Explain this shit.
Anakin can't be in the game because Vader already is and they are the same character and "Lucasfilm won't allow that...
Why the fuck do you care about star wars?
Get out normalfag.
It's EA and Disney, they don't give a fuck and just want to push the new line of star wars toys, so rey has to be in it.
Because Rey is the last jedi, and he's every bit as mary sue-ish and generic as every "strong independent woman" protagonist. Of course they're gonna let her do what she wants.
It's being made by two of the worst companies in the world, what do you expect?
the toy for Snoke made me laugh my ass off. Looks like an old man in his bath robe.
Man I really worry for Kingdom Hearts 3. Can you imagine the clusterfuck it's going to be, with the new star wars, the new disney movies where 95% of them are utter fucking garbage and more Final Fantasy from current Square Enix?
I thought the end of summer was supposed to mean better quality threads
Mark, can we do something about this trash? Can you for ONCE IN YOUR LIFE GET OFF THAT FAT ASS AND DO SOMETHING TO THIS PLACE
Subtle foreshadowing of Rey somehow going back in time and becoming the first jedi as well as a guardian spirit accompanying all the jedi in the series.. Screencap this.
well… Snoke is an old man in his bathrobe.
Everyone has their own idea of what a quality thread is, yours probably isn't any better.
Can't you, like, make Anakin only appear on some maps and Vader on others?
when was the last good disney movie?
Oh yah? I want a thread about stronghold crusader, but nobody here plays it.
What the fuck is there to talk about?
you just want a circlejerk
I just realized they are probably going to put shitty FF13 and FF15 characters in it. Good thing I don't give two shits about KH anymore.
I can't even laugh. This is as likely as not.
If this can happen then someone can go back in time and stop Rey from being born. I nominate Kyle Katarn.
not canon :^)
We've had threads on titles that are far more niche that were great.
Maybe organizing games would be the point, like the WiC thread we have now.
>not raped by (((canon))) :^)
oh no, I'm so sad. (I'm not)
my point, going from my pic, is that Kyle isn't canon and I was ironically shitposting furiously
Ric Flair is that you?
you poor fool
summer never leaves, the board just gets progressively worse each summer as even newer newfags invade this place in much the same way sweden died
This thread couraged me to look up ne nu-Battlefront2's subreddit. You won't fucking believe what the hell i just witnessed there! Sit down please, all of you! Those fuckers… those sorry excuse for a human begins are… literally happy and feed on news which tell how the devs cutting out content from the fucking game! "Because they had no time!"
We speaks about finished product which were once showed.
Luke was still around, but in hiding. The last part of the movie was her seeking him out for training.
I only watched it because my parents were massive fans.
Time travel can fix that too.
Kylo Ren is at least a redeemable character, even after killing Han.
We're still using that b.s. excuse?
You deserve it.
Rey is a shit character played be an equally shitty actress. Star wars has been successfully killed by Disney and EA, but it will take years before even normalfags begin to admit it as well assuming they do at all.
But user, Kyle Katarn isn't canon, in fact his role in the old EU was completely usurped by a stronk empowered womyn who also had no personality traits other than being slightly bitchy to get her way because that's what strong women do!
Bullshit. Screencap it and post results. I'm not going there and refuse to believe anybody is taht fucking stupid.
You mean someone capable of an actual character arc is a more interested character? Say it ain't so!
Fucking Poe Dameron is more popular than either the new Jedi or the new Wookie. Before it was always a 33/33/33 split, with half the guys goign for Han, half the other maining Luke, and the 33% of the audience that was female liking Leia. Nobody likes the new Leia/Luke hybrid, and the new monkey man is more pavement ape than bigfoot/werewolf/bear/pet dog buddy than good ol' Chewie.
EA and Disney need to burn.
explain why the fuck you posted about a EA game here,faggot
Literally nobody gives a shit about her and she's supposed to be THE MAIN CHARACTER of the new trilogy.
Also sage for shit game
Explain THIS shit.
Why would they care about her? Her character is a Mary Sue, she is ugly, she can't act, the story she stars in lacks any emotional impact. It's almost like they Yids are too stupid to understand why Barbie keeps on selling despite women screeching for decades about "unrealistic" beauty standards.
But they aren't selling user and stores are now refusing to take stock of them?
He looks like a cancer "survivor". He is probably so strong with the force, that he doesn't need to use cane to move around. He probably uses the force to keep the shit inside of him, before reaching the bathroom.
>>>Holla Forums
Go suck George's cock somewhere else.
Indeed. Snoke (who the hell choose that name, a toddler?) Looks too old and shitty to be threatening. Compared him to Palpatine, he is really an octogenariam who has scapen from the asylum.
There would never be a star wars villain as fun, and threatening as Emperor Palpatine.
I just had a horrible thought. What if the force ghost of Palpatine comes back in episode 9 to team up with the good guys to stop the “True Evil™” that is Snoke?
That's almost as bad as the one "leak" that had Snoke stop a lightsabre strike with his hand. Though if the rumor is true and Snoke is Plageus I wouldn't put them past it.
Fat chance.
by that logic, dittos in fighting games should be cut because there's two of the same characters
fucking idiots
I still can't get over that name, fucking Snoke, who thought that name was a good idea? It sounds like they let a kid come up with the most scary sounding thing he could think of and they got fucking Snoke. I remember pissing off the theater by bursting out laughing when they called him Snoke in force awakens. Seriously how can anyone take a villain named "Supreme leader Snoke" seriously
Because it is a Disney movie aimed at children and man-children.
KH was already a complete clusterfuck, so it's only going to be marginally worse with Star Wars and Inside Out in the mix.
Since when do these Disney whores give a fuck about canon or preserving Star Wars' non-existing integrity? Only thing that makes me sad about all this is that this game will likely be a hit as well as the next movie with the fat azn lead. Worst is that when the first BF came out this shit hole was filled to the brim with shills for 2 weeks straight upon release.
Wait, nvm, the shilling only lasted one week with faggots telling anons to try out the online gameplay.
But Palpatine killed Plageus. Ol’ Palps wouldn’t have fucked that one up. He likely used his lightsaber™–because that’s totally what a sith lord who called a lightsaber a ‘jedi's weapon’ would do–to simply melt the corpse into nothingness. None of this ‘cut off the legs so they can be replaced with machines later’ nonsense.
The real reason he's not in the game is probably because they rely on Photogrammetry, and Hayden Christensen was likely unable or unwilling to take the photos they would need to put him in the game.
Yiff in hell, furfag.
Aren't they in a contract for life, like with the prequel cast? Also, they could have just used some similar looking actor to play younger Anakin, and nobody would have complained, though I guess nobody complains about his absence as well, since they are all normalfags.
I'm surprised they're still even bothering with clone wars shit at all.
I thin it's more that Disney has this "don't acknowledge the prequels as much as possible" rule going on right now.
I am getting pretty fucking livid here.
What the fuck is this? Is this supposed to be the "new" Emperor's Guard? At least the one's in TOR looked reasonable as if they were hoplites or something similar to that. This fag looks like a beekeeper samurai that wields an over sized razor blade. Also, what is that fucking gay little flame in front of the blade?
They’re literally not even trying.
FUN FACT, the girl in the center is a total cunt feminist
Again implying Disney gives a shit. They'll probably just say Plagueis had a clone of himself somewhere or some other bullshit. They've also let no writers in the shitty nuEU giveaway Plagueis' species, which in the old EU was a Muun (aka the banking clan from the prequels), but now nobody's allowed to even touch that shit. Disney's gonna pull some fresh bullshit out of its ass.
Then we also will see the pizza destroyers in game. Wouldn't be surprised if Gaylo gets a even more retarded lightsaber in the process too.
If only they stopped at the pizza.
Suprised it isn't a White ship.
According to Palpie, Plagueis was capable of transcending death.
or maybe Plagueis and Palpie are one and the same
What fucking drugs did they feed the modelers and concept artists? Where the fuck does the capacity to build and supply such a fuckhuge ship come from? At least Palps had the excuse of lording over a Glaxy-spanning evil empire.
ay nigger
What the fuck is this bullshit. If it's a sole class ship, then it should be called the Supremacy-Class.
White privilege.
Now now user, that would be them showing competence. Can't have that.
"The days of reckoning are upon us, half naked Ed boys, for it is here that we will be mercilessly judged".
The Kevin was just a facade, Ed-Boy.
She looks like Anna Akana, but I'm going to need proof it's really her.
Everything Disney has added to SW has literally just been, "Hey, what if take X but make it bigger and more powerful?!".
The movie will be a 'hit' but it won't be the kind of hit Disney wants. It'll sit at the top of the Box office for a week and rake in a lot of dough, but it'll have that dreaded second week 50% or more dropoff. The agenda pushing and the hype dying down is signaling the death knell of Star Wars.
I hate nigger-kikes
It's called DLC user, get with the times.
They'll put Anakin in as either day 1 paid DLC or wait a bit then put him in for probably $5 or more.
They're memory holing the original battlefront series. What do you expect?
I gotta give it to them tho, Maul's first appearance in the tv show where he had a fucked up spider body made of junk was fucking sweet. It got stupid almost immediately but for 5 minutes he was awesome.
I think the fuck not
I hope that Rey kills off all the toxic male jedi and makes it so only women are allowed the power of the force.
It's a tiny lightsaber blade because they refuse to use vibroblades because that would associate them with the old extended universe they snuffed out.
I can't wait for them to try making another Dune movie… black Paul, a heterosexual Trump proxy Baron Harkonnen, the Bene Gesserit turned into saintly good space feminist who are perfect and always right, and space muslim Fremen fighting off the evil white empire
Honestly I think it'd make much more sense if General Grievous came back as a shamble of fucked up parts even though he was essentially incinerated by blaster than it would for Maul to come back.
With Grievous coming back it would make a ton more sense.
It baffles me.
This would be at least 12 parsecs better than the Maul resurrection storyline.
I just want Starwars to die at this point, nevermore will it bring the delights
Dark Forces is kind of boring.
Fanfiction is better written than this. Even that one thing in the expanded universe when that one robot bounty hunter in Empire became the Death Star 2 computer is better than this crap.
Also better than MN9
Though that wasn't hard to do
not trying to excuse disney's terrible writing here but have you seen some of the fucking names in the old EU before Lucas sold?
>Darth Bane
believe it or not there's more. the naming "policy" for sith lords since Vader has always been "think of the most retarded edgelord shit you can, throw a "darth" in front of it then let's go count our money"
Are they trying to out heug 40k? It won't work
Summerfags is a myth, there is always shit threads throughout the year, only the perception of the reasons behind the faggotry changes.
so the force really is completely useless
rumor has it those toys rot in stores but I really dont believe since I worked in toy store and we always squeezed everything into shelves.
No, the naming policy for Darths was that it be shorthand or a reference to a dark act or emotion that best fits the Darth in question. Darth Vader = Invader, Darth Sidious = Insidious, etc. It is ridiculous but don't pretend Vader is any different from all the names you listed.
I thought it was only a joke
Still doesn't beat SS Fuckhuge.
Didn't George want Starkiller's name to be Darth Icky or some shit?
Why does the Dreadnought have a benis?
Are you a bigot? Ships can have a feminine cannon.
why that sounds like just the sort of thing jewmouse would do
So the Resistance will have to use three A Wings to destroy that super huge and costly ship, instead of one? Okay. The First Order looses more having the ship than not having it. LMAO.
The what now?
It's Forces of Destiny, the dude in the video was just making a joke.
it wasn't starkiller but he absolutely suggested that name at a meeting, if the rumors are true
i remember you from another star wars thread and you're still wrong. Vader is Dutch for "father", and being that Lucas used tons of words from other languages ("cantina", tatooine being named after a real place in tunisia called tataouine, etc) i'm much more inclined to believe that than a flimsy theory that it's short for something else
Commanding officer of section 42B-12
Oh yeah, I forgot. the True Star Wars Fans (TM) always knew that everything in the EU, sorry, Legends (TM) was complete garbage and none of it was original or good ideas. Thank you Disney for saving Star (TM) Wars (TM)
The Supremacy might be wider than the ✡Freudian✡ Nightmare is long, though.
he only fell down a hole, you never actually saw him die :^)
The New Republic has its own military. The resistance was formed by a bunch of people led by Leia because the Republic supposedly believed the Imperial Remnant had made peace with them (While building an obvious fucking superweapon). So she and a bunch of sympathisers went and formed their own little military force, while the Republic kept its own military.
Or at least, they had a military. Supposedly when the Republic government was blown up by Starkiller base, the Fleet went with it.
Total bullshit, I know.
Leftists are unable to see themselves in power because to them power = bad, so they can only identify with le poor oppressed rebels even when there's nothing to rebel over anymore.
That's not funny user, it's chilling
if its just 5 times as wide as it is long it would be 300 km wide
Not only is that quite the retarded plot setup, Disney didn't bother to explain a single fucking bit of that in the god damn movie, not even in the opening blurb. The first fucking movie was able to instantly give us a basic idea of what was going on, but Disney couldn't be bothered to give us a sentence or two explaining what had happened after the collapse of the Empire. Instead, they assume we telepathically know all this and jump straight to explaining shit that could have been more easily done through dialogue. This is why I consider any nuWars shit to be non-canon.
He looks like not-Yoda from Space Balls
What could have been neat was that these new movies could have switched the roles of the empire and the rebels from the original trilogy. The goal of the protagonists would be to hold and maintain the order instead of overthrowing it. It is a shame that Disney disavows the EU of SW yet makes worse plot ideas and characters then were in the EU.
Actually there's plenty of shit to get pissed off about, but the "Resistance" doesn't want to talk about any of that because they're responsible for almost all of it.
Actually there's plenty of shit to get pissed off about, but the "Resistance" doesn't want to talk about any of that because they're responsible for almost all of it.
Actually there's plenty of shit to get pissed off about, but the "Resistance" doesn't want to talk about any of that because they're responsible for almost all of it.
how about you tell us how you really feel?
GW actually thought about how stupidly huge 40k ships were and made lore based on it, though. I also think the biggest proper ships had difficulty controlling their vector, if they had any control at all. Plus the xenos that live mostly undetected on ships, just because there is so much area to hide in.
That image is a joke, but I am betting they are going to make a very overt over compensation joke in the next two movies.
They wanted to use a darth name so he suggested darth ikki or darth insanius. Can't remember which character it was for.
I think plinkett raised the point that vader is referred to as "lord darth vader" and using two titles makes no sense so "darth" was probably supposed to be his name.
That's becasue there is no plot, ot overarching story.
They just make it up as they go.
Every stupid excuse that something will be explained in a later movie was bullshit that "fans" had to tell themselves in order to keep on functioning.
Star Wars is fucked because of the Mouse.
Which part? We were talking about all kinds of stuff in the last thread, from not having a new Jedi Knight or Republic Commando to the Clone Wars series to the novels. Maybe if we get lucky I won't end up repeating myself because of Codemonkey.
Trips of truth.
You do know that Vader wasn't originally Luke's father until after production started on Empire, right? Lucas did not have all this shit planned out from the beginning.
Wasn't the original Star Wars supposed to be a stand alone film? There were a fair few things that don't mesh well because of that.
The movies are going to be such clusterfucks. The first one already is; a good battle planet or planet sized space fortress is pretty neat, but they somehow managed to fuck it up. I did not think it was possible to fuck up a battle planet.
I… i actually has canon answers for you…
He didn't hitted the bottom. During his fall he went in an autistic rage (very same what kept Sion alive) and catched one of those spikes (?) similar for what Obi-Wan hanged on during the fight.
He doesn't fight his way out… simply just waited for the next "trashman ship" to get his ass off the palnet…
He ate rodents and other bug and shit on a trash planet (somewhere in the Outer Rim).
Probably used effective digestion…
The "trash planet" had wide variete of junk… and it had jawa like tinkers too…
This is canon… I hope i didn't agered for you too much…
Also Star Wars was originally supposed to be Flash Gordon before it was reworked into it's own original thing.
Star Wars was a stand alone film but the Flash Gordon thing was just a rumor that wasnt even true because George Lucas revealed some of the old scripts for Star Wars where Luke was called Starkiller instead of Skywalker and other stuff
honestly i was fishing for your complaints about the problems that the "resistance" started.
but i logged off b4 you replied
Star Wars, the original film, is a straight up rip off of Akira Kurosawas The Hidden Fortress. Watch it sometime, you'll be amazed at just how much Lucas was "inspired" by this film.
What the actual fuck is that shit, did they take the retarded 5 second sketch robot chicken made about this fucker and make it canon for the actual star wars story? Thats fucking hilarious.
It just dawned on me how stupid the design for the heavy walker is, its a nothing on top of nothing with no rhyme or reason that looks neither effective for warfare nor cool looking
But he did.
I knew I've already seen this shit somewhere
I forget, does Grievous ever appear in Phantom Menace?
What if Grievous is a fixed up Maul?
What would you even do with that thing? I can't imagine any kid wanting to play with it.
I think he only shows up in revenge
That's about a third of the diameter of the fucking Death Star in Episode IV.
It was already in the EU, TCW simply lifted it from a comic book. He set out to kill Obi Wan, always right behind him from Kamino all the way through Padme's "lost the will to live", finally catching up to him after getting info from a certain flying jew. They fought right outside the moisture farm Luke was being raised at, and Owen killed Maul with a rifle after Obi Wan had already removed Maul's hands.
Dude stealth bombers lmao
Oh my god what the fuck is going on. Remember when you could have like 20 obi-wans fight 20 vaders in the real battlefront 2?
This is new levels of stupid
I thought he lives long enough to the point of where Luke Skywalker's son has to kill him
Remember when videogames were still good?
To be fair, George Lucas did plenty of dumb shit himself. You know, like making Luke and Leia siblings after showing the romance scenes which he simply wrote off as "lol it's not incest if neither of us knew"
Disney's LucasFilms doesn't care about logic, that's why the Starkiller base could fire a beam from one side of the galaxy to another and hit every targets;
Any battlefront after 2 will either be fun but be lacking in literally everything or shit and be lacking in literally everything.
That was Solid State Hologram Maul, there's also "Possibly a Clone" Maul that some sith purity cultists created to fight Vader because they thought he wasn't sith enough and was tainted by the light side.
In Legends (meaning the old EU), a "solid state hologram HURR DURR JUST BUY OUR SHIT GOYIM" of Maul fights Luke Skywalker.
I didn't think anything could be worse than the shitshow that went on with the Han Solo movie, but this is shaping up to be the real nail in the coffin.
I actually liked that comic
If Disney wasn't so pants on head retarded, they should have adapted Timothy Zahn's Thrawn Trilogy instead of Jew Jews Mary Sue.
What could have been.
Doesn't really count if you add it last-second
I remember fghting those things! It was there! No fucking videogame could top that shit! IT WAS REAL SHIT! I want it back!
I just realized that they’re LITERALLY just rehashing the entirety of the plot of the original trilogy. Beat for beat they’ll be exactly the same as the old ones.
The Force Awakens was obviously scripted to be just like A New Hope, and we had the Death Star analogue in the IT’S BIGGER planet gun thing.
The Last Jedi will be exactly like Empire Strikes Back, and we now have the Supremacy as the Executor analogue.
In Episode IX, we’ll likely see the “Sun Slinger” super weapon, where it’s just an array of space stations that use giant magnets to throw entire suns at planets.
you give them to much credit it will be some half done niggger rigged planet killer from the force awakens. just like episode 6. the only deviation is that hoth will be skipped and she will just start training with muh last jedi master.
Why does this exist?
don't forget that luke will die via fading away, some stupid and inept stone age tribe will beat the tar out of the not-empire, a fight between race mixer and edgy teen will be done in front of Yogurt with Yogurt talking about how he needs to take Schwartz pills in the morning before edgy teen throws him down an elevator shaft.
Disney isn't even trying.
Dear God, I am getting physically ill at the thought.
That actually sounds awesome but they'd fuck it up.
Mainly by having it in a star wars movie to continually one up the death star without actually writing an original story.
The Thrawn Trilogy's biggest stroke of brilliance was not centering the story around some planet destroying McGuffin. That was done to death in two (now three) Star Wars movies and a bunch of novels, games and comics. Thrawn had to work with limited resources and that made the whole thing fun and interesting. The Empire was now the rebellion. It would have been an interesting angle to take, but Disney had to put a stupid cunt in charge whose only driving thought is to make her Mary Sue shine all the brighter.
How about Thrawn NOT fucking some guy's shit when he fucked up because the manner of which said dude fucked up was 100% out of his control and killing him would simply mean he'd need some dumbass back in the position who didn't learn from the mistake?
I'm ready for the reset, Bennu.
the Jedi Search trilogy had a superweapon called the Sun Crusher, that fired some magical torpedoes into suns to make them go supernova, and it made the entire story, which up until that point hadn't been too bad, total shit for several reasons
That was also a change that happened when they began to make TESB. Splinter of the Mind’s Eye was made as a back-up story that Lucas authorized the production of in the event that An New Hope wasn't successful enough to warrant a sequel.
Didn't they semi-confirm that Luke would be evil in-, wait a second…yep, they did:
That looks 10x better than the one shown on a cardboard cutout at a store where I live, where the guy's helmet and face guard seriously look like a dick head.
Jesus Christ on a cracker.
You know what, I don't even give a shit anymore.
There's been nothing good in Star Wars since KotOR 2
They could have saved it with the Imperial campaign in this game but they had to make the MC a nonwhite mystery meat mutant
Stop having hope for the franchise and just admit to yourself that Star Wars died when Disney bought it
I have witnessed Star Wars toy aisles that were completely empty save for overstocked Finn figures
I will use that one
Of course he is. He's a hwite man. When the sjw take over a successful IP they turn the former hero into either a villain or a random nobody in the background.
Nah he's a clone of Luke, who ages twice as fast. And is evil because hes a clone
Which one? Luuke, Luuuke or perhaps Lu*10^5ke?
At least you saw it before episode IX was released
It's a parallel universe version of Luke from a timeline where he went over to the dark side and subjugated the galaxy, and he's now going to parallel universes killing his other selves and absorbing their power. The main universe's Luke is the last one left, but he was too tough to beat, so the other Luke is trying to overwrite his reality with diversity.
Either you're referring to this, or the end of the Nazi Cap series.
Ever seen that movie The One? That's what it was.
Imagining Luke in this scene, and perhaps Disney could even get one of their current crop of pop stars to cover the song even.
So Kylo did nothing wrong then and has been the good guy the whole time..