Why do people still give a shit about Halo?

Why do people still give a shit about Halo?

So where the fuck do these people hide?

Does anyone on Holla Forums actually care about Halo? i dont mean fond memories of the early games as a kid but i mean care right now actively about future Halo content?

>Why did people ever give a shit about Halo?

Only people on Holla Forums I've seen that care about nuhalo are the most die hard lorefags and are willing to ignore every glaring fault with the games.

No ones does, I haven't seen this series mentioned at all in any relevant context for at least 2 years now

Halo is dead and Destiny underwent a stillbirth. Neither are good.

No, it's shit.

Do you mean in general, or specifically the newest games?
I can't speak for the newer games, but Halo 1-3 are still pretty good for mindless multiplayer.


I mean it'd be better if the all three of the first games worked online on pc. But afaik only Halo 1 has working multiplayer and master server replacement in Halo 2 Vista has been broken since 2015
Sage for clarification second post.

Bungo ruined Halo with Reach but it started with H3 and the equipments.

To be fair they didn't want to make reach it was just a thing they had to do to break off from Microsoft who desperately wanted more halo as the xbone brand had begun to decline around 2008'ish

it can be argued that Halo, Microsoft and Bungie's CEO ruined Bungie. Before Halo they were just a bunch of weebs who loved vidya.


Oh sweet honey childe. You have no fucking idea the shit there is on youtube made by these people.
Bungie apparently even brought them in to win them over with presents to make them better shills.


For the same reason I still care about Star Wars even though the Disney kikes have let a metaphorical pack of AIDS ridden niggers ravage it in every orifice and make it pregnant with their diseased rape baby. It's something I grew up with and fondly remember. Nostalgia and familiarity are powerful things.

They don't, which is why Halo 5 sold like shit


That fuck up doesnt make it any less cringe worthy that these people exist today. They are halo die hards today. current halo. on xbone.

They exist.


Same reason why people still give a shit about a pokemon game. Fanboys combined with hopefuls that pretend that the next game will usher in a golden age for the IP.
it never does.

I still can't believe that the other day there was a serious thread about whether Half Life or Halo was the better game and most of the people were defending Halo. This board has really gone to fucking shit.


That's really what it is. I had already graduated High School by the time this game came out.

You just know what this manga is due to the artstyle. God bless Japan.

Fun games are fun as it turns out.

There's only one reason I play Pokemon now.

gayer than dick in the ass tbh

t. faggot

I was the most diehard Halo fanboy and I abandoned the series definitely when 5 came out. 4 was utter shit and I thought maybe they'd learn their lesson and improve, but 5 was the worst thing of all- forgettable. Completely average in every way with absolutely none of the interesting shit or heart the previous games had. It's dead. The multiplayer works, but it's not Halo anymore. Anyone who plays it regularly is just suffering buyer's remorse and trying to get their money's worth, because you could be spending your time on other better games. I don't own an Xbone, I borrowed one for 5 and I literally couldn't tell you what happens in that game. I vaguely remember the sangheili homeworld and the Chief vs Locke thing boiling down to a pathetic slapfight in a cutscene. I don't even plan on playing 6 because it would be like digging up the corpse of your late wife and trying to fuck it one last time.

As was already stated, no one does. People stopped giving a shit about Halo after Reach and saw how Microsoft began butchering the series with Halo 4.

Also, it's because faggots like you cannot talk about any talk about any other game series. How about we talk about another FPS series like TimeSplitters, or Black (And Bodycount), or Chrome, or Red Steel, or Ghost Recon, or Dementium, or The Darkness. We've discussed to death Deus Ex, we've discussed to death Half-Life, we've discussed to death Battlefront, we've discussed to death Halo, we've discussed to death the iD Trinity, and we've discussed to death Metroid Prime. How about some original topics?

Pokemon can keep your kind.

It's a hard thing to imagine but there's a subsection of consoletards even consoletards despise. One of the things these "tards of consoletards" do is play halo.
t. normalfag brother owns a 360 and a ps4


If he went PS4 instead of xbone then clearly he isn't one of those people?

There's always a subsection of every group and/or fandom that the majority despises. You know, how the majority of Califags tends to fucking hate conservative/non-libtard Califags? Yeah that sort of thing.

Nice half chan reaction image

they don't

Halo 3 was the peak

Good job, retard. It's not like every single one of us are transplants from gamergate. What am I supposed to do, delete my 20GB collection and start over just because we switched sites? Fucking drink bleach.

Reach was the perfect time to jump off the Halo franchise. Halo 3 was a good conclusion and ODST a nice little coda to the trilogy. I saw the writing on the wall with how Reach handled canon/storytelling and the multiplayer and got out, and then had the pleasure of soaking up fan tears from the clusterfuck of Halo 4.

Yes, you Storagecuck.

Here, do these numbers annoy you? Are you booty bothered? Get triggered faggot.

Where did everyone get their images during the second Exodus then?

and that is for gardevoir

Use the ones you made or get out.



What if I was Kentaro Miura?

Well to Miura faggot.

The lore is REALLY good. Like seriously one of the best original Sci-Fi universes since Stargate SG-1 good. Games are trash but whatever, they're like the Star Wars movies –
books are where it's fucking AT.

I see people say it has good lore but I don't see how boy

Basic ancient high science ayys, if you never read any pre 1980 scifi i could see thinking its original and not totally derivative.

Oh pull your head out of your ass, everything is derivative. Even Star Wars.

Especially Star Wars.

The thing it's being derived from didn't derive from anything nigga.

Halo Nation shitizens, or have you forgotten how emotional it was for a lot of people with Master Chief's story or mankind's self sacrifice and shit? then Halo Reach started the trend of retcons, then fucking Halo 4, then finally Halo 5. Which pisses in the wind in regards to everything, well not to mention by the end of Halo 3 in 2007, the Halo community just went to different directions, namely CoD


Because Halo is the new nostalgiatrash that people refuse to see as shit because 'muh childhood'. It would need a rather sharp drop in quality aside from the one 343 has granted to actually finally crash and burn.

Read it again, Halo 4 and 5 are anathema to everything the series got it going, Halo 4's story was a fucking turd, Cortana's sacrifice negated by the next game, that non-fucking boss fight at the end, and the new guns that work like the last ones. Halo 5 is a mistake and too many problems.

this tbh

You've got that backwards. Lorefags hate nuHalo, because nulore is shitty boring drivel written by hacks and drags down the games whereas before it was completely optional and generally good miliscifi.

and this


Since we're on the subject of how shitty nuHalo is, want to make fun of MC's suit while we're at it?

they don't. you made this thread to remind people about it. shill detected.

this all the way.


It's been done to death and nobody cares anymore. I did a longpost way back when Halo 4 came out about how Chief's original armor was iconic and simple in the same way Mario or Sonic is, like a child who's played the game for an hour could draw it and you'd know who it was. And then Halo 2 and 3 were logical evolutions of the design, but 4 threw it all out the window and became a generic near-future scifi shitpile that's indistinguishable from a futuristic COD, or nuDoom, or [insert forgettable sci-fi shooter here].
I'm more angry at the nu-warthog. Overdesigned piece of shit with too many bits and pieces tacked on, throws out the original sound effects and the lore that explained why it sounded that way (and the new sound effects are grating on the ears so it can't possibly be considered an improvement), made the suspension look like a realistic modern-day truck rather than the futuristic one it used to be. Fucking cunts. 343 has done nothing right and none of them should be allowed to work in the industry.

I hope that's your thing, user.

Did anyone, by chance, get a screencap of that?

I was too mad to save my own work, but I believe I included an ms paint drawing illustrating the basic shapes behind the armor design that were totally ignored in 343's version

Didnt mind muti on 4. Tried playing story on 5, ran out of ammo playing heroic… campaign was unplayable on 5 and being a nigger didnt help. 4 was okay only multiplayer. I guess bc i like the dmr..

Nobody gives a shit about Halo, you've been misled

4 and 5 campaigns also sucked because 343 can't into AI like Bungie could. Instead of changing their tactics and being higher ranks, Heroic and Legendary just turned all the enemies into aimbotting bullet sponges. I distinctly remember going up against a Banshee on 4 Legendary that was firing explosive shots like a sniper. Its aim was downright telepathic and they always hit me no matter how fast I was moving or how I tried to evade.

Don't Fuel Rod shots from Banshees have some tracking? Pretty sure that became standard from Reach onwards.

I was a teenager when halo came out and thought it was shit compared to goldeneye and medal of honor. The only reason why one would like halo is if it was your first FPS.

All covenant weapons have a little bit of autoaim to assist the player, there's a skull to turn it off. Without it, you can't even hit someone who's standing still, while bullet weapons like the warthog chain gun still work with that skull activated. They're supposed to travel in an arc or a straight line, not change direction mid-air. The autoaim part just ensures that the bolts will actually hit your target if your reticle is on them, and fly fucking everywhere in an erratic pattern when you don't have a target.

Play it again today, it's aged like milk that was already sour when the game first released. Goldeneye has to be one of the worst examples of nostalgia goggles I know.

wow, timing.

I just started a co-op run of halo, just beat 1 and 2 anniversary, and have been enjoying the crap out of them, feels like good old times.
The person im playing with has never played through the series, this is their first run, i'm hype for playing through 3 with them, but terrified about everything after that

It's like im both introducing someone into something they are enjoying and having fun with, but im also going to introduce the series death to them as well. Mixed feelings

Holla Forums sure has shit taste these days

also christ 343 fucked up every character design in 1, its aweful, they slapped every piece of armor and pocket and bag they could on the marines, and chiefs got so much extra armor his hands look like ants.
But damn, they did the environment justice, the world itself looks good.
Halo 2 however, holy shit, they improved that one right, it looks fantastic, completely redone cutscenes too.

is halo still a thing?
ther was a halo game after 4?

Halo hasn't been relevant since Halo 3 2 came out. The next Bungee games were decent at most, and then 343 put the final nail in the coffin with Halo 5. Halo 4 was mediocre at best. I never played Halo 5 but so far by the looks of it the game looked like dogshit, I never bothered to borrow an xbone and a copy of that game

I've said this before but I wish I had a sangheili bf :3

It's literally just a meme at this point. My dad did not buy 5 because it had no couch co-op and they fucked the story even more. He said he'll buy the next one guaranteed just since it will have couch co-op. Normalfags almost invariably buy most big franchise games out of habit with very rare cases of things that actually cause them not to.

I don't know, OP. Why do people play video games?

>tfw the squad was fucking butchered by 343 and the Rookie was unceremoniously offed like trash in a book

Spartan IVs were a mistake.
What has Marty been up to, anyways? His soundtracks really made Halo stand out as much as it did.

What about project Oddball, though?

Normalfags hated ODST, not enough shields and can't melee your way through even on Easy

So it got shitcanned and we will never see it again

Tits or get out! Or, some actually good Halo themed porn would be nice.

Doesn't that make sense in terms of the lore, though. As far as I know, the ODSTs where a "first response" unit and are second only two the Spartans. So, expecting to tear your way through foes like you're a Spartan, or even a sangheili, is out of the question from the start.

You can replace Halo with any beloved series and ask the same question.
Name a series that WASN'T run into ground?
Name a beloved childhood memory or franchise that wasn't raped, dressed as a slut and whored around, then beaten like a dead horse?

My point is that normalfags don't care about the lore. Although I think a sangheili could do a better job tearing shit up than an ODST.

Fuck you Bungie you fucking cunts
god that actually made me mad for a while

343 and Microcunts killed off Rookie

I haven't cared about Halo but that pic made me remember this. Thanks user.

Halo 4 campaign was pretty good, the multiplayer was worse than Reach but they fixed it afterwards.
Halo 5 went the opposite way: shitty campaign but great multiplayer (the second best Firefight mode after ODST)

343 could make one if Staten wants to write for the games again (after he got fucked by Bungo he went back to MS to write covenant novels).

Good. Silent protagonists deserve death.

Halo was always bad.
I remember playing the PC port years ago and it was just one uninspired bland grey empy level after another.
Gameplay was hilariously underwhelming as you murdered your way through the brainless AI.
Story was your typical "i'm the hero that will save humanity" self-insert garbage.

Really have no idea how anyone could say halo was ever good.

Because there are no other remotely good console shooters.

Killzone and Resistance on the PS3 were absolute shit.

You're supposed to play Heroic/Legendary. Normal is piss-easy on purpose. The AI is actually pretty good. CE is also very colorful. Many levels with lush greenery, a swamp, purple alien ships.

Covenant enemies were nicely varied, then they throw in the flood and sentinels and you have a very interesting collection of things with very different behavior and strengths/weaknesses to shoot at. Not to mention vehicles.

CE was less about saving humanity than exploring and alien construct and surviving a disaster, then trying to stop a doomsday weapon from wiping out everything. The more human element with fighting on earth came later.

The levels were hardly empty. Been replaying it recently and there's always enemies, a button to press or something to destroy. I don't get how you could expect the levels to be any less empty.

I have the distinct impression you don't know what the fuck you're talking about. The multiplayer was fun too, y'know.

You should stop at 3.

Jesus christ…

Think you're responding to the wrong post…

clearly meant for
but you seem to be another underage consolebabbie so you should kys as well

still upset about the hl vs halo thread huh

On the difficulty selection in Halo CE, when you go to Heroic, it LITERALLY says "the way Halo was meant to be played." I can't remember if they kept that text for the future games.


Remember, those who forget the past are doomed to repeat it.

I already did earlier this year. Yes, tank controls suck for FPS but that's I also mentioned Medal of Honor as well which is basically goldeneye with twin sticks. My point was I always thought halo was shit. The issues I had and still do with halo are the mechanics not the controls.

There's actually a bigger reason behind that than you think. What influenced Spielberg to make Medal of Honor was after watching his kid play Goldeneye.