PR guys and indies start joking among themselves with the latest normalfag trend

Will Randy ever learn?

We need to meme dab as Hitler's Salute done with both hands.

Why bother? They'll simply invent something just as retarded.


>(((they))) make it seem cool and hip through media manipulation
Stillborn is still laughable trash, though.

It's a cute idea, but I think you're honestly just going to end up pissing off /leftyv/.

Fuck 2K for giving Duke Nukem to these assholes

Do it and see how many people you bait with it, but know that dabbing's a trend with a shelf lifetime. It'll fall out of grace soon

This is so fucking pathetic. The stale unfunny meme, the cringy soccer-mom tier caption, everything.


It's a tokusatsu pose that's been around forever. They just took it and renamed it.

OP are you retarded?
Everyone is doing it because Luigi dabs in the Rabbids game, someone started a petition asking the ESRB to ban dabbing but instead Nintendo, Sega, Capcom and others decided to make a hahafunnee and post characters dabbing. It's not just indie and PR retards, it's the whole industry.
Remember the dab emote in Destiny, nu-Doom and Uncharted 4?

Of course I know, you dumbass, the above pic's from the fucking twitter thread I found this in.

Was it do4m or nuquack that had that awful taunt? I can't even remember now.


To be fair one dedicated sperg can pretty much destroy a board

Remember that nu-quake also has a "woke af killing machine" that would definitely support BLM according to the PR team

We're not in good company here, friend. Also, that's a pretty sweet anime you have there. Is it cool if I save it?

Fucks sake, current year vidya cant ever be without politics. And then they wonder why people start hating the left

It's like one day I went to bed and woke up in Hell.

And things will get worse.
The industry nowadays panders to the lowest common denominator, the autistic gaylord that can't comprehend the concept of having fun

I still have no idea what that subhuman was trying to say. Reading his post just makes me want to choke him to death.

He said he was okay with what the game was saying until it asked for his consent. Then he denied it and the game reverted to the title screen, making him mad because the game did what he wanted.

I think he's the type of guy who really wants to come off as witty(in the smug eceleb way) and clever to his neogaf internet friends and as such he wants to latch on to anything in order to do so.
I mean fuck look at that description or signature or whatever it's supposed to be under his name.

But he said he agrees that and acknowledges that the game is a work of fiction. What issue does he have a problem with? Does being a choice trigger his autism or something?

Oh, God, why did I look?

This was attempted a while back but it never took hold. "A roman salute while showing you don't want to see or smell niggers or jews."

If people are stupid enough to think a haircut is racist, they'll believe sticking your arms out like a jackass is racist too.


There's no easier answer for us, here, some people are just irrational like this and choose to make a scene of it.

Today I saw Stillborn in a dollar store for $8

Great idea the more redditors we attract to this place the better right?

Shillary already did it on TV, functionally killing it.

People get confused about this:
The "okay handsign" wasn't a white power symbol because "we" memed it to be one. It was the media trying to meme it in order to hurt Trump, so unless you're owning CNN you're chances of success are rather low.