Confess your video game sins

When I was 13-14 years old I used to play America's Army when it was on unreal engine 2.5. There I learned some uscript and even a tiny bit of C++ to make aimbots and wreck servers. Firing an M4 at 9,999 rounds per second and frame-perfect aim is quite satisfying, although I've never done it since

When I was 16 I let someone buy my WoW account, then took it back. I got about $20 out of it

What are the worst things in video games that you've done?

Other urls found in this thread:

I bought Street Fighter V for Menat

I've unironically spent nearly three grand on ASSFAGGOTS cosmetics.

I have 50 hours in DmC and I have beat 4 difficulties. I bought the DLC too.

I didn't play the ps2 with my little bro back in the day. He always begged me to play with him and I always told him to fuck off.

That's gonna take some repenting to be forgiven for.

It is time for penance and self-flagellation, dear user, such a sin can not be forgotten lightly, you know that. You will lapse and do it again if you do not.

Bought into the Star Citizen hype very early on, to the tune of 75 dollars. Never got a refund. Can't, now.
Actually paid PGI real money for hero mechs in MWO. (At least Pirates' Bane was fun.)

I bought Max: An Autistic Journey. It was almost worth it just for the laugh I got upon discovering that the autistic kid's favorite game is a game within the game called "Vaccinator". It's a shmup where you play as a syringe that shoots vaccines at germs or viruses or something. That had to be intentional.

I use save states and savescum like a madman when emulating.

I bought PUBG because of a friend, used to cam kids in runescape, and I unironically play skyrim because I"m a fucking pervert and always want to play an open world game as an Amazon with large bouncy tits and the mods for skyrim made that possible.

i thought ff9 and ff12 were garbage until i could speed them up


I preorded $40 DLC


2 k hours in csgo


i started shit with a random scrub that got my clans base wreaked when we where offline in Conan exiles the Holla Forums pirate server that resulted in the servers admin rage quitting and killing the server.

how does that kind of thing even happen?

The sunset invasion dlc isn't that bad

and I spent over 200 dollars on Dota

I have never completed a single Mario or Zelda game. Not really my cup of tea.

and all the goypendiums

what was your level for the last compendium? I only got mine to level 250, I am a cheap goy

Play one more hour and then never touch it again to repent

Having three 2000lvl+ compendiums in Dota and buying most of the skins in league.

At least you can enjoy your Roshan statue while Gaben masturbates with your hard earned 100 dollar bills

500 :^)

thank you for making me feel better about my own transgressions, user.

I really do love Skyrim

I downloaded Dota, played maybe 2 hours of it before realizing how shit ASSFAGGOTS were and then uninstalled it

I cannot fathom how any human being on this planet can put thousands of hours into this shit let alone actual money. But it is the most popular Steam game so fuck it different strokes for different folks I guess

At least you admit that it was a mistake. Recognizing your mistakes and confronting them is the first step on the road to redemption user. I should know. I accidentally gave NCSOFT money, and too much at that for trying to change my characters appearance in the localized version of blade and soul. Because the order wasn't registering properly, it ended up taking out like 5/6 transactions at a time, costing me roughly 30 big ones. I've felt ashamed before, but especially so when I actually got back into the game for real and discovered they'd butchered it so badly.

I also unironically like halo

It's the best of the worst. All multiplayer games that require teammates are going to be full of the same idiots and "toxic" people. So if you're going to play a multiplayer game, might as well play a fun one with a high skill ceiling

That's a retarded way of thinking. The best multiplayer games are the ones with a low skill floor, and high skill ceiling/potential. Games with an actual social space to fuck around with. That's why ASSFAGGOT games are so fucking shit. I would rather stick to more casual shooters like TF2

When I was a teenager I fapped to the pain grunts made by female characters in Oblivion, when they were being attacked by rats in the intro area. I pretended they were being gang-raped by them.

Fuck that. That just floods the game with casuals.


You make me look like a saint user.
Ignore the decent titles on my list such as M&B and etc, anons, I just wanted to be up front with you.
Also, mods can't save fallout 4. Not any I know of as of right now anyway besides porn mods anyway, but even they suck relatively.

I savescum on the Xtreme 3 Volleyball game, so I can get the swimsuits from the owner's shop. I can't get into nor can I finish Fallout 4, which was a birthday gift two years back from my oldest sibling.

its fascinating that you jump from assfaggots to shooters. Do you have any experience with any other multiplayer genres?

Yes, but I also said high skill-ceiling. It's fun wrecking casual faggots

Why do you sound so defensive nigger? I like MMOs too for the same reasons, lots of social space

A low skill floor and a high skill ceiling are mutually exclusive. To have a low skill floor in a game, it's necessary for the devs to put a way for new players to pick up the game and be successful, even against veteran players. To achieve this, generally the solution is putting an easy to use weapon that does high damage, or a character that is hard to kill for example. These sorts of things diminish the matchmaking experience for hardcore players.

In contrast, a game with a high skill floor does not baby new players. It forces them to get better by getting shit on by players with more experience and learn tactics through trial and error. A far superior system for competition and enjoyment in my opinion, because the player feels more accomplished and like they actually got better rather than the game handing a freebie to new players and making them think they are good

It's not mutually exclusive you can have a low floor of entry while still allowing more skilled players to take full advantage of the games mechanics. It just takes good game design

Holy shit.

I bought nier automata because i got a muh dick moment. The DLC too

Egyptians were white, though.

I bought DOA5 when it first came out because my dick told me to. I played it for something like 5 hours, liked it but never touched it again.

I played Skyrim for several hundred hours, mods included. I've been Skyrim-free for several years, though.

Sometimes I play certain games on normal or easy especially if I know if they're meant to be tough or harrowing. I rarely, if ever, raise the difficulty to above normal. If I do, it's usually on a NG+.

I don't like paying for games, not because I'm cheap, but when I spend money on it I have extremely high expectations for it to be perfect or else I get pissed off that I wasted money on it and will trash talk it endlessly, even if it's a decent game
If it's free I get endlessly smug that I didn't pay anything for it when there are issues
Makes me a dick, but I have high standards so it doesn't matter


I know, read the post again.


I bought a PS4

I pre-ordered Skyrim back in 2011, and I can still describe my process with the game:

The opening sequence confused me. The way everything was handled seemed so strange compared to the earlier games in the series - and keep in mind, I'd played all of them - that it really threw me off. But I thought it was okay. I was still riding the hype, and just happy to see a game that looked nicer that Oblivion.

And I kept playing it. I even enjoyed it, a lot of the time. But I kept being reminded of "wow, but if only it did the thing that it did in Morrowind" or whatever else. Beating enemies just became a chore like mopping up trash instead of something that was kind of cool. I dove deep into mods to keep trying to get something salvageable, and found a lot of cool shit floating around.

I put over 700 hours into this game - compare well over 1000 for Morrowind - that I will never get back. And honestly, I really did have fun with it. There's enough mods out there to make Skyrim playable, by my standards - but I really don't understand why. More than that, it's not even as fun as fucking Morrowind.

How did a game like this become such an influence on the industry?

I started buying original games around when I was 15, before i pirated everything for the PS1, 2 and PC.

I liked Spiral Knights before.
Also the knights are adorable.

You just wanted to feel that spark one more time, I can`t bully you for that

I liked Spiral Knights before.
Also the knights are adorable.

i understand your pain

Dubs chooses the porn I dump


I fucking love the Zelda games for CD-I, not that Zelda's Awakening shit though, the side scroll ones with the funny cutscenes. I wish my CD-I didn't crap out otherwise I'd probably play that shit again.

You poor bastard

vidya-related gangbang ahaego hentai doujins

I've spent over 2000 Croatian ferrets on EVE Online.

how about you fuck off?

Furry Farts

childhood friends growing up and entering healthy, loving relationships with one another.

erotic roleplaying in-game.

quicksaving before I murder NPCs just to see the reactions and then restarting the game to continue normal.

that's all, i ain't no cheater fag

I sold a MMO account wakfu for 150 USD then immediately after confirming the purchase I reported it for RMT and got the account banned the next day

I bought Cal of Duty Black Ops and Metroid Other M on release.
I bought a PS2 slim to play God of War games and Burnout 3 and then sold it afterwards instead of modding and keeping it.
I used to play most games on easy or with cheats.
I still don't know any cheat codes for Doom except for IDKFA and that's only because that's the name of the album.
I rage quit Spiral Knights so hard I sold everything I had and split the gold between two of my friends in-game. Twice.
I'm only 8 games away from owning 200 on Steam.
I hate San Andreas. Only ever liked 2, 3 and Vice City.

I almost never let my cousin play NES with me.
I told my sister she was playing along with me when in reality she was using an unplugged controller who hasn't done this?
Family friends once visited us after traveling across the country by car. Their son picked up one of those bootleg 9999in1 cartridges and asked me if he could play it on my NES since he couldn't wait to get home and play it there. Instead of letting him play, I whipped out my NES Cheats book, found Kickmaster and proceeded to play that game by myself the entire day with him just watching. That poor fucker didn't even get to touch a controller before the family left.

I felt like such a clever little shit waiting until Gamestop was selling it for 5 dollars. It was just "remove the shrink wrap and sell it as used even though no one's owned it yet" so I ended up getting a My Nintendo code to use.

really pissed off about Trilogy though.

Same, but stopped playing after a while. Did happened to it?

wat dis?

I once played a M rated game when i was a teenager

I fapped to squid kids, squid sisters, and delicious brown octopussy.

I wanna smek dat ass so hard. I'd fuck the goblin too.

I once played a e10 game when I was 8
I was unironically scared to play games rated over E on newgrounds.

I bought an xbone
I bought pokemon x and pokken as well as a few other games just because I'm a furfag
I spent 40 dollars on crates
I bought some other shit games

wew, but that's rough

That game was so fucking cozy, I wish it was somehow released as a regular multiplayer game instead of that F2P more like Pay 2 Survive garbage.
From what I've heard it's gone downhill despite elevators becoming free and the addition of pets. Something about bullshit revival system.

I usually never rebind the keys in games with shitty keybindings, even if I find it uncomfortable to play with the default.
also inklings make my dick fucking diamonds please help

here is mine

I got 100% in DmC twice once on 360 once on PC.
I hated the game more and more every time but at least it was a learning experience on why the game was so bad.

case and point

Egypt is in the desert, you muppet. She has a tan.

I pre-ordered a Switch at launch. Now my left joycon is retarded. Nintendo customer service won't look at joycon because software meme. So now I have to open the fucker and put conductive foam in myself. Or buy a new pair of joycons.

You will never rest your head in Marie's ara lap as she lovingly pats your head as thanks for saving Callie.

I bought Destiny. Twice…

What made SK so comfy though?
how 2 maek something that encapsulates the same comfy feel of SK?

I don't even own splatoon

The music was incredible. Also the whole concept of an ever-shifting clockwork labyrinth vanishing into the depths of the planet is pretty wild.

Could be worse. I let my friends talk me into buying an xbox for the MCC and Halo 5. One game didn't work for shit, and the other was extremely disappointing all around (except for forge/customs which were added later).

I preordered Duke Nukem Forever. Never actually picked it up and I think I still have $5 credit at Gamestop.

Feel relieved of the suffering that you never caused Callie to be an interspecies fucking porn star on

Comfy, easy listening music, in this case it was a mostly low tempo mix of "chiptunes" and minimalist orchestral score boy it sounds like I actually know what I'm talking about, apparently that's all you need to succeed in this world.
Cute, but not overly cute character design. So take Mario as the mean and go a little bit towards the edge. If you end up at Sonic, you went too far, if you end up at Final Fantasy Chibi edition, you went in the wrong direction, asshole.
Level design must be varied enough to not get repetitive for those new to the game, but easy to remember for veterans. This falls into the next point, which is probably the most important of all…
Game flow. Some people like their big graphs and excell simulators, others like a more engaging gameplay style. Those in the latter category you really, REALLY have to nail the gameplay cycle especially if you're going to have multiple playstyles or classes in your game. A player has to enjoy the repetition of his input, sometimes it ought to become second nature to them when they get into the zone. You know, kind of like WoW/MMOs do with their macros and cast rotations. And all the actions player makes have to be quick and just flashy enough to feel like they're making an impact and not spending an eternity to perform mundane tasks.

But that's just me and why I find comfy/cozy. Sometimes having a bunch of people sit in/on a nicely rendered location with voicechat enabled is enough.

Not Octorocked? :^)

when I was 11-12 I found a glitch in Sonic 06 were if you have your ally partner fall in water and don't move much they will respawn but die again, then stay in the death animation.
I used this to place Amy on the rooftops and used the camera to look up her skirt, I fapped to it a number of times.

This is the power of Sonic autism

fucking underag-
I remember playing that piece of shit at a store, trying to figure out what dumbass thought Sonic could work in 3D game.


did you just not know about sonic adventure 1 and 2 or something?

I purchased Crisis in the Kremlin for $4.99 rather than pirating it for free as true gommunism would have demanded. fun game tho, I got to be Literally Hitler and defend South African Apartheid from the Jewish/Anglo alliance.

The same people who realized 3D Sonic made money with Adventure 1 & 2.
The same people who made
Sonic Heroes
Shadow the Hedgehog
Sonic Riders
Sonic & The Secret Rings
Sonic &a The Black Knight
Sonic Unleashed
And many more!

I'd heard of them, but never bother to look into them at all, always just assumed they sucked because 3D. I played Sonic 3D on Genesis, but I knew the other titles weren't like it and it made no sense to me how you could design a Sonic game properly when the player could easily stray off the track, unless you made the game slow.

I'm pretty sure you had to be someone who grew up with Adventure 1 and 2 to like them.
If that user grew up with genesis Sonic then he probably hates 3D sonic no mater what.

But user, most white South Africans are Anglos, as are all of the white Rhodesians.

I have several thousand hours in MWO and have even played it competitively (MRBC Div A ), but I never gave PGI my shekels.

True, but America was firing economic sanctions at them for "muh racism." Intervened, and now they're part of the Soviet Bloc. Good times.

you take that back you piece of shit, the dutch are not anglo

I still play Skyrim for about a hundred hours a go every five-six months when I get bored. I enjoy it and still think that Skyrim>Oblivion no matter how much Holla Forums calls my taste shit for it.

Give me your judgments

I have already failed

You have an addiction. If this is after you realized what you did and quit cold turkey, good for you. If not


i paid 3$ for a ds emulator on android

Playing a game of streetfighter 2 against someone in an arcade and doing nothing but quarter-circles and punch.

lol dude same here xD


I never caught the hylian loach.
I paid full price for sc2 about a month after it came out.
I didn't know wave dashing was a thing until after brawl was out for a few years

You think this is a fucking game

>spend 2000+ hours in TF2, I think almost half of it was trading and I never got anywhere.
>still bought Pokemon Moon although I bought it used so Ninty's not getting my shekels.

I don't know whether this is better or worse than some of the people in this thread, like the guy with 700+ games on Steam

I got a Capcom bundle for Umbrella Corps gave the games I already had to Anons and then got all the achievements before the player base died off.

Haaaaah. I just forced Israel to combine with Palestine via military invasion. They needed to become more diverse to fulfill true gommunism.

some guy was whining about this being an unpopular opinions thread and said dubs decided what porn he'd dump.

On topic, I played all the way through Life Is Strange and I thought the soundtrack was rather catchy.

have I gone too far?

I buy Ace Combat Assault Horizon on Steam expecting to be good,

mfw i realize the huge mistake i made


Have you ever felt so wonderful in your life?

I bought skyrim for the xbox, then bought it again with dlc for PC


Which one? Hope it's drastic

How do you check how much DLC you own?

oh wait a waste of dubs

isn't it one of those things you getting you steam level up.

Oh Jesus when did I get all this shit.
Fucking humble bundle.
I swear sometimes i see a webm of a cool game i never heard of and then I find out I already have it.


Well, I'm not sure which of us is worse off. I can replace my lost shekels, but you can't get back all that time you wasted.

I finished the last half of Styx: Master of Shadows using cheats.

I unironically bought Life Is Strange

I bought the Capcom bundle and only kept DmC thinking the PC version was upgraded to definitive edition.


This. I'm sickened.

So many things Holla Forums has complained about over the years, yet the suckers are amongst us, right here in this thread. No wonder everything is so fucked.

Let me impart some knoweldge on you
With a certain update elevators became free, with it a few changes happened to the game. Most notably
>Like I said, energy is now worthless, meaning now in order to craft items, instead of using energy you have to use items similar to the heat cores, also ranging from 1-5 stars(corresponding to the level of the item you're crafting). Two weeks after this update these items were EXTREMELY rare(I played the game two months after that update, after those two weeks I've only recieved three of these items and they were all of levels 2-3(this was tier 3 I think)) meaning you were fucked as a new player

Oh and I'd like to mention that the original devs bought the game from Sega only to continue making the same mistake of releasing nothing but seasonal and PvP events and not releasing new content for the dungeons besides p2p DLC.
And the PVP sucks dick too.

I preordered monster hunter world for ps4
and i am fairly hyped for the game

A few years ago I found out there was a console command to find your time played in wow. 689 days. I stopped playing after seeing that total from one of my alts not my main.

I'm totally straight but I keep developing romantic feelings for the friends I make through online games.

You're actually normal, this is what bromance is supposed to be, it's just that 70% of humanity is autistic and soulless, so they see you as a compassionate, cheesy idiot.

I bought this useless junk and had hoped they would make some cool games with it.

I installed a russian porn mod for skyrim that lets you fuck children.

Same. I got a little bit of fun because I liked rail shooters (Deadstorm Pirates and THOTD:Overkill are fun) and bought some games with it, but it's next to useless.

Also, I spend too much time on Payday 2 and bought all the DLC when they were on 50-75% sale like the goyest of goys. I didn't calculate the cost.

I've paid for shitty IAP in shitty gatcha gamesLike hundreds of dollars worth.

I guess all the loli companions got the better of you.
I never checked the nexus because I didn't pirate Skyrim yet, but I wonder if they have an ara companion.


OP said sins, not crowning achievements

When I was a child I sold my Runescape account to a friend at school that I knew, I gave him my recovery questions and everything.
A few weeks later I'm at his house and he's playing Runescape while I play his Gamecube, he gets up to use the bathroom and I went on and read his cookies getting his new password
I went home later that day and changed his password in the middle of the night when he wouldn't be playing along with his recovery questions
He found out later the next day and was upset, he suspected me but I played it cool and told him I gave him everything, I even went along and said how would I even be able to get the account back
Dam I was such a dick as a kid
Wherever you are I'm sorry Alex

ps2 slim is shit for modding since your only options to play games via modding on the slim
Buy a fat ps2,a network adapter and a hdd which is pretty easy to get and much better than using the slim

I'll eventually sell the cartridge but I should've just pirated it instead of being a fucking goy.

The Wii already cornered that market by having it as a standard controller. Very little was going to happen for an optional one that looks like a Wiimote fucked a ping-pong ball. I'm also not so happy with having a camera attached to my console, regular controller is fine.

I had my steam account with almost of decade of use and thousands of dollars worth of games deleted. I don't regret it at all though, 90% of those games I genuinely never wanted to ever play again.

Granted it's not on the same level as HDD but still far better than USB.

So, put another way, you got jewed out of hundreds of dollars of games that you wanted to play again?


I pre-ordered Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days and didn't regret it at all. Came with a nice poster, it's not currently hanging up but it looks like pic related.

Dunno, I played a good portion of them for a decent amount of time. It's just that there was zero desire to ever play most of them again after that.

I like to play video games




sage, report and hide this faggot

I can't unlock Tunnel Man.

Well done, Onii-chan!

I've owned Skyrim since 2015, and have played a little over 400 hours of it. In that entire time, I have yet to complete the main story line. I've never been to Sovngarde, hell I've never even been to the Blades base.

On a similar note, I have yet to find natural diamond. I got Minecraft while it was in beta (around 1.6.6 I think) played it constantly for a year or two, and occasionally go back to it every now and again. In all that time, I have never once even seen naturally spawned diamond.

Oh, and you're both saints and exemplars true, I'm sure.


Whoops meant for

i have never completed a single Final Fantasy game in my life.
I have started almost all of them, some even several times, but i just can't do it, there is something about that makes me lose interest half way trough and this never happened to me with other jrpg's.

I have two amiibos and I don't even have a nintendo wiiU or a switch.

I sometimes savescum in /gsg/.
I am quickly bored with a lot of games.
RTS are damn boring and for autists

Drown yourself before you do more harm.


I constantly break down and get a PS4 thinking that somehow it'll be good, before selling it and playing on 4th gen shit again.

Handheld games are generally better than console games from 7th gen upwards.

You could do worse. Overall a 4/10.

5/10, and I give you this score simply because you have CoQ

You're dead, kiddo.


Spent 70 bucks on a game called Battlefield Heroes. Cosmetic shit and p2win item.

You actually paid for stuff in BFH? I played it once, hated it. What'd ya buy?

I bought the ouya. fuck me, I'm never trusting anything made by kickstarter ever again.

This is kinda what happens with all f2p games, and even some payed normal grindy gmaes, unfortunately.


Its a wonderul feeling

You can't trick us, that's 2300 hours of idling, 140 hours of trolling, and maybe just maybe 29 hours of actual playing.

when i played league of legends in its early days, i used to be in hospital and got some guy who was absolutely garbage at this game which i of course as any sane man would do, insulted into oblivion and saying things like he should die of cancer. after the match was done, which we lost of course, he said that my wish would actually happen and he is actually playing his last game of LoL before being completely unable to since he is in the middle of dying a slow death from cancer. a few minutes later i heard some people sobbing and crying which probably was next door and 2 days later, i noticed that some kid died who was stationed in said room who loved playing league of legends

All posts are considered to be works of fiction, yadda yadda.

I know that you don`t feel bad about it, but you should.

same guy, meant to say got queued up for a game in the same team with said person.


I don't, because I genuinely enjoyed myself. And think DOTA was.. a very good game by itself despite all the taint surrounding it.

My entire play history is a sad tale of "Maybe all these mods will make the game fun to play this time around" followed by me uninstalling in disgust dozens of hours later. Followed by me repeating the cycle every year.

Except HoI3 and VickyII. They're the only games I reliably play on Steam anymore.


Believe me I know, I played the war3 mod for years and the game for about a year after release release being when the beta keys started showing up. The game is a tryhard shitfest no fun right now, everything is serious, the MM is abysmal. Everyone I know that used to play quit,

I wager that you didn`t play when it was a war3 mod, you can only play this game for at least 5 years before it takes a tool on you and stops being fun and frustration is the only thing you get. If I am wrong and you did play on the and garena days you are a special kind of autistic

I meant "at most"

I actually think the first Life is Strange is one of the most important games ever made, its spontaneous innocent nature is very very unique, and more games need to care more about stories human elements

C'mon, you gotta try harder than that.

I got the galactic edition too. And the adventures DLC

You mean a camera with the Wii? Aint a thing, the sensor bar literally only emits two dim lights for your controller to gauge position with. The Wii U however has a camera in it's gamepad obviously though, yeah, but nothing a piece of tape can't fix if you're that paranoid.

I bought all AC games until finally stopping at III. I got the Collector's Edition for III.

I bought Human Revolution Collector's Edition for 360, then normal version for PC and finally Directror's Cut also on PC.

I rage quit Dark Souls III on my second playthrough on Aldrich. I alt+F4'd the game and uninstalled it right after in my autistic rage.

On the subject of Dark Souls/Bloodborne, I hate that I used guides all the way until III which I beat blind.

Galactic Edition and Adventures here too.
I was young, I had hoped for Spore to be released for so fucking long.

i made over $100 in paypal bucks off realm of the madgod when Holla Forums still played, before everyone started duping items and some awful company bought the game.
i don't feel too bad about it though, it was mostly rare items i'd never have used.

I bought the Uncharted trilogy

God what pieces of shit

I never saw the appeal of them, when I was selling video games people would ask me for a recommendation on the series, and I just said "I wouldn't know, they don't look interesting to me." People don't like that. They want you to say what they want to hear, they either want you to affirm their bias not to buy, or affirm their suspicions to give them the impetus to buy.

If you really want to fucking buy it, go ahead man, but I'm not putting my word of mouth on it as if I played something I ain't. Then you look at all of the bullshit surrounding Uncharted 4 where YouTubers who didn't agree with the big publishers and give it 10s were attacked. "If you give the game a 9, how fucking dare you" Rooster Teeth said, "How dare you deduct a point to be different." Critikal gave it a fucking 4 because he thought it was a boring piece of shit, and people flipped out on him for it. And ever since, he's been a wishy washy piece of shit with his reviews, always giving scores that don't represent his honest opinion cause he's afraid it might happen again. You could swear, people get PTSD from this shit.

Fucking 4 games, and he still hasn't got a chart for fuck sake.

what's wrong with you

I preordered a game. It ended up having Denuvo and I didn't find out until launch.

Healing items, weapons and even a costume.

I've poured over 300 hours into Saints Row: The Third. Which is more time than I've poured into SR2 and SR4 combined.

Conversely, I'm currently at about 3,500 hours in GTA V. I don't buy Shark Cards, I just really enjoy the gameplay loop.

I hate ASSFAGGOTS, but I'm currently playing Heroes of the Storm and I'm having a blast with it.

I'm considering giving my anal virginity to my best friend this weekend.

Do you try to be a faggot this hard or does it come naturally to you?

>I'm considering giving my anal virginity to my best friend this weekend.
That's fucking gay, yo.

I've clocked 13,000+ hours in WoW, probably approaching or past 14,000 hours now. Not including time spent on private servers, which is probably upwards of another 1,000+ hours.

I bought the collector's editions of MoP, WoD, and Legion.

l use slow motion like fucking Zack Snyder

Enjoy dying in an AIDS fire, faggot.

I, too, have purchased the collector's edition for all of these. I don't know why, they're always a massive disappointment. That said, my account is currently inactive and will stay that way for a while because single player games are just better (I still play HoTS and hearthstone 'cause free) . I don't actually know how much time I've spent on the game though.

If your friend has a dick, kill him then you. If it is a girl and she is pegging you, kill yourself

Well, are you cute?

I'm on PC but I hate using M+KB for vidya.


It's just stored in plaintext?

Used to be on console, stopped vidya for years. Recently built a pc for vidya and I can't get used to a mouse. My arm and wrist hurt, seems I'm too retarded to know how to use one.


You'll get used to it. I hope

I play and unironically enjoy Overwatch despite being aware that it isn't objectively a good game
I grinded jewboxes for this outfit because Tracer is my favourite girl and I have a serious thing for exposed midriff outfits

Either user was actually female and didn't want to linger too long lest people realize, or they were just a faggot in every sense of the word, Inside and out.

I legitimately wish you dead.

No I mean a controller that has pointing, and waggling. Virtually all PS3 games work fine with the classic dual-analog and buttons.


She is a bong el cheerful garbage. You lost even before the poz pandering. Overcuck characters are so fucking artificial it hurts.

Historically, I have used Steam as gaymer facebook.

I've also uploaded vidya related content to twitter and tumblr because of Nintendo's shitty upload options when Animal Crossing came out on the 3DS, and continued to post shit on Tumblr. I exclusively use Twitter for Switch screencaps now.

I also have a youtube account with video game related content that isn't LPs, reviews, or commentary of any kind.

I've only ever beat the original NES Zelda.

I've never beat a Theif, Elder Scrolls, or Dark Souls game

I suck at multiplayer games, specifically shooters. I mainly can't play cooperatively because I'm afraid to talk to people online.


i know that sonic mania feel bro

I play it too, user.
wanna play together and rank together?

I like fighters but I have never fought another person online except for friends.

i like the half life series


I like my pixel sluts the same way I like my coffee. Brown and sweet with lots of milk.

And I enjoyed every fucking second of it.

Oh, you mean those white South Africans.
the only ones that actually stuck around through thick and thin and didn't try to jump ship to Britain when the Blacks went ape.

I've made so many mistakes if not outright sins throughout my life thinking I was enjoying vidya when in reality I was just being a great goy and an armchair expert.
I'll forever be a newfag for joining in 2015
I have backed a rather popular game with over a hundred dollarydoos because I was genuinely excited and trusted people instead of being critical, I got the game and all but it was severely worse than what was promised and I feel ashamed of owning the trinkets that came with it and even having entertained being in its fanbase
Friends and acquaintances think I'm extremely skilled at games because I can beat them when in reality I just apply the basics and read tactics online instead of being good myself
The number of vidya I want but ended up just watching because they're for consoles I can't/won't buy is greater of at least one order of magnitude to the amount that I played
A friend gifted me Undertale and I didn't have the heart to tell him I think it's shit
I have had a (((Steam))) account for over 4 years, then I realized the error of my ways and logged out without ever replying to the people I had on my Friends list

I accidentally popped my Denuvo cherry with Nier Automata, i'm wondering if I should get Prey now.

I love Dragon Quest with all of my heart but I haven't "fairly" acquired a game in the series since the square + enix merge of 2003 because I hate square too damn much…

I like HOI4, but only because of pic related

I bought Godus. Fuck you Peter Molyneux and your lies.

I also have a Xbone but I can't be blamed for it, I ended up with it after my old man killed himself. I still blame Microsoft for his death.

I played Undertale and really enjoyed it. I thought it had enjoyable characters and encoutners, and was a great deconstruction of the artificiality of RPG tropes.
Forgive me father.

Isn't the problem with the game just the fan base and the shitty characters forced in by Kickstarters?

I play Battlefield 1 with a friend. I don't even like it that much. Got it from G2A because it was cheap
Have 1620 hours in Warframe. Last played December
Bought origin access to try a bunch of games. Titanfall 2 is the only one I enjoyed.
Pre-ordered Total Warhammer 2 because I like the first one a lot. If it's shit, I'll just refund it.

Well, there's that, and the fact that the Flowey character gets completely shoved off to the side and ignored until the very end.

Other than that it's a pretty great game, IMO.

I spent hundreds of euros in TF2 (half of it post-gunmettle) before I started browsing Holla Forums and got non-shit vidya taste

This is legitimately the gayest post on this board ATM. Not joking, dead serious.

That's not a sin, The real sin is that that game died.
I still am filled with sorrow at it's passing.
It had so much potential, it just got fully cucked by 2k's DLC shit.

I play Warframe on console and bought FFXV day one both on Xbone.

When half-life 2 came out not only did I buy it, but I didn't use the vehicles in the vehicle sections. I didn't use the airboat because when the headcrab shells hit i just ran away right down the canal and I had to bunnyhop/use multiple floating objects to get past the toxic swamp areas because I couldn't go back and get the airboat. I spent like a fucking hour hopping on a floating crate, turning around, tossing my first crate ahead, tossing my backup crate, and then jumping forward to crate number 1 and so on. I just bunny hopped past the airboat seesaw puzzle when i figured out you could continuously gain momentum by bunnyhopping (old Source Engine), and then cleared the gap with my retardedly fast bunnyhop speed once the ramp is pushed up high enough from the plastic drums. I don't remember how I did the helicopter fight, I think I just either cheated or ignored it completely and just glitched over the dam somehow. I didn't use the jeep because I didn't realize you could flip it with the gravity gun (despite the game giving you clear prompts to do so) and I was just like "wow gay why even give me the car" so I just ran the ENTIRE chapter of Highway 17.

I play every game like this.

Every game I beat is just through sheer ignorant effort. Who needs intelligence or finesse when you have raw, unquantifiable determination? It's painfully inefficient, but it has always been my winning strategy. If being retarded were a profession, I would be an industry pioneer. I am the Macgyver of playing games as inefficient as possible. Even DSP would yell at me for not playing the game properly if he ever saw me play. One time I came up with the idea of starting a "PainPlay" series on youtube where I would disguise myself as just someone who creates walkthroughs for videogames people can follow along with if they are stuck, but I nonchalantly beat it in the most unintuitive, inefficient, and just downright visually exhausting method imaginable. It would be hell to sit through. Imagine those Polygon videos in the style of an informative GameFAQs-esque guide. If I give the videos any commentary, it'll just be half complete misinformation mixed with half dangerously poor advice to give to a newbie. I can see it now:

Each video would basically be a really creative method of beating the game the worst way possible that's difficult to do in its own right (way harder than the game has any right to be anyway). I would demonstrate extreme skill applied in the worst way.

hey, autumn started a few days ago, you can go back now.

Do it, I think that would be funny for about 10 minutes

You went too far 800 games ago

Last time I ever buy an early access game.

I sometimes play bethesda games. While I do so, I set my Steam status to offline. Yes I actually bought bethesda games on Steam.

ironically i have over 4000 hours in borderlands 2. . .

ha . .


I pirated like 99% of my games and buy only very rarely

user, OP specifically requested sins, not virtuous actions.

What did he mean by this?

I understand your pain. I spent more time glitching out and somehow finishing Portal 1's levels in unconventional ways than actually playing the non-retarded solution. I also somehow managed to jump off a pillar in Rayman 3 and skip a boss fight that would have granted me a power up necessary to finish the game.
I'd watch it as long as it's got enough variety.

I own both versions of Skullgirls on PS3, have it on PC with the Beta, 2nd Encore on PS4 AND ordered the physical edition of 2nd Encore for PS4.

You couldn't imagine just making Crash Bandicoot run fast? Hell, that's even a key mechanic of Crash 3.

Play it for 1488 hours, and maybe you can combine it with your sweet digits for repentance.

Hail Satan

pay a microtransaction to get a random reward in hopes you get something good, fail many times.

The problem is that it was obviously made specifically for that fanbase. It's tumblr: The game. Everything from the story to the cringy humor to the graphics, and of course the many homosexual characters, is made specifically to pander to them.

there's one lesbian, one bisexual, (those two get with each other at the end)

and two liftbros that fall into a bromance with each other.


I think Max Payne 2 is the weakest of the saga both in gunplay and story (still a great game).

I bought a triple A game

Yes, a butch lesbian and a "nerd" lesbian being two of the most important and most recurring characters in the game, plus the deliberately sexually ambiguous protagonist who can romance both male and female characters, are things that tumblr would love. Now that alone wouldn't be enough to confirm anything, but the entire rest of the game reveling in tumblr humor and their faux-deep messages is definitely enough to confirm.

I agree with you.

I preordered Brink.

tumblr humor is anti-jokes and things deliberately constructed to annoy and piss you off?
glad I don't spend time on tumblr holy shit sounds insufferable

You can, but it's considered poor form to throw stones when you have a glass house.

I own all DLCs for Train Simulator 2017

Literally only a recurring joke, has no impact on the story no matter what you do (Not acutal romance)
Done so that the player can self-insert better and feel more attatched to the decisions they make (kill/spare). Not the first game to do this, either, VNs do this a lot.
The game's tone is based on Earthbound and while it is implauseable to deny Tumblr having a significant influence on the game, I would argue that 70% of the jokes are more Earthbound inspired than Tumblr inspired.
Honestly how many are in the game?
The only ones I can think of are:

You Monster

I absolutely love the Persona series.

But I also love SMT and its other spinoffs. I have a hard time understanding why people can't like both. It's "if you like persona you're a waifufaggot ruining SMT" and "if you like SMT you're just an edgy faggot"

Speaking about playing the game the wrong way, I think I played MGS 4 without the Drebin shit.

I bought ME:A :^) .


Just make those videos for fun. I'd watch them.

Shiro stop playing videogames and practice magic


I bought Oblivion 5 times. I don't even LIKE Oblivion. I really don't know how it fucking happened.

Having a lot of games is alright when they're not all garpaccio.

Being a goy in a singular way is not the measure of a man.

I use guides, but only because I couldn't be assed to find every item, weapon and piece of armor on my own. I like to have everything by the time I'm done a playthrough so that I can fuck around with builds.

I can't believe you couldn't beat Aldrich.

That's because goy aren't men. They are cattle.


I bought starbound on EA. When updates hit I'll do a full play through in a couple of days because robogrills and then I feel empty and disappointed again.

I really liked Destiny. Will probably not get the second one tho.

Now I remember exactly why I dropped it: it's the fact that the game is unreliable. You can forget about the fact that it is now a gigantic pain in the ass and a time sink to upgrade any of your equipment, forget about the CE price being 150% of what it used to be, so now you'd have to grind twice as much just to get 100 CE, which is pretty much nothing when it comes to crafting. You can also forget the fact that reviving more than once is impossible without spending crowns instead of simply sharing half of your current health with a teammate.
No, all of this is overshadowed by the simple fact that the netcode is absolute dogshit. Your hits aren't registered, your enemies can hit you even when you're not in the strike zone anymore, the slightest lag spike can mean a game over for you.
I just joined a party in the third tier with barely second tier equipment (sold all my old gear and gave crowns to friends) and they mysteriously vanished after babbling something in taco. So I go solo and some faggot joins in at the same moment those tree fucker spawn, so of course I get hit, losing 80% of my health and lose my shield to the second tree as well as another 10% health. So now I'm stunned, with no shield and one hit away from death. But hey, that guy is still at full health and can help me out, right?
Nope, disconnects.
I somehow manage to solo my way all the way down to Firestorm citadel, but I did break my soda bottle in the process because I was lagging all over the spikes and robots because lol good netcode is for nerds, give us money.
I fucking hate this unfinished game, that's why I quit it like twice already.

I never have finished a Mario, Zelda, or Pokemans game ever.

I spent 200$+ on Tribes ascend

I was in complete disgust until I got to this part. This is a brilliant idea and I urge you to follow your dreams and use your talents for great justice. You should download Open Broadcaster Software (it's not just for streaming) and record some test videos to familiarize yourself with recording gameplay.

No big deal user, you didn't miss much.

i've been playing modded minecraft for over three weeks straight everyday

You know those machines you as a kid used to put quarters in and it gave you a small portion of candy, or a random eraser/toy. Now imagine that but in game form, where you are trying to roll for your waifu, usually so you can use said waifu in other parts of the game. It's a shitty Japanese Mobage meme that is incredibly profitable.

I played through Bioshock at least ten times.

I got addicted to CoD4 but was a poorfag so I'd keep making new accounts to get the free month of xbox gold so I could keep playing.

The first videogame I really got into when I was a kid Starcraft and I would only play missions and scenarios. I never played an online matchmaking game and still never have.

I stole some kids Guthix Armour set in runescape by just asking to wear it. The reason I feel so bad is because I destroyed some kids innocence on the internet that day, and took advantage of someone elses good nature, it seemed like he really just wanted some friends. If I ever met him again somehow, I'd like to tell him how sorry I am.

thats not a sin at all. theres not a single game out there that some person will say thats not shit

Quite the heafty sin. You could buy a decent PC with that.

Could be worse, like having a one night stand and only getting an STD instead of HIV.

Spore I can get but Simcity? You can only blame yourself.

If you're playing with mates I can understand. Still deserved to be bullied.

Played Adventure Quest it just came out. Was 2004 and I joined the Great Fire War. Got an Ice Katana that was my primary Ice weapon for ages after. Remember begging mom to upgrade my character to guardian since she had just gotten a debit card. Stopped playing in 2006 and gave away the account in 2008.

Most grievous sin I can think of is that I spent $110 on something called Hunted: The Demon Forge. Didn't waste money like that again.

A nice story. But it's just that, a story until evidence proves otherwise.

Said it better than I could. You're going to hell for that sin.

I've put in a few hundred hours into Battlefield 2 and UT04 but I've never been online. It's simply because the bots are fun to go against.

Like that coffee, bet it tastes good.

Better to be a newfag that blends in and tries to accept the culture than crossing over from reddit or 4chan and acting obnoxious.
Something tells me if you forgive yourself, your sins will be absolved.

Nier is cracked. No reason to have denuvo in a single player game, ever. Prey isn't worth it, a bethesda remake instead of space bounty hunting sim.

No, c'mon. That's your biggest sin there, giving cash before even having the product.

Imagine building a house or making something cool like a go-kart though sheer force of retardation. Shame you use it only for video games.

I don't know what you're going to hell for, stupidity at giving steam all your money or ignorance for not looking for another service.

CoD4 thing isn't a sin if the system is broken. Had a friend in highschool that did the same thing.

Let me share the sins of my friend.
He has more money than sense unfortunately.

I enjoyed that shitty unfinished piece of shit undertale.

How long user?
How do you do it?

I played FF8 on release, and enjoyed it.
to make it worse, it's still my second favorite (after 12)

Let's play sometimes
Also is this by that guy who draws Peacock bi-weekly and religiously follows that rule? Such dedication to a waifu can't be overlooked.

Thank you father but the sins can only be absolved with learning my place

I don't blame you, most of these games were a pain on purpose

It's poor form to make that many replies in a single post. Either take the time to develop more than a sentence response to ones you care about or fuck off