Nintendo Switch VR Capabilities: Data Found

Oh god it was a joke at first but now it's real.

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I keep seeing all the big vidya companies pushing for VR yet I never see anybody actually playing VR.

The only thing that would have sold well on VR are waifu games and the Jews and SJWs took those from us.

Instead of whoring for views just post the source. The proof is a supposedly VR related strings discovered in the Nintendo Switch data.
Just checked the description, whoops.
Tweet and patent here.


Bloody hell.

Doesn't that thing have a resolution of like 800x450 or something shitty like that?
Who would want to use that for VR?

720p exact. I'm half expecting a "Switch Deluxe" with 1440p res, maybe.
If not, expect a lot of eye strain.

Cool shit
The switch is gearing up to be a fucking great console


That's because nobody plays VR.

Sounds like a good use of the console.
The headset needed better be good quality, or enjoy dropping your $300 meme console.

It's still a joke. Even if it's real.

Maybe it'll be the first reasonably priced VR headset.
Fuck you, Valve.

I said this shit would happen, I predicted that "muh enthusiasts" and "muh earlier adopters" was a failure of a strategy.
Not enough people would buy the headsets to justify decent quality games made for them and nobody else would buy it without decent games to boot.

The VR alternative for console was at 300$, Occulus had to drop in price to the same amount because they were afraid of losing players to the PS4. There's a fe other alternatives like OSVR that are also at an affordable price (compared to Occulus and Vive) so the price for VR currently is 300$. Vive costs what it costs because Valve doesn't give a shit and they are banking on it since they clearly aren't gonna make money out of Half Life 3 now.

Hoping VR gets over the hump soon.

its okay when nintendo does it

True. At such a low resolution and refresh rate it would be a very shitty experience to strap a Switch to your face for VR.

Yet VR is still being shilled. Like Mass Effect Andromeda was a failure, but it still had so much ad money behind it so you saw ads for it all over the place.

Now computer case manufacturers are even putting HDMI-out on the front IO panel for VR headsets. The entire tech industry is pretending VR is a major success, widely adopted, despite the reality of such abysmally low adoption of VR.

I think that's why it's just in the code and not revealed in any shape. Nintendo might have originally planned to make a more premium console, but their marketing department probably told them people would still eat up a 400 dollariedoo 720p android tablet (around 80 bucks in china) for 400 bucks if it has a Nintendo logo on it.

They were absolutely right.

That's the price for a Mintendo Swiitch, not a Nintendo Switch. Seriously nigger, don't buy anything from China if you are looking for quality.
You could probably get the same thing in the first week but the circuitry would fry short after that, the battery would come with a lifespan of an hour and in a month it would be reduced to 10 minutes, not to mention the glass that would scratch and break just from carrying it around.

Just like 3D TVs. Hey remember that fad from like 2-3 years ago that nobody gives a shit about now?

Anyone want to guess what the next round of bullshit after VR fails is going to be? My money's on ricer keyboards with analog force feedback wasd keys.

Sunk cost fallacy in action.

you are kinda getting it, there's more to the plan right? It's starting with those front panel connectors, then comes VR Ready badges, then advertisements for VR ready PCs "look for these 3 ports labeled VR!" and then you've got the real push. That is how it's going to work. It'll start on the very high end prebuilt market, then in 3 years consumer-tier PCs (700-1000 dollar desktops.) Expect even some laptops to have the labeled ports too.

3d tvs failed because the push was such half assed garbage, but this has the might of faceberg behind it.

I don't think VR will truly die. It will just take a fuck load of time to be fully implemented and most of the brunt work is actually gonna be done by third party, even if Occulus and Vive end up taking credit for it.

3d TVs failed because those that can afford it don't waste enough time with TV to justify them and those that could be truly interested weren't gonna pay a fortune for a gimmick.
There's no such thing as "TV enthusiasts" in the sense of PC enthusiasts that will expend a fuck load in hardware for a better experience. There simply wasn't a market there to begin with.

VR on the other hand actually has a market, just not for this price, so you'll see a load of third parties going for a cheaper price, 300$. Devs can then make games for those more popular platforms and port them to Occulus\Vive as well, so these last two end up surviving thanks to the competition.

Hopefully everyone else picks up the pace enough that buying Occulus\Vive is seen as something really stupid. Last I checked on this, OSVR was pretty much at the same quality level that Occulus was but at a cheaper price and open-source.

there are, but the prosumer AV market is really small. 3D was a gimmick at the time and prosumers weren't interested, they were eyeing things that the professional market was gearing up for, 4K.

Almost as though there’s a ✡reason✡ for this or something…

Fuck off you tinfoil autist


This guys art is so good.

Holy fucking christ, reported. What I said is factual.

It really is; the palette he uses to set the tone is top notch. It’s a real shame he’s a jew.

Post proofs then. Show me some of this mind altering VR software and the plans to use it to enslave the masses.

Holla Forums can't use Occam's Razor and thinks making accusations while posting surreal art is proof.


Every single fucking leader of the “transhumanist” movement is a jew. The ideas of ‘singularity’ and ‘transhumanism’ are inherently Jewish in origin, intended to destroy European culture and ethnicity. Ray Kurzweil (Jew) and Isaac Asimov (Jew) are the largest proponents behind the ideas. The first step was the destruction of Christianity and the replacement of it with moral and cultural relativism. The nest step was the destruction of marriage by making divorce acceptable. The third step was the destruction of sexuality by introducing legalized homosexuality. The fourth step is the destruction of gender by making transgenderism the norm. The final step will be to destroy the very fabric that makes us human by introducing the ideas of “transhumanism” and “singularity.” A disproportionate number of jews are leaders in transhumanism, as also in these other utopian ideals.

There is precedent for strivings toward an early Messianic era, with overtones of transhumanism. Socialists–and particularly the idealists of the 19th century–looked forward to the hell-and-heaven of a secular End of Days, with science and technology as guides. Theodor Herzl (Jew) likewise offered a technophilic and universalistic solution to the age-old problem of anti-Semitic persecution
– H+ Magazine

Transhumanism is an occult project, rooted in Rosicrucianism and Freemasonry and derived from the Kabbalah, which asserts that humanity is evolving intellectually, towards a point in time when man will became god. Modeled on the medieval legend of the Golem and Frankenstein, they believe man will be able to create life itself in the farm of living machines, or artificial intelligence.

Through the use of “smart drugs” and what transhumanists call “mind uploading”, man will be able to merge with the Internet, which is envisioned as the end-point of Kabbalistic evolution–the formation of a collective consciousness, or global brain. That awaited moment is what Ray Kurzweil refers to as the “singularly.” By accumulating the total of human knowledge, and providing access to every aspect of human activity, the Internet will supposedly achieve omniscience, becoming the “god” of occultism.
– David Livingstone, Transhumanism: The History of a Dangerous Idea

Mordechai Nessayahu’s “Cosmotism”depicts a future in which Israel saves humanity from eco-disasters and nuclear annihilation. Also influential as a Labor Party stalwart, Nessayahu motivated Yitzak Rabin and Shimon Peres to pursue the Oslo Accords peace plan. Peres published his own visions in A New Beginning. He imagines an improved Israel via peace and an information revolution. Equally optimistic is Yigal Arica’s What’s in the Future? Niv Ahituv’s A World Without Secrets presents a totally transparent world where all information about everyone is available to everyone. It is the 21st century evolution of the ancient ideas of Marxism.
– Hank Pellisser

Ray Kurzweil
Isaac Asimov
Charles Stross
Stanislaw Lem
Marvin Minsky
Ben Gietsel
Eliezer Shlomo
Tsvi Bisk
David Deutsch

Every single person behind VR is a jew. Every single person controlling media in the West (and most elsewhere) is a jew. Every single motherfucking one of them. You want an answer for why VR is being pushed despite it not making economic sense since people don’t want it? HOW ABOUT A REASON THAT AMERICA WAS FORCIBLY DRAGGED INTO WWI AND WWII DESPITE THE ENTIRE AMERICAN PUBLIC NOT WANTING IT AND IT NOT MAKING ECONOMIC SENSE? How about the reason that every media network remains on the air despite LOSING MONEY? How about the reason that ✡Google✡ maintains YouTube despite it NEVER HAVING MADE THEM A CENT?

It’s because JEWS MUST CONTROL THE MESSAGE AT ALL COSTS, because otherwise whites either slaughter them or kick them out. IF YOU ONLY EVER–IN YOUR WHOLE LIFE–HEAR WHAT A JEW WANTS YOU TO HEAR, THEN THEY ARE SAFE.

Prove wrong objective truth, kike shill. I fucking dare you.

Drown yourself, kike. Nowhere was this said.

Oh, by the way, why do you think 4chan and Holla Forums are now also owned by jews, you fucking paid shill faggots?

Christ, go take some Ritalin. Nowhere in that post did you connect any of that shit to VR, you just rambled about muh shadowy Jew overlords.

I don't know user, my Mi 6 is a cool phone.

Nowhere in that post did you connect any of that shit to VR
lol, reported. This is seriously the best you can fucking do?

The singular sentence in your post related to VR was
That's it, with no proofs of this claim. The rest of it was talking about religion, media and transhumanism, none of which are related to VR.

It doesn't take a conspiracy theory like that guy is saying to make this true, actually.
He's going full retard with "mind drugs" and "mind transference" because he's a faggot that knows next to nothing about human nature, but there's still a point here.

The point of VR is immersion. It's about making things a lot more personnal and involved for you. That's great for videogames, but it has the consequence of creating a reality in your mind about the places you visit. Keep in mind that most NEETs and the random losers that browse this korean pictograph shitshow (all of us) have an easy time establishing the videogame they are playing as a separate world they briefly enter when playing it, at least mentally. We have pretty good powers of abstraction that enables us to do this, not unlike something reading a book and imagining the scenes all around him.

This is pretty much normal stuff, it's just you using your imagination. But normalfags for the most part don't do this. They play LoL and can think of the characters as actual characters but they see the game as something they do with other players. They can't go farther in abstraction than something like Monopoly.

Now in comes VR, a medium by which you can super impose a reality upon someone overiding his vision and hearing, the 2 biggest senses you have.
This reality will never feel fully real, but it doesn't have to. It just has to look appealing. A place that you like to visit, not unlike a show you like to see. This is something that requires so little imagination or abstraction power that even normalfags can do.

Up till this point, nothing of this is bad. You can end up making pretty cool games or apps for this and the experience does feel really nice.
The problem is when you factor the rest of the world with this, because both things are incompatible, sense-wise.
Suppose you make a series of games that are pretty fun to play. Or you make a web browser you can use with your headset and controls for it that makes them faster than standard keyboard&mouse. (By the way, JanusVR is a thing).
You could have normalfags hooked on that shit for hours, browsing facebook and playing mmos or skinner's box type of games for a long time. And unlike your PC or cellphone, where the real world is right next and around it, a VR Headset obuscates it. You literally don't sense the real world (with your eyes and ears) while you are on VR.

So let's suppose that someone makes some sort of MMO that's very appealing to normalfaggots, where they can meet their friends and play together. Let's say it has a monthly subscription and\or a cashop.
You'd have legions of normalfaggots, grinding away the day in some shitty job without caring about the world because once they get home, there's a headset that takes them somewhere that doesn't feel real, it feels better than real since it's more appealing and colorfull and that world actually takes their input.

VR doesn't really have to hijack your mind or whatever loony shit people spout off. It only has to provide you with an alternative to reality that's more atractive than reality itself for a large amount of people to surrender to it. It's not that they'll do the bidding of whoever made it, it's just that they'll stop caring about the rest of their life and see it as downtime and maitenance in-between VR time.
This is one of the reasons it's actually not a jewish plot, jews would need you out of the VR consuming the rest of the things they make. VR is too small a market for them all, especially considering how you'd never buy expensive clothes or a large house or even get married with VR.

It costs peanuts to add an HDMI port, and costs jackshit if they're removing one from the back to place on the front.
This isn't so much a push by the industry, but more a company trying to get suckers who spent $600 on a meme to buy a $1600 meme alongside it for "convenience" of the port position.

Actually, VR is the gateway towards transhumanism. It's a medium that removes your physical body from the equation and makes all of your actions dependent entirely on your mind (except for the shitty motion gimmicks).

VR is the first step towards transhumanism. It shows how little your body matters when dealing with other people using non-violent methods, where only your wits and inteligence can carry you. And considering you can often customize your avatar to take whatever shape you have and software to fake voices isn't unheard of (geddit?) it further cementes the idea that in a virtual world, only your mind exists.

From there to controlling other bodies with your mind, it's just a small step. There are already VR apps to control drones, giving you sight through a camera on them, for instance.

It's time to stop

Nah, it's just the first step, why stop there? It's a far better world where you're only bound by your mind, which I imagine kinda sucks for some but it's ideal for others.

Let's face it, a lot of code monkeys or data analysis types don't really need a physical presence to get work done. What difference does it make if you mechanically press your keyboard or you imagine pressing keys in a virtual world?

There's a truck load of jobs that even pay very well available for entirely virtual environments, and considering a lot of entertainment is fully compatible with that as well (books, music, movies, videogames) there's really no reason to hold back and stay bound to your carcass.

I mean, human contact is important too, and you still gotta take care of your body, so it's nice to unplug every now and then and go for a walk, meet people face to face. But there's really no reason to shackle your mind most of the day unless you're afraid of what you can find or do online or you're so limited you can't actually do much in the first place.

The day we can finally ditch all identities and merely become information and data, that's the next enlightenment for the human race.
Just think, robot waifus might still take a while but virtual ones are around the corner!

We hardly know who the brain works, let alone what the soup of chemicals in it does for our consciousness. Your sentience is more than just the brain, its the sum of all the parts of being alive, hands, stomach, liver, feet, ears. We would have to figure out all of that shit, and thats not coming anytime soon.

You're thinking about uploading your mind unto the net. That's currently not feasible and there's no indication it ever will be. That's not what I'm arguing about here.

We are already at this stage to some degree. People connect with each other using smartphones far more than actually talking. They play online, rent movies for their TV on their TV and most jobs involving computers can be done across the world with no problem. Programmers working together can use GitHub or similar alternatives to have their entire work online.
If you look at all of this as what it actually is, the beginning of transhumanism, this is a road we already started traveling many years ago.

VR doesn't actually change or improve any of this. It merely removes the environment that surrounds you from the equation. It makes everything we already use far more immsersive and personnal while removing everything but your mind, your ideas, from the equation.
There's no need for "mind uploading" or any hard SciFi concept, we just need a fancier way to display the world we already live in so it's not bound to small screens or windows So you'll pop a phone on your face instead :^)

Putting a screen on your face will not turn you into a mindless zombie. No one wants to wear some piece of shit eye covering for hours at a time.
Unless your are just saying the VR is the first step, which in that case yeah I guess.

Nice dubs. Hope you all are having a good monday.

We need the next gen headsets and we need them cheap. At least 2K lenses for each eye, 90Hz default and under a 400$ price range. Oculus did good with that summer sale, but we need better. That's for the hardware side, the game side is a bigger problem.

Because there's no good locomotion input device yet, there's a small pool of good VR games you can design. Good god games and games with a cockpit can be made, but everything else will feel weird.

user, you don't understand. You don't even need the screen directly on your face, and we aren't talking classic hollywood zombies here.

Go outside for a walk, see everyone with their faces glued to to their cellphone, something that isn't even that close to their face or is that big. (For a laugh, go watch your favorite zombie flick and then compare their shuffling to normalfags walking on the sidewalks with their cellphones)

You don't have to force someone to sit there and see what you want to show them when you can just convince them that that's what they want. Just give them something that seems a good alternative or good on it's own (and it only has to seem like it) and they'll willingly zombify themselves for it.
The most control they get is what they show the normalfags, something that VR can disput to a degree, so this isn't as worrying as the tinfoil hat user is making it out to be. (Especially considering how many people who use social networks don't actually like them).
But it's still worrying that human nature will voluntarily accept this abstraction if the world around them becomes so bitter and horrible that a virtual one is seen as a better choice. Not from the "We will be made zombies!" angle, but more that the whole world could burn when we reach that point and nobody would give a rats ass since they still have their virtual world.

This is actually a likely and possible future. Every city being something akin to Detroit but nobody can be arsed to do anything about it because they spend 8 hours inside a factory doing a lame job to pay for their expenses, 8 hours sleeping and of the other 8, at least 6 are spent online in VR, so you only have 2 hours in 24 were they have to bear the actual world around them.
And at this stage, anyone else is free to do whatever they want with the world because nobody else is gonna contest it or join anyone trying to contest it.

Yes siree, mistah Trumpster. We're having a jolly good time, that we are. YEEEAAHHH!

How about you go take a gander at the companies and designers, shlomo.

Every fucking game is a gimmicky job sim. Nobody ant to work more.
I would have thought that the point of VR was escapism.

And then there will be enough useless 3rd party pieces of plastic to rival the Wii epidemic.

Try harder.

Correct. But think about this topic again. The claim is that we are working toward mind uploading. Real-world efforts are being made by people (and ✡people✡) toward this end. For those efforts to exist, does it matter if the end is possible? Read the question again: Does it matter if what they claim is possible when they are already spending time, money, and physical effort toward it (or claimed it)? NO. Of course not. So, in the event that it isn’t possible (and you’re absolutely right; by all accounts there isn’t any indication that mind uploading is even remotely possible), to what OTHER end would this time, money, and effort serve?

Think of some other analogies. There’s time, money, and effort being put into “combating AGW,” but we know that that isn’t real. So why do it? Control and genocide. Same with everything. There’s time, money, and effort being put into a global socialist state. But we know that that objectively can’t work. So why do it? Control and genocide. Same with everything.

I can just see kids with switches strapped to their faces lining the streets.


Actually, Job Simulator or whatever it's called is the biggest success in VR. Pretty ironic, actually.

Eh, that doesn't really work, sorry.
The thing is, white people are still the best consumers out there since they can work and buy expensive shit far more than anyone else. The last thing a kike wants is to put you in a medium where you are happy not consuming anything but things you can pirate or develop yourself.
They need you out in the fields grazing so they can milk you.

Arguing that VR is a kike tactic makes as much sense as kikes selling and promoting solar cars when they own the fuel industry. It just doesn't add up.
Kikes just believe that this is the next big thing and they want in, but they don't actually believe this will go that far for the time being so they don't invest that much in it.

Funny picture you posted, considering how newspapers then shaped the mind and perception of everyone to the point that reputable newspapers were trusted far more than encyclopedias. And the issue isn't the social component, I'm sure people would still chat and hang out online and even unplug from time to time for IRL meeting.

The problem is that, much like newspapers, it's a medium that can be used to show the world in whatever angle (((they))) want, and that's a possibility you should be aware of and consider. And even more than that, it can distract you from the world at large by making it seem less important in comparison to a virtual world where you have far more agency (or at least it feels like you do).
It's not mind control or anti-socializiation as in "You'll rise from your chair and murder the president, being remotely controlled by someone in a van outside".
It's more of a "So what if the neighborhood is all trash and grafitties and my job sucks? I have fun with my friends all the time in Arkadia, slaying dragons professionaly!"

I'm all for VR and I want it to succeed, but I do worry about what will happen to the world around us once we stop looking….

No I don't think you understand. I was going to type out a but long replay but I'll just keep it short. Not everyone is a normalfag who is going to take it up the ass, not everyone is a braindead idiot that will flock to the shiny thing presented in front of them. Maybe I'm wrong, maybe I'm not. Either way I'll still be shitposting here.

I feel like there is a flaw in your logic

I have this case, it's fucking gr8. Ain't using the hdmi port obviously, but extra usb ports are cool.

They better not act on this, I hope the data is just shit they lazily left in from brainstorming sessions. I've got a Gear VR and a phone with the highest resolution screen phones have, it's the best you'll get short of a Vive or Oculus, and it's not good enough. And the switch LCD is only 720p, like a quarter the pixels of my phone. It would be worse than the very first Oculus prototype. It would be worse than every Google cardboard headset.

Hey, I still use many other alternatives that aren't just mainstream socialmedia and I still come here too. I'm sure that there will always be people too smart to fall for that shit, much like there are currently people too smart to believe everything they see in mainstream media.
But the great majority will likely fall for this once the price allows it and you only have to change the majority to change the world.
VR is great and I can't wait till it's viable but I do feel like it's a technology that we as a species will likely misuse to horrible effects, not unlike the Internet.

I can see niggers dragging them by their heads

And nintendrones would eat it all up. Brand loyalty is cancer.