#GamerGate + #NotYourShield [#GG + #NYS]: Life Emergency Edition



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>Mike Diver fired from Waypoint: archive.fo/wwwrc


youtube.com/watch?v=wy9bisUIP3w - #GamerGate - If It's Not About Ethics;
youtube.com/watch?v=5fnRSL3d_xU - #GamerGate in 60 Seconds;
archive.is/23Fde - GamerGate: A State of the Union Address.

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Watch out for GamerGate
The public enemy of the world #1
It is the main hashtag responsible for…
☑ Forcing a historian to prioritize shitposts over reporting their dad's corpse
☑ Vandilizing private property with "Strategic Designation #2"
☑ Causing chaos in Hollywood with an acid rainstorm
☑ Ruined the very concept of anime for everyone
☑ Firing a promising staff member from Platinum Games
☑ Making Colin Moriarty say a misogynistic joke and firing him
☑ Giving a white Iranian a date with DMCAstiny
☑ Creating bait that surpassed Metal Benis
☑ Stole Bioware's checkbook
☑ Making YouTube proud to support the [ERROR: Login to view this content] community
☑ Became Linkedredchannitin
☑ Adorning unrelated posts with images of anime boobs
☑ Overwrote reality with a Tropico save-file
☑ Teaching the Russians how it's done
☑ Spent 4 days legally dead for tax reasons
☑ Manipulated reviews to make Yooka-Laylee look as 64-bit as possible
☑ Revealed international culinary secrets
☑ Convinced an user into becoming a trap
☑ Funded by Russia to cause chaos in the USA
☑ Plotting to invade and take over the fashion world with a new puppet as mascot
☑ Successfully summoned the memeteor, then promptly dispelled it because it wasn't exciting enough
☑ Moved gaming acceptance back decades in the public consciousness
☑ Got seened in an Oakland drive-by
☑ Has trademarked "hikikomori ginger girls with names based on imageboards"
☑ Employed Russia's help in hacking the ESRB
☑ Bestowed upon a penguin a penguin-waifu
☑ Caught a glimpse of the evil that is the Korean Education system
☑ Likes their iced cream 'pure aryan'
☑ Hacked a character into ARMS, then leaked it
☑ Having a girl fetish
☑ Killed people at an Ariana Grande concert with a bomb
☑ Discriminating fantasy from reality
☑ Undoing all the hard work into promoting Far Cry 5
☑ Turned Ren Hoek into a terrorist
☑ Created Gamergate America
☑ Became starmen
☑ Brought misogyny into E3
☑ Turned Mario Mexican
☑ Prevented beloved VAs from reprising their popular roles
☑ Brought back unpopular video games like Metroid
☑ Blowing everything up


Is games journalism the Dark Souls of journalism?

OLD BREAD: archive.is/ReGH4

Archive of before bread:

Someone copy over the TD pasta, I'm on my phone

on it

Listen, I appreciate that a lot of you 4chan guys feel empowered to join the rest of us in civil society now that papa bear Trump is telling you it's okay. But let me send you a message: This is a blip. A temporary intifada. I know it feels good to have your worst instincts validated but don't be fooled. Use this opportunity now that you are out of your parents' basement to meet a few people that aren't like you. You are afraid. We are not.

#TorrentialDownpour and Nip news:
In the process of organizing and adding more info
Make sure to inform normalfags about websites free of Socjus Influence

Useful Links:

>Make backups of your favorite doujins in case of Fakku DMCA purge

Localization watch: Not solely from shit companies (need to add more)
>Sekai Project: Teaching Feeling ( >>>/hgg/116640 )

pantsu.cat is a nyaa replacement after it was taken down. It's better than the competition. Use this instead of the cartel run cancer.

They've put up downloads to paywalled fakku doujins.

Fakku 0001-1000: files.catbox.moe/129di9.torrent
Fakku 1001-1100: files.catbox.moe/h3l457.torrent
Fakku 1101-1200: files.catbox.moe/47batv.torrent
Fakku 1201-1300: files.catbox.moe/c9ntlr.torrent
Fakku 1301-1400: files.catbox.moe/rkuheo.txt
Fakku 1401-1500: files.catbox.moe/ce8oor.txt
Fakku 1501-1600: files.catbox.moe/nmqh3d.txt
Fakku 1601-1700: files.catbox.moe/60v3p6.txt
Fakku 1701-1800: files.catbox.moe/3ii6j8.txt
Fakku 1801-1900: files.catbox.moe/m37bm7.txt

Info & feedback welcome

I love those.

I like this new meme a lot.

There's nothing more dangerous than a humiliated user


You have the webm with the cheetos makeup scene?

Yeah, it's also the same FBI agent that was part of the waco massacre as well. I forget his name but I know that he sniped the wife in the ruby ridge stand-off while she held her child in her arms beckoning her husband to come inside the house.


I can't wait for more episodes of this season, this is a god damn goldmine.

gotchu onifam

Ironically, it was arguing with nazis and other loons on the internet that taught me how to actually argue and substantiate my points with hard irrefutable evidence instead of relying on the logical laziness of common consensus.

Maybe if we had more dissenting views discussed in society, people would be able to actually think for themselves.

Beat me to it.




Same here, the meme bounty will be healthiful this year.


Thx m8
This is not gold, this is pure diamond, holy shit.

Same here.

The amount of fucking up Dean pulled off would have gotten him fired from any other job.

I partially agree with him. If you dont review games, arent a critic, then who cares about your skills. A journalists job is to get the news out, interview people, report facts.

Now reviewers / ciritics obviously need to know what they are doing. The same if you want to show a game to your audience.

He did nothing wrong.

This is truly a thing of beauty.


What the fuck is his problem?

This probably is never going to get old isn't it?

It's what happens when you're buddies with these people, you'll be more likely to defend them than a bunch of anons.

Whats the poorly dyed blue hair about if hes supposed to be a memeber of the Trumpabteilung and not a SJW.

Care to tell me what's this, I want to see it whole, seems hilarious

It really is like reliving election night all over again. Makes me giddy, good times.

It's American Horror Story, being as irreverent as ever.





I just watched the trailer, and apparently, the story is about people getting so triggered by Trump's victory, killer clowns appear. Fucking nonsense.

i wish /bane/ was still going so we could cross the memes

That sounds amazing. I may have to torrent this season when more is out.

American Horror Story.

This season it's about a cult being formed by a Trump Supporter. The whole season is about the election, and it's baffling as hell. I'm not sure if it's made by an angry Hillary supporter who's trying, and failing to spite Trump supporters, or made by some brilliant satirist trying to fuck with both sides, but I'll admit, I'm entertained even if it's for the wrong reasons.

Lena Dunham's involvement makes me think it's the former, and if that's the case, webm related.

Dean Takahashi (and his Venturebeat friend) went on a stream with Cuphead's dev. Said friend sucks Dean's dick the whole "interview" and cries about "that group of people who wants ethics in games journalism"


Really? What's she doing there?

The fuck is this?

Is this a comedy?

This has to be comedy.







Have an archive for your archive: archive.fo/bBa7L

Here's hoping clickbait can finally stop being popular come 2020.

This is just fucking funny.

>Have an archive for your archive: archive.fo/bBa7L
you can't browse the authors list at the bottom if you use this link, only archive.org allows that

Isn't that the trannyfag who made a big stink out of nothing a while ago?



I agree, if you're not reviewing games, then you don't need the skill.

Dean does review games, though. And has reviews as recently as last month.


Shit, I'm sorry.

To quote an user from the main South Park thread.

And then nobody was happy. Bravo.

The evidence that most journalists are bad at video games is the years of shit articles and videos that demonstrate that they're terrible at video games, you whinging fuck.

It's ok, I forgive you this time

They offered her protection from Sam Hyde if she agrees to act for free. If you ask me, Lena got the high end of that deal.

That's the thing, I can't tell if it's supposed to be a joke or not.

Yea, but wouldn't the game be harder if you're female, or trans, or overweight? Check your privilege, Trey Parker and Matt Stone.

The amount of people going all out defending this astounds me. They really don't like it when people criticize gaming journalism.


If Lena Dunham is involved, then she brought Judd Apatow along with her at least for behind the scenes work.
Judd fucks up, and fucks over everyone possible at all times that isn't (((special))).
It's weird to listen to podcast, interview, and Q&A's of comedians, and actors mention how Judd bumps them from everything, movies, shows, and even performing at the comedy cellar.
He and Lena are both some of the biggest Hillary supporters.

Case and point?

when the blue hair guy is leaving and mumbling and the asian guy calls him, i was expecting him to turn around witha fake Bane mask and say "The fire rises"

She's supposed to play the feminist who tried to kill Andy Warhol


FOR U.S.A, U.S.A, U.S.A, U.S.A!


This can't be happening.

I don't know what to think of this. I keep swinging back and forth between this being an amazing commentary on political neuroticism and a blue-pilled circus involving Lena Dunham.

I mean, she would never get involved with the project if it was parody, right? She thinks Trump is a literal Hitler right?



wow user, they really got it all right to the part where we throw piss at mexican inmigrants

This is only the beginning of the season too, just the first episode.

Probably 9 more episodes of this.

Let that sink in.

Is this like an HBO show or what ?
I'm not sure if laugh my ass of or cringe to death

And NISA sinks their teeth into another game. The Lost Child from the El Shaddai creator.

FX. The same network that produces shows like "The Americans", "Fargo" and "It's always sunny in Philadelphia" is also responsible for this.







This is the first time in years I've been legitimately excited for anything on television.

that sounds like some good shit is it weekly episode shit or is it some netflix already whole season out cause that kinda of sounds interesting to watch.

dont get my hopes up user


Watch them paint the new IT movie as a Trump horror film.

Yes, just like how there was an epidemic of children diagnosed ADHD beginning in the 90s.



just wait and see how Allison Pill's character will be caught shedding her skin saying she's part cluster lizard

I hope they have not found out about our secret handshakes and shit

This is how EA will finally be taken down. Not by making shitty vidya that no one wants, but by hiring illegal immigrants to make this shit cheaper, and getting a visit from ICE for their troubles. You'd think these corporations would be a little more subtle that they're hiring illegals to do work for less pay.


Anyone read this yet?
Just something funny from Dean "Cuphead is the Dark Souls of Mariolikes".

Wait until you see a clown doing an ok white privilege sign at the camera.


quality shit


They're gonna fuck it up either way since apparently, skin color doesn't affect combat difficulty.

Well considering how far people took the whole "God Emperor" meme and worshipping kek supposedly ironically, it's not surprising they decided to go with a cultist as their hopefully intentionally humorous take on the right side.


Good God.. The level of hysterics and hyperbolic bullshit contained in only 2:28 of video is unbelievable.. and they probably think this is some kind of powerful, gut-wrenching reenactment of how they believe everyone in America felt.

Of all the out of touch bullshit that liberals create, this is the most out of touch bullshit I've ever seen.

We'll see what happens. Affecting everything else could indirectly affect combat difficulty, depending on how it's executed.

I just watched the whole episode. It's fucking hilarious.



It's all part of his master plan.

Well congratulations, you got yourself beaten!

Someone needs to cook up one of those spicy pupper posts asking you to post L A C U C K A R A C H A in the thread.

someone get on it



Maybe she and some of the other people on there don't think it's parody, but everyone else knows it is?

That would be some 4D chess level shit if I ever saw it. All the more funny either way

You have to be a professional esports athlete to jump-dash over a tutorial obstacle?

As pointed out the Lead Narrative Designer for the game seems to be a clique-member. I searched the handles of random clique members with her username for a few minutes and found some more.




Related to the panel:


You mean like fuckley and pic related?

Reminder for y'all that there's a mirror for the video in the article:
At least I think that's the one.

The South Park game is making fun of us, our most beloved heroes have turned on us, it's over. It's time to #CloseTheGate

I looked up who directed american horror story and this season its Rachel Goldberg, Liza Johnson and Maggie Kiley. I dont think they are making a parody guys

We have no heroes Namifag, we knew this from the start

South Park hasn't been funny or relevant in a decade.

Where's that "it's just your opinion" video when you need it…

How does this tranny shithead still have a job?

You're only saying that because you know that we lost, this time it's for real, without South Park we're finished, maybe if we pump ourselves full of estrogen and start calling ourselves "xirs" the SJWs might forgive us. It's over, let's do that.

I think I know what's going on here. I've figured out the enigma as to how this came to be. They decided to be "fair" they would have left wingers write the right wing, and right wingers write the left wing. Of course it's not actually fair because the they made the Trump side the bad guy(s). This is why the left wing is shown as a nearly accurate to life parody of the left, while the right is just insane and retarded in ways that don't make as much sense. Because the left can't meme. It's why the Trump cultist throws piss and the beaners, because that's just the left wing writers projecting their own side's behavior onto the right. Calling it now. The left will continue to act like a parody of themselves, even if the show makes them the heroes or some bullshit, and right will continue to act retarded in nonsensical "I AM SILLY" ways with occasional moments where they act like the left because of projection and some where they act like how the left stereotypes the right.

that's only half of the stream, the interesting half anyway

It's Kotaku. >She's also the editor

It's ok Nami, things will get better

Jesus Christ is this real?

user only transsexual that counts is the magical transexual

Well at least we know what the Bioware Montreal devs are making these days.

As someone who used to like wrestling its good to see hulks now committed to using his power of bankrupting companies for good

Beautiful, this manages to be a comedy for Trump supporters/sane people and a horror for weaklings and Hilfags.

You better look who as writing credits instead of directing
Now, I really don't know if it's satire

Archive, user?


You are absolutely fucking glorious, user.


user… That copypasta is from the webm.
It's a real part of a real episode of American Horror Story.
We've been memeing it this entire thread.
Read the goddamn thread.

Are they calling illegals Dreamers now?


Holy shit they totally are serious

This was made ironically right?

Both of their accounts read like a Holla Forums shitposting account, jesus. You niggers better stream it, it'd be a hoot.

It can't be though, surely they're simply putting politics aside to write this, right?

No, looking at the writers and directors, it's 100% serious, and they have no idea how ridiculous and hysterical they make themselves look.

No, they are fucking serious. And that's just the first episode, you'll have Trump killer clowns soon.

What a time to be alive.


Did you just serious respond to that post? Did you even watch the webm? Are you autistic?

Well here's a mirror of the video in just for the fuck of it.



But… the Rachel Maddow drop, the trigger warning. How the fuck can that not be parody?

Are we really that far beyond the pale? I feel like a space alien.


This is fucking hilarious.

This shit has to be parody

I just saw that those empty bottles falling from his bag are Mountain Dew bottles.
They're actually going for the meme of the year.


Dreamers = Illegal immigrants
Anti Racist = Anti White
Hate Speech = Dissent/Political opposition/ Truth
Diversity = White genocide
People of color = subhuman filth
Nazi = self respecting White person

user, you should know how the kikes and their puppets operate, it's common knowledge.

Believe it or not, it's not a parody.
It's a series to surpass SVU.

More like decades.

Sweet holy mother of all fuck, we've penetrated the event horizon boyos. Prepare for the greatest timeline

Is that based mom?

I wish I had any of those stupid greentext stories that popped up after the election, it'd be the same thing as watching an episode from this.

Did Trump say anything about abortion during the election, or is it just hysteria?


trump probably doesnt give a fuck but Pence sure does

Something about lowering planned parenthood funds, I think.

All opposition is the same to these people. If you don't like the country being invaded you also want to take away their ability to take consequence-free dick.


you have to leave

Seriously though, this shit is hilariously fucked. They didn't think of what they just done, like every single thing they've been doing this last year. Did Trump's election just fried every single liberal's brains?



He said he's not going to force Family Planning in states to pay for PP (which was fucking horseshit anyways like much of Obama's legacy) and that his appointments will be conservative, and if they decide to mess with abortions he won't step in their way as their word is effectively law.

Can't fry what isn't there in the first place

nigger, I'm complaining about her new hairdo.


He struggled at the tutorial. This is the DOOM gameplay all over again.


I think I missed the joke about La Cuckaracha.

Is from american horror history?


I remember the SVU livestream. It was so surreal. We were not ready for this.


Watch it

Yes, I know about the killer clowns.

We got another 4 fucking years of this my man. It's gonna be yuge.
Fucking imagine how that will be.

Maximum bully

This American Horror Story plot is going to be like the Red Skull comic where leftists unintentionally had him make perfect sense, isn't it?

This is some seriously impressive projection, god, i don't even know what the fuck the show was about before this but this shit is pure comedy gold



Mexicans will deserve whatever will come from them after the video is posted.



Kinda has a nice ring to it, not quite as good as firing up the huey but i like it

How can these guys be so clueless? They don't know what snowflake means, they have no idea what cuck means, these guys are totally retarded.

Have these retards not watched the video? that guy is not just bad at video games, he plays like a retarded child or an animal, and I don't mean that as a figure of speech, seeing that gameplay and being told it comes from an adult man, I'd assume he has some kind of brain damage, his ability to complete basic tasks is literally subhuman.

I'll give 2 more years before Trump is Scaliazed by a former CNN journalist random loon

I find it funny how libs when they try to virtue signal their support of illegal aliens, they do it in a way that makes it look like America is some dystopian society where a Mexican may not want to go there.

Beware the nazi elephants

Doesn't matter what is in that video. These people simply can't stand being criticized by lesser beings, they see one of their own with a slightly scratched ego and go into apeshit mode

We must secure the existence of our people and a future for tusked elephants.

It's surreal, isn't it? Knowing that these people were once normal and sane, but something happened. Something broke them so deeply, but allowed them to keep functioning. They have the emotional stability of a 3-legged chair, and yet they run entire companies, handle millions of dollars.. It's hard to believe that this is what has become of humanity.

I managed to shake off the feeling a few months ago, but now I'm right back to considering how the fuck I could logistically set up a way to escape this society, breakaway, build a new place to live far away from the rest of the world, and watch it all burn down from the safety of NEETville.


What, you don't remember everyone throwing piss at all the Mexicans? Man, you missed some good shit.

My favourite is "They can't even speak the Spanish, how will they survive!" despite the average age of dreamers brought here being six.

Elephant-men was a comic

Speaking of which, anyone have that one Youtube video where that 12 year old is making a vlog while successfully playing a CS:GO mod, and he's sweating up a storm.

Sad thing is this shit is apparently also why the Muzzies are so determined to take down Western society. So, while it does the people a brain the impression of "Man, I don't want to go there", you also have those brain-dead people going all "Allah Akbar" who are keen to "liberate" Western society.

TF2 is shit

pic related

It's so absurd; the clips seem so meticulously constructed, the breaks between dialogue look crafted for comedic effect, and it's American Horror Story for fuck's sake, which is known to be shlock on purpose.

But if Dunham's involved, how could it ever be parody? I don't know what's real anymore. When you've got NEETville all hooked up, gimme an invite.

I though that clown face looked like Trump, maybe it's just a pareidolia effect.

I don't understand why they are defending him. If he's not an active reviewer, don't let him showcase 20 minutes of shitty gameplay. You're just fucking the devs over. And I've seen journos talk about elitism over a fucking tutorial, fucking hell.

Fuck off fag

It's not surreal at all, in that it's very easy to understand if you think about it. The plain fact is that when a position goes unchallanged for so long, the supporters of such who have known it as truth their entire lives cannot handle it when their worldview is turned upside-down.

people like "gamers", for instance, have always been challenged and told that they were losers and are resistant to freaking out.

It's a lack of character, a lack of misery that brought them to this, and it's also a lack of challenging material, they NEVER had to actually defend their worldview.

So they locked up and choked.

The same sort of shit created the Unibomber, when his positions were challenged and contradicted ruthlessly and without escape he ended up going nuts under the pressure.

The real sureal thing is that a diluted version of that happened across the board overnight with the simple ceremony of an election.

BAM. Instant wave of insanity. This is why it's important to build character. This is a consequence of American society ditching that for "yay everyone gets trophies" and the self esteem movement.

will they use their secret weapon?


Im so glad i was playing vidya when i was like 1. All those game overs really helped me learn to get over losses.

He's one of the old guard and since he actually studied journalism 25 years ago his expertise shouldn't be contested by you dirty gamers

he kinda is, pic related

good words from a good cat. may vidya come to you.

Imagine if someone managed to make a gun that shoots dutch tears at a good velocity

But the unabomber started bombing shit because he didn't like that the government were going to build roads and industries in the forest which he didn't want anyone to ruin.
At least according to wikipedia.

I don't have the cap on hand but someone did a really good job of describing that after decades of screaming about how moderate milquetoast cuckservative establishment Republicans are all Nazis and literally Hitler, by comparison Trump looked like the goddamn apocalypse to them. So yes, they have been completely mind broken to the point where the only thing keeping them going is the attachment to their most extreme fantasies and projections of their own flaws on to others.


Here's what wikipedia's got on the production of American Horror Story as it is right now.

tldr Director says he's gonna try to cover both sides, still looks pozzed tho

This needs to be saved and placed in everyone's memory on the example of how insidious the band wagon circling effect is. Even a person as minimally a faggot as SBH, and is sometimes a cool faggot like Freddie Mercury, feels the need to defend a shitfucking faggot like Takahashi.

South Park: The Fractured But Whole will be uncut in all regions



Dave Rubin was also hit

yeah, no shit, one of several kikes who glued themselves on to GG

bring it on

wouldn't the glass shatter immediately on firing? what about filling shells with glass shards?

What the fuck

Have you been to Commiefornia, or an American college campus lately?

That animation makes me wanna vomit. The eyes literally move right instead of looking right.


Well, I posted it in Holla Forums, may as well post it here as well.


This is a mistake, nothing but trash.

Unfortunately I have a feeling that has to do with the game's content being toned down rather than regulatory agencies loosening their assholes.

Literally RWBY-tier

That looks like something a butthurt westerner would do when doing a "all anime is shit" video by throwing what they think is "anime".

this looks like something someone slapped together for a youtube video. Fucking seriously.


I can't look at this. Is too ugly to see.

Some western animators can copy anime style with some good success. This is below deviant art style.

Will nobody learn from Boondocks?



so, wait, is he like 40 or 50?

this makes the animations in castlevania look good

It's official, studios are starting to sell out.

(((They))) are trying to worm their way into anime, the last medium they dont control yet

I didn't know he was the lead singer of Vampire Weekend

RIP Caribbeanons

wow, americans can really ruin animace

Netflix was a mistake

(((Ezra Koenig)))
I hate this shit.

Well they hold out long enough, better to hoard everything non-pozzed now.
Books (Normal and ebooks)
TV shows (At least these before year zero)
Anime (Subs)
Manga (Raws and no lolcalizated in another languages)
Video games (all of them, 7zip will helpful in that.)

Everything about this is just horrid. The animation style alone is completely unfitting to every bit of dialogue and voice delivery. The name, the designs, the dialogue, the forced celebrities tied to it… it's all so horrid!

This is worse than RWBY, honestly. At least RWBY had a focus on Mounty Oum doing the fights when he was alive.

And then later on the team tried to imitate his style.

And it had a more original premise than this. With animation that improved over time.

Fucking damn, I live in the Caribbean but Irma passed north of the island.

user wake up and smell the coffee, these guys are taking the money and running, no Nippon pride or that bullshit.They don't care what happens as long as they get paid and the workers animate for cheap.


Oh god yes, wipe them all out

Claiming ID 352bcd

Yes, something around that

user, your enter button broken or something?

Did Angryjoe lose 7 pesos again?

Nice get

Nah, I just hit enter a lot after typing a bit because in the reply box it looks cluttered and I'm too autistic to expand it to cover the posts I'm reading.

News just broke.

Jose is a cat 3.

I see you got this from plebbit where public info is the same as doxing

As if the series itself wasn't moron enough, the people behind it are legit retarded faggots who praise communism.

I'm drinking my sorrows away because it looks like I wasted a full year in a post graduate I didn't even like and now I can't even present the last essay because they didn't left clear the dates about when you have to send the essays and my tutor sent the correction a day AFTER the last day.

endless keks every time I hear that.


Booty Blasted Beaner, Enraged Enchilada, Perturbed Pedro, fuck, what was his name again?

if Soros is involved, of course

What the fuck does religion have to do with any of that?!

Too soon to predict where it's going to hit, right? Because I'd still love for one of these storm to kick Jew York or DC in the teeth.

For california's size and drastically different population density, why don't they split it into two states, north and south?


Caliente Carlos

May be unrelated but Humblebundle is having a Japanese bundle, that weirdly includes hunie pop, or are those games not japanese.

anyways, did humblebundle stay cucked or it's improving.

Still wouldnt trust faggots from san francisco with my money

Worse. RWBY had solid fight scenes while being a really bad anime (Pre-Season 4, that is). THIS is pseudo anime from the late-90's, 2000's preiord that the West previously tried to capitalize on with shows like Kappa Mikey and Speed Racer: Next Gen, and the OEL comics Tokyopop tried to push (At least, Antarctic Press did their own thing…most of the time). Here's to hoping this failed like all those others did.

Wasn't most of that done in Korea, like with Avatar: TLA and nuVoltron?

The Sakura games are 100% Western made.

gaymangay & bait political topic on nu/v/ are the most active threads right now. Holla Forums is being raided. Holla Forums is unprecedentedly more active then usual. Holla Forums is getting spammed with 3dpd pedo shit. Not that I honestly mind political discussion, but something is very very fishy.

Huniepop isn't Japanese. I'd call it less a "japanese bundle" and more a "porn """"games"""" for people too stupid to look up the CGs on sadpanda bundle"

Incensed Ignacio


sorry didn't mean to replay to (you)

Ouch man, sorry to hear that. Good luck.



On top of completely fucking up the entire plot and the characters in it, the central plot device of the movie is that if they burn the pages of the death note with the description of someone's death on it, then they don't die. However, the death note can now control things on a massive scale and make people do things for no fucking reason for days until they are supposed to die.

The final twist of the story is that Mia goes fucking insane, steals the Death Note, writes Light's name in it and tells him to meet her on a ferris wheel. Then it collapses for no reason, but Light survives and reveals that he orchestrated the entire last 40 or so minutes of the movie, right down to describing that Mia would fall out of the ferris wheel, yank out the exact page with Light's name on it, and drop it into a convenient flaming barrel… and then Light would be rescued by a Doctor who would put him in a coma for several days while another man would grab the death note and proceed to write names in it while Light was unconscious, all under the power of the Death Note, so the Police would clear Light as a suspect and they can bait the whole thing for a sequel.


I'm fucking tired.

If there is a solution, alright, I would try to do my best. If not, fuck it and I won't even bother anymore. I'll just buy a new laptop to edit videos and make my own youtube show about nature stuff and maybe animatio. And maybe some gaming too.

I know desk computers are much better, but I can't stand being alone in a room.

ANITA SARKEESIAN Has a New Book Coming Soon.


She's given up on vidya and now she's going to pretend she's a historian.. Funnily enough, most of her work is just copy-pasting wikipedia articles either way.

there is no way this thrue
youre telling me a professional writter actually believe that this is the way an adult act?

How long has 8/b/ been an irredeemable shitheap?

What a fucking mess.

Yes, I saw that.
On Holla Forums there are some D&C going on.
Holla Forums activity is normal now, but they probably spam Holla Forums right now.
On Holla Forums it was like this for few months already.

Muh books
I always wanted to write it.

I was expecting less than nothing and I am still disappointed.

It's a weird place. Half nofun moderation, half comfy, relaxed atmosphere. They've pretty much banned all shitposting and lazy memes, which rubs a lot of people the wrong way, because the average user expects a very-lite-Holla Forums with a specific theme.


they or (((((((((they))))))))) ?

I guess, I honestly don't brows Holla Forums but they are currently bitching about suspicion of being raided in a few of their active threads which was brought to my attention because of nerv


Fuck, for some reason I read that as 8/a/, not Holla Forums. Need to wear my glasses more often.

If we can find the queen (((alien))) before it lays it's eggs we can save the earth!

This why making ((( into special test sucks.

What about this defiant woman, Anita?

Well, there's no time like the present, user.

where do i saw that?
hmmm, i think it was about a female reporter who could was a trump suporter and she kept saying it only exist 2 genders. but that would mean the one who trhow the piss was from the left and that CANT be right.

requesting that do like us comic on that un on japonese manga thing

Just a sockpuppet. :^)

I can't believe you guys still care about this gay shit.

(you) care more


You mean this gay shit?

Here's your complimentary (You), now sod off.

refer to>>13371342

Is that fred from Scooby Doo?


I don't get it.


this one?

pls no






yes thanks m8 i would send tits but my computer got fucked

Since 2014. It may have gotten worse but that doesn't mean the past as "good".

8/b/ is good actually

Wow, learn to upgrade, grandpa.

I meant that sentence, not entire book.

Too bad, nerv is two-edged sword though.

Fuck you. for making me remember it.

He loves traps. Not gay ones.

cool i'll be sure to read it ime a huge fan of her work

How hard would it be to sticker bomb a case or board with this


Well, I guess that's the natural progression for when you've been long-since-proven to be full of shit.

If anybody wants to save to their folders, here's proof Dean changed Cuphead's video tittle after being shat on

All I feel is slow burning rage for this garbage, and practice drawing. Off topic, magic eraser is great to remove paint transfers on figures.

Josh is going to compile all his twitter shitpost into a book? Neat.

and another one


Tanks for the protip.
And archived: archive.is/puZDL


There is already an archive link on the bottom of the pic


This is basically "Yes, game journalists should be good at video games BUT"

In other words, trash.

You better not ruin that Toblerone by rubbing it into that sweaty armpit.

Now I am not defending these faggots, but the court is going against the wrong people. Those are just small fishes trying to get some profit off of Valve's jewish system. They have to hit valve. This in game item drop system is gambling and should be illegal.

Two pics, one is an old pic mocking a newspaper making a really stupid mistake about an anime that shows they did no research on it.

The other is from a current Daily Telegraph.

Got the full picture of that?

The archive doesn't show the second image. when you go to the page, they removed it.

Nice catch, the picture is now gone in the original article thanks to this faggot.


Good for him inb4 he is forced to make a public apology


If I was actually trying to make a ridiculous parody of the cuck fantasy world, I don't think I could make it this funny.


They always eat their own.


He works for the BBC, of course they're going to force him to apologize.

This is real? What?
Honestly Jaden's voice was the only not shit thing through that whole trailer

No promotions for me

Schrödinger Gamer : Gamers are basement dwelling shut in losers but are evil racist fascists waiting to rape/kill people.




I accidentally saved the image preview; have some weeboo advertising as compensation I don't know sauce tho

I forgot to spoiler

what's there to spoiler? she is not naked or anything

I don't even know what it was.


Gamers are a tiny minority of evil people who control the world through subterfuge and trickery of the gullible masses, who they use as tools against the Righteous and Superior Progressive Coastal Elite Humans.

Mark needs to bring back the 700 bump limit again
These threads hit 300 near instantly and then they peter out for almost an entire day, sometimes even 2

But what about other threads? I don't want to see other lame threads get bumped back to page 1.


Google translated from Italian

Fuck every single one of you skill fetishists!

You just have to wait for the primary Holla Forums audience to get home from school.

vid unrelated

I don't even fucking know

after fetishizing girls we now fetishize skill? We truly are weird.

More like 'super i don't fucking make any videos because im a lazy cocksucking goblin fuckboy hop'

I fucking hate these people.

Bunch of degenerate skill fetishists.

You do realize that this strikes both ways?
Good original threads hit 300 and then they disappear and are never seen again
How many lame threads you see get bumped back to page 1
Now think about how many of those have under 300 replies
more often than not, the good ones hit 300 and then stop
This happened near every time with the rage threads, and nobody brings those back anymore
It happens with happenings that aren't major; too many times they're off the front page of the catalog before half of Holla Forums can even see it for that day

They really are showing their diseased minds here. Beauty, skill, strength, they really want all of that gone just because they are subhuman filth

I like girls with skills.

is your "enter" key broken?

So, we're Jews.


Well that's embarrassing. Didn't even realize I did that.

archive them, bookmark them
webm threads, fighting game thread, rave.dj thread, all weird threads that in my opinion need to stay in last pages.

Thanks user, I was telling my boyfriend about those pics when eating a tolberone the other day and couldn't find them

Hi Marche

And the solution is quite simple: Git gud. It's inexcusable to be so bad at critical thinking that it takes you two minutes of basically bashing your head against an obstacle to figure out "raised platform + jump-dash = getting past this huge wall." Even more inexcusable to backpedal from your "this is just like Dark Souls" comment to claim "I-I WAS JUST PRETENDING TO BE RETARDED!"


This only preserves them, it doesn't do anything for continuing discussion or keeping them alive.
Those threads you described will always come back because they're generals/staples; all this does is slow activity for them, but it ends up hurting original threads and unique threads more than it does those types of threads because they rarely go past 300/400 before falling to the bottom of the catalog and dying, never to be seen again

I honestly prefer the "after" because it just looks better.
Was the outfit/animation on the right removed entirely though?
If so, that's a shame.


it was google-translated from italian

Also, wtf? I don't live in Florida but my internet keeps reseting. It isn't even raining here for fucks sake

Add to the list?

you archive them, then bookmark the archive so you can create a new thread and continue where you stopped. But in most cases those threads die because nobody has anything new to add, and bumping it back to page 1 isn't going to change that either.

I'm not Marche I'm just a faggot trap not a furry scat fetishist

That third article is more cinematic pandering garbage. No shit you're going to believe someone knows what they're talking about when they can demonstrate that they're good at the game and that shouldn't be a problem. It talks about how skill isn't important in the whole experience of the game but when's the last review that actually explored the narrative themes of the game, the quality of the artstyle, or the particular aspects of the music? Fuckin' never, it's always "I got this game for free and it's pretty amazing except that the whole thing feels like filler and the writing is boring, but those are minor details 8/10".

The narrative is so stupid too. It's not a big deal if you aren't good at every single video game in the world, but it's a big fucking deal if you're unable to learn the 6 possible inputs from the tutorial. Walking, jumping, shooting, dashing, slapping, 8 way shots. Especially in the modern age where almost every game has the same uniform control layout.

I keep threads im interested in open in a tab so I have 30+ tabs running and often I see a thread go to page 14 only for it to be bumped and then go on for another 100+ posts.

Also Marched died via horsepussy

press F

This is blatant bullshit. I've seen threads that have had only high-300s, low-mid 400s in replies, but hit page 13/14 before another user creates another thread for the topic (in the rare instances they decide to)
And those hit 300/400 as well just as quickly
Also I'm saying bookmarking threads is an absurd thing to do on Holla Forums


No one should pay their respects to Marche

Yeah you say that, but those bookmarks come in handy when people claim shit. I once created a fresh webm and uploaded it to the webm thread, nigger claims that I posted it like the last 3 threads already. If I had the last three bookmarked I could have proven that he was wrong. Then there are the fighting game threads. Day 1, back then when SFV was released everyone in that thread was shilling it. Now people deny it.

Holla Forums is full of faggots and you should archive as much as possible so you can call people out on their bs.


Listen, I appreciate that a lot of you Phantom Thieves guys feel empowered to join the rest of adult society now that papa morgana is telling you it's okay. But let me send you a message: This is a blip. A temporary year. I know it feels good to steal other's hearts but don't be fooled. Use this opportunity now that you are out of Sojiro's attic to meet a few confidants that aren't like you. You are unjust. We are not.



He's an obnoxious faggot, but i'd gladly take a bullet for him



Oh man, you guys are so mad. Drumpf supporters are literally snowflakes lmao


Qualifications are a social construct, an unqualified woman or POC is actually a better candidate for a job because diversity, not competence is our real strength

no you wouldn't, I get the sentiment though



He's an aussie and I'm in cold cuckland, but other than that, I'd take a bullet for any of you guys. Not like I have a reason to live anyway.




there's an awful lot of projection and wishful thinking going on there

It's like every idiot leftist acts like someone's 10-year-old brother who heard a word and knows it's a bad, but not why, tries to use it anyway, and sounds like an utter nub.

Anons, you're all fucked. Webm related


Don't worry, it affects Canada, Australia, and the UK

Not any of those either not gloating too either


I've come to hate this term so goddamn much, its infuriating. In the beginning it was fine because everyone understood what it meant. It was meant in the context of "everyone is unique like a snowflake" it wasn't even a new fucking term. We got taught that shit in kindergarden about how each snowflake is unique and how each person is unique and every person is like a unique snowflake. Like that was an established thing and its been that way for well over two decades. When you say the word snowflake what associations come to mind? Immediately you think about how each snowflake is like the rest but unique in it's own way. That's the established connotations of the word snowflake.

When it started getting used more and more as an insult against tumblr poly-bi-gender-agekin it made sense because these people were trying to be the most unique out of the unique. It was used like "oh aren't you just SO different, so unique like a snowflake" it made sense. The wording and useage followed the established connotations of the word "snowflake"

But then at some point the liberal crowd started using it but instead of it making sense they started applying it to anyone calling them out on their bullshit. "Oh you think making laws against calling someone xir is stupid? Aren't you a sensitive snowflake?"
Somehow in all of the times they had seen it used they decided that snowflake meant "sensitive" or "fragile" and not "unique" are these people so completely illiterate that they can't pick up on that? What have they been told about snowflakes all their lives? I mean I guess they are sensitive but that's not the established connotation. How are they this fucking retarded? Now you have conservative people doing it too. It's a go to insult for calling someone sensitive. It's no longer used to say someone is trying too hard to be unique. Now for some reason it means sensitive and I don't know why but it makes me so fucking mad that 99% of the people who use the term now on either side of the political spectrum are so fucking stupid that they throw out decades of word associatons and connotations to replace it with new ones that don't even make sense. It's like if I started using the word "rock" to mean "rough"
Like fuck how are these fuck so stupid? And everyone outside of imageboards don't get it and even some newfags now on imageboards, on Holla Forums none the less use snowflake to mean sensitive. Like fuck how are you so stupid?

I wonder if the CEOs will get fucked in court. It sounds like a mix between insider trading and harming the public for your own profit

How? We don't have social security numbers. The closest thing we have to that in Australia is a tax file number, which is with the government, not a third party company.

Well, shit.

They sound like Scientologists "making fun of" trying to desperately to reassure each other via groupthink that the people who aren't brainwashed by their ideology are all tragically inferior.

Everything comes off as mean-girls snarkiness, "Can't you believe X is like Y?! Haha! Who would want to be like Y?!" as opposed to anything remotely mistaken for "humor", because the first thing a cult kills is your sense of humor.

Someone's head is going to roll for this shit. If South Korea can manage to start to uncuck themselves, then America can do it, as well.


IIRC he's got two versions of his game one normal and one with all the lewd stuff.

Cheer up user, get yourself a nice waifu and give yourself a reason to live. Or find a hobby outside of vidya and goobergate. Try taking up carving or woodworking. There's a lot of stuff to give yourself meaning. Start lifting and take Socrates' advice. See just how far you can go, aren't you curious? Aren't you curious about what exactly you are capable of? Even if it isn't about fitness? Aren't you curious to see just how good you are at anything?

Isn't selling off stocks based on insider knowledge like that considered insider trading? How exactly does that work?

Good morning, faggots!

No idea but im sure a lot of tricks are about to be pulled

Yeah, that was my first thought, this could very likely count as an "insider trading" charge. Fuckers are going to jail, if the FBI decides to pursue it.

It's not even humor. It's basic literacy, throughout everyone's lives the main association with the term snowflake has been "unique" but they've changed it to "sensitive" because they are illiterate and can't understand context or connotation

This seems important, it's the smallest target I've seen the FTC go after.

Or its their communist indoctrination making them subvert language

Long story short, someone is told about something that could affect stocks before it's announced. Knowing this information is one thing, but acting on it before it becomes public knowledge is illegal. Martha Stewart got her ass in jail for a few years over it.

I imagine the idea is they find this lesbian that is freaked out by clowns so they dress up as clowns to fuck with her due to her being so anti-Trump and they being so pro-Trump.

The writers probably found it funny due to thinking Trump looks like an orange clown and that having a clown cult would be a hilarious joke.

So essentially its a textbook case of insider trading?

Maybe but I think its more of a case of them wanting to apply the same insults to make anti-sjws seem like the real sjws by using the same language against them despite it not making sense

No, that's just a setting you can change in game. This has nothing to do with that.

To be honest I dont think most are aware of their motivations and the goal behind it, they just do it because they believe it is the right thing.

I don't think they do it intentionally either I just think they're illiterate retards and it makes me angrier than it should



Watermark the archive links in the screencaps, user so it can be spread easier.

It's a bit like South Park's last season in all likelihood, where they're trying to poke some fun at the liberals, but then demonize the Trump supporters 90% of the time. Like the insults against the liberals in the show are pretty mild as it's just making fun of how sensitive they are, while they make the Trump supporters out to all be violent racists that want to attack random people.

I only assume because they're a credit company, he means UK brands might use them if they are also in the US, and US brands working in the UK. Meaning they have part of the info (credit history with all UK brands in the US, and all US brands working in the UK). It's not perfect, but it's enough.
In short, the UK and Canada might have a case to carve up Equifax themselves. Half of US is proper fucked- since I assume without a "safe" SSN, you can't do anything involving credit.
I smell a CIA op.

They probably worked on the whole killer clown thing that happened in 2015/16 and tacked Trump onto it. But to make it more "legit" they advertized it like the clowns were in a cult. Whether that's the cult of being pro-Trump like says, who knows.

Friendly reminder:



Thank you. I feel the exact same way and want to rant about it every time it comes up. I feel a little better knowing that other people also think the meaning of words should matter.



Awesome job, user.

They only start writing the new season when the old one ends, so the clown storyline is new enough that it was likely in reaction to Trump winning.

I feel the exact same. That whole rant comes in my head every time I see it used incorrectly and it makes me so mad

What killer clown thing? I only know about Gacy or is this about the "donald trump is clown" the media was parroting for a while.



There was a bunch of sightings of creepy clowns in the woods last year that took "The Internet" by storm

I got a link giving me tips to protect my ID.

Why does this film now feel relevant?

Do any of these articles mention the massive research fail about the creators previously making Super Meat Boy? Even if people accept that the journos don't have to be good at games, they should at least be good at copy pasting wikipedia

Does this faggot not know that Japan, where Anime comes from fough with the Nazi's against communist and the west?

Why are they stretched? You can do that in ms paint and not fuck that up, but you managed somehow.

By clown storyline I meant this recent season of AHS, they would have only started writing it once Trump won.

guys i neeed the tweet of the journalist defending dean saying

anyone has it?


He's forgetting that population numbers include minors so your odds are a lot worse than 50/50.

No, they also don't say Dean edited the video's tittle ( ) and base their whole argument on the fact that the video (now) has the tittle "Cuphead Gamescom Demo: Dean's Shameful 26 Minutes Of Gameplay" (Cuphead Gamescom Demo: Dean's Shameful 26 Minutes Of Gameplay) which implies Dean was aware he's bad and uploaded it anyway as a self depreciating joke




Malaysian government body wants to freeze downloads of the game "Fight of Gods" for 24 hours, further action to be taken otherwise.


Well NOW it is.

fug, this link should be between those parenthesis instead archive.is/Sdcwt

Fucking hell, thanks you fuckers. Now someone is going to take my 780 credit score and pull a bunch of bullshit in my name and I'll have to deal with it.




I haven't been on Holla Forums since forever and I was surprised there were IDs. When did that happen?

I remember he got bullied by SJWs for some Gravity Falls artwork, I hope he pulls through.

Oh yeah in the clear.

Also feel the same about this. They're literally taking an "I know you are but what am I" or "I'm rubber and you're glue" route with this, and they don't even understand the fucking context of an easy-to-figure-out insult. It's not even a recent insult; "Special Snowflake" has been around quite a while.

Fucking hell, thanks you fuckers. Now someone is going to take my 780 credit score and pull a bunch of bullshit in my name and I'll have to deal with it.

Also, is posting shitting the bed on anyone else?



That's my big gripe about it, it's been a thing for literal DECADES yet they all seem to be ignorant to that

Also, JFC you guys have had a hell of a thread. Of all the things I expected to see when I got home, FX Network giving us "Intimidation Game 2: Trump Voter Boogaloo" was not on the list.

I'm with the rest of you. I can't tell if its supposed to be satire or an Omega-level Bluepill experience. The Hillary voter reactions are so stereotypical its painful, but the show tries to play them straight. It's like some demented artist is trying to create the world's most perfect embodiment embodiment of Poe's Law using Cable television as his canvas.

As i mentioned before, I'm guessing it's serious, because Lena fucking Dunham is involved and she would avoid this if it made Hilldog supporters look bad.

Either way, we have 9 more episodes of this season, and I can't wait.

He used to do loli, shota and what not, but later disavowed it and pretended some characters that clearly weren't "aged up" were to pander to his new SJW audience. He then distanced himself from anything fictional underage. There is a child Marceline in the game, but there was never a nude model for her in the first place. Now it seems he's cut the lewd here and there as further pandering to them, and it's only going to get worse.

But she might go for it if also made evil Drumpf supporters look worse. See

They're going to get destroyed. A lot of insider trading goes unnoticed but this is way too blatant.

It has nothing to do with credit. Mine is mediocre and I was caught up in it.
I'm not too worried about it, though. I already keep my credit frozen and unfreeze it as-is needed. You could probably fuck with accounts I already have if you really wanted to, but you can't open new lines of credit so good luck with that.




Yeah, that shit ain't gonna fly in court for a fuck-up this massive.

An EULA can say whatever and not be enforceable.

Right that's it I'm going to go buy a gun while I still have money in my account and I'm just going to murder every last motherfucker I see

I'm done. I'm fucking done. It's been one thing after another this year and I'm ready to die but first I'm going to make sure I take down some other pieces of shit with me. No fucking more.

Yeah, that'll get tossed real fucking quick.
Keep on the lookout for the class action. It'll be a good one.
Hell, they can't even prove that you were the one who entered the information seeing as it's all public knowledge now. Who's to say that they didn't opt in for me just to avoid paying out?

Are Thoughtcrimes Becoming Real?

By Troy Leavitt

Double dubs!
Post pics here on Holla Forums before you go on your rampage, rage user.

Target kikes that pull bullshit like this instead.


Wow, the projection

Pics of what? I'm sure it'll be in some news article somewhere, they'll probably use my godawful ID picture, it'll be hard for me to care when I'm fucking dead though.

No, everyone fucking dies, and ultimately it's not going to goddamn matter whom. The goddamn normalfags are nearly as damn responsible for keeping this shit going as anyone else.

I don't even HAVE A CARD or an ACCOUNT.

Be the first livestreaming mass-shooter.

I almost never say this but you really should seek help of some sort. Normalfags didn't just hack into this company, normalfags didn't dump their stock and keep this info secret for months, normalfags had nothing to do with this. Besides for all you know if you just indiscriminately start killing people you could murder someone in this thread in your blind rage, you're talking about chimping out.

(wrong video)


Note: I'm not encouraging you to shoot or anybody up people. You're (justifiably) mad and blowing off steam. I'm just responding to that responding with typical imageboard black humor.Besides, you don't shoot (((people))) you gas them.

Weren't those campus safety things that were rolled back just thinly veiled anti-men regulations that benefits false claims?

I want to hurt them, user. I want to hurt all these people that make me hurt over and over again sometimes not even on purpose. I'm actually not sure which is worse, the ones who do it deliberately or the ones who are just so fuckstupid and careless that they blunder into fucking me over.

I want other people to hurt as badly as I do because it's become clear that the hurt isn't going to stop piling up on me no matter how hard I try to shake it off. I can't pull myself up anymore, no one wants to pull me up, by God I'll pull you all down to Hell with me you sons of bitches and maybe, just maybe you'll wish someone had offered me a fucking hand.

How bad are things on you really? There's one user that was on last night who's not eaten in days and can't afford food. I think he's a fool for not accepting the help that was offered to him but that was his decision. Are you in that bad of a situation or are you making mountains out of molehills?

Is this still bugged? It's not showing for me.

Pretty much, and women were abusing the policy.

Raygun needs to slip her some more dick apparently.

I don't even want a xbone even if it's free. It's only good exclusive is getting a enhanced PS4/PC port anyways

probably not, it's one hour old already

I have no real friends anymore, my family doesn't fucking want a damn thing to do with me, my job is the epitome of dead end and every day I go in there my coworkers or bosses find a new way to kill little parts of my soul, every other job I've applied to HASN'T EVEN BOTHERED TO GIVE ME A "NO THANKS", the pills really don't fucking help and I've stopped taking them because why fucking bother at this point, nothing is going to improve because a lot of fucking people have a vested interest in making sure everyone like me is permanently fucking screwed over, I already had my identity stolen once before and NOW FUCKING THIS, I'm never going to be able to fix the godawful mistake of going to college and taking 2 years to realize that there was no way it was going to fucking pan out favorably… I want a goddamn reset button or an old save to load but life doesn't fucking work like that. At this point murdering NPCs until the guards manage to put me down at least looks fun.

Nothing is getting better and nothing ever will.


Rubin on Tucker Carlson talking YouTube censorship: YT told Fox News 90% of Rubin's videos are monetized (they're not)


Your life expectancy is 77 years, and Id doubt you've lived a third of it. Consider that you can't really do shit until you're 18 and you've touched less than 1/7th of your life.

Don't be a defeatist faggot. Every hard bit of bullshit you endure is a lesson that prepares you for something bigger.


You have us user. I don't have people either really.

*As far as finances bet your savings on chainlink ICO crowdsale(or as soon as it hits etherdelta and don't sell for at least four months. Kyber would also work if you can get into it within 200% of ICO price(no shot of getting in on the ICO at this point.) Post the tx ID of where you did so in this thread and I'll even pay back what you risked if I'm wrong on this.**
I'm not wrong though.

2 hours till I can go and collect my galko

I'm 34, user.



That's what they want you to do.

(((They))) use fear and apathy to grind people down, turning people into mindless blobs or true believers. For those who resist, they are cut off, driven to isolation until they inevitable lash out like you want to do. Then something happens, the media goes into a frenzy, laws are rushed through legislatures and the situation gets even more intolerable.

Things suck. They really do, but going out after a bunch of normalfags is just feeding into the 'ebil gun loving nazis.' You fulfill the narrative like a good little goy and things just get worse.

The only real path out is self-improvement. Live well in spite of the world.

Go for a hike somewhere, go for a weekend if you can spare it. Get away from everyone and try to separate all of your issues from each other. Then get a new shrink. Pills can help but if they don't work then you need to find either a new prescription or go without them. Just try to take things one step at a time

Also, clean your room

they hand out galkos at the welfare line?

I dont stand in a welfare line you fucking retard

The Gooks basically opened up their boimanko for ID fraud when they went full Gestapo with their public welfare policies and they're still not a third world country yet. I'd imagine a number of people who visit either Holla Forums have used other peoples' SSNs to access some Gook grindan games before.

There's going to be a major swing back at the establishment in the near future and when that happens they're going to need all the help they can get.

Watch the video. You got a social, right?

Been gone a while any TD news? Also what insanity did I miss?

You American? Prepare for the end.

What exactly can you even do about this? Should you solidify all your money? Should you buy gold?

Bloomberg: Southern Poverty Law Center Gets Creative to Label 'Hate Groups'



I bet there is some juicy stuff in there, we should get some of that data.
tfw not a burger

Jewflix about to die, but they want the Kikes to infiltrate anime by making their own, new one is Jayden Smith and his kike friends saving the world by being a bunch of faggots. Neo-Yokio


Every tragedy, a boogeyman wail. Fucking vultures.

Is this a falseflag?

does that make any sense?

Awful big claims from someone who's known to associate with serial harassers.

Then you're just a bit younger than me.

Suck it up. You'll survive. Live on, if for no other reason than to see what craziness tomorrow brings to the world.

When I get really down in the dumps and think about hitting the FUCK IT button, I just remember that with my luck, they'll crack warp drive the day after I'm gone and I'll miss the chance to explore the stars. Tomorrow is always worth sticking around for.


user, it's obvious that once the Queefex data is in out pale, greasy hands, we are going to gamergate the entire world right in the ass. The gamergating will be so intense the hipsters will be bleeding from both ends of the digestive system.

We have a new one for the checklist.

We should help Chris promote his new transgender lifestyle to his audience.

Here are the lesson summaries from chapter 13 of You Can If You Think You Can.
Ease Up! Have a Sense of Humor
>1. Don't get stirred up and in a dither. Take it easy-like.
>2. Take all the fuming and fretting of the media with a grain of salt. Much of today's news isn't really new. Most of it has happened before and before that.
>3. Practice word therapy - serentiy, urbanity, imperturbabilty, equanimity. Say those powerful, mind-healing words over yo yourself every day. Let them sink into consciousness, reconditioning your stressful attitudes.
>4. Like General Eisenhower, take the hands which life deals you and play them out without griping. You will come out O.K.
>5. Get in harmony; easy does it; don't over-press.
>6. Don't take yourself too seriously.
>7. Never let the excitable immediacy of our time throw you. Keep your sense of humor. It's not all that bad.
>8. You can live with all the confusion of today's world if you think you can. So practice thinking that you can.
Hope this helps any user who needs it.

Uh what….?

How did I miss this, is he a tranny now?

Well that makes sense, even if doxxing is unethical and wrong.

Between this, Death Note and the raping of Precure they're doing I hope Netflix dies a horrible death.


Read and watch

They are, especially when several other big networks are cashing in their own streaming service shit

Clean your room nigga.


That has to be one of /ourguys/ bringing up CONs page in response to that. They were the only ones doing doxxing during the early days of gg.

Also for the list user.
☑ Hacked Equifax to spread their hate on a massive scale.

Isn't CON still around and being shilled despite the leaks?



I know it has to be bad but just how bad? The horror story might be entertaining to read.


I don't get the hate for the animation perse. It's pretty clear that they went with "wapanese Boondocks", which works after a fashion.

It's literally everything else that I find horrifying. Especially the premise.


link? for science? (no sad panda links)

This is massive projection on their part. I'm sure they'd love to cross reference their online enemies onto the leaked information.

Still being shilled, but they haven't done shit since January 2016. Around the same time one of their own was exposed blackmailing harassment victims for nudes.

Oh yeah, let's not forget the Trello filled with "creep dossiers."

Its communitst anime.

Look up Glitter Force. You don't need any other thing.


Did you actually think that anime was safe from the kikes? They're just hitting it last after already taking over every other fucking media.




She looks like an OC made in MSPaint. God, this show is shit.


Not surprised by the act, but by taking this specific avenue. Trying to supplant anime by way of weeb-flavored bullshit isn't the "belligerent conquest of all localization and public hyper-shaming of otaku culture with a years-long narrative in the MSM" that I was anticipating.

This is kinda low effort, honestly, and I'm wonder where they'll try to take it.

The problem is, they should stay in those medias, those medias are losing ground and credibility, and they are trying to go after anime, with Pixiv, 2ch and a rabid proud country opposing them.

They are stupid, I think hitler was gasing them out of mercy.

This is like the SJW version of Poochy.

I fucking wish he had

They already tried that one really. Shockingly people that tended to already be social outcasts didn't care about attempts to make them social outcasts.

My dad said there was an article about something like "Trump not happy with American Horror Story". But I can't find it. or any response by Trump. Anyone come across something like this?


So how long until she gets Magical Realmed by Jake Goldman?



There's a lot of self-inserts in this abortion of a reboot, especially that fucking kike who wanted to fuck Blossom.

Is she not wearing pantsu?



That does not answer my intensely important question.

So there's 4 PPG's now?


rate my PPG

Sneaky Jake, this is all his doing. He wanted to dab on some chocolate poon

take the friendposting over to >>>/monster/


Fuck. How could this happen? Delet.

nobody remembers poor Bunny



>>>/chaos/ then?

I know I'm slow poking here but

This is like Megatokyo in anime form. This is every tokyopop "western" manga in animated form. They took every fucking cliche and genre, and shoved it into one incoherent mess. What is it? Is it scifi? Comedy? Highschool slice of life? Paranormal? Psychics? It's just all shoved in there for no reason. Granted that's not completely unheard of, you've got stuff like Ghost Sweeper Mikami and Silent mobius, but even then those came off as coherent. Who is the audience for this? Did they even think this through?

Redpilled, everybody!

/chaos/ is dead. Also, on the rare occasion they get CYOA writefaggotry, the writefag ruins it by shoving some fetish in to everybody's distate or turning the female MC in a complete slut or some other fuckery.

I remember MegaTokyo starting out as a comedy, but then transitioned into a shoujo. Actually, isn't that how a lot of early 2000's projects went (Thinking of also RvB)? They started as comedies, but began taking themselves seriously around '07/'08?

Didn't she die?

Honestly, user?

I think the audience is niggers.

Niggers and blacks and other urban dwellers fucking love shounen anime. You ever been in a card shop? Like 80+% of the DBZ trading card game players are black. Its mostly black dudes on Youtube who talk about DBZ. When I see someone at the mall wearing a DBZ or Naruto shirt, 75+% of the time, its a black person.

Niggers are weeb as fuck. Which is kinda great actually, more power to them. But now look at this show again, and pretend you're a faggot hipster SJW who wants to market a political message, and not make a good show.

>But the most important things is, the nigger lead needs pink hair. That's our in!


Wtf she actually did die

That's how basically every comedy goes. They start out funny, but just making jokes nonstop gets boring for the writers and everyone involved. Plus, as it drags on, you start getting an actual mind for who the characters are and interesting situations that you'd like to put them in. Webcomics are the ones that are REALLY obvious about it, but any kind of serial media tends to fall into the pattern.

What about series that are comedies at heart, but become serious as Hell (I.E. M*A*S*H*)?

And fags said dick cured lunacy.

It went to shit when Largo left. He was the one who insisted that every new comic should have a self-contained punchline that was actually funny, and that the overarching story didn't take over from the slice of life comedy.

As soon as he was out, that fag Fred went full shoujo-manga with it, and it suffered like the bad imitation it was.

Oh boy, someone is getting fired for doing their job.

Where the fuck is the class action lawsuit?


Doesn't it, though?

Now can we end this obnoxious fucking "Lacy Green is REDPILLED/NOT CRAZY ANYMORE guise!" meme?


Archive's a bit fucked up, not sure how to do it better. Also video's only accessible from regular page and not sure how to webm it.

that's mostly on Twatter, I don't remember anybody here actually trusting her

This was posted last bread I believe.

Series like MASH and Scrubs have their own separate category, because they always had a serious bent to them. They used the tragedy to juxtapose the humor to make the show funnier, but still very serious the whole time. This is distinctly different from starting as a pure comedy and getting bored, though.


guess I missed it.

Could be too much internets.


Yes, just like how there was an epidemic of children diagnosed ADHD beginning in the 90s.

I believe it, but the bad part of the story is the doctor who couldn't think of more than one reason why a 12 year old child might feel uncomfortable in their own body.

Note that a lot of the time if one anti-depressant doesn't work for a particular person another one will. Ask to be switched to another one. PDF related is The Cognitive Behavioral Workbook for Depression for you to download, it has a lot of recommendations of activities and ways of thinking that can help. This blog post has some recommendations too:

You definitely want to improve your day-to-day life situation, but not having depression (and the habits associated with depression) getting in the way of that and making everything seem hopeless can make that easier. If necessary just forcing yourself to do things you objectively know you should enjoy even if they don't seem appealing at the moment has studies showing it works well to shift your mood over time.

Try to take a step back and realize this is irrational thinking. Countless people who were unhappy at 34 have ended up in a happier place in life later on. If someone else asked you for advice and said "I'm unhappy with my life situation, does that mean things will never get better my whole life?" you'd know that isn't true, things change all the time. Depression distorts your thinking, so you need to recognize that just because "things will never get better" sounds and feels true doesn't mean it actually is true. You can make friends and you can get a better job, none of those are at all unchangeable.

In this case the doctor probably isn't at fault. The mother got a prescription for herself and then gave it to her son. Should be considered child abuse in my opinion even if he begged for it.

Fuck. I'm going to have to buy lifelock now, aren't I?

(dub dubs, CHECKAROO!)

Mock KiA and Twitter for this shit.

are you blind user?

This is just withdrawal symptoms or shittesting, he's not dicking her enough.

How new are you?

Are you blind? The doctor diagnosed the kid with it, and then the kid pleaded for his mom to allow him to start treatment.

Are you?

Check the link in this post before going into panic mode:

No the doctor started this bull. This is just like the ADHD epidemic, but with more agenda behind it.

You made me think I had dubs for a second. Shame on you.

If you watch the video the mother is asked, "Patrick takes estrogen that had been prescribed to you," and answers, "That's right."

Fucking wat

You got dubs, actually! Dub-dubs!

You made it, user!


lurk more retard.


do you have any Miranda dolly?



Naa impossible to make because I suck at garage kit and painting and shit

Why even shop a dick onto something if you're not going to put in the effort to make it look natural? It looks like it's printed onto the swimsuit leotard whatever rather than an anatomical feature.


I want details.

It's the 2nd time I posted and you're the first to actually notice it


Well, I'm fucked. This is why I fucking tell people, any information that is important, you do not put on a computer that is connected to the internet. I'm not even sure what the fuck I'm going to need to do. I guess I will need to figure out how to lock my credit so only I can open shit.

Mash up settings can work if you put thought into it, and how it fits together. I like sci-fi fantasy, but you can't just fit magic and space ships together without thinking the setting through. For example, you give scientists something that could break the laws of reality as they know it, and you will get at least some that will try to understand it, and exploit it. Belief doesn't really make sense given that isn't how science works, and if it was, prevailing theory would always win over the new theories.

In the short term, I'm sure she was glad. In the long term, I imagine she will kill herself or end up going crazy.

we always notice the benis


Somebody didn't mention it last time? I know I saw it last time.


I saw it the first time. It was low effort and I didn't feel it was worth responding to.

Congratulations yourself on having the world's worst photoshopping skills. Damn son, step up.

Apparently, the reason why birth control pills can only be prescribed is because each one does target different types of people, and are designed to work only with those people's bodies. While the birth control meds were fine for the mother's body, they ended up destroying the kids because her's wasn't compatible with the meds and unable to handle them in the same fashion. Hence, now the girl cannot have kids in the future.

Wasn't the whole "science" part of the prequel Star Wars trilogy also why people disliked the films?

I was just trying to amuse you guys. I'll leave now

poor girl, that's actually really sad.

Another reason why i think birth control is a bad idea.


People absolutely hated it, yes. Unless you are doing hard science fiction, or speculative fiction, it seems better to make the ground rules pretty definite, but not explain why they are that way. You get into trouble trying to explain things.

The best birth control for women is closing their legs.

Exactly. Condoms are ok, since they're just rubber, but anything chemical is scary.

Poochie is the sjw version of poochie

Not sure how other user did that - have some not stretched versions of the first 2 - with tagged chives (Article + tweet).

Birth control is a great idea, it prevents a lot of single mothers, women are going to be sluts, you can at least prevent single motherhood. Any medication carries risks if used incorrectly that's why prescriptions are controlled

Yep. Midichlorions single-handed destroyed all of the mystique about the Force that made it so interesting, and drove so much of the series' backstory.


That is fucking scary.

I learned about this earlier today. I hope this is a sign that the reboot will end soon.


The MIDI-cholrians didn't bother me as much as the entire jedi order being mentally retarded.
Anakin arguably did bring balance to the force, since it went from tons of jedi and one sith to two siths and two jedi

They carry risks period, birth control fucks women up. Never stick your dick in a woman on birth control because they're all crazy.

The black sun reenergized Kek, the waters of chaos have come.

Its okay user, I won't I have a boyfriend :3

Go be gay somewhere else


Just the fact they would try something so jewey…

400lb hacker here. Can confirm. I'll be spamming all women with dick pics

Sorry in advance but I went to Josh'n'josh's latest mental diarrhea on misogyny to down-vote it and noticed everybody fucking loved it. The comment section is the literal nexus of all betacucks coming together to stroke each other about how bad men are and how they ought to praise women more:
(yes, I have adblock4youtube)
I gagged

>Five-part movie event,, The Powerpuff Girls: Power of Four
This shit isn't going away, is it?

Gotta hand it to Josh, he's generally rising up while his golem who rebelled and abandoned him is waning in relevancy and trying to cash in the biographical circlejerk wankery like Van Valkenberg

I'm not surprised. He was the brains of the operation and the difference in quality really shows. Once the age of victimhood was over there was really no reason to care about Anita herself.

Come on now I was just farming for (you)'s

Really shows that that none of the people working on that remake took notes of the old one.

If you thought that was bad, you should see the we're pregnant segment from the Jimmy Kimmel show. An old clip, but the comments on that one is just plain awful.

I don't know, this feels like subtle parody to me.

Josh (male) getting more support than Anita (female). This is clearly misogyny.

Test post.

I think you're confusing parody with projection.

The Leftists are worried and sympathetic in a world gone made.

The one (well… two, with the NPC clerk who's in one scene) Right-winger is a maniac that wants to start revolution and see the world burn.

You failed.


Hi, Zoe Quinn!

I'm familiar with that delusion, but this is just too much. There are way too many incoherences and questionable details packed together, even the soundtrack cues are inappropriate. There's no way they're not taking a piss at the hysteria.


Oh hey, I needed that. Thanks.

Today is the first time in about 4 weeks ive not felt my depression being a faggot
feels good

Reminder that birth control pills is self sterilization.
And now (((they))) are producing sterilization pills for men as well.

He's also giving us the middle finger.

If you want, I could post that video again.

Wasn't a episode of Stargate about a some empire gaining control over other planets by sterilizing the populace? And, due to time travel, they didn't "really" meet them until a season or two later?

The link at the top in that pic goes to an article on rawstory - a self-confessed progressive site:
Their article supposedly links some 'outraged conservatives' but their first link instead of going to a conservative website just goes to a review of the show on The Atlantic:
Their 2nd link of outraged conservatives goes here:
to Newsbusters - [as site says - 'Exposing + Combatting Liberal Media Bias'] which gives a rundown of the show as well plus a bit of info on the people involved and some of the hype.
It reads as 'pass the popcorn - next' - same with the comments. It seems that lefties can't distinguish between 'conservative outrage' and just conservatives and general non-lefties laughing at them.

That's like saying pulling out or condoms are self sterilization

Learn to read.
>birth control pills is self sterilization.
Any type of medical contraceptives is self sterilization.

Well shit, I got double dubs.
It's a good excuse to post this pic

I wouldn't considering a temporary contraceptive self sterilization. Sterlization implies permanency

It's not temporary when you keep taking the pills or having contraceptive implants in your body that forces abortion.
For some women it's permanent after they have stopped using those kinds of contraceptives.

My brother from a different mother.

Sauce… It is lewd

The whole point of coitus is reproduction; the fact that Humans, bonobos, dolphins, and niggers fuck recreationally is secondary to reinforce pair-binding to raise survival success rate of K-selected offspring.

Eh, Bonobos and Dolphins seem to do it to reinforce the klan, not mating pairs. Chimps don't even have mating pairs. They fuck whoever whenever she's in heat.

I don't quite get what you are saying, may be because I have been awake for 22 hours, the pill is bad if it doesn't go for certain kind of bodies like Is saying?

Also we need a baker, I would do it, but I cannot handle to be awake anymore.

Also someone explain in single terms the "safe day" I heard so much women talk about, I'll see if I can catch up tomorrow.

Good night guys.

Found it in another bread - I think here on Holla Forums. Not sure which one.
Any other anons know sauce for this?

IIRC, that's pretty much the time during which a woman can have sex without the possibility of an egg getting fertilized.

Pills are bad period, non-prescription contraceptives might not be as bad as prescription contraceptives but it's just as bad in the long run.
I think you men "simple terms" (jesus go to bed nigga), a safe day is around after menstruation when the uterus has expelled the now now fertile egg and is pretty much "empty".
So they can take as much semen inside them without the chance of pregnancy.

One of the better "contraceptive" methods, but pretty hard to actually pinpoint when it's "safe".

[Jingrock] JK nanka kowakunai! | School girls don't scare me! (COMIC X-EROS #06) [Uncensored] [English] [Desudesu]

god its been ages since ive read this

some similar 2 girl gyaru with light hair normal with dark hair theme

Thanks user.

So what do we do about the Equifax situation? I'm not sure if I'm affected. I don't have any credit cards yet and I'm just a dumb college student.

ya fucked

Bullshit. Most of it was legitimate worship. I thought it was full of shit but i was there during most of the election season, and even then there were manifestations of supernatural things that made me admit that there had to be something to meme magic.

You're fucked satan.
Remember that the leak happened a few months back, so the scammers already have your information.

You're absolutely fucked.

Can someone tl;dr me on this amerilop panic?

It was mostly twitter, even most KiA threads about her had many detractors or were mostly indifferent.


Fuck. So…. Nothing then?

You know what, I have no idea whats going on but I'm gonna blame the Jews and since this is real life there is a high change I'm right.

Pic is recent, but the website says the campaign ended in 2014. Archive.is doesn't work.
uhs berkeley edu/facstaff/wellness/healthy-campus/i-heart-tap-water

Maybe you can sue Equifax for fucking up and outjew some jews before they tank, but you better do it fast, because with a fuckup this bad, they're gonna die within the next week….

I don't think leftist media is happy about what AHS is doing.



Meanwhile, Germany's elections occur in 2 weeks. And somehow Merkel is leading the polls and the only other real party is the Social Democratic Party (SPD) which is even more liberal than Merkel's party on immigration.

Can German anons explain what's going on in your country? Is this just not a political problem for most of the voters?

I thought AHS was mega SJW bait

Probably because the germans are voting "strategically".
If too much of them vote for parties like NPD or AFD, SPD (the openly anti-german party) will get a majority vote.

It's kind of a pick your poison sort of situation.



bloody almost 500RT on that but nothing on these 2

Same thing happened after the Law and Order gamergate episode. They see everyone laughing and mocking it and know they can't defend it. So they attack it with the usual buzzwords, but not because they actually dislike it, but because it's too over the top and hurts their narrative. CNN criticises it for exploiting the political divide, which they do and encourage antifa to do. By all reason they should praise AHS the same but it hurt the narrative.

Its been mainly liberal/commie/jew propaganda for a while now, but this "fairness" hurts them more and they're aware of it

In days like these, I wished Hitler would resurrect.

I watched the first series and liked it enough, was unique and not pushy with its politics that hard
Second season was boring as fuck and never finished it
Third was the witch one? that was dumb as fuck but managed to complete it
4th was the circus freak show one? I didnt mind that much because again not overly pushy with politics crap and unique enough
5th was the lady gaga hotel one? managed like 6 episodes and hated them all
6th was swamp people and haunted hous I only watched the first episode and hated it

from what I remember reading of the new seaosn it has lena dunham and basically was suppose to be a response to DRUMBF XDDD
I Liked the idea of cult shit but given those 2 things I have zero interest in it


I never watched AHS but I would love a stream of the current season to see how ridiculous it will be.
We already have a lot of memes just from the first episode, the rest must be as glorious.

Also, do we have a baker? We're past 700 replies.

No one else baked so here:

Germany has a proportional representation system though. Seems like it'd be worth the risk.


The worst part is I'm sure the writer has a precedent for seeing a grown ass adult do 'cookie breathing'.

Wasn't Babar about Belgian Colonialism and how it was the right thing to do?

Yeah, they would show up as a completely generous advanced civilization, give them advance science and medicine, and then have their doctors sterilize 9/10ths of the population without them realizing it. Then their civilization would fall apart but still feel indebted to them, and use them as willing slave labor for farms.