Finally a native PC version, fuck.
Okami HD PC/PS4/Xbone
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I suppose I stand corrected. That's good news but I already had it on wii so I doubt I would get it again if it's full price.
Thank God that shitty patent finally expired.
will it have the paper effect
That's nice, how is Capcom's track record for PC releases? I'd be pretty upset if it runs like shit considering it ran perfectly well on the PS2.
I really liked the PS3 HD version; looked great with my PS3. Biggest complaints I had were the lack of a native physical copy and even the Asia/Pacific import (which had the native English script for the most part; opening was still in moon though) requiring a full from-disc install that took like twenty minutes (I miss the days when games would just play straight off the discs). Also the lack of "Reset" as a credits theme, though that's been standard since the Wii port (even when playing the aforementioned Asia/Pacific version in English). I imagine the PC port might eventually have it modded in if it's removed for the west again, but therein lies the question: That archived article doesn't mention anything about a western release of the rerelease of the HD rerelease. Though, the fact of it being an Xbone multiplat might hint at it coming west, given how badly Microsoft's systems have tended to do in Japan.
terrible, avoid at all costs, dmc4 and re5 and dragon's dogma especially.
Pretty good
It's in the Japanese version. Blame Capcom for being cheap cunts who won't pay to license it for the west again.
Yeah, combine that with the aforementioned lack of willingness to do an actual native print here again. Hell, I fully expect that if they do bring this rereleased rerelease here, it's going to be digital only again. They've act like there's not enough of an audience to warrant doing so for with the PS3 version, despite the PS2 one being highly acclaimed and (eventually) selling enough copies to have warranted a Greatest Hits print as well. Makes me wonder how well the Wii version's print did in comparison, if that might have been the prompt for not doing a physical print here for the HD version.
I honestly see the Wii version a lot more than the PS2 one at stores these days, but I'm not sure if that's more a case of the Wii version having sold even more, or lack of demand now that it's been brought back for the PS3 (people "trading up" their versions, so to speak).
It looked ugly as fuck on the PS3.
hard to forget the wii version where they left the IGN logo for the box art they lazily downloaded because they probably didn't keep a master of the original.
Jesus Christ that's pathetic.
working at a game shop it's funny as hell seeing it in person. that was a period of incredible laziness from a lot of studios. Unfortunately all the images of the cover art are from that same era and are fairly low quality but you can see it pretty easily.
I can only imagine that whoever was in charge of compiling the cover didn't want the embarrassment of asking them to send a clean render again, and just did a google search of a preview front-cover scan, or something, touched up a few things (getting rid of "Rating-Pending" type things), but was too much of a dolt to notice the issue. I hear they at least eventually uploaded a proper scan for people that wanted the cover without IGN's taint, but that implies either having a working, properly color-synced print, or knowing a place you can print one at without getting hassled (where I am, print shops will refuse to print game covers on grounds of not wanting to potentially aid bootlegging).
Makes me wonder what was the worse cover fuckup: Leaving a reviewer/journokike site logo on your cover you didn't intend to, or whoever it was at Konami thinking "Konami's Best" print of Dawn of Sorrow looked appealing.
I thought it looked fine. it was the gameplay and unskippable cutscenes that ruined it for me
Another great day for the mustard race!
Hah, thanks for beta testing, console fags!
This bait was so horrible that you're not getting a you, I suggest you castrate yourself to ensure the next generation produced better bait.
The X3-X5 ports of Megaman X series had pretty good PC ports
Better, those are the definitive versions
dunno about RE5 and DD but DMC4 was one of the best PC ports I've seen
literally ran 60fps at low settings on my shitty core i3 laptop with Intel HD graphics 3000
Now, the DMC3 port on the other hand was a total clusterfuck
RE5 port was ok
DD port was good
Didn't X3 have the absolutely horrid Saturn soundtrack? That shit is far from "definitive" anything
Does this one add the ability to skip cutscenes?
Nah it was pretty bad because it was tied to GFWL.
DD on the other hand is top tier because its also on GoG.
The soundtrack was ass but at least there was no slowdown like in the SNES version
Oh boy I can't wait for denuvo
Ninja Gaiden on pc when?
also Nioh
It's kinda like a dream come true for me.
Just sucks I already finished it again on PCSX2 not long ago. It was a blurry mess.
The PS3 remastered ports of the first two games were fucking shit; they made the game piss easy and also removed all the gore
I hope so, but it's hard to tell. Okami HD was already ported twice, so the idea of a third port probably wasn't hard to sell.
But, the DMC HD collection will likely never come to PC unless they decide to put it on Xbone and PS4 as well. Then RE Revelations 1 and 2 are getting ported again out of nowhere. You can't tell with Capcom,
Sigma 1 and 2 add and change a fair amount of content, so I wouldn't call them just remasters, They're more like remakes of the first 2 games without Itagaki telling them how to do it right.
Sorry but I played that shit on my PS3 and it was garbage
Sigma 1 was just ninja gaiden black with removed gore
in NG2 the replacement boss was pathetic and I'd rather play as Ayane in DOA and not NG
Plus, she isn't that special, she has limited moves and it's not like DMC4:SE where they included Lady and Trish with a diverse moveset
Also, the difficulty has been reduced as compared to the original and the gore has also been removed
And worst of all NG Sigma 1 is locked at 30fps
The Xbox versions of NG are still the best
I'v only played the Xbox versions, I heard that Sigma is inferior though. I don't have the first hand experience, but i'll take your word for it.
I really hope they don't do the whole "don't compress a single fucking thing" shit that every PC release seems intent on nowadays.
This game has way too much dialog and annoying sound effects. The pacing is a disaster.
I am inevitably going to have to pirate one of my favorite games of all time because they'll saddle it with fucking Denuvo or some shit.
I made a new cover, just in case Capcom needs to print some.
This game is one of the biggest pieces of shit I ever touched, relative to weebs jerking off to it. However, since it's on PC, we will be able to remove all pissfilters, and remove all dialogue audio. Under those assumptions I might in fact have to finally play it to the end.
Who cares? I played the game a decade ago and still own my copy, I ain't paying for the same game twice. Besides that version probably has the butchered ending, but Hey it's on PC…
Kill yourself furfag
Die. that's a nice looking Amaterasu though
I do, im looking forward to it.
The Namco patent that says only they can have minigames in loading screens?
I wouldn't be so excited if fucking Denuvo might be involved.
I'm a lil disappointed.
Fuck patent jews.
I know they're slapping denuvo on even the nichest of titles these days, but I still dare hope they wouldn't be so stupid to slap it on an old game that has the old audience and nothing more.
Worth it
This is Capcom after all
It's still a tainted port. Like some faggots saying that amiibo locked difficulty in the Metroid 2 remake doesn't matter because you can spoof the NFC shit.
This is how retarded you sound
t. eternal battered wife
Yes, fuck that kikery. Fuck all patents and copyright laws. It's the single most Jewish thing on this planet.
Denuvo can't be removed, just bypassed.
It won't have the same emotional impact as the Wii port I played when I was younger, but I'll be glad to have this on my PC and play it again at xboxhueg resolution and potentially with an unlocked frame rate.
Maybe if you're stupid enough to use Windows 10 and have it notify M$ you did something that would cost them money.
Go to bed, Denuvo.
All me
Can't argue with these digits.
was. no more.
How recent are we talking?
Because you could have just emulated the PS3 version, not even joking it became the best option overall just several month ago.
Drawing with the joystick was never great.
Nice, assuming the japs don't fuck up the port.
If they do it like DmC4 and DD the port will be great if it were any other company I would expect the japs to fuck up hard
DEVILISH post, user, well done.
I must admit to not following Japanese developers particularly closely, I've just seen many poor ports from them as a collective group in recent years. If this dev has a good track record then my worries are reduced. More detail is appreciated.
Its apparently gonna be $20
Ranging from godawful to pretty spectacular.
Well RE 0, 1, 4, and 5 are all 20 here in Fucking Leaf land, so It seems like around $20 is Capcom's price for older games.
I pirated it on Wii because I felt the gimmick in it was better with wiimotes. I'll buy it for sure if it really comes to pc. Wonder how that feels without doing the brush move though. Anybody here tried both just to know?
you ask for it you fucker
You mean the difference between the Wii drawing and the PS drawing? Overall the PS is better since the slow brush speed allow you more control. The wiimote is too sensitive and it took me a dozen tries to use the first real ability, cut, to chop a tree in half because the game will over-interpret every small detail of your hand movement. Ironically, the best way to draw anything was to move so quickly you didn't have time to think about the shape, which took much of the fun out of it.
The Ninetails battle where he draws overtop of you is also ruined because he's drawing at PS2 speed and you're zooming around with the wiimote.
That's awful. Rao deserves better.
Meh, getting used to the motion controls took me longer than just not being shit with the controller, drawing with the mouse is much better but until the PC version is released (probably) that requires the wii port.
what's the difference between these too. one is technically being redone by a western developer and the other being developed by a lazy dev who binges on anime and shits on twitter. (
I just want to play it on the go and draw with my hand.
Is the Vita version good? I might be getting a free vita.
You did good kid, you did good.
All this article says is it's getting a japan release. Nothing about US.
Fuck does "reproduction of elements" mean, that sounds off.
sony has outright stated the game is getting a physical release in the west.
I assume they mean the reimplementation of loading screen minigames, as was mentioned elsewhere in the article, considering both had been cut from the Wii and PS3 versions. Whether that also means Reset will be back for the west, I doubt it.
Righteous, then. I don't need to burn up my toaster trying to emulate it.
Oh yes, best fetish.
Might get it but holy fuck the dialogue sound is so annoying.
Idea for a jerry-rigged solution: get an iPega 9023 controller, and a Windows 10 tablet PC. So simple!
But then, prepare to hate Windows 10 like never before. Shit's bad enough on the desktop, but it's a total clusterfuck as a tablet system. The interface is simply inadequate for the job, and most programs don't work well or at all with touch.
Someone I've discussed this shit with brought something to my attention, is it plausible that capcom is gonna port the game to MT framework as part of the new port like they did with CVX and Remake?
I wonder, if the licensing issue is about paying the singer, they could simply do a new version for the international release. Or just use a fan-made version.
There's no way they'll do that. REmake was a huge deal because of the series's prestige (RE2make got the same treatment when it was bandied about a year or two ago, remember?). They would have publicized it far more thoroughly if the game was truly being remade in a new engine with new combat, models, etc.
It's a port, and there isn't anything wrong with that since Okami's one problem was a lack of combat difficulty, which is a pretty stellar track record considering how much content it has.
You know, as much as I thought people were overreacting to the artistic changes/deficiencies in the new Crash Bandicoot remaster, I'm imagining current year Capcom doing something equal to Okami and the idea makes my skin crawl. The art is perfect and timeless, the characters are cute and charming, and the story is engaging enough to justify hop scotching all over Japanese mythology. If the cutscenes had characters randomly T-posing or Ammy had a mediocre lighting mesh, the overall experience would definitely suffer and I think I'd feel exactly the same.
or what if issun got (((localized)))
Not what I'm talking about
REmake wasn't originally made with MT framework, REmake HD however is.
Yeah, I want to play that new Mario game and if I don't like it I can sell the switch on Ebay for the same price I bought it for.
No, he's right. You can bypass Denuvo by patching out all the checks, but any performance loss from Denuvo being there still exists. The port is indeed tainted if Denuvo is a factor. That shitty indie game where you play as a nigger and the artstyle sloppily tries to copy ICO is proof of this. Legit and pirate copies had the same shit performance until the devs patched out Denuvo and people had their framerates more than double.
Oh. In that case, I can't say one way or the other, but given how well the PS3 performed I can't imagine it'd be worth the trouble to use a new engine rather than fixing the old one.
Exactly what we need, more Denuvo!
I can tell you that if mouse is available at all, it will be a mod. Crapcom is still lazy.
There's nothing wrong with the Dragon's Dogma PC port.
i really, really like this image
Such a fantastic game. Ending makes me cry errytime.
pls no
at least they sent out replacement case covers (reversable even) to people for free
it was a lot fucking better than fighting with waggle, that's for sure, and you do a hell of a lot more of the latter
I don't remember okami's battles all that fondly in general to be honest. I don't want to say they're a blemish on the game, but they sure aren't a particularly memorable aspect of it.
Furshit aside, didnt she get knockup and had a puppy with a normal dog ?
careful now