Starts in less than an a half hour at 1PM EST. It is currently 12:40PM. If anyone gives a shit, then here's a sticky for it.
Where the fuck is the Virtual Console?
Starts in less than an a half hour at 1PM EST. It is currently 12:40PM. If anyone gives a shit, then here's a sticky for it.
Where the fuck is the Virtual Console?
Why is this chicken telling me to destroy israel
Virtual Console is never coming back and you have the NES and SNES mini to thank for it.
Undertale on the Switch, oh boy.
Honestly, I think the normalfags would also be pissed about it. I expect what you're saying to be accurate though.
pls no genesis
When are they going to hack this thing? I can't pay for games anymore after playing them for free on 2DS
How about best shota?
Probably early 2018
Just give me a release date for wargroove already. Nintenfucks aren't gonna make another advance wars so this is close as I'll get.
Haven't you played it on a CRT yet? If you aren't then you are playing it wrong
but user, Tiny Metal is actually made by former Advance War devs
Why have I not heard of this.
its shit
i fucking knew it
Remember when the word indie wasn't tainted and didn't bring up feelings of disgust?
Who's got any straight shota?
Wow, really appealing to the ninten-toddlers
I've been watching for about three minutes and this guy's said "diverse" as many times.
1 dpm
Any 3DS games or will it all just be Switch?
they aren't even trying at this point.
Oh wait it's a fucking shitty indie game showcase, fuck this gay shit
who's this fat cuck and why should i give a shit about indie trash?
what a horrible art style
Drakengard rip off
Why do indie games these days try to find the ugliest artstyles they can? Smudgy low-poly no-texture shit, poorly animated flash game style, outright pixelshit, etc.
At least the elephant was cute.
only cool game is morphies law
elephant was cute
because it doesn't require talent
Some neat ideas but shame it'll be dead in less than a day like all indie multiplayer shooters.
Ugly people make ugly games. Simple as that.
I'm ok with this
Might not be entirely bad.
oh shit
well okay
No thanks
Well glad that's all I happened to catch.
Seems like a world away now.
Will there be a crossover?
wait shit this will be at pax west?
hoyl fuck im totally playing this friday
Hotline Miami
Five Nights At Fredy's
Yeah sounds great fam.
Source "fam"?
you think they won't got with the most popular indie games to come on the past few years?
I can't believe Travis Touchdown is gonna murder Asgore.
This is the best game ever