Is it a floor that kills or is it about killing a floor?

Is it a floor that kills or is it about killing a floor?

its a bad game only mustards could play because they literally have nothing else

You're on a flood designated for killing.


It's about finding one good place to camp, fucking anything's shit up that walks through the door with shotguns and bombs, and then bitchslapping the Patriarch(y) with a rocket to the face so hard he goes flying.

Hmm, I feel like playing it again. Thanks user.

its a retarded game for retarded people with a retarded edgelord christian metal soundtrack to fit the retarded edgelord dev team behind the retarded shit

their CEO

What? Why? Weren't they full SJW? As long as we're on the topic, this is probably the best Christian band.

KF1 is bloody great mate, authentic British simulator experience.

KF2 is fucking rubbish. All furcoat, no knickers.

It's a shilling floor.

It's a designated killing floor.

It is a floor in which killing takes place.

that makes a lot of sense actually

Reinstalling just for you

Are chopping boards boards that chop or you are supposed to chop the board?

Killing floor is the area where they slaughter the animals in a meat processing plant. You an English second language bum?

It's about a floor where you do the killing.

The Killing Floor 2 EULA says they can ban you for being a troll. Don't be a meanie in this game about violently murdering thousands of horrible monsters.

it's so edgy they combined killing and that shit drowning pool song

Killing Bodies? That's not what it's called user.

How can you drown someone on a floor, you moron?

The floor is lava.

berserker knight with the broadsword was fun as fuck in kf2


I hope the devs behind this get a tumor on their dicks