Losing control?
Whats your favorite game that involves time travel?
Losing control?
Whats your favorite game that involves time travel?
Evenin' folks.
Morning everyone, Ritsu here
Set up my phone for my nippon trip. Downloaded apps, uploaded maps and stuff. My fucking battery is shit. Thing died in like an hour. Has me a little worried. I bought a pocket charger thing but dunno.
Regaining control by accepting that everything terrible is in fact a norm of my life.
Hope that pocket charger will actually charge faster than the phone drains drains.
Good choice. Forgot about that one.
How goes user
How's your house holding up?
The first step is always acceptance. Then comes fire.
How goes user
Dark cloud 2.
My family is entirely passive aggressive, and they drive me up the fucking wall. My single-mother is also unsurprisingly neurotic as well as passive aggressive, and they're all going to drive me to suicide. There isn't even a quick eject button for this bullshit, I just have to keep slogging though until I finish this course in a few months and just fuck off somewhere forever and never call.
What is wrong with everyone in the modern world?
Tried doing a no save run of sonic mania. Got to oil ocean zone act 2 boss before dying to him 10 times. Think im gonna take the placement test at the college on monday.
Majora's Mask is the only game with time travel that I can remember liking.
I'm going to just keep turning my phone off when not using it I think. It boots up in like a second anyway. And I only need it for maps and the occasional picture anyway.
What kind of stuff does she do? Whats your escape plan?
What kind of college? What for?
Ignored by who?
How goes user
I don't remember that pokemon on rugrats.
MM is max comfy.
How goes user
Community college for welding. in cali.
Few holes and the lawns D: are swollen but I'll be fiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiine.
I can't catch a break anymore.
Military, somewhere. Everyone takes me for fuckin' granted, and I pulled myself out of hell by myself, all anyone seems to do in regards to family matters is stock the fridge so I can continue to isolate myself and work out. I clean dishes, toilets, floors, whatever, and I'm declared mentally ill because I want to go and do outlandish things instead of being stuck under someone's thumb.
final fantasy
Why we got so many welders in 4am.
How you think the test will go?
Thats good at least.
The fuck really?
Just order it online so it shows up some time in the next 2 days.
i sold mine for 85fuck
Its supposed to be like maybe half and hour if that. Its short. Its just to see what math classes and english classes i can skip. welding pays really well and its in high demand
Anyone mind if I drop a rant here? Originally made it in response to a post in another thread, but I figure it might get taken the wrong way namely as defending the asspained swedecuck.
Either Chrono Trigger or Ghost Trick, though both handle time travel on different scales. Tales of Phantasia would also be pretty high up if my download of it wouldn't glitch out and freeze every so often. I still haven't beaten the game due to that.
I played guild wars 2 all day.
How so?
So you are finishing college then military? If so I think you can make a decent career there with that.
How goes user
You doing that under water shit?
good ritsu how are you
I was thinking either airfab or enclosed spaces. Underwater could work too. I just want a high paying, reliable job.
Go ahead user. Rants are always fun
How goes user
Is that any fun?
What'd you do today
Seems like miserable work tbh
It sounds better than retail, call centers, or office work.
Look up the differences in content between the various versions of RE4. I want to say that as far as consoles go, I think the Wii one had the most content and best visuals while still having a physical release, but I could be wrong.
My mother slept nearly 80% of the time when I was a child, and my father was never around since he divorced my mother when I was four. Throughout HS I was mostly left to my own devices and I taught myself basically everything I know about how to act, how to do anything, and why I should do things. I turned out alright all things considered, but now that I've clawed my way out, everyone and their brother (being my uncle) are trying to pull me down and feast on my remains like liberal-democratic zombies.
I like the ps2 version the most. Wii was too easy and gamecube was missing alot.
At least I got that comfy midnight meteorological post-apocalyptic feel of walking around in the middle of the night while the hurricane's ass end was blowing. There is nothing on Earth comfier than that feel.
same thing i do everyday ritsu. contemplate my waifu and consume copious amounts of food
enclosed spaces are bad.
It pays well and im skinny as shit.
Becareful to not get caught in the blast
Could be worse. You could have turned into a commie. I almost was until gamergate redpilled me.
I'm hoping whatever retail hell I'm stuck in next isn't too bad. Compared to my last one where I would be serving 100 customers an hour though, anything is better.
Sounds rough. Good luck getting out of there user
That does sound pretty nice. Hope you got your guns ready in case niggers roll in your hood
Stop or you will get diabeetus like that one guy in the thread
Retail sounds like absolute hell. especially here. I was at the dmv once and this one black was casually mentioning how he was in jail for murdering a guy like it didnt matter at all. Pls get me out of here.
To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand Rick and Morty. The humour is extremely subtle, and without a solid grasp of theoretical physics most of the jokes will go over a typical viewer's head. There's also Rick's nihilistic outlook, which is deftly woven into his characterisation- his personal philosophy draws heavily from Narodnaya Volya literature, for instance. The fans understand this stuff; they have the intellectual capacity to truly appreciate the depths of these jokes, to realise that they're not just funny- they say something deep about LIFE. As a consequence people who dislike Rick & Morty truly ARE idiots- of course they wouldn't appreciate, for instance, the humour in Rick's existential catchphrase "Wubba Lubba Dub Dub," which itself is a cryptic reference to Turgenev's Russian epic Fathers and Sons. I'm smirking right now just imagining one of those addlepated simpletons scratching their heads in confusion as Dan Harmon's genius wit unfolds itself on their television screens. What fools.. how I pity them.
It's on the casual side, but it's one of the few mmo's I'd consider to be worth playing right now. The 2nd expansion is launching next month so I'm trying to prep for that.
All pre-expansion content can be played for free if you want to ever try it
You know what you have to do.
diabetes is a meme
I'm sure it does it just seems like something that would get to you. Even if you're not claustrophobic it seems like something that would stress you out.
Is that a copy pasta or are you serious?
briggle rig mordy
Im extremely claustrophobic, but money is money.
I'll be fiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiine.
your a meme
Theres hardly any niggers where I live. Though in the tourist shit I did last time there was tons of niggers and shitskins from all over the country. That sucked.
Worst I usually have to deal with is methheads when working gas stations.
Hows the combat?
yea tell yourself that when you're sucking truckers off for meth when you could be out buck hunting
My house is a fortress. You'd have to drive a swat van through the wall to get in.
That would be?
if Rick and Morty requires a High IQ to understand it's humor, how high does your IQ have to be to understand pic related?
no you are ritsu but i love you and hope everything goes good on your trip and am definitely praying for you and hoping that you find good merch and nibbles and pseudo prostitute experiences
Back over by my old house from like 16 years ago, its just a ghetto now. It wasnt THAT bad back then, but now its just pure shit. Also, like 3 years after i moved, there was a drive by right at my old house. It was a really nice house too. It had like a side yard and everything. Now its just awful.
So basically amongst other things, the original post it was in response to called out "reaction image" screencaps compilations as being inane. Those are fun, but there's still some truth to it. That said, it leads into the related subject that I've been angry about for a good while now: failure of layout for thread screencaps. This isn't even a new problem; for years now, be it both here in the present or back in the day on halfchan (and I'm almost certain they've kept on doing the same), there's been no rhyme or reason to how the capped posts get laid out. In the past, the goal used to be to mimic the layout of the thread when it was alive, albeit perhaps as multiple columns, and thus things felt cohesive. You could follow the flow of the discussion, plain and simple with everything arranged chronologically, from top to bottom (and column to column in the case of bigger threads). People don't seem to get that anymore, and instead cram every relevant post or response into whatever available space there is, resulting in an (admittedly still hilarious) clusterfuck. Hell, half the time whoever puts them together can't even be bothered to crop shit right, and will even stick posts within posts instead of extending the canvas. I'm really not sure what prompted such a thing either, but I feel that the loss of various archival sites that had contained threads from a decade or more back hasn't helped to keep the history of how it ought to be done alive. Compare image 1 which was made close to if not over a decade ago, and image 2, which was made some years back.
I honestly feel sometimes that I should make an image about how to properly screencap a thread, since it seems to have become a bit of a lost "art", but I kind of doubt anyone would bother to take the lesson to heart. At most though, I try to and do right by the screencaps I deign to make, as well as occasional "remaking" of old ones, in the hopes that maybe I can inject a bit of order that these things once had.
I feel like shit, mostly because I've had a continuous stream of the runs since waking up this evening. Not real clear why, but it hasn't wanted to stop. Afraid to eat anything since chances are it's not going to stay in.
Gamecube version was the base version, and can't exactly have "missed" content it was never going to have at the time. Though, it most likely is the worst version now that the game's been on a variety or systems and seen things added or tweaked. I'm just saying.
A lifetime of hurricanes and floods couldn't stop me.
Im not a fag, and i dont do drugs.
I don't know I just always wanted to say that to be completely fucking honest with you right now for real for real.
I forgot you were rich and shit
Thanks user
I'm pretty much ready at this point. Though I'm really fucking scared of the flight there. Not the flying bit, don't care about that. But the dealing with customs, keeping up with checked luggage, terminals, layovers and all that. I'm a dumb NEET whos never traveled before so dunno how any of that shit works.
おはよう niggers
Still studying japanese. I don't have all the greetings down yet but I have most of them. Some of them are hard. Fuck I probably have to speak some of this shit tomorrow
Dont catch super chinese aids while you're in china.
Taking a moonspeak class?
Those are some weird looking numbers nigga.
иди нахуй бля.
Thats a thing??
Yeah that shits always fucking annoying. They never seem to put posts replying to each other close or anything either.
Take some medicine for that then. The pink kind that tastes good
Thats pretty sad. I'm sure obama subsidized housing or something there and a bunch more niggers moved in.
What you been up to lately fam?
Nigga I seen your mcmansion
Of course it's pasta , or is it?
You can play it as a tab target or with an "action camera" (like tera almost). Combat is pretty good now that the stack in corner, ignore boss mechanics, and dps everything meta has mostly ended.
it hurts to live
Fuckin' yankees.
Are mages fun? Any battlemages?
Im sure it is, with all the chinese shit that goes down there. You cant even fall in the water or you catch a ton of diseases.
Yeah, that side of town is just pure ghetto now. It was so nice back then too, relatively.
I was one during High School if that counts.
Well don't try to sneak meth in I'll tell you they frown on that one eh. Well good night Ritsu, good night 4 AM, good night plank holy shit it's plank! Good night Mark, good night smokes, good night DMX, good night everybody!
Don't lose control guys. Losing control is bad that's how you end up doing sexual favors on a barter system.
yeah, pretty tough so far. I have trouble remembering shit tbh fam
Studying. Being anxious about my brothers recovery. Not fun.
Don't worry so much about the flight ritsu. You'll figure it out.
I was one during my first couple years of high school.
Are commies beyond age 17 just manchildren? This could sport some good investigation.
I'm just going to stay in the airport so
I never saw any niggers or muslims in my city until obama. Now I see one or two every time I'm out. Its sad.
Cya next time user! Cleep well
meant for
Looking at burch, jim, and macintosh; yes.
Sleep dry, guy.
Your brother is the one his wife poisoned?
I hope so. I'm a big dummy though so we'll see. Might get trapped in china
Never even heard of it before tbh
I'm going to bed. I don't have much to talk about today, besides that I cut my toenails too short today and I gotta be up before 12 tomorrow.
Play memory games, might help.
dude what
I ain't funny.
Cya next time user
Next time post DFC
Another factor I've wondered about has been the loss of various archival services over the years, resulting in people not having easy access to the full imageboard history (or at least as far back as places like chanarchive went). Combined with oldfags having left over the years, and newfags running the asylum, you get this "free for all" style that's likely quicker and easier to make (contrast with pic related, which took me a good three or four hours to cap, crop, and arrange) but looks like shit in comparison to the old days, and few have seen any reason to go against that. Maybe it's the fact that I've been around since 2007, maybe even lurking earlier than that, and having taken some classes that emphasized the importance of proper layout, but it makes me angry.
I'm thinking it might just be becasue I'm behind on getting my infusion by a good two and a half weeks or so. Finally got scheduled for Friday, but they didn't have anything earlier than it, so I'm likely to be shittin' around at the speed of sound tomorrow too.
It's pretty rare outside Texas and Pensacola, Fl.
Then what are you?
There's 3 caster classes:
Elementalist is an elemental mage, can swap between fire, water, air, and earth magics. (Their new sub-class will let you combine elements)
Necromancer is exactly what it sounds like (Necros are pretty shit right now in current meta)
Mesmer is an illusionist class of sorts. You can summon clones of yourself to fight enemies and/or blow the clones up to deal damage. (Mesmer is also the meta "tank" right now for most raids)
We've got Whataburger around where I live in AZ. They're not the most frequent chain, but I see them every so often, usually paired with a Weinerschnitzel if I'm remembering right.
Well mentally poisoned. The wife tends to fight with my mom with the right way of going about things. Women are fucking stupid and crazy, this is why I don't want a damn gf right now.
Luckily my brother plans on going back to work on friday, even though his wife doesn't think it's a good idea.
Eh fuck it too sleepy.
I need a hiragana memory game. Anki isn't helping too much right now.
Ah, finally, a man from another superior state.
realkana .com
Just do this a bunch and try to beat your own times. Also, every night before bed, try to recall each character in your head with form and sound. Say it out loud if you have to. Worked like a charm for me, and I never miss a character now.
Hope you own like a super cushioned throne to sit on. With a laptop attachment.
I would make fun of TX but seeing as how its in the ocean right now I'll be nice.
I am Ritsu
Dude I fucking love illusionist shit. I might have to check that out.
Thats good, maybe it will help him out some.
I just mean in general, play some memory games in the morning for a bit, might help with train your memory.
There is that one hiragana game on steam, but i canr vouch for its quality.
Have you tried hitting up the "learn moonspeak" threads?
Fucking rent-a-riot after that last rally here. Hope this faggot learned a lesson about fucking with the cops here. We're not one of the libshit states where the cops get told to stand down for their antics and "room to destroy".
Going to bed. Night.
illl go easy on ur mum
Cya next time user
Some of those pics were pretty crazy. How high did the water at your house get?
Ever try those Typing of The Dead type games that have you type nip?
Like I said, almost all pre-expansion content is f2p (with some restrictions). Also, reminder that the game is more on the casual side, so if you're looking for an mmo to sink 16hrs a day into, you might not like it too much.
So how many nigs out there made good on the "gatorbait" nickname during the flood, I wonder?
How much will I get out of the free shit? A week? A month?
Speaking of cops
Sleep tight pupper
Why aren't you out there?
My house is raised so it didn't get in, but it got pretty close at the worst part. Bayou nearby almost went over, that would've been a lot of trouble.
Fuck if I know tbh, I don't watch the news.
Damn thats pretty comfy tbh
The best part of this Texan Eclipse is unlike you inferior yankee cucks, that the sun was blocked out for days, not seconds. Texas wins again.
I heard the media's been told to hush up and lootmas activities, but then again I don't want MSM, so I can't speak as to how true that is.
Also embedding this just because the name's relevant. Good song anyhow though.
Hopefully a good amount some of these southern states need to have the turds flushed out.
Of course the media is hiding it. Its mostly niggers and spics
Granted, I didn't want Waterworld out here, but some rain would have been nice. It was about 110 again yesterday or the day before.
I'm glad those looterfags are getting killed for it, though. Not enough of those god damned nogs perished this event.
Local news is apparently doing a great job and one of the on-scene reporters saved a truckdriver getting swallowed by rising water. Found a vid of that ex-swat motherfucker keeping looters out.
I want to fuk that puddin.
~2-5 weeks depending on how much you play.
f2p accounts can play:
The lvl 1-80 story missions
The 8 launch dungeons (though few people still play them)
"Fractals of the mists" mini-dungeons
5v5 pvp
World vs World (large scale seige pvp)
Raids are xpac content so you woulnt be able to play them (not to mention you would also need BiS meta gear for your class, whixh could take a month or two to get).
Who are you and why do you post this?
Is low level pvp and wvw worth doing?
Do not lewd the puddin
As long as you rise far away from the Texan border, yankee. :^)
It's certainly better than constant humidity, but this is supposed to be monsoon season and we've barely gotten much rain. Not good after a summer where we got to 120 a few days in June. The plants in the back are dying, and the heat's had the tire pressure on the car going from low air at night to "just fine" during the day.
Honestly not real sure where my state would stand on the matter, given we were just barely a US territory, much less a state, at the time, and only had one small battle around Picacho Peak if I remember right. Got some Confederate monuments here though, which are of course being debated for removal.
5v5 pvp uses standardized stats and gear so you can jump in at lvl 3 (min lvl to enter the mode) and be on even gear with everyone.
Free accounts cant go into WvW until 60, but your stats will be scaled up to that of a lvl 80 player upon joining.
Nigga the entire greater american Southwest gets a pass. Muh cowboys.
I do hope you guys get some rain though, but I doubt it'll be coming from the east.
What about New Mexico? Just saying since they seem to be a lot more liberal.
Oh shoot nigga I don't care about politics.
Oh nice. Might be fun then
Wouldn't want to get covered in sewer water anyway
Haha nigga how is sewer water real like haha nigga just get on your roof like haha nigga just grab a chair, umbrella, and some smokes haha
Well, simply put, AZ's probably about as right as the southwest gets these days, both in voting and what's allowed, and people here will exercise, defend, and banter about it.
I still remember that image of someone standing out there in those flood waters given some nog some KFC or something, said nog having been wading through said water beforehand. Wonder if it died of e-coli or something.
The dialogue sounds like that scene from Death Wish
ur all gay, goodnight
He wasn't wrong though.
Goodnight nigga.
I should probably bail too, see you guys around.
Man,i wish mark banned these
good job saging retard
Look everyone, it's a nigger.
Be Canadia user with depression and anxiety, father gave an official 2 month notice of eviction. I'm so shocked in disbelief I can't feel anything, feeling anything at all would be better then this.
Titanfall 2