
Death and Taxes edition

Get killed by magic wielding assholes, nuke the city your child got pregnant, preform back ally abortions with bottles of acid, enjoy delicious dragon milk, get killed by roving bandits, and starve to death in a random wilderness tile!
>The game
1.70 is the most recent version of elona+. Elona is a game made by some jap named Noa. Elona plus is a mod of that game made by Ano.
This brings about some quality of life changes and general improvements to the game as well as letting you customize things like pet AI, highly recommended. Extract this to the elona main folder and launch from the coffee cup icon. Made by some qt named annabannana and more recently taking up the torch a guy named bloodyshade.

Ton of good info for new and old players alike

A jap roguelike with an overworld and no permadeath. Can be played a ton of different ways like being a farmer who grows magic items as well as veggies, a piano player, and there's some new necromancy shit that was added. There is a ton of shit to do in the game.
Can be a bit grind heavy once you get settled though. Join in on the fun!

Other urls found in this thread:


Some instructions for a new chat server, may or may not actually work

I remember reading some confusing statement on the wiki about someone (probably whoever is responsible for the official-unofficial chat server) requesting that someone (either the people behind E+ or Custom) to NOT allow connections to their chat serve, either because it was meant for japanese or meant for players of an unmodified elona (maybe +, maybe not).

Sorry I'm being so vague, I don't remember exactly what was said or where and I don't even know where to begin to look, but the chat server issue might be intentional.

I really gave it a good try but the game is buggy, grindy, and unbalanced. I've put together as good a kit as I could and am properly using scrolls and potions. Nevertheless at level 10 my character keeps getting killed by ghosts and hungry demons in the puppy dungeon. Inb4 git gud, I'm out

Everything you said is absolutely true, but you still need to git gud

good riddance

So this is the power of herbed herbs… Not bad.

Also, what is that shit going on on the top right? I've never seen that before

So I managed to slap together a rogue wizard and my pet, do I have to give the pet anything before she can start cooking?

Random piece of advice: if you resurrect your pet with a "book of resurrection" or the spell "resurrection" (note there are no spellbooks, you can only get the spell from scrolls of wonder or dreams) you get back any reputation you lost with them, which does not happen if you buy them back at a bar.

Pet cooking is completely free, no tools or materials required. You need to wake up in the right time slot (4am to 9am) and you need your relationship with the pet to be high enough (tested: friend isn't enough, I don't think it requires soulmate though).

I highly recommend you also get Tailoring and Carpentry on your pet as well. All three events will happen at the same time. Tailoring and Carpentry get you high quality (usually sometimes {godly}) equipment item that if nothing else can be sold in your shop for a small fortune.

Here are some assorted oppai loli pet files.


can anyone answer this?? I guess worse comes to worse if you can add your own sprites I could just mod it.

Adding your own sprites is very very easy. Also, it seems that monstergirls are VERY popular additions if you look for anyone else's spritesheets (so much so that a common complaint is "I want a spritesheet without monstergirls!"

Also, there are quite a few already in the game, including an entire "catsister" race, lamias (female only), fox brothers. Dragons are unfortunately not dragon-people if that's what you are looking for, they also have a double-sized sprite so I don't personally think it would look very good to put them in like that

cool, guess I'll work on drawing up some custom sprites of what I want in there.

looks like there are spritesheets in the pastebin so I'll work off those as reference.

Or you can just work off the vanilla sheet as a refrence. It's in the graphic folder as character.bmp. Just edit anything in there and it will show up next time you start your game.

Be aware that variant monsters frequently use tints of the same sprite, so I wouldn't recommend using something with too many colors unless you know it's for a unique creature.

Have a look at these if you need references/advice.


Is there any way to assign more hotkeys besides 1 through 0?

I'm thinking Shift+1 etc, but unfortunately shift just closes the menu


Ctrl + num in menu= shift + num hotkey
Try it.

Thank you that helps a ton.

I've been juggling hotkeys around as needed, but now I can actually keep the things I want on there.


Past thread for reference:

I`ll let it slide this time.
I have some othershit I screen capped, like useful genes from last thread. Ill throw them in here later.

Thats a shame. Its not for everyone. Come back and give it a try again someday, we can help you getgud.

Some yeah.

how does one even get killed by a hungry demon at level 10?

Probably not paying attention to hunger. I've died so many times to starvation, especially if I'm not playing with sound


Worst is usually when my Karma is dipping negative. Can't be missing out on those big daddys

You mean etherwind?

Scratch that, I haven't caught up at all on elona+ updates.

Is there a somewhat reliable way to find altars of the god you want to worship? And how exactly do unclaimed altars work? I saw one of those in a dungeon before but when I tried to pick it up it said that someone already owns it and I had to steal it, yet it was "too heavy to steal" or something along those lines.

just use the one in palmia.
If you have a rod of wishing, you could wish one in your house.

The Truce Grounds has one altar to every god (except Eyth). It's almost directly north of Palmia. That's normally where you go to pick your god.

I believe you can steal the altars in the Tower of Fire and Crypt of the Damned, but they still weigh so much you probably won't be able to move them anyway unless you use scrolls of feather.

Unaligned altars are great to find because sacrificing on one of them gives you a 4x multiplier for your sacrifice value (and converts the altar). During Panic and Challenge quests any altars naturally in then city will become unaligned, so you can use that to farm favor a little faster. Of course they don't appear until 30,000 and 50,000 fame.

Thanks boys.

Go to the Truce Ground, thats the place that holds altars for ALL the gods.
Altars are REALLY heavy, it could have crushed you maybe or overweighted you hard if you had managed to pick it up without proper weightlifting training. Converting altars to your god gives you lots of points however. I dont quite remember how to do it, i think you need to offer a lot of things to it and it will change to your god's altar.

You just offer something valuable. Any of your gods preferred sacrifices will do, or a heavy corpse. Offering something shitty like a rotten corpse will usually fail to convert the altar (if it's owned by another god) and curse you.

how to get cooking on my pet?

Gene Machine, Derphy, Slave Master, Rogue Wizard

Swapping an entire spritesheet mid game is extremely hard to get used to

I strongly suspect that the Stag God does not in fact drop a God Heart. After a couple HOURS of savescumming I failed to get one at all, but found 6 evolution hearts in that time (supposedly a 1/2000 drop)

The Atlas and Element Dragon on the other hand both dropped a God Heart fairly quickly (

Where can I get fish baits to mix with the rod?

Are you like not wearing armor or something?
Ghosts are fucking trash mobs.

So I set up Custom, and every time I make a character I get an Error 1, with the incredibly informative message of "内部エラーが発生しました(1)", evidently meaning an internal error occurred but without any details. I did a fresh install of Elona+ before copying Custom over, of course, and I even set the compatibility to Windows 7 as that was suggested in the few places I've seen the issue mentioned… but all that led to was the error message popping up even faster, on the mode selection screen. What the fuck is going on?

If he just started he could have held down the directional button to attack the ghost continuously at melee range and miss like 90% of the hits because he's starving.
I figured because I started 2 days ago and did the exact same thing yesterday

Level 10 is nothing though. You could get level 10 farming, or just walking between towns with the Travelling skill. Doesn't mean you are ready to fight anything.

I wish we could convert hearts into other hearts, I'm drowning in evolution hearts.

There's a shop in Vernis to the east and above the Inn. There's another in Lumiest near the entrance and above or below, can't remenber.

I wish we had two different levels, a Battle Level that takes into account only XP from weapon, armor and related skills and a Job Level that takes into account XP from profession skills instead.


Fucking neat. How about seed? Do I have to go ransack dungeons for it or is there some NPC that sells it?
Yowyn maybe?

You mean seeds for farms? Those can sometimes be found as regular loot, but the best option to get them is doing Harvest Time quests.
Those usually reward you with a few seeds.
They are quests you'll likely fail the first few times since you'll take too long to grab vegetables, but after a bit of training, they are fast simple ways of completing jobs, farming seeds and plat coins.
The trick is to move a bit away from the where you arrive in order to fund fruits\veggies that weight 13-18 and carry 2 of those. It's more time efficient and everything past that is a bonus (that does increase the reward you get)

The ones that require 20 stone pickup? I just let my pet wreck everything around and pick up huge or big ones. Usually works pretty well I guess.
I didn't know it gives seed though. Does the farm deed do anything for crops differently from just putting the crop down on the same map as the home?

Having the same problem. Regular Elona+ still works fine. The only thing I can think of that could fuck with the game at this point is the locale settings, but I somehow doubt that'd really matter.

Any help would be appreciated, I'm just about fucking done with trying to figure this nonsense out. None of the solutions I could find worked.

Huge bonus from planting on the farm's field tiles.

Are you gay?


Don't listen to that negro user, you have excellent taste


I always assumed if you missed one they'd just end up waiting so, for instance, being away from home for 6 months would mean 6 trainer visits when you finally come back.

I should've thought this out properly

Actually I just read the deed and they immediately flooded my house.
Betcha next month none will come to my house.

Just as with real life, never trust anyone else to handle your debts.

You can either wait for the embassy to stock a tax certificate, which will let you pay off a large sum of tax in advance, or take some small medals to Miral and Garok's Workshop near Noyel to buy a new bill.

God damned piece of shit.

Just once I'd a game of Elona that doesn't devolve into nuclear hellfire and/or Ragnarok.



This right here is why there must only be nuclear hellfire for this disgusting planet and all the fucking faggots that infest it. God damn normal fags. No wonder imageboards are fucking dying.

They only ask for 20s, but if you bring more than that, the reward increases. It's also a good training for gardening.

It's the best of both worlds.

That's quite the jewish trick.

are there any decent starter guides?

Looks like the younger sister mod if I had to guess.

You can buy a blank bill from the dwarves. This lets you pay your taxes if you lose your bill.

There are, in the game.
Adding your own sprites is kind of cheating it.
Easier to get is an Harpy, you could train a cobra to later evolve it into a Lamia, evolve a slime into slime girl and so on.

Like it or not /jp/ is where the elona pros lurk.

you could ask your questions here.

There's a few on wiki, but it depends on what type of start you're going for.

I have my personal favorites though.

The point is that you should stop talking about 8/4chan on Youtube.


So where can I get the water thing to bless this potential pot?

Water is rarely randomly generated.
Its really surprising how hard it is to get Water in Elona. Are there any guaranteed spawns? Anyone?

Well, it's the only way you're going to get a lot of things.
Especially for the waifufags.

I see it on the ground fairly often in dungeons, though I'm sure there's some minimum danger level associated with that.
You can also get them from the Distillation recipe when using a Pot for Fusion.

water is rarer than most potions in the game.
you can find water in puppy dungeon rarely and will need to get it blessed by dropping it on an altar.
If you have empty bottles you can go to noyel and fill them using the holy well.

You just find them randomly.

Worst case you use distillation or buy some from Garrok's workshop.


I'm pretty sure that unless you're somewhat friends with an adventurer, the gifts are shite.
I just throw a love potion at every adventurer I see. Just one or they attack you.

Is there any way to find a specific NPC?

figure I'll play a bit before adding in my own and only adding them in their appropriate places. For instance, if I want a dragon girl I'd replace a dragon pet's sprite(if that's how it works, I just started playing). Nice when your art skills come in handy for small stuff like this.

I'll probably do that. The thought of this game was a lot more intimidating than actually playing it. I'm actually having fun and not to tough a time understanding the game… I guess if I were going to ask anything know It'd be what the good builds are.

and to think, I was in it for custom dungeon crawl waifus… now they are just a bonus.

Kill yourself.

Farmer is really good once you have a handle of the game, you nab most of the crafting skills off the bat and can cook. A high charisma is also a good start if you don't mind avoiding fights early, as once you get negotiation you can just do trader circles and raise an army to protect you. Magic is a bit daunting at first, but once you can get books and rods reliably it's just a matter of keeping your gear and resists up. Good combos include:

Yerles Gunner (Or any class aside from Tourist)
Dwarf Warrior (Or Farmer for a crafting start)
Elea Wizard

awesome, thanks

There's two different replacements you can do.
First there's the character.bmp sheet, changing anything on that changes the sprite for everything in the game that uses it.
Second you can drop a 48x48 sprite called pic_#.bmp (where # is from 2 to 16) into the user/graphics folder, then (i)nteract with a pet and change their appearance to the sprite. This changes just that pet.

gotcha, good to know.

and luckily I was browsing the previous thread before it 404'd and found the guide on it. Might as well repost it.

Got a request from the techno w/e they are called, to capture a little girl, despite using knockout it doesn't seem to work.

bug or unfinished content?

You have to use monster balls to capture them.

If it's from the girl at the cyber dome, that is a little sister, not little girl. They only appear when you kill a big daddy, after which you capture them by throwing a little/mechanical ball at them, which instantly captures them.

I'm not sure if it still happens, but there used to be a bug where if they died, it would count against the rewards, so you should immediately send them back to the inn and only take them out when you're ready to turn in the quest.

Dialogue doesn't clearly specificy little girl.. Ah wells. Thanks.

Try using an older version for making a character. I had this happen too, this version seems really buggy for some reason

how do I access the input on "shape change"? I can't access pic_2.bmp and it just defaults to using the character.bmp.

You have to go left, not right, I think.

Oh, wait, I think the way I did it was from the "Appearance" tab. I didn't use Shape change at all.
Under appearance, scroll down to Custom then scroll it left to see whatever's been dropped in user/graphics with the appropriate names.

nope, nada. Let's see if I got all the steps

Hmm. Whenever I had the files in the user folder correctly it would pick them over whatever was in the custom slots in character.bmp.
Sadly I can't really test it out right now since I'm not at home.

Try pic_3

and there was my problem. I went and put it in the normal graphics folder. It's working now, thanks.

1. Are there any custom sprites that are compatibile with elo+ 1.7? cause all seem to miss some shit or be badly placed.
2. How can i aquire rod of domination or whatever the shit it is called to make somebody my bitch?
Also, elona is a great game

You can trade small medals for one with 4 charges at the workshop near Noyel.

also, i have another question, what monsters can give via gene engineering anatomy skill?

Mercenary Archer from the Slave Trader in Derphy

Keep in mind the Rod of Domination works off your Magic Device skill. If your skill is too low it won't work any better than the Dominate spell.

Personally I love having the spell at level 125 now. It's literally the easiest spell in the game to level up, even level 100+ it still only takes a few casts and unlike Wish (which you don't want to level, but that's beside the point) you can buy spellbooks for it from the spell writer. Combined with the Monster Heart and "Enhances your spells" equipment I can easily dominate creatures level 200+

it doesn't change the gameplay in any way so no , it's not

All you have to do to make your sheet compatible is open it along side with the original and check for differences.
Cut the custom sprites from the custom sheet and paste them onto the original. Obviously dont copy the empty spaces.
Most of the time sprites themselves are fine.

Speaking of magic devices is the skill still broken as shit early game ?
I remember doing 10k/turn throwing molotovs at zeome with just 100 skill

He means they aren't "really" monstergirls, you just changed them to have pictures of monstergirls. You are just lying to yourself.

It could arguably be cheating if you changed the sprites for the mimic enemies, I suppose.

Seriously, what that ugly king and his kingdom ever did for me ingame? fuck that fat bastard and his thousands of soldiers that can't do shit to secure the peace of this land and just want to hunt my head and piss on my corpse for no paying the king's meal with my hard earned gold while telling me how much of a bad goy i am. /autism

Magic Device skill is effectively spell level. So zapping an enemy with a magic laser wand at 100 skill is equivalent to hitting them with Crystal Arrow spell level 100. Maybe it uses a different calculation, but it works under the same principle. Level 100 spells hit HARD.

Spells get spell power multipliers.
Rods do not.


Your search history aside, the very first "pet" you get in the game is a "little girl", and most new players are quite impressed with how well she does her job.

Is there a single good reason why I shouldn't drag my party down to Yowyn's horse breeder and gene engineer everyone to have 4 legs instead of just two?

Because having a 14th item slot reduces speed by 5%, and another 5% for every slot after that. Also because once you hit act 2 you can pay a small amount of your pets Life stat to add any body part you want, up to 15 slots maximum.

Every additional limb over 13 (the normal amount for humans) applies a stacking 5% penalty to speed.


How to increase life and mana stats?


Hero Cheese permanently increases life by 3. It's an extremely rare item, only obtained from certain one-time quest rewards. The only way to farm hero cheese is to repeat the little sister quest for the strange scientist. You kill Big Daddys, capture little sisters and turn them in to her and she will give you a copy of any precious item you had previously (hero cheese is precious). The number of little sisters you have to turn in goes up by 1 every time, up to a max of 10.

At that point, it might be better to eat the little sisters. Eating a little sister's corpse increases life OR mana randomly by 1. It also counts against the number required for the next quest turn in (meaning you will need more). I think this might be the only way to increase mana, aside from Feats and Equipment. Note that you cannot breed little sisters, they will create younger sisters instead.

Hero cheese and magic fruit, both of which are among the most difficult items in the game to reliably acquire. There's a handful as quest rewards, and getting them beyond that involves saving hordes of Little Sisters or earning mountains of music tickets.
Fortunately HP and MP are also based off of your attributes and level, but if you want that extra multiplier it's going to take a lot of work.

Killing little sisters doesn't reduce the number saved, it
permanently reduces the spawn rate for Big Daddies.
It is one of the few ways you can PERMANENTLY fuck your file over.

Little sisters are valuable for much more than just hero cheese and magic fruits. The quest is the only way to get duplicates of precious items like Kumiromi Statues, which is essential for mid-late game stat growth.

Actually it looks like it does count against saving them too, so it's a double whammy.


Alright. Thanks.

Ok. It doesn't say that anywhere and as with all probability problems you'll have a hard time proving it.

It's on the wiki, you realize.
Along with actual odds of spawning versus sisters killed.

Maybe 20 still counts as a little girl for a roran?

Considering how close roran sounds to loli, rorans will probably still count as little girls at 80.

166cm/67kg that's some thicc loli tbh

The npc little grills can drop soup of wonderland, which can turn you or who ever its fed to back into a child.

Actually the Soup of Wonderland has no effect on age. It simply brings your height and weight closer to 150cm/40kg.

For age, you want the Age Return Lunch which sets the age of whoever eats it to 6. You can acquire it from the Abyss Princess in the Deep Sea Castle, reachable by talking to an NPC in Valm in South Tyris. She will randomly give you either the Aging or Age Return lunch each time you talk to her for 2 small medals.

I ate it and it changed my PC into 26 years old.

Here ya go, hdbobble and anti-eyesore. work with latest version Elona+/custom.
No monstergirls tho.

Is there a list somewhere with all the small medal locations?

there is one on the wiki for all the fixed locations in north tyris

Yep elona.wikia.com/wiki/Small_medal

Your interface.bmp removed the clock.

How much Karma do you lose when attacking/killing a big daddy with the secret of the wicked?




Pretty much every kemonomimi character is considered a "catsister."
Yes, this includes the Fox Brother.

Because the race name is actually kemobito in the japanese

Don't need the clock.. Can easily restore it yourself if you so please.

How else are you going to know when to sleep to wake up in time for breakfast, or when Nefia Fever is (still) active?


This ^

And I did fix it.

Fine fine i'll restore those bits for the next version, was a small compilation after all.

So, Robber Hideout in vernis doesn't reset, any other places like it? Also, item limits?

Putit cave, lesimas (the resource nodes regen but that's it). graveyard, (truce ground i think), all quest dungeons (minotaur, yeek, crypt, etc), lumiest sewers off the top of my head. Not sure about garrok's workshop, doujou, or sister's mansion.

also, what are these wings near some statuses on items? i mean like " It maintains…" and next to it on left there are some kind of wings or something

Also, I'm not sure if that yellowish glow is used for anything, but the top bit is cut off.

It has to do with the artifact creation/fusion system.


For some reason that page works normally then crashes my web browser 10-20 seconds later.

not subOP but it's a glow that is around your character.

So basically it does nothing at all, since the system it was intended to work with never got implemented and the fusion system that exists doesn't have anything to do with that symbol.

have genes and memes

I don't think I knew the value of Carpentry pets when I wrote that post, but that's another one that doesn't have any slaves. The most reliable source I've found are Trolls (all subspecies).

Also, if a particular monster has a skill you need but you DON'T want to give your pet any extra body parts, simply fuse it with a human from the slave master first. Then you can transfer the skill from the slave without any of the parts.

Agree with this so much.


You responded to the wrong person, I prepay all my taxes. Of course I do stash millions of GP in kitty banks so they don't find it

forgot how fun tiny sprite art could be



Something specific or just selling random junk and got lucky?

I'm pretty sure this thing will sell for a fortune myself.

Anything specific or just random junk you got lucky with?

What do you guys think is the best spot to place home?

Well that's one loooong Jure window. Did the author not notice what he was drawing or something?

how to shopkeep again?


She's a big girl

Here's stuff that might interest some of you.
Starting screen theme transcribed and shena's panties head accessory sprite (convert to bmp, goes in pcc folder)

The secret is panties.

Buy shop deed, station a pet in it as shopkeeper, then drop shit on the floor for them to sell.
Whichever shop type you pick means the shop sells those at a bonus (i.e. blacksmith for equipment), everything else is sold for basically what you'd get for selling it.

My personal favorites are Palmia and Noyel. Least favorite is Vernis.

Shit thanks user. Haven't learned to read music sheet yet but this will sure to motivate me.

Neither Eyrsorc the miner or me have wombs

Alien pregnancy. They are chestbursters

It means there's ayys in your stomach.

Ever watched 'Alien,' user?

Neither did John Hurt.

Worst thing is, it was called user's child. I was sad for a moment

Well, I think you can capture it if you have a monster ball of a sufficient enough level.

Holy fucking shit how do I raise undead?

It depends on your Alchemy and Anatomy skills. All that you seek is here.

Ok now I understand. I've heard this before but now I actually get how to do it.

First, have a look at this, specifically note the "value modifier" column (note: it's a multiplier)

You see that Panties have a value modifier of 25,000, the highest out of any equipment item besides speed rings.
Second, look to the material value modifiers. You have two major choices here. Zylon will cost you 1 Change Material scroll (assuming you started with an inferior material like cloth) and give you a 500 mod. Griffon scale will double that at a 1000, but it costs 11 Change Material Scrolls. Change material scrolls are relatively easy to buy and make in quantity, so it depends on how much you want to invest for "just" double.

One thing I don't understand is why some quality items will allow you to change their material with scrolls, while others have no effect (note you cannot use scrolls on {godly} items at all). Anyway, Miracle pantys are fairly common crafting via Tailoring, so you just get some of those, dump some scrolls on them to bring them to either Xylon or Griffon scale, and sell the shit in your shop with a 12 to 25 million value multiplier.

Regardless of your shop type you sell items for FAR more than you could at vendors. The maximum a player can receive is 1/3rd of an items value, assuming their negotiation skill is high enough for even that much. The maximum a shop can receive is 50%. More importantly, equipment items (like panties) always have a -95% penalty when sold by the player, meaning the max a player can get is 1/60th of the

or you could just turn your shop into a magic shop, hire and invest in a bunch of magic vendors, buy all the potions from them and sell them in your shop. with 3 shopkeepers (two in my home and one in vernis) and not selling potential or cure corruption potions you can get around 500,000 a run plus the occasional usefull potion or scroll

Yeah, I'm talking about after that change. The specified shop type still gives a bonus to sell price, trust me. 1.2x

Didn't they nerf it recently so that shops never sell for more than 50% vendor price?

my version is E+1.66 with custom, so probably very outdated. Also rather old save havn't touched it in months thread kind of made me want to play it again.

However, since the most the player is ever going to get is 30%, shops are still worth using, especially for big ticket items.

Yeah I deleted that post because I was wrong.

Yeah looking further into it, I was wrong with some of my numbers (never trust the damn wiki, the wiki is all we have). Not only is the shop price after the modifier still

Is there any difference between this "NUCLEAR DEAD LION" and a regular nuke?

Should I slap an inferior material scroll on it to carry it around?

Nah, just stuff it in your house or wherever a dungeon perform a reset like the vernos bandit thing.

Yes use the inferior material scroll.

It USED to change to Wood, which weighed a decent amount. For some reason in the current version it actually works to change the bed to paper. Definitely worth carrying at 3.1s

Cupids spawn so frequently that you'll be tripping over happy beds soon enough.

not a bad plan

You really expect to return home every time you need sleep? The bed is worth using, just reduce the weight. Hell, stuff it in a pocket dimension if you have to.

That is what I meant, fam.

That is why i keep a sleep bag with me, although I need to learn weight lifting soon.

The sleeping bag gives you shit potentials though

sometimes you just need to sleep

that's why you reduce the weight and carry the happy bed.

need to get a happy bed first

The lion is edible.

I love this Houzanha ability. Walls are for suckers.

Also, semi off topic but does anyone know any tutorials on gitting gud at pixel art?

Git gud at normal art first

It's called get someone else to do it for you. There seems to be an entire database of elona sprites to take from here elonaup.x0.com/sozai/

BTW I tried that spritesheet you just posted. It has some nice sprites individually, but together it's just way too busy and hard to tell what's what. That could be because I'm used to vanilla by now, but I think a lot of the sprites have too much detail and color; they belong on "unique" creatures rather than the everyday monsters and civilians.

Use it in your carefully arranged Palace. You will thank me.

No thanks, but I'm doing this to every dungeon floor as soon as I enter the level.

I ain't to bad, though I always wish I was better. spoilered for off topic.

and pass up the chance to develop a new skill while also playing a good vidya that actively uses that skill?

Also, sometimes the villagers can clash pretty bad, but I like most of the monsters more.

Do I give the items I want to sell to the shopkeeper or do I throw it on the ground or into the strongbox?

throw it on the ground

Does being identified or not affect the price?

unless you haven't identified it at all, it only affects the price if its blessed or cursed.

Oh just FYI you cannot sell static artifacts. I think it's actually that you can't sell precious items at all, and static artifacts are considered precious. They'll just sit there taking up space.

get a sleep sheep/eastern bed instead nigger

A thief's life is hard.

It really feels like higher shop levels don't do a damn thing. The first hundred or so levels unlock more pages and better items, but now I've got my shops at level 1000 and I still can't see any difference from 150.

I think I have mastered the art of pantycraft

tell me your ways

good to know

1. Make panties
2. Put in shop
3. Receive dosh


You skipped a step

Make panties
Change material to Zylon
Put in shop

Zylon is worth 5 to 25 times what inferior materials are worth, and scrolls of change material are common and fairly cheep.

Ok that's overstating slightly. It's worth 25 times paper, only a little more than double Coral and less than double Bone. Still, it's worth the scroll.

Don't get used to it; 1.71 is apparently nerfing material's impact on sale price.

Turns out there's a cap on the tax based on how much money you have. It won't go higher than 75,000gp. Seems I've been wasting my time trying to keep my gold hidden in kitty banks.

Whats a good way to grind tailoring?

remember when tax used to scale with fame too?

Just keep your potential high and make shit, that's all you can do.

Thanks, rabbit farm! Now I'm 15 feet tall and weigh 141 lbs.

Are you even waiting for a stack of 200 milks before blessing them?

guys, what allows to create panties? also, does skill 'reading party' can teach pets skills from spellbooks or just trains literacy?

What does height and weight do?

45 tailoring is needed for panties on top of the relatively common materials.

Reading Party allows you to use the whole party's Literacy skill when reading a book. It also has the benefit of not causing some of the negative effects.

Tailoring lets you create panties at level 45 tailoring

Height and weight do absolutely nothing!

They apply a modifier to your charisma when talking with Little Girls, depending on your height if you're male or your weight if you're a female.

Are you bullshitting or is this just completely undocumented?

Are bottles of dirty water usable for turning into holy water?

Jesus christ playing as snails must be hell

Of courshe! What Little Girl doesn't like tall guys and skinny bitches? :^)
They do nothing, it's cosmetic much like your age. Matters more for japs, I guess

Reading the wiki says nope. All they do is maybe make you sick, so throw them at people.

So this is the power of blessed potion of potential.

they used to be trash in vanilla. They got buffed up in +



what are you doing lad

And a surprising amount of precious artifacts don't come with both.

Eating your mom's cooking

I did that shit long before I even made my first million.

you drool burning acid?

Any idea what Livestock Feed does? Tried feeding a pet with some and all I got was some mangled text, so I've no idea what effect it actually has.

Increases their weight.

Does weight have any real impact? More drops from ranch critters, for instance?

Might have to do with improving the meat drops when slaughtering, but I'm not sure. I'm not big on ranching really.

any idea where this is?

it doesn't

Not a clue, probably best to savescum until you get a map that isn't retarded.


nvm found it

which enemy is drops music tickets? I keep finding them randomly with gold in dungeons.

Is there a more reliable way to acquire a pot of fusion than just hoping to find one in a shop somewhere?

invest in shops and stair hopping in puppy dungeon.

Can this game be played on a controller or am I just going to hate myself trying to figure out the controls on a controller? This game looks cozy enough but I worry that like most free games the controller support is half assed and only sort of works if you use xpadder or some shit.

You can struggle through the game on a controller but that is like hammering nails with your dick.

It definitely can be done, but it's DEFINITELY not going to be as intuitive.

Well fuck.

If you're looking to play a game with a gamepad a roguelike is probably just about the worst choice of genre you could pick

Is there a good source of mana crystals and coffins? Relying on chance to get them for necromancy is a pain in the ass.

You have that select menu thing, so you'd probably want to map that.

coffins are furniture so invest in the embassy furniture sellers.
for mana crystals learn mining and break your back.

I might try again in an hour or so, thanks for the select menu idea! Trying to fix the controls and configuring xpadder is killing me right now so i'm taking a break to play some pinball experience and keep an eye on threads that are relevant to me. Thanks for the heads up, I might just give up trying to play this for now and wait until I can sit up again.

If you really want to try it, you'll need AT LEAST the 4 cardinal directions (though 8 would be best, not sure if you can map a key to diagonals on sticks), lowercase z, g, q, enter, esc.

With those, you should be able to play, though it'll probably be fairly awkward.

Personally I play a Fairy and try to get height and weight as low as possible. I'm a 1cm tall, 0kg engine of destruction.

When do I get duplicane?
I already have 30 alchemy but haven't gotten it so far.

Have you leveled up since attaining 30 alchemy?

Made a macro for you user, install autohotkey
Put text into a new ahk file, save, right-click > compile, run .exe as admin.


Enter: Menu thingy
Right control: Various functions
Delete: Drop
End: Interact
Page Down: Drink
Right Shift: Cancel/Close
Numpad 0: Pickup
Numpad Enter: Shutdown macro

Gonna have to use Enter menu for Digging,Bashing,Mixing,Reading,Skills,ect~

Hope it helps.


Stat/Skill related usables only arrive after level up user, and that's only if their base level are correct if I remember right.

Thanks m80! Got hotpocketed for insulting a volunteer but I couldn't stand not thanking you. I don't mind since at least I can play more vidya instead of getting mad at the retards on the board.

So i'm interested in trying this and since no one has really brought it up, figured I'd ask. Is it possible to get by just slutting yourself? This is important. The pastbin and Wiki, as far as I can tell, only mention it once. Do I need a mod?

Yeah, you can, you're going to need lots of CHA and alchohold to effectively become a whore protected by her army of white knighting pussies who is the ultimate criminal due to having such low karma

From what I gather, prostitution is a pretty good way to raise Charisma and increase relationship status with just about any NPC. You might, however, want to invest in skills which can help you get rid of any diseases you catch (dunno enough about the game to know which ones). Also I'm not sure how well being a slut pays in relation to notice board jobs but if you want that to be your primary "profession" you'll probably be able to get by doing that

That's nice to hear at least. So I assume I can just talk to my intended target to engage sexy times? Is there anything special I need to do if I can't? I guess the better question is, where do I begin?

Not really how it was meant to be played but yes you can.


You need to get an NPC drunk first. Hoard alcohol and either give it to them (using the 'i' key) or throw it at them

Alright then. I dunno how I missed that on the wiki though, thanks.

ok how much magic device do I need to dominate a thief guild member with a monster heart at level 28?

Also another thing to be aware of is that prostitution in the streets can give a serious hit to your karma. This will most likely be really inconvenient early on since once you get low enough guards will start to attack you. You may want to do some regular jobs in between the fucking in order to keep your karma at a good level if you dont want to challenge yourself that much.

for posterity, I did it after 3 tries at level 40 Magic device

He can just base himself out of derphy where there are no guards until he has enough slaves to not worry about that.

I will now share with you a most devious plot, The idea in short is to form a party and through (((sexual liberation))) conquer the entire world.

Race; Fairy
- High charisma, DV and resists will also help
Class; Pianist
- Mainly because it starts with Performer, Weight Lifting, and Riding skills (get a fast mount)
- elona.wikia.com/wiki/Pianist
Gender; w/e

1. Get sexy dance feat at chargen
2. Train attritube charisma with food
3. Collect small medals to buy rods of domination

Earn enough GP to survive with sexy dance, bigger crowd = more money.
Travel south to yowyn and repeatedly kill Gwynn to obtain elona.wikia.com/wiki/Secret_treasure_of_the_wicked
Slowly make your way towards the snowy east, collecting all medals from each town as you go.
Once you've reached dem dwarfs, obtain several rods. Proceed far back west, to Delphy.
Use rods on prostitutes, can have 1 pet per 5 charisma. They will retain their SLUT powers when captured this way.
Once you have a decent sized party, simply go to a nearby place of gathering and play music/dance.

In time, your SLUTS will drain the life from every town, shopkeepers and villagers will run out of money, allowing you to kill them without karma loss. You will be an unstoppable force.

Also, be sure to kill bards as they are your competition.

So there's been a rash of murders in Vernis lately, and in the most recent one bit it and left his stuff in a pile. Woo, free ragnarok sword. Don't know what I'm going to do with it because I don't really feel like ending the world (or a city) right now, but… woo.

ehm nevermind the bit about gwynn, read the wiki instead.

You're never gonna live down Secret Treasure mix-up user.

You are a madman and once I get my bearings I will certainly attempt this

I just started a new character what is going on now

Be sure to take the blood sucking feat at creation too.

It's a new mechanic added in + and all random dungeons will generate with a whole bunch of material gathering spots, all items in dungeons are auto-identified and probably some more shit I'm forgetting.

That would be of no use..

Ignore it, it's a buff for dungeon diving and increases it's rewards but it's too early for you to go dungeon diving. It'll happen again next month.

Weird I played with my other character for a while and didnt notice it, thanks

If it's a level 1 dungeon and they are playing a actual fighting class it's never too early. Going too deep or fighting out of depth foes is the only issue.
Trial by fire user, become one with thy weapon and embrace fever mode.

I took it because it sounded cool. That's all. Little underwhelmed now… though it was really useful until about level 3.

It gets stronger the higher your Dex stat, it's main advantage is regaining Stamina and not being able to miss.

He should take it more for the flavor of playing as a whore and parasite than anything else.

Made a fairy sprite for you user.

Rename as pcc_body_3

Did I just do something stupid?

I'm thinking about starting a new file since my old one was lost to time.

Give me a fun character concept and goal.

No. That's just a rare item (it will have a name once you identify it). The "you feel like someone is watching you" is because it's blessed.

Farmer. 420 the world.


best options are drinking blessed cure/heal potions or just getting (maintains stat) for everything important. Otherwise avoid dungeon diving while sick and quaff your restore body/spirit potions when you get better.

it is a feature of fever mode

I did a "prostitute" char a while back, important stuff is drain blood (set your pet on defensive mode, use it on them to regain stamina to fuck some more), a set of gear with "it maintains xxx" for all attributes and treasure of the wicked.

Buy all the blessed potions of minor healing and all the alcohol you can. When you go kill a boss or something put some real gear on and cure disease with the blessed potions.

For combat i just used a bunch of pets and cheer action.
Gonna have plenty of gold, at 200 CHA i was making 10-30k/fuck. With drain blood and enough speed 1 alcohol can last several sessions for a single NPC. At some point the limiting factor will be the amount gold NPCs carry.
Thats when you put a shopkeeper in your house, buy everything from him so he has a bunch of gold, and resell everything in your shop (worked better when there wasnt all this price reduction bullshit).

If you're tired of NPCs running all over the place when you're trying to fuck them you can create doors everywhere (and close them).

Pic is item that started this "build"

islamist: dualwield grenades, not sure how this scales

Do grenades even work in melee?


Oh nice I was wondering if there was a way to do that (fairy body PC). Not using your mod, but I went and found the original version with clothes for my PC.

yes it works, the invoc too

i had that on another piece obviously

I took my Golem and made him binge on wonderland soups.
He just wants to fit in with the humans.

any idea on how to survive the explosions at low levels and get grenades early on?


I tend to play permadeath mode, so the run won't last very long otherwise.

As Allah wills.

you can chop heads with a scythe until you find grenades i guess

you need sound resist for grenades, the unkown shell got tons of it, dropped by hermit crabs

any idea for race/class? Obviously I will take as many brides as possible and run around with a horde of little little girls with this fine Rapefugee "child" who is escaping the horrors of Syria.

Word of advice, DON'T invest too much at Moyer's shop. He sells lots of Craft Repair kits at relatively low levels (~100), but almost none at higher levels (~1000)

Obviously a goblin predator


It's basically just a shitty bell. If you are going to go for a bad ini metal, you might as well try and find a Bell of Termination. At least they start with 2000 speed. Hope you don't mind using AI to train it with new skills though

Aren't there a limited amount of small coins in the game?

No, they are awarded reliably for completing dungeons, as well as other random sources

Jesus christ this has to be one of the worst designed control schemes in the history of videogames. It sucks because the game sounds interesting but I can't play it for more than ten minutes because the controls are way too complicated and convoluted. Unreal.


Oh fuck right off. If you want to talk to an NPC you have to press 4 different buttons. Don't lie.

So, I haven't played in a year if i'm going by the last-modified date of my save files.
I'm wondering if I should start over.

Pic related, my old character.

You mean to talk to your pets right? Because you can talk to other NPCs by walking into them.

don't be a dumbass, user

Arrows work fine for movement. Unlike a lot of roguelikes pressing two arrows (eg up+left) actually works to move diagonally.

I will admit conversation hotkeys are pretty bad. Not that you can't just scroll through the options with the arrows again, but instead of a, b, c, etc to hit the options it should be numbers instead.

Fuck, and I'd just made 50k gold doing the random quests.

This is exactly why I got that teleport feat, it saved my ass more than once.

Damn, I didn't think anons were that thirsty for an elona thread. Warms my heart.

If you combined all my posts from the last 3 threads it would almost be enough to fill up a thread by itself.

I got lucky and remembered I had a rod of teleportation so I could zap the guys near the stairs, but fuck, I'm gonna take that feat next time. I'm too stupid for my own good.

you are just going to wind up teleporting yourself into even bigger troublg

Elona threads are my favorite to lurk. It's a shame >>>/elona/ was never restored, but it was dead for years anyways.


I wouldn't.

Ok I lied. My last save isn't that much older either and I did start over. Still, level 40 is a long way to go.

At the time, I was switching gods to get their rewards. It'd be shameful for a farmer to be seen with anything other than the best god, Kumiromi.

What does the first aid kit do, just heal you?

HP and Status, probably the same as a potion of healer.

I recommend that you carry a Panzerfaust X if you have the Strength and weight lifting to do it. It obliterates Metal enemies.

Does MAG affect how much damage your spells do or is it only spell lv?

Yes magic does. You can find the formulas on the spells page of the wiki, but for example ice bolt is (2+Magic/20+Level/5)d(6+(2Level+3)/5)

Sweeet, thanks user

An excellent example of de-evolution.

Just cast water bolt

I'm fucking around with gene engineering, using scrolls of ally to get what I can't get from the slave master, and I get a gold bell. Given how useful they are early game, do I keep him? Pic is my current team (minus a rabbit on a ranch, also younger sister is currently acting as shopkeep in a blacksmith shop)

So here's the problem with the gold bell: It pretty much stops your other pets from getting any training done, and then it doesn't scale up too well itself and dies, leaving you with a bunch of underleveled pets when shit gets tough.

You CAN dedicate a large amount of time and effort to making a Metal pet work, by giving it all Rubynus equipment and farming Hero Cheese to feed it until it has a reasonable amount of HP, but do you want to dedicate that effort to a gold bell? On the plus side, it's speed ini is ONLY 652, so there are still a lot of enemies in the game it could get AP from, though much less than for other pets. Although if you really wanted to build up a metal I would start with a Mimic instead.

On the other hand, it looks like most of your pets right now are quite temporary. There are better options out there for pretty much everything, with unique (untrainable) abilities or just more raw Life and/or Mana. If you expect you'll be upgrading sooner or later anyway, then the gold bell leeching all the xp from your party doesn't sound like such a bad deal.

It might not be terribly optimal, but my waifu is a reskinned pro-jet. To add to the grind, I had her stats reset. Which meant she started out slow too, but gets mad AP gains.
Now that she's got some HP to her name she more or less Shadow Steps around blowing up everything that moves with Martial Arts.

Got this living panty and living lightsabre while lucky tailoring, never used living weapons, panties or lightsabres before, are these any good? (Can Pets now lvl up living weapons in 1.70?)

My machine infantry is leveling up a living crossbow right now. Lightsabres are nice because they have 100% pierce… but they speed ether disease right the fuck up

Supposedly pets CAN level up a living weapon. You'd probably still need to take it from them when it hits 100% exp of course.

You should know that the list of selectable attributes for a living weapon on level up is partially dependent on the month. The list on the Wiki is no longer accurate, but the only way to get different attributes than what is offered is to level it up in a different month. You probably have to reload a save before you've "seen" the offerings, possibly even before the weapon hits 100% experience. To top it off, once the weapon reaches a certain level (5 I think), it gets a completely new month-based list.

One other thing, Living Weapon attributes count against artifact fusion enchantment level. If you want to make the best possible weapon for end-game, DON'T level it up until you've already fused the maximum number of enchantments to it.

You can change the material of a lightsaber so that that doesn't happen, plus it doesn't matter at all on a pet anyway.

Then again (with the artifact fusion point), neither of those living weapons generated {godly}, so you are still going to have a lower limit than you could. On the other hand, that lightsaber generated with a very very nice ##### crit.

Where can I get some better cooking tools than the portable cooking tool?
Also how exactly do I use the sandbag to capture instead of just hanging something up to punch?

Invest in the furniture store in the Embassy. Barbecue set is the best, material and quality doesn't matter so cast some inferior material scrolls to make it clothwork.

You don't. To capture monsters you either use monster balls or the domination spell in its various forms.

elona+ removed the ability to train skills and spells with sandbags making them kinda useless besides a fun toy

Better yet, just pickpocket the barbecue sets from Party Time! quests.

Well fuck. Any idea where I can get a monster ball high enough level for capturing the troll? I want that delicious carpentry.

invest in a goods vendor. They sell high level ones at higher levels.
Alternatively you can just dominate it. Rods of Dominate are cheap enough.

What the absolute shit. I decide to try out the arena and do a rumble. I kill everything in one hit apart from this fucking gold bell, which I'm left chasing around for 20 fucking minutes while it moves at fucking sanic speed until I get so annoyed that I can't hit it that I read a spellbook and accidentally summon a mummy, along with some other things, which kills me

Always carry a source of bleed/poison with you. Chestnuts/shuriikens/etc make short work of bells.

This was going to be my next wish anyways, neat.

Do spells even have an accuracy check?

No, but you can fail casting them and explode.

I'm using a melee class, unfortunately, so I can't do that. Not without summoning a mummy to kill me, anyway

Also, HELP. I've never played before and I just randomly got a wish. What do I wish for? I'm a level 4 Claymore

seven league boots should be your first wish, second aurora ring. check the Elona wiki for recommendations. But don't wish for stupid shit like happy bed or something

Okay, thanks. I got the boots. I think I got some pretty decent ones, but I didn't even realize they gave other stats until now, so who knows.

You could edit the config file to use numbers instead of letters.

Use tag-team brah.

what tag-team?

That doesn't actually help with anything. Tags share AP, but the Gold bell doesn't earn any and I wasn't really even talking about AP. They DON'T share skill xp, and with the gold bell attacking 6 times as fast other pets aren't going to get a chance to train anything.

any way to train tailoring in a cheat-way? i know you can train alchemy with juicemaker by making juices from vegetables and fruits. Anything similar with tailoring and carpentry?

map1 is missing 5 tiles, map2 is missing 4 and has a bunch of tiles where there is empty space on the original file


What are you comparing it to? i placed improved tiles over existing ones so it can't be from vanilla elona.



If you had that gravity feat you could turn it to your advantage

Was a random event my man, not relevant to your murderings.

I know but i still found it funny how you get karma for burying a corpse yet turning someone into ice and then cooking the corpse is okay.

Just saying, looting the corpse has a high chance of giving you a potion of cure corruption

I'm comparing it to E+ 1.70, i re dl'd it to make sure i had the right version.
Not sure if it matters to have tiles where there should be none but you are still missing tiles.

Is it possible to change the tints given to certain items? A little cheaty, but I'd like to be able to spot useful scrolls/potions/books on the ground without having to walk over each individual one and eXamine it.

Pretty sure you can just go into the texture files in the actual gamefolder and fuck with them in paint.

I haven't tried, but I think Tints are applied after the texture. Every scroll uses the same sprite and then gets a tint on top, which I think is randomized for each character

From the looks of it, it's not possible. All unidentified "clear" potions will be the same tint (whatever is defined as tint 0). Since Water and Dirty water are both "clear", even if I could change what that tint was it would still apply to both of them, so I still wouldn't tell them apart.

Now if I could redefine dirty water as a "brown" potion it might work

Rip in piece, cheese-plan.

Any way to autoloot scrolls/other almost weightless items?
How do I get my levels to show up on the screen like ?

It's more of a QOL thing. Identification is so cheap and plentiful there's no reason to ever use a completely unidentified potion, even just having the C/U/B status unidentified is more a factor of lazyness. This idea would just save me from having to spend several seconds reading each potion on the floor, or else picking up everything and filling my limited inventory slots with junk.

press '*' when in char screen, you need to have highlighted

Anyone able to spoonfeed me a chat-server IP? Something like this can just be tethered to an IRC can't it?

From the pastebin:

1. Enable Use Network in the in-game options.
2. In config.txt, set serverList. to "1"; 3
. Delete server.txt and create a new one with the same name;
4. Add "elochat-proxy.shiroko.yi.org%elona.squares.net%" without quotes to the new server.txt and save. A popup with the server's address should appear on launching the game if working.
Currently only in-game chat is available. The restoration of moongates and voting is planned.

Right, but quoting this:

Seems like someone would get assblasted if I connected there. Or is this irrelevant because we're talking about two different servers?

but i can't seem to get percentages on skills, dunno where to set to show them. Anybody can help?

Press esc and twiddle with the Tweaks or UI Settings, somewhere around there, there's a setting there that lets you see the skill potential on the tracker

by default elona custom will only display skills with less than 80% potential, you can change that though

Everything I try to do is ruined

I found the line I was remembering, it's in the 1.70 changelog

That's regarding a fan server made by some JP dudes for the original Elona, not E+.

Makes sense. I wasn't sure what it was about originally, just that some server somewhere didn't want something connecting, which is still true, it's just not relevant.

Those are used in home design.

Missing tiles are ones not used by game.

Wait, you can just slap in more tiles?
And here I was upset that the game didn't have any dummy tiles for you to replace.

I know that feel.

They do wander somewhat, but generally not so far you can't find them. More likely there was a random murder that just happened to be the merchant you are looking for, in which case he will respawn after you leave for a few days.

Alternatively you could cast resurrect (either the spell or using a "book of resurrection"), which will bring up a list of all the dead NPCs and Pets. If you resurrect the merchant that way he will consider the spot you resurrect him to his new "home" permanently, so he will be found near there in the future and NOT his shop.

Is there a way to cure a poisoned/bleeding pet? Mine keep dying to that sort of thing,

not sure what happened to my post i asked where the merchant went.

how do i open my pets inventory? (little girl i got in noobie town) and set the AI?

I feel like you wanted to type more but failed.
To look at her stuff, (i)nteract with her. You will get a list of commands to use. You should also find the AI shit there too.

More HP, handing them a cure potion, healing touch. You're fucked if none of these apply.

Throwing a potion at them works the same as handing it to them. It's an attack when you do it to an NPC (even if it's a healing potion) but pets won't mind.

Healing Rain is all around better than healing touch. Either would work but I wouldn't even bother training Touch.

A quicker way to open a pet's inventory is to use the [G]ive command on them.

so i like this game so far, i've play dungeon crawl soup and other such games this is easier for sure. i watched a bunch of tutorials so i've got a good grasp on the game at least for the beginning. i am a level 4 warrior with like 13k gold on me (noob for sure i know). is there any just general advice you could give me? i haven't adventured around very just to puppy lair, quest in vernis. just grinding gear out i guess should i start training other skills? doing a long sword, crossbow and shield.

Also remember to be careful when giving your pets engagement rings or pendants, because if you try to take it away from them they will get really angry and swallow them. So make sure they are good ones. Or ones you can easily melt or burn later.


I never thought of that, thanks.

Do one of the following depending on what type of start you're going for:

Go to Port Kapul, join the fighters guild, and get the Gene Machine.
Go to Derphy and buy some slaves
Go to Yowyn and do Harvest Time quests for stats and pet affection. (maybe get a horse)
Go to the Truce Ground and start worshiping a god.

Also work on buying all the skills with platinum.

Don't really worry about spending gold. It is easy to earn more.

excellent thank you. buying slaves sounds great
so i follow eyth tof infidel? i know in DCS you can only follow your god and they all have weird bonuses. does it matter what god i start with?

Dont feel bad for not venturing to other dungeons yet, Puppy lair is a great place even later in the game because you can just walk in and out and test your luck with item and monster spawns until your inventory is full with valuables.

Lets see for advice:
For example: Identify Bone of Horse. Now all "Bone of _" items will be sold at full price, identified or not. Identify one "Blood of_", same deal.

Also i hope you already know about the etherwind and how its best to avoid it at all costs. I think it happens every 3 months, during the first 15 days? im not sure.

eyth just means you haven no god.

Flour, Nuts, and Eggs never rot. The easiest by far to stockpile in massive quantities would be Eggs. This is useful to remember when you start Herbing your food and you want to carry lots of it with you but don't want anything that will rot. Obviously you could herb herbs, but you can't share those with pets.

thanks! yes ever 3 months for the first 3 days i think. i know to shelter during that time.


Etherwind is every three months, but can happen at any time during the first 10 days, and then it could theoretically last until the end of the month.

You can change god whenever, the only consequence is that your previous god will get angry and curse you but you can wait it out to wear off on its own, just need to be more careful meanwhile.
Each god has different passive skills that they grant to you while you are their followers. Raising favor to them (offering corpses or whatever their prefered offering is) will eventually net you rewards such as unique items or pets. The goddess cat girl of luck gave me a demon cat and she likes fish, cooked or raw she doesnt care. The android god likes guns and machines, and will give you an android who is pretty good with guns. Etc
Its very common for people to follow a god, get all their rewards, and then change to a different god to get their rewards. Of course the passive abilities you get are lost, you only get those from the one you are currently following.

Anyway to reliably my everything? What I mean is, gearing up doesn't seem to be all that obvious to me, and I'm wondering if you can change material to superior things, and also how to change materials to raw/candy so I can eat it. do I just throw the things into acid or what? I understand that you have to upgrade stuff, but material types seem to impact stuff more than that.

Those top 5 tiles are used in shops. I don't know what the bottom one is.

Eyth is just atheism. You can have one god at a time and they each give different bonuses. There is a penalty for leaving but it isn't too horrible. Opatos, Kumiromi, and Lulwy are pretty good choices for a newbie, but most of them are gd.

Scroll of Inferior/Change/Superior material. Check the scrolls page of the wiki to see what each scroll does (they cycle through materials in order)

Also, you can check the equipment page to see what each material does

While you are at it, this spreadsheet goes into more detailed information on both the base item types and materials, HOWEVER it seems to be somewhat out of date, as the numbers do not appear to be entirely accurate for all things.

You can change material with scrolls, inferior material scrolls can make raw equipment for eating or paper for lightweight carrying. Scrolls of change material or of superior material can give good quality materials, especially if they are blessed. As far as upgrades go, either finding miracle/godly quality gear from dungeons/quests or investing in shops are good ways early on.

There are scrolls of change material, scroll of superior material, and scrolls of inferior material.
Scrolls of inferior material are on of the first items you can make when learning how to make them with the gem cutter, and very valuable because most of the lowest materials are very light and raw. So they are very useful to make things lighter to carry or to make shoes edible.
CURSED scrolls of inferior materials ironically are the most useful ones for this objective since they will lean even lower, closer to raw.
Materials on equipment affect other things other than weight, keep in mind. Some materials make them resistant to fire/acid, buff your speed/constitution when wearing them or buff some skill. So when it comes to equipment it gets a bit more complicated depending on what you want and how much would that change their weight.

Oh, and for higher quality items (Godly items and some Miracle ones) you will need Material Kits instead of scrolls. Those are MUCH harder to find, the only reliable way is to buy them during the Festival of Jure for Between 100k and 500k each, and that's for low quality kits. You can take your low quality kits to the dwarves and have the material changed for a fee (1 small medal and 1 scroll of superior material per kit, material choices are re-generated each in game day and will not change otherwise).

Early game if you're looking for non perishable food it's best to just hoard nut items without cooking them, as they gain weight when cooked limiting how much loot you can carry around. (as soon as you have the weight lifting skill you should aim to always keep your weight at burdened or greater.)
Seeds can keep you from starving in dungeons when you run out of food and weigh very little, I keep a small stack of veggie seeds on me at all times and it has saved my ass plenty of times.

Bottom one is the smoke cloud special action.

where do i find zombies? need to kill them to join the fighters guild?

Do enough arena/hunting quests and dungeons and you'll run into some eventually.

(Personally, I like to do all the fighter guild quests at level 1, letting my little girl kill everything, because the mobs you need to kill are based on your level, and at level 1 you can just kill shit in the wilderness outside of town.)


Panties are the REASON for grinding tailoring, you don't really have to worry about leveling it anymore once you unlock them.

thats the fucking thing
After you get them there is no reason to grind tailoring.

Good shit

how powerful are we talking?

40 is barely anything though. Just keep your potential high by spending plat every couple skill levels and you should be able to grind it out just crafting whatever the fuck you have materials for. IF you haven't been grinding dungeons in nefia fever mode yet you shouldn't be worried about craft skills

Levelling up to 40 is tedious as fuck though. The thing with most common material shares it with panties. I found it easier to just boost it through artifacts and then grind panties.


Single roll, big numbers. Wish it had better additions other than mantaining stats but considering i got it at lvl 5 or so, its really good

How high are they?
Farming is the easiest to raise.

Cooking gives you double meals at 100. I think Gardening gives you double fruits and vegitables at 100, but I don't think it applies to herbs or any other seed types. There's a point where they give 3x as well, but I'm not sure what it is.

I meant how high others' levels are.

Oh, in that case I'm at 195 gardening and 112 cooking. The harder part of raising gardening is just keeping the potential high because it gets expensive to raise.

Violent garden does some IMPRESSIVE damage at this level. I can do almost 7k to everything on the screen if they don't have high poison resists.

Do you have Rampage?
I think you'll be pleased to see what happens when you combine it with that.

What the fuck are Kumiromi Scissors?

Violent garden is fucking broken. Its basically a nuke without any downsides.

A non-equippable item you can get off a boss in act 3 that makes plants more likely to regrow when you garden with it in your inventory.

I do not have rampage, but I do have my pets using Provoke, which is essentially the same as a debuff instead of a buff (enemies take and deal double damage and prefer to target the caster of provoke, great for tanks if they can handle it). Rampage would probably double it again, but I don't really need that right now

Rage on yourself doubles VG damage to everything in sight.
I'm in Lost Irva and that combo still sees use. I like how they somehow decided that making it not even need Control Magic to not hit allies was acceptably balanced.

Provoke works on everything in sight too and inflicts the same status (fury), so it doubles the damage they take. If you used both it would quadruple the damage.

could you one shot the act 3 gods like this?

Maybe if your Gardening skill was high enough. Keep in mind though you are also quadrupling the damage they do to you.

Oh, I had it figured for a single-target fury. Neat.

Not with Violent Garden, Meteor maybe.
They hard part would be not getting blown up by a god that is also dealing 4x damage to you (and you are taking 4x damage from your own Meteor at the same time.)

On an unrelated note my defender just saved me from suiciding while training Magic Capacity.
That's useful.

I'm just sad Browbeat is single target. I need an AoE Atrophy.

Defender is the best pet in the fucking game for that ability.

They have around 60k HP.
Even martial arts damage caps at around 10k per hit.

Didn't factor in the Strength modifier on that btw.

How the fuck do I reliably get shit to raise my potentials? Is there somewhere that sells training potions or something?

I've seen screenshots of unarmed doing 6 digits, 8 times.

Buddy, you're off by an order of magnitude there.

I wonder who that could be.

Invest in magic shops to get potion of potentials.
I get them occasionally around shop level 110. Maybe higher levels increase their chances.
Bless them before drinking.
Also teach your pets cooking and sleep at night so that you wake up to a meal.

Later in the game, when you can handle running back to back dungeons during fever mode, you can get enough materials to craft all the Potions of Potential you ever need. Meanwhile you just have to scrape by on sleep, breakfast, picnic baskets, and the holy well, and whatever potions of potential you can very rarely find or buy. Magic shops sell them at higher rank

how the fuck does that mithril golem have so much health?

It's been sandbagged.

Which basically means you can't kill it, but you get no experience for wailing on it.

What does the "furthermore" mean? I see it when I do gauge release but I don't get it.

When you realize multiple actions in the same turn i think?

"It increases the chance of an extra melee/ranged attack" is probably what those are all coming from.

"Furthermore" are extra attacks. The attack preceding a chain of "furthermore"s is the main attack responsible for triggering them.
You get extra attacks mostly as a bonus from gear, but occasionally special moves.

Note that Dual Wielders can get extra attacks off of every hand, since each hand makes a "main" attack.

But they are more limited in how many each hand can trigger or something

Yeah, each hand gets a progressively heavier penalty to extra attacks.
So if you want to be a Dual^4 Wielder as a Mutant you're going to be trying to get every drop of +attack you can.

What do the numbers mean?
[34] is the turn,
I imagine the first number that comes up when you attack is damage. What is the second one? Health?

Also, anyone know what the functions of "rub" are? I know if you equip a brush you can mess with ranch animals, but that's the extent of my knowledge.

I think the second damage number each attack is from extra element damage, it looks similar to how those weapons work, except for some reason physical (maybe he has cut damage or something).

You can rub ranch animals to find out their traits.

Elemental damage from Attribute.
Attribute is a special action that grants a buff that adds elemental damage to your unarmed attacks. The element depends on your highest resistance unless you use the "Element Eyes" item from the dorfs.

Elemental damage probably, being a Martial artist they're probably using the "Attribute" buff which adds elemental damage.

If you rub your pets they get a very temporary boost based on your relationship. 3 extra turns at , 5 extra turns at . That's what the wiki says anyway, I don't really know how "extra turns" even works, it's too much effort to actually rub in combat.

Rub a ranch animal while having a brush, you learn their odds of giving you milk or eggs or meat
Rub your waifu, they get flustered and a small general buff

Sometimes I feel like Nefia Fever lasts too long. I'm on like my 12th dungeon since it started this month.

why are you complaining?

Yeah. It seems too powerful, like it should be a buff you activate yourself with costs similar to buffed goods.

because it's exausting

What's your speed? I can barely do one dungeon per fever.

christ nigga how slow are you

sitting at 407 burdened. Most time is taken traveling between dungeons

That's why. No teleportation and 80 speed.
Time to grind hermes blood?

How the fuck do you grind hermes blood?

grind swimming instead

by doing dungeons and collecting medals.

By reading swimming books? How to grind swimming? By replacing all floors in my house with water tile?

By maximizing being wet.
Reading swimming books helps.

Really it's just better to buy the speed increase for AP

There is an item… Migatama? that keeps you wet all the time.
I know the Magatama protects you from fire, im not sure what the other one was called. They work by just having them in your inventory.

Magaqua. It keeps you wet but completely blocks swimming training.

Maquatama prevents swimming from being trained IIRC

can't spend AP without finishing the main quest

oh right
I knew Aquatama was completely useless but i forgot why, only remembered it kept you wet.

Act 1 shouldn't take you that long

Well if you wanted to USE swimming, but weren't expecting to be wet, it would be useful. Store it in a 4 dimensional pocket when you would be able to train otherwise.

I give up! I've been running dungeons for over two hours and Fever still hasn't ended. I have enough materials to craft 83 potions of potential right now.

Is there anything wrong with this? I still get the "doesn't know how to respond to the situation" message pretty frequently, even though I've tried playing around with the instructions for a while with varying success but it still pops up. Is it the order of things?

Try dropping the effective distance to 5. I find pets don't like to attack further than that even if their weapons allow it. What kind of weapon are you using exactly?

Disregard, changing the distance from 6 to 5 on both moving forward and attacking fixed it for some reason, even though there's no problem with that or even greater distances on my casting pet. I wouldn't think it has anything to do with using a machine gun either, but who knows.

Yeah I tried that and it worked for some reason. Still find it weird that there's never been an issue with my magic using pet.

If you are using a machine gun, you should reduce the minimum distance to 2 (if distance =1, move away). Not because they get confused, but because machine guns do their maximum damage range 2 and 3.

I'm aware of that, I'm just a bit paranoid about it dying because she's pretty much the only of my pets that dies once in a while, so far there hasn't really been much of an issue of her hitting/dealing damage anyways so it's all working out fine. For now at least.

Oh, and since it's a black angel, you may as well teach her to use Boost at least. If you don't have someone using Cheer you might also have her cast Speed as well. Whether you have her Slow the enemy or not is your call, but I like training her Casting a bit so I can teach her Contingency later. I teach all my pets Contingency.

I'll keep that in mind, thanks.

The way custom AI works, teaching a new spell requires they have a high casting ability dependant on what spell you teach. Contingency is one of the highest requirements, somewhere close to 90 casting. Unless you want to sit there holding F3 for hours and spend millions going back to town to boost her potentials, it's best to start early and build it over time.

This is my Black Seraph setup. The move orders look a little weird but basically it amounts to "shoot if you can, if you can't shoot move forward, if you can't move forward move away" The last attack line shouldn't ever do anything, but sometimes the game is weird so I figure I'd throw it in anyway.

I don't have her running back though, which I fully understand doing

How exactly does teaching spells work? I've selected the option on one of my pets quite a while ago but the progress is still at 0%. Do I have to do anything special like have them actually use that spell despite them not actually knowing it or does it just take ages?

Yes, that's exactly what you have to do.

The lower the percentage, the more often they will "fail" to use the spell and skip to the next AI line. What you can do though is set it up so the spell is the only thing they can do in their AI (movement if necessary), and then go to the puppy cave or an outdoor map.

A nice trick is if you use "self" as the entity for your line (eg self MP >10%) and then select "preserve target", they will cast the spell at themselves even if it's an attack, which saves a lot of time as they can just stand their and train as long as there is an enemy in sight.

FYI be prepared for "I don't know what to do" spam. Like I said they will skip to the next line if they fail, if there is no next line then they'll say they are confused and skip a turn, but they keep trying every turn until it eventually works.

Sweet, thanks a lot for the info.

but… dexterity

It's also hilarious watching your pets shadowstep themselves.

Better make a new thread if we want to keep this going, only 4 from falling off now.

…not it.