Post some grief videos, talk about your own experiences with griefing and everything related with griefing here.
Griefing thread
Posting another classic
Here ya go
I don't know if that's griefing or pure actual insanity.
Hey faggot upload another mcdonalds video or i'll kill you all
The screech of the autistic kid as he drifts into the abyss is a staple of the internet at this point.
When its really only been 5 mins
What a legit cunt. Also notice every whiteknight defending her had a nasally numale voice. Griefing is a bit more satisfying when they deserve it
This was never griefing, but it is definitely top-tier banter
I remember there was a glitch in TF2 where if you shot the sandman's ball above a teleporter exit when someone used, the exit would break. I had a field day with that shit with one guy constantly getting angry at me in chat. Nobody actually noticed my destroying the teles so everyone thought he was just bullshitting until next map where he just said "fuck you" started a votekick against me and the vote passed. I wish TF2 was still fun.
Speaking of Daniel, he unveiled his long-awaited magnum opus about a month ago.
It really is next level in fucking with people.
This is next level only because these people are dumb as fuck
It's almost like that's the entire point.
Early TF2 had some amazingly gamebreaking glitches that could be used to fuck with people. There was a simple bug in practically every game that used Source 2007 where doing a combination of jumping and crouching at the same time would allow you to slightly clip through some floors from the bottom. As Engineer this meant you could setup teleporters out-of-bounds and build your shit outside the map, including in the skybox. If you do the aforementioned glitch but you crouch again while clipping into a floor you will get stuck in the ceiling. This derivative glitch was useful if you were demoman because you could setup sticky traps while hiding in the ceiling
so like in vid related?
God this makes me nostalgic
any other good SL people? i know about charliezzz
old gem
Old classic.
I use to have a field day on dustbowl setting up sentries in the sky box on the ps3 version.
Those were the best times playing console tf2.
I've joined Team GRN in their better days. The amount of clipping they managed to find is astounding.
Who's being griefed?
I won't even doubt your post at this point.
Honestly the editing makes half the video.
is hilarious
Well, I'm not such a fan of grieffing because I suffered an act of grieffing so weird and upsetting it made me butthurt for a few days.
Britbong lel, Smegmakimg is alright.
the best part about project reality is the fact that the mods are so anal that theyll ban you in a second after griefing.
Story time
You will bully me because it was in a minecraft server when minecraft wasn't so cancerous and there was mods to do industry.
Just post it you attention hungry faggot
Well, it was a postapocalyptic kind of server with only dirt, little water and almost not vegetation mod that I joined because I liked the idea of survive. I should have seen the first red flags like l33tspeak and encouragement of raiding others, not to mention paid priviledges like unbreakable blocks for you if you pay, but fuck the others, yet I got in because it was the closest thing to rought wasteland-like survival I could find. Also, I had nothing, so it wouldn't be a problem if I'm killed at the start.
Suddenly, I met someone and I expected to be killed. Surprisingly, he said hi in the chat, then I said hi too, talked a little and the guy gave me lots of resources. Everything I needed to build a decent little base, also water and seeds. I've been in contact with that guy, believing he was a friend in the game.
I made my home inside a big mountain of dirt, just another boring mountain it the brown world. I even shown the base to that friend. After hours of building and already being confortable inside, someone invaded my home and began to steal the whole base from me, not just break stuff or steal things, I mean stealing the whole claimed zone. I asked help to my friend, seeing he was more prepared than me, but after he came and saw everything… he just joined him in killing me over and over and ravaging the base.
After I lost everything and I was still in shock I asked why? The guy raiding me and killing me over and over was his friend and he decided it would be more fun to fuck me over. In my building anger and butthurt I asked him why would he give me anything and not kill me on the spot if he was going to raid me anyway, being most of the stuff they took his, he replied "I dunno lol".
It wasn't losing my base what hurted me, but the wasted time, how I couldn't even be close to get revenge and how the unfairness of all of it, so I quitted that server.
Wow, you're fucking retarded.
This is spectacular.
One of the kids from the Mr. Bones part sounds just like the 'delete this' kid. I know it's not the same kid but imagining it was just makes it even funnier.
Why are you even here?
Ive had faggot online buddies, people who I actually knew and played with regularly do worse.
Like, killing whole Regiments and clans and shit.
That's why survival pvp games all suck dick: a group establishes superiority and you can never ever fight back because fighting back requires things you will never get.
so what's the grief? he joined the kid's minecraft server?
The thing is that I could play "everyone is friendly" servers, but then I would feel like I'm missing something.
Anyone know what happened to zombi/the goron crew?
Mr. Bones is Mastur Cheef
I'm sad now
Some IRL shit probably
Some IRL shit probably
When Asheron's Call released I made two characters: one spellcaster for buffing gear, and one fighter. I used to buff all the fighters gear, switch characters, and then roll into the towns of Sawato and Shoushi and pk as many people as I could until they organized aganist me and I ran away.
In the early days of the game you could loot the Lugian (giants basically) weapons, and I would always use the Lugian mace. I basically played whack-a-newb at the starter town and my main shopping town.
pic related is some old newb with a Lugian axe
That's a report
Love it when children get this upset over their digital presence.
Those ventrilo ones are hilarious. Fuck peggy.
First vid "Who steals bot? I'm trying to make fucking video." Oh. Okay. Not funny. Second vid "We're gonna make some big fucking plays." "Shut up." "Shut the fuck up." Oh. Okay. Also not funny. Maybe because ASSFAGGOTS is cancer, but I have to imagine there's some humor in that cesspool failure of a game somewhere.
Little awkward, and not well-composed. There's a chuckle or two in there.
It's a good thing you aren't into spreadsheets and space, you'd have killed yourself playing EVE online a long time ago.
I don't really have any great experiences with actual griefing, but I used to be one of the best multiplayer Red Faction players on PC when it launched. Few people were aware of or used the secondary fire on some weapons, in particular the heavy machinegun, and few people used that weapon because while it fired quickly it was horrible inaccurate at anything past close range where the shotgun was the undisputed champion. Unfortunately for lots of other players, the secondary fire of the heavy machinegun first at about half speed, but was sniper-accurate to the reticle on the screen, basically making it the superior long, mid-long range weapon if your target is in sight and a rocket launcher wasn't an option. I've never been accused of being a cheater more than when using the secondary fire on the heavy machinegun in Red Faction.
One day I noticed no mods really watched the Halo wars steam page. So I started uploading shit not related to Halo. When that didn't get taken down I started just uploading Mamizou from touhou to the point I had 3 steam threads in their discussion area complaining about me and an entire reddit thread.
And all I did was waifu post
I think that's the issue now. People see griefing and try to become the next big thing. First and foremost griefing should be fun for you and the people you're running with. Even if it's just flooding a ponyRP server and everyone goes skeleton and starts screaming into their mic as long as the group is enjoying it and the server population is being made upset it's all that counts.
Further proof that wafiufags are cancer
Should've posted animu angel girls with nimbuses.
You have to play those to understand what's going on. In Dota you are basically racing your enemy, whoever get's their items first wins the game. And the griefer in that video just stole his mid players bottle, which is huge. That probably single handedly lost them the game.
In the second video he basically kicks his teammate into the enemy base, getting his teammate killed. What makes this guy so funny is that he plays in very high skilled games. He often ended up in games against pro gamers and totally destroyed them. It was so bad that pro gamers had to switch servers just to dodge him.
Most griefing videos just show retards being retarded in low ranked games in which everyone is retarded anyway. But griefing in high ranked matches is something entirely different
Yeah I know, but I can't be arsed to care. It'd be, to me, like watching any player in sports deliberately sabotaging the team and pretending to be retarded while doing it, but I don't care enough about the game or the people playing it to try to understand the minutiae. Just like a couple of the CS ones up there, they qualify as griefing sure but they weren't really entertaining.
The less defined the win condition is the funnier it tends to be from what I've seen. The dotards he's playing with are quick to dismiss the game as a wash as soon as he starts trolling and get ready to move on to the next. In the more open ended games where people do a modicum of roleplaying and where the mechanics allow more creative roadblocks instead of just a dead teammate and a lost game the griefing tends to be more entertaining.
haha every time
That is certainly some ascended tier stuff.
2hu posting is best posting.
project reality?
He sounds like he's like 13 years old, not even that big of a deal at that age.
If he were 18+ and still the size of a child, then it would be an issue
I think that's Arma 2.
I was going to post an obvious pasta whining about griefing, but last time I did something like that I got a 1 day ban, so instead I'll just post a webm I made from a hilarious griefing video featuring some pajeet kid
now that i think of it, griefing is mostly adults bulling little kids
Most of the time it's someone doing something mildly annoying and the kid escalates the situation by exploding into a crazy fit of rage.
I guess sometimes it's kind of like hazing. I like to think it teaches kids to stop overreacting when shit doesn't go their way. It did it to me when I was a scrub. Eventually just realized getting mad at people who like it when you get mad is a waste of energy.
No, it's people having fun with kids who likely shouldn't be playing the game they're playing in the first place
Those guys are pretty funny.
God, their "tf2 quiz game" skit used to have me in treats. Too bad they stopped making videos
it's funny but there sometimes it crosses the line (something more complex than micspam, like scamming on an MMO or just harassing a person following him from server to server) and becomes sadism because of the humilliation, also i dont think anybody would feel proud of having a hobby about pissing of kids
But scamming is funny, following someone server to server is ridiculous though. Either way, quit being a bitch because it's funny.
Pretty much, kids are the gasoline to the trash fire. You get one of them to explode and it just gets better from there.
The longer I listen to this kid the more I want to beat the fucking parents.
this prepares them for life.
I want to believe this is fake because of the fact that he has both noclip and guns on a server that has PvP enabled, but then again this is the fucking GMod community
This shit is cancer and I hate how in modern games you get automatically banned once you are reported to much.
Devs don't want to budget for teams to review reports, so that's what you get. It's inexcusable for games that have large communities - you can afford to have at least a couple people leaf through them.
Just a simple "skin in the game" type system would work even for games without manned rule enforcement systems. Make them cough up their XP or gold or whatever as a submission fee. How much it costs depends on how many reports you submit, with a very slow cooldown timer. If you have a manned system, you can offer full refunds for legitimate reports that result in a ban.
I think that it's because we've been stuck on the likes of Dota and League of Legends as the big multiplayer streamerbait. The games have a very heavy focus on teams and competitive team matchmaking. So basically you have all these streamers and youtubers who have made a career out of being average players on these games, but are very vocal and self absorbed(I only lost because this guy or this guy or because 50/50 matchmaking or because le elo hell ecksdee,etc) and are pretty much playnig it for nothing but the attention.
So now that the likes of PUBG, that, and forgive me for saying this, require more skill than the assfaggots(because let's face it, the entire challenge of the game is playing long enough to know the fundamentals and the rest is 50% having a functional brain and 50% having the mindset of someone who wants to have fun instead of some whore who really wants to see the words Platinum or Master on their ranked profile), is now the new hot popular flavor of the month stuff and where individual skill matters more and the fragile ego of some dipshit who's been editing his videos to look decent breaks.
tl;dr: Streamers are shit at vidya and hate to lose. PUBG relies on streamers for relevance. Connect the dots.
She was laughing though
pretty cool if you ask me
"That's your problem buddy"
Good shit
Thought the same thing, considering how the halo ride never ends
I used to play L4D online and go find a tight corner somewhere, then start jerking around and yelling I'm stuck I'm fucking stuck over the mic.
This channel is pretty good
Anyone got any L4D2 griefs? Kinda in the mood for them after playing the game. Seems like it'd be especially ripe now that only people still playing the game are spergs.
I dont even know how they got mad at this shit, it was pretty funny.
Have something that isnt fucking with autistic children and feeling smug about it.
this shit is fucking hilarious. fuck the devs for siding with babies who can't deal with the consequences of being a streamer.
Is that the faggot on Jewtube, leafy? I hate that assbergers-tier lolcow
This is the best shit
That autistic aussie sounded like his parents had him a shit ton of meds, it's actually kind of sad
Apprantly the kid had raided the guy in the video, who was the admin of the server. He just wanted his stuff back but then the kid killed him.
The guy went into the house as you can see and serious shit, that kid had killed tons of people that way before and hanged their heads on the wall like some kind of serial killer. When the admin the deletes the chests, which contain more heads, he also cleans the area, deleting them. When makes the house disappear and reappear, you can see the skulls on the wall, meaning the kids head collection was all destroyed.
Every time. Classic.
Nah, nigga, that's at least 16. Dude's perma midget. His momma didn't love him enough to get him hormone supplements.
I miss those mother fuckers, absolute masters of causing asshurt
Why is GMod so amazing for griefing?
99% of griefing is unfunny cancer. It's "lol I'm not taking this game seriously and its making you mad, so I am funny and u r dum". What is funny about intentionally playing wrong to make other people upset? Seriously, being retarded on purpose is not funny. It's not funny when it's posts on the internet and it's not funny in video games. It's just a waste of time. I don't see how you people can enjoy this, but then, I don't really understand "lel I was merely pretending to be retarded" posters either and I suppose they're cut from the same cloth.
Noclip + pvp is really common on sandbox servers.
People who take games seriously are cancer.
That looks super fun. I'd love to be one of the victims of his shit. Or at least the hotel bit, the wild ride not so much
I can tell you from personal experience that many of these guys who upload this stuff are frustrated, anti-social losers. The amount of time it takes to get enough clips worth sharing is ridiculous. You have to spend hours, maybe even days trying to get good footage because most people don't react the way you see in these videos. The amount of petty infighting between griefer communities is also a look into how much of losers most of these guys are. For people who try and pass themselves off as carefree jokesters, they sure do seem to bitter and angry.
Now I'm not saying that if you've ever griefed that you can't be a well-adjusted person. I used to enjoy griefing myself every now and again. The key here being every now and again. After I tried just once at making my own video I started to wonder, "Damn, who actually has the time or the want to sit here for hours doing this shit?"
Stgggs might have some funny videos, but he is almost certainly a bitter nerd who you wouldn't want to hold a conversation with in real life.
I love fucking with people on Twitch. I just wish there was more to do.
So I don't get it. Did you donate money to some tranny just so he could see your name? The tranny still got your cash for nothing.
Big zonkers on that SJW
Where do you think we are?
Why do you think this thread exists?
This was fucking fantastic, is there more stuff like this?
Why the fuck are SJWs always obsessed with this aesthetic? They destroy their hair, paint and pierce every inch of their body, and yet they're totally obsessed with the 50's idea of the ideal woman, from a time where tattoos and piercings where considered degenerate.
i think you can pull the game back
It's always the affeminate dudes and the women the ones who have the biggest spergouts.
It makes even less sense seeing that SJWs see the 1950's as an era that was sexist against women.
>tfw you will never have a 1950's wife
>tfw have a 1950's styled family is considered sexist now.
Did you really use yourself as an example of a well adjusted person?
Daniel is really something. Hope he never stops.
is daniel a 4chinner?
SJW are drawn to 50's women because they want to be oppressed by a man.
A woman always wants the exact opposite of what she says.
Look how many SJWs get into hardcore pornography.
Look at how many are insane sluts.
SJW is nothing a dog collar and regular beatings can't fix.
Why do you think women are attracted to niggers and Saudis?
The whole 50's obsession is probably because women back then were "more curvy" and according to the SJW that means obese is ok.
SJW's are always drawn to and glorify the ugly and vulgar, because for some reason that is "fighting against oppression".
I dare anybody to watch this and have the gall to say video games can't be art. Holy fucking shit.
Reminds me of this
Bullshit, not only was my voice deeper than that when I was only twelve, but I was 5'4 until I grew to 6'5 when I was seventeen, like every other male on my fathers side of the family
This amused me.
The humor comes from the victim's reactions as opposed to the actions of the griefer.
Does this count? Based team Gamerfood.
Forgot to mention, the comments on that vide are some of the best.
get griefed nerds
Further proof that women, and more specifically single mothers, are not human
they dont have snouts does that make them monster girls?
No, they're not. By humanity, what I mean is the internal sense of decency, kindness, and morality. 3DPD, therefore, do not have any sense of humanity. Monster girls, as 2DQT, do. Therefore, 3DPD cannot be monsters. thrice is a cuck thrice is a cuck thrice is a cuck thrice is a cuck thrice is a cuck thrice is a cuck thrice is a cuck thrice is a cuck thrice is a cuck thrice is a cuck thrice is a cuck thrice is a cuck thrice is a cuck thrice is a cuck thrice is a cuck thrice is a cuck thrice is a cuck thrice is a cuck thrice is a cuck thrice is a cuck thrice is a cuck thrice is a cuck
daniel is an unfunny redditor
22lvl and a virgin, not bad looking tho, if i gave a fuck about losing v card i'd probably consider suicide somewhere around this age, i decided going wizard in fucking middle school and so far so good, 3d women are not important
Daniel is based.
Griefed 13 year old spotted
It's true though? He's a redditor
Redditor spotted
Most 3DPD women are trash really, they're like some lovecraftian horrors you wish never existed. I also planned on being a wizard myself unless somehow i came across a non trash 3D, which is very unlikely.
wow you dont sound very convicted towards this
I came across a guy who convinced me there's a good girl somewhere, so i guess i'll give it a try, since i despised every single 3DPD women out there before i talked to that guy. 3DPDs are still trash though.
why is it that people get so mad when they die in Gary's Mod? I've never really had interested in playing it. Do they lose something or are they just easily flustered?
Some premium griefing right here.
im just riding you man, lifes too crazy for absolutes
God I love the current year +2
Damn, that hotel sequence was genuinely cool. Are there single player maps (for any game really) that are similar to this?
The Sword from Thief The Dark Project is one hell of a level. It's not spooky and scripted like such but it'll take you a while to get through first time around. It's also a fairly difficult level considering how much exploration and puzzles is present, and how the first two floors have loads of marble floors.
user, this is too much.
Yeah, they are definitely better than say, ManletTears they child molester.
The 2nd one is great
Oh my god this is amazing
50 keks
To be fair, at least she found the ISIS guys to be funny as well. I was expecting her to be butthurt and cry racism or some shit.
G don't stand for Garry, it stands for Grief.
that's the only reason why I downloaded that clip in the first place. All the other streamers speak up against that kind of stuff instantly.
Not sure if this is exactly griefing, but it's pretty good.
people who scream at mics over hackers are the real well-adjusted people for sure
It's like im playing runescape again
That beautiful moment in a young child's life when they meet someone who tells them "no" for the first time.
Didn't. Learn. Anything.
That second one is genuinely hilarious. She has a sense of humor, I didn't see that coming at all.
"I will simply fuck your mom" and "are you for real having this issues mate?" always get me.
ye, as said above, other streamers always cuck themselves in situations like that, but she handled it pretty fine.
You're talking about people like manlet tears, right? Griefing is like trolling in that retards try to imitate successes without understanding the joke at all, e.g. manlet tears.
Imagine being so unlikable and/or uninteresting that nobody is even willing to respond to you when you're being genuine, nobody cares to contact you on their own either. Now imagine having narcissistic tendencies, you need attention, it's not about fun it's about fulfilling a desire. Since nobody is willing to interact with these people on purpose and they're too unlikable and/or boring they have to actually go into games full of real children who are playing games with their friends and make them mad just for the attention. These are 20-30 year old individuals actually picking on children playing video games. The irony in berating them for taking a game too seriously when they put all this effort and dedication into switching accounts, buying hacks, rebuying a game and possibly a subscription to private servers, recording it, editing it, etc. just to make a kid scream for 10 minutes out of hours of matches where nothing happens and you were just ruining a match for someone who was silent about it and just switched servers or logged off for the day.
while it may not be fun for the ones doing it, sometimes it's hilarious for the viewer, rarely though. what said is important, there's a few people/teams who do this well and nobody else comes close, it's fucking embarrassing.
I didn't mean to upset you.
I honestly like seeing streamers go mad.
hooktube embeds when?
this shit is so dumb but it makes me laugh every time
consider suicide, aspie
Don't you have a thread on /cow/ to post on, manlet tears?
Jesus, how can so many people get so
over what is clearly bantz?
I don't know if it's strictly griefing, but it's one of the best of its kind. It's a crime that it's unlisted.
kids like that need to get banned right away.
This is fucking art
Did I strike a nerve?
Why does TF2 look much slower than I remember it being?
No, because with monster girls the monster is on the outside.
That kid is a legit psychopath.
He is just upset that he lost his shit, this kid on the other hand is just a spoiled piece of shit
If he's trying to make maps in Hammer, it's entirely possible that he has 94 hours on it. Otherwise, he's a retard who struggled with a few achievements.
I even mind impregnating her chink pussy with my aryan man meat, tbh.
OH I have a story about that.
I had left my at the time laptop running ep 2 during the strider battle and left it there by accident and was unable to get it back the following weekend. I had forgotten to close out the game so it just ran
*till the following weekend
it'll forever be there, a 94 hours worth of ep 2 due to human negligence
You wish, kiddo. You'd be lucky to get a black bitch, let alone an extremely ugly asian whore which is a considerable step up.
There's actually more but the chick shows herself as a giant moron for missing the large report button and then going "wait how do I report them"?
Gotta admit the simultaneous jump off the balcony was fucking radical.
she probably said that so she doesn't get in trouble with twitch. Just look at the way she tried to hold back her laughter.
Black bitches are fine too.
Stay triggered.
those are half niggers at best, look at their faces
Not surprised, kid.
There is nothing more aryan that impregnating subhumans with your white mans seed.
Bye thread
You can tell how much white genes a niggress has by shape of the ass and form of face. Those aren't pure niggresses except second picture. And even that one is probably a little mixed.
Never trust black bitches. Even racemixing with asian is less of an insult to yourself.
Damn user, I can still hear the shrill cries of "RDM RDM RDM" when fucking around in a TTT server. Maybe I should reinstall just to go on another rampage
fucking spoiler, I always forget to untick that box.
So it's turning into one of those threads, huh?
Told this story before
>playing The Division plenty of regrets on that purchase
Uncle Ruckus never stops being right.
He's right though, all true ayrians are dogfuckers
>Yeeeeeeah I'm gonna kill you~
Even the mexicans aren't safe from the numale effect huh
I keked hard
here's some good mic spam
griefing xbots in cod
Italy has to be the worst map ever, only faggots play that one. Italy, T side, start with 16k every round. They buy autosniper/awp and just camp. I don't even know why people play that shit, I change server every time people vote that shit..
I will be honest I don't get this. I mean I get that the people are mad and everything, but why don't these people just leave/have fun. I would understand griefing in a game with consequences, but they just joined a random server with no stats or anything and then get mad when the server doesn't "go their way." Maybe it is because I never play GMod, but is the average GMod player this stubborn/stupid?
I stopped playing Dota over a year ago, but still watch CLQ. It is a shame he quit making videos.
he was streaming today and he played jungle invoker followed by jungle techies.
The average IQ of the modern Gmod player is low
why is he still griefing? i thought the reason why he deleted his videos was that he wanted to stop griefing and stop being a retard and start playing seriously.
I don't fucking know to be honest, he said that he was playing serious, but he was playing very badly to be honest. Also he managed to reach 6k.
You ever see those screenshots of Yahoo Answers and wonder to yourself "do people this fucking stupid actually exist"? Well they do, and it turns out they play video games.
no he's just an asshole.
lol, that shit totally counts. Getting innocent people vaced is pretty funny. And what makes it even more funny is that those people tried to cheat the system.
fuck 3rd pic she could play casca.
Asians are actually genetically closer to africans than any other race.
it's not funny, it's just being a dick, those people just want to play a game and some asshole has to get them banned for no reason.
What the fuck is it with furfags and ideologies? Half the time their only doing it for shock value but some of these degenerates are just flat out commie fags.
sorry, I'm not a complete normalfag with zero taste
gets me every time.
comedy gold
Aside from the tattoos, what exactly is the problem?
piercings and 3D
What's with posts like these? Can't you recognize banter/flame/opinion posts? Do you expect me to factually and objectively prove your taste is shit?
The demo parts seemed like just playing well
The exploits were great but the didn't pick out really great targets for fucking with. They were pretty chill.
Fucking faggots. i bet he jacks it to kiddy porn.
That's platinum, once in a decade opportunity griefing right there.
Found the faggot.
NASCAR is fun if you play against real players.
Considering what happened to Spain in the last 30 years it's not that shocking.
>UN fucked them by sanctions until they buckled and adopted (((democracy)))
We really are living in a new dark age.
The moment an admin would grab me I crashed the server.
Though my exploit was patched ;_;
yeah but the point is that you are not allowed to play if you don't have a phone number. This is one way to up the quality of the game. I don't want to join a game only to have arabs and third world motherfuckers in my team. These people are so poor, or retarded, they can't even afford a phone number and I love the fact that those guys got banned. By getting those guys banned he makes cs:go a better game.
I used to be a regular on a TTT server, and I would sneakily try to push people off ledges into the abyss, which normally doesn't leave any logs behind unless someone saw you do it. Alternatively I'd shoot larger props like barrels with the shotgun, which would send the barrel flying and kill anything it collides with. All the while baneposting in the chat. I'd go on that server every day, deriving butthurt from T's and innos every now and then. Eventually it became obvious to the other regulars to my proppushing exploits, yet the admins and mods were surprisingly chill about it and tolerated having me around, only punishing me by having me killed for a few rounds or so if I got caught doing it. It got to a point that whenever I even picked up a prop people would already be wary or shoot me in the head immediately. They'd intentionally not pick any maps with huge gaps like rooftops just so I had nothing to push anyone off towards.
But the other regulars and donators were sincerely frustrated with me doing the same shit every goddamn day from what a mod told me. Eventually one of them managed to become a mod, and when I had proppushed someone to death for the first time that day, I was immediately slapped with a two-week ban, they really were tired of my shit. The other mods would usually give me a warning to knock it off after I proppushed someone, after which I reduced my efforts because I didn't want to push my luck, but in this case I was immediately dealt with. I'd come back after the two weeks, and I'd carry on with my proppushing ways whenever the new mod wasn't around. One round I was the T, so if I were to kill people by pushing them off to their deaths then it wouldn't count as RDM. To fuck with the new mod, I pushed him off a ledge with a prop, but he took it as RDM and immediately banned me without even letting me make my case. I managed to get into contact with one of the head mods and told him to look into the logs that I was a T that round, and they unbanned me anyways (I have no idea why they kept me around), which pissed off the new guy even harder.
To rub it in his face even more, I spent the next couple of rounds following him around while holding a prop, but not pushing anyone with it. Eventually he just RDM'd me out of paranoia, though I was laughing out loud more than anything and didn't press anything against him.
This would continue for a month or so until I got bored and I left the server when most of the regulars weren't showing up either, but I still had a fun time.
Truly cucked
surprised no1 mentioned myg0t yet
I wonder how many map breaks still exist in TF2 as of the latest versions. Although AFAIK Valve made it so Engineer can't build outside any maps anymore so it would be pointless to find new ones
youtube, and webm got posted.
How is that cucked? I just want to dodge poor niggers, third world motherfuckers and all the other retards. I give valve a useless throwaway phone number.
moar griefs plox
I used to use GS codes on PSO v.1 & v.2 on the Dreamcast. Had this fun little combo of Walk-through Walls, Stat Boosts, and Target Players - and I'd hide down in Forest 2 and lay a telepipe. When randoms would come down, I'd snipe them from behind a hill and run up and take their weapons.
Nobody else really had more creative fun like that. Most people just reverse resta PK'd or Nol'd for the pure butthurt of it. Nobody really hunted and ambushed their targets, which I thought was way more fun.
Uh… huh.
How the fuck is this kid 10? I was never this vulgar when I was his age. I don't even think I knew what sex was.
Wow, Hillary was actually hip for once.
How does it feel being cancer killing video games?
What the literal fuck did Sega expect was going to happen? Not like anybody who'd actually join a random game had legit weapons anyhow, unless their duper buddy got fucking tired of handing out weapons to their beggar asses each time they got their shit pushed in by a Sinow Beat.
And hey, it was assholes like me that got a pvp mode officially added to the game. So you're welcome.
As expected of cancer.
Look, alright, I probably still have your Agito somewhere on my memory card. If it bothers you that goddamned much after all this time, just meet me in Forest 2 and I'll give it back.
How do I put aside my humanity for the tears of the underage?
Dogfuckers are leftists for the same reason pedos are, purely because the left is their best hope to normalize their fetish.
Probably hangs around niggers.
it is true that dupers are the actual cancer that kill MMOs
Wiremod is a blessing
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