Go ahead and bully me, It'll not stop me sharing the cringe.
Tfw he changed the fucking title
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what the fuck is this even
Is this one of those yaoi games?
It's that Hotline Miami clone.
Midnight Animal.
The first post isn't a proposal to kill myself? What the fuck happened to the trigger-happy Holla Forums?
And to answer you, is the current state of the "Midnight Animal" project, it was supposed to be the definitive fan sequel to Hotline Miami 2 but it descended to some crazy purse owner tier waifufaggotry, and now it got even weirder.
Webm is what was supposed to be at the beginning, I was really looking forward to it, but now I just stalk the thing to see how daunting it can get.
I really wish people made original games again. I guess those days have passed though.
Midnight Animal is a cool and memorable name. Did the retarded faggot ACTUALLY change it to some bad anime sounding bullshit?
I see this as an opportunity, some smart fuck could steal back the name and make the proper gorefest that it was supposed to be. And he can proceed in his playable anime.
Everybody gets happy.
Obsessing over anime as a genre turns you into a fucking retarded manboon.
And no that's bot the same thing as enjoying anime as a medium of entertainment.
Liking a show on it's own merits is perfectly fine, but liking a show simply because it's an anime is fucking retarded, and is what allows people to get sucked into this garbage that was cynically designed as a product to stimulate you as a viewer.
90% of anime is pure unadulterated trash.
That goes for 90% of video games and books and movies and music and all other mediums of entertainment. It's a fact of life. Something being 'anime' doesn't automatically mean it's good.
I actually had looked forward to Midnight Animal but whoever is making it has turned into a living trash compactor. Don't be like this fucking moron.
I don't know user. All the cool kids seem to watch anime these days, it's cool to obsess.
I mean look at the most popular anime youtuber ever. Look at his sense of style and beauty. Truly someone to aspire to be.
Sage for not videogames
Oh shit, I forgot to spoil the image
At the very least the girls are pleasant to the eyes. And if you're going to jump the shark, it's always better if you do it fully and not retain any element of what might have been.
Do you want people to tell you to kill yourself?
The supposed model is, but this tracing didn't do any favors to her.
No, but it's really weird to post on Holla Forums without seeing any triggering. It feels like I'm somewhere else.
Yes, what is your issue? Not obese? No benis?
When did digibro become the love guru? Also, who the fuck is digibro? See this in my suggestion even though I don't care for him or watch anything from him because it seems like many bait videos on youtube that is thriving.
Anime youtuber, quite popular because the guy is geeky. Kinda frankfurtian, but I guess is a prerequisite today for making "analysis" videos. Goddamn lefties.
Shit, I'm all for that. Games should continue being weird and alienate people. Maybe shake off these normalfags that has been clinging to it like barnacles.
I didn't know that was a real word.
IIRC it was supposed to be a pack of fan-made missions for Hotline Miami 2. Is that changed?
Faggot probably read VALIS.
Why would you want this? Just play Hotline Miami.
I don't know if it means what he thinks it means though. When you talk about Exegesis it's usually in the field of textual critical studies and regards the interpretation of a text. When you exegete a text you utilize an honest reading of a text as well as it's known historical and cultural context, it's authors known beliefs, experiences and and biographical information and other relevant details to render a meaningful interpretation and understanding of the text in question. The opposite of this is Eisegesis in which the reader/interpreter utilizes their own presuppositions or biases to determine what the text means, it is universally regarded as a rookie mistake at best, malicious rewriting of history at worst. Death of the Author is a very similar concept and is basically a Trojan Horse to legitimize eisegetical readings of classic and ancient literature.
I think it might be a Neon Genesis Evangelion kind of thing where the creator just mashed up a bunch of religious looking words to make something sound deeper than it was. Which is fine but the art presentation makes me think the creator is more a pretentious douche than just a guy who likes cool sounding thing.
Good meme, fam. Also, your bait is offensively low quality, please step your game up.
God. Weebs need to be put to the a cross.
t. goon
Seems to be the only response you weebs can come up with these days.
Memes seem to be the only response you goons can come up with these days.
He is clearly a person who went off on the wrong path a long time ago, and has been unable to get back.
Delete this sexist filth
Midnight animal
That picture fucking sucks. I know this is off topic but that fucking picture always gets on my nerves. Some tumblr artist decided to depict a genuinely funny character as a skateboarding dropout just to make themselves feel better. It's pathetic and there's no effort in it.
"Północ zwierząt" sounds fine. The more direct, literal translation would be what, "północne zwierze"? That would be misinterpreted as "northern animal".
Why the fuck are they all in front of the sun though, just to look cool and epic? This guy has ruined so much potential because he has to cater to his autistic fantasies
Północna bestia, because zwierzę doesn't have a negative emotional charge.
It's unfair for people to rag on a free fangame, but the older concept was more interesting and unique.
There are plenty of action animes in school settings and not a lot of vigilante Drive-inspired games. Saying this as a weeb.
How much does he keep changing this.
Where the fuck did you even get these pictures from.
Why is there a fucking sword.
How did we go from a simple Hotline Miami fan game to this.
Also the creator threw a shitfit and now wants to give this game out to "Certain People".
His autistic fanbase wanted Hotline Miami though, with a bit less neon if the demo was anything to go by. Instead they got "hey guise I just played purse owner" and now it's changed to ??? who knows what
The demo wasn't great, i hated how dark and gritty it was, which i could of tolerated if it wasn't for the fact some enemies are extremely hard to spot. As fast paced as it is suppose to be, this punishes you for rushing unless you restarted enough to know they will be there, which works half the time if the enemy is placed in a semi open area because you are blindly shooting in the dark hoping to hit something. Riddled with fucking bugs, don't know how many times the demo crashed, and long dragging dialogue for his OC characters. It should be quick and to the point, maybe dwell a little bit but not too much, which is something Hotline Miami got right and went with the pacing of the game.
Menu was comfy as fuck though.
No he said fantasies, not fanbase. But this goes to another point though, let's talk about this,
He advertised this game to be about Hotline Miami, obviously since he's calling the entire thing a level from the game itself, so now he has three types of people to cater to because this is the fanbase his game started up.
1.People who want a Hotline Miami game and story.
2.People who don't really care about the story but want a Hotline Miami-like game (preferably with as little windows as possible.).
3.People who only want to see a good continuation to Hotline Miami's story.
So where in his mind did he think it would be an amazing idea to suddenly switch the entire thing to ripping off Persona, and now lose at least two portions of that fanbase, along with others in the middle who may just be worried for where the game is going? You could argue he's going to spawn in another fanbase entirely, but because this game was originally advertised as a Hotline Miami game, weebs/VN nerds won't fucking care. For those that did come into the mix though, now his fanbase is divided, he has weebs constantly on the defense for his new product, and now he has Hotline Miami fans screaming for it to go back.
This could of all been avoided if he had simply made a statement that he wanted to scrap all his assets and make something completely new, people would have still been upset, but arguably less upset.
Does anyone have the demo? I want to record the menu for its comfy, sadly the guy took it down.
Found a Google Drive link from the discussions for the game.
Here you go: drive.google.com
At least he's not using the name of the fictional action-horror movie in Hotline Miami anymore.
Why in the fuck would anyone? what the fuck? WHY??
thanks user, having problems recording because the demo isn't 1920x1080 so the recording is comming out as some weird window
A Hotline Miami clone turned into a shitty P5 ripoff.