The Great [CURRENT YEAR]ening

2017 is fast approaching, but 2016 was a year of many hilarious and amazing events that should not be allowed to pass without celebration.

How about we have a thread for recounting our favorite happenings, botched launches, dev meltdowns, and other noteworthy occurrences?

Other urls found in this thread:

In no particular order, No Man's Sky finally launching and being a colossal pile of shit.

This game was overhyped so much and ended up being such a colossal fuck up that to this day, you can still find the NMSIDF in youtube comments and on forums desperately trying to justify this game.

The initial backlash and realization that the game was nothing at all like Murray promised, and in face, actually lacked numerous features, and was really just a boring inventory management simulator caused so much salt that Murray and Hello Games went dead silent for over a month before this tweet showed up.

And before anyone asks, yes it's authentic, yes it came from someone working at Hello Games, and yes, they tried to claim they were hacked, but then later said that someone on their team posted it before it was removed because they "weren't taking it so well"

You should have worded your OP better like the Holla Forums thread did

Fuck OP's post.
Do you think 2017 will see the death of John Oliver, yes or no? And what hapenings are in store for [NEXT YEAR]?

I considered making similar threads on other boards, but figured Holla Forums was the best place to start, since I know vidya better than comics or politics.

The death of his career, at the very least. Even liberals are getting sick of their own shit. This past year has not been kind to him, though. He looks 20 years older and his smugness and confidence are gone.

Mortal Kombat X players on PC got cucked off their game and then NRS finally obliged with the update to XL 9 months later, but it was too late to save it, PC version is ded ;_;

When redditgate raged over the tracer booty pose

Can't forget the obligatory 2016 webumm.

This is probably my favorite trainwreck of the year. It was so obvious that it was going to be shit, and people still fell for the hype. The piss poor handling of the launch by Hello Games and the salt from fans was just so fun to watch.

There's a lot of noteworthy shit.

Mafia 3 was a financial disaster. 2k planned it to sell upwards of 8 million, it didn't even sell a million copies.

And they deliberately released it alongside BF1, likely in an attempt to force the developer into a buyout.

You have a weird way of spelling "sold abysmally".

Warner dont like PC market

The constant delays and questionable management decisions were great enough, but I don't think there's a lot that beats ConMan himself and his beta faggot employee on stream saying, "It's better than nothing."

Were there ever sales numbers for Mafia 3? They never once mentioned them, only that it shipped 4.5 million. It's also sad that EA deliberately wanted Respawn to fail, since they're already getting forced to do a Star Wars game next year.

And with FFXV I hear it sold great but nosedived quickly, and I genuinely never heard anyone talk about TLG.

MN9 was such a debacle of epic proportions, I wonder how in the fuck they managed that.

Man, I can't find the fucking Sonic tweet when I fucking need it

>"Hanger 13 spent many years and many 10s of millions of dollars creating “Mafia III” which has recently tanked in reviews and has no hope of ever making its money back (it needs to sell ~8 million full price units to make up for its expenses, it has so far sold well under 1 million units)."
Even the fact it shipped less than five million units, when it was expected to sell 8 million is telling of what a complete fuckup it was.

EA are assholes and leftist cocksuckers. Them ruining anything good they can get their hands on is to be expected.

Disney being kikes, it comes as no surprise they gave all the vidya rights over to EA, they simply want to shit up Star Wars as much as possible.

Here you go fam

The salt from that was hilarious, the amount of fags trying to call "glass house" was a marvel to watch.

Also there was that tweet of the trailer with some peperonni pizza photoshopped on it.

They knew what they were doing

Speaking of Mafia 3, it's already being discounted for 35% off. And speaking of releases, Homefront The Revolution is already $11.

Doom is also getting heavy discounts everywhere, as is Mankind Divided. Always a sign a release isn't performing all that well.

What was funny is that digiorno and nvidia ended up making fun of it too.



They joined in with sonic shitposting when the pizza edit was shown.

this might be a good price if you want to play timesplitters 2

KoF13 was still sprites, KoFXIV is the one that released this year.

Is that even possible?

Meant that.

I hear it isn't the complete version of TS2.

But its been happening more than usual. Doom itself was discounted 50% really fast.

I just noticed the retarded idle animations in the background holy shit.

It only has the first level IIRC though, so not really worth it.

turns out its only 2 full levels.

Could be a novel buy for like $3 or 4, but yeah that kinda defeats the purpose.

Because the AAA market is in the process of shitting itself. It's oversaturated with titles, the games cost tends of millions to make and need to sell millions at full price to break even, let alone make a profit. When even Call of Duty underperforms you know things are not going all that well.

Is there an archive of that tweet? I just took a quick peek around for one and could not find one.
Please tell me some one was smart enough to grab one.

Would this be actually possible? Doesn't seem that outlandish.
T. user who has seen a bunch of Forgotten Weapons videos
Got ya covered.

Dragon's Dogma: Dark Arisen was ported to PC and it was a great port and the game's hot as hell.
Even without the nude mods that strip almost every girl in the entire game.

the imfdb page of this might be entertaining

There was some other big Triple Ayyy game released around the same time that sold like shit in comparison, but I can't remember what it was. I just remember it failing to outperform a PC port of a 4 year old console game.


Or it could be barebones as fuck, oh well

I just want to show them gratitude for their servitude, damnit.

Some dude posted here that those things exist, but nowhere near like in Homefront 2

Sort of?
These two are the same gun, but you couldn't just snap it on like that.

Fucking legendary. Thank you so very much.

It looks like the gun 'just' takes the pistol grip. None of the actual working bits outside the magfeed are kept from the pistol itself.

It clearly keeps the hammer and at least parts of the trigger. I think it's somewhat plausible, tbh.

Did Cisquisition and ME3 come out this year? I can't remember, but I enjoyed the contempt and rage both created.

ME3 is 2012 & Cisquisition is 2014

2014 and 2012, respectively.

Fallout 4 was last year. This year, we got Skyrim.. Again.

Just according to keikaku


Between the game being shit, being turned into a laughing stock due to their cocksucking fanboyism prior to release, and trying too much to rationalize the whole debacle, the NMS comunity's grief response and PTSD triggered so fucking hard that during the months of HG's silence the entire comunity ended up pluging itself into shitposting bad memes at each other into infinity, everybody was just making passive-aggressive jabs and jokes at the expense of Sean, it was quite the experience to see a community going crazy over being so wrong in their absolute denial. Only after the foundation update did they calm down a bit, but man that whole ordeal was just a treat to witness.

Don't forget statements such as "what you see is what you get", "you guys are just salty", and going on this fucking tangent of "at least we didn't dlc it to hell and back" to try and fish sympathy points, asking people to be grateful that a barely functioning, bug filled, mediocre, generic gameplay, atrocious looking piece of shit was finally given to them was just beyond infuriating.

Unless the pistol was already automatic to begin with, it shouldn't work. The mechanisms that allow for automatic fire lie within the trigger group, i.e. the thing not being replaced in the webm.

Never worry. ME4 will make up for the lack of BioWare blunders in 2016.

Really? Jesus fuck, where did the time go…?

I was interested in the game, until I saw the Dina Debacle. As soon as that kicked off I knew I would never touch it.

It's kind of amazing how the presence of leftists among a developer pretty much guarantees the game will be shit. Tolerating the vermin is basically proof they lack any sort of standards when hiring, and thus the product will suffer for it.

This is true for guns that have upper and lower receivers, but it is a possible conversion for a gun that contains the entire bolt assembly in the slide action.
It would basically be an open bolt blowback though, which is an illegal and frankly bad design.


I was as well, because I played the shit out of the X and Zero series. I even believed that "Keiji Inafune is the Father of Megaman!" bullshit he sold us. All that whining about how he had to leave his baby at Capcom when he quit.

When I found out that the guy had a whole fuckload of nothing to do with the actual game design aspect, and furthermore, that many of the ideas for Megaman were already solidified and decided upon before Inafune was ever brought it, I became immediately suspicious of him and it only got worse as time went on.

Or devs having a meltdown over Trump.

Well they do keep blaming Gamergate for his election.

I think Inte Creates had more to do with development of the MMZ series than Capcom, which Inafune was co-producer for.
I'm not entirely 100% on what he did for it though.

Such as the guy who did LISA?

Oops didn't realize I had a flag on. Polite sage.

What exactly do they think Trump is gonna do? I really can't understand the hysteria.

I was interested day 1, I didn't back it though, but man, that fucking kickstarter pitch was just a whole different package:

Those were the ones that sticked with me the most, and that's why it hit real hard when I saw that disgusting announcement where inafune just went "lmao can't do any of that cuz i have no money, can't u gib mor shekels pls lel?? xDDD", and the whole thing just went straight to hell from that point on, that the fucker chose to go for the bare minimun in spite of having more than four fucking times the proposed budget makes me hate the man even more. That's not even metioning how fucked the backers were when their physical goods were never delivered (one of them even getting the message of "hey that figurine you wanted isn't happening, sorry :^)").

Reminder that comcept was so fucking incompetent that, in spite of how awful she was being at her job, it wasn't until dina started losing them quite a bunch of money that they decided to kick her out, months after shit hit the fan.

Also, on one interview way before the kickstarter, Inafune himself admitted that he wasn't the creator of megaman, now it's kind of convenient that such clarification was nowhere to be found when the money started coming for the project with everybody calling him the father of megaman. The fucker is just an oportunistic parasite.

Legend has it that movieblob is still having a nervous breakdown on twitter

I'm actually a little disappointed that the only thing Holla Forums had to say about 2016, which was full of so many happenings that it's hard to recount them all, was that Trump won. It goes without saying that President Trump is perhaps the biggest damned thing of the year, but there's so much else we can talk about.

Like said. Off the top of my head, John Romero and Cliff Blizinski lost their shit over Trump's victory. Countless journos cried for days and started writing "How GamerGate brainwashed white boys into terrorists who helped Trump win" articles.

Before election day, on the /tg/ end of things, we even say the #Gamers4Her shit start, with tons of pozzed faggots insisting that Hillary Clinton was the paragon of gamers and nerds and that Donald Trump was the bully at the table who cheats.

Austin Jorgensen. He used to be a cool dude. Even came here and had a pretty good thread with us.

It's hardly a legend. Just open his twatter account and mine all that salt.

And Brianna Wu is planning to run for congress in 2018. It's wild world.



- Gawker Dies
- Dragons Dogma
- Liru
- EDF 4.1
- Trump

Truly the best year ever.



It's going to be a Revolution




Holy shit, how could I forget!
Speaking of /tg/ and Trump and salt: Max Temkin, the faggot behind Cards Against Humanity, the guy who has been apologizing that his offensive game has offended people with cards like "A passable transvestite" and who responded to a false rape accusation by apologizing and sucking Kotaku's micropenis…

That faggot starting a PAC called the Nuisance Committee which wasted millions on dumb billboards that tried to appeal to "us gamers" but all it did was give us these great Trump pictures.


It's a never ending comedy sketch, and we're the butt of the joke.

What posses people to be this fucking autistic and all around childish in gaming? Even normalfags who I thought were supposed to have only passing interest in games got to these levels of denial. Sure it was fun to see their utter disappointment with NMS botched launch, but it was more infuriating when they:
I still don't get what's the point of hype? Why delude yourself into having higher expectations than what can possibly be delivered? You're either gonna get real fucking disappointed with the product, or you're gonna delude yourself even more and ignore all the massive flaws. Fuck the whole NMS ordeal, sure the game and the devs were shit, but they're only 50% of the problem. The rest were dumbass fanboys who genuinely deserve the worst.

HAHAHA his fucking pic is shooped to make him prettier, how pathetic can any one person get

It's a self defense mechanism. They can't admit to themselves, or anyone else for that matter, that they got suckered hard and made to look like complete idiots, so they'd rather pretend they didn't waste $60 on a shitty game and keep shoveling that shit into their mouth and say it tastes like fine chocolate.

Because games are an "experience" now. It's what you use to masturbate to your hipster self and prove your nerd cred to your hipster friends. Playing the game isn't even that important, just owning it is enough. It's why you have people with 400+ games on Steam and all they play is DOTA.

We had a thread about this a week or so ago: They get this hyped because normalfags are infinitely more miserable than even the most bitter and cynical imageboard user.

As much as we hate the industry and all the shit they do wrong, imagine being so insanely desperate to be happy that you delude yourself into thinking that everything is great and that you will literally be able to play the best game forever because it has unlimited content and Hello Games is LETTING you pay them, because they are so nice and amazing and saving gaming!

It's hard to imagine what normalfags think of Holla Forums. I've been here so long I don't think I could walk into a gamestop and have a conversation about gaymes.

Several years again, after working at FUCKING GAMESTOP for long enough, I was able master the skill of faking conversation and smalltalk with normalfags. It was mentally exhausting and depressing.

gawker is dead, lyru came to be, the revival of kek and other meme magic happening.

What a year.

Well, when the delay was announced they actually went on a tirade of death threats against Sean, so it was pretty autistic before going crazy with their denial. While it is true that the community is very very shit, it was entirely the fault of Murray's chronic case of selective ambiguitis, never speaking facts or concrete statements about the game, always going on weird vague remarks, always hypothetical and never confirmed, so naturally everybody started making assumptions, extrapolating features that never were planned from statements that never were either complete truths or complete lies, it was always in between.

The community is shit because Sean's effective but very poor marketing strategy allowed for the growth of autism to spiral out of control, had he restrained himself a little bit in his statements, this shit would've been greatly mitigated. HG can only blame itself for what happened, they certainly reaped what they had sown.

I'm not saying that it's not the community's fault for being so utterly idiotic in their expectations and wild speculation, but Murray's neglect of this fact certainly did nothing to help the situation.

Don't you get it? Their leftist dream of free shit and thoughtless mating utopia is over! The very thing they have put all their faith, all their feels and passion into has failed. Now they are going to have face hardship and they can't stand it. Now they can't betray and scam like they want and they can't stand it.

normalfags are infinitely more miserable than even the most bitter and cynical imageboard user.
I never thought about it like that. Do you really think that deep down, normalfags trick themselves into thinking that their lives really are good?

Normalfags act exactly how you'd expect them to, with praising games based around what's popular, or what their friend/e-celebs say. They tend to go douchebag neutralist when you point out problems with what they like, passingly agreeing with what you say before going back to mindlessly liking shit. The more stubborn normalfags will defend what they like by blaring out buzzwords marketers tell them on why the game is good, or how they felt from a subjective standpoint passed as an objective point. On occasion you will find people with a genuine interest in gaming who will listen and learns out the industry's bullshit, but they're very rare.

I'm pretty sure the problem was that Sean was not ambiguous in the least. When any journalist asked if a given feature was in the game he always replied in the positive. The guy straight up lied about virtually everything related to the game.

Hillary Clinton?

What hardships? Don't get me wrong, I'm glad Trump got elected, but I can't really think of anything he could actually do that would inconvenience these parasites that much, besides not pandering to them 24/7.

It will takes us a long, long time to purge journalism, academia, tech, politics and society in general of them. They've taken root and aren't going anywhere fast sadly.

more like revowution amirite

from E3 this summer

Uncharted 4 this year was also pretty bad - the amount of hand holding, on rails sections and SocJus tripe that game provides numbs the spirit. For lack of a better term, U4 is an arcade adventure on rails - I distinctly remember a sequence where Nathan is swinging from a rope, and needs to reach a faraway ledge. I push jump and immediately realise that Nathan will die because he is flying away in the wrong direction. Oops. But then what happens? Nathan magically veers towards the ledge like a boomerang and grabs it anyway? Bullshit, give me the game over I deserved! Just like the fight against that woman in the fancy mansion where you very quickly begin to realise that you're supposed to get your ass kicked no matter what. There's no winning strategy to find, all you can do is keep your guard up until you're ready to grit your teeth, assume the position and take it like a man. At that moment, I discovered that Naughty Dog no longer wants my money.

Part of me wants that title to be Gone Home: Console Edition, That Dragon, Cancer or The Witness, but I think it was Rise of the Tomb Raider. Glad it tanked.

That tweet, and the recent 'gamesplainer' term coined by that noobmale from NY Times, are what toddlers do when they realise they have been called out on their bullshit: they make a fuss and want to retroactively change the rules until their dumb asses can finally win the game. Sorry scrubs, we don't buy your deluded fantasies anymore. Learn the lesson and git gud instead of shaking out pathetic salt.

… on second thought, bring more salt.

While it is true that it's implicitly confirmed, notice the wording of his responses. It's always "kinda" "it's probable", "a little bit", "the chances of that happening is X", "sort of", among others that only feel like "yes but kind of not" answers, it was this odd wording of his that worked to the games initial sales benefit, and also the hubris and fall of their community.

Then you've got people still complaining about the electoral college even today and have no idea why it's in place. To shorten the answer, it's to prevent a candidate from just campaigning only to states with the bigger population. That is the major reason why we don't go with the popular vote.

I actually heard a guy during Brad Jone's Midnight Screening vlog for Why Him? between the 20:00-25:00 mark making an argument of box office gross vs ticket sales between old and new films and segway how the popular vote should matter. It was so stupid that I have a hard time articulating the point he was trying to make but I shouldn't have expected much from a balding guy who kept talking about independent women and such.

That Dragon Cancer came out the week before Dragon's Dogma and failed to move even 50k units, according to steamspy.

Woah hey, that sounds a lot like how I ignore people whose judgement I don't trust.
I frequently concede points that make sense by themselves and remain silent about bigger issues because I can't be bothered to start arguments over things that I don't care about with people I don't like.

You've not seen the trailer for the new Uncharted game, have you?

The fucker still got his award this year though.

Awards are fucking meaningless anyways.
The better part is that them receiving the award was offset by fucking iJustine and GameTheory faggot smiling and gaping like idiots and excitedly screaming "THAT DRAGON CANCER!"

Don't forget the guy going ballistic over "WHY ARE THE GOYIM NOT BUYING MY GAYME?!", essentially admitting to his purpose of profitting from the death of his own son instead of doing a project truly out of his love for him. Pure disgust.

Under Night In-Birth Exe Late came out on PC and the netcode wasn't shit. Considering that not every PC fighter has good netcode, that's good to hear.

No, leftism. If we only put 1 gorillion people into the oven, turn everyone into bums and try 12 different autistic theories da Holy Ghost will come down…according to them and the guy they had that from.

Seriously? I completely missed that, does anyone have the pics/links

Best thing that came out of the game was pic related.

At least we got a laugh out of how predictable it was.

but it's all ART, I have to use my cancerous son to make a living somehow, can't grieve on an empty stomach

Thank god I only have to deal with him once every few weeks. What a horrible piece of shit, fuck anyone under the age of 30.

user, they don't get any better with age.

Give pics, I must see this meltdown.

Not necessarily, the older crowd tends to agree that they were bamboozled and in hindsight think the US should never have gotten involved with WW2 and instead focused on kicking japan's shit in. The younger crowd seem to know that they are being lied to but would rather double down on their terrible decisions. The older crowd was tricked into creating the foundation but the new generation seem to want to defend this entire mess, tooth and nail.

gay sex online

forced meme

I think we can all agree that the boomers are the worst though

FF15 was shit, and sold like shit

Let's add more noteworthy shit:

Small, but still notewothy:

The ace attorney Thread is over there.

that's a really roundabout way to say you don't know what you're talking about

gay sex online 2

It's on the official website, I take this straight from their article "On Let's Plays":

"However, there is another side of this that I’ve been afraid to talk about in public. And that is this: our studio has not yet seen a single dollar from sales. That Dragon, Cancer was created by a studio of eight, and for many of us it was a full-time effort that involved thousands of hours of work. This huge effort required taking on investment, and we decided to pay off all of our debt as soon as possible. But we underestimated how many people would be satisfied with only watching the game instead of playing it themselves."

And it just goes on from there with that bullshit.

Not directly linking because I don't know if it's allowed for that site.


Sadly Blizzard was saved with Overwatch, so they have a new cashcow to keep them going for the next five years.


Ooooh yes, I can already feel the rage starting to flow

No need to hold back an insult. If you really don't have an argument then feel free to call me a faggot so I know you don't have a leg to stand on.

lrn2archive newfag.

From the Wikipedia page: "In March 2016, Ryan Green, speaking for his team, commented that the game has only sold about 14,000 copies, based on Steam Spy data, and they have yet to recover their development funds for the game." Aww. At least they have a nice paper weight for the office.

No longer interested in the franchise, but I have a distinct feeling ND didn't spectacularly deviate from the tone of U4.

Kinda smirked, but also realised that I had laid down money for this 'entertainment'. No more. The game gives you all these CQC moves and the acrobacy of Nathan and a nice backdrop for a good fight, and then you get to roll over and play dead? I'm out.

i'm not going waste my precious ideas on you when it's so very clear that you think with your asshole instead of your brain

gather around
gather around kids

If in doubt, The only thing you get here is your link garbled and some insults by other Anons. There is no stupid advertisement rule that is enforced globally.

'If in doubt,'

man after publishigng best seller book about sucking alien penis

The nigger sow is in it, teaming up with that spic cunt from Uncharted 2, who is apparently the main character, and the two of them beat up four soldiers on a rooftop in a scene you can tell Druckmann masturbated to.


le current year boy got stuck in a time paradox.

I'm legitimately surprised. may also have the finest high literature and cringe worthiest fanfictions about sucking the weirdest alien dicks of the galaxy for horny people just like you.

No, let's keep blaming everyone else instead of actually trying to better themselves by seeing simple patterns and using their fucking brain for once.

i understand ur complex of sucking all galactic penis but u have no right to project ur asshole for me

That doesn't bother me too much because SocialJusticeWatch will eventually crumble (people are waking up to the sjw shit thanks to Sombra, and some people aren't happy with the meta).

Oh yea, I forgot that HoTS really flopped, and even Blizzard almost forgot about it. Yet Dota stole shrines from them. I don't get it.

new games suck, and I doubt this will change in 2017. Time to go back to cs.

Not this year but


nier automata just had a great demo. You should play it.

Did they actually say that, and use it as a pro-point for their game/seek praise for it?

Holy fuck, that is T-shirt worthy.

So Druckmann wants less money? Good for him!

Speaking of buzz kill trailers, how about God of War: Spartan's greatest Dad Edition, eh? A fitting conclusion to David Jaffe's evolution from "we wanted a visceral experience based on Greek mythology, no holds barred!" back in the PS2 days to "this prom photo of 4 girlfriends unveiling the superhero alter egos of their boyfriends is a threat to the free world! I'm a family man and my daughter's future is destroyed due to this imagery! Quick, my new game must save her!"


cs is pure shit

oh mY GOD

it's the best game, you just have bad taste. You probably enjoy reddit games like Overwatch or Borderlands 2.

Isn't the reason he's like this is because he sort of lost it when his dad died?

That's the prevailing theory.

Here's a list of some of the highlights this year. (In no particular order)
Overall, pretty good year. Better than 2015, at least. 2017 looks promising with all the games being announced.

Yeah, he also changed his game company name to LOVEBRAD. He really went crazy. It's a shame because I liked LISA. I didn't buy it at least, I would never actually pay for a game made in RPGMaker.

It's satisfying to read.

Fucked up this one

Do you have the one where, obviously for reasons other than that it's the opposite of Trump's current stance, he comes out as pro-PRC and anti-Russia? I get that people can tribalist politically but this guy is something else.

Well, the problem is that it was some big names, but /tg/ already knew they were pozzed. Mostly WotC, Paizo, and the Cards Against Humanity faggot brigade. What was especially pitiful was that the list was so desperate for names to look bigger that they were getting PR people, no-name bloggers, and podcast participants to throw their name on, like no one would notice that the list was 80% fluff and nobodies.

Is he retarded? Does he even understand what he's talking about because it sounds like he has none of the fucking facts and is just making shit up.

Yes. And more.

It's MovieBlob. The guy has no actual education and has essentially been that smug liberal faggot that everyone hates for always assuming that he knows everything and is always right.

anyone has a link to his clinton tweet? I want to see what people replied.

Yes. Profoundly so.
Not even a little.
Hit the nail on the head there.

The funny part is, movieblob views himself as some enlightened intellectual.

He's CWC with a couple of online show deals.

Safe to say, probably not.

He proudly parades around the "No bad tactics, only bad targets" mentality, and actively preaches how "dumb people" (people who don't agree with him) should not have rights.



Prove it you fat cuck, there are so many more fucking things to US/China US/Russian relations than race and only a blathering idiot would think otherwise.

Too bad he lives in an echo chamber

What's worse is that he was happy that he percieved Cup Noodle XV as doing well when Square-Enix is mostly cancer.

Do you have actual sales data or are you going on the amount of copies shipped which we know it actually sold the worst in Japan since FFV.

It has yet to even beat FF13, last I heard… And FF13 was one of the worst selling games in the series.

Even lowtax and Randi Harper are saying it's an awful idea.

I'm not familiar with this. Did he get surgery? Did he chop off his bent duck?

This year was pretty shitty even with Trump winning, and normalfags waking up to sjws and liberalism's evils. Kinda ironic and fucked up how liberals and sjws beefed up up the rape culture they claimed to fight by defending rapists.

Speaking of online personalities:

Other video game shit:

Nevermind, was basing this on an old article, but it's day one sells say otherwise.

Oh thanks, I wanted to lose my last ounces of faith in mankind.

You haven't seen the video of him "masturbating"?

Nice digits. And no.

Masterbating with a tranny vag?

He didn't just sperg out.. He's still sperging out. He never stopped, actually. He spends every stream passive aggressively mumbling about how dumb Americans are and how Trump has already destroyed the country.

NMS and MN9, obviously.

Kuchera's VR video elevated gaming journalism to art.

Also from Polygon, their Doom gameplay video.

The Witness was another horribly pretentious pile of indie garbage.

Sidecutwatch is literally TF2 with the 9 classes being broken down into more, so casuals ate it up.

I only remember one where he grew boobs in VR. Which other one are you talking about?

Hasn't his wife whipped into shape yet? She managed to get him to raise another man's child, you'd have thought he'd be a pushover.

Maybe he can go back to the UK
Oh wait, "muh Brexit"



i want to shove my penis real hard into her eyes

The irony and retardation in this post are amazing!

That doesn't make you sound smart.

From what I remember, he cut a hole in his taint (which he said "formed" by listening to some ASMR shit) and it got infected. I'd post it, but I have some decency not putting horrible shit like that on my hard drive.

Speaking of masturbating, was DSP caught jacking off this year or last year? I can't remember.

I don't know whether to laugh or be horrified by this.

Where can I find this video?

Where you saw this exactly? that faggot posting his comics is not what I would call "co-opted"

Here's the article on the CWCki. Apparently it was a taint piercing.

Do you know what Diabetus is up to?


He got a piercing right below his balls because that's "where his vagina would be if he had one" due to the fact that he's been thinking he's a woman for a few years now and because he didn't take care of it, the fucking thing got infected. It just so happens that he listened to binaural beats and thought that it made him grow a vagina.

Has this been posted yet? This is Shacknews playing the new Duke 3D (Cuck Pozzem edition) with a controller, dying in the red light district and desprately trying to use the rewind (not even quicksaves, the game lets you literally rewind gameplay) feature to get out of one of the shops.
Remember, these are the people who think they deserve to have you listen to their opinions on video games.

Why do I do this to myself?

He just plays vidya and makes lighthearted bants on Twitter. Credit where credit is due, he seems to be able to separate his online life with real life.

He could've called himself an American of Learning for the acronym but he didn't. He's a wasted potential elemental.

It was getting posted in every LOL thread for ages.

It'll only get worse. I don't really know what to feel about Chris dying. It's the only way he'll not be in such shit conditions, but there's never going to be someone that manages to replace him.

Sometimes, I wonder if we're to blame for him being like this, for enabling him. I was part of it, egging him on. It was a retard we could make sing and dance, but maybe he could've been saved if we didn't fuck with him like that.

I'm not referring to any of you as "we" unless you were there then too. I know how funny anons get about that word here.

Does Movie Bob not know that the Democrats were not interest into going to Space, Trump or no Trump, while Trump wants us to go back into space

Isn't he running for Fauxahauntas's Senate seat too

I'm starting to think it might be mercy if he dies. He won't seek help for that thing, he's going to suffer from that thing he calls a vagina. He'll probably try masturbating with it, shit will get in it, it will get worse, I mean, oh god. This is making me sick.

I remember hearing that he once had a neighbor's cat killed because he didn't like it, so I wouldn't be shocked if he was always a shit person.

Don't oppress him with your patriarchal medical bullshit, it's 2016. Let him do what he wants with his body.

Oh fuck, we should bring up the Duke 3D and Gearbox in general. Skip past the 15 minute mark, holy fuck this stream was horribly bad. Besides Randy singing about shit nobody cares about they tried to horribly crowbar in a politic debate.

And then there's the Duke 3D re-re-release, which had even worse sound than the original versions did at launch until they patched it, it didnt have the expansion packs, it had a higher price tag, and they basically fucked over this one poor dev who tried to make an Android port of Duke 3D, he wasn't able to because somehow Gearbox managed to get the entire rights to Dook

Who gives a shit, the world has an unending supply of retards.

It's disturbing to see one without any proper support slowly die due to a little bit of everything going wrong in his life, mostly his own fault but still.


He's clowning around.


You don't think there aren't thousands of "chris-chans" who aren't internet famous?

Counter Strike is also reddit


It was in May this year

How is counter strike Reddit? You guys are closer to reddit than cs is.

Oh yes, $6,000,000 irl money for some shitty gun some Autist randomly got is totally not reddit
CS:GO is absolute shit

That's not funny, it's fucking infuriating.

I said cs, not cs:go.

He has cats of his own (most of them hate him). He intentionally ran over snakes though.

We are responsible, but at the same time, some of us didn't go as far as Marvin and Kiwi weens. The Kiwi weens and trolls really went too far with the Tomgirl shit, and probably even joked about getting Chris involved with Isis; yet they gave Bluespike shit.

You have to remember that his parents and Anna McLeeran are mostly responsible for Chris. They spoiled his ass, allowing him to be a shit head who thinks hes above everyone including the law. Anna even encouraged Chris trying to harass Megan by saying how he's a misunderstood guy who deserves everything good, yet the bitch did nothing when he lost his house. Rocky tried to help him, but he took her advice the wrong way.

One way Chris is a victim, yet Chris became the Chris you know.

Honestly, I don't want another Chris let alone another Dobson or DSP. Lowtiergod being a Black DSP and Dobson being a horrible piece of soulless shit on a daily basis were a bad enough (Dale's not even entertaining when he loses in fighting games). I don't get how anyone can live like Dobson.

Timbox is the closest to the next Chris Chan, but even he's keeping his mouth shut out of dumb shit on DA.

I don't even want to hear what the retard spews about sexy, promiscuous fictional women.

Sad how GO was good until it got hit by unrefined jewry and shitty balance decisions.

like all male SJWs, hes trying to remove those bad thoughts from his mind, im sure like Anitas former wallet he slaps his dick between two bricks when he feels it doing something.

It's exactly as bad as you think it is. The guy is practically a parody of himself.


I just wish normalfag masses would make the fucking actual pushback against these retarded pretentious cultists already.


Dota players just realized this for a while.

Was it really Chris, I thought it was a fake account.

Overcuck flagship hero/main hero revealed gay for diversity points

The picture was a fake account. Chris chan got triggered either way.

No it was chris alright, he triggered hard and went looking for the sonichu reference (there was none)

more fan project devs need to take after AM2R guy and just not tell anyone about it until you put it out, that way people have the file for a little while before it get C&Ded and it can get circulated

There was the Blue arms reference though

Is it really just Valkyrie Drive: Bhikkhuni being obscure compared to most games or that it was planned for outlets to flee a sinking ship when the time comes?

The sexualization of Senran Kagura ramped up with idealized, sexy non-misandric promiscuous lesbians literally turning each other into objects with pleasure to beat each other up while destroying clothes regardless. There should have been fucking suicides. It still bothers me.

Anyone that wasnt retard, realized this since TF2.Sadly nobody listened outside a minority because something "innovative".
Too late, TF2, Dota 2 and GO were very successful at feeding Valve's jewry and in-community greed giving more openings to jewry, till the paid mods fiasco

That there are more like him doesn't fucking matter.

I suppose, but damn. I remember when this shit was funny. Now it's just sad.

Why does this faggot have so many dank memes?

cs:go was never good. I was playing it since the beta and stopped playing it a few months before they added the revolver.

In the beta it was basically a downgraded cs:s. Hitboxes got better but everything else was worse. Movement was very basic, weapons had almost no recoil or spread (felt like playing CoD), you shot accurate even while moving.

In the early days HPE was working on the game and they did a good job at listening to the community. With the help of us they improved the game. But then Valve fired that team and started to work on the game themselves and at that point it got worse with every patch. They made less gameplay changes and more UI changes and shit like that. They added microtransactions and fucked up the balance. They even fell for reddit meme and changed the scopes to "fix" the attached pic.

And when they did their first dreamhack tournament you could see valve stuff play against each other in a test game. They were all silver. The game is literally designed by idiots who have the worst possible rank.

And those who played it back then will probably remember some of the big patches and fuck ups. Like op deagle (shit was basically a mini awp, dealt scout damage, was full auto and had decent accuracy) which was then within days nerfed to the point it was unusable. Then we had a op glock, that bitch killed with one shot to the head making all the other pistols unnecessary. Valve just looks at the data and notices that nobody buys pistols so they buff all the other pistols resulting in op p250 and afterwards a op 5-7. Then they changed wallbang and added op aug, basically dealing 100% damage even through walls. After that they change d2 doors to metal.

it's really a shit game since day one. And by the way, those expensive knife skins they sell now, they were in the game back then in the beta.

And one more thing just to prove how greedy valve is. They disable community mods long before they sold their skins to make sure people would buy them. How fucking shady is this? Take away something that was free so you can buy their shit.

Dear Kek, thank you for making our enemies ridiculous.

Well we did earn some cash using cs:go. I made like 30€ or something like that by reselling skins. I even bought a second copy of cs:go to farm more skins.

Oh, you know nobody will. Like those retards who wanted to make a MGS1 HD remake. They release one CGI trailer, and BAM they get CnD'd. Fucking idiots.

Ye, Holla Forums forgetting the event that started the movement

Overall though this has proven to be an amazing year to live through

I'm sure other big things have been listed, but here's my few cents.

The problem with Dota's are that most of the mods are fucking garbage (both Valve and fan-made). More than half of them don't even fit the heroes (look at Juggernaut and Magnus. Why is Magnus wearing knight armor if he belongs to a tribe or horny rhino centaurs? Why is Winter Wyern wearing physical battle armor instead of something majestic or regal?). Shit, I think people copied and pasted Space Cow's custom items because they all look the same.

Holy fuck did Dota drop the ball with balance. What the fuck did they do to Techies?! Monkey is retarded and broken af with Antifun and Timbershit.

"Muh diversity!"

This is why I don't support Blizzard, and refuse to buy SocialJusticeWatch. I thought they were going to let the fans interpret the characters?

You and me both. At least Chris was kind of funny unlike Dobson, who makes you want to slap him or spray acetone and Simple Green all over his face.

Again, there's always Timbox.

>DSP finally beats something his dick
That's all i recall

There is one more thing that happened this year I should add.
Thank you again to all the anons that participated in this.

yeah… no… What makes you think that? Reddit still supports Valve and microtransactions and shit like that.

Oh wow. I just remembered Might No. 9 was released this year.

Amazing how quick these fuck ups happened between each other. Even funnier that MN9 didn't even get to be remembered as a fuck up because No Man's Buy managed to be come about and be laughed at.

I might be wrong, but if I'm not mistaken, the recursive Quark laughter webm thing was started this year too.

Have you been to the Steam forums? A lot of people were pissed over 7.00. Dota celebs seem mixed about it, but have no choice if they want esports careers (Sheever can't ride anyone's dick out of OD now that Bulldog left the scene).

The instant ANY competition does a simple background check on him and his friends, he's done. He's too brazen and his cleaners and keepers aren't good enough to keep him in line. This doesn't even go into lack of experience, platform, he's running on a the basis of an internet dick measuring contest. Sarkeesian and Quinn didn't even invite him to the UN. Plus his name isn't a strong name people would sign with faith. Wu sounds foreign and Brianna sounds weak. It's no Diane, Samantha, Alexandra, Camille, etc. It's DoA, but I can't wait to hear him campaign about shit no one irl really cares about.

They are pissed for the wrong reasons. They can't get used to the new UI. It's not like they are pissed at valve for making the game easier. Everybody is okay with that.

How's Dinah's current project since MN9? I loved how she had the balls to say people don't deserve their Kickstarter rewards for not kissing her ass or calling Conman out.

Oh shit, didn't Alphablaster losing his shit and shitcanning TF2C threads for good happened this year?

Some were pissed for the right reasons. Balance is even shittier (Monkey King is OP af; Techies are fucking trash), and still feels like a bad mix of Lol and HoTS when you look past the shitty UI. Talents are kind of fucked up, and the models for Viper and Slardar are horrible (they look like gay, generic dragons).

He had credibility? I thought he just shitposted on twitter while his hotpocketeers ran the 10 dollar clubhouse(with microtransactions of course). And guess try to start a youtube eceleb career, but that didn't really go anywhere, i think?

How many have stopped playing? People will continue playing. This is just a short rage that people have after updates. People were not complaining this hard back then about the comeback gold and that shit was truly cancer. I also don't heart anyone complain about the fact that farming gets nerfed and mindless fights buffed. Dota community is cancer to this day. And we still don't have a proper report system.

Don't remind me. The last shimmer of hope that I could have possibly had for TF2 as a whole went down the drain because the devs and Alpha ruined everything.
Alpha was such a faggot that I got banned for having a friend on my friends list from years ago with a catgirl avatar that he said "was too furry". Not only did he pretty much singlehandedly kill TF2C's entire community by being a literal nazi about playerbase and his "pure" experience, but he banned a good chunk of Holla Forums out of spite and doing more background checking then the fucking NSA.
Now all I have is vanilla TF2 and a few servers called Redsun, and even those are getting pretty cancerous.

Many "gamers are so entitled" articles by journalist cucks, also Digital Homicide and Mafia III

No clue. I laughed at everyone who made MN9 then forgot about them, hoping they would stay gone.

Continues to this day in 3DS CFW thread slapfights between the two by people who forget the important part is you can pirate shit

Yeah. Unfortunately "received internet death threats" and "did lots of interview about how I was harassed" are not political qualifications. How the fuck he even expects to run a campaign, let alone make people vote for him is a fucking mystery.

God I remember Alphablaster, chiefly for not shutting the fuck up about degeneracy and purity in his playerbase while at the same time scrounging around ERP boards as Toon Link. I'll check out Redsun soon since a dying server-group is better than a dead one. is their site, it's kind of like SLAG if you ever played it.
Good servers, but the community is quite meh. No porn sprays but the admins are pretty chill and call each other niggers.

His youtube career went up in flames with Shmorky going full bat-shit insane with his sjw-tranny shit. He's lucky his hotpocketeers still watch his unfunny videos that involve his kids, or Fatbeef invites him to do something.

People will still play Dota, but there are still some mixed thoughts about the game. Everyone is still complaining about Monkey King being able to Ohko with a chain of moves..

What's funny is that Alpha still has a Discord where you get banned if you insult his internet boyfriend. He also had a meltdown when /cow/ found out where he lived. Not only that, apparently the server was just a gift from his dad. Funny how a single underage, literal faggot helped ruined a game for people.

At least the salt was good, especially from that one black kid.

Apparently all the degenerate purging shit was just an attempt to get Holla Forums and Holla Forums to like him.

I wonder what 2017 will bring.

Reddit and other normalfags worship Valve ironically. They dont understand that doing something ironically doesn't negate the fact that you're still doing it.

What happened to his /cow/ thread? It looks like it got deleted, ctrl+F didn't find anything.

Is there anything more pathetic than trying to pander to an internet community's hivemind?

I'm pretty sure all the shitposting and hate here is just for kicks, and nobody should take it seriously even if it was done in earnest.

Jesus fuck the first sonic adventure had better lipsync than this shit

You had one job!

Slag as in MechatheSlag/Slag Gaming? I remember that general server group but primarily because there was a complete mouthbreather of an admin for TTT on Gmod that leapt to the defense of children pounding on their keyboards about freekilling and RDM because they were terrorists and got caught. If the admins are tolerable I'll definitely give it a looksee, thanks.

That makes a lot of sense that it was being way, way overbearing on trying to fit in with the top boards. Should've just unclenched his sphincter and did what came natural.


Those last 3 are actually cool, though.

TTT was a mistake.

The gamemode was brilliant until Gmod in general got irreparably infested by children after it got popular on Youtube through stop-motion videos and proto-Let's Plays. Minecraft didn't help either. Shame Raggle's Terroriste Beache went under, I had access to it when I was a retarded 16-year-old and now that I have half a brain the server's dead.

How could I forget about all the great homebrew Nintendo stuff. That's top of the list followed by MN9.

What did I miss?

You missed Reddit getting assmad about a character being "too sexy" in a pose and then being A-OK with an even lewder pose made to fix that criticism, but in the end none of it mattered because Blizzard just released a comic confirming Tracer is a fucking lesbian anyway.
What was the point of it at all, I don't know.

Normalfags have been doing this for a long time, check the secret and positivism/visualization which was all the rage less than a decade ago

Thats how shit like NMS happened

Oh that. I presumed "tracer" meant copied artwork, not the name of a character.

Oh my sweet summer child.



Her design was always shit. She looks too much like Scout from TF2 to be attractive as well as not having a good design overall.
D.Va is better

Well cliff is a total cuck so no surprise there but I didn't see romero being this cucked as well

Guess his desperate for attention, since he's been a nobody since daikatana


Fucking despise bitchford.

I can't wait for this fucking company to go bankrupt after bulletstorm directors cut (with cuck pozzzem addon, only a preorder away)

This almost trumps the "not your shield sockpuppet" routine in patheticness. Almost.

Oh geez what'd Romero do.


jesus fucking christ

had a taint piercing, it got ripped out, DIRTY CRAPPED BRIEFS leads to an infectious gaping wound he thinks is a vagina he grew from listening to asmr

Nigger you blind?

cs go is pure shit, always has been, and always will be
CS:S and CS 1.6 are top tier games that were always good and are still good.

Does he still not get that his virtue-signalling is getting him nowhere?

Never interrupt your enemy when they are making a mistake.

I dont think he knows that, whenever in the news shit like "GAMERGATE IS AN ALT RIGHT HATE GROUP" pops up even though nobody honestly gave a shit about it for about a year or so, he likely thinks things like "Those piece of shit human beings" like a person that barely uses the internet and takes it seriously does.

Do you think Holla Forums will be alive come 2018?

Unless Jim or Mark do something that really massively fucks us all, probably.
We stayed on halfchan for god knows how long, we're used to cancer.

Holla Forums is eternal, Satan. We ain't going anywhere.

One thing I've learned over the past few years is to never trust anyone who associates themselves with old video games. Whether it's people clinging to these old games in an attempt to regain relevance, retro enthusiasts who gain a following for knowing a lot about old vidya and use them to spew bullshit opinions, or just your typical NES/Earthbound/etc hipsters, do not trust them.

Doom 4 should have been game of the year.

The overabundance of retro hype and fandom, combined with let's plays and the 2007 commodification of nerd culture has made it easy for anyone to pretend to have "gamer cred"

This has given us a ton of faggoty hipster shits who have tried to turn being a child/teen loser into a trendy accessory. So you've got people who don't even own a console, let alone play anything on PC who are like "I'm TOTALLY a real gamer! I bet I've even beat Zelda more times than you!"

I've gotten used to the people you mentioned, we've all talked about them at some point. What pisses me off more are the people on the opposite end, the self-hating nerds who are older and clearly knowledgeable about retro games and like to talk about them, but even though you'd expect them to know better, they buy the narrative hard and can't go 10 minutes without sperging out over dudebro gamers or whatever.

This is no different than what happened with MGS PP and this board, what will happen with Death Stranding and this board, what will happen with Bannerlord and this board, and what happened with Deathwing and this board.

We need to get Sam Hyde to run against this dumpster fire.

Another 2016 happening was the "Gaming has a White Male Terrorism Problem" post that got circulating amongst RPG/TT communities.

The short version is that some canadian feminist retard claimed that she'd been raped and harassed and tormented for years by white men, especially in the Malifaux/Wyrd Games community. Made a bunch of stupid claims, but somehow the story caught on.

Turns out she's been pestering Wyrd Games for a while and demanding that they hire her and pay her as a "women's ambassador to gaming" or some shit. Wyrd wasn't having any of that and told her to provide proof.. and also that they employ more women than men.

What was especially perplexing about it was all of the veteran players and people posting shit like, "I've been a gamer for decades and I can't believe what I'm hearing! How can our community be so awful?!"

Whenever some overstuffed SJW cunt complains about the gaming community (vidya or traditional) beta faggots are quick to throw themselves at the feet of these people and bemoan the problems within the community.. Not realizing for one moment that they are the ones being insulted. That those hyperbolic claims are exactly about people like them. That there is secret underbelly of white male terrorists giving the whole hobby a bad name. It's literally just lying cunts making up stories and then pointing at these same people who rally to their side.

There was some fanboyism, but the difference is that Kojima fanboys know that Kojima can make great games. MGSPP even had a demo to confirm that the gameplay was up to snuff. No one went into that game believing that it was going to be infinite gameplay with unlimited content so amazing and mindblowing that you'd never need to play any other game again. NMS fanboys believed exactly that.

What about the other guy, the guy with the southern voice? He was cool, was he also infected with this shit or did he break from Slowbeef?

What could possibly possess a man with enough money and power to completely ignore what bothers him to play a cringy guitar song just to score points with SJW's?

Duke Nukem really is dead.

Holla Forums is an idea.
And ideas are ETERNAL.

because, just like the rest of us, you're here for the wild ride

I'm willing to bet FF15 did poorly. Square Enix has only said FF15 shipped 5 million units. One thing I noticed is that retailers are already having deep discounts, Amazon was selling the game at $35. $35, almost half off after just 3 weeks since it was released. AAA is crashing with no survivors.

Cried like a newborn baby from beginning to end tbqhwy

No Satan, 8ch won't go away. Some boards may die, but the site as such and this a few places that can actually reproduce themselves won't.

People should make more of that actually, I bet it would trigger some sjw's even you consider how they get mad that nobody cared about her being lesbian

well, she is a lesbian you know. Those things don't look good.

Looks like we're autosaging

Well, this was a great thread, either way.

Trump beating a rigged election was my favorite part of the year honestly. And now I get the spend the next 4-8 years laughing, every shitpost of his on twitter becomes international news in seconds. It's glorious.