Blizzard is the worst company in the world and should be firebombed and the remains of the building salted so nothing ever grows there.
Then it should become radioactive disposal site.
Blizzard is the worst company in the world and should be firebombed and the remains of the building salted so nothing ever grows there.
Then it should become radioactive disposal site.
Nigger, they're not even the worse company in the vidya industry. Though I wouldn't complain if the firebombing thing happened.
That was much more revealing before and it was censored, wasn't it?
Not sure if they're the worst company in the world, but I agree with everything else you said.
What exactly am I looking at here?
blizzard has done many wrongs but i'm not sure what in your image posted is one that upset you
Y tho
That looks sexy af tbh.
they make demon versions of characters, which means bigger boobs i guess
dreadlord jaina skin in hots
THICClord Jaina
What's so upsetting then?
That the sex-demon version of Jaina in HotS is more covered than her appearance in WC3?
Since when has Blizzard done anything remotely resembling meeting expectations with regards to Warcraft?
The skin is also a reddit-tier Meme
them female worgens, tho
Explain further, I haven't paid attention to anything Blizz has done in HotS since they released it.
She looks like she's got rot tits. What's the problem?
op is a sperg
reddit gets their meme, everyone else gets thicc demon skin for a hero that only had bad skins up until now, so no one is at loss here but the retard op
a bunch of autistic lorefags start talking about Jaina going corrupt and/or secretly being a dreadlord.
It's still a shitty-looking skin.
So it's metzen as usual.
While op is a sperg, you are a faggot.
metzens gone dude, long gone
Chromie has a painfully little amount of lewds
So it's Metzen fanboys?
That just makes it even more lame.
Blizzard was never good aside form Broodwar, that shit was tight
They better have girlfriends and/or wives, because there's no good explanation for this outside those reasons.
the autistic lorefags run the company i thought you knew.
This is all official blizzard content
You're a whole fool if you think they had any choice in their pubicity photos
i played all mobas and hots is the one with the best fun to time-spent-in-match ratio but sure off i am to suck valve's dick with a 50 min match a greedy russian will throw anyway
too bad smnc is dead
isn't hots non canon bullshit anyways? who gives a shit about fucking skins on a game no one plays?
It's a crime.
I don't get it. If you have three pairs of arms then shouldn't you have three pairs of pectoral muscles to accompany them? So wouldn't the demon have three pairs of tits then?
Dogs have four pair of tits, but they don't have four pairs of "arms"(there is a difference between the back leg and the front leg, which I refereed to as an "arm).
Blizzard is already SJW, they just do things very softly. Since from the very beginning they had tons of strong independent womyn, but they put them in positions of power sometime later.
Mike Morhaime is a jew's jew.
Blizzard won't put outright trannies in the game, but they will slowly work things up over time. Overwatch is a testament to that.
They are crafty, but not good.
Not necessarily, but the arms without pectoral muscles attached would be a lot weaker.
I want to fuck that
Who cares, she's sexy, now if she was fat and had rainbow hair or looked like that russian dyke from overwatch then we'd have a problem
At least one company got it right
but the russian dyke is in the gaaaaa
Is famine a system of government?
Nothing about this character model tells me it's "ranged" or and "assassin". Is that what you're mad about OP? Blizzard and its generic shit?
A few years ago some fat ginger fuck named Jesse Cox made a "Jaina's a dreadlord" joke. It became a meme on WoW message boards partly because it was kinda funny and partly because Blizzard is terrible at writing coherent narratives, and Jaina's characterization suffered heavily because of it just like every other character in the history of WoW.
Said dreadlord jokes reached their peak during the prelaunch event for Legion, the Broken Shore. During that event, the Alliance and Horde met on the eponymous island to fight the Burning Legion's latest invasion. The Horde got their shit wrecked hard and both sides were forced to retreat, one after the other. Jaina, having done a complete 180 in terms of character by this point, is furious that the Horde retreated and wants Anduin (now king of Stormwind since his father died during the event) to declare war on them. Anduin refuses, so she storms off in a huff… and then demons attack the throne room literally seconds after, revealing that they'd been disguised as ordinary soldiers and such this whole time. She storms off in a huff again, this time in Dalaran, when the Council of Six votes in favor of readmitting the Horde into Dalaran. This is the last anyone in-game has seen or heard from her, and Legion is in its final patch cycle.
The next expansion will probably feature her as a raid boss, frankly.
as usual, the only good art of her was made by incase.
Yes but it's more commonly referred to as "autocratic communism"
Guy in the middle is Slayer Boxer. He has a wife. She beat his manager in brood war once.
Yeah you can just watch newest cinematics with light and illidan to get a hang of why Blizzard is retarded.
no, its peak right NOW, run for you fucking lives
Fuck you, Hitler, I'd let those thighs milk me for my mana.
Thighs so thick they;d turn Freddie Mercury straight for the evening.
The gist of that cinematic, and some backstory leading up to it:
Xe'ra had prophesied that Illidan Stormrage would become a champion of the light. When Illidan first rejected this, she outright stated that he will become the chosen one whether he wanted to or not, then let him die at the hands of adventurers in the Black Temple.
His second encounter with her is the cinematic in question. She basically tries to force her own prophecy to happen by transforming him against his will. He never wanted to be her champion, and believes what she's doing will erase who he is. So he kills her instead.
As for why the cinematic exists, it's because the writers caved in to criticism about how awful Xe'ra and their Illidan Redemption story was. It was literally going to be Kerrigan 2.0, but the fan outcry was so great that they scrapped the idea. And Xe'ra was so widely hated that they actually wrote her coming back to life she was dead during Legion questing and that giant crystal in the cinematic was all that remained of her body in the first place just to have a cinematic where Illidan rejects her prophecy and kills her.
Hell, not even a single NPC in the content surrounding that cinematic likes Xe'ra. Velen reacts to her death by more or less saying "Wow, didn't see that coming. Now shove her battery-like remains into this conveniently Xe'ra-shaped battery slot to power our secret weapon". Alleria was imprisoned by her for trying to use void magic to help defeat the Legion. Turalyon, the guy who got pissed at Illidan for killing her, doesn't even like her, he just thought she was necessary to defeat the Legion.
Basically, Xe'ra is like Wesley Crusher, except the writers accepted they'd fucked up and tried to save face by killing her off instead of convincing anyone that she was actually a good character. Blizzard, being Blizzard, probably fucked that up too, though.
She'll probably become one of the Void Lords.
I am very confused, especially after WoD where people were screaming at blizz to make content and they did fucking nothing.
Fucking disgusting.
I don't know anymore
He has horns and all his teeth are sharp. He has glowing demonic green tatoos. He sold his eyes to Sargeras for demon tv.
He betrayed his own numerous times. He is to elves what fel orcs are to orcs and necromancers to humans.
Have Blizzard ever made a single good game? All of the games are fucking casual shit, Warcraft is an RTS for people who don't play RTS, Diablo an RPG for people who don't play RPGs, Starcraft is the same as Warcraft, and World of Warcraft is Everquest for fucking children. Need I mention Overwatch and their shitty Yugioh rip-off?
You can throw warcraft under the bus but diablo1-2 and sc1-bw were good.
Diablo was made by Condor games, a company acquired by blizzard and renamed "blizzard north". The Actual blizzard didn't work on Diablo until Diablo 3.
You said it's shit I said it isn't. Nobody mentioned who made it.
aka: Leninism/Stalinism. Mao had an interesting solution to the famines: communism is going to lead to food shortages, but if you just execute tens of millions of people they won't be able to starve to death and the supply issues are alleviated somewhat.
Their WoW team is basically a ghost crew at this point but the few people there do want to make a decent game. It's kind of sad.
Check IDs faggot.
Re-read the first sentence of who you replied to.
Now you reread it.
Not diablo 2 or 3, starcraft 1 or 2. The entire series being shit is not correct. With terrible flaws maybe, but entirely shit - no.
He is much much worse than any of those, really. Illidan is more demon than mortal after consuming the skull of guldan.
Fuck you, Lost Vikings was fun.
Blackthorne was Prince of Persia mixed with Heavy Metal and it was the tightest shit ever, and Rock n' Roll Racing was fun as fuck
You mean Magic The Gathering for braindead toddlers? Fucking weebs can't even remember that nips never are originators of anything. They are quintessential culture thieves.
OP I'm sorry but I'm distracted by your EXTRA THICC.
you have NO idea how fucking right you are little nigger
blizztard is actually a deepstate PsyOp/research front that is so fundamental to the powers that be they have gone to great lengths to hide their ties to it, unlike over the ground DARPA projects a la killer robots and the like
Blizzard "games" are actually weapons that you can aim at entire segments of the population rendering them almost impotent, its a lot like heroin although the effects are not nearly as drastic upon first glance. The reality is that the effects might be far worse, DOPE inc can wreak havoc on a people(just look at Iran/Russia or of course China under the boot of the albion opium trade), but its a malignant cancer that can be cut out and even treated more humanely under some circumstances.
Blizztec on the other hand is so slick and harmless looking especially to the uninitiated that it will cause massive damage before the state can even react to it. Even when the problem has been diagnosed combatting the effects is extremely complex, and treatment itself can often backfire and become an undermining ffactor in and off itself
why do all this you ask? cui bono? Its very simple, the fraternities want to marginalize as many young men as they can, population reduction and psyops are essential to the present unipolar order, "counter"culture used to be the main way of accomplishing the latter but this shit is so much more effective especially longterm, its basically a form of slowkill for both the mind and the body
Let the carnage begin!
Do you need to be reminded of the intellectual property lawsuits around modding ? How they wanted to have every single mod for wc3 or starcraft belong to them exclusively, despite never lifting their finger?
How they changed their terms around sc2 ?
Did you forget the dota 2 lawsuits, for all the hate for mobas, we could have had no dota2 and heroes of the storm instead. And that thing is probably the most casual moba there is.
OP is clearly a faggot for wording it like that, but blizzard are not a *good* company anymore. Haven't been for a decade or more.
EA is bad, but Blizzard does not allow LAN/Offline play in Overwatch because they own MLG and they want complete control over the competitive scene
Blizzard is a bunch of scumbags
>but riot is worse
Are you fucking kidding EA spearheads the worst practices and laid the very foundations for a whole lotta bullshit. Saying Blizzard is worse is downplaying the company that started it all just because Blizzard doesn't allow LAN/Offline play.
God fucking damn, why is blizzard so good at making chicks that you just feel the need to impregnate.
Friendly reminder that Blizzard was founded, and still owned, by Jews and that their insistence on constant references to Hollywood garbage is not by any means a coincidence.
Get some taste user, holy fuck.
I too want to impregnate Jaina but I would much rather start with a goblin. I cant help it, they are so cute and their butts are so nice and plump
I want to impregnate the entire race
The last we impregnated goblins we made mexicans. This is a bad idea.
Can you really attribute your attraction to the character to Blizzard when they make her look way worse than any fan art?
Fucking goblins will only make more goblins. Incest is a shit fetish too.
I want Jaina to gas the horde and be the new MC of the next expansion
why are all mexicans attracted to short ugly woman with fat asses?
huh? are you trying to say i am Mexican? because I am not, I am a nordic/slavic mutt.
The entire company is shit. Nothing Blizzard has ever made has ever been good. It's all trash, every last game they've had their hands on.
So Blizzard is ripping off a rip off? Seems like they've really outdone themselves, considering none of their shit is original.
I'll take more.
Someone has a case of the autism, also his powers are nothing generic stop reaching
Not crushing Orgrimmar under the weight of the ocean like she'd planned to was wrong, if you'ere going with that angle.
I wish they'd actually done that to begin with, since it would've made Mists of Pandaria's writing more evenhanded to have the Horde on the backfoot from the start instead of the retarded shit they ended up going with.
Never fuck a goblin, user. You'd count yourself lucky if they only turned out to be an STD-riddled whore with more "boyfriends" than grains of sand on the beach.
No what I am saying is a bunch of white guys banged a bunch of south american goblins, and now we have to deal with the results.
yeah man, Hisoka is totally a more original character, I've never heard of insane clown villains who take pleasure in inflicting pain before him, and magic tricks? Shit, there's never been villains who use stage magic as their themes before, holy fuck. Such a shame the author is slowly dying from the inside out and painfully withering away into a husk to the point he can barely draw without needing long hiatuses in between each issue, surely the world needs more 100% original thinkers like him :^)
Say what you want about blizzard, they know how to make some Hot QTs
I thought bizz didn't allow midriffs on their models in that game, what changed?
Haruka is not a Blizzard whore. How dare you conflate the two
Nah I was just posting some random chick from Senran. Carry on user.
Hisoka's bungee gum has many properties, many combinations, many uses. Mirio's glitching through walls will never go beyond that because it has already been trained to its full potential.
Nice try though, cape cuck moralfag.
No, it's going to become actually necessary in the coming century as demand for human labor plummets.
It's been so long since Hisoka showed up I legitimately forgot he existed for a bit, he didn't even show up in the Chimera Arc right? And he's nowhere to be seen in the current arc either. When was the last time that nigger was there, let alone relevant?
lets not
Why isn't there porn of this yet?
They put a belly dancer in the place of a wizard.
Then they put bodybuilders in the spots of mages, warlocks and etc.
Basically generic model men and women on the spots of nerds and dweebs. And you fell for it.
I just don't get how Overwatch pitches a bright and positive future. The heroes have fragmented, and now all the "heroes" are in-fighting for no just cause. No one has allegiance to anything, it's pure bloodsport, even Zenyata realizes this and just says "eh, fuck it, you'll learn through fighting." The villains are petty, and the heroes are Vindicators, and the reason they fight is because they outlived their usefulness. There's gotta be more to it than flashy colors and muh diversity and photo-ops, there just has to.
Also that second picture,
"You can live and die by the sword of artistic freedom if you wish, but you'll only be proving you're not as creative or imaginative as you claim to be.
Imagine being so creative that you place hard limitations on what type of cosmetic racial content qualifies you for praise. That's pretty fucking creative, just picture the imagination it takes to follow someone else's arbitrary requirements. They have no higher cause, just like the shitty naive Overwatch characters and every mutually antagonistic "hero."
Where the fuck do people get this idea that making everyone look through the same lens broadens everyone's perspective? How do you mock the valid defense of artistic freedom, then claim that imposition is for the true benefit of artistic freedom? Agree or disagree with the value of diversity, you must at least be able to tell the difference in mandatory diversity and diversity being a conscious choice by the creator. You'd think it would be less work to just leave people alone and let them make what they want, then have your incestuous self-congratulatory awards ceremony.
Freddie was bi. Not that it matters, because if he wanted to fuck it he fucked it. Because he's FREDDIE FUCKING MERCURY.
They're bad but they're far from the worst.
That title still belongs to EA/Jewbisoft
thus they're equal; a leftist paradise, user
Chromie is also probably a futa. Chromie is the humanoid form of Chronormu, which despite being listed as female, is a male as fuck name
your post and your image are very conflicting. and i want lewds of that
in overwatch the demon mercy skin has her tits shrink, while the valkyries are bigger. what a conundrum
more trickles out, but way too often on porn sites it goes untagged or just tagged as a generic gnome.
WC3 was good and is still good
its not any worse, but nothing will match the feeling when the mapping community was bristling with fresh creativity
do you even read the manga? he just fought chrollo.
The asshurt in this thread is hilarious!
custom maps are still being made and played
They made good games.
Were the games well written? That's the main point of contention, so you be the judge.
I like to go back to WC3 every year, and every time I replay it I realise just how poor the story is in some parts.
The gameplay is top-notch, though; just because you can only imagine C&C being the only legitimate way to do an RTS does not make it so.
Given how bad modern games are I can understand some moders continuing, but damn. That is some hardcore dedication.
The WC3 community is still alive, it's just that no one is making custom multiplayer maps any more.
people are still making and updating maps like Azeroth Wars alto there are some quick 4v4 custom maps
That may very well be the best Zarya's ever looked in anything.
You forgot EA.
If I'm not mistaken, the only game content that is canon is the king's row pve map they had a while ago. Other than that, only comics and cinematics are canon.
What's wrong with SpaceX? They're doing what the feds are too busy giving out iPhones to niggers to do.
You mean the feds should be dumping millions into rockets that fall over and blow up?
The feds should be dumping gorillions into space shit in general. The ghetto needs martial law, not gibs that could be going to scientific advancement.
Remove yourself, subhuman
You didn't even list non-tech companies, though to be fair if you did that you'd run out of text to post with
They run their employees ragged and dump them once they've extracted their worth.
Sorry fam
Ah, now I hear the bad parts. I guess even if they're doing space and not niggertech they're still a (((Silicon Valley))) company at heart.
the biggest scam that is funded by american government aka american taxpayers
thats good to hear. maybe i should say nothing will beat the feeling of it being new to me. coming out of starcraft and seeing all the new possibilities. i was hoping for something similar out of starcraft 2. but what could they have realistically done to improve it?
I'm not sure what it says about your game when the only thing that's canon about it is the promotional material like comics and Meet The videos.
I thought it was going to be a comic about communism.
There's nothing wrong with the government handing out free money to what otherwise would be commercial failures forced to declare bankrupcy.
t. spacex employee
Nothing will really come out of Starcraft 2 modding community because the editor itself was made overcomplicated on purpose so the players need to ask Blizzard devs constantly on how to make the maps work without crashing/bugs and Blizzard added a new policy where you have to automatically agree that everything made in SC2 editor is property of Blizzard regardless who made it, they have done this to prevent another Dota 2 where popular mod became its own genre and game.
But it gets even better, some people who had lots of free time and autism made WC3 in SC2 engine and was quite good looking too, Blizzard released a small patch that broke it on purpose then took all the assets and made Heroes of the Storm moba and the original creator cant do shit really.
Fuck I know about that project. There was a beta and some trailers, but I didn't know it got killed.
blizzard is shit but this skin isn't a cause for compliant she looks pretty hot
soulless husk of what it was, it embodied every plotline it ever threw at its audience – the allure and effects of corruption
that shithole is a dumpster fire now. if you didn't play their games 1998-2004 you missed it. sorry, but you missed it.
No, it was fucking popular. You think it's good because it was fucking casual enough for you to play. Blizzard casualizes every fucking genre they get their fucking mitts on. They casualized RPGs, they casualized MMOs, they casualized RTS, they casualized FPS, what the fuck haven't they done for you fucking niggers?
Not being a colossal gookclick fuckfest makes it casual?
Thanks for elaborating on that.
Gookclick is hard? Then why is Starcraft 2 the pinnacle of gookclick when it's a fucking casualized piece of shit designed for the lowest common denominator? Everything Blizzard has made has been for people who have never played a game in the genre before. I bet your first RTS was fucking Warcraft.
No one cares about SC2, even the most die-hard Blizzard gook shills have abandoned it, what are you talking about?
Also, gookclick is not "hard," it is despised by some because it turns every match into a contest of who can click faster.
Besides, I didn't say Blizzard games weren't designed with casuals in mind.
Their motto was literally "easy to learn, hard to master."
But that does not make their old games bad.
Get this nigger out of here, if WC3 was so casual why did so many people jump to casual bullshit that was Dota and stopped playing melee maps?
Also comparing Blizzard 2002 to Blizzard 2017 is fucking stupid.
Koreans actually like Starcraft 1 better then 2.
It's pretty funny because the main reason people said they preferred Dota was because the matches were much quicker and they didn't have to do "boring shit" like building a base and planning ahead.
Today, the average WC3 ladder match lasts between 15 to 22 minutes (30 at most, more only if both sides are very skilled), while Doto1/2/LoL/whatever can easily go into +1 hour of slow decay with severe penalties if you quit.
Who do you think hired the new blood, the new employees? Evil begets evil, and shit begets shit. They don't even fucking hide their end goal of casualization either, they want more casuals, they want more fucking idiots who have never played a video game to come in and play their games, leaving feeling as if they really are good at video games or are video game enthusiasts. So they go and make these fucking shitty commercials, they get tagged on some boxes of carcinogenic cola, and they get their own episode of a shitty cartoon.
people preferred Dota because it was casual as fuck, you only control your hero in predetermined lane/corridor
thats modern Blizzard not Blizzard that made WC3, we need to preserve good old games like WC3 then nuke Blizzard HQ
Not that user, but it's important to remember that they're all shit. Fucking your consumers in the ass is always bad regardless of when you decided to do it.
Case in point, Blizzard has been doing this far earlier, like splitting Starcraft 2 up into 3 chunks so you can pay full price in triplicate for a fanfiction-tier story. Or Diablo 3's always-online requirement and real-money auction house. The only difference between them and EA is that Blizzard fans are more hardcore in their dicksucking.
The Blizzard that made Warcraft 3 is the Blizzard that lead to the so-called modern Blizzard, you fucking faggot, it's not like id Software being replaced with fucking autists with down sydrome after being bought out, those oh-so-great penny pinching faggots at old Blizzard called the shots and hired who they thought was a good fit. They've never made a single good game, it's all shit. They're better than even Bethesda when it comes to making shit games, because Bethesda didn't make casualized shit games until Morrowind, they made regular shit games for gaming enthusiasts with shit taste. They're worse than their extremely shitty competitor when it comes to video game development. Valve actually made a decent game at one point, when has Blizzard ever made anything worth playing? Keep sucking the so-called old Blizzard dick though, and remember to keep connecting to
*far earlier than in Overwatch
Not its not you idiot, over the years the good developers either left or were fired and then Blizzard hired idiots who dont know what they are doing.
Think what angry user means is that the decision to terminate/not renew the good developers' contracts was made by the same people that hired the dumbasses that turned so much to shit.
What the fuck is that ABOMINATION!?
Blizzard is second behind Sony. Sony is responsible for gaming being the cancer it is today, and they dump the most resources out of any game company into hiring paid shills and paying off various people in the industry whether it be third party developers, journalists, or forum admins. Sony's exclusives have also always been overrated trash; there isn't a masterpiece among them.
it says that fanbases are fundamentally superficial and just want something to masturbate to. asuka was the original proof of this.
Complete fucking cancer.
nice dubs and kimmy wants his WoW back or we are gonna get nuked.
This is a true post, idk what it's doing on Holla Forums
For a millionth time, diablo was developed by blizzard north, not blizzard. Or Condor entertainment.
Riot is the sleaziest Moba game developers behind Blizzard and the Chinese ones that make shitty knocks off for phones:
Fuck you. But also
And their overlord owns everything in china and make a billion knock offs yearly, but they sue each other for stealing. Stealing the idea they previously stole and suing each other over it.
Gnar, Azir, and Bard were dog shit when they came with Bard having the worst win rate (All three fed team like crazy on their first week). Riot literally pushed the shit out of them with patches that buffed them a week later, giving them little features to get players to use them. Look up shit on Gnar when you go to Lol's site. Everyone hated Bard on release (even people who used him).
How is any of that forcing people to play them, exactly? If they came out overpowered, you'd be accusing Riot of releasing overpowered heroes to make people buy them.
They buff characters so they sell more of them and nerf them later.
Yeah but he was saying some stupid shit like they were forcing players to play bad characters.
Riot gets pissy if they see heroes they don't want in the meta, or they're not getting what they want from the playerbase.
Bard was nearly unplayable on release, and Gnar fed top lanes like crazy. Azir also did some major feeding, and they shoved those guys in the meta after they got immediate buffs.
Blizzard does the exact same shit ALL THE TIME
The stealth heroes are easy to counter by themselves.
This is bad, so Blizzshit decided to fuck with the matchmaking algorithm to favor stealth heroes.
You'll regularly see 2+ stealth heroes pitted against heroes weak against ambushers.
How hard is it to make a matchmaking algorithm that takes into account party size, individual skill, and hard/soft counters?
It's not that hard
Rate players based on class preference, performance, multi-player combos, and objective coordination, not winrate. Favor combos and coordination.
Give heroes danger rating based on disabling skills.
Rate heroes based on average player ability with said hero.
Treat multi-role heroes as spot fillers.
Segregate complete shit players from the main matchmaking pool.
You can go on 10+ lose streaks just from their shitty matchmaking algorithms.
If it's any consolidation, HoTS is probably considered the worst Moba out there, and even Blizzard hardly addresses it in their reports. They don't want to fix it's glaring problems (releasing ugly, insanely grindy as fuck, incomplete models, balance, and shit matchmaking); instead, they just keep pushing this esport shit that didn't take off for 3 years. Nobody even watched the shitty HoTS tourney at last year's Blizzcon.
Whoever thought talent gating was a great idea should have been fired.
They fucked over Leoric and Lt. Morales with the reworks, and Butcher is weak as hell if he isn't completely fed.
Leoric is stronger, but his undying gimmick is gimped to all hell. Seems like instead of balancing heroes, they just want to make them homogenous.
Lt. Morales is terrible at healing and the 2% self-heal passive while the beam is active is laughably weak, and will make you burn out all your "energy" trying to heal yourself.
The reason they did this, was that she was the strongest healer in her bracket.
A good Morales was third to Stukov, then Uther. Now she's dead last, behind even Tyrande.
The game is so shit that the meta revolves around disable stacking.
If teams are equally skilled, whatever team has more stuns wins. If the stun count is within 1-2, the team with more silences and slows wins.
faggot mods
it looks good on my phone screen
i didnt even like when they changed the concussive bomb to not detonate on impact. are these things intended as nerfs or what?
We'll run out of food faster with our current system than anyother point in history thanks to overpopulation though.
You do know which countries have the most population? They just happen to be the shittiest ones too.
Their rockets rarely fail at launch anymore. Re-landing the main thruster on land and sea is a great way to reuse a part and save money, which is what the overpriced shuttle was made for. No other rockets are reusable. Pushing innovation should not be halted because you think its a waste. What is a waste is the propping up of welfare people, 3rd world, and 3rd worlders in our 1st world country. Too bad most of our efforts aren't productive.
Interestingly, in Legion, all the Normal Demon mobs in the entire expansion drop grey vendor trash.
While all regular mobs in Legion have the usual green, blue, purples in their drop lists.
I wonder if they are trying to get the players used to this sort of thing going forward. Only rares and quests give anything of value, and all other mobs are going to be grey vendor trash in the future.
But it's colorful and they make quips, how much more positive can it get?!?
How can they be the worst if they make such great porn?
I tried to make a single player RPG in the editor once, after about 2 years it was 75% done and I gave up. I had cutscenes and custom models and everything.
The porn is awful and they don't make it.
I'm thinking Blizzard must've secretly commissioned porn from people. Considering the high quality art and assets while the game was still in beta testing.
It was almost too perfect.
Also notice how a lot of the artists only started posting OW stuff and got bumped to the front page of just about ever booru than hosts it.
And the Tracer butt controversy, the poster who made the thread had very few posts in the past, somehow knew how the Blizzard dev pipeline worked, and then complained his 8 year old daughter couldn't play a game rated T for teen.
And the devs agreed, but double bluffed by just changing the pose slightly. All the news sites still covered it though.
They probably have but porn artists are casuals. They see the most popular thing of the month and draw it.
But once it's over they retreat to something that is steadily popular - like wow. And they keep at it.
As long as it's niggers, mudslime and hue that's fine.
I would like a /k/fag to tell me what would happen to Brosnan's face if he fired that gun from that position, I can't imagine it would be pleasant.
Go post about your pederast fantasy show somewhere else, faggot.
Friendly reminder that pic related is more literal than you could even possibly imagine. Online games feel like virtual communism simulators for a reason now.
I think the Korean map designers had a huge role in making BW as great as it was.
Blizzard used to be able to make good games but nothing I would ever put as GOAT status.
They pull this shit to try to grab the widest audience they can, globalism is promulgated by capitalists pandering to whoever pays them, it's not working out well for the world because niggers, kids and freaks will buy anything that strokes their ego and thus this rancid nonsense gets spewed out.
We need some fucking discrimination in this world, sewage is being enshrined over competence and 'voting with your wallet' isn't doing the trick.
Lucien is the main art director now? Neat.
I thought metzen was fired already?
I wanna hold down, imprison and restrain the futas and keep them knocked up and never let them enjoy erections and ejaculations, tying their dicks up to their legs, occasionally molesting them and never letting them cum. Only to ruin their irgasms if and when they get them. And force them to be used as milk cows too, harvesting breast milk while forcing them to pump out babies, harvedting semen in their sleep while filming it you know filming truefemale slaves engaging in only on inch or two of penetration after they are ready to cum, taking the ejaculate and then leaving, never lettingmy whore futs masturbate with their dicks or cum with them or even aim them for pissing.
Just occasionally remind them of how fun it WOULD be if they were allowed, but never allowing them as I harvest their titty milk and babies.
Pretty hot tbh
And I thought that was genderswapped Illidan.
really? It felt like DOTA kind of killed all UMS games.
reminder that the naga matriarchs are pretty goddamn huge and you could totally take a nap on top of one giant titty while using the one above it as a blanket while she curses your dick to lower its defense aka make it more sensitive
Eventually Blizzard is going to run out of people to corrupt you know.
you do realise the latest videos of their rockets successfully launching and landing is 100% CGI? They even hired some random people to act all amazed when they stream the CGI bullshit so they can spread the hype
if you still have the maps upload them somewhere and let other people work on them aswell, dont let it all go to waste
Dota damaged the community but didnt kill it
Blizzard is so retarded they are doing reverse corruption pic related
You're deranged. Dota didn't just kill WC3. Dota killed the entire RTS genre.
Greedy companies that wanted to copy Dota killed RTS, example is LoL that casualized Dota to the point it became a parody of itself
what killed rts is video games becoming more popular in general. its a niche genre and nobody wants to take the risk of developing what nowadays is a lower return investment. the vast majority of what we would think of as problems in the industry these days is because 'games got popular'. no genre killed another.
if you want to blame any one thing, blame ea for being the grim fucking reaper of rts studios.
they didn't do reverse corruption
not yet.
I really hope none of you fucks still give this company money.
dreadlords serve the lich king, not the old gods
Jaina is not turning into a dread lord, because in WoW KT has been downed and the old gods don't turn people into dread lords
at most she'd use a weapon infused with old god essence and the irony would be she would be no different than garrosh
Demons go literally Super Saiyan now?
I am having a giggle m8.