Comfy Steam Friends thread

Let's have a Steam friends threads, share your steam account and add each other. Add me :3




U guys are ass*oles

Alright, just post your asses so we can get the filler shit and thumbtwiddling over with.
We ALL know how these threads end.
Join #8chanCuteBoys on Kik

you belong on a noose

who made this

fuck right off back to 4chan, you motherfucking faggot loser

But I only browse Holla Forums (δ-δ) user-kun~

let's not



Gaze upon my digits

I remember when we had these threads back in 2014, no one really gave a shit and just posted their steam names.

What happened? Whats with all the sages and shitposts nowadays?

The last remnants of summer, I suppose.
I never liked Steam Friend threads. The people you added usually just ended up being clutter. Making steam friends is a lot more important when it's candid (i.e. meet them playing TF2 or some other multiplayer game)
Really, OP, if you wanted to make steam friends just find some people who share your interest in the games you like. I made a few friends from the 8ch Gmod server.

/cuteboys/ Happened
You can't be friends with anyone anymore, everyone secretly wants your dick now

the gayme community

This is a fucking STEAM thread. You shouldn't act surprised when meme services like Kik and discord are mentioned.
I use Lynx myself, but still.

There's nothing wrong with Discord, though. It's just Kik that's disgusting. Of course, that's any phone chat client.

this is why I love this place

I came here to post this. Fuck you for making me post this.

Well shit that makes a lot of sense. Fuck these threads then.


This video is ridiculous anyway. It's almost like Discord's privacy policy is the same as literally every other privacy policy.

Shweet denial

What am I denying?

My god, this damage control.
Fucking pathetic. This is what the average pisscord user has been degraded to. Hey, at least you have a personal dataminer now, not one of the many reasons people left halfchan, nope, not at all.