*Waves hand*

You WILL buy my game right now!

i've never watched a star wars movie

me to budy

I'm not your budy, friend.

Old ones were legit good for their time.
Prequels were kinda anime, so I liked them, but they were nothing like the originals.
New movie is straight up SJW propaganda.

New refugee wave? Raid? Who can tell anymore?

I've only seen Return of the Jedi and Force Awakens. I don't know what makes Star Wars so great to begin with.

The new movie is also really, really hackneyed and bad. And it's not gonna get better. I went with family, and after the nostalgia dropped, they pretty much all agreed that it wasn't very good.

I hope she’s killed. The actress, that is, before filming is done. I want their entire story ruined.

And she is so amazing, she is able to go into the past and fight during the clone wars! As if Disney/EA care about consistency

star wars is shit. it was always shit. at no point was it ever good fiction or entertainment value, people liked it because it had a lot of marketing and other people liked it.

it was literally the World of Warcraft of movies.

Very cool. Very cool.



Star Wars always had a lot of cool ideas. The Lightsaber alone is fucking rad as shit, it's no wonder it took off. The original films worked because they took the cool ideas and stuck them in a simple setting with a simple premise in which to show those ideas off.

Star Wars isn't a universe you can really do much with for expanded material. Disney is learning that the hard way.

You realize when they first made it they thought it would fucking flop right?

Of course he doesn't.


There's no chance that the single player campagin will pull a "TIE Fighter" and actually have the MC fight for the glory of the Empire for the whole campaign, is there? It's going to be a generic "character discovers bosses are evil nazis who hate all womynkind and colored people, so they defect to the good multicultural side that love rainbows, puppies, and freedom"

she'll get muhdikked and then either set on fire or drowned in bleach and stuffed in a garbage can

You WILL buy her™ game.

What did RLM think of Force Awakens anyways? I couldn't find any summary in written form and don't really want to listen to them talk.

They why do you care about their opinion to begin with?

Not gonna happen. Haven't you heard, she's a stronk independent womyn what don't need no man, Finn and Poe are going to be fudgepacker pals in Ep. 8 and/or 9.

Gee, I wonder why?

I don't see why the women can't at least be attractive, the woman in that portrait looks like she's got permanent bitch face. Do women really identify with this character any more than, say, Ciri from Witcher?


I don't think she looks bad, but the movie she's from is terrible. She didn't exactly train to use the force and instead just picks up the abilities when she was captured.

Curiosity threw the cat into a sack and then into a tarpit then masturbated as it drowned, user.