What are some good Tolkien inspired vidya?
Shadow of Mordor
Warner Brothers™ Presents Peter Jackson™'s J.R.R.™ Tolkien™'s The Lord of the Rings™ Middle-Earth™: Shadow™ of Mordor™ my fellow videogame player.
I'm sure there are better games…
Tecnically, the Warhammer and by extention Warhammer 40k games would count
Can't say I'm a fan of that one, and Shadow of Wuz seems like they managed to take steps back from the first.
Indeed, though I've played Vermintide as much as I can stomach with that awful loot mechanic, and RTS games aren't really my cup of tea.
That was a joke. Shadow of Mordor is a shit.
good, it was a shame to think you had such good taste in art but bad taste in vidya.
Maybe try look for some LotR mods to Mount and Blade.
I like Frazzeta more.
Every fantasy-game in excistence?
Once in a while you see a fantasy game that's drastically different, despite being influenced by Tolkien anyway because it's a D&D property.
Im pretty sure every game in the fantasy genre was based on something that waqs based on lord of the rings.
Im about to play the Warband mod called the end of the third age or something.
You can be any of the Tolkien races good or bad. Basically when you hit level 8 the war of the ring starts and you can join in the battles and try fail to change the course of LOTR history.
I recommend the action games of the Two Towers and Return of the King if you haven't played those. If you like RTS Battle for Middle-Earth are pretty okay. But almost any fantasy game is influenced by LOTR or D&D, which was heavinly inspired by it anyway. Dwarf fortress may be a good choice too. If you are into MMO I heard that the Lord of The Kings MMO is pretty good when it comes to recreating Middle Earth. For something more close to D&D you may like Dragon's Dogma.
I think Never Winter Nights 2, would be a better choice, since it has elves, dwarves and orks. If you want a steampunk D&D there is Arcanum, and if you want cyberpunk D&D there is Shadowrun.
i've never read the books
Best one I've played that was actually licensed.
Frazetta is a tier in and of himself.
I'll probably do that. I've been meaning to play Mount & Blade for a while now, so this would be a good excuse.
shame it never came to PC. One of the few turnbased RPG's I enjoyed playing.
you should. They have a very different atmosphere than the movies and Tolkien does an amazing job painting pictures with words.
Isn't it just the gameplay of Final Fantasy X but with a LotR coat of paint and story?
The last days of the third age.
No clue as the last Final Fantashit "game" more like hours long QTE was 7 when it was new. Does Final Fantashit X let you play/do missions as the enemy?
Yeah that is the one I was trying to remember.,
Theres been a few M&B mods with the Tolkien theme but that one is meant to be legit and actually changes the gameplay in some nice ways.
LOTRO is actually pretty fun if you don't mind tab-targeted MMOs. It's something like a decade old, so the graphics and animation pretty dated, but the amount of content is utterly ridiculous and it's got all the major landmarks - Tom Bombadil's house is comfy as fuck (after a hellish trek through the Old Forest). Moria was amazing if you're into dorfs. Soundtrack is great, especially the parts that Chance Thomas did. The maps are decently sized, and there are a shitload of them - the newest expansion to hit is Mordor.
It also has the best mounted combat system I've ever seen in an MMO, bar none.
The Hobbit by Inevitable Entertainment.
That does look pretty nice, the fear with an MMO though is always liking it, then it getting shut down due to not having enough traffic. Still, I'll try and jump on it before it's gone.
Shadow of Mordor is actually fun. I enjoy the nemesis system.
Anyway, pic related are the two best LotR games.
Forgot one
Shilling the Holla Forums Tolkien board, we are alive but just talk really slowly like an Ent moot. Btw, Tolkien was the greatest author of the 20th century, modernists BTFO.
Tolkien was the greatest worldbuilder. From a story perspective the LotR is horrible because it reads like a history book. The Hobbit was much better as it reads like an actual story.
Sure, but all of it really is just inspired by old european folklore and tales.
The Silmarillion actually reads like a history book. The Lord of the Rings is told in a world with an immense amount of history, but I don't think it reads like a history book. You should read it more closely, because it contains some of the closest and most intimate descriptions of nature by Tolkien written from the point of view of the characters. Maybe it's boring to you somewhat, which I can understand but try reading it slowly and you will see it's more of a journey than history.
There's not a single good one. It's all just derivative trash.
Nah, there's a few good ones
This is what you've actually just said.
So glad there are people like you on Holla Forums or this place would be dying….
The whole fantasy genre after its codification is garbage, just like the sci-fi genre. Fucking how many times can you rehash Lord of the Rings over and over again? It's a fucking disgrace that this shit got into video games through fucking shitty tabletop games like Dregs and Dickfuckers.
The thread has posted over six games and spoon feeding new fags is not may favorite pass time, goon.
Mount & Blade Warband has an amazing LOTR mod
Read the thread you monkey
Third age and the hack and slash, top down PS2 games.
Those games with my friend are my fondest child hood memories.
If you had a point to make you wouldn't have had to move goalposts now would you?
You've clearly never read LoTR
A good one based on his books has sadly never been made if you don't count lego shit. And most of the time they just use the games based on it as a way to pander politics or diversity bs because the movies have "not aged well" with their "blatant" sexism and lack of racial diversity and other bullshit that really shouldn't be an issue. All I ever see when I google the topic of Tolkien's works is nothing but normalfags complaining about the films being racist/sexist or how Game of Thrones is better and more realistic.
The game was good, but the ending pissed me off. A total nonsensical final battle against the Eye of Sauron itself. But I'll give them credit for at least -having- a final boss.
Oh man I remember this. Don't think I ever beat it though, I think I got stuck/bored somewhere around the rock giants and went back to playing AoE2.
I can't stand GoT. I can see why normalfags sex and violence like it, but if I want a politics show, I would much rather watch RotTK2010. I still need to watch LoGH.
I love that you can get fucking pissed out drunk and wake up without your pants somewhere out in the world.
You realize that The Hobbit is literally written for little children? LotR is not much different except that it has adult themes and more difficult language. I'm willing to bet the reading is too hard for you, which is a shame because Tolkien even said he dumb'd down LotR's writing as well and your dumb ass still can't even get through it.
I can't believe I forgot this existed.
good shit
>filename isn't pussy bush or something along those lines
I'm not sure on the details, but I believe that the company that ran it (and DDO) folded, but the devs were devoted enough that somehow it got bought out and is still going. Probably not going to die for a while, although I wouldn't be surprised if it goes into a long maintenance mode within a few years - they're flat-out running out of landmass for new expansions.
Back in the day, that's how my kinship meetings always ended. It was a dorf only kin with a house in Thorin's Hall. We'd discuss business and events, do some RP, and then get plastered and see where we woke up.
Pic semi-related, some big event in Thorin's Hall that we helped organize.
You should try Edain mod for BFME 2 sometime. It's quite good and with it I feel that it's a better game than the first.
Also Moria and Incursion.
Sci-fi is nowhere near as homogeneous as fantasy. Some if it is really good. Overall, there are more sci-fi works of literary merit than there are fantasy. (Not to say that either genre is "better," just that sci-fi doesn't have the same problems that fantasy does.)
Tolkien is great but he set a precedent for fantasy writing that I'm not okay with. So fucking tired of Elves and Dwarves and Dragons and Mythril armor. Like fuck, I wish all these hack fantasy writers would stop adhering to this "standard" and make something original for their fantasy settings
More like DnD, since Dwarves are not cave jews, and Elves are free love sluts/hippies instead of just better than the majority of humans.
He invented high fantasy as we know it today, but high fantasy did exist before him. I still stand by my point that the majority of fantasy writers need to get fucked and make something more original than not-at-all
I swear to fucking god, if I see another fucking fantasy story with Elves, and with Elves being some kind of snooty, upper-class race of well-groomed aristocrats/renaissance men, I'm gonna fucking stab somebody.
If you like rubberbanding maybe.
The game overall has gone downhill since Rohan, and the combat/trait revamp killed any difficulty at all at lower levels, turning the game into a dpsfest.
Dwarf Fortress can simulate the entire history of Moria.
Did the dwarfs reclaim Moria? I only read LOTR and The Hobbit.
It's mentioned in the appendices that they do retake the mine
I think it's mentioned in the timeline at the end of Return of the King.
What things are they keeping behind the paywall?
looks like Angband has a suprisingly creative following. Is there something that sets it apart from most Roguelikes?
Its grindy as fuck
Could it be that most poeple simple LIKE what Tolkien did?
If I were to make my own setting, it would be very Tolkien-esqe. Fuck "originiality".
Fuck "totally-uniqe-races guy….really".
Give me a solid foundation that works over that crap any time.
Speaking of Dwarf Fortress, have they refined the Adventure Mode into a complete game yet? Also, have they made kobolds playable or do you still need Kobold Camp?
Too bad to hear.
Never had rubberbanding issues when I was playing. Stopped a few months after Rohan launched, was getting into other MMOs.
thanks botnet.
I couldn't choose system when I bought it
Shame he can't sing/music anymore
Also, for some rage and more rape from the new fanfiction LotR game. Shelob is now a powerful and magical woman with a desire for vengeance against Sauron
BFME 1 &2 are pretty good, though I prefer the second one.
Then there's LOTRO, which is pretty comfy if you don't mind being nickled and dimed, though the free version is fine.
The Third Age is pretty neat, but the story is a bit nonsensical.
War in the North is a pretty fun co-op hack 'n slash-game, and it's really awesome with friends. Also, it's actually my favorite depiction of middle-earth.
I always heard The Two Towers and Return of the King were pretty good, but I never got into it.
Game was comfy as fuck in general but the Blue Mountains were the comfiest part of the game
Yeah, I really loved the dorf parts. I just wish it had the aesthetics of the film.
Fuck those WB kikes for killing the MERP mod for Skyrim
Why not play the early 90s LOTR games which actually follow the lore somewhat closely and are pre-Peter Jacksoned JRR stuff.
This house is too big for just me.