Video Game Theft

How is this legal? Is there any other cases were a game developed by an entirely different team is now claimed by some shitty company. I know most of Vavles game were taken from other people as in ideas, but I want cases were the company blatantly had nothing to do with the original game.


if Bioware and Obsidian can do it for Fallout then why not Baulder's gate? :^)

I wish people would make new things

Nah dude, we really need a Secret Of Mana remake.

We really don't.

They bought the rights. It's not illegal.


video games aren't art, they are products to be sold to children they have no immunity from whomever buying the rights to them

Infinity Collection makes it seem like it's the final release but you know it won't be.


It's only legal in (((anglo-saxon))) right. In other legal system, Napoleonic (most of Europe and South America) or even Confucian inspired (most of Asia), the actual maker of a works get a "right of integrity" in perpetuity.
While the work copyrights and selling rights can be sold and bought, just like in anglo-saxon right, no change/alteration can be made to the work without the author consent and obviously no one else can claim full paternity even after change are made (after a change paternity would be dual, the new maker would get an additional "right of integrity", etc…)


I remember the Dawn of War games removed some company logos from the intro movie and inserted a Sega logo



Western entertainment industry is just a human centipede on a closed loop, endlessly regurgitating shit into each others' mouth.
Including anime made with western audience in mind.



Ah i didn't know i had an older one thanks.

You didn't, I just thought it would be a good idea to put that XBONE.
Also you seem to have vidya depression, what kind of games do you like?

That's copyright law for you.

But who could be behind it?

It's not theft. Companies get disbanded. Other companies buy the IP rights. The self-regulating hand of the (((free market))) ensures only the best companies thrive by bringing quality services to their customers. If you have any misgivings about this system, you can shut the fuck up, you filthy anti-capitalist commie. :^)


Reminds me of when Bethesda bought id Software, and put their own name as the developer of all of id's games. The internet collectively flipped shit, and they reverted credit back to id Software.

Does it matter who made the game when none of them work in vidya anymore?

Yes, it does matter. Because X puts their name on Y's work, and takes credit. People think "Y must be made up of people who worked at X and made game A, therefore their game B will be good." Then you buy a shit stain, and you perplex "how is this possible, I thought they worked on game A."

That's a foolish line of thought.

Actually NATO bought the rights to Palestine and gave it to the Jews because of the Holocaust. The Soviets didn't really give a shit about it either way.

The only ones who felt kinda bad about punishing the Palestinians for a war they had nothing to do with were the British but what other option was there? Give Jews half of Germany?

In movies you can't just remove George Lucas from the credits and change it to Mickey Mouse.

But nobody cares about artistic integrity in vidya I guess.

Indeed it is, but a lot of people do it.




You deserve what you get. I'd rather replay anything else than play this.

Nah, an oven is too good for the yids. They should be ejected from the planet.

he really used to be good. then sometime around KotOR's development he was kidnapped by the pod people

You can tell by his face that he was always a self-loathing, non-manly writer. I don't think he was ever good because a person like that just can't write a good story and characters.

Night Dive actually worked with the guys who made those fixes.

he put out free expansion content for BG2 that's considered part and parcel prerequisite to playing Throne of Bhaal, as well as worked with modders to restore cut content from the original. At one time there was a man who cared about the game instead of the politics and his own butthurt

Well, I'll give you that. He cared about the game at least, even if I don't give a shit about his writing. Those were different times. Still, I'm just saying, he probably wrote some emasculating shit. Avellone is much better.

George Lucas is a savvy guy, he actually made it part of the signed contracts when he sold Star Wars that they couldn't make movies without his name, couldn't make edits to the original Star Wars, and couldn't release the original versions on DVD or Blu-Ray. Yes, he actually intentionally made sure that fans will never get a copy of the original cut of Star Wars in HD.

Something that he knew would sell more copies than any other Star Wars thing he ever made.

well, that would explain why Disney's not going too apeshit over the grindhouse releases of the HD original trilogy; they probably want to see it too

I wasn't aware of the guys over at originaltrilogy until you mentioned it, so thanks for that. It's amazing to discover that these guys have 35mm film prints of the original trilogy after all these years. Very nice.

Hard to believe that Star Wars turned 40 this year.