Is there a modern version of the princess trainer style games?

Is there a modern version of the princess trainer style games?

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Yeah but i'm not telling you

Yes, and I'll give it to you if you give me the sauce on your pic.

Go hurt some animals elsewhere, faggot.

I think Dark Elf falls into this category. Do you like the corruption part of Princess Trainer or what?

That's way too thicc

Elf dude looks for his kidnapped imouto, finds later shes been groomed and pumped full of fertility magic to grow older and plump and it can't be undone, forget the name.

Go look up the "giga" and "hyper" tags on any hentai site. You are seeing the tip of a mighty iceberg cherryboi.


This is the only kind of thing that comes to mind when I think 'giga' tbh.

Yeah, Long Live The Queen

Also elfs a shit


Fuck the race you were born with you FAGGOTS.

nigga its impossible to find this, gib sauce plz

Slave Maker 3.

I already found it. Git gud.

nigga, what tag you searched?
I already tried elf, corruption and crotch tatoo and none worked


I searched too, came up with fucking nothing. Just give source.

You can find it anons, I believe in you.

Furshit is perfect
It's just a sample, what a shame.


Aww.. I wanted to see how the elf went from DFC to Oppai Piggu


I followed that fucking link and it just redirects me to the main page. It probably wouldn't be too hard to find the source for this shit, but really now.


Anyone here actually beat the game by being a slut? What happens? I played it once and got the good ending cannot find the other endings online.

Patrician taste here

Go back to cuckchan. This site is only for people intelligent enough to realize that it's a joke page. There is no mythical "exhentai" with all the fucked up pedo shit they take off of ehentai. It's just a sad fucking panda.

There's no symmetry there

The artist looks like the same one responsible for the "The Devil is a Part-Timer" doujin where the busty burger-girl and the redhead get brainwashed, drugged, raped and impregnated. I don't think that anime got many doujins so if you can find the one I'm talking about and find the artist, you should be able to eventually find this doujin too.

Did Mark's stream actually bring in retards like this, or have the last two weeks just been one last "fuck you" from the summerfags?

Long Live the Queen is unexpectedly okay, as well as being surprisingly dark and believable when it comes to all the plotting and scheming going on behind the uguu magical girl fantasy facade.

only when There's a human male sticking his dick in one

I didn't like how you had to be absolutely perfect if you wanted to win the war conventionally when if you go magical girl you solve every single problem you have like a big mary sue.

I really hope it's the latter because at least then they'll leave over winter.

You mean the game, i didn't like it, it seemed it was nothing but trial and error, you have nothing to guide yourself about which stats to build and when, if you simple do not know what event is coming nest you will fail it and then have to start over. Fuck that

It's not even a sim, it's a VN. If you pick the exact same choices you will always get the exact same result.

post more

Long Live the Queen is the only western princess trainer that's not X-rated.
Princess Maker 1&2 got their remasters officially translated recently.
Princess Maker 3 just got it's first official English translation not that long ago, but it's buggy as shit.
Aside from those there's that one porn guy that makes Maker games (Akabur or something?) and then there's Slavemaker.
Aside from those, we only really have the Tokimeki Memorial spin-offs like Roommates and Sunrider Academy.

I was planning on making an open-source template for maker games in Ren'Py, but when I made a thread asking about what people liked and didn't like about the genre no one replied so I just gave up on it since I didn't see anyone interested in it.

exhentai sucks balls anyway, there are and have been better sites for years that don't allow subhuman languages or western filth or non-hentai to be uploaded

I'm fucking dying.

There's a new policy where you need 20 posts in the forum now.


Unless they changed, back in my day literally all you had to do is know how to delete a single cookie. And EVEN THEN anons couldn't get into the fucking site. Some people are just completely helpless.

You only need to delete the cookie if you tried accessing sadpanda before logging into regular e-hentai.

Your newfagness is showing.


Free Cities is the superior slaver simulator. Play the original first, not the /hgg/ mod, it has less bugs


would you ever date your hentai girls in rl?

Absolutely yes.


Fuck yes

No. Real tiddies don't scale as well as anime tiddies because they don't also scale in elasticity as they grow.

Just say 2D > 3D like the rest of us.

Probably. Though I bet the guys she dates get a stigma of only being with her because she has giant tits.

Go check out Slave Maker

3D cowtits don't have the same delicious nipples that 2D cowtits do.

Hi, Aux.

or just use the extension

Yes, it's called Princess Trainer.

Of course not. 3D versions of these would be disgusting.

This is why you have no friends. Link actually works this time for whatever reason but before it was just directing me to the main page aka Pic 1.

Also rate my screencaps/desktop I guess, but I know you won't post yours :^)

Gas yourself.

Don't you have to rape your niece, you fucking Portuguese kike?


where do you think artists get their ideas from?

no names, just medical photos, before the reductions

Mal Malloy whilst pregnant? I'd recognize those massive dark nipples anywhere


Goddamn women, all fucking stupid

Moderately disappointing.


I'm still mad such a cute character is in such a dumb generic slice of life manga.


Nothin' can be done about that.



It's been around 20 years and you furshitters still insist on shoving your shit taste in everyones' face.

A shotgun wouldn't damage like that.

Stay off my /k/, nigger.

no u

Make me shithead. I just like different sorts of females, they don't fucking exist damn it. Human girls are fine too.

All you need is a single leaven, to fuck the entire thread.


speaking of hentai games, where is a game that that includes big strong muscular *futa * amazons?
monster girls and non-human girls like orcs and trolls are fine too.


what, you dont like big thicc girlcocks?
what are you, a fag?


fuck off fag

what are you talking about, there is nothing gay about sucking dick (female)


pretty sure that's why she's blushing.


only if it's Mark (female)

translate that chicken scratch chinese for me

I would if I knew moon

she would be pregnant for the rest of her life if i had her.

Procreation is a pity. You really shouldn't do it unless you plan to contribute something meaningful with your genes.

It says "the pleasure of being cummed inside".

top faggot

A literal sub-saharan on \v\

frigg off raymoo

seriously, don't procreate

the eternal jew rears it's ugly nose

i have a fetish, and that fetish is for huge tits on good looking women. i won't deny it, because i'm not a faggot who sucks cocks like you

I don't care what your skin color is, I care that you're posting here. Don't procreate.

Speaking of, apparently uncensored areolae are OK here, going by OP. MODS!!!

Go for something a bit more well-rounded, her boobs are a dump stat.


I'm not sure I recognize that Nue doujin. Know the source?

As long as it's not somebody else's kid.

why pregnat child

Pedo gooks.

of course

why not? in fact, let's go a step further :^)

It's something nasty.

Impregnation is great.


you need to kill yourself immediately

Do you prefer this:

Ok Mr Shekelberg


Do not.

Absolutely fucking disgusting.
I literally retched a little upon opening that link.



And yet they chose to draw raymoo without her silly bows? Does she die immediately after this photograph is taken?

I guess the bow just isn't one of those certain pieces.

you know nothing of tuhu

touhous die if you remove their hats/hair ornaments

raymoo's ribbons are a hat

I used to masturbate to this sort of rape/corruption shit, now it just pisses me off and makes me want to kill someone. The only thing that gets me hard anymore is justice.

what is the name of this secondary bend/fold in the breast

what is its tag

I must search it

I strongly doubt there is one, you'll have to try your luck with the general huge breasts tag, and artists that you know draw it, like that one.

Good boy.

It's the hair tubes obviously.

there's a tag for gluteal_folds so there needs to be a tag for this too

that's just the pectoralis muscle

I swear it's part of her breast.

I'd say ass peeking through nicely spaced thighs is more commonly enjoyed than something that obscure.


Or maybe people just don't like furshit

but why?

So /monster/ it is, noted.

Good taste

Why is this allowed?

I don't remember the name but I played a Princess Maker styled game on PC98 where you raised an android instead.

This theory needs to be revisited.


It's incredible how every single fan art I have ever seen of one of the Touhou girls looked better than the original Artwork. Zun is a genius when it comes to music and his character designs are great as well but holy fuck, he can't draw for shit. Somehow he even managed to not improve a single bit in almost 30 years of drawing. How can one man be so talentless?

Drawing was his dump stat

I'll argue he got worse over time. At least he chooses some nice ones for most of the print works, I particularly like azmaya and TOKIAME.

Having furshit and monstershit in a single place is a key ingredient for a catastrophe, since it generates a paradox or singularity of sorts.
It just breaks the borders between both of them, a single identity emerges or gets reveled thats what you get, for desiring sub-human trash


Were you born this stupid or do you have to try? Elf-san is not aberrant, it is pretty common for monstergirls and furshit to be in the same place. They share doujins, they share games, and they even share space at events like comiket. The first two pics and the last two pics are done by the same artist.


Explain that to monster, its hateborner towards furshit is embarassing.
And normally wanting to dick sub-human chicks tends to lead into beast territory, do to the huge amount of diversity of tits'n'ass.
one of the first anime creators "accidentally" create kemono


fuck off furfag


Not happening anytime sooner

It's just furfags who want monsterfags to be as hated as they are.

It was a lousy thread to begin with, but the fur faggot makes it five times more so and they deserve extreme persecution.

I guess he never figured out how to draw or that's just his style of art

hello Satori

She probably wouldn't be able to walk by age 40 because her spine would be warped to shit.

This looks retarded.


Search for Fertile Slavery Elf 3. I forgot saucenao even existed until now.

nice quads

Best thing that's ever happened to me. Why did it have to happen while talking about slave elves with fertility drugs.

I came here to check these.

Yes please!


Alright, no arguing with trip-quads.

that's not ellie jaycock annie keenan

bitch got a breast reduction though


What was her reason?

I love it, cant wait for the full thing to come out.

OK actually, what's source? IQDB, panda, Jewgle, saucenao don't turn up anything.

So what. All she has to do is to lay down.

Are you serious?

Same love as chubby with no tits.

that is fucking atrocious. Nice ID though.

Why did someone paste a girl's face onto the body of a chubby man?


Stop bullying Mitsuba!

she was pregnant.

I know buddy I've seen the vids
I didn't know she could become more curvy. Her tits grew MASSIVELY from the pregnancy toi, and I think right now they must be the biggest they've ever been. My penis and I couldn't be happier for her, especially considering the fact that she came back at all.


Well, when there's money and attention to be had, even from betas, of course they come back. Especially when all they have is their "looks."

Sad but true. Wish there was a bit more dignity to it, but the sad fact is the market is so fucking easy, all you have to do is take your clothes off in front of a camera and you're pretty much solved. And your customer base? You could get away with pretty much anything and most of the paying ones would still be back tomorrow. Man, people need to stop making decisions with their dicks and start thinking with their balls. It's far too easy to fall into that trap, and although it encourages more girls to come into the fray, which is arguably a good thing, allowing shitty business practice just because of an appeal to sex drive should not be the standard for the industry.

This has become the norm after the late 60s and forward, its just worse and open nowadays, user.

Why would you do this to a perfectly mediocre thread?

I mean, at least she's not a coalburner.


Yeah, in JAPAN they do, dipshit.

it's literally the fox and the grapes.

Real life?

The Kemono scene is a thing in Japan, but "less" cancerous than Western furshit somehow.
It isnt a surprise when a artist shifts between genres, too.


I never really understood this analogy from a technical standpoint because where I come from, grapes are grown on vines that are designed to be rather low to the ground. I really can't imagine there's a fox out there unable to reach most grapevines.
