Hey Holla Forums, I found these two consoles in an abandoned house. I already used windex, paper towels...

Hey Holla Forums, I found these two consoles in an abandoned house. I already used windex, paper towels, and q-tips to get the dust off. It sounds like there is a penny in the NES. Any advice on how to make them work, haven't tested them yet. Also how do I remove the Genesis from the CD expansion

Other urls found in this thread:


#Harveylootcrew ?

Use a magnet to try and get that penny out.


Your address is on that yellow paper in the NES picture.

you pull the genesis off. NES uses philips head screws, 6 on the base. you'll likely need a new 72-pin connector and to disable the lockout chip on the NES to get reliable results.

Looks like "Shane D McCoy". Placement means it's probably done on purpose.

Send Watermelon.


Looks like was right.

OP confirmed for nigger.


OP confirmed for being a nigger-tier looter. Someone really should report this faggot . Hey OP, I hope you fucking die.

I'm white m8

Its my PO Box, send me some good stuff

Its my grandparents house I took this from after clean up from the flood, I said it was abandon sense it was for a couple of years.

Seems legit.

Post your cock

Does your skin have very high amounts of melanin OP? Just curious.

Here's the rest of the stuff I got

Even if you have light skin you can still act like a nigger, nigger.

White people can be niggers too. No one is buying your bullshit, if this was at your grandparents house then you wouldn't have been saying that you found this stuff as if it was a surprise it existed in the first place. Shane McCoy, you are a potato nigger and I hope you get arrested.

Stop stealing from old people you fucking nog.

Show us your meaty texan cock, Shane.


Wait, is that a FUCKING GAME GENIE?!

Assuming there's no flood damage, it's time to bust out that electrometer and test for continuity.

Why are you such a thieving nigger OP?


I'm not a nigger, I swear. Here is a cute anime figurine. What kind of nigger has that?

Niggers are some of the biggest weebs around.



I read the thread, he may be white but he's got the soul of a nigger


Good haul STALKER.

Every nigger I know loves weeb shit. You definitely have the soul of a nigger.

hotglue it

Do you play fight games?
Is your waifu some trash like Asuka?
Are the palms of your hands a different colour to their backs?
If you answered yes to any of these questions, you are a nigger. And if you answered yes to all then you're a niggerfaggot

Here are some Lovecraft books and some college textbooks, tell me a nigger that has either.

Whites that act like niggers are even worse because there is no excuse for you to even behave in such a manner. Kill yourself.

For all we know you could have stolen that as well, Jamal.


Write a screenshot in cursive, its the only way nigger

You seem desperate to prove you're not a stupid nigger who loots.

So, you are a wigger huh?

White in body only.

you don't deserve to wear that white skin you subhuman ape

the house was his grandparents old house abandoned by the floods? It would only be stealing if it wasn't his grandparents house, or if he didn't have the permission to take them?

If it was just his grandparents old house he could have just opened up with that instead of saying it was just an abandoned house in Houston, after a major disaster

Pennies aren't magnetic. Either true copper pennies or later zinc ones.

OP, you fucking put that shit back, you thieving son of a bitch.

You will be thrown over the wall for betraying your whiteness, nigger faggot.

no that is a cart slot cleaner

there should be screws on the bottom holding the genesis on to the cd expansion. if not it should slide right out straight to the left.

return and repent


At least people find my thread important



If you didn't want things to turn up like this then you could very well have just cleared off the surface of your counter before taking the pictures like any rational person would.
This is all assuming you aren't just a lying thieving nigger who wanted to show off his loot.

No clue how to fix your shit user. All I can say is maybe open it up and see what the problem is.

White thieves get the bullet too.


You got a pretty good deal OP, if they had a PS1 that would've sealed it. Don't let these jealous buttblasted autists persuade you otherwise.



Then you could have said "grandparent's house" instead of "abandoned house". think a little how people would respond to something like that.

Right now people just think you're trying to cover it up because the assumption has been made.

And if you want to make waterlogged tech work, you should ask a repairman.

Hey OP.

I'm a private investigator. You posted enough info in your second image for me to get into some of your personal legal stuff. I won't say how, because somebody here would probably do it, but I've gotten far enough out of a lark of curiosity that if I press another button I'd probably be in need of a lawyer.

Be more careful in the future.


Give it to us straight, doc. How many of his associates are of the darker variety?


Less than would be useful for comedic purposes.

I'm not doxing someone because he implicated himself with poor phrasing.

Goddamnit, Shane.

Look at his family history; are they the big dick white variety, like French or Italian?

Nice finds, OP. Don't really care if your grandparent story was bullshit or not; the adventurous side of me digs this kinda shit. The only question I'm wondering is, why did the people leave? What was the technology like in there? That Genesis was obviously owned by a video rental store of some sort, and if it was all 90's technology it could've been left there while the rental was still active, back when. If it had flat screens and new shit in there then it was probably all bought from some pawn shop or some place online, but it could've been a leftover if that rental store closed down and they bought it off of them during clearance.

And, that's all fine and shit, but what's actually bugging me if it actually WAS left there since the 90's/2000's, then, why did the people leave all of that shit behind, never to return? Though you did say it was only there for a couple years, and I wouldn't really say that that's an abandoned house. I'm sure your grandparents will be fine-ish with it since they probably weren't ever using those and family is generally pretty damn understanding about this kinda shit; I know I wouldn't mind if a friend or family member broke into a home I wasn't really at to go and take some shit all of a sudden so long as they were planning on actually using it and not selling it like a bunch of kikes just going and scrounging shit up as an excuse for money.

Did your grandparents pass away or something? I'd mind even less if I were dead.

My grandparents house is full of trash from the 80s. They left a couple of years ago cause it started to fall apart. Most of my family members had to stay over at my house due to flooding (pic is my street). I went over to the once flooded house today to pick up the carpet and find anything useful.

Shane Mccoy is old man in his 60s who still uses a flip phone.

Let's play a game, Holla Forums
Let's call it–
First person to find his entire information, including information about relatives and parents, gets to specify what I send and whoever gets dubs specifies what extra thing I send.

I found his info myself, but it's more fun when you have a group doing it.
Finding his information is piss easy, just look for a "Shane D. McCoy" in "Houston, TX."
Go go go!

Send cops. Not a SWATting, just send them information about his thieving ass.

It was abandoned due to flooding, user. OP is a thieving nigger.

Okay, but after I send [thing]
Cops need a warrant though, right?

Here. It matches with his P.O, box. 77001
What do I win? Send him dragon dildoes. Maybe a bomb.

Must be his Grandpa. No way is the hand of a 55 year old man.

Someone call the number. I'm scared

Holy shit.

Send a nicely written letter warning him that his grandson is a thieving nigger.

never change

send him a copy of your favorite video game with a nice note

I'm glad I came back to this thread.

OP could have prevented all of this if he wasn't such a nigger

Got a question for you Mr.PI, I do shit you do as a hobby and I find that people are too fucking easy to find; is that the case with most people you have to track down?

Game Genies are black, like OP.


Overwhelmingly. Between a culture of narcissism enabled by social media and access to semi-restricted databases connected by the internet, the old noir image of the private eye has been largely replaced with sitting around trawling Facebook, Googling shit, and occasionally throwing a couple bucks at a database agency for asset searches. We're way more powerful than PIs of yestercentury (we can find out about your hidden Swiss bank account for 5 minutes of effort and $7), but most of the mystery and coolness of it is gone too.

We still get to follow people around covertly for direct observation, but you do most of it in a car and shoot video through a windshield. Doesn't really have the same thrill as following somebody on foot. It does happen, very occasionally, and it is exciting. But most of the job is just what you know from doxxing, if with a few more neat tools to do it with.

We've never not been able to find someone or figure out what they're up to. It just doesn't happen. The only real hiccups we have are like when hardware or software fucks us over, or if we lose somebody we were following in rush-hour traffic. And even then you can 99.99% of the time just try again the next day. A job that you have basically a 0% failure rate is hard to feel challenged by, and so hard to feel it's anything special. It is nice to fuck up assholes with, though. You get to be unambiguously the good guy and solve serious problems for people that really need it without the politicization or philosophical baggage of being legal law enforcement.

If you wanna ask any other questions, I'll answer what I can. I want to remain generally anonymous, though. "Local Private Eye Frequents Neo-Nazi Forum/Pedophilia Haven" isn't a headline I'd like to see anytime soon.

We need more guys like you in twitter tbh, it's swarmed with pedos.

I don't think you have too much to be worried about unless you're a HarveyLootCrew shithead like OP


That answers it all, I figured something had to be up when you can find someone in less than 1/2hr with bare bone information. Thanks. It does feel good when you fuck a dickheads day up.

What if they didnt have a facebook? It it just a matter of having a address and access to the white pages? You can probably find out who their relatives are through public records right?

I actually used to. Not Twitter, obviously, but back when halfchan was the wildest west on the internet and we'd go bait pedophiles in chatrooms and then call the Party Van. Nowadays my off-hours investigations are targeted at bigger fish, like Clinton human-trafficking through Haiti, Pizzagate, etc. You're right, though. Sex slavery (literal or physically/chemically coerced) is bigger today than it ever has been in history. You can't possibly throw enough manpower at it.

IPs aren't even all that useful without other corroborating information about you. You might be able to attack them electronically, maybe, but getting some random person's IP while knowing nothing else about them tells you nothing more than "somebody you don't know anything about posted on this website while living somewhere within this several-city-blocks-wide area". It's worthless unless we know what we're looking for.

That it does.

Generally speaking, we're hired by somebody who already has at least basic information about the subject. A wife wanting an explanation for her husband's suspicious activities. Somebody who was defrauded by a business partner or employee. An heir who thinks the executor of the will is holding out on what there is to inherit. The loosest we've ever had to go on is just suspicious phonecalls, and even then we can just run the number and see who owns that account with which provider. At which point we have a name and telephone number, and all their information spills with our normal techniques.

If you really want to be hard to track, use a burner phone and keep it in one of these while not using it. Keeping the battery out is not always enough.

Faraday bags. Total wireless deadzone in your pocket. We use them for forensics, if we have to image/dump a cellphone without the subject knowing, because lots of phones have GPS that call home or can otherwise be made to give away their location when lost or stolen.

Do you ever get hired to look for people who have up and disappeared?

Have you ever been beaten up by two big burly guys for getting to close to the truth?

Very rarely. Usually they're ducking debt or something.

We're on good terms with Donnie and Rocko.
No, but we've had some really shady customers.

Ah man, now I'm the mood for some noir detective shit. Gonna have to dig up some old novels or something.

Got any you recommend? I've always been unironically fond of the noir imagination bits out of Calvin and Hobbes.

Now that's way too out of character.


1: Find out what mobo revision the sega genesis is. Most model 2s have a shitty sound chip in them.
2: Re-cap the system. These are antiques at this point, so the capacitors inside could leak soon, eating through the system.
3: Have FUN!

You goddamn nigger. I hope the flood will be the death of you.

That's why are trying to make it legal right?

This is why you shouldn't miscegenate.

Also if you find the cd side does not power up it is likely a blown ceramic fuse. There are two locations in the same general area on opposite sides of the board. If you have a continuity meter it is easy to test the fuse.
if not just solder a new fuse on top of the old one and you are probably good to go.

Read some Raymond Chandler. How'd you get hired to do this for a living?

This thread is embarrassing, and I am ashamed you live probably a few miles from me. Go back to cuckchan please. Don't make up things to make your story sound exciting either. Its strange though to see a random post with someone showing these things though, I have a Sonic 2 case right next to me. Wonder how many Genesis consoles people still have, thought they'd be thrown away / garage sale'd out by now.

Maybe. It's a huge industry.

Family business. I grew up in it.

That's awesome. I bet you have a cool accent.

Already too late now but stop posting things that identify you you stupid cunt.

Speaking of detective stuff, hows the old Dick Tracey stuff? Is it worth a damn?

Did you try powering them on?

Actually, I remember seeing somebody accidentally leaking their IP. I took a screencap of it but didn't say anything. I never did anything with it and your IP has probably changed by now anyway, but I just wanted to share that.

If it had a 0 in it it might have been mine.

OP, those games all look like dogshit. You should probably swing by a local specialty shop or eBay and get some real games.

Negroes are known for severe anaphylactic contact allergy to books, especially those without pictures or large, child-friendly font. OP is therefore not a negroid, just a dumb whitey who picked up old useless books.

pic related.


Ah, different colors.

That's cool user.
I hope you have a cool accent.


they aren't.

The problem with sex slavery is prostitution is illegal. Just like with the drug trade: make it illegal it drives up the price, drive up the price and bigger risks can be taken such as kidnapping and trafficking.

No, he's actually a nigger, that's just his white trap sex slave posting for him.
pimp lyfe and sheeiittt