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i got player preview working


well neither did the last bread

now that i've had a full nights sleep i realise i could have just copied the syntax from one of the other entries
When i started the project i was never really planning on finishing it I just wanted to get some experience and learn some stuff
When i started the working on it I didn't even really have an idea i just wanted to make RTS and i did so im actually pretty happy with how things turned out even though it's not really playable and probably never will be

also i think one of the big reasons i stopped working on it cause i couldn't really get myself excited for what the final product was gonna be
I saw a lot of issues with the game design that i wasn't sure i could fix and also didn't want to make just another generic RTS game
So now I'll just be working on my dream game which I'll probably never finish either though not because I'll give up but because it's way to much for a one man army

Pretty nice. Only criticism I've got is as I think you need to ad rotation to units. That way the player can easily face the opponent. Something like Q for left and E for right.

Hey, how do I do a webm on windows ? I need to show something to you guys.

film with fraps and use something to convert it
i use any video converter since it actually doesn't fuck up the filesize

Or just use OBS and set it to near-lossless. Most near-lossless 720p OBS recordings of mine stay below 12 mb, so I don't even need to convert it. Worst case, it'll just take a minute to upload to jewtube.

Plenty of programs for it. I used to use Webm for retards, but Xmedia Recode has a bitrate calculator which lets you pretty much set the intended size of it. It's not perfectly accurate, but it's better than rendering 30 webms with WfR until I got the size just right

OBS tends to fuck up my framerate though, fraps has never failed me

That's peculiar. Maybe something with the settings? I've never had that issue.
For me, it's quite the opposite. Fraps butchers my performance, cutting it from >1200 fps to 300-ish, with random lag spikes.


Console stuff

Unless you're using an intel IGP with quicksync or the CPU only x264 encoder it should have a negligible impact on performance.

I'm gonna do it! I'm gonna make game!

Be sure to make it about feminism.

I'm not in dire need of brownie points so i'm good.

Since I posted this in the last thread and it was almost dead, I'm gonna repost this here:

I'm learning C# by writing plugins for Rust before continuing work on my own shit (I knew basically fucking nothing a few months ago)

Right now I'm trying to bring back some fun from the original concept arts, and now I'm working on the "Caretakers" - the huge fucking robots that provide some PvE in an otherwise nearly PvE-free game. They're modular as of now, and each body part is it's own entity which provides me with an opportunity to give them sick-ass randomized loadouts. They'll be largely passive until aggroed and will be roaming around the map performing mundane tasks. I ultimately want to make them seem more like animalistic AI than robots with a purpose. I decided that I'm gonna give em 16 different weapons, one under each "shoulder" or one instead of the head depending on their type. Basically there's no limit to how varied I can make them so I need some original fucking ideas up in here boys. - So far I've settled on a gatling gun, a long-range flamethrower and a railgun. I'm gonna need 13 more weapon ideas so fire away.

Here's a good spot to pick out whatever you guys think is the coolest: armoredcore.wikia.com/wiki/Weapon_Types

If I pick it out I'm ultimately going to be biased because it's hard as it is to implement simple weapon types and I'll probably opt for an easier option. I don't want none of that, so pick out something really fun. (One limitation I have is the limited graphics - I can only use assets already existing within the game)

On a scale of 1 to fidget spinner, how retarded is this? I'm trying to learn C.

It's an "infinite" array that expands when you add something beyond it's limits. I need these for my game.

Use a forward list or a linked list. You have an element with a pointer to its successor. It has O(1) add and O(1) delete. Deletion works by making a given elements successor the successor of its successor.

Does C not have lists or vectors or linked lists?

C has nothing, you have to do it yourself.

Theres no way you would be forced to reinvent the wheel again. Use a library.

Aren't those kind of slow though?

To be clear this is mainly for storing map tiles, it's meant to be pseudo-infinite like minecraft. I need to be able to put stuff at any coordinates and loop through it pretty fast.

A linked list is one of the fastest lists you can use.

Faster than an array?

A list isn't an array.
But anyway its pretty damn fast. Especially for deleting and adding new nodes which makes it good for sorting.

Yes. It complicates some things though, it's not as convenient as an array

Actually I should have said an array isn't a list.

How can it be faster when you need to jump from pointer to pointer to find a particular element, while in an array you just pick an offset from the beginning to find the thing you want?

I know it's faster for certain kinds of modifications, but I'll need proof that it's faster in general.

Except shit like Minecraft just unloads chunks whenever new ones are loaded. It always has the same amount of stuff loaded, so it just uses a normal array.

Its not faster. But it works pretty damn well and you don't have to jury rig some sort of "infinite array" nonsense. Which by looking at your code I think might cause you problems.

You're retarded and should never write C.

No, it's not faster than an array because you'll get a cache miss almost every time you iterate along it. In an array, a chunk of the array will be cached and after the first access, you'll have faster access times

It's not jury rigged, how do you think vectors work in C++? Read before you post. You're clearly not a C programmer so don't give people your shitty opinion on how they're doing things.

This is fine. Ignore the retards. Realloc is actually O(1) for small values (under a few kilobytes) on linux and presumably on windows too, so don't worry too much. Consider shrinking the array when you reach quarter capacity and also malloc'ing the initial array to twice the requested size. Personally I would consider writing a separate set and insert, the purpose of Array_set wasn't immediately clear, but if it does what you want don't touch it.


custom array like you are building is what you want. Nothing beats pointer arithmetic for speed. Write some unit tests though.

If you are using this for a tile map you could malloc a fixed size and swap out indexed blocks to disk.

It's literally one of the slowest data structures.

The chunks still need to be in an infinite array so new ones can be generated without any particular limitations. The actual tiles will be in a normal 2D array per chunk.

I don't see myself wanting to do that in any situation, but I'll add a note for myself in case I do.

What do you mean? So you can access the same function from 2 names? Insert sounds nicer now that you mention it.

I'm still completely clueless when it comes to handling files so I don't know how that would work.

i sort of got trample damage working, cavalry takes half damage compared to the other units
basically right now it's like this
infantry: 3 melee, 0 range, 0 trample
artillery: 1 melee, 3 range, 0 trample
cavalry: 2 melee, 0 range, 10 trample (since it depends on velocity)
in order to get the cavalry to not just waltz through units i'll probably make spearmen that do crazy damage if attacking cavalry head on
otherwise i'd need to use square colliders, but then formations will take forever to assemble

Depends on what you use if for and how many things you have in it.

Shouldn't units try to use the shortest distance when they turn around (A) rather than trying to keep their relative position in the final movement (B)?

Give me one example of where a linked list isn't completely outclassed by a vector.

There is no use case where linked lists aren't the slowest possible data structure. Did you just learn about them in your CS class, pahjeet?

What you've written does a set, i.e. it overwrites what's at the position. Insert would be something like:
Note that the math might not be right or exactly match up to what you currently have, but that's the general idea. Inserts are O(n) where n is the number of elements between them and the end. Setting is obviously O(1).

well yes
guess i'll get to it eventually, right now it's just using them as they were in their original list
it only gets more complicated if i start sorting them based on distance

I like your project, reminds me of embed related

Are you an idiot?

Looks neat

Linked List profile:
Insert: O(n) where n is number of nodes up to the one you're inserting
Remove: same as above
Insert at beginning or end: O(1)
Pop from beginning or end: same as above, this is the only place they outperform arrays ever
Access: O(n) where n is the number of nodes before the the one you want. This is why LL are impractical outside of maybe stacks, queues, and deques.

Tell me when its faster to insert or delete in the middle of a vector as opposed to a linked list.

It is slightly faster because of cache coherency :^). They have the same time complexity which is what you can't seem to wrap your pahjeet mind around. It sounds like your third rate CS professor said "inserting is as simple as assigning the pointers" and you ignored the fact that getting there to do so is O(n). The ONLY places a LL will outperform a vector is when the vector has to resize (which should be very rare) and popping from the front. All that is ignoring the worst part of Linked Lists, which is that accessing an element is O(n) as opposed to a vector's O(1) which makes them unsuited to use as LISTS!

Buddy it literally says on the c++ website that inserting into the middle or beginning of a vector is slower than a list.

All I see is that they have the same time complexity but worse real performance. Embed related is a video of Bjarne Stroustrup saying the same thing I've been trying to get through your thick pahjeet skull. To be fair Stroustrup is a huge std::vector fanboy and the example he's talking about is indexed access, which is LL's weakest point, but also probably the most important operation for a most uses of a list. You have no ground to stand on. It's clear from your posts that you don't have an understanding of data structures or algorithms.

Thought you'd be smart enough to find it on your own.

Did you even watch the video retard?

Why is raycasting so slow and glitchy when you limit the framerate ?

How are you limiting the framerate? You should be writing to a buffer as fast as you can then swapping that buffer to the screen either when it's done or on the frame tick, whichever is later. It looks like you're writing to the screen as it's being displayed which will slow it down.

Like this :
sf::RenderWindow window(sf::VideoMode(800, 600), "Raycast test", DEFAULT); window.setFramerateLimit(30);

Also, even when I'm not limiting the framerate it takes one second to print the wall to the screen.

Pastebin your code. Sounds like you're doing something wonky.

Yeah you're right he is biased

get back to work you fucking nerds

Things like lists/vectors legitimately do not come with C std. That shit only contains things that are actually important.

On line 72 you loop from i to size-2. size-1 is uninitialized.
e.g. if size is 1, then the for loop will have condition "i

I'm following this tutorial : lodev.org/cgtutor/raycasting.html
I'm pretty sure I know where I messed up, there's a moment after you render the wall you're supposed to calculate the time or whatever and erase the screen yourself instead of just limiting the framerate with SFML.

Holy shit Unity's asset store is a fucking joke.
What the fuck? Who's fucking idea was this?

Is using glib or something that much of a stretch? Whats important is making game. Making something thats already made takes away precious game making time.

Nothing compared to Unreals asset store. Every single thing auto-breaks on every update, by design. Im not fucking kidding. The creator has to "update" his shit and submit to a week long review process so things work again. This goes even for the most basic things like audio assets.

At least we no longer live in the times of a month to triangle.

alright, now i'm sorting the units based on their distance to the positions in a line, so they don't do this

The biggest fucking joke about Unity's asset store is that it says it was tested for the version I'm using (2017.1.0 or something like that) but nothing works. I get over 30 error messages the moment I hit that play button. Unreal may break shit and force the developer of the thing to re-upload it, but at least you can guarantee that if it's certified for your version that it'll likely work

Footstep noises are easy to code in but annoying to actually make. Gotta be thick enough to know they're there, but quiet enough that they don't distract. Gotta get a nice clomp for impact, but gotta sound soft because it's still several layers of clothes between foot and floor.

Sounds pretty good user, it also helps if you have maybe 5-6 sounds and then randomize them

manlet frantically searches for his wifu.webm

It's also pretty common to alter the pitch randomly a little bit for frequent sounds like that, I think.

Lists should perform just as well as arrays because most simple lists are implemented as a flexible array with tree-like index access

no, this isn't necessary. It's not suggested because from a mental stand point it doesn't allow the player to create a rhythm with movement. Variety for the sake of variety is wasteful of resources.

I finished a quick twirl animation. I'm getting pretty close to the wedding day so I'll just post wireframe of her bridal form so the full color version is a better surprise. Also because wedding superstition people aren't supposed to look at bride before actual marriage.

For a horror game, it might be a pretty good idea to make them a bit more audible when there is very little other sound going on. Increases tension of movement when you're creeping through some dark corridor wondering if something freaky is watching you. And similarly, stairs should have an added creak sound when stepping on them.

Pitch shifting does nothing to the rythm, you tard. It just makes the sound not as repetitive, and it's an industry standard for a very good reason.

it's a western standard, and only that. It's wasteful variety and removes predictability from mechanics by interfering with one of the core senses of a video game.

Sweet quads and sweet autistic dedication to the subject matter

Isn't he a bit too fast for a child? Also, I wouldn't add music the ambience itself gives it a great soundscape. Just an opinion tho, the game is yours after all

I see a concerning amount of vagina in that wireframe

Fuck off retard.

There's no vagina model it's all smooth down there.

so, no real benefit, just variety for the sake of it. wasteful excess.

Yup, there's about 10 footstep sounds. Pretty easy to make variations, just a matter of stretching and pitchshifting, takes maybe two minutes to do.
The volume adjusting depending on the overall sound volume sounds like a really good idea, though, thank you.

He's running. I'll add a walk, though; now that you mention it, it wouldn't make sense for someone to be running all the time.
It is, but I like input. I'm rarely the one with the Right Opinion, and sometimes I just overlook things.

You are calling window.display() after each line draw when you should be calling it after drawing them all.

it was a joke you dolt
or was it? :^)

I'm kinda in a contemplative mood right now

I know it's borderline genesisposting….
and I don't want to sound like a faggot but I just want to cry.

thinking of all the potential that gets wasted on unfinished projects around here, even the ones “active” in the wiki…

Please… I make progress for you dudes. No one except you understands the feeling. I need your progress too… That line of strength to pull me through the fear…

i've got custom formations from text files+images for them working
the file for each is:
block percentage (0-1)
horizontal (true/false)
space between units (around 0.5-1)

example - checkerboard
i might have to disable the army size scaling though, checkerboard seems to have issue with it

dude, browsing this thread thinking of Chris Taylor's Wildman meltdown isn't making things easy for me

Git gud.
you should've webm'd that for extra points but w/e

I like you.

pretty cool project. It looks fun to work on.

Did somebody ask for 5000 words worth of completely optional lore?
I wrote most of this in the past week, simply because I got sick of blindly coding a puzzle game and repeatedly fucking up.

I've written out 7~8 pages of design documents on my game, and almost all of it is movelist stuff. Very accurate to the state of the project, in all honesty

You should watch vid related. It might sound shockingly familiar. Also filtered.

Blender 2.8's new real-time renderer, EEVEE, just got soft shadows.
Now if only they would implement SubSurface Scattering for me…

Added machine gun and shotgun, also increased FOV a little as suggested.

My only progress so far is that I made my ore mine a bit more complex. I don't really feel like it fiddling with blender for another day just because the baking result is so far shit
t. modder pro

As someone who used 3ds max for his whole life,

Is there any way to have blender function like 3ds max?
I don't understand how anyone can work without 2d view windows, or operate everything by mouse/no right-clicking

it has maya and 3dsmax modes, which change the layouts and controls to mimic those environments

dunno how accurate it is though, i've only used blender>>13385646

I think I tried the 3ds max mode a year ago and it still felt alien.

Have a danny devito

Never be not giving up until you have not gotten to your goals, user!


By the way I noticed there are at least 3 people who want to do Demo Day, let's abandon our hopes of gathering all active projects and do it with only a few anyway.


Post here and put on the wiki, if you don't do it, I'm picking one myself later.


oh shit that's cool


I've been too shy to enter agdg threads

what's demo day?

here's a low-poly gadsen I made

What should I have ready for a demo? I have some functionality but it looks nothing like a game.

Don't feel pressured in participating, I'm just posting because I know from other threads that there are people willing to share their gameplay with the boys. If we keep silent people will eventually forget.

Okay, I managed to get perlin noise working with barely any effort. What the fuck. Unity is like using motorized training wheels.

That said, the actual mesh itself doesn't seem to…look right. I'm guessing this has to do with me not setting the vertex normals? Because I have no idea how to set the vertex normals.

Looks rad as hell, user.

what material shader are you using?

No idea how to set them, or no idea how to calculate them so you can set them?

Jack shit. There isn't a single material or shader on here. That said, I did add something I had lying around and realized the problem was that the directional light I had was facing the wrong direction.

Calculating them. I get that you iterate through them, calculate them, then put them in the array, it's just the calculation part that I don't understand.

(Do I still need to get those manually calculated now that I have this working though?)

Also, I changed it to be more like Endless Legend, but I miiiiiiiiight just like the other one better.

Pretty sure that for any point on your perlin noise depth map, its normal would be:
float dzdx = ((x+1, y) - (x-1, y)) / 2.0;float dzdy = ((x, y+1) - (x, y-1)) / 2.0;Vector3 normal = Vector3(-dzdx, -dzdy, 1.0f).normalized;
If my memory of how vectors in Unity work, otherwise that last line might have to be a bit different.

If we start doing it, how about we always pick a dubs day? i.e. 11th or 22nd

It's sort of like a game jam, except instead of making a game, you post a demo of whatever game you're working on.

It sounds good but I'm going to have to git gud before I can participate with the rest of you.

This is gonna sound like the dumbest question ever, but…

x and y are what exactly?

X is the horizontal
Y is the vertical
Z is the depth

Okay just to confirm
X is east-west
Y is up-down
Z is north-south

Also what does the +1 and -1 refer to? Are x and y indexes in arrays or the actual positions of the vertexes?

The more I look at your code, the less I understand it and the more I wish I'd kept up with calculus.

I'm not the one who coded it.
X = left-right
Y = up-down
Z = forward-backward

Don't you know about coordinates ?

The world has a center, going to one direction is positive, and the opposite is negative.
Each object typically also has a "local space" where they have their own center.
+ and - can also be used to refer to distances, not just points in space.

Which way each axis points to and which direction is positive/negative depends on the application.

In retarded Unity/Unreal coordinates yes,

In superior Quake coordinates, X is East, Y is North, and Z is Up

Unreal is z-up, too.

Then it is redeemed just slightly, haven't used in long enough to remember

Y and Z are swapped in Blender, actually.

AH. Right, I kind of get what it's trying to do, but I still don't quite get what those commas are there for. If those are supposed to be vectors, it doesn't make sense for vector math to return a float.

Also ( (x+1, y) - (x-1, y) ) would always return (2, 0) so I'm CLEARLY missing something here.

I still dont know where I fucked up

The x and y in my code are positions on your depth map, not positions in 3D space. I don't remember which axis in Unity is up and which one forward, so the vector that gets normalized might have to be in a different coordinate order.

Huh, so I generate the normals from the Perlin noise? That seems…odd, to say the least, but okay. I'll at least try it, otherwise I'll stop skipping ahead of the tutorials and see what they do.

ayy lmao

He's trying his best, don't pick on him too much

I read an interview with the main two brothers behind Cuphead, and they stated that they never had a chance of learning programming, so one designs, the other animates, and they just hired on programmers.

So why do people here insist that 1MA development is the way to go, when in actuality it's very rare unless you go back to specific stuff like the British micro scene? Is it just a feeling that it won't be 'yours' if you have to work with other people? Or is it concerns that money will not go around? Or maybe they just consider themselves incapable of working in a team?

As somebody that more views programming as a means to an end than as enjoyable activity, I don't see why I wouldn't just find someone who does like that and work with them, but in my experience, talk of working with anyone beyond a temporary music guy gets met with greenposting and image macros.

For me, it's a mix of all of this but the thing that worries me the most is what if I don't get along with the other people ? I can't just get rid of them if they spend a month doing art for me it wouldn't be fair to them.

I can't afford programmers and I would prefer to be self sustainable as much as possible.

I hope for good progress for speebot

someone code me a spider

I just don't have the money to hire someone else, and I can both program and do the art while liking doing both. If I'm fed up with one of the two I can switch gears and still make progress. Maybe I'll outsource music and sound, but that's mostly because I have a really good friend that's good at that kind of thing while I'm pretty incompetent at it. Also, I want total creative control, and if I bring someone else on board doing major tasks chances are I won't get that.

I vote 09/22/2017 as well

i vote for 20th of November 2017 (20/11/17)
because it the current_year but stretched

Because I dont have a brother.

If I did I would kick his ass daily until he became a super talented artist and then force him to make assets for me.

Everyone here is doing it for fun, dedicating their free time to their ideas.

Bringing someone else on means paying them. You will have to pay them to spend their time working on your ideas. They still will probably want some bit of creative control even when they're getting paid (people are like that), so your project will change.

I think most people here are just exploring their own ideas without complications. I don't think many if any games here will actually be finished.

If you don't like programming at all then of course being a 1MA is not a good idea because the majority of gamedev is programming. 1MAing has big advantages if you're able to do it, because as soon as you bring in another person then you must adjust everything according to their desires, and possibly compromise your entire project.

As far as asking for a programmer to make your game, the programmer is usually the most important wheel in the machine so they usually expect to be somewhere on the top of the hierarchy of the project (see: you work on their game, not the other way round). That is, unless you pay them, which most people here can't afford to do.

Most people only have time to spend, not money. And most aren't that dedicated anyway.

Internet projects fall apart and people flake out with incredible frequency, even without AGDGs penchant for being hauled off to jail. There's also an awful lot of people who feel like they're not good enough to be on a team, not to mention that most people in these threads have already set their minds on some project already, so you pretty much need to catch people between projects or jump on someone elses.

Hey guys, I've run into a need for a program, and I assume it exists because it sounds like something that would exist.

I need a program that would access a running process, and allow me to track a value of that process, and plot it on a graph over time, such as a server' process's FPS or CPU load.

Y'all got any leads?

programming is not hard, but it is complex. Imagine learning how to read for the first time - it's a task of similar difficulty to learning how to program for the first time.

I've learned a whole lot of coding in the past 4-5 months, and quick enough to remember myself not knowing how to program at all.

It's intimidating until the process "clicks" in your head and you realize that most of it can be learned and done nearly automatically by your brain as you "do programming".

That's because programming that goes into videogame development is pretty rudimentary and boring. It's not a challenging task unless you're doing something gimmicky and fun.

Because collaborations don't work unless someone gets paid for it.

Every time i do something in blueprints i am violently reminded why i never do things in blueprints or am i missing something here?

I only use BP for rapid prototyping and wiring logic up.
Basically, my Blueprint classes rely on logic implemented in C++ that is exposed to BP. My PlayerController for example wires up the input events to the various functions of my character. These functions were implemented in C++.

I do it like that as well, but i don't want to learn Slate so BP UI it is. I think i should just port over all the UI logic to C++ as well.

Plus what said

Those are instantiated widgets, i don't think its possible to shove those together into an array, or is it?
I am actively trying to not do this all day. Mostly because the save is fuzzy and it fucks up my straight lines every time i reload the project on a different machine

Well, I'm working in a commercial game with a team, it just happens that I done most of part already and I'm bored, so I decided to start a project on my own and I'm sharing with you guys.

I don't use Slate either, so the UI is done in BP.

internet projects fall apart quickly without money and everyone i know is too retarded to be let anywhere near my precious codebase. maybe i should recruit one of my friends for music and art but I dont think hes willing to compose in a tracker or MIDI which isnt something Ill compromise on

How about 11th of november? Quads

Would you use this color scheme?

No, far too much contrast.

I will release mine by the end of the month, i need at least 2 weeks for finishing touches

To be a one-man-team you need to be actually talented or extremely motivated and never ever give up
Im a jack-of-all-trades-master-of-none basically an ideaguy with motivation, so i need to pay an artist to make me pretty icons, if i were to do these myself i wouldn't be able to release this year. Also need my brother actual programmer help with the fullgame since the systems i want to make are quite hard to implement.
Estou traduzindo o jogo no momento porque os preguiçosos na minha familia não querem aprender ingles

I think ill just give up and use EU4
it's a shame to cause irrlicht looked pretty nice

Instead of release day why not agree on a release week? each dev chooses a day to release their game, this way we can get the board focused on one game at time, which will be helpful to gather feedback

[something about eating monkeys]

can I make a orange soda can in this game?
t. Gunther Hermann


No soda is bad for you, unless you have the right augmentations

Try something like pic related, it's softer to the eye compared to your theme.

Tell me what's wrong, I used to be in your position.

But I want to drink a orange soda!

You will be able to mod it in when i rewrite the cooking system
actually i may add myself, i have to see how it is done exactly



That will be adequate.

when i first compiled the example it gave me some makefile errors seems that the way the wrote these makefiles doesn't work for my version of make or something
so i adjusted the makefile to work but when i finally got it to compile it gave me this popup image related
And i can't find anything on this error
tried changing everything to 32bit still didn't work including adding -m32 to the compile command
So then i wrote my own program just an include of irrlicht and an empty main and i wrote my own compilation command linking the libraries and the includes adding the 32bit dll to the folder
But i still get the same error
o yeah i also had to add -c to the command to compile the library to make the compilation work which wasn't included in the default makefile
So the library i was using was in the win32-visualstudio folder and i wasn't using visualstudio and the win32-gcc folder was empty
so it seems if you wanna use mingw which i was using you have to compile the engine urself
So i just went to source code and executed the makefile that was there, ofcourse it doesn't work
I tried to fix the makefile for a little bit but i couldn't get it to work
it seems they are using some kind of strange automated compilation thing that is part of make and thats where it's going wrong
It keeps telling me it can't find a file but that file is just and intermediary file of the compilation process one that it should be making so i can't figure out what the problem is
so anyway all of the stuff i could find online was about using code::blocks to compile the engine not command line which i was doing.
So i download code::blocks it recognizes my compiler I open the irrlicht code::blocks project file in code::blocks
Everything looks good so i select the win32 debug build i click build and it just says it's failed doesn't even give me an error
and at this point I don't know what to do anymore

o yeah i should add
I'm on windows 7 and i can't install visualstudios everytime i try it just fails in weird ways

Your quads are supposed to have subquads

I find those bones very humerus.

Collabs very rarely work without money, and I'm dirt poor.

I like it

one can only hope;]

Download it here :
Unpack it on your desktop and go to the lib folder of your Irrlicht folder then check the WIN32-visualstudio or WIN64-visual studio and you'll find an Irrlicht.lib in it, that should be all you need. Now open codeblocks make a new project, not an irrlicht project, just a command line project and in you build options add the Irrlicht.lib to the library you need and then the include folder in the include option. This should work.

I'm just going to ask this as directly as I can.

Is there no way to use SFML without "installing" something? As in, can't I just put the files in my project folder, #include the headers from my own file and give the compiler some extra arguments or something to link the library files? Or something similar.

There's .dll files, .a files, and .h files.

Official SFML documentation only has instructions for using some separate program for this. Third party tutorials always use visual studio.

Yes, you can do exactly that. The tutorial for setting it up on Linux tells you what to do to compile with gcc/g++, so just put the library files in an easy to remember folder and use that as one of the include directories for gcc.

I haven't used SFML, but I don't see why you'd need to use an executable to "install" anything if it's just a library.

To compile against a library, add the "-lWhateverLibrary.a" flag when you call GCC. If you're using Codeblocks, just add that to the linker settings.

But that won't do much good without the header files. GCC should be able to figure out where they are automatically provided they're in a subdirectory of wherever you're compiling from. If Codeblocks, you'll need to add an include directory to its search directories.

The .dll files are for the user. You can have GCC statically link the library though if you want, which removes the need for .dlls (provided SFML doesn't have some kind of reservation about that. Probably not, but you should check.). Essentially, static linking will include the library binaries with your final executable, while dynamic linking will leave them out and have your program search for them in a .dll file.

Protip: if you're not using an IDE, learn to use Make if you don't want to kill yourself later on.

Hmmm it kinda sucks all those newer CPU looks like the same in shape since I have a plan to add 3 forms of CPU (basic,enhanced,advanced). I could probably use those Factorio tech sprites for that but I am not so sure about it. Right now I just painted my CPU items the same color pattern as the vanilla circuit item does. Meh I guess I will later model a few "Fantasy" CPU's then in this case which should look a bit similar to the actual CPU shape.

I'm sorry for the blurry sprites but right now I can use only the 32x32 resolutions for the sprites. The sprites to the right are from vanilla Factorio.

The ones on the right use better, use those.

Anyone got a good cmake tutorial? I've been looking around and all I can find is extremely contrived examples and links to buy their book about it.
I want something like the make template, a generic starting point to build off of, or at least a rundown of all the features.


The ones on the right give me a silicon boner.

What font is that?

Like this?

Alright thanks for the idea, I will try to make a rough sketch of that.

I don't know sorry.

I linked the library under build options but for some reason it's not including the library in the compilation command
Regardless i don't think this is any different from what i was doing before
It's just creating a compilation command and feeding it to mingw which I could just do by hand
anyway it still just says compilation failed without any explanation.

I think I'm ready to give up

Google says this is because using 32bit in 64bit or vice versa, but I tried both versions of SFML and there's no difference.

I'm done with my concept art. I think this "quantum" version looks good enough, I might redo the "biological" version so that its more pattern based instead of this right one.

Are you sure your compiler version matches exactly with the version of SFML you downloaded?

I just switched to the visualc folder that contains .lib files instead of the gcc folder with .o files, and now it works

But I'm compiling with MingW and gcc so how does that make sense?

Make a webm of your codeblocks build option.

A library is a library, I don't think it makes too much of a difference.

So rather than a bucket, each node should be thought of as a region which either contains other regions OR a group of objects? That might have been what was throwing me

I just don't like doing random things until something works, and then hoping it won't collapse on me some day and leave me clueless because I never had a clue to begin with.

I'm not sure what you're referring to by the visualc and gcc folders. When I download SFML 2.4.2 for MinGW from their website, pic related is the contents of the zip. The lib folder just has a bunch of .a files.
Linking .o files in GCC is a little different than .a files. I'm pretty sure it won't work with the "-l" flag, but rather the "-o" flag followed by all the .o files of your program. I guess it's not too surprising that the VisualC library would work, but you'll probably run into problems down the line.
So I'd either recommend downloading the MinGW zip at sfml-dev.org/download/sfml/2.4.2/
and linking the .a files,
or figuring out how to properly link the GCC .o files from the zip you originally downloaded.

It's a tree, user. Trees branch off multiple times, else they'd just be trunks.
When a node contains more than X amount of objects, split it up into 4 more nodes. Also pretty sure this was explained in the last thread.

Oops, I meant the gcc folder has .a files, not .o
All these single character extensions are hard to remember.

I downloaded the C bindings, maybe that's different.

ill just do images

.o files are called "object files". When you compile your source code, it gets compiled typically into assembly (with a .s extension) and then assembled onto a pre-revolutionary linked object file (which is fully compiled and assembled, but still holds unresolved symbols). When you link these object files together into a final executable, the symbols are resolved into their memory addresses, and the executable is built with execution stubs and headers so it can be run.
.a files are a type of library that is literally just an indexed archive (hence the a) of .o files. You can use Unix ar (which is packed with mingw) to build and extract these libraries.
-o is the "output" flag. The name following this is the output name of your executable. The object files specified on the command line are just input files to the compiler as regular arguments and don't have anything to do directly with the -o flag ("-o program.exe" or whatever you want to call it can even be at the very end of your command line without changing anything).

Good idea. Also it's demo day week instead of release.

Well I don't know what to tell you then, have you tried compiling your project by hand ?

My bad. I usually just let Codeblocks handle GCC for me, so I shouldn't pretend to be an expert, but user needed help.

*into a pre-linked object file
I'm posting while on the toilet. Phone auto correct sucks fucking hard.

Not your bad. I wasn't correcting you because you were wrong, I was giving you more information because you might be better off knowing the details (and knowing why the one-letter extensions are what they are can help you remember why they are used the way they are).
It's more "for the benefit of the reader" than that you did anything wrong.

I FINALLY have working level persistence in Unreal 4.
You can now leave a level and when you come back you'll find it in the same state you left it in. The best part about my implementation is that I can comfortably make it as detailed as I want. I can store the state of every single light switch in the level, if that's what I want.

Yeah i have it's the first thing i tried
this is the command i used
gcc -m32 -o3 -c main.cpp -I../irrlicht/include -L../irrlicht/lib/Win32-visualstudio -lIrrlicht -o main.exe
it does compile but when i open the executable it gives me a popup telling me it's not compatible 32/64 bit thing
the main.cpp file is just an empty main with irrlicht.h included


Can you share how you did this or the tutorials you used? I'm eventually going to have to worry about this and I'd like to know where to start when I do.

I don't really need this but I'm interested in knowing how you did it.
Surely you're not saving the positions of all the items in a level once you leave, right?

Not bad, user. You making a puzzle game?

Well shit, I can't really help you then, sorry.

That'll be handy for multi-stage puzzles.
Solve a puzzle, get a key to start a puzzle in room 2, which when solved gets you the missing piece you needed for a previous room.

i know it's fine
this is the thing that pisses me off about stuff like code blocks
it automates way to much to a point where most people have no idea what they are doing
so when you get an issue no one actually knows how to fix it
and when you google for stuff you only get really basic stuff like people not setting the options right
instead of actual comprehensive information about whats happening and how this shit actually works
I mean even for me a lot of what compilers do is just a huge black box and I really have no idea how to approach fixing problems like this
I mean I had the same shit with sfml but that is a much simpler library and even that was a goddamn nightmare to get working correctly

It's not just code blocks but windows in general, it's made for permanently assisted people. I'm stuck on it right now and I hate it. You have to install 10 000 different software to get something that would just work if you were on Linux, linking your libraries is a fucking nightmare and on top of it the shell is shit.

-c will disable linking, preventing it from producing a useable executable. Remove the -c flag.
-o3 should be -O3, with a capital O. You're having issues here likely because you're saving an object file as main.exe, not a proper executable. None of your linking flags are doing anything, because you are suppressing linking.

huh thats weird some answer i found said that -c would cause it to compile the library i was linking against
without the -c it won't compile
it gives me a linking error it's a weird one to also i think this is actually a different error than it gave me before
g++ -I../../include -I/usr/X11R6/include -m32 -O3 -ffast-math main.cpp -o ../../bin/Win32-gcc/01.HelloWorld.exe -L../../lib/Win32-gcc -lIrrlicht -lopengl32 -lm

this is the command i got from the makefile they supplied with the example after fixing it
before fixing it it wouldn't even parse the makefile without generating errors cause they had multiple of the commands with the same name
anyway if you have a good resource for what compiler commands do what i would love to have it cause i noticed to that they used some commands in the makefile that i wasn't sure what they did.
anyway this gives me linker error

./../i686-w64-mingw32/bin/ld.exe: cannot find -lIrrlicht
collect2.exe: error: ld returned 1 exit status
make: *** [all_win32] Error 1

which just makes no sense to me at all

No, the library you are linking against is already compiled. -c means "compile only, do not link", and therefore ignores all linking options (as the linking options are only applied to the linker step). -c would help you if you were compiling a library from its own sources, but only as a first step.

You probably don't want -m32, unless the libraries you are including are 32-bit. You put that in because you were chasing a red herring (the error it gave you was vague, and falsely mentioned something about 32 vs 64 bit). You need to make sure all your libraries are 32-bit or 64-bit and target that architecture appropriately. If you downloaded a 64-bit irrlicht, you want to leave out -m32 or actively make sure it's -m64 instead.

You don't want -ffast-math or -O3 when you are debugging. Those are things you only want to put in a release configuration.

The gcc invocation can be cleared up from the manual page. It's massive, though: man7.org/linux/man-pages/man1/gcc.1.html

That error is much more clear. It means that it can't find your irrlicht library, which makes sense because you aren't telling the linker where it is. You need to find the place that you have irrlicht installed and add it to an -L flag (add -L../irrlicht/lib/Win32-gcc and make sure the path actually points to the proper place).

ok i fixed it the command is now
g++ -I../../include -I/usr/X11R6/include main.cpp -o ../../bin/Win32-gcc/01.HelloWorld.exe -L../../lib/Win32-visualstudio -lIrrlicht -lopengl32 -lm
now it finally works it crashes instantly though but thats something i can work with

I know it was explained last thread.

Just wanted to say thanks to everyone for helping

Now that I can more or less write C, and also use SFML to make basic stuff like window and input handling easier, I'm starting to run out of excuses to work on my game. I'm actually pretty excited.

I ended up making a batch file to compile the project, so now I can just call that with Ctrl+B from my text editor and it compiles, links, and then runs the game. Here's what it looks like:
@ECHO OFFset filename=mainset exename=mygamegcc -c %filename%.c -I CSFML/includegcc %filename%.o -o %exename% -LCSFML/lib/msvc -lcsfml-graphics -lcsfml-window -lcsfml-systemstart cmd.exe /c %exename%.exeexit
I can also change the second last line to just "%exename%.exe" if I don't want the console to stay open.

Good luck m8.

You didn't get the GCC version to work?

I'm making a Tomb Raider 4 map

And people said pajeetcode was cancer

Is rapid prototyping a pajeet thing now? Because I always thought that was standard fare.

That's just prototyping user and is very much encouraged as long as you eventually fix it up.

If I write something shittily and then get distracted or occupied with something else before I refine it, I'll forget how it worked.

So for my wedding I promised my home board /a/ that they would be best man. And that means that they have to show up on wedding day. So I did a little python server that refreshes every few seconds and populates a text file with url candidate posts from a select thread on Holla Forums and downloads their image. That way they can actually post their waifus and attend my wedding. It will be glorious. I'll be working on making them so they spawn on the church benches. But this was a successful proof of concept.

Does anybody know any good places to hire voice talent? I need a raggedy old man voice for a priest to say wedding ceremony speech stuff. Also maybe cute girl voice actress (no english/japanese I just need wordless mouth sounds for her).

Mother of god…

this is amazing

How mad would someone be if I ended up basing my game heavily off the mechanics of another one and polishing and adding to it?

This is just plain autistic but amazing at the same time.

That's how most games are made.
If that other game is still in development on the other hand, you'd be complete scum if you did that.

No, no. I'm just stealing the main combat of a game and trying to polish it then add on an entire new layer on top. I feel like the Jap game I will be "taking inspiration from" might land me in some hot water even if it's pretty old now.

They keep getting more pathetic

What game?

like: day-z, rust, ark, 7 days to survive, unturned?

or like pokemon - poket morties

either way most games are covered by copyright not patent. mechanicaly you can do whatever the fuck you want as long as you stay away from the franchise. unless you try to take Ubicuks"nemissis" system that is in fact patented. you know the only good part from their into mordor series.

long story short no. as long as you stay away from assets your in perfect legal safety.

Even doing what I said wouldn't land you in hot water, let alone some old game.
Then again, you're indie and anything you do could land you in hot water if people feel like being cunts.

So how did you get involved with a commercial project?

I'm gunna re-ask my netcode question from earlier. Does anybody know how games collect their information before sending it out as packets. Right now I literally am just appending updated information to a global string. I'm getting to the point where I need some sort of wrapper for all of it. I can't even dig up how game packets are laid out.


With my (very) limited Diablo 2 modding experience, they basically seem to extract player input and send it across the network, and the client decodes their actions and applies it to the gamestate.

The mouse thing you just have get used to, but the viewport can be changed in many ways.

taskbar or gtfo

What, so I can get laughed at by Mr. Stallman?

I'm past that part. I need to figure out how they get all their data from across the backend, before they send it to the player.


We're all running non-free hardware anyway.

You're opening a can of worms so wormy that no one around here dares to poke a stick at it, which is probably why you didn't get an answer last time you asked.
However, I'm fairly well studied on the topic.
It's late here and I need to sleep, so I'll just link you to some articles for now:

You'll want to send everything the game needs to know over the network in as small a size as possible.
Strings are not the way to do this, unless you are sending textual data.
If you are sending integers, send them in binary form.
Floating-point numbers open a can of worms in and of themselves, see here:

Also, look into rollback vs. input-delay netcode approaches, the best approach is a hybrid of the two but this is non-trivial.

Hopefully reading through some of the above articles will give you some ideas on what to do for your netcode.
If not, perhaps I can show up again tomorrow to answer some questions…

Thanks for reminding me that I wanted to replay that.

He mentions C and C++; would C# still suffer from the multiplatform issue, even though it uses a VM to run code?

*Running out of excuses NOT to work on my game
That's what I get for staying up deving instead of going to sleep

No, I'm giving up on that for now. I've been messing around with non-gamedev stuff for a few days now, I'd like to experiment with actual game code for a while. I'll figure it out when I start looking into how to compile for linux.

I didn't realize there were different types of trees.Wikipedia helped somewhat. I'm gonna watch some YT shit later

When I meant a string, I meant I reinterpret_cast with my data types and append that, then send the string. These articles pretty good. I didn't know TCP can screw up UDP.

I feel legit bad for that guy

He's like a confused dog trying to do what he was told, but he's not sure why

The arguments about linked lists are valid on computers from 1990. They are NOT valid on any modern machine. On a modern CPU the time spent on a cache miss (which will happen, when you use a linked list) is much longer than the time spent on doing things like shifting an entire array. Today we have SSE extensions, that make it possible to copy huge amounts of memory in a small amount of instructions, which can be completed faster than a single linked list lookup just because its on the same cache line.

I won't let anyone near my code. I don't know anyone who I could even work with. I don't want anyone to contribute to my code because I don't know anyone who is on or could be on the same page with me about writing my engine.

If you can't program, its hard to contribute. The only part of the operation that is required is the programmer: as long as the programmer finishes his job, there will be a game.

That's actually what I'm going for, I want people to either feel sorry for these guys or start laughing at them.

Fuck you. Make something and post it anyways

Okay so say I have a blank tree, I add a node, it becomes the root. Then I add a second "value"; does the "value" have any coordinate data to it, or can it be literally anything? It's a spatial tree, after all.

So then I'll have two values, that means the tree needs to be split to have a parent/root node, and 4 NEW children, but only two of them will have a value associated with it?

Quadtrees only contain objects/values that have a position in the quadtree, if that's what you're asking.
When a node contains more than X amount of objects, split it. X can vary a lot depending on your needs. You should
probably add a maximum branch depth as well, especially if you want to select an area instead of a point, since it's
easier to keep your selection area smaller than your smallest node and just check the corners of your query area than
to find all nodes your query area is overlapping.
And yes, nodes can be empty as well, but you'd normally not split the tree when you have only two objects.

I have a raycaster but I need to fully understand how it really works first because the only thing I've done was adapting someone else's code to SFML like some retarded code monkey.

So a node could contain an array of size 4, and when it has all 4 elements filled, it splits into 4 smaller nodes, each child with a new array of 4 but only one element in each?

There is no guarantee each element goes into a unique child, as you split the node into 4 equal parts and throw the children into the right ones based on their location. 4 elements before splitting is also pretty low.

Sorry, I don't mean to hijack the thread but,

What happened to #GG? did the board die? (I think there was a GG board on here)

thanks in advance

I want to make a 256x256 tile map and, when given a tile and radius, prune away all objects outside of the radius. I have no idea why I'm fucking retarded for this

Go ask in
Why would you ask this in /agdg/ of all threads, and why would you not use the search function?

Yeah, I get that. Your 256x256 map would be sectioned off into 4 128x128 quadrants. Imagine there's 20 objects in the top left quadrant. When there's
more than 10 objects in a quadrant, you split it up into 4 64x64 quadrants, and thus place all those 20 objects into the new quadrant their position is in.
This repeats until there's less than 10 objects in a quadrant, or if the quadrant has been split up for instance 4 times already (and is thus 16x16).

thanks mate
GG was about indie devs being in cahoots with journalists so it's kind of tangential

sorry, haven't been in here for like 2/3 years

That's fucking retarded. Go back to your containment board.


well it turns out it wasn't working after all i was using the visualstudio lib when i was compiling with gcc unfortunately there was no gcc lib included so i would have to compile the engine myself
instead i just downloaded visualstudio and now it actually works.

tbh code me two spiders

I revamped the programming page in the wiki to be a bit more clear and coherent.


So I realized instead of fucking around posing a model every which way while weight-painting, if I simply made an animation which goes through all the extreme rotations of each bone, weight painting all the little clipping errors away becomes a hundred times faster.


I like this knight.

/dance animation


is this runescape?

for a hex grid map?

I promise I have Beelzebox progress to report, really!

But during downtime I keep delving deeper and deeper into autism

Time to stop posting forever


Does anybody have a name or better yet, a direct link to a full infomercial of vid related? I want to make a stupid webm.

Anybody got a screencap of that one user talking about the concept of tiling in procedurally generated environments? I need to read that again.

The game has a fucking seizure whenever it's run in fullscreen. I haven't figured out what's doing it yet, but it used to work fine.

Is that how promises of actually posting progress usually end?


I just want to make game god dammit

i feel stupid, but i don't want a list of list references in an object that's referenced just so i can avoid a few null references

Just wait until the Stockholm syndrome sets in and you start to enjoy setting up boilerplate code more than actually making game.


I've gone back a full year. you faggots need to post the last thread, otherwise it gets tedious

I've already spent like 90% of my time avoiding dev because I hate this.

I'm considering just taking a break and working on my old projects for a while even though my plan was to abandon them and port them to SFML.

Fuck, you're motivated.

*last thread in OP

That's a sign if ever I saw one, thanks.

I wanted to be reminded of good ol' times not feel shame.

I'm a little worried since I once posted a link to a profile of mine. Now my online identity is permanently linked with Holla Forums.

Next time I'm protesting against the full archival of imageboards, I expect you to be there to agree with me.

it's 88 threads of pure MOTIVATION after all

wow, I'm glad it worked out so well for ya!

Well, we all sperg out from time to time (see my drunk post in this very thread) so I wouldn't worry. I'm sure the feels of good old times will come still.

/agdg/ by its very nature requires us to throw away some of out anonimity chans are so good for. We are making games we will be claiming as our own after all. But if it's really private information, I'd be contacting the two archivers to obfuscate your data. I will be doing further research whether other websites have threads archived (and many do), so keep a lookout for that and take action.

I'm not sure if that's possible, really. Especially with Holla Forums's GG-ers using archive.is in their boycotts.
My advice would be to keep posting cautiously (as in other places on the internet- it all gets archived somewhere, somehow) if privacy is an important concern for you.

Anyways, these archives will be a very useful tool for me, I found quite a few projects I remember being posted here that disappeared without a trace. I do this because I see value in all of us nodev's work and I think it should be respected and remembered
not to mention that much of the advice and banter in these threads is priceless

I know that feel, mate. Not really on this board, but others. Worst fucking part is that it can be traced back if anyone cared enough. So I'll just go make vidya and pray. And hope that the quality of my work outshines my spaghetti.

It's happened to me a few times but nothing came out of it. If you aren't lolcow-tier or overly caustic I don't think people really give a shit.

When the revolution comes this will save your life.

Trust me user im from the future.

I like to think that I wasn't that bad. Just prone to mental breakdowns and rants until I got my shit together and figured out life.

Anyone got good resources on making a collectathon platformer in unity? I want to create a 3d puzzle-platformer with mechanics inspired by QPU and the Bug's Life licensed game

I did not use any tutorials except for a basic tutorial on how to save data in Unreal since I didn't know the API.
When I was still using Unity I forked an asset called the "Unity Serializer" since the original developer abandoned it by that point. I maintained it for a couple of Unity releases and then switched to Unreal. My current solution is somewhat similar to the Unity one, albeit a lot simpler (partly because Unreal does a lot for you). Before you go look for its source code: the Unity Serializer is R I D I C U L O U S L Y powerful and the source code reflects on that. It took me a considerable amount of time before I could even fix bugs within the existing code base since the documentation was nearly non-existent.
When you actually get to the point where you need to implement something like this, post in this thread. If I'm around, I'll see how I can assist you. What engine are you using btw?

No, I'm saving a lot more than just the positions.


That's one thing. Another is that it does a lot for immersion. A world isn't believable until what you broke stays broken.

I wanna pat_ her

Don't be such a slut, user.

May 2015


I'd say GG is/was more about exposing the existing "journalist" cabal that coordinated privately to promote fuck buddies and to engage in activist attacks on games and game makers they identified as sexist or exhibiting some other evidence of "wrong think". SJW and post-modern agenda, essentially.

Seeing Speebot from 2016 was exactly the feel I was looking for.

Anyway, since as you have enough time to now manage a wiki, why did you stop updating your progress on Belzebox site? You added plenty of new things.

If you're posting "democrat councilman furry"-tier stuff then being associated with this place is least of your problems. If not then most people won't really care unless you're a sperg. From the outsiders point of view there isn't any difference between Holla Forums and halfchan and people from creative boards there have been linking to their profiles for years now, so it can't be that bad.

Does anyone have a good reference on c or c++ skeletal animation, or a tutorial on GPU skinning and animation?

I've started looking at ozz guillaumeblanc.github.io/ozz-animation/

I've also looked around in AssImp at their animation demo. It seems a little rough.

my codemonkey friend kept telling me it's too early to write blogs, as in we're not doing promotion yet outside of /agdg/ and doing gamejams.
He thinks my gore system reveal was premature, for example. Perhaps he was right, it isn't implemented to work with the combat he wrote for me. His logic is that we might re-write the whole game or scrap many features I want to implement but might turn out too ambitious. We don't want to create false advertising. Well, out of simple respect to my partner, I am humoring his request and keep to posting progress on here.

We have the whole development archived on git so I guess returning to the previous state of the game to show off how it progressed will be possible when we'll want to build up hype among normalfags.

I wanted to write post-mortems for our LDJam games as well… that's still in the pipeline, I guess.

This blog embargo situation might change, though.
my friend might get a gamedev job soon. I'm afraid he might sign an NDA forbidding him from making anything outside of the company
then he is supposed to transfer his assets to me
with full control over the project, I would blog all I want
But I don't want to lose the guy's expertise… so I hope the NDA won't be that draconian

And the wiki is one of my many sideprojects that I need for my mind to function properly, just like the jam games, tictacs, the little flightsim, mocap, hop farming etc.

and I am not creating a Beelzebox wiki page because that would look the hell of a lot like vanity
so if anyone did me that favor, I'd be much obliged

How about he keeps participating but you both stfu about his contributions to the project ?

We'll see. My other programmer friends strictly refuse to work with me because those contracts they signed are so scary.

Looking at both Unreal and Unity for my game, it doesn't look like either one really suits my needs. Anyone got any suggestions to base a 3D RTS off of other than making your own?

> I'm afraid he might sign an NDA forbidding him from making anything outside of the company
Jesus. It can't be that bad? It probably is that bad.

It can be done, supposedly. Cities Skylines was made in Unity.

How can they know he worked on your game if none of you talk about it ?

First of all, just because you're a programmer that doesn't mean you'd be a good team manager or team member, or you could still fuck up the design document or use completely different approaches from the other guys or whatever.
Secondly, being a 1MA is great for learning multiple crafts, so that when you're actually going to use them for work, you can juggle multiple jobs having learnt skills you didn't even know were needed.
Thirdly, as much as it's nice to work in company of other people or on open source projects, everyone's their own fucking ideas guy. It's not enough that it's a game you've worked on, it has to be YOUR game with YOUR ideas, otherwise you're just wasting man-hours on something that is somebody else's game project. The Cuphead guys were smart: they hired codemonkeys and figured their game out for themselves.
Finally, you might end up in niches. You might be super fucking into hairdressing in the colonial era and into RTS's and JRPGs and have a very convoluted game idea that in your mind actually works, but then you'd have to find people that would be willingly waste their lives following that weird project of yours. Not everyone's gonna give a damn about your niche.

Also, programming isn't the main problem, even a monkey could do it. The problem is designing the game, making it playable on toasters, keeping its scope tied to your strengths, using limitations to create something unique etc.

Well, The abandoned RTS projects on the wiki were made in either Unity or Spring. Think of the fact that they are abandoned what you will. I had RTS projects but you asked for unbiased info so there you have it

>Jesus. It can't be that bad? It probably is that bad.
It's standard practice in IT and creative "industries". You don't want your assets to funnel their creativity towards their own prosperity. Especially when you invest good money on that asset's salary.

A paper trail might be left. Paypal or bank transfers for God-knows what, for example. His ambition to be in the credits while I'm a fucking ghostwriter…
Well, I do agree with you to some degree but I know the guy and I wouldn't expect him to be swayed too easily.

Bitcoins muhfugga

They aren't even NDAs, if memory serves, but something else altogether. NDAs restrict what you're allowed to talk about in relationship to your job.
The practice that all you do during work is owned by your employee is standard, because otherwise IP rights become an absolute clusterfuck.
And then there are NCCs (non-compete clauses). You promise not to enter the same field in a different company for x years. The idea behind it is to curb corporate theft. Imagine a top engineer leaving Intel for AMD as an example. The NCC says that after you leave, you can't work in the field for a few years so that your knowledge becomes outdated enough.
What I'm about to say falls under either German or European law, so take it with a grain of salt. If memory serves (I had to take a law class for one semester that dealt with that sort of shit) NCCs are quite rare, because they come at a high cost for your employee. Basically, if you sign the contract and it says that you aren't allowed to compete with them for say 3 years after you leave, your employee has to keep paying you your full wage for those 3 years even though you don't work for them anymore.

both unity and unreal are fine for making a 3D rts you can make pretty much any game with either of those engines

interesting proposition. I think he'll settle for cash, though, if at all.

yeah, sorry. I use the term NDA as it's what applies to me, personally. But as you might expect, the non-compete clauses apply here. And they are rather strict.

Anyway, I made this webm with the current state of the project. As you see, because of the re-write we are doing, many features you already saw in the prototype are not implemented yet, while things that are new I am happy with.

The combat will need a lot of work (sounds and other feedback are needer) but the inventory system is something I'm proud of.

Keep going m8.

Inventory system, looks like ass but it's working.
I've got to admit that i've been slacking lately, my motivation is waning. The more i progress the more i realize that my project is overscoped, unoriginal and doesn't match well with my strengths, which are not animating or modelling and rigging. Im not sure if i should just keep going, take a break, or make a different game.

oh, I will, that's for sure.

I'm open to critique, as always. Things can still be changed/added relatively easily.

Try participating in gamejams, as I said before, these small projects help you reset and gain both perspective and motivation, either for persevering or starting a new project.
I hope helping me with the wiki also helps you relax to an extent
And that's not a bad looking inventory at all!

What does the (clone) means ?

Oh, it's not a game mechanic thing.

Currently, the items themselves don't have unique names generated, like monsters do. So the displayed name is actually the GameObject.name the engine uses. After the item gets instantiated, it has this (clone) part added, like -copy in filenames.

Once I prepare a sensible name randomizer, it will be things like "Zealous Mace of saint George" or "Adramelech's Folly"
Unless we'll add item identification - then it will be just "common/rare etc. mace", along with applicable rarity colours

I will, thanks for the advice. Can you recommend any, or is there a good place to look for them?
It does, and im doing too little on the wiki, but im not emotional or bitter about this, im just rationally looking at the project and think it's doomed to unfinished mediocrity at best, i need a more concentrated, condensed concept.


Someone needs to watch "The Ring".

Yeah, what said should be adequate. Itch.io often has quality jams hosted, although some random's low-participation jam made for fun might be worth consideration as well, if the terms are acceptable and the topic is interesting. Especially that the large jams often have some sort of an agenda attached to them or attract pixelshit-making hipsters.

As you see, depending on what you'd like to tackle, there are jams with different time constraints.
I don't really see any sense in ones that give you more than a week.
I personally took part in two editions of the Ludum Dare jam, which is huge and takes only 48-72 hours over the weekend. It's really great for learning to scale your project to your capabilities, plan the whole endeavour before you delve into coding etc. The feedback after the jam is pretty fun as well, if you have time to play all your co-participants' games.

For some reason LD38 was pretty big on /agdg/ but 39 was mostly ignored here.

Stay away from Gamejolt jams. That whole website is a meme-ridden shithole.

chan culture has become so accepted and dominating in the internet that it doesn't matter anymore, even when someone tries to start a witch hunt you can bet on people taking your side as long as you don't fold

Any professional game company would have you blacklisted already.

but the resistjam shenanigans were pretty fun

Is that first one still going?

Isn't that the jam where we made fun of the people in the discord ?

Yeah, I screencapped it from the page as it was 5 minutes ago. It says submission closes in 3 years, so I guess they're following in the artistic footsteps of Shia Labeouf in a way.
Speaking of that, I can't use the Windows API without chuckling every time I have to type "HWND".

Ahh, yes.
Now that was fun

Making real inroads in my quest to serialize my animation scripts, so that some day I'll hopefully have a real animation editor. Still needs to be prettier and copy over more information though.

You think we can enter the jam, make some shitty horror game and put IQ and rape stats as some kind of screamer ?

Thats fucking genius

Five nights at a college campus?
Gender: the 8 pages of pronouns?

What's funny about that dude you posted literally just wanted to make games. He was totally neutral. He even got banned just for coming here and responding to us. Then he joined our side and made an Holla Forums gamejam which actually had some people make games

My biggest paranoid fear is that somehow the internet invent-something-to-get-angry-about machine will find how much of an edgy dumbass I was back in the day and use it to try and discredit and crusade against who I am now. People love digging up irrelevant stuff from people's pasts!



Post progress if you want to bump

For what purpose this thread is on 349 replies already.

So those Discord guys have a lot of money? I was wondering already why this botnet program was shilled even on obscure places.

see?, this is the reason I'm against demo day, people already wait to post progress until next thread, now they will wait between demo days.

I haven't made much progress since I was fiddling with the Hardware recipes/items all the time. And I have made 2 items that are not used at all for other stuff :—-DDD
And all that just for 1 item that is indirectly useable, my autism got the better of me

The serenity of this webm speaks vaporwave to me. Sorry for this unholy mix

I abandoned my spring project because there is no hope in this engine anymore with its broken pathfinder system. That engine used to be pretty good but now? It sucks, one of the good thing this engine does that it is relative easy to add new content you can now use Blender directly for that and previously Upspring was needed to add the models because the .s3o and .3do (OTA format) are custom which there is no export plugin for Blender at all, .3do is a special case since it uses per-face texturing instead of UV maps, in other words this engine supports also formats like .dae and .obj too if I am not mistaken. I miss playing the old 1944 mod on this engine which was pretty fun cuz it had a lot of units and stuff. It also sucks the new unknownfiles site has this weird content layout now, before the new website design it was easy to figure out what this mod does because it has descriptions for that

I don't even know why I even bothered maintaining my project this year or was it last year(?) if I very well know the pathfinder sucks probably my assburger. If somebody is interested I can upload my whole model sources that I have made for this since I don't see anytime soon that I am going to work on it at all and whats the point having models in my Hard drives if its collecting dust.

Raymarching probably can't handle vidya.


You've seen nothing yet.
Here's a few hints for optimisation later:
Note that manual SIMD makes your code night unreadable in many cases, so only do this shit at the end.
>you're probably doing everything on the CPU, consider using the GPU unless you want ridiculously large scenes, with gigabytes of collision data
this is largely because the way to get soft shadows in raytracing is just adding 32 lights per light

Mimic skeletons hold a nasty surprise


Ok, enough spelunking in internet archives I hope

I found the original, the one that started it all. The very first dev/vm general on the main Holla Forums board, or at least the earliest thread I can find.

Too bad pictures are a fuck. The youtube vid links to Fuhrer Boxing dev's earlier project and he's still here, which is admirable.

What saddens me is that during what I expect to be turbulent times for the board (april-august 2015), most threads were not archived.

Full archive list here:

i started that bread
i'm surprised we have it archived
all things considered, the nig nog model was a waste of shekels, i only really wanted it for the animations, and a few months later the store got a low poly model with equally good animations for like 10$
the nigger was 100$
and i'll never finish a vidya with him

for this to be profitable for the one providing venture capital they dont need to sell your data. they need to get millions and millions of users then sell the stock with a good price. Right before that there will probably be a big push to clean up the service and shove some ads and other profitable shit in, like with snapchat. From what i hear Twitters stock is also not worth a lot compared to what it initaly sold for, but all the vc companys dont care, because they already made their profits.

it looks better than it sounds, that's for sure. I do enjoy the vaporwave aesthetic.

And I guess "serenity" isn't exactly what I should be going for in an aRPG but that track is composed as town background, as you surely noticed.

Also, I applied some noise removal for the track in the .webm so it might have a different feel to it than the embedded version.

Do you remember any dev threads on main 8/v/ board before that? Because if not, that asset is priceless in a way, for what it began was worth it.

It's an OpenGL fragment shader so i don't have to worry about parallelizing it manually. The main reason its so slow is Im on a decade old integrated graphics card and I havent began to optimize at all

i can't recall anything before that
i tried to start the same thing up on halfchan a year or two before, but nobody was that interested there at the time
sadly the original hitler boxing is lost, all we have is models, videos and later projects

well, it sure found fertile ground over here. There was a new thread on the very next day, which is impressive.
Thanks for starting this thing and staying with us!

RIP hitler boxing
you will be remembered and added on the wiki

I felt the need for a threadly update but I haven't done anything. So take this instead.

Meua migo…


Cool I think there are too few games with nuns in them.

Pewdiepie would definitely play it and it would go viral.

you should put in a nigger jumpscare for him to play it:DDDDDDDDDD

So nobody knows a good place to find amateur voice talent? If anybody wants to take a stab at an old man voice (priest) on vocaroo, I can pay you $30 to read about 1.5 minute's worth of lines.

i'd do that much voice acting for a burger, where the fuck did you pull those wages from

Next up making baby steps into BSP-tree based renderer.


What's the name of the wad? Wanna give it a try.


You made this?
Fucking nice.

From my ass. Because I'm looking for pretty amateur talent to save money. It's too much?

Also because it's just one somewhat long marriage speech

Depends. A burger will probably get you someone delivering one take after a minute or two of reading the text. 15~20$ might be good if you want someone to really try to get it with some retakes and adjustments, 30$ sounds a bit much for me if you're looking for amateur talent. You're going to have to go in with some directing then, too. Even good VAs suck with shitty directing.

Make a different game, it's not like you are abandoning it or anything.

user, i…

gib idea


remake ss13 but good :DD

What are your strengths?

Wasn't someone doing that in GZDoom?

Is Codeacademy good enough for learning Python when I don't have any programing knowledge at all? Because I am considering it later if I am done with my 2 projects in one way or in another to learn programing because there is no FOSS games at all that I am interested in modding or modding for it is not so simple. Well GZDoom/Zandronum is a quasi FOSS game so to say buts its engine is way to limiting when it comes to things like how it handles the 3D stuff and the maps. I can recall that codeacademy got recommended here a few times but I am not sure if it was also applicable for Python. My final goal is that I can develop games on Godot.

Programming mainly, things that concern the logic and systems behind a game. Not art or animation. Maybe i should just git gud at that but im justifying my time spent on gamedev with picking up experience alongside muh CS major, and i certainly dont want to go into modelling, animation, painting or >pixel art professionally.


This shouldn't be so hard and convoluted I'm basically on the edge of just throwing all of this shit into the trash and making browser games for facebook instead

Just link OpenGL32.lib? On GCC its -LGL or something, on windows just link OpenGL32.lib

So you should try your luck in system based games using really simple graphics or even ascii, like:

Or you can experiment with something new, look A Dark Room, for example, with its growing gameplay from idle game to almost a roguelike and it doesn't have any graphics at all. To be honest, any 2D game would be a cakewalk compared to your fully-fledged 3D game efforts, but I imagine that you want to spend the minimal time with art assets and stuff.

The best idea would be to make your desired game no matter what, I found myself making ideas from someone else and quitting because I always thought I could be doing my shit instead. So find something simple to do, but also that you would love doing, I know it can be hard to find something like this, but it's worth the patience, better than crash and burn later.

Also, jams

I officially have no idea how libraries work whatsoever

Where does the OpenGL32.lib magically come from even though I don't define any path for it? I was told it's part of the compiler but it has nothing called opengl in it. How come adding -lOpenGL32 to the linker works, how come it changes the "l" into "lib" for the filename for every other file? How come I got like 80 different answers from googling and was told to add 1 fucking megabyte header files from 10+ mb libraries in order to link to opengl? If it's this easy why doesn't SFML tutorial just say so? Why didn't ANYONE ON THE ENTIRE INTERNET seem to just say so?

Seriously though thanks man
I can finally close my 800 browser tabs

what was the rule on the new threads again?

Page 13, or 700 posts.

This exact shit is why I ditched Windows as a development platform for anything that requires external libraries.

As if Linux is any better with its ten thousand "lib" directories.

Linux IS better with its ten thousand lib directories.

Having OpenGL named "Opengl32.lib" is just the standard name for the OpenGL library on windows. This is true across the vast majority of compilers. The place that it comes from, is that when you download your compiler, it will come with a set of the basic libraries that most people will need to develop for windows. This is most notably the Windows Library files (because you NEED those to do ANYTHING on windows), but it will also come with a Library file for OpenGL on windows, because that's just part of the basic set. It will also automatically have the path to the directory that these libraries are in (which is obviously just in the installed compilers file tree). Also, its a convention that if you type -l on compilers, it'll link that library, and then I think -L to specify a library path. That's just a thing that most compilers do.

I have no idea where you got your information from, I cant remember how I learned that OpenGL is linked to "OpenGL32.lib" on windows either. My theory is that SFML users are using SFML because they don't understand the underlying system that it creates an abstraction layer on top of, so when something messes up one level of abstraction down, they don't know what's happening, and so the information you're getting from them isn't helpful.


Are you completely sure about that? I have two separate MinGW installations on my computer (I don't fucking know why, I think codeblocks is to blame) and both of them have a libopengl32.a right under the lib subdirectory.
Convenience I guess, just like how you don't need to specify the .a file extension. Yes the file is called libopengl32.a, but it knows what you mean if you just do an "l" and leave out the ".a".

There's only a bunch of header files in the compiler folder. It's a portable version so it's not like it installed them somewhere either.

I wish there was a very comprehensible "tutorial" or something where you could learn about the hows and the whys of all this kind of stuff. I believe that most things like this are usually very simple, but nobody is able to properly articulate how it works and online search results are cluttered with Visual™ Studio®.

Another thing I'm constantly confused by is 32bit and 64bit, as in can libraries from different ones work together, what effect does it have in regards of your compiler, what's the relation between using a 64 bit library/compiler in development versus running the final product on a 64 bit machine, how do I find out whether a default windows library or something is in the correct bit format, how do I compile for different targets or platforms as opposed to whatever it does by default, what DOES it do by default?…

There's got to be answers out there somewhere but it's like a treasure hunt trying to piece together fragments of information to obtain the whole picture and really understand what it means. I suppose it makes me understand why most people just say "fuck it" and use Visual Studio and jerk off some menu buttons to set up everything. Maybe if someday I understand all this stuff, I'll make a big tutorial to help more people understand so they too can dev without being handcuffed to some program.

4 cardinal directions and an idle state for movement, jumping, falling, and landing.

well at least i was productive today

Thanks user, i will consider some ideas over the next few days.
I think thats not unlikely for me as well.

There has to be a location where OpenGL32.lib is installed too. I think MinGW installs its stuff in a weird way, which is why I don't like using it. Try searching your entire computer for every instance and I bet you'll find it.

32-bit compilation generates machine code for the x86 CPU architecture. 64-bit compilation generates machine code for the x64 CPU architecture, which is backwards-compatible with x86. Therefore, on x64, you can link your program with x86 code. But, it wont work the other way around. If you want to take advantage of using x64, you should compile as many of your libraries as you can for x64, before linking. Windows libraries dynamically link to .dll files in system32 (I'm pretty sure), so, its not an issue what bit format they are.

If you're able to compile a hello world program (using stdio), then your compiler has to have some directory where it finds standard C library stuff. If you're able to link OpenGL without specifying where it is, then it's probably in that same directory. If it even exists, what does your MinGW\lib folder contain,?

Honestly I wouldn't worry too much about this particular instance. It's a little weird that you can't seem to find where your compiler keeps its libraries, but it's all just standard stuff you're not gonna be changing anyway. Libraries, headers and #includes were always the big "don't think about it, just follow the tutorial" thing for me (starting with C++ didn't help things either), but it all started to make more sense once I naturally progressed to making programs that consist of my own headers and multiple source files.

>Almost page 13

Oh boy I can't wait to ask the same question about quadtrees, but reworded again, until I understand it

At least you're not that guy that spent weeks trying to move a camera in Godot.

On what world is that graph helpful?

usually you don't have all the bones selected at once

Well, that guy didn't, but I did.Though the current version you can download and play right now is awful compared to this massive update I'm working on.

Well that turned out a lot better than I expected

Why tho?