Well, I've just fixed mine. I played Pokemon Soul Silver, Black, and the Ace Attorney games. But I like all types of games if they're good.
Recommend a Nintendo DS lite game
Recommend this!
grabs dicks
Holy shit user thank you so much I've been looking for the sauce on this image for ages and that was it.
Give a looking at. But for personal recommendation, give Ghost Trick a go, since you enjoyed Ace Attorney (it's by the same guy).
Rhythm Heaven
Wow, that list is better than what's on the 3DS. There are what looks like 3 Mario games in that list? Man, I really need to get an r4 cart.
I'll vouch for Jump Ultimate. Imported a copy and even without understanding a lick of the language I had a great time.
They're pretty cheap user, might as well jump on one anytime.
I swear there was a more updated version
Ghost Trick
The World Ends With You
You chose the wrong time to get an r4, I'm guessing the prices are up due to the ntrboot 3ds hack
Aren't there over 9000 r4 clones?
Is Contact any good? I've never met anybody who has played it
It's okay. The story treats you, the player, as an independent character right from the start, and the gameplay is mostly normal for an RPG without random battles. There's no actual leveling, and grinding stats involves just doing whatever the stat is used for, including getting hit to gradually raise max HP, defense, etc. It's not bad but it's not too great either; my biggest problem with it is that you'll typically have to fight a boss several times over to get your stats up or spam potions to get through it. There's also a few points in the story where you'll absolutely get stuck unless you pay very close attention to everything or look up a guide.
The game has a waifu that likes video games.
I liked it, but it;s definitely an odd game. The music is fantastic, and I really like the art style, but the gameplay is like an auto RPG to a degree. That and stats/levels go up by using them constantly, not evenly, so you'll be fishing/cooking/fighting as an airplane pilot (not in an airplane) until you can level it up enough.
I can't hate a game with fishing and a good soundtrack, even if the gameplay is average
If you're into SPRGs, definitely try FE11 and FE12. The translation patch for 12 isn't too hard to find or put together with the NDS file, and the game is fun as hell.
it is kinda hard though, especially in the beginnings of both games
Thanks I might give it a shit, it sounds interesting enough
Infinite Space
amazing how one crossdressing rape experience can turn a wet blanket into a tyrannical faggot
If you've played Pokemon Black you might as well play Black 2. It's a direct sequel.
For proper recommendations, try Kirby Superstar Ultra, Elite Beat Agents and the Sonic DS games except Chronicles
If you're getting a flashcart, do your research first. Some of them are made to die a year after you use them, so that you buy another.
I've got a Supercard DSTwo. It's apparently harder to make fakes of, and has some extra cheating features, but it cuts some time off your battery life due to it's own processor.
Metroiod Prime: Hunters