Gravity Rush gets an animation airing on Christmas. Oddly enough though this will close the cliffhanger the original ended on while setting the stage for 2.
Gravity Rush gets an animation airing on Christmas...
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Will they still be using that made up language?
Why does Kat have bad table manners?
How long is this ova?
+other unimportant questions
But why?
Is Sony hoping for Gravity Rush to become a big franchise? I don't see it happening.
More Kat is always welcome though.
Kat has bad table manners because shes a qt
Realistically they probably dont, they want a small niche following for this series with small budget but makes back more. Then again Team Silent/Siren probably thinks differently.
I think it's fair to say sony wants it to become bigger.
But CAN it become bigger?
Probably not.
At it's core it's still a sort of artsy, niche game with decent gameplay, nothing stellar.
Doesn't have enough mass appeal to drag in the dudebros, doesn't have refined or nuanced enough gameplay to drag in Holla Forumstard neckbeards.
So it just sits there as a good game that will probably grow a bit in terms of fanbase but won't explode the way sony wants it to.
It depends on how GR2 turns out. I like the first one a lot, but it feels like a middle budget game you'd see in 6th gen or an indie affair today. It's nicely put together, very charming, but the whole thing really consists of a single solid mechanic with time-attacks and other challenges to extend playtime. Personally, I like the fact that games like that can exist, but the sequel really needs to be fleshed out to draw in an audience.
Then there's the issue of how many people will actually pay full price for a pure platformer these days? Combat was the most boring part of GR, so it will probably be expanded beyond aiming and pressing a single button, but at the same time I don't think it should play a central role in the game.
Not to mention the remaster sold less than 30k copies.
It's a shame since it was really, really good.
Bluepoint should always handle all HD ports, ever.
I genuinely wonder if anyone knew the remaster existed.
Its sad since I loved GR1 and Siren Blood Curse, but it looks like the devs are almost doomed to obscurity or be referred to as "that one studio"
Now I kind of feel bad about buying it used.
However, $20 was about the right price for the game, I feel.
Maybe I can clear my conscience by being a shill.
Hey look i found leaked story element for GR2
Why is she so dumpy looking?
Kat is top level waifu material.
is it 60fps?
I hope so, I hate voice acting
she's homeless and has amnesia.
Actually, there's more voicing in the fake language.
I'm actually interested in attempting to learn their language. It's kinda like solving a cipher.
or it could be like the sims where theyre actually speaking gibberish, that they then edit and warp to sound like specific gibberish.
It could be. I'm hoping it's not. It's the most useless language but it'd be neat if there's actually a designed grammar structure and a new alphabet.
No she's actually quite boring. And ugly.
Your a gay
you're not so hot yourself! BUB
Anyone played the demo yet? It's going to take me hours to download.
Where is it?
On the PlayStation store. Go to FREE and go right until you reach demos.
Funny, I never knew they had released a demo.
First I saw news articles showing up about it was yesterday. It released today. About 10 more minutes for my download to finish.
It's really short but it was fun.
It can be pretty disorienting. My sister just finished the demo. Got her to play the Nier demo too. She loves 'em.
They could just keep in Japanese with subtitles and 90% of people wouldn't be able to tell the difference.
It's not French? Oh, wait.
A-at least it's not as bad as nuBerserk…
God damn I just want to cave in and buy a PS4 just for the two games.
I would complain about the CGI, but honestly it looks alright in this one. It almost looks like they're using the in-game models for this, which is good, because they seem to lack the awkwardness of most CGI anime.
It's basically supposed to be a mix of Japanese and French, because it stylistically borrows from classic Japanese and French comics.
There's definitely an alphabet, but I think that most of the dialogue is just french-sounding gibberish.