Considering that the games made by Slavs are such trash will the Nip attempt at a Tank game be fun at least?
Tank Vidya
Panzer Front Bis was already made 16 years ago.
Tokyo Warfare? I don't know if it's any good or not.
Weebs only like casual trash confirmed.
I bet you played World of Tanks or Warthunder like the retard you are.
I remember playing a tank vidya years ago on the PS2, but I can't remember the name. It had pretty shitty graphics, but it was fun.
It's a little sad a show about finding yourself, doing what you love and making friends in the face of an overbearing social pressure is going to be remembered as 'that one tank anime'
it's dumb fun, but the servers are dead as shit.
you're kinda stuck playing with/against the AI unless you have friends to play with in a private lobby
Typing this made me angry. Angry because we will never get a game like that in our lifetime - ever. Angry because no publisher or studio will ever deliver a product as good.
That's because without the tanks the show would have nothing to make it stand out. All the themes you've described are pretty generic, hell you basically described The Karate Kid.
Thats modern anime
You want full on cancer though
Watch Gamers! or New Game!
It goads you with a videogame thematic and then does nothing with it, barely even references it for typical slice of life crap or generic narrative and the fucking otakushits happily eat that garbage.
Its depressing really
Tanks suck
Armor mad, infantry jelly, arty4lyf
I have really high hopes for the Girls und Panzer game but really low expectations. But who knows, maybe it'll be great, also I'm really hoping for a PC port.
bzflag is free and incredibly addicting.
GuP stayed pretty focused on the tank battles for the most part
You're not even worth anything since we haul around fucking mortars all day anyway.
I haven't played World of Tanks since I think a few months before it went open beta, I think they had just introduced physics to the game.
Is it worth getting back into?
tfw knocked out APC/IFVs
tfw knocked tank out
tfw those screams will never leave me
feels ptsd
it could be fun if you're willing to drop $300 on it for a cash tank, crew boosters and cash ammo
This was fun
Watch a doco then…
That game was great. The upgrades made the game a bit too easy though.
Has anybody else played Battle Tanx? This was my favorite game as a kid. Both the single player and multiplayer were perfect.
Panzer Front was better.
Man, that brings me back.
Battle Tanx was okay, never really enjoyed it but I only knew about it after the GC came out and places stopped carrying N64 games. X-treme G had a tank multiplayer, I seem to remember, which was weird. Can't find a video of it now, might be misremembering.
Fucking weebs will do anything for their shitty pedobait wank fuel.
Ninja Maho to save the day
As much as I love GuP, the game didn't look all that interesting. Hype as fuck for the movie though.
Was it Seek and Destroy?
It's pretty fun I'm not too far in and have a chainsaw on the barrel of my tank that shoots lasers. And floats and flys
Wait, was there a Battle Tanx where instead of all females in the world having a virus, it's pretty much all males are killed off/ rendered sterile? I remember a dad's kid getting kidnapped by some woman and the guy had to hop in a tank and save him from her.
Anime tank media is just as garbage as Slav tank media.
Realism sounds amazing.
Sounds very 80's
Also Tank Police stream when?
Only took three replies for the first hysterical redditor to lose his shit over something Japanese.
The tidal wave of redditors on imageboards wouldn't be such a problem if it wasn't sanctioned and supported by moderators.
And here comes another mentally challenged redditor. Why is this shit tolerated?
Please don't ever talk about anything WWII-related ever again. Faggot