What's the current best AND CHEAPEST option for a media device that I can just plug a exFAT formatted USB drive with .mkv movie files into and connect said device to my TV and/or monitor with an HDMI cable?

I've tried this with my PS4 but it's a bitch to work with and more often than not it requires metric tonnes of converting and/or re-encoding for video files to work flawlessly, and that doesn't even start on the issue of dual audio movies or movies with subtitles.

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amazon. keyboard remote

Or just connect your PC.

I personally use a 25 foot hdmi cable to go around my room to my TV. try this tho.

what in the name of fuck is this?

the fuck is wrong with you?

amazon. com/hdmi-over-ethernet-Electronics/s?ie=UTF8&page=1&rh=n%3A172282%2Ck%3Ahdmi%20over%20ethernet

A 25 ft hdmi cable is useful if your tv is 24 feet away but less than 26 feet away

Refurbished office desktop PC. New Egg has them for as cheap as $65. You might need a cheap as shit video card for HDMI support, but some models should have HDMI.

Can HDMI even be stretched out 26 feet without issues?

Just use Plex or Emby if you are into FOSS

Anyway, the cheapest option would either be a used Thinkpad that has HDMI (the idiot proof option) or a Raspberry Pi (a little more tinkering but nothing that should stump anyone with half a brain).

I have a media center and I just use a raspberry pi 3 b and have it connect to a network share.
Kodi for GUI and managing.

Any laptop with a HDMI port. Buy wireless keyboard/mouse/etc or alternatively a USB extension hub if you don't like wireless.

I got a fire TV with kodi
Works with 4k

Forgot to say: You can use a keyboard to control it but apps for phones and tablets exist should you have the option.
And a share from your current PC enables you to just have everything sorted in one place.

I used all of my old laptops until they were literally unable to be used any more.

My only remaining laptop has NO keyboard, a crack in the screen, and a PS3 stock hard drive in it because of a swap.

HDMI is a digital signal. No degradation. It's either there or it's not. Unless you're buying really shit cable with high line resistance, you should be fine.

A basic bitch used Dell Inspiron office terminal. You can get one for like $50.

I didn't realize cable length would ever be a problem until I bought a 15ft USB cable for PC gayming and ended up with some serious issues because it wasn't a boosting cable.

I don't claim to understand how HDMI works.

a SoC with kodi loaded on, anything with capabilities beyond the original pi should be enough and they're mostly dirt cheap.

15ft is out of USBs spec and the longer the cable generally means a higher amperage required to drive it if it's a more complex application. Your USB port probably delivers 2 amps at absolute most.

HDMI cables aren't quite the same because of the nature of Transition-minimized differential signaling. USB in contrast just uses a standard serial interface.

Get a cheap, low-profile PC and a basic video card with HDMI output if-necessary. Use something like Plex or Emby… or Kodi if you're a faggot.

Then grab one of these. keyboard remote

Just buy a raspberry pi or any other mini computer that can run Kodi