4am Thread

Losing Control?

What's the last video game you actually had fun playing?

Just 11 more days of me being the OP.

Other urls found in this thread:



Replacement here to say, this is harder than you think.

Been having alot of fun with poker night at the inventory. The characters are actually chill and not as bad as i would expect.

Terrafirmacraft, aka what minecraft should of been.

Too bad it's an unoptimized piece of shit

Even in a world of bugs, thugs, and slugs

You can always

sleep snug, smug

I've had fun with a lot games but a game where I actually had a lot fun was Blazblue, but the time has passed.

Hey guys.
Work could've been better. A lot better than it should've been today. 5 more days to go and then I get the next two days off.

All of them are. Is there any minecraft clone that runs well?

Morning, it's been a while.
Work's shit, gas station has no power tonight because of the city doing maintenance. Not all that bad as I've been building space Mexicans instead of regular shit

Super Robot Wars v

I have not been feeling well. Think im just gonna skip today too.

It's a mod dipshit, and the main reason is because it's on one of the older versions

I miss when minecraft had quality mods, like witchery or whatever. Becoming a vampire was fun.

Alright. Hope you feel better, user.

Minecraft. How's everyone tonight?

What's that? And how are you doing?


What's wrong?

Have you gone back to losing control?

I'm playing OG Moon Dwellers in between DaS2 runs.

Is Cross Ange as degenerate as I think it is?

Too bad no one cares enough to mod it like they used to, game had some dank mods back in it's prime

I'm just waiting until I'm done being OP of these threads. How about you?

Shit luck with calls today, I lot of the programs we use at work to manage everything either load very slowly or are having issues that require using the alternatives that load even slower.

I have no idea what you said but it sounds bad. Good news is that my shoulder got better after being strained for a long time.

That reminds me when I first started full time work.

I got a crappy old single-core desktop while everyone else was getting thier new PCs.

Mine ran better cause I didn't put stupid shit on mine.

Today some point after work I just got hit with a wave of crushing sadness, dunno why, couldn't muster the energy to workout or anything and went to sleep for awhile. got a long weekend though so i think i'll bounce back

Yakuza Kiwami and Siege, video games will always be fun for me no matter how fucked the industry gets i know the games that bring me joy and how to acquire them

Decent. Losing control as per usual, rejoined a server I hate because I felt lonely.
How are you?

I don't have many friends anymore, and it just brings back bad memories. I dealt with a sociopath that turned all my "friends" against me. If you think that's not possible remember SJWs exist.

Yeah, oh well. Minecraft is the perfect example of something great slowly dying out and becoming a shell of its former self.

Are you perhaps depressed?

No one has fun here…

Be sure to tip cash

I've gotten an interview at what may be a pretty sweet gif so quite the opposite. I'll be finding out in a week
No power = no cameras so I have liberty to do whatever the fuck I want tonight

I never watched it, but it was described to me as a show about battle lesbians fighting dragons in mech suits and they still managed to fuck it up

Going to miss it. Temps dropped from low 90s to mid 70s in the last week
Just started laying gta5, its okay but the pc controls aren't the best. Also got to play a bit of forza horizon 2 on my brother's xbox, i enjoyed the hour or two that I played

What does this have to do with Bla- nevermind.

That sounds cool except no AC.

huh? Also, GTA 5's story is massive beta shit compared to 4's.

Hey guys, what going on tonight?

Neato. I played Poker Night 2 and found it pretty comfy.

I'm still having fun. Went back and starting playing through the list of all the recommend Theif FMs. I finished Shadow Politics last night which was okay but I've been playing Bad Debts for about 3 hours and just exploring the rooftops and underground areas of the city. It's really awesome. I love the traditional type of maps for this game, but I really love the ones that focus on exploration, almost a Tomb Raider-esque type.

Hahahaah I wonder how Ritsu is doing in Japan and if he followed any of my advice on places to go. Probably not.

Since Summer is ending and Fall is coming soon, I wanna ask you guys, what's your favorite season and why?

not diagnosed with it but not willing to have a professional decide if i'm sad or not

Sup fellas.

Been playing through Ace Combat Zero again, trying to unlock all the skins.

The winter. White as far as the eye can see. All the retards stay inside while I go out and get drunk and stoned and play in the snow. But really I just love the cold and the snow. It's great. Nothing like sitting by the heater with a sweater on drinking hot rum and mulled wine while watching a good 50/60s B sci-fi movie.

Eh fuck it.
I'm saying that it used to be fun because I had others to play with but now that has been soured for me. Meaning nothing really comes close to the feeling I once had because someone soured it.

Well whatever it is, I hope you gain motivation again, user.

Winter or. Fall. It's my favorite setting and it's calm.

It's a September in Canada so things are alright, just dark.
And our toilets use electronic sensors to flush so they're off and some fucker left a mountain of shit in the women's washroom

I'm a spring guy. I love the rain and it means winter is over

I love winter almost as much as i love baiken

I'm fine for now. Debating about where will be unaffected by ZOG and would be a good place to move to right now. The gun confiscation in the virigin islands is worrysom ontop of oregons gun confiscation. The USA will rebel and fall soon. I just don't know a better white friendly place.

Summer isnt that bad outside of the humidity

I like each season pretty equally, though spring has always been my favorite. Theres just something about the rain, cool weather, and plants blooming that I've always found comfy.

Summer, because I like hot weather, and winter isn't cold enough to be /comfy/.

Wait wait hold up fucking WHAT?

Nothing. My internet was out so I almost didn't make the thread.

I wonder too. I hope I don't get stuck being a replacement.

**Depends, they all give me some fine memories, except Summer.

How are you doing yourself?

Sorry about that my dude. You have friends here too right?

Oh thank god for Northern weather then.

Actually getting ready to pass out for the night, hoping some parts arrive tomorrow so I can get building my RGB cables.

Well I'm usually here, so if I can help with anything let me know. If Florida doesn't get obliterated and I'll be down there for two weeks at the end of the month to see my dad. Hopefully I finish my translation project so for two weeks to just get drunk and stoned everyday and play with the dog.

I want to fuk that puddin.

Have fun or good luck or crush it or whatever.

Nah I'm sure it'll be fine.

Why are you always here?

I have a dream.

Gonna drink some beers and play more siegeand sleep in tomorrow and hopefully that fixes me up

Pretty sure he made his potives clear. He wants cool, creamy dessert around his penis.

We have mexico getting a fucking 8 Earthquake, Irma and Jose coming. Why the fuck is donald trump doing this?

Your dream is shit. vid related

What I said above.

To make anime real.

Sorta I've met a few anons from the thread, two of them are majorly autistic. They try to insult me by my voice but it doesn't affect me as much as it just makes me want to leave the group because they're annoying and won't shut up. Most of my new friend groups are like that, I like a few people but there's always at least two autistic folk I can't stand.

Try not to get a hangover.

He's Making North America Great Again

Summer really isnt that bad user. Theres plenty of comfy to be found in it: clear skies, thunderstorms, longer days, the sunsets.

Law passed in oregon legislature. See Holla Forums for the virgin islands law.

Wasps, humidity, drought, thunderstorms shutting off power so the heat is more intense.

takes more than a few beers to do that to me, luckily, I'd like a night where all my roommates are gone for awhile so i can get righteously fucked up though, shotgun purge some worries away

Just fuck the puddin dude

I doubt this will hold up, especially in Oregon. Portland fags aren't going to put down the bong long enough to vote aaist repeal compared to the rest of the state coming together to tell Portland to fuck itself. Can't believe the militias out there haven't marched on the state capitol.

Can't you just get a hooker and have really loud sex to annoy your roomates.

Don't encourage him.

I'll fucking encourage anyone with a dream, that man is a hero.

Feels breddy gud

You shouldn't be so negative, theres good and bad that comes with every season.

So what did everyone work on today?
Any crafts, any skills? Anything?

I did absolutely nothing, I should've been working.

Doesn't matter if they are already dead or their guns are taken away. Same for the virgin island gun owners.

Fucking libtards.


Found your problem

I got lucky and met an user through here who is pretty cool. We hit it off real well. Just a normal healthy level of nerdiness between the both of us, but otherwise it's good to meet new people.

Talking about autists that piss you off I was at HWNDU in NY, so I was assuming that it was going to be massive levels of autism meeting someone from here - especially the ones from cuckchan, and holy fucking shit I wanted to blow my brains out after an hour around these people. Some of them were cool, but seriously when they were working on the documentary it was like 15 autists in a hotel room that smelt like the space between the underside of Satan's ball sack and his anus after being in the rain forest for a month without a shower.

At least you have roommates, I had to move back home to help take care of my grandmother so I can't even drink at home without being called an alcoholic. That's fine though, I'm going to the city tomorrow to get wasted anyway.

I learned a neat trick on making vineger for pickling. Use the oil of a pepper instead. I really need to find out how vineger is made though.
kill yourself datamining shill

the fact i'm still to obsessed with the idea of feeling some love the traditional way is probably where some of my sadness stems from and why i can't just go get a hooker or some shit

eh i couldn't afford to move out till i was 25 anyway so i know the suffering of trying to get fucked up at home already

I understand that feeling. You'll find one if you're not super autistic.

I studied for the JLPT for 6 hours then played a sound novel for about 2 hours and now I'm playing Thief so I let my mind relax before going to bed at 7AM

I wish I had something to work on, no money and no ideas makes it hard.

that's why i usually just smoke weed at home so no one notices im fucked up, but it still sucks because i want my freedom. i went from being at home for 18 years to living at college for 4 and then moving to Japan for 3 - coming home was seriously the most depressing thing. All my freedom, stripped from me.

And good for you man, I feel the same way. I have definitely gotten a hooker or hooked up with a stranger before but I'd rather have a girl that I actually like and care about.

You have acess to a library greater than that of alexandria user. All from your computer. Start studying stuff on >>>/pdfs/ . Atleast the knowledge will be in your head for when you need it eventually. Practice getting >>>/fit/ for cardio training if you don't have money for much food.

I'm going to bed. I gotta get up early the next few days, so I won't be able to come to these threads until Monday. See you then.

Did you try startpaging it? Probably you did, so never mind.


Ask yourself. "What if X"
There you go.
Also I don't get paid either, I'm working for freeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee


Shit, theres another did thread.

Monster Rancher 4.

being in my mid-20s now with bad social/dating experience thats starting to crumble I might have to accept i'll be one of those lonely types

anytime i tried to push my luck in a social situation for a hookup i would drop the ball and feel like and idiot. but now i don't even know how to meet new people anymore so its fucking me up

mid 20s is plenty of time.

i always kinda vouched that if i was still unhappy by 30s i would kill myself and give the money i accumulated to my family. this isn't necessarily happiness from relationships either i don't think women will necessarily make me happy or anything but in general i don't want to be miserable and old. so i'm sort of ticking clock now. It sucks i'm doing all this bullshit to make myself better, i quit smoking, i drink less, i work out, i save my money, i'm trying to put new skills under my belt to be a better man constantly but i just don't feel like its actually had positive feedback yet

yeah i used to be like that. moving out on my own really helped me out, but yeah i feel that same way it's hard to meet people now, i tried shit like meetup but i dont like the groups and the groups that i do like, i dont like the people. i work from home, but its not like id want to associate with coworkers outside of work, especially with how everyone is a pseudo-moral evangelistic now and if you even say something that is slightly outside of the prescribed progressive ideology you are automatically labeled worse than a baby rapist. as much as i trolled the shit out of shia and his people at hwndu it was a great time to meet some other people, most of them that werent spergs were pretty cool, and it led me on to meet even more people so it kind of worked out. so totally fuck that faggot and his mindless zombies, but, yeah, thanks.

You just need to find a goal, something to strive for. Most people strive for a political alignment, living to spite the other. Whatever you pick, it's yours.
Make sure your family knows not to spend too much money on your funeral, else it'll all be for not.

I'm sure it's easier to just live with a comfy job.

I used to think like this, but had a change of heart on it a year or two back. If I'm ever at that point where I want to end it all, I'd go full crazy. Take the money and do every stupid thing that crossed my mind. If I still wanted to off myself at the end, I could. But if getting out and doing whatever made me feel any better, I get to keep going on and doing whatever dumb thing I learned to enjoy.

I make peanuts, some months I make 2 grand doing translations, some months i make 50 bucks, it's really erratic and its annoying, still looking for at least part time steady work

after giving up on higher education concepts and having trouble finding direction in my late teens i started working for my old man as a carpenter, so for like 5+ years now my work has just been with old fart males and i've been questioning if that messed me up. Spent my "college years" just working with older males and now i feel detached as fuck from my peers. Everyone around me seems so bitchy. they talk shit constantly, freak out over minor problems, everyone has some kind of fucking victim complex, and absolutely no one is down to earth, everyone has to operate in complete hysteria or with 6 layers of irony

it feels like a copout bullshit thing to say "oh my generations sucks" but man i just feel more and more out of place with even my remaining real life friends and it might really be me who is out of place as fuck

Well I like cars but I'm too poor to afford anything, let alone an entire car.

Meant for

Hey Monica its your boy


I'm not actually DMX lol

I would like to get my shit together and maybe drop that attitude and just live it out, but the more i try to fix myself up the more unhappy i seem.

Sorry for being so fucking emo tonight lads but i guess i had to get it off my chest


Imageboards is filled with emos no biggie.

nope i agree with you a 100 percent man i feel the same way. i spent most of my time around adults as a child and worked with older people for most of my "career" but its so fucking insane. kids now talk shit about everything, they show nothing but shallow interest and no interest or capability of understanding anything that it's as equally shallow, think the world is being taken over by racist neo nazi islamic hating rapists white devils and it's their duty to start a crusade to defend some delusion that they have that just because they are have an opinion they are unquestionably and irrevocably morally correct and incapable of criticism, yet their criticism is basically ad hominem of all the buzzwords and can't even engage in a normal, or god forbid even a simple intellectual, discussion with flying off the handle about being oppressed or raped.

its cool man thats what is great about the 4am thread, you can just talk about whatever you want and youre not gonna get shit flung at you because the underage tryhard faggots are all asleep

hey op do put a space between 4 and am for catalog purposes JIC FYI SMH TBH

even if you removed politics i feel like people -try- to be fucking unhappy.. I'm a sad cunt yeah, but i keep seeking things to try to bring joy back into my life cuz being happy FEELS NICE. then i see these normalfag memes, where girls will be like "ahah i'm such an alcho pyscho" or "hah i'm so depressed" and "haha everything sucks'

why would you willingly impose that attitude on yourself, every fucking day i'm trying to shake myself of those feelings and then other people do it to themselves ironically cuz its quirky or something

plus they typically chase after stupid shit that isn't really going to make them happy. I've got a friend who went skydiving once spur of the moment because other normal fags wanted him to go and he's gone 2-3 other times since then and tries to get me to go each time.
My boss does retarded cape shit cosplay I think because he wanted to be an artist at some point so it's his new creative outlet. The thing is he half asses everything including that shit so he can't help but be unhappy. Idk people need to learn to slow down and focus.

well when you have nothing to talk about or think about and your own purpose in life is just to consume shit because you're cattle bred to buy shit so companies can make money, yeah even if you dont consciously realize it you're gonna be nihilistic because that is how they want it.

the sad thing is that they dont really think that and those kind of people dont even know what real suffering is like. yeah your middle class surburba american lifestyle is really fucking depressing and painful, at least you dont have worry about where youre going to shit without getting sick, or getting kidnapped and sold into sex slavery, and least you have shit like a house and a smartphone and shoes, holy shit, you know most people on the planet dont even have shoes? so i kidna sperged out for a second.

but yeah if a woman tells you she is a psycho, its true. women are fucking crazy

is this the thread for wanna be shower shitters?

no, real shower shitting hours



at least skydiving and cosplay are a hobby, well i dunno about skydiving but with cosplay one could actively try to improve the quality of their costumes, i dunno if you can get "better" at skydiving. Another thing is if he wanted to be an artist he could still try to keep making art, chances are he doesn't really like art that much if he doesn't do it on the side frequently just cuz he isn't making money of it

yeah, and as much as i would like to experience love even for a fleeting fucking moment i have grown to fucking fear women from my own experiences and just how normalfag culture raises them up

women horrify me, and i blame the men before as times for their behavior. I have to constantly improve myself to -hope- that a girl will at least treat my nicely for five fucking minutes and they arne't expected to give anything back. and now normalfag meme culture not only enables but fucking promotes their worst behaviors. they don't have to have hobbies or interests and before you know it they won't even be required to take care of their fucking bodies anymore


yea, I think art was probably a hobby because he got into graphic design which probably seemed more practical for making money at the time given his age but bounced around till he got to where we are. he's a fucking moron though. He half asses everything. IE he works on his cosplay shit at work instead of working, but if you look at his shit day to day like he hardly gets shit done.

considering the anime adaptation just came out, this looks and feels so soulless in comparison. I dunno a lot about japanese movie industry but i'd bank this is leverage for the actors to say "i was a jojo' more than 'lets make a jojo movie"



[muffled tbh]


Oh definitely, all responsibility has been removed from women almost to the point of infantalization, in that a woman can get away with most things, just by the virtue that she is a woman. Were supposed to treat women like goddess and worship them when they can't even hold a conversation on an interesting topic for more than 30 seconds without picking up her phone or start gossiping about someone she doesn't like and just pretends to like.

And holy shit ask a modern girl to cook a meal HAHAHAHA good luck with that

my roommates fiance hasn't cooked a single meal since she moved in. all 3 men in this house know how to cook or are actively learning how to cook more meals. Even though she's nice to me living with her has made me distrust women more than the girls who have burned me in relationships. Doesn't do shit and when called out for her behavior just turns on the fucking waterworks till some one else solves the problem


tbh that's cute

AND TO FOLLOW UP before i decide to send myself to bed. my roommate is so controlled by the bit of half assed sex he gets on a rapidly decreasing basis that he won't man up and either dump her before getting marriage trapped or demand a change of behavior. homie doesn't get his dick sucked for a little while and suddenly he'll bend to all her fucking CHILDISH ASS whims.

and then he has the fucking audacity to get on my case for something as trivial as how much milk I use for my protein shake because he can't confront his fucking woman he has to bitch to his friends. I don't even know how to deal with that because if i just batter him into place i become the bad guy even though it was FUCKING ME who pulled people off his ass in fights twice in this god damn apartment now. why the fuck would he get stroppy with me when i'm trying to keep the peace

sorry, venting. god damnit i wish living alone in my town was affordable

thx bud I through it 2gether pretty quik. been playing around with gifts

is gubs

no worries man take it easy and don't be too hard on yourself, you're doing the right thing. ill see you around im gonna go focus on some JP before i got to bed.


poop spider?

no, u


