progress, and a lot of tripcoding faggots that seek attention or validification in one way or another.
We already have a means to identify one another here (almost all of you know what I'm implying), as the community is full of quite consistent anons, and each user's tells to who they are, are quite obvious if you are yourself a consistent visitor to these threads.

>(+1) Anonymous liked this.

friendly reminder
off topic sage


You got memed, kiddo

Anyone know where game /mu/ devs get their chorus samples from? They always sounds amazing, but closer to instruments than an actual live chorus.

Anyone have any good recommendations for project management/productivity software? There's always a shit ton of stuff I can work on when it comes to my game, and it'd be really nice if there were some program that could help me keep track of all the things that need to be done.

I've been in wall of textville before but Jesus H. Christ…

oh god today im not going to sleep

You shouldn't be sleeping during the day anyways.

I suppose that they use synthesized chorus samples (see synth strings for another example) along with some pitch shifting and/or 'detuning' for a literal chorus effect.
Don't forget about a (slightly) light layer of reverb/echo/delay for the more 'uglier' parts.

embed tangentially related

Looks like I gotta look into synthesizing a chorus.

Responding three days late, but you can write a (right-angled) triangle in math as part of the rectangle AB and closer to A than to B. So all you need to technically do to describe a hex is check whether it's in the orange rectangle, and if you're getting multiple results, check whether it's closer to the respective A or B. Or something like that.

you didn't write the variable names, but I assume you mean something like TileMap* tm = *loadedMap; with loadedMap being a LoadedMap. Either way, you understand that you're assigning a pointer type from something you're dereferencing, yes? So unless loadedMap is a pointer to a pointer, this is probably incorrect. Though you should get a compiler error from that. Also, realise a couple of things: depending on optimization levels, code lines may get rearranged. So unless you make sure optimizations are disabled, printf is not reliable to determine the point of failure. Only a debugger can tell you the whole story. Second, if it's actually failing on a dereference, which should work and does if you remove something else, that's almost 100% guaranteed to be memory corruption. You think you're writing to the correct address, but you're not. If you were the one who wrote the sdl thing, I'd say that's where the bug is, but since it's someone elses presumably bug-free code, that's not it. I'll have to see more code to know what the problem is.

3 0 0

does anybody even use the flairs aside from le pointy face man?

288/1280 traitXjob table slots done

its being more tiring than expected

Alright I think I finally got the hang now, I should use these layers type from now on:
-Materials (by using the fill method and different coloring method
-Decals (If any)
-Camouflage (if any)

It really makes it look much better and not so cartoony as seen here:

New thread: