Bullshit aside, along with the fact that the lore is beyond fucked, as well as the future of the series, let's try and have a civil discussion on the matter. Like how Morrowind is horribly overrated and that Daggerfall was the only truly good TES game.
The Elder Scrolls
Other urls found in this thread:
I love the gondola, but your last sentence has already derailed your thread from civilized discussion.
Shut up. Here's a better topic. Just how full of bullshit is Skyblivion and Skywind? Can we expect a total fucking trainwreck and is the controversy surrounding said groups and their procrastination true? Also, what the fuck made them think remaking those game using the Skyrim engine as a basis was a good idea?
It's all fucking awful and every single Elder Scrolls game fucking sucks.
Completely. I might be wrong, but I don't think Morroblivion was finished either.
Yes, but it will likely be more of a screeching halt followed by decay.
They're modders user, what do you think?
They probably got the drugs from kirkbride.
I actually bothered to finish oblivion, can't say the same for skyrim, luckily i pirated that
I actually just started (seriously) playing today, I had never really given Morrowind a proper chance before, as I was young and stubborn about the mechanics. Now i'm punching the fuck out of everything as a cat monk and it's great. Do Khajiit do more damage without gauntlets on or was that only a later thing?
I think in morrowind they just get a starting bonus for hand to hand. Be sure to get the Morrowind patch project as that has a feature that lets hand to hand increase damage from strength and skill instead of just skill.
Go play Shit Souls weeb faggot.
no u
Next game will be pure action with no stats but much more crafting.
It won't fuck anything up if I apply it after i've already started a game, will it? Not that i've made any notable progress as is.
You mean ESO?
That's fucking trash too, RPG features are a cancerous stain upon video games that deserves chemo.
You gay m8?
We already got that.
It shouldn't, but I usually always have it installed before hand. Just keep on playing, and install it when you feel your damage is capping. Although if you combine it with the dagoth dagger, and lots of stamina potions for yourself you shouldn't have any problems besides fights taking forever.
I really liked the crazy lore but it feels like the games never really delve into it.
I ain't clicking that shit nigger.
I am not clicking that.
u mad?
Does this answer your question? Stop preaching to the choir.
Kalpas were a stupid idea as well as multiple timelines existing at the same time. Time manipulation in stories is always a retarded and bad idea unless its HG Welles or Back to the Future.
That's not very nice user kun.
The Dwemer were short gay dark elf twats who wished they were as cool as actual dwarves and deserved getting themselves nuked out of existence. Have fun in the vvardenfell ruins for all eternity you smug little underassholes and fuck Bethesda for not making actual dwarves for their stupid setting of copypasted concepts.
Morrowind was a fucking fluke. It was the one good game that Bethesda ever made and I'm convinced that it was completely and utterly on accident. Everything that came before Morrowind was generic trash, and everything that came after Morrowind was generic trash.
Well you are absolutely right. Fuck deep elves.
u wot m8
Arena, Daggerfall, and even Redguard were PAINFULLY generic western fantasy games. Lock, stock, and barrel ripped right out of D&D with very little variation even attempted (and this variation was only found in books instead of the actual game world).
Now you're getting it.
You're getting close, faggot. There are no good fantasy games, no good RPGs.
Except the one thing that mattered. Fucking Dwarves.
Right, so they didn't even get the D&D part right when they did it.
It said that the sleeper load whatever didn't match but i ran it anyways, no issues.
Then I found a samurai on top of a mountain and got fucked up
While they aren't all shit, I suspect that none them are must play level.
TES used to be all about the dungeons. Now it is just u-turn caves.
Yah don't fight that guy until you're pretty powerful. In the original morrowind, by that I mean no expansions, Umbra was one of the most powerful npcs you could fight. Vampires are pussies compared to that guy.
Then they had to go and shame Umbra by making his successor in Oblivion some shitty bosmer bitch.
You'd think it would be easy, anyway. Dragonborn gave them most of the assets they need, and they could get away with using a text interface rather than voiced dialogue.
They're so stupid. It should have been a relatively easy slam-dunk.
I just want to kill elves and worship Talos myself
.t crusading Sheogorath
I just started playing Morrowind. Is there really no way to keep track of my quests outside the linear Journal or am I just retarded?
No, the only way is to read the journal and M E M O R I Z E
This tastes of confusing and bitter heresy with a hint of mold. Tell me mad one, why does your realm look like rushed and uninspired shit not worth a flying damn?
Personally, I love both games, but Daggerfall is still the master race. It's a top-tier dungeon crawler without question. My biggest criticism of Daggerfall is that the inventory UI kinda sucks.
TES was always garbage, but hey, babbie's first open world hiking sim.
Well, it's true.
Sure, if other, superior series like Wizardry or M&M didn't exist.
Daily reminder that TES VI: Hammerfell is going to be absolute garbage, irredeemable by even the most dramatic mods much like – but even worse than – Fallout 4.
Also daily reminder that this could have been avoided, that Bethesda Game Studios has the resources – and probably plenty of staff who are willing – to make good games, but due to bad organisation, corporate meddling by Zenimax and the general lack of testosterone endemic to modern game studios, they will decide against their own interests not to sort themselves out by radically altering their in-studio philosophy. Even normalfags are now memeing about how shitty Fallout 4 was; within the next decade Bethesda Game Studios will most likely fade into obscurity, clinging to worthless consumer trends and the fanatical, greedy whims of fat, suit-wearing old men.
Daily reminder that this the world you live in, where nice things are possible but seldom pursued.
What was his fucking problem?
My theory is they were too high on opiates to follow whatever todd was telling them.
I thought it was supposed to be in the marsh, did they decide on Hammerfell instead?
Wait a second they are going to Hammerfell? Why choose the second most boring place in tamriel? I just remembered that that is where the redguards live now. It's going to asscreed: we wuz all over again.
The shit in that vid is just fucking tragic, burn it all to the ground.
I've seen people defending creation club by saying that it will make these mods a reality, despite the fact Tamriel Rebuilt is a thing without the need for shekels.
They're not making shit. That's what TES: Game of Thrones is for.
skyrim is best.
I'm surprised they are making games at all and not going the Valve route.
I always assumed due to their laziness and due to some lore reasons (muh towers) that they would do High Rock but Hammerfell is possible and would let them leave the conflict between the Stormcloaks and Empire up in the air while avoiding dealing with any real resolution about the Thalmor. Maybe we will see why the Thalmor were so interested in getting a piece of Hammerfell and what business the dragonborn had there.
Not to mention they're so lazy they've hired modders to do the work for them, like Falskaar faggot and trainwiz.
If you have the expansions it does let have sections for specific quests.
Aren't the redguard potentially from another dimension or is that just something the lore community pulled out of their asses?
Kirkbride was let out of his drug coffin long enough to say that they are from the past.
We are all from the past
This is your mind on plebbit. Kikebride himself said that they're Yokudans, not magic space and time travelers. Niggers are not magic Doctor Who fairies another dimension, they're simply from another continent. Source: Pocket Guide to the Empire, 1st and 3rd edition (physical booklets included with TES: Redguard and Oblivion).
Sorry n'wah, but kirkbride did say that. It was in reference to the idea he came up with saying all the continents are in different states of time. Whether it's canon or not is irrelevant considering the canon is now completely fucked thanks to TESO.
But if we move the bullshit aside then there is no discussion regarding the elder scrolls series!
TESO was made by an entirely different studio, after Todd refused to work on an online game. It has no bearing on the single player series. The lore of TESO is in no small part fucked because the loremaster is a former world builder from Bioware Austin, the division working on SWTOR.
*plunders Wayrest*
so u be sayin'
*wears dunecoon rags in Skyrim*
ayyoo u be sayin'
*steals your sweatroll*
*does a ride-by with his homies*
Go to bed todd, you were up all night defending fallout 4.
What the fuck am I reading
The holy words of your blessed prophet Kikebride.
Uhhhh, are you telling me you haven't been reading your Kikebride? Haram, tbqh.
Ill stick with playing morrowind instead of reading some junkie ramble online about his love for nigger dick.
Basically, including people in TES who look asian is racist, so Kirkbride instead took asian culture and portioned it out to everyone else, especially the Redguards so that way he can get black people who use ki swords and were led by a Miyamoto Musashi figure, because MK loves him some Black Panther cock and can't stand seeing or even being near those filthy yellow people (which also explains why he loves the BP, who were very vehement about asians being inferior to them). The ending of the words is SHIEEEEEEEEET.
He has certainly gone off the deep end, but how do you not know about kirkbride?
-It's generic fantasy land
-It's in the middle of a war like Skyrim
-It's full of kangz
They can literally make Skyrim 2 with blacks instead of nordic people, it's perfect.
I only know about his crazy lore shit from the morrowind threads here, I never directly followed his shit online.
This is exactly the guy who wrote Vivec and his 36 Lessons, but took credit for entire TES franchise afterwards. Just like Muhammad ripped off the Tanakh, Talmud and Bible, then sold Quran as the new hot shit. Kikebride even beheads infidels, truly greatest prophet. Here is an account of such infidel purges from Sinder Velvin: archive.is
Did you just assume xir's gender without asking xir what gender xe prefers this week?
Well, fuck.
The idea that one of races in TES came from another realm seemed like a neet idea- so I didn't really question. But hey, the lore is fucked enough already.
How does it feel to know Morrowind memes are still being made to this day while Skyrim and Oblivion kiddies are completely tapped out in the meme well?
Fuck kalpas and their bullshit. Also, this shit was fucked since before TESO. Like Akavir supposedly existing in a future kalpa. Kirkbride is stoned out of his mind.
That explains a fucking lot.
Holy fuck, how did this faggot become such a fucking idol among TES lorefags?
Not really. Sounds pretty ridiculous, unless its some of the less humanoid races, like Sloads. But instead every race is now apparently from a different time period/alternate/future timeline.
There are 3 sources for that, 2 of them entirely out of game, Kikebride's r/teslore posts, not even his Impcuck Library essays. One from TESO, which is as far from original TES creators as it gets.
Considering all the other shit that happens, people from another realm seems pretty tame.
You've got a guy that became a god and had an orgy with a vampire god, raped another god, and you've got some fedora elves that erased themselves from existence after creating a god. Don't even get me started on Dragon Breaks.
Fuck those slimy cunts for even giving that shit validation and making Cyrodiil a temperate forest with no fucking rice.
ES6 has always going to be Hammerfall because then Bethesda can virtue signal over
And worse was how they tried to explain it off.
Fuck ESO and Dykebride.
Mods of r/teslore censore Kikebride's spergouts to save his reputation and maintain the cult following.
Apparently there's a lorebook in ESO disputing that one, but yeah internal consistency is the weakest point of the series. All they had to do was keep consistent with the first few retcons, not pile a million more on top of those.
This man is legit insane.
Okay, I'm going to be nice here, but don't ever talk about retards or any mental illness with such fucking stupidity and offensiveness again.
Because he's not entirely wrong. Of all the characters and settings, his tend to stick out as interesting, and at times fun. He went full fucking force on his ego though, and cucked out like crazy. It's interesting to watch much like listening to a crazy homeless man ranting about gods and shit.
Redguard's protagonist Cyrus was created by Kikebride, there's nothing interesting about him except that he's fighting against the evil whitey governor and has Doctor Who levels of LULTIMEYWIMEYXDD
TES:Online's Altmer Queen Ayrenn is created by Kikebride, she's just a Mary Sue robot sent from the future, basically a female version of Terminator.
And Vivec is nothing more than a token rape culture representative, pic related.
Kikebride also did the main storyline for The Force Unleashed. Was that interesting?
Pretty much every Western RPG were copies of D&D, especially, uh, the actual D&D games. Holy shit, you would think that a bunch of guys that played D&D all the time would want to make a video game that was D&D.
lorelets should be banned
It isn't even a good game
C0da makes the khajiit waifu canon
Morrowind is okay. Not the best, but it's enjoyable to play, which is more than can be said for everything that followed.
It's amazing how Prequel hasn't progressed at all since I had last checked on it years ago.
Apparently the Ancestor Ghost got aside story in May, but you do have have wonder why Khazerad updates less frequently now.
Anyway, I'm hoping the Oblivion crisis happens in the comic.
Your mistake not realizing that Elder Scrolls literally has furry porn in it.
Guess it's time to try to learn how to install and work porn mods
It'll take a lot of effort to get to that point, and, in the end, won't be nearly as satisfying as you'd hope. Just like actual sex.
Just save the effort and find erotic fan art. You'll get the same result with less shame.
The ES series has more shit games than good ones. There are still fags that unironically think Todd is a good dev and wants to make good games.
It's embarassing how modders keep outdoing Bethesda. Fuck Bethesda for having a monopoly on first-person open-world RPGs.
Reminder it's now canon that seyda neen a small fishing village is older than a city built for a god. Making it's buildings of straw, and wood almost as old as the dwemer ruins.
Morrowind is good for nostalgia, but I tried to play it again recently, couldn't get past like, half an hour. Fun memory, but should stay in the past. Oblivion was a give and take, certainly subpar to morrowind but it did let you hit stuff when you hit stuff, albeit for little or no damage. Skyrim was total crap, I regret ever purchasing it. It just didn't hold up to the former two in any way.
ok. i disagree. Marrowind and Oblivion were garbage to me because i played them in 2015 and was accustomed to decent movement and battle sequences.
Skyrim on the other hand was interesting the first time around. Here was this game with this massive world and all these weapons that ai-chars were carrying. Skyrim invoked a ton of emotions while exploring it's massive world for the first time. The wonder and awe of what was around the next corner, up that mountain, or inside that dark cave was exhilarating.
all of these skills that i could unlock while exploring this massive snowy world filled with ai-chars that speak to you and may even send you into all sorts of side missions, some of which unlock legendary gear and weapons (diadric items).
i hope you dislike skyrim because you actually played through it and disliked it rather than dislike it because you a mindless sheep who parrot squawks every skyrim meme that comes your way.
And then erased Umbra entirely from Skyrim, which really pissed me off. I know there was some fanfic tier novel where Umbra was used for some floating city but c'mon wtf was that shit?
The real charm of Morrowind was playing the game for 800hours and then still finding something new. Something you hadnt seen before. I spent 5 years of my life in that game and guarantee if i played it again eventually id find something else.
So are Orsimer cool guise?
They may be dicks but they're more up front about it right?
Rate my skeleton king and skeleton empire.
Soon all TES fans won't play TES games but play TES mods.
Which is awesome I cannot wait for finished OpenMW and Daggerfall Unity. Also Bannerlord because playing M&B is better option than modern TES.
this is the future of TES
>sponsored by Mossad Thalmor and imperial affirmative action
Did you know that Todd is the one writing your cuccboi Empire ever since Morrowank?
Keep your faggotism in that thread
What the hell is this supposed to be? Why are they selling shit that's already in the game?
That says he helped write the Legion quests, not the entirety of the Empire.
Goodall and several other writers left Beth during or shortly after Morrowind's development, guess who took over.
I always thought the Imperial Cult felt "different" from all of the other quest lines. The way they doled out quests and rewards was just different from the usual way. Saying it was rushed and unfinished makes a lot of sense.
Really? The pattern of pointless busywork then a difficulty spike of fetch quests matches the Temple, and to a lesser extent most factions in the game.
Need Explanation.
Aw c'mon, give Holla Forums a chance
Finally broke down and set up OpenMW. It's actually pretty impressive after it's all set up. Runs so much smoother than the original client too.
Now all I need is some good shaders.
disliking every game cuz
It runs worse for me, but that's why it's in alpha I guess. Having an FX cpu likely doesn't help either.
What the hell is this supposed to be? Why are they selling shit that's already in the game?
They're retextures to make it more "hd". Hilarious they're selling this shit to consolefags, even more hilarious it looks worse than the free ones on PC.
MGE EX still doesn't work with OpenMW right?
No, and there's no need. OpenMW is natively going to do the things MGE does.
Second question. Are the things MGE EX does implemented in OpenMW yet?
I think they have normal maps and bumpmapping so far.
Distant terrain is in
Interdasting. Thanks for the information.
Is there any difference between the 32-bit or 64-bit versions of OpenMW? Which one is the main focus?
I'm playing Morrowind again. I played a few hours of it a couple years ago, but stopped for some reason.
I'm still mostly doing Balmora quests, but I've been up to Caldera and right now I'm in Hla Oad. What a hellhole.
Playing a Redguard warrior that's mostly sympathetic to the Empire. I'm leveling the way the developers want people to, where I actually use my major skills rather than just min-maxing. Is it supposed to be slow as fuck that way? I'm still only at level 3.
Also, I have almost 30,000 gold because I killed that whore in Pelagiad who worships Mehrunes Dagon, stole a bunch of skooma and moon sugar in Seyda Neen, and sold everything to the creeper merchant.
I think you may doing something wrong. I got to level 12 or so in a day or two. And I'm 90% that I suck at it.
How? What kind of class were you playing?
My major skills are long blade, heavy armor, block, armorer, and destruction, because I'm stupid.
At least I started out with endurance at 85, which is nice.
It's a custom class, I don't remember the exact stats. I'm pretty sure I have heavy/medium armor and blunt weapon as major skills though. It probably helps that I run into a lot if enemies on the road.
Am I playing Morrowind right?
Not at all, I kinda enjoyed Skyrim, but now that we got HoneySelect it's indeed obsolete.
Major attributes. You happy fag?
You're not playing it as the designers intended, but the fact that you can do that is part of what makes Morrowind special. You do you, user.
Skyrim is just Daggerfall with a smaller map.
In both games the main quest is shit, and all the fun comes from exploring dungeons and getting loot.
If somehow you could mix the depth that Daggerfall has for its character builds and the non completely fucked map and dungeons Skyrim has you'd probably end up with a really fun game.
There's a game idea if anyone wants to take a shot at it
Thanks, this makes morrowind the greatest game ever made. I wonder why I'm not allowed to do this in any other game.
Daggerfall is actually more akin to Oblivion. Really repetitive and flat environment with randomly generated level scaled items and enemies, but the customization is pretty fun. Skyrim fixed the environment, but lost the fun of customization. Btw, Fallout 4 is a great improvement upon the fuckups of Oblivion and Skyrim, I have no idea why fags hate it.
Almost had me there, Todd
Have you ever played D&D? It's anything but generic, for some reason all the cool shit is ripped out in things that are inspired by it.
And they're as good as morrowind itself!
The most popular setting is a generic high fantasy shitshow filled with mary sues.
Compared to Daggerfall, Skyrim has zero character customization. It doesn't have fucking attributes.
Never tried 32-bit, but nightlies and releases always get both.
Prove me wrong. They got everything but the writing right
Ye ok fam
Looks fine to me. Despite almost like 1/3 of the world is covered in water, the underwater is pretty neat.
I like the perk based system better than FO3/NV's watered down awkward leveling. Things like weapon skills were very ambiguous in previous Fallouts, now it's clear what the upgrades do.
You get stronger weapons as you progress. I also use the MADNESS mod, it's a very light mod.
I wanna have an argonian bf :3c
Fallout 4 got boring fast. The previous games had perk system and skills. It was pretty obvious what the skills did unless you have brain cancer.
The lizard waifu is clearly superior.
>when your argonian bf feeds you hist sap to turn you into an argonian cboy :3c
He already get money from retards doing random commissions whiles lying that he is waiting for assets. FOR ALMOST 2 FUCKING YEARS
Today I got a threat from a shill trying to censor me about Bethesda's Jewish practices. They keep digging their grave, that money could have been used to fix their buggy messes of ransomware instead of going to numales and shitskins whose sole job is publicly sucking Beth cock.
How retarded do you have to be to think quest design is even close to muh writing?
Apparently bethesda level retarded.
I am making a parallax texture pack for OpenMW. Anyone like how this looks?
That does look pretty good.
I don't see how Fallout 4's perks as replacement for skills is more boring.
Even MrMatthewPlays is appalled by the state of Bethesda right now. Zenimax's jewry knows no bounds.
Looks nice
Bones: Rattled
Wheels: Spun
nice work but I don't know or care what that game is
i just wanted to say nice meme
Wait are there people that actually think TES is a better franchise than Souls? Cause that's retarded. I actually liked Skyrim believe it or not but Souls is a better franchise by miles.
-Competent attempts at level design
-An actual combat system that requires some level of skill to succeed at
-A storyline that isn't a complete cliche
The only thing TES does better than Souls is the open world, wander around and discover weird shit aspect but that's only because TES is throws any linear dimension to the gameplay completely out the window.
Arena isn't just generic, it's objectively terrible. Idk if any anons here have had to suffer through it but it sucks.
Link me an archive of that damned interview
On second 5 it looks like shit. Those cracks look way too much oblivion like.
What essential mods to install on skyrim i don't know about? Except obvious interface/graphical improvements, already have those.
Skyrim's dungeons and loot fucking suck, though.
There are few ways to make loot generate more interestingly, but that will require hundreds of loot related mods, scarcity and wrye bash.
"muh" is not an argument.
the shills at bethesda said mods would improve the game but the base game doesn't get any improvements. all you have are weird pornolab mods and honestly you're just better off either playing a good game or if you wanna fap, playing an h-game.
The people who take those screenshots don't actually play Skyrim. They use it solely and exclusively as a waifu model photography application. Taking screenshots IS the game for them.
Yup. The ENBs half of them run would likely give them a max fps of like 20.
we already knew, user, you didn't have to write a fucking blog about it
Wew, I hope that faggot doesnt come back to shit the thread up further while you keep feeding him
Anyone have any old interviews or something saved? webm related is a Daggerfall interview I found on YouTube. It's a bit interesting as the screenshots are from an unfinished build with noticeable UI changes
Just look around the Imperial Library website.
I'm looking more for old trailers and audio interviews.
I remember there was a Skyrim mod that made wood cutting gold dependant upon speech. I can't find it though. Anyone know what it is? Economy Overhaul does it too, but it's SE only and just one of many things it does.
Just make some potions of levitation and then kill him with magic or a ranged weapon while flying.
Todd? Is that you?
I think Souls' level design is pretty pretty boring. Yeah, I know it's a linear game, but it feels like very cramped and linear corridors with a few forkings, and the open levels are just horrible.
I'll give you this one, but Souls doesn't have anything as fun as 100% magic resistance + 100% reflect damage, or 5000pts fortify strength. You always feel like you're underpowered when fighting the bosses and some stronger common enemies. It doesn't feel like RPG at all, it's shit. And even for the genre which is sword combat game, Souls' combat is pretty horrid. It's simon says combat with so much memorization, broken hitbox, and broken timing instead of actual improvisations.
TES is complete cliche? Where did that come from? It's some of the most creative derivations of Tolkien esque fantasy. Souls is just based on some cliche shinto afterlife myths combined with berzerk anime shit.
And it already makes TES better game. Morrowind is great because it forgot the widely accepted notions of video game design and just let you become absolutely anything you want and have fun with it.
Pretty much the same person
Is this the post we're we can dismiss shit out of hand just because we hate it?
In that case, Tes lore is one part drug addled rambling that makes no fucking sense and is given a free pass by faggots who pretend it's actually 2deep4U on a level mirroring the evangelion fan base. The other part is people who are not Kirkbride making shit up as they go along with no mind to the pre-established canon.
The gameplay gets stripped down with every iteration and even Morrowind was a downgrade from Daggerfall. The combat went from being heavy rng to constant wars of attrition with the AI to see who loses HP first. Magic went from being fun and original to dull and pointless. Archery is a big meme, but still better than in any of the Souls games barring Demon's. The story for the latest three games are copy and paste, with Skyrim feeling like a devolution of Morrowind's story, making the story be literally "Escape from jail, you are the chosen one." The Souls games are not stellar on this front by any means, but the one thing they have going for them is that From actually patches the game, and doesn't have a mindset of "mods will fix it, and we'll sell the mods needed to fix it for even more shekels!"
2deep4u sounds more like Souls' lore. TES' lore does have lots of bizarre mysticism and politics crammed inside, but it doesn't try to be deep, just expansive. It's just designed in a way that reading random books lying all around the game can be an entertaining activity. Real life itself is full of superstitions you can discover and explore, that's what TES is.
Skyrim is the only one that was excessively watered down. In Oblivion, you can still make a completely invincible character.
Still an improvement over Arena's and Daggerfall's mouse swinging fest. The combat is still the same stat dependent combat, only with the annoying RNG accuracy removed.
So far you're only describing the shortcomings of Skyrim. A combination of archery and 100% chameleon is the best build in Oblivion.
The bad thing about the writing of the last 2 TES games is not the story, but having too much story. Even though you're free to ignore the main quests, they should've gone back to their sandbox root.
And as a trade-off, the modability of Souls is utter shit. Bethesda's games get patched a lot too, even though the unofficial patch usually fixed even more problems.
Uninstall Skyrim.
Got the Marie Rose, but her voice is fucked. Also my game looks awful what ENB do I use.
The only one that's going to ever get finished is the open-source morrowind engine.