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Video Games #133
Video Games
Destiny devs getting rid Kekistani design
MMOs that time forgot
I've been quite literally out last 5 years. About to get some gaymen going on again and buy PS4...
So what is your absolute most favourite game this gen so far?
What's going on with the new mario soundtracks?
#GamerGate + #NotYourShield [#GG + #NYS]: If You Still Believe Edition
Mount & Blade Thread
Accel World VS. Sword Art Online Deluxe Edition
Webm thread
Okami HD PC/PS4/Xbone
Why Nippon games are superior
Why is female e-sport separated from male one
4 am Thread
So is Mario really just a jealous ex boyfriend who's trying to steal his ex back from her new boyfriend's house?
Single Greatest Recommendation Thread
How did I do ?
Setups/Battlestations/Desks etc
Tell me about PUBG
Kosher games
What are some good games for pic related? I want to let out some tension via mindless violence
Why hasn't this cross-promotion happened yet? You figure it would by now
Firewatch Dev Fuckup
Switch thread
South Park: Fractured but Whole
Peripherals General
Lawbreakers drops below 50 peak active players on PC, we have a new greatest blunder of the generation
Tfw fallout is an accurate depiction of an ancap society
Every game feels like pic related
Why do people still give a shit about Halo?
Me and my friend watch two documentaries on Polybius. He's convinced it's clearly not real. I'm not so sure...
So anons that bought an Xbone on launch i have a honest question for you: When did you get the feeling you bet on the...
Super Robot Taisen thread
Once and for all, which SMG game did you enjoy the most? Which one was dare I say…objectively better?
Grand Strategy Games
PS2 Thread
Vidya music thread
About god damn time, they better announce the virtual console this time. The wait is way to fucking long
How important is the look/style of how your gear looks in games?
Reduce our Nude Mods for FF15
Games As Art
Not satyrs
Dean "Cuphead is the Dark Souls of run-and-gun" Takahashi was responsible to Mass Effect's downfall
This is probably the fastest I dropped a game
Comfy vidya
Who's the most cucked vidya company of all?
Ready to reinstall?
4 am Thread
#GamerGate + #NotYourShield [#GG + #NYS]: Parachute Edition
9/11 thread Never Forgetti
Elysium - Private WoW Server
Are you excited for the new steven universe game coming out this fall?
Hello, Nintendo fans. We are the crème de la crème elite video game developers. We have no time to waste
What if Halo 1 was released in 2017?
Yfw you didn't buy Firewatch
You'll never live such a comfy situation ever again, how does it make you feel Holla Forums?
What happened to benchmarks in PC games?
Granblue Fantasy - /gbfg/
If a video game has a story of any kind whatsoever, it also has a sociopolitical message and/or commentary
Were you looking forward that one diablo clone in WH40K universe?
A few weeks ago there was a GOTY thread that I really liked...
I just got a GTX 1060
Can we talk about Chris here?
ITT joke characters
Games with adult mods
PC Gaming
Super Mario 64 Online
Holla Forums Plays Spore
What did everyone forget about this game already?
#GamerGate + #NotYourShield [#GG + #NYS]: Three Three Manatee Edition
Half-Life 2
What's your opinion on this game, Holla Forums?
Am I weird?
Fuckhuge games
Let's decide once and for all, what is the better video game series, Halo or Half-Life?
Haven't played this game in over a year. What "difficulty" should I go with, Darkest or Radient?
S&box (a standalone Garry's Mod spiritual successor in UE4) has been announced
"Why are we still facing these problems"
ITT: Games nobody remembers
Good Game
We live in a day and age where views like this are no longer the popular opinion
4 am Thread
Cuck Park
Is there any games with great female villains?
Is the DLC worth getting?
Will they ever stop ruining the King of the Hill MMO with these shitty updates?
Fighting Game General: Backstabbing cunts edition
Backlog thread - What should you be playing?
EAS drawthread: revengeance
If a game doesn't look good without anti-aliasing, it doesn't look good
I unironically think that Sora is one of the cutest game characters and he fits in every transformation
Sidekick Appreciation Thread
Character-Player personalities
Webm Thread: Mediocre OC edition
If a game has an extensive customization system, what do you try to make your character look like?
Do you think there are plans for an attempted .Hack revival?
Bad Games in Good Series
So I just finished pic related, what do you guys think about it?
Video game shirts
Want to play rpg with tiddies
How dare gamers want video games to be challenging
Awful ports
UT 4 hasn't updated since June
Where do you find your zen, /v?
What other games other than Open TTD can I play on this 2006/7 Macbook?
Super Mario Odyssey: Tiara Edition
Let's have a nice discussion about the quality of current MMO communities
Do you play old FPS games with a mouse?
What went wrong
Family guy online
So is religious censorship still a thing in vidya...
Genwunners - do they have a point?
Plot Twist
2hu / Touhou Thread
Fullderp: specs rhyperior edition
Nioh Thread
Shadow of Shekels
What determines the percentage that the greed machine will jam at the end of greed mode?
Recommend a Nintendo DS lite game
/agdg/ + /vm/ - Amateur Game Development and Modding
Is the Simpson's game any good? I've never played it but it looks really good from what I've seen
Are there any games that accurately depict Finland and let you play as the Finnish?
Fallout 4
Remove the new spoiler image, you fuckface. It's too dark and looks annoying, changing shit for no reason
#GamerGate + #NotYourShield [#GG + #NYS]: Just Work Dammit Edition
Elona Plus Thread
Mario Odyssey
4 am Thread
Visual Novel Thread
Share Thread - RIP Florida
Is there any truth to the idea that you need to have played genuinely bad games in order to appreciate genuinely...
Flight Sim: DCS World
Star Citizen™ is still shit
So even Capcom is cucked now and literally gave Steven Colbert material to do an anti Trump joke in exchange for...
Why do people bother putting nigs and mulattos in "serious" video games...
Holla Forums plays Spore pt. 3
Back then
Buy Rust on steam
Roguelike thread
Does anyone want to play?
Travis Strikes Back
Meta Thread: F for Florida Edition
In-house game engine is given a name and a logo even though it will never be used by any other developers outside of...
Autistic Roblox children are having a huge spergout because their autism simulator is adding realistic human models in...
Games with top tier AI
Vidya Traps
I found a thing in Breath of the Wild
I do NOT know what happened to Rimworld thread but I wanted to make one cause I have some questions...
So you can destroy a few buildings, how about a fair stronghold thread
Spyro the dragon
Japanese devs take inspiration from western art/history/mythology
Va-11 hall-a thread
Holla Forums plays Spore pt. 2
Who's ready for some motherfucking shovelware?
Soundtrack is literally just gothic disney opera with some woman singing in German
Gearbox's 1v1 Beta Game
3DS Homebrew Thread
Accel World vs Sword Art Online coming to PC in 4 days
What is your biggest case of buyer's remorse? I pre-ordered an Xbox One Kinect edition
You can only pick one
Lovecraftian Setting Games
All the Xenoblade, but 2 especially
Space Thread: the Great Unkown Edition
Vidya Autism/Cringe General
The PS3
How would you make a makbeth game work?
Soul Saber 2
#GamerGate + #NotYourShield [#GG + #NYS]: Cup of Tea Edition
Underrated Licensed Vidya
4am Thread
Alien Isolation
Keyboard Thread
Senko no Ronde 2
Tfw miami user
Gaul only shows up in like 5 cutscenes then is a shittier Oryx but with elemental powers who just flies around shooting...
Do you also love secret areas left on a disc you can glitch into in game?
Own a 4 year old gpu, a r9 290x
Remember BallisticNG...
ITT cases of developers doing retarded shit that angers their fans
Hey guys try out this game
Cancelled Games
Holla Forums plays Spore
Post two to three images and let other anons guess what game related thing you're talking about
Webm Thread: GOLD Edition
#GamerGate + #NotYourShield [#GG + #NYS]: Life Emergency Edition
Doom Gamenight Delayed
The Zeebo
Was it a good game?
South Park: The Fractured but Whole's difficulty slider changes the colour of your skin
Meanwhile in Holla Forums's holiday resort…
Let's talk weeb games Holla Forums...
L.A. Noire Remastered
Merchandise for a prototype
Everybody is Golf
I need video games that let me ride a bear
Character Designs you like in games you don't
Flea Market Amigo here, I got me this here Atari tape drive for less than an American dollar. It's dirty...
4am Thread
Gotta eat
"Fahrenheit" may have been a psyop?
Mamma mia, that's an icy meatball-a
UK Art Museum to expose the massive sexism and misogyny in video games
Divinity OS 2
LoL Commercial
Popular Skyrim modder removes mods because he's "serving more nazis than he'd like to"
Feminist "game [devs']" full-scale war vs. men objectifying women in video games
P2w apologism
Name That Game
Gay OC people want to be canon
Riddle me this, Holla Forums...
The Lost Turnabout
Buy my game
==Mirage: Chivalry with magics - for free==
Fullderp: (You) edition
/lgg/ ~ Linux Gaming General
With the zombie craze finally dying down (no pun intended), what are some good games that involve the living dead?
Vidya tech support thread
#GamerGate + #NotYourShield [#GG + #NYS]: Disillusion Edition
Old consoles on LCD TVs
/m/echa thread
Griefing thread
Best handheld
Autistic Game Analysis
4am Thread
Why is Overwatch still popular? Is it just the porn and waifu baitting at this point?
Vidya OSTs
The new game from the chivalry devs will be free for a single day on steam tomorrow...
Movie NIght: Black Dynomite
Path of Exile ~ /poeg/
It's a bandanna
How does it feel knowing that the new way to get a shit game to sell well is to just have a lot of streamers play it?
Vidya Thread: Hurrican Irma Edition
Rainbow Six Siege
Games no one remembers but you
/agdg/ + /vm/ - Amateur Game Development and Modding
What games have post-games longer than the game itself?
So as everyone knows, Nicalis has posted this image on their twitter...
"Shadow Bumplocked"
So there was the recent video of a game journalist not being able to play Cuphead for the life of him...
Penguin os thread
Tfw you have 143 games stored on your hard drive
FPS Thread
Always do opposite of what Holla Forums says
#GamerGate + #NotYourShield [#GG + #NYS]: Song Of Hope Edition
Fuck Steam
How do fangames not get sued?
Demon Souls
Sega crossover teased
Grand Strategy Games /gsg/
Draw Thread
Comfort Games
Florida bro here
So I just saw this VR wifu simulator shit on steam
Vivendi threatens to take over control of Ubishit
RTS Thread - Thrawns Revenge Edition
Destiny 2 containment thread
Fallout New Vegas Mods
Crisis in the Kremlin: Baby come back
Scorn is now episodic and on kikestarter
4 am thread
What are the best Commodore 64 games?
Did the western video game industry reached peaked studity when game devs/journalists are defending Black Female Nazis...
Earthbound Creator "Shigesato Itoi" makes new RPG "Reverie"
SS13 - Space Station 13 - LOL Edition
Why do all non tactical FPS games have bullet sponge enemies?
So, what do you guys think of Denuvo on Sonic Mania PC? Or heck, just Denuvo in general?
Best free MMO's?
I just realized that I can't think of a single fucking game that i'm actually looking forward to...
Vidya but with realism!
Monster Hunter General /mhg/
WEBM Thread
"The game itself, there wasn't anything special about it...
Riot ruins everything
Team Fortress 2 Vintage: Alphabuttblasted edition
Key re-sellers
When exactly did the western gaming industry start going to shit?
When did a game truly satisfy your greatest fetish and remain a fun vidya?
Comfy Steam Friends thread
Enemy variety
Venezuelans are so poor they are gold farming in Runescape to get food on the table...
I just got done playing the game all the way through and honestly thought it was pretty good. Looks great...
Hellrising thread
Why are they popular?
Why is that only South Americans do pixel art right these days?
Speculation: Etrian Odyssey will have one more game on the 3DS
Vidya habits you have which spoil enjoyment of games
Midna a QT
Paid Mods: Electric Boogalo 2
Valve will not make games anymore
7.62 Hard Life
#GamerGate + #NotYourShield [#GG + #NYS]: The Composer's Holiday is Always Passing Quietly Edition
4 AM
Hey Holla Forums, how about we search for obscure games we all never played? Something very shitty, unique...
Tfw he changed the fucking title
Dreadnought General
What kind of graphics card do you have? I live in Norway...
Dragon's Dogma
Why does he wear an eyepatch? It's not like his eye is a grotesque socket, it just looks like he has a cataract
So about that "Games Journalist" who failed at Cuphead
Geography and Cartography
Unlikable Mary Sues
What's up with GTA5? It's 2 years old and still full retail and it comes /w shit reviews, why?
Splatoon Thread- Soaring with Flying Colors Edition
Unconventional/cheese playstyles
So Hollywood is starting to die with some of the worst stats this year (weakest summer in ages...
Who else running a game company here
How soon until 90s nostalgia becomes a major marketing gimmick in the gaming industry?
So when can we expect to see the Xbox One 2 or the PS5? I can't afford a PC because I live in France
So was the "return to historical FPS" just a fad?
Fighting Game General: Fuck ups Edition
Speccy thread
Granblue Fantasy - /gbfg/
What are some videogame characters with bodies that make you want to lift Holla Forums...
What are your priorities?
Third Parties HATE Nintendo Switch
Can they make games?
Shoot my shit up
American McGee tries to prop plans for Alice 3 to EA
NIHON FALCOM THREAD, "Du-Bully" edition
Is unreal 4 a better game engine than Unity?
Tomb Raider
Elysium general
Overused weapons in video games
Vidya Friends
The Case for Multiple Screens...?
You're now in charge of directing a runescape tv series and a movie
4 AM
Sanic World
How Threat of Terrorism is ruining FPS in VR platforms
Can we discuss the supreme cancer that is the NeoGAF forums? Holy shit, I mean...
I've been doing drawthreads on Holla Forums for a year and wonder if you guys want one
ITT: Shit you love in vidya
What's the line between edgy and badass?
Underrated vidya
So after completing 9,9,9, I bought Hotel Dusk and having completed it a short while ago, I figured I'd report back
Fullderp: /me unzips weedie edition
When did you last clean out your controller?
#GamerGate + #NotYourShield [#GG + #NYS]: Back into the Skies Edition
Battlestations thread
Armored Core thread
Steam Controller vs others???
Look at games coming out during the AAA season
Nightmare Creatures 3 just announced at Pax
Drinking while gaming
Wakfu season 3
Current Year Journalists
Alright ye rotten knaves, let's talk some proper knigga vidya. Also...
Can Holla Forums recommend me some 16-bit era RPGs? I tried pic related, but I couldn't get into it for the life of me
Webm thread: Sound Edition
The only thing that scares me are Greys. Why aren't there any alien horror vidya about them?
Speebot Demo
How long till we form up into virtual PMC groups to get the dream job as the new Diamond Dogs of a digital age?
Twin Peaks inspired 'year of dreams' PS1 release Mirruzna Falls, The land of Woods and Repose gets fan translation
Recommend a controller Holla Forums
Nipponese Learning Thread: 百合ドラクエ Edition
Lucky you! One of your favorite games has been remade. Incredible improvements have been made to the graphics and sound...
Pure, distilled comfy
Live in poland
MonHun vs. Toukiden
4 AM
/ogc/ Racing Games General - Best PS2 Racing Sim Edition
Are there any actual good realistic survival games?
Is it a floor that kills or is it about killing a floor?
Somebody share some info
Underrated weapons
Best Gmod gamemodes
Would you rather have
Sega Games
Waifu games
Simulators of life
Its time to vent that autism pressure
You are cordially invited
ITT: Characters living a peaceful life till you rolled up and started some shit for no good reason
Kingdoms and Castles
Starcraft Remastered
Tfw 109 degrees here in southwest burgerstan
Vidya Creepypasta
ITT: Unsolved Video Game Mysteries
When Blizzard was good
I've always liked Amy more than Sonic, and after her being playable in Sonic Advance I think it's stupid to reneg on it
Do North Americans that play online have to deal only with Mexicans and Canadians or with the full south American...
#GamerGate + #NotYourShield [#GG + #NYS]: Road to Victory Edition
Can someone explain to me why western point'n clicks suck so much ass in comparison to eastern one...
Anakin can't be in the game because Vader already is and they are the same character and "Lucasfilm won't allow that...
STAR WARS EMPIRE AT WAR - Multiplayer Update
Are your guys ready for some excellent monetary-incentivized mods? :^)
FreeSO (Free Sims Online)
YWN used to jew more money of retards post mortem
Has anyone played Aztez yet?
ITT: Spoil A Game Without Using Names
What does Holla Forums know about the Wonderswan? Is there anything good on it?
Holla Forums makes a character creation screen
Ass creed "we wuz" edition partners with shit flavored sugar water
G-man is one of the laziest pieces of writing I have ever seen in anything...
Pathologic thread
Atlus possibly teases Catherine 2?
Voice actor strike
World of Warcraft or Oldschool Runescape
4 AM
Deus Ex
Play fallout 4
I'm about to start playing E.Y.E., anyone have any tips?
What are some other tags that would be good to filter?
Porn ads
*Waves hand*
Do you ever play games out in public? Be honest
What's the worst attempt at a game you've ever seen? Picture related
WebM thread
This was your video game library, once
Confess your video game sins
Tank Vidya
PR guys and indies start joking among themselves with the latest normalfag trend
HolyC is best language, language wars are over now edition
Fuck eBay
Mouse Thread
World of Warships banning Trump supporters
How old were you when you realized all consoles are underpowered garbage?
No thread about this? Cuckchan raids ass-creed Steam forums to fuck with Jewbisoft
Zombie Master: Reborn - And We're Back Edition
Sonic Mania has Denuvo
World of Warships banning Trump supporters
While technically larger than 3 or new vegas...
What game would be the absolute worst to speedrun?
World in Conflict - Unofficial Gamenight
Oblivion sucks
Vidya Gayman music thread
MarioxRabbit Forces you to use these shitty skin
Action and RPG
Sonic Forces you to use these shitty skins
I recently found this, apparently it's yet another Pokemon mmo
#GamerGate + #NotYourShield [#GG + #NYS]: Happy 10th Birthday, Hatsune Miku! Edition
Developer IP fuckups
7 Reasons Kids with Autism Love Minecraft
Voice Acting thread
I know there are a lot of nintendo users out there… Did ANYONE of you actually owned this?
Is this the most cucked thing that has emerged from the chans?
Raid WW2 or games where you steal shit
Played Expected Got / POG
Motion Twin and a potential new model for developers
4 AM
How do I come to terms with the fact that the older games in the series that I (still) love just don't hold up as well...
Gayming PC?
N64 controller isn't good for FPS ga-
Killing Floor
Did you know that steven universe has a new game coming out?
Underrated Characters
New Vegas & The Legion
Fighting Game General: Menat Edition
If video game characters had political views
The Guild 2
Hey Holla Forums, I found these two consoles in an abandoned house. I already used windex, paper towels...
Post games where the villain are women and the heroes are guys
Etrian Odyssey
Video Game Theft
Releasing games for free should be the new industry standard
Realistic AI in Stealth Games
Nick is having a promotion where you can color Spongebob and your color might be on TV
ITT: The NIGGEST of [videogame]
Star Citizen recieves facial tracking
Why is it that theres no good multiplayer games anymore?
How do you find time to play video games?
Indie Nintendo Direct: Virtual Console When?
Idiememe games
Microsoft Begs Others to Help Boost Their Player Count
Fullderp: Ice Shard Mafia - Rapid Spinnaz edition
ITT: Characters you wish were playable
Games with utterly shitty controls
#GamerGate + #NotYourShield [#GG + #NYS]: Thank you Toshi! Edition
Sonic Mania PC has Denuvo
How would user fix bad/disappointing games?
"Hey, this game was pretty good"
What was the last genuinely good Legend of Zelda game?
4 AM
FFXIV:Stormblood General
Does Paradox seriously think they can get away with such shitty 3D renders? In a heavily advertised trailer no less
Defend this
Intentionally pitch a bad game reboot
Why is Shadowverse so good?
White Day has Denuvo
The singleplayer is bland, but its not a garbage pile as much as a bag of recycled material
Set in a world where humans and octopi are at war with each other...
How did FNAF get so popular
So what exactly was The Boss's true message?
I have a sad question Holla Forums
Path of Exile general /poeg/
Alpha Protocol
Sonic Mania has Denuvo confirmed
Damage/Health numbers
In the mood for replaying MGSV after MGSurvive gets some news at gamescom and i lust for fox engine gameplay
Video game features/concepts that only tried once/a few times and never tried again
R.I.P. Formerly Great Dev Studios Thread
Why are we blaming Todd again?
Why did Nintendo make her frumpier and paler again?
So I've been playing this shit and am currently at Zero 2. Why is this shit so hard...
Crisis in the Kremlin Part Two: Stalin Was Right
Any game where you got honestly lost or at least wondered "how the fuck did I get here?"
4 AM
#GamerGate + #NotYourShield [#GG + #NYS]: Star of Tears Edition
SS13 - Space Station 13 - WGW edition
Creation Club Officially Live
*blocks your path*
The Miiverse officially dies November 8, 2017
Paper Mario TTYD+ Update
Kingdom Hearts Lore Question
I've escaped game addiction
Wait…it's actually GOOD?!
Is Bethesda even pretending they aren't trying to nickle and dime us for every last shekel?
People who make popular games need to shut up
Assassin's Creed Origins shitposting
Fire emblem fates
Wurm Unlimited: Dragonslayers Edition
Holla Forums always praises Dark Souls' realistic armor, but what's your favorite stylized knight design?
Questions, and small discussion
Webm Thread (Capcom better not Fuck up DMC5 edition)
Rune Ragnarok
This is the nu-male audience
Sonic Mania finally comes out tonight
Haydee thread
BestTotal War tbh
Game Boy Mini Speculations
Vidya Trivia / Interesting Facts
E.Y.E. Divine Cybermancy
If you could play any beta / unfinished version of any game, what would you want to try?
Lets talk about violence in video games, what games have the most satisfying violence...
So im not completely sure, it seems there was a perfect happy end. No one died...
AOE4 announced
4 AM
Nintendo Switch VR Capabilities: Data Found
Why are there almost NO games that include gobbos...
Escape from Tarkov Closed Beta
Gamegate Thread: PANIC EDITION
Games in which one might deus vult itt
Phantasy Star topic cause last one died
25 days till TGS
Japanese level starts
Real Games
Is there a modern version of the princess trainer style games?
When will contrarians admit this game was the best FPS made in 10 years?
Fighting Game General: Floating Balls Edition
Life simulators
Fullderp: The Long Stick edition
Whatever happened to the Airride Modoki threads? I miss going so fast that it's physically impossible to control myself
How should I go about blazblue
The Elder Scrolls
Ff 7 Remake
Elona: Teach me senpai edition
/agdg/ + /vm/ ~ Amateur Gamedev General
So, you remember Rule the Waves, right? Good. Because we're not doing that. We're playing Crisis in the Cremlin...
Just a heads up; Sega is doing a survey for westerner regarding Yakuza Kiwami 2 and HnK...
Games you want to beat before you die
#GamerGate + #NotYourShield [#GG + #NYS]: Report Polygon To The FTC Edition
Stardate: Current Year
Warframe General - Butts eddition
Open World is fun when done right
What's your favorite input device to use for videogames?
Have you ever played vidya with a celebrity?
Monster Hunter Thread /mhg/
What are some comfy games that Holla Forums can recommend...
Another WW2 game
Collector/Buyfag Thread
Just what happens to the fairy ocarina? Where does it go?
Hope, and why you should never have it: Cyberpunk 2077 edition
Agents of medocrity
4 AM
Wallpaper thread
Meanwhile, In City Se/v/enteen
E.D.F. 4.1
Boredom cancer Rec thread
Critical bug fixes coming in XCOM 2 cxpansion not being shared with base game
Killer Robot Games / Transhumanism
Mecha games thread
Hey Holla Forums
Video Game Dream Crossover
The moment you realize some Japanese animator based a rapist on Gabe Newell
Dark Souls
Bethesda: Game of Thrones
Vidya References the Movie 2: Shitting Up the Internet
How do you think games will be in 2020?
CRT Thread
Classic Fallout thread
Salt and sanctuary
NIHON FALCOM THREAD, "Captain Towa" edition
Microsoft claims, without proof, that Xbox One X pre-order sales are record-breaking
Open world game
Who here ready for the next big meme game?
Granblue Fantasy - /gbfg/
I dare you to show me a more 80's picture
Post your Gaming Room
We finally get a new Love Plus. And guess what? It's for smartphones
Sonic: After the Sequel DX
Theres no general better then Townes, and you know it
Last threads
According to aithis is what the ideal woman looks like
Video Games
/chug/ - Comfy Happening in Ukraine General #11122
We're better than this
Video Games
AI DEGENerated Art and Porn
Video Games
This is a seven eleven in poland
Why did she do it?
/uhg/ - Ukraine Happening General #9445
Social sluts
/chug/ - Comfy Happening in Ukraine General #11121
Good night sweet prince
Television and Film
>American: Japan deserved the nu-ACK
Hey user you're under arrest for posting hateful material online, posting harmful material online...
Kinda seems like the Nazis did it. Anyone got the original German?
Is it true?Is this the peak of storytelling?
Video Games
/nzg/ New Zealand General
Twitch/Youtube/streamer thread
Why do Japanese love iPhones so much, and why don't more Europeans have iPhones? Are they too poor to afford them?
Why is every zoomer obsessed with being a "content creator"...