
Why do devs do this ? Mute should be mandatory for online games.
It's bad enough that I'm too old for this, but now I have to listen to shouting 19 year old italians.

Why isn't mute player a feature in all games ?

Just quit the match.

I've never played a multiplayer game that didn't let you set Voice Receive volume to 0.

You should've joined the game as Jesus Christ and replied to him "yes that's my name, don't wear it out".

Mute should be mandatory for games with giant spiders in them


Just yell "Jesus doesn't exist Morty".

What game?

Dirty bomb

You can use commands to mute all mics. But some are even useful.

Did you wet yourself user?

You can mute people in dirty bomb by simply clicking in the speaker icon next to the offending players name. If you can't work this much out then maybe he was right to be complaining about a team playing terribly, after all simply enduring something that is giving you issues without looking for a way to change it is the root of all shit players in video games. I realize I'm being an ass by saying that but it's the truth. The second biggest reason behind shit players is people making mistakes but then blaming everything other than themselves, the person doing all the talking most likely falls into this category. It's also the main reason why people REMAIN shit at games and then get frustrated at the situation to the point that they vent on anyone who is unfortunate enough to listen to them.

tl;dr You can mute people in dirty bomb with a single mouseclick.

Not on the latest version you can't. Clicking the sound button next to a player name does nothing.

Really? I played it a few nights ago and was able to mute someone streaming bible verses 24/7 with a single click. If that's really the case then it's (hopefully) a bug as there's no logical reason to remove mute. Not only does it increase the bandwidth consumption, albeit very minimally, but it'd invite a wave of complaints that some community manager most likely gives no fucks about and flat out doesn't want to deal with. If they removed it on purpose then there's absolutely no defending it and it's a sign of bad things to come.

Nice, how much was it?


Is Dirty Bomb a fun game?

Maybe he's just mad because the local favela restaurant ran out of monkeys.

Isn't cannibalism illegal in Brazil?


1 out of 5 times

Depends on if you count the law of the jungle as one.

Listen, I appreciate that a lot of you Holla Forums guys feel empowered to join the rest of us in civil society now that papa bear Trump is telling you it's okay. But let me send you a message: This is a blip. A temporary intifada. I know it feels good to have your worst instincts validated but don't be fooled. Use this opportunity now that you are out of your parents' basement to meet a few people that aren't like you. You are afraid. We are not.


t. rogue monkey kingdom citizen


If you can't handle your game at her worst you sure as hell don't deserve her at her best.

>>>Holla Forums

What game was it?

I don't get why people are scared of spiders in video games.

No, he was just a screaming retard.

Giant spiders. Giant spiders are what scare me.


How is cyber arachnophobia real hahahaha just like close your eyes user hahahaha

sounds like my libtard brother in law from Vermont

I can't close my ears user.



Are you the user that can't bear see cute jumping spiders?



They aren't giants.


Pretty sure it's some kind of meme, there's no way somebody could be THAT scared of spiders.

macaco lixo kkkkk

It's liberals, user.
They're so delusional, narcissistic and weak that they can't even face the effigy of their irrational fear in a fictional setting. It offends them and triggers them and they have panic attacks and post on their social media about how many mental disorders it caused so they can earn their Public Pity merit badges.
No sane person would go to extreme lengths to avoid a phobia in vidya form, but liberalism is a form of insanity.

I heard an amusing and compelling hypothesis the other day postulating that liberals, particularly the far-left, are all masochists who make massive public fools of themselves, dye their hair, get tattoos and piercings so they look like walking bathroom stalls, all so that people will ridicule them and tell them how worthless and pathetic they are - so they can get off on it.
It tracks, then, that the violent alt-left has almost completely taken over. They're all pathetic noodle-armed idiots themselves, but compared to the bulk of liberals they could technically be considered Doms.

I thankfully stopped playing MP before mics became common. Although for all I know they might still be uncommon in Europe.

It's called arachnophobia and has nothing to do with liberals or pollitics or the US or the current year. It's a common phobia.

tl;dr phobias (from the Greek "Phobos", Terror) are specifically defined as irrational fears - as in, instinctive reactions hard-tied to the amygdala (the part of the brain that determine threat-assessment, stress, fear, anxiety, and so on). The causes for any particular phobia can be quite vague, but are often reflected in some childhood trauma or shock. If you watched Lord of the Rings 3 and had nightmares about big ol' Shelob, there's a good chance you'll develop arachnophobia. Likewise, if you had a bad experience with your first viewing of Jaws, you'd have a decent chance of developing a phobia for sharks (or even just water in general) later in life.

t. muh child psychology classes. Fucking kill me fam.

I'm honestly with the user. Spiders on their own aren't the least bit scary but when you add giant spiders and first person cameras it starts to unnerve you. The example that comes to mind is that one area of Dark Messiah.

he is quoting a shit tv show that is doing a season on trump election

People are normally afraid of and disgusted by spiders.

I don't regret quitting that game.

I just wanna make a game that has 0 rule regulation and enforcement.

I fucking hate those in particular with a burning rage

killed me when it started the moon-walk

Dude, we're on Holla Forums, everything is because of libruls, jews and SJWs.
Every. Thing.

Normalfag shit. Spiders are the most interesting small critters. In games they're usually low level pushovers anyway.

youre the fun anons

It's one thing to be afraid of spiders, it's another thing entirely to not be able to click on them in a videogame.

Leaving the mic on has it's benefits, i've encountered several cases like this one while playing and you should do the same

what i find more puzzling is in games like rising storm 2 where people bitch and complain about how racist and mean everyone is even though there's a "mute player" function built into the fucking game

I was starting to think you guys were cool.

Good times before 2009.

He didn't think of that himself

Imagine my shock.
